Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dromore, County Down
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dromore, County Down
Adams Hugh Drumbroneth Dromore Down Adams John Edenordinary Dromore Down Adams Mary Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Adams Samuel Lappoges Dromore Down Adams Samuel Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Adams Sarah Ballymacormick Dromore Down Adams Thomas Quilly Dromore Down Adams Thomas Skillyscolban Dromore Down Adamson George Edentiroory Dromore Down Agnew Andrew Greenoge Dromore Down Agnew Samuel Coolsallagh Dromore Down Agnew Samuel Islandderry Dromore Down Agnew William John Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Agnew William John Killysorrell Dromore Down Alderdice Hugh Tullymacarath Dromore Down Alderdice William Edentiroory Dromore Down Alexander James Ballykeel Dromore Down Alexander Jane Ballykeel Dromore Down Alexander John Ballykeel Dromore Down Alexander Joseph Ballykeel Dromore Down Alexander Robert Drumlough Dromore Down Alexander Robert Growell Dromore Down Allen David Kinallen Dromore Down Allen Hugh Drumskee Dromore Down Allen James Ballynaris Dromore Down Allen James Drumskee Dromore Down Allen John Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Allen John Drumskee Dromore Down Allison David Skeagh Dromore Down Allison John Skeagh Dromore Down Allison Robert Balleny Dromore Down Ameson Joseph Ballymacormick Dromore Down Anderson James C. Lurganbane Dromore Down Anderson John West Side,(Dromore) Dromore Down Anderson William Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Andrew Matthew Ballykeel Dromore Down Andrew Robert Drumlough Dromore Down Andrew William Ballykeel Dromore Down Andrew William Drumaknockan Dromore Down Andrews Joseph Lisnaward Dromore Down Arbuthnot Charles Greenan Dromore Down Arbuthnot David Drumbroneth Dromore Down Arbuthnot James Balleny Dromore Down Arbuthnot John Ballysallagh Dromore Down Arbuthnot John Drumaghadone Dromore Down Arbuthnot Robert Balleny Dromore Down Arbuthnot Samuel Balleny Dromore Down Arbuthnot Thomas Balleny Dromore Down Arbuthnot Thomas Drumlough Dromore Down Archer Alexander Listullycurran Dromore Down Archer Catherine Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Archer James Coolsallagh Dromore Down Archer John Coolsallagh Dromore Down Archer John Magherabeg Dromore Down Archer Mary Backnamullagh Dromore Down Archer Mary Edentrillick Dromore Down Archer Robert Ballymacormick Dromore Down Archer Samuel Backnamullagh Dromore Down Archer William Edentrillick Dromore Down Ardery Robert Coolsallagh Dromore Down Ardery William Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Arlow Arthur Edentiroory Dromore Down Arlow George Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Arlow James Islandderry Dromore Down Arlow John Coolsallagh Dromore Down Arlow Robert Edentiroory Dromore Down Arlow Samuel Greenan Dromore Down Arlow Samuel Quilly Dromore Down Arlow William Greenan Dromore Down Armell John Greenan Dromore Down Armstrong Abigail Listullycurran Dromore Down Armstrong Christopher Edentrillick Dromore Down Armstrong Henry Killysorrell Dromore Down Armstrong John Coolsallagh Dromore Down Armstrong Robert Magherabeg Dromore Down Arnold George Greenan Dromore Down Arnold John Greenan Dromore Down Arnold Richard Greenan Dromore Down Arnold Thomas Edenordinary Dromore Down Arnold Thomas Greenan Dromore Down Ashwood Elizabeth Edenordinary Dromore Down Ashwood Hugh Ednego Dromore Down Atkins John Kinallen Dromore Down Atkinson Henry Balleny Dromore Down Back Hugh Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Back Thomas Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Bailey David Drumbroneth Dromore Down Bailey James Ballysallagh Dromore Down Bailey Jane Ballysallagh Dromore Down Bailey John Ballysallagh Dromore Down Bailey William Drumbroneth Dromore Down Baird Elizabeth Drumaghadone Dromore Down Baird James Drumaghadone Dromore Down Baird James Drumbroneth Dromore Down Baird William Balleny Dromore Down Baker Elizabeth Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Baker William Drumskee Dromore Down Balfour Robert Drummiller Dromore Down Ball William Backnamullagh Dromore Down Barr Margaret Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Barr Moses Edenordinary Dromore Down Barr Susan Drumbroneth Dromore Down Barr Thomas Drumbroneth Dromore Down Barr William Ballysallagh Dromore Down Barr William J. Ballysallagh Dromore Down Barrett Edward Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Barrett Thomas Drumaghadone Dromore Down Barron Archibald Lisnaward Dromore Down Barron James Lisnaward Dromore Down Barron Margaret Lisnaward Dromore Down Barry Sarah Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Bawn Robert Ballymacormick Dromore Down Bawn Robert Ballynaris Dromore Down Bawn Robert Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Baxter James Ballykeel Dromore Down Baxter Thomas Drumlough Dromore Down Baxter William Balleny Dromore Down Baxter William John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Beck John Ballykeel Dromore Down Beck John Ballysallagh Dromore Down Beck John Skeagh Dromore Down Beck Robin Ballykeel Dromore Down Beck Samuel Ballysallagh Dromore Down Beck Samuel Skeagh Dromore Down Beggs Eliza Quilly Dromore Down Beggs Hugh Quilly Dromore Down Beggs John Quilly Dromore Down Beggs Joseph Quilly Dromore Down Beggs Margaret Ballysallagh Dromore Down Belford Samuel Lappoges Dromore Down Bell Ann Drumskee Dromore Down Bell Henry Drumaknockan Dromore Down Bell Hugh Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Bell James Edentiroory Dromore Down Bell James Edentrillick Dromore Down Bell James Killysorrell Dromore Down Bell Jane Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Bell Robert Drumlough Dromore Down Bell Robert Edenordinary Dromore Down Bell Robert Skillyscolban Dromore Down Bell Robert B. Kinallen Dromore Down Bell Samuel Magherabeg Dromore Down Bell Sarah Drummiller Dromore Down Bell William Edentiroory Dromore Down Bell William Edentrillick Dromore Down Bell William Greenoge Dromore Down Bell William Killysorrell Dromore Down Bell William Kinallen Dromore Down Bennett Anne Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Bennett George Balleny Dromore Down Bennett George Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Bennett George Drumbroneth Dromore Down Bennett George Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Bennett James Balleny Dromore Down Bennett James Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Bennett Robert Balleny Dromore Down Bennett Samuel Balleny Dromore Down Bennett Thomas Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Benson Arthur Tullymacarath Dromore Down Beresford John Kinallen Dromore Down Betty James Balleny Dromore Down Betty James Drumskee Dromore Down Betty James Ednego Dromore Down Betty John Balleny Dromore Down Betty Samuel Islandderry Dromore Down Bigham James Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Bigham James Ednego Dromore Down Bigham Joseph Drumbroneth Dromore Down Bigham Joseph Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Bigham Mary Kinallen Dromore Down Bigham William Drummiller Dromore Down Bigham William Kinallen Dromore Down Bingham Joseph Skeagh Dromore Down Black Andrew Balleny Dromore Down Black Anne Magherabeg Dromore Down Black David Ballykeel Dromore Down Black Eliza Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Black Elizabeth Kinallen Dromore Down Black George Ednego Dromore Down Black James Skillyscolban Dromore Down Black John Balleny Dromore Down Black John Ballykeel Dromore Down Black John Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Black John Quilly Dromore Down Black John Skeagh Dromore Down Black Joseph Drummiller Dromore Down Black Margaret Tullindoney Dromore Down Black Martha Quilly Dromore Down Black Matthew Growell Dromore Down Black Rev. James Wesley Place,Dromore Dromore Down Black Robert Lisnaward Dromore Down Black Samuel Ballykeel Dromore Down Black Samuel Ballysallagh Dromore Down Black William Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Black William Lappoges Dromore Down Black William Lurganbane Dromore Down Black William Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Blackwood William Ballykeel Dromore Down Blain James Ballysallagh Dromore Down Boales James Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Boales John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Boales Samuel Ballymacormick Dromore Down Bodel Robert Coolsallagh Dromore Down Boland Jane Skillyscolban Dromore Down Bole James Balleny Dromore Down Bole John Edenordinary Dromore Down Bole Mary Balleny Dromore Down Bole Samuel Balleny Dromore Down Booth Henry Lisnaward Dromore Down Boston James Ballysallagh Dromore Down Boston John Tullindoney Dromore Down Bowger Isaac Skillyscolban Dromore Down Bowman Mary Magherabeg Dromore Down Boyce William Greenan Dromore Down Boyd William Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Boyle Daniel Balleny Dromore Down Boyle Philip Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Boys Samuel Ballynaris Dromore Down Bradshaw Francis Edenordinary Dromore Down Bradshaw Richard Edenordinary Dromore Down Bradshaw Samuel Skillyscolban Dromore Down Bradshaw Thomas Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Brady Arthur Drumlough Dromore Down Brady Richard Ballykeel Dromore Down Branagan John Ednego Dromore Down Brannan Bernard Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Brannan Bernard Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Brannan John Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Brannan Peter Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Brannan William Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Branter Edward Quilly Dromore Down Bredan John Ballykeel Dromore Down Brennan Daniel Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Brennan Mary Magherabeg Dromore Down Briggs Ellen Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Bright Margaret Balleny Dromore Down Broughton Frederick Quilly Dromore Down Brown Benjamin Edenordinary Dromore Down Brown James Edenordinary Dromore Down Brown James Edentiroory Dromore Down Brown John Back Lane,Dromore Dromore Down Brown Robert Skeagh Dromore Down Browne Alexander Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Brush Crane Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Brush Crane Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Brush George Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Brush George Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Bryson Andrew Lappoges Dromore Down Bryson Anne Kinallen Dromore Down Bryson George Kinallen Dromore Down Bryson James Lappoges Dromore Down Buchanan George Moss Lane,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Bullock Thomas Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Bullock William Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Bullock William Killysorrell Dromore Down Bullock William Tullymacarath Dromore Down Bunton John Edentrillick Dromore Down Burgess William Skillyscolban Dromore Down Burleigh Thomas Ballymacormick Dromore Down Burn Thomas Drumbroneth Dromore Down Burns Catherine Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Burns Catherine Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Burns Ellen Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Burns James Ballynaris Dromore Down Burns James Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Burns James Islandderry Dromore Down Burns James Lurganbane Dromore Down Burns John Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Burns John Edentiroory Dromore Down Burns Mary Kinallen Dromore Down Burns Mary Lappoges Dromore Down Burns Patrick Listullycurran Dromore Down Burns Sarah Edenordinary Dromore Down Burns Thomas Skeagh Dromore Down Burrowes James Backnamullagh Dromore Down Burrowes Thomas Lisnaward Dromore Down Burrowes Waldron Drumbroneth Dromore Down Burrowes Waldron Quilly Dromore Down Byrne James Ballynaris Dromore Down Cahill Archibald Ballynaris Dromore Down Cahy Hessy Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Cain Hugh Skeagh Dromore Down Cain James Kinallen Dromore Down Cairns James Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Cairns Robert Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Calderwood William Drumlough Dromore Down Caldwell Joseph Lisnaward Dromore Down Callaghan James Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Camack William Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Camblon William Drumlough Dromore Down Cameron Joseph Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Cameron William Edentrillick Dromore Down Campbell Eliza Listullycurran Dromore Down Campbell Felix Tullymacarath Dromore Down Campbell James Listullycurran Dromore Down Campbell Mary Balleny Dromore Down Campbell Rachel Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Campbell Robert Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Campbell Samuel Drumskee Dromore Down Cargan George Skeagh Dromore Down Cargin John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Carlisle James Islandderry Dromore Down Carlisle Mary Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Carlisle William Backnamullagh Dromore Down Carothers Henry Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Carr James Ballykeel Dromore Down Carr John Ballykeel Dromore Down Carr Mary Drumlough Dromore Down Carr Robert Ballykeel Dromore Down Carrigan Alexander Ballymacormick Dromore Down Carrigan John Growell Dromore Down Carroll John Drummiller Dromore Down Carroll Robert Drummiller Dromore Down Carroll Samuel Drummiller Dromore Down Carroll Sarah Ballykeel Dromore Down Carroll William Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Carrothers Rose Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Carson Robert Ballynaris Dromore Down Carson Thomas, Jr. Drumskee Dromore Down Carson Thomas, Sr. Drumskee Dromore Down Carson William J. Drumskee Dromore Down Caseby John, Jr. Drumbroneth Dromore Down Caseby John, Sr. Drumbroneth Dromore Down Casey Peter Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Cauley John Growell Dromore Down Cawley John Skeagh Dromore Down Cawley Rose Ballymacormick Dromore Down Chambers Alexander Ballykeel Dromore Down Chambers Alexander Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Chambers Anne Quilly Dromore Down Chambers Anne Tullymacarath Dromore Down Chambers Eliza Greenoge Dromore Down Chambers Hugh Ballykeel Dromore Down Chambers James Ballykeel Dromore Down Chambers James Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Chambers James Drummiller Dromore Down Chambers James Kinallen Dromore Down Chambers John Drummiller Dromore Down Chambers John Lurganbane Dromore Down Chambers Joseph Ballykeel Dromore Down Chambers Joseph Drummiller Dromore Down Chambers Joseph Lurganbane Dromore Down Chambers Maria Skillyscolban Dromore Down Chambers Rep. Hugh Ednego Dromore Down Chambers Robert Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Chambers Samuel Ballykeel Dromore Down Chambers Samuel Drummiller Dromore Down Chambers Thomas Drummiller Dromore Down Chambers Thomas Edenordinary Dromore Down Chambers William Drummiller Dromore Down Chambers William Lappoges Dromore Down Cherry Elizabeth Drumbroneth Dromore Down Cherry John Ballykeel Dromore Down Cherry Mose Ballykeel Dromore Down Cherry Robert Listullycurran Dromore Down Cherry Samuel Drumaghadone Dromore Down Cherry William Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Cherry William Magherabeg Dromore Down Christie William Ballynaris Dromore Down Christy Robert Dickson's Court,Dromore Dromore Down Clanwilliam Earl Coolsallagh Dromore Down Clanwilliam Earl Edenordinary Dromore Down Clanwilliam Earl Greenan Dromore Down Clark Samuel Skillyscolban Dromore Down Clarke Anne Greenan Dromore Down Clarke Edward Balleny Dromore Down Clarke Gawn Greenoge Dromore Down Clarke James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Clarke James Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Clarke James Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Clarke James Magherabeg Dromore Down Clarke John Dickson's Court,Dromore Dromore Down Clarke John Magherabeg Dromore Down Clarke John Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Clarke John, Jr. Magherabeg Dromore Down Clarke Margaret Magherabeg Dromore Down Clarke Robert Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Clarke Robert Drumaghadone Dromore Down Clarke Samuel Magherabeg Dromore Down Clarke Thomas Islandderry Dromore Down Clarke William Balleny Dromore Down Clarke William Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Clegg Samuel Skillyscolban Dromore Down Clelland Jeremiah Growell Dromore Down Cloaky James Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down Close Jane Balleny Dromore Down Close John Balleny Dromore Down Close William Balleny Dromore Down Close William Tullyglush Dromore Down Clyde Margaret Coolsallagh Dromore Down Coghran Joseph Skeagh Dromore Down Coleman James Ednego Dromore Down Collins Arabella Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Collins John Killysorrell Dromore Down Colter Catherine Drumlough Dromore Down Colter Joseph Drumlough Dromore Down Colter Rep. Alexander Quilly Dromore Down Comlin James Drumlough Dromore Down Commins Isaac Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Connolly James Magherabeg Dromore Down Connolly John Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Conway Robert Drummiller Dromore Down Conway Thomas Ballykeel Dromore Down Conway Thomas Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Cooney Daniel Backnamullagh Dromore Down Cooney Hugh Drumaknockan Dromore Down Cooney John Edentrillick Dromore Down Cooper Hugh Drumaknockan Dromore Down Copeland Hugh Islandderry Dromore Down Corbett James Greenoge Dromore Down Corbett John Kinallen Dromore Down Corbett Thomas Kinallen Dromore Down Corbett William Drumlough Dromore Down Corbett William Drummiller Dromore Down Corken John Balleny Dromore Down Cormack William Quilly Dromore Down Corry Samuel Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Cosbie George Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Cosbie James Balleny Dromore Down Costello William Dickson's Court,Dromore Dromore Down Costello William Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Cotter William Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Coughran Moses Skeagh Dromore Down Coulter Anne Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Coulter Isabella Magherabeg Dromore Down Courtney Eliza Edenordinary Dromore Down Couthard Samuel Ballymacormick Dromore Down Cowan John Balleny Dromore Down Cowan William Lappoges Dromore Down Cowden Isaac Greenoge Dromore Down Cowden Isaac Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Cowden Isaac Islandderry Dromore Down Cowden Isaac Magherabeg Dromore Down Cowden James Drumaghadone Dromore Down Cowden James Quilly Dromore Down Cowden James Skillyscolban Dromore Down Cowden Jane Quilly Dromore Down Cowden Susan Quilly Dromore Down Cowden William Greenoge Dromore Down Craig Anne Kinallen Dromore Down Craig George Drumlough Dromore Down Craig James Balleny Dromore Down Craig James Ballykeel Dromore Down Craig Joseph Ednego Dromore Down Craig Robert Edenordinary Dromore Down Craig Robert Lisnaward Dromore Down Craig William Ballysallagh Dromore Down Craig William Drumaknockan Dromore Down Craig William Drumlough Dromore Down Craig William Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Crane James Balleny Dromore Down Crane John Quilly Dromore Down Crane Joseph Quilly Dromore Down Crane William Balleny Dromore Down Crawford Andrew Ballykeel Dromore Down Crawford James Ballykeel Dromore Down Crawford Mary Balleny Dromore Down Creighton Alexander Lappoges Dromore Down Creighton Andrew Skeagh Dromore Down Creighton George Skeagh Dromore Down Creighton John Lappoges Dromore Down Creighton John Skeagh Dromore Down Cromie Robert Skeagh Dromore Down Cromie William Lurganbane Dromore Down Cromlin John Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Crone Thade Magherabeg Dromore Down Crookshank John Lappoges Dromore Down Crooky Samuel Ballykeel Dromore Down Crowder John Magherabeg Dromore Down Crowthers Samuel Edentrillick Dromore Down Crowthers William Drumlough Dromore Down Cruikshank Thomas Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Cull Owen Ballynaris Dromore Down Cully George Lisnaward Dromore Down Cully John Skillyscolban Dromore Down Cully Robert Lurganbane Dromore Down Cummins Matthew Balleny Dromore Down Cunningham David Drumaknockan Dromore Down Cunningham Dorothy Edentrillick Dromore Down Cunningham Elizabeth Balleny Dromore Down Cunningham Ellen Lisnaward Dromore Down Cunningham James Drumlough Dromore Down Cunningham James Islandderry Dromore Down Cunningham James Listullycurran Dromore Down Cunningham James Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down Cunningham Jno., Sr. Balleny Dromore Down Cunningham John Balleny Dromore Down Cunningham John Islandderry Dromore Down Cunningham John Lisnaward Dromore Down Cunningham John Skillyscolban Dromore Down Cunningham Joseph Magherabeg Dromore Down Cunningham Patrick Tullindoney Dromore Down Cunningham Robert Balleny Dromore Down Cunningham Thomas Growell Dromore Down Cunningham Thomas Magherabeg Dromore Down Cunningham William Drumlough Dromore Down Cunningham William Skeagh Dromore Down Cunningham William Skillyscolban Dromore Down Curry John Edentrillick Dromore Down Curry John Islandderry Dromore Down Curry John Tullymacarath Dromore Down Curry Samuel Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Curry William Ballykeel Dromore Down Cusack James Magherabeg Dromore Down Cusack Mary Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Cusack Rep. John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Cusick James Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Dalzell Anne Drumbroneth Dromore Down Darby John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Darby Thomas Ednego Dromore Down Darragh James Skeagh Dromore Down Davidson Arthur Tullindoney Dromore Down Davidson James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Davidson Robert Kinallen Dromore Down Davis William Listullycurran Dromore Down Davison John Drummiller Dromore Down Dawson John Dickson's Court,Dromore Dromore Down Dawson John Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Dawson Robert Backnamullagh Dromore Down Dawson William Drumbroneth Dromore Down Dawson William Edenordinary Dromore Down Dempster Charlotte Drumaghadone Dromore Down Dempster William Drumaghadone Dromore Down Dencer William Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Dennison Grace Islandderry Dromore Down Dennison Hugh Kinallen Dromore Down Dennison Wiliam Coolsallagh Dromore Down Dennison William Greenan Dromore Down Derry James Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Derry Richard Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Derry Thomas Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Diamond Samuel Killysorrell Dromore Down Dickson Agnes Drummiller Dromore Down Dickson David Lisnaward Dromore Down Dickson David Skeagh Dromore Down Dickson Eliza Balleny Dromore Down Dickson Francis Skeagh Dromore Down Dickson George Balleny Dromore Down Dickson Hugh Skillyscolban Dromore Down Dickson James Balleny Dromore Down Dickson James Kinallen Dromore Down Dickson John Balleny Dromore Down Dickson John N. Skillyscolban Dromore Down Dickson Robert Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Dickson Robert Lisnaward Dromore Down Dickson Robert Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Dickson Robert Skillyscolban Dromore Down Dickson Sarah Balleny Dromore Down Dickson William Drummiller Dromore Down Dimond Edward Lisnaward Dromore Down Dimond Hamilton Tullymacarath Dromore Down Dixon James Quilly Dromore Down Dixon Jane Drumbroneth Dromore Down Dixon John Backnamullagh Dromore Down Doake Bennett Drumbroneth Dromore Down Doake Eliza Drummiller Dromore Down Doake Elizabeth Kinallen Dromore Down Doake John Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Doake Robert Edentrillick Dromore Down Doake Samuel Kinallen Dromore Down Doake William Kinallen Dromore Down Dobbyn Abraham Ballysallagh Dromore Down Dobbyn William Ballysallagh Dromore Down Dogherty William Listullycurran Dromore Down Doloughan Catherine Greenoge Dromore Down Doloughan Jno. Magherabeg Dromore Down Doloughan John Greenoge Dromore Down Doloughan Josias Coolsallagh Dromore Down Doloughan Margaret Drumbroneth Dromore Down Doloughan Robert Ballynaris Dromore Down Doloughan Robert Lurganbane Dromore Down Doloughan Robert Magherabeg Dromore Down Doloughan Samuel Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Doloughan Samuel Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Donaldson Arthur Listullycurran Dromore Down Donaldson Mary Listullycurran Dromore Down Donaldson Mary Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Donaldson Robert Listullycurran Dromore Down Donnelly Hugh Greenoge Dromore Down Donnelly John Quilly Dromore Down Donnelly William Balleny Dromore Down Donnelson Samuel Edentiroory Dromore Down Dornan Robert Drumlough Dromore Down Douglass Charles Wesley Place,Dromore Dromore Down Dowey Henry Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Downey Edward Ballykeel Dromore Down Downey Hugh Ballynaris Dromore Down Downey Isabella Ballynaris Dromore Down Downey James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Downey Jas. Ballymacormick Dromore Down Downey John Ballynaris Dromore Down Downey John Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Downey John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Downey Mary Ballynaris Dromore Down Downey Mary Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Downey Mary Anne Ballynaris Dromore Down Downey Patrick Ballynaris Dromore Down Downey Patrick Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Downey Robert Ballynaris Dromore Down Downey Susannah Tullymacarath Dromore Down Downey Terence Ballynaris Dromore Down Downey William Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Downey William Drumbroneth Dromore Down Downey William J. Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Downshire Marquis ??? Drumaknockan Dromore Down Downshire Marquis ??? Edentrillick Dromore Down Downshire Marquis ??? Growell Dromore Down Doyle Martin Back Lane,Dromore Dromore Down Drane Samuel Drumbroneth Dromore Down Drea John Ballynaris Dromore Down Dreen Patrick Balleny Dromore Down Drenny Felix Drumbroneth Dromore Down Drenny John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Duff William Lappoges Dromore Down Duffield John Ballykeel Dromore Down Duffield John Growell Dromore Down Duggan Francis Ballynaris Dromore Down Duggan John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Duggan John Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Duggan John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Duggan Robert Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Duggan William Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Duggan William Magherabeg Dromore Down Dunbar George Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Dunbar Samuel Ballynaris Dromore Down Dunne Jane Tullymacarath Dromore Down Egan Charles Islandderry Dromore Down Elliott Rev. L. D. Lurganbane Dromore Down Ellison John Balleny Dromore Down Emerson James Drumaknockan Dromore Down Emerson John Ballykeel Dromore Down Emerson John Drumlough Dromore Down Emerson Robert Ballykeel Dromore Down English Anne Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down English James Balleny Dromore Down English James Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down English Robert Balleny Dromore Down English Samuel Balleny Dromore Down Ervin James Tullyglush Dromore Down Erwin James Killysorrell Dromore Down Fairburn Thomas Drumskee Dromore Down Fairley John Ballynaris Dromore Down Fairley Samuel Ballynaris Dromore Down Falloon Jeremiah Drumlough Dromore Down Falloon John Drumlough Dromore Down Falloon Margaret Drumlough Dromore Down Farnan John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Faulkner William Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Feeny George Balleny Dromore Down Fegan Elizabeth Drumbroneth Dromore Down Fegan John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Fegan John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Fegan John Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Fegan Michael Magherabeg Dromore Down Fenley Isaac Greenoge Dromore Down Ferguson David Growell Dromore Down Ferguson James Growell Dromore Down Ferguson John Growell Dromore Down Ferguson Rev. Samuel Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Ferguson William Growell Dromore Down Ferris Alexander Drummiller Dromore Down Ferris Alexander Skeagh Dromore Down Ferris John Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Ferris Margaret Tullindoney Dromore Down Ferris Mary Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Ferris Mary Kinallen Dromore Down Ferris Steven Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Ferris William Drumaknockan Dromore Down Ferris William Greenoge Dromore Down Ferris William Magherabeg Dromore Down Fettis James Lisnaward Dromore Down Fettis Sarah Magherabeg Dromore Down Finlay David Quilly Dromore Down Finlay David Tullindoney Dromore Down Finley John Magherabeg Dromore Down Finley William Magherabeg Dromore Down Fisher James Ballynaris Dromore Down Fisher Thomas Ballynaris Dromore Down Fitzsimon David Greenan Dromore Down Fitzsimon Samuel Quilly Dromore Down Fitzsimons Samuel Greenan Dromore Down Flack Andrew Coolsallagh Dromore Down Flack Robert Balleny Dromore Down Flack Thomas Greenan Dromore Down Flanagan Thomas Drumlough Dromore Down Flanagan William Lisnaward Dromore Down Fleck Thomas Drumskee Dromore Down Foot John Ballykeel Dromore Down Forsythe George Skeagh Dromore Down Forsythe William Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Frackleton James Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Frackleton James East Side,(Dromore) Dromore Down Frackleton Maryanne Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Frazer Hugh Edentrillick Dromore Down Frazer Hugh Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Frazer John Growell Dromore Down Frazer Robert Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Frazer Robert Drumbroneth Dromore Down Frazer Robert Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Freckleton James Ballymaganlis Dromore Down Freckleton James Drumbroneth Dromore Down Freckleton John Greenan Dromore Down Freckleton John Killysorrell Dromore Down Freeborn Thoomas Islandderry Dromore Down Freeborne Thomas Magherabeg Dromore Down Fullerton Samuel Magherabeg Dromore Down Fulton Henry Kinallen Dromore Down Fulton John Kinallen Dromore Down Fulton William Kinallen Dromore Down Gairne Bernard Drumlough Dromore Down Gamble David Tullyglush Dromore Down Gamble Henry Magherabeg Dromore Down Gamble Hugh Tullindoney Dromore Down Gamble James Kinallen Dromore Down Gamble Jas. Drummiller Dromore Down Gamble John Kinallen Dromore Down Gamble Joseph Islandderry Dromore Down Gamble Samuel Kinallen Dromore Down Gamble Samuel Magherabeg Dromore Down Gamill Samuel Skeagh Dromore Down Gardiner John Coolsallagh Dromore Down Gardiner Joseph Coolsallagh Dromore Down Gardner Elizabeth Drumskee Dromore Down Garrett William Drumlough Dromore Down Geary Anne Jane Ballykeel Dromore Down Geary James Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Geary John Ballykeel Dromore Down Geoghegan Mary Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down George John Greenoge Dromore Down Gibson Alexander Backnamullagh Dromore Down Gibson David Balleny Dromore Down Gibson David Ballymacormick Dromore Down Gibson David Drummiller Dromore Down Gibson Elizabeth Drumskee Dromore Down Gibson George Balleny Dromore Down Gibson George Ballymacormick Dromore Down Gibson Henry Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Gibson Isaac Listullycurran Dromore Down Gibson James Drumbroneth Dromore Down Gibson James Skillyscolban Dromore Down Gibson John Edentrillick Dromore Down Gibson John Lappoges Dromore Down Gibson John Quilly Dromore Down Gibson Joseph Balleny Dromore Down Gibson Joseph Ballymacormick Dromore Down Gibson Mitchell Skillyscolban Dromore Down Gibson Robert Ballymacormick Dromore Down Gibson Robert Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Gibson William Backnamullagh Dromore Down Gibson William Ballykeel Dromore Down Gibson William Skeagh Dromore Down Gibson William, Jr. Ballymacormick Dromore Down Gibson William, Sr. Ballymacormick Dromore Down Gilchriest George Magherabeg Dromore Down Gilchriest John Skillyscolban Dromore Down Gilchriest Joseph Edenordinary Dromore Down Gilchrist John Skeagh Dromore Down Gilchrist Joseph Skeagh Dromore Down Gilchrist William Skeagh Dromore Down Giles Robert Drumskee Dromore Down Gill Margaret Lisnaward Dromore Down Gill Michael Greenoge Dromore Down Gillespie John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Gillespie William Ballykeel Dromore Down Gillilan James Coolsallagh Dromore Down Gilliland James Balleny Dromore Down Gilliland Mary Killysorrell Dromore Down Gilmore Arthur Kinallen Dromore Down Gilmore James B. Kinallen Dromore Down Gilmore James B. Skeagh Dromore Down Ginn Charles Listullycurran Dromore Down Glover William Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Gooley George Moss Lane,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Gooley Henry Islandderry Dromore Down Gooley James Greenoge Dromore Down Gooley Samuel Drummiller Dromore Down Gooley Samuel Islandderry Dromore Down Goorley William Skillyscolban Dromore Down Gordon Anne Lisnaward Dromore Down Gordon John Ballykeel Dromore Down Gordon Joseph Ballysallagh Dromore Down Gordon William Balleny Dromore Down Gorman Ellen Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Gorman Mary Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Gorrett Esther Growell Dromore Down Goss John Quilly Dromore Down Gourley James Skeagh Dromore Down Gourley John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Gourley Samuel Tullindoney Dromore Down Gowdy George Tullymacarath Dromore Down Gowdy Robert Tullymacarath Dromore Down Gracy James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Gracy Robert Ballynaris Dromore Down Gracy Robert Drumaghadone Dromore Down Gracy Samuel Ballynaris Dromore Down Gracy Sarah Lisnaward Dromore Down Graham David Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Graham Eliza Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Graham George Edenordinary Dromore Down Graham George Tullyglush Dromore Down Graham George Tullymacarath Dromore Down Graham Henry Bridge Street,Dromore Dromore Down Graham James Tullyglush Dromore Down Graham John Ednego Dromore Down Graham John Killysorrell Dromore Down Graham John Lurganbane Dromore Down Graham Robert Drumaknockan Dromore Down Graham Robert Drumlough Dromore Down Graham Robert Tullyglush Dromore Down Graham Samuel Drumlough Dromore Down Graham Sarah Drumaknockan Dromore Down Graham William Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Graham William Drumlough Dromore Down Grant Hugh Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Grant James Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Gray John Kinallen Dromore Down Gray John Quilly Dromore Down Greene Hugh Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Greene Mr. ??? Balleny Dromore Down Greer John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Gregg James Greenoge Dromore Down Gregg John Greenoge Dromore Down Gregg John Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Gregg John Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Gregg Joseph Ballymacormick Dromore Down Gregg Martha Drumaknockan Dromore Down Gregg Robert Greenoge Dromore Down Gregg Robert Killysorrell Dromore Down Gregg Robert Magherabeg Dromore Down Gregg William Greenoge Dromore Down Gribban Thomas Listullycurran Dromore Down Gribban William Listullycurran Dromore Down Gribban William, Jr. Listullycurran Dromore Down Gribbin Hugh Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Gribbin John Magherabeg Dromore Down Gribbon John Ballysallagh Dromore Down Gribbon John Lurganbane Dromore Down Gribbon William Killysorrell Dromore Down Grier John Drumlough Dromore Down Griffin Robert Balleny Dromore Down Gubbins Thomas Ballymacormick Dromore Down Guiney Alexander Greenoge Dromore Down Guiney Archibald Ballymacormick Dromore Down Guiney Archibald Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Guiney Ellen Lurganbane Dromore Down Guiney Hugh, Jr. Ballysallagh Dromore Down Guiney Hugh, Sr. Ballysallagh Dromore Down Guiney James Ballynaris Dromore Down Guiney James Lurganbane Dromore Down Guiney James Skeagh Dromore Down Guiney John Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Guiney Margaret Greenan Dromore Down Guiney Robert Drumaghadone Dromore Down Guiney Robert, Jr. Balleny Dromore Down Guiney Robert, Sr. Balleny Dromore Down Guiney Thomas Drummiller Dromore Down Guiney Thomas Lurganbane Dromore Down Gynn William Drumaknockan Dromore Down Hagan James Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Hall John Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Hall William Skeagh Dromore Down Halliday James Edenordinary Dromore Down Halliday Maxwell Greenoge Dromore Down Halliday Thomas Ballymacormick Dromore Down Hamilton Alexander Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Hamilton Alexander Lisnaward Dromore Down Hamilton Henry Islandderry Dromore Down Hamilton James Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Hamilton James Edentrillick Dromore Down Hamilton John Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Hamilton John Drummiller Dromore Down Hamilton John Skillyscolban Dromore Down Hamilton Joseph Ballykeel Dromore Down Hamilton Joseph Edentrillick Dromore Down Hamilton Margaret Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Hamilton Robert Ballymacormick Dromore Down Hamilton Thomas Ballykeel Dromore Down Hamilton William Ballykeel Dromore Down Hamilton William Drumaghadone Dromore Down Hamilton William Edenordinary Dromore Down Hamilton William Lurganbane Dromore Down Hamilton William Skillyscolban Dromore Down Hammond Joseph Back Lane,Dromore Dromore Down Hammond Joseph Balleny Dromore Down Hammond Joseph Ballymacormick Dromore Down Hammond Joseph Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Hammond Mark Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Hanna Eliza Drumlough Dromore Down Hanna James Ballykeel Dromore Down Hanna John Ballykeel Dromore Down Hanna John Drummiller Dromore Down Hanna John C. Drumbroneth Dromore Down Hanna Thomas Drumbroneth Dromore Down Hardiman George Greenan Dromore Down Harper George Drumaknockan Dromore Down Harper George Edentrillick Dromore Down Harper John Edentrillick Dromore Down Harpur Anthony Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Harpur George Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Harrison Alexander Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Harrison Alexander The Bridge End,Dromore Dromore Down Harrison David Growell Dromore Down Harrison Hugh Backnamullagh Dromore Down Harrison Hugh Drumbroneth Dromore Down Harrison James Backnamullagh Dromore Down Harrison James Ballykeel Dromore Down Harrison John Ballykeel Dromore Down Harrison John, Jr. Ballymaganlis Dromore Down Harrison John, Jr. Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Harrison Joseph Backnamullagh Dromore Down Harrison Robert Drumbroneth Dromore Down Harrison Robert Lurganbane Dromore Down Harrison Robert, Jr. The Bridge End,Dromore Dromore Down Harrison Robert, Sr. Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Harrison Robt., Jr. Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Harrison Thomas Ballykeel Dromore Down Harrison William Ballykeel Dromore Down Harrison William Ballynaris Dromore Down Harrison William Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Harrison William Killysorrell Dromore Down Harvey Jane Ballysallagh Dromore Down Harvey John M. Drumlough Dromore Down Haslett James Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Haughan Catherine Ballynaris Dromore Down Haughan Henry Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Haughan James Ballynaris Dromore Down Haughan James Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Haughan Jas. Ballymacormick Dromore Down Haughan Jas. Ballynaris Dromore Down Haughan Michael Ballynaris Dromore Down Haughan Patrick Ballynaris Dromore Down Haughan Patrick Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Haughill Rep. Arthur Ballymaganlis Dromore Down Haughin Catherine Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Haughlin Catherine Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Hawthorn Edward Ballykeel Dromore Down Hawthorn Jane Ballykeel Dromore Down Hawthorn Samuel F. East Side,(Dromore) Dromore Down Hawthorn William Drumbroneth Dromore Down Hawthorne John Ballynaris Dromore Down Hawthorne Robert Magherabeg Dromore Down Hawthorne Thomas Ballykeel Dromore Down Hawthorne William Ballykeel Dromore Down Hazlett George Balleny Dromore Down Healy Anne Drumbroneth Dromore Down Hellon Patrick Balleny Dromore Down Henderson David Kinallen Dromore Down Henry James Ballysallagh Dromore Down Heron John Drumlough Dromore Down Heron Margaret East Side,(Dromore) Dromore Down Heron Robert Skeagh Dromore Down Herron Henry Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Herron Hugh Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Hewitt John Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Hewitt John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Hill John Coolsallagh Dromore Down Hill John Greenan Dromore Down Hill Joseph Edenordinary Dromore Down Hill Martin Greenan Dromore Down Hill Robert Edentiroory Dromore Down Hill Robert Greenan Dromore Down Hill Samuel Magherabeg Dromore Down Hillis William Islandderry Dromore Down Hobart George Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Hodges James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Hodges Joseph Ballymacormick Dromore Down Hodges William Ballymacormick Dromore Down Hodgins George Ballymacormick Dromore Down Hogg James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Hogg William Drumlough Dromore Down Holmes Joseph Balleny Dromore Down Hook David Ballykeel Dromore Down Hook John Lappoges Dromore Down Hook Samuel Lappoges Dromore Down Horkan Ellen Lappoges Dromore Down Horkan James Ballykeel Dromore Down Howard John Lurganbane Dromore Down Howe James Listullycurran Dromore Down Hughes James Ballynaris Dromore Down Hull Francis Ballymacormick Dromore Down Hull Martha Ednego Dromore Down Hull Mary Anne Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Humphreys James Drumlough Dromore Down Humphreys Samuel Edentrillick Dromore Down Humphries Robert Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Hunt William West Side,(Dromore) Dromore Down Hunter James Ballykeel Dromore Down Hunter Johnston Tullyglush Dromore Down Hunter William Drumlough Dromore Down Hunter William Skeagh Dromore Down Hutcheson Samuel Lurganbane Dromore Down Hutchinson James Ballykeel Dromore Down Hutchinson John Drumlough Dromore Down Hutchinson Samuel Lappoges Dromore Down Hutchinson Samuel Lurganbane Dromore Down Hynds George Drumskee Dromore Down Hynds Richard Skillyscolban Dromore Down Hynds Robert Drumskee Dromore Down Hynds William Balleny Dromore Down Hynes Anne Quilly Dromore Down Hynes John Drumlough Dromore Down Ireland Ellen Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Ireland James Ballynaris Dromore Down Ireland Jamesw Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Ireland John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Ireland Samuel Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Irvine James Ballykeel Dromore Down Irvine James Quilly Dromore Down Irwin Abraham Drumlough Dromore Down Irwin David Edentiroory Dromore Down Irwin David Kinallen Dromore Down Irwin George Ednego Dromore Down Irwin James Edentiroory Dromore Down Irwin John Edentiroory Dromore Down Irwin John Ednego Dromore Down Irwin William Edentiroory Dromore Down Jackson James Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Jameson Alexander Ballysallagh Dromore Down Jameson Alexander Drumaghadone Dromore Down Jameson Alexander Ednego Dromore Down Jameson George Drumbroneth Dromore Down Jameson John Lisnaward Dromore Down Jameson Moses Ballysallagh Dromore Down Jameson Thomas Drumbroneth Dromore Down Jameson William H. Ednego Dromore Down Jardine John Bridge Street,Dromore Dromore Down Jardine John Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Jardine John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Jardine William Drumbroneth Dromore Down Jardine William Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Jardine William Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down Jelly Catherine Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Jelly Catherine Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Jenkins Alexander Growell Dromore Down Jenkins Andrew Quilly Dromore Down Jess Alexander Ballykeel Dromore Down Jess George Ballykeel Dromore Down Jess Gilbert Ballykeel Dromore Down Jess James Ballykeel Dromore Down Jess James Drumaknockan Dromore Down Jess John Ballykeel Dromore Down Jess Joseph Ballykeel Dromore Down Jess Joseph, Jr. Ballykeel Dromore Down Jess Mary Drumlough Dromore Down Jess Roger Ballykeel Dromore Down Jess Samuel Ballykeel Dromore Down Jess Samuel Drumaknockan Dromore Down Jess Samuel Drumlough Dromore Down Jess Sarah Drumaknockan Dromore Down Jess Thomas Ballykeel Dromore Down Jess William Ballykeel Dromore Down Jess William Drumaknockan Dromore Down Jess William Drumlough Dromore Down Johnson Arthur Drumlough Dromore Down Johnson Henry Drumlough Dromore Down Johnson James Edentrillick Dromore Down Johnson Jane Drumlough Dromore Down Johnson John Ballykeel Dromore Down Johnson Robert Drumlough Dromore Down Johnson Samuel Lurganbane Dromore Down Johnson William Drumlough Dromore Down Johnston David Growell Dromore Down Johnston James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Johnston James Ballysallagh Dromore Down Johnston James Edenordinary Dromore Down Johnston James Skeagh Dromore Down Johnston James Tullymacarath Dromore Down Johnston Jane Edentiroory Dromore Down Johnston John Drumlough Dromore Down Johnston John Edenordinary Dromore Down Johnston John Skeagh Dromore Down Johnston Jonathan Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down Johnston Joseph Ballymacormick Dromore Down Johnston Joseph Growell Dromore Down Johnston Joseph Skeagh Dromore Down Johnston Lewis Ballykeel Dromore Down Johnston Mary Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Johnston Robert Ballymacormick Dromore Down Johnston Robert Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Johnston Robert Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Johnston Samuel Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Johnston Sarah Drumlough Dromore Down Johnston Thomas Drummiller Dromore Down Johnston William Drumlough Dromore Down Jones Francis Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Jones James Tullindoney Dromore Down Jones John Ballysallagh Dromore Down Jones Joseph Drummiller Dromore Down Jones Robert Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Jones Thomas Drumbroneth Dromore Down Jones William Tullindoney Dromore Down Jones William, Jr. Drumbroneth Dromore Down Jones William, Sr. Drumbroneth Dromore Down Jordan John Ballynaris Dromore Down Jordan John Tullyglush Dromore Down Jordan Thomas Ballynaris Dromore Down Jordan William Ballymacormick Dromore Down Kane Ellen Ballymacormick Dromore Down Kane George Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Kane James Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Kane Robert Back Lane,Dromore Dromore Down Kane Robert Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Kane Robert Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Kavanagh Robert Moss Lane,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Kearns Isaac Drumlough Dromore Down Kearns James Ballykeel Dromore Down Kearns James Drumlough Dromore Down Kearns John Drumlough Dromore Down Kearns Michael Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Kearns Thomas Drumlough Dromore Down Kearns William Drumlough Dromore Down Kearns William Edentrillick Dromore Down Keaves Robert Drumaknockan Dromore Down Keenan Elizabeth Balleny Dromore Down Keenan Hugh Tullymacarath Dromore Down Keenan Jane Edentrillick Dromore Down Keenan Patrick Greenan Dromore Down Kelly Catherine Islandderry Dromore Down Kelly James Lappoges Dromore Down Kelly John Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Kelly John Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Kelly John Tullindoney Dromore Down Kelly John Tullyglush Dromore Down Kelly Martha Ballysallagh Dromore Down Kelly Samuel Tullyglush Dromore Down Kelly William Ballysallagh Dromore Down Kelly William Edentrillick Dromore Down Kelly William Tullindoney Dromore Down Kelso Eliza Balleny Dromore Down Kelso Jane Kinallen Dromore Down Kelso Susan Kinallen Dromore Down Kelton John Edenordinary Dromore Down Kemmis Henry Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Kennedy Hans Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Kennedy James B. Kinallen Dromore Down Kennedy John Coolsallagh Dromore Down Kennedy Maryanne Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Kennedy Robert Lisnaward Dromore Down Kerr Adam Ballysallagh Dromore Down Kerr Agnes Ballymacormick Dromore Down Kerr Alexander Ballysallagh Dromore Down Kerr Alexander Kinallen Dromore Down Kerr Alexander Lurganbane Dromore Down Kerr James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Kerr James Ballysallagh Dromore Down Kerr James Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Kerr James, Sr. Ballysallagh Dromore Down Kerr John Ballysallagh Dromore Down Kerr John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Kerr John Drummiller Dromore Down Kerr John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Kerr John Lottery Place,Dromore Dromore Down Kerr Joseph Kinallen Dromore Down Kerr Joseph Lurganbane Dromore Down Kerr Margaret Lurganbane Dromore Down Kerr Samuel Ballymacormick Dromore Down Kerr Samuel Ballysallagh Dromore Down Kerr Samuel Drummiller Dromore Down Kerr Samuel Kinallen Dromore Down Kerr Samuel Lappoges Dromore Down Kerr Samuel Lurganbane Dromore Down Kerr Thomas Balleny Dromore Down Kerr William Ballymacormick Dromore Down Kerr William Lappoges Dromore Down Kerr William Lisnaward Dromore Down Kerr William Lurganbane Dromore Down Kerr William J. Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Kilpatrick James Ballynaris Dromore Down Kilpatrick James Magherabeg Dromore Down Kilpatrick John Ballynaris Dromore Down Kilpatrick John Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Kilpatrick John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Kilpatrick John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Kilpatrick John Magherabeg Dromore Down Kilpatrick Rachel Ballynaris Dromore Down Kilpatrick Thomas Killysorrell Dromore Down Kilpatrick William Edentiroory Dromore Down Kilpatrick William Magherabeg Dromore Down Kincade Robert Coolsallagh Dromore Down Kincaid Maryanne Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down King Mr. ??? Balleny Dromore Down King Robert Edenordinary Dromore Down Kinneen John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Kinnell John Lisnaward Dromore Down Kirkwell Thomas Listullycurran Dromore Down Knox Dorah Growell Dromore Down Knox George Drumaknockan Dromore Down Knox George Drumbroneth Dromore Down Knox John Edentrillick Dromore Down Knox John Growell Dromore Down Knox Joseph Tullyglush Dromore Down Knox Robert Drumaknockan Dromore Down Knox Robert Edentrillick Dromore Down Knox Robert Quilly Dromore Down Lamont William Mount Street,(Ballymacormick) Dromore Down Langtry Rep. Robert Balleny Dromore Down Langtry Rep. Robt. Balleny Dromore Down Langwell James Magherabeg Dromore Down Langwell Thomas Magherabeg Dromore Down Lavery Edward Ballykeel Dromore Down Lavery Edward Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Lavery Elizabeth Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Lavery John Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Lavery John Lurganbane Dromore Down Lavery John Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Lavery Joseph Ballykeel Dromore Down Lavery Patrick Ballymacormick Dromore Down Lavery Patrick Lappoges Dromore Down Lavery Richard Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Lavery Sarah Drumbroneth Dromore Down Lavery William Drumaghadone Dromore Down Lavery William Greenoge Dromore Down Law John Drumaknockan Dromore Down Ledgett James Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Ledgett James Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Leggett Robert Edentiroory Dromore Down Leggett Sarah Quilly Dromore Down Lennon Michael Ednego Dromore Down Letherdale John Balleny Dromore Down Lettermore John Killysorrell Dromore Down Levingston Samuel Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Leviston Samuel Drumbroneth Dromore Down Libbett David Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Lilburn Adam Skeagh Dromore Down Lilburn Adam Tullyglush Dromore Down Lilburn Hugh Skeagh Dromore Down Lilburn Hugh Skillyscolban Dromore Down Lilburn Hugh Tullyglush Dromore Down Lilburn John Listullycurran Dromore Down Lilburn Robert Skeagh Dromore Down Lilburn Samuel Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Lilburn Samuel Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Lilburn William Backnamullagh Dromore Down Lilburn William Drumaghadone Dromore Down Lilburne Adam Lurganbane Dromore Down Lindsay Daniel Ballymacormick Dromore Down Lindsay George Ednego Dromore Down Lindsay Henry Ballymacormick Dromore Down Lindsay Holt. W. Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Lindsay James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Lindsay John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Lindsay Maurice Balleny Dromore Down Lindsay Maurice Edenordinary Dromore Down Lindsay Maurice Killysorrell Dromore Down Lindsay Maurice Tullymacarath Dromore Down Lindsay Thomas Ballynaris Dromore Down Lindsay William Ballymacormick Dromore Down Lindsay William Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Loughlin Esther Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Loughlin Thomas Killysorrell Dromore Down Lovall Edmond The Bridge End,Dromore Dromore Down Lowry James Edenordinary Dromore Down Lowry John Lisnaward Dromore Down Lowry Robert Lisnaward Dromore Down Lowry William Drumbroneth Dromore Down Lowry William Lurganbane Dromore Down Luft Maria Balleny Dromore Down Lumm Wellington Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Lundy Robert Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Lunn Michael Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Lunny John Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Lynch John Quilly Dromore Down Lynn Sarah Tullyglush Dromore Down Lyons Samuel Drumlough Dromore Down Lyttle Richard Ballynaris Dromore Down Lyttle Richard Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Macken James Drumbroneth Dromore Down Macken James Tullymacarath Dromore Down Macken John Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Macken John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Macken Joseph Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mackey George Edenordinary Dromore Down Mackey James Balleny Dromore Down Mackey James Edenordinary Dromore Down Mackey Thomas Edenordinary Dromore Down Macomb James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Magee Charles Ednego Dromore Down Magee Daniel Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Magee Henry Listullycurran Dromore Down Magee Hugh Drumbroneth Dromore Down Magee Isaac Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Magee James Balleny Dromore Down Magee John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Magee Margaret Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Magee Mary Listullycurran Dromore Down Magee Patrick Quilly Dromore Down Magee William Greenoge Dromore Down Magennis James Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Magennis Mary Dromore Derry's Court Dromore Down Magennis Mary Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Magill Alexander Ballykeel Dromore Down Magill John Ballykeel Dromore Down Magill Samuel Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Magill Samuel Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Magill Thomas Ballynaris Dromore Down Magill Thomas Greenoge Dromore Down Magill William Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Magill William Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Maginn John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Magrath John Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Magrath William Ballynaris Dromore Down Maguinnes Charles Quilly Dromore Down Maguinnes Daniel Ballysallagh Dromore Down Maguinnes Michael Ballysallagh Dromore Down Maguinness Anthony Balleny Dromore Down Maguinness Edward Edentrillick Dromore Down Maguinness Hugh Drumlough Dromore Down Maguinness Patrick Balleny Dromore Down Maguinness Robert Ballykeel Dromore Down Maguinness Robert Drumlough Dromore Down Maguire Alice Ballykeel Dromore Down Maguire Henry Drummiller Dromore Down Maguire James Drumbroneth Dromore Down Maguire Mary Edentrillick Dromore Down Mahood David Listullycurran Dromore Down Mahood Edward Listullycurran Dromore Down Mahood George Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mahood Isaac Listullycurran Dromore Down Mahood James Listullycurran Dromore Down Mahood John Listullycurran Dromore Down Mahood Robert Reid West Side,(Dromore) Dromore Down Mahood Samuel Listullycurran Dromore Down Mahood Thomas Listullycurran Dromore Down Main Joseph Edentrillick Dromore Down Malcolmson Thomas Islandderry Dromore Down Mallagh William Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Manery James Edenordinary Dromore Down Mars Jane Drummiller Dromore Down Martin Allen Skeagh Dromore Down Martin Andrew Backnamullagh Dromore Down Martin David Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Martin David Skeagh Dromore Down Martin Edward Ballymacormick Dromore Down Martin Edward Ballynaris Dromore Down Martin Elizabeth Tullyglush Dromore Down Martin George Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Martin Henry Ballysallagh Dromore Down Martin Hugh Ballymacormick Dromore Down Martin Hugh Ballynaris Dromore Down Martin James Drumaknockan Dromore Down Martin James Drumbroneth Dromore Down Martin James Drummiller Dromore Down Martin James Ednego Dromore Down Martin James Skeagh Dromore Down Martin James Tullyglush Dromore Down Martin Jno. Skeagh Dromore Down Martin John Balleny Dromore Down Martin John Drumaghadone Dromore Down Martin John Edentrillick Dromore Down Martin John Lurganbane Dromore Down Martin John Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Martin John Quilly Dromore Down Martin John Skeagh Dromore Down Martin John Tullindoney Dromore Down Martin John Tullyglush Dromore Down Martin Joseph Ballymacormick Dromore Down Martin Joseph Ballysallagh Dromore Down Martin Joseph Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Martin Joseph Skeagh Dromore Down Martin Margaret Ballysallagh Dromore Down Martin Martha Skeagh Dromore Down Martin Maryanne Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Martin Moses Skeagh Dromore Down Martin Robert Ballykeel Dromore Down Martin Robert Ballysallagh Dromore Down Martin Robert Drumaghadone Dromore Down Martin Robert Edenordinary Dromore Down Martin Robert Greenan Dromore Down Martin Robert Skeagh Dromore Down Martin Robert Skillyscolban Dromore Down Martin Robert Tullindoney Dromore Down Martin Samuel Ballymacormick Dromore Down Martin Samuel Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Martin Samuel Ednego Dromore Down Martin Samuel Skeagh Dromore Down Martin Samuel Tullyglush Dromore Down Martin Sarah Ednego Dromore Down Martin Thomas Tullyglush Dromore Down Martin William Balleny Dromore Down Martin William Ballymacormick Dromore Down Martin William Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Martin William Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Martin William Drumaghadone Dromore Down Martin William Ednego Dromore Down Martin William Skeagh Dromore Down Martin William Tullyglush Dromore Down Massy Alexander Lappoges Dromore Down Massy James Drumaghadone Dromore Down Massy John Growell Dromore Down Massy John Skeagh Dromore Down Massy William Kinallen Dromore Down Mateer Andrew Drumaknockan Dromore Down Mateer Richard Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Mathers Frederick Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mathers Frederick Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Mathers William Magherabeg Dromore Down Mathews Ellen Balleny Dromore Down Mathews James Dromore Mc Comb's Court Dromore Down Matterson Ellen Growell Dromore Down Matthews ??? Quilly Dromore Down Matthews James Edentrillick Dromore Down Matthews Joshua Magherabeg Dromore Down Matthews Matthew Ballysallagh Dromore Down Maxwell Richard Tullindoney Dromore Down Mayne Sarah Edentrillick Dromore Down Mc Adam George Edentrillick Dromore Down Mc Adam James Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Adam John Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Adam John Growell Dromore Down Mc Adam Samuel Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Adam William Edentrillick Dromore Down Mc Adams Charles Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Adams George Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mc Adams Thomas Quilly Dromore Down Mc Alister John Coolsallagh Dromore Down Mc Allen Edward Kinallen Dromore Down Mc Allister Daniel Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Allister Henry Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Allister James Backnamullagh Dromore Down Mc Ardle Ellen Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Areevy Thomas Quilly Dromore Down Mc Ateer Charles Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mc Ateer Daniel Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Ateer Gorman Growell Dromore Down Mc Ateer Hugh Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mc Ateer Jane Rampart St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Ateer John Lappoges Dromore Down Mc Ateer Thomas Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Auley Charles Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Auley Daniel Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Auley John Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Auley William West Side,(Dromore) Dromore Down Mc Bride Hugh Edentiroory Dromore Down Mc Cabe Hugh Dromore Mc Comb's Court Dromore Down Mc Cabry Alexander Drumskee Dromore Down Mc Caherty James Balleny Dromore Down Mc Caherty William Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Cahy Alexander Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Cahy Mary Anne Edenordinary Dromore Down Mc Caldin David Lisnaward Dromore Down Mc Caldin Susan Tullymacarath Dromore Down Mc Calmont Rev. Thos. Balleny Dromore Down Mc Candless Hugh Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Candless James Drummiller Dromore Down Mc Candless James Lisnaward Dromore Down Mc Candless John Balleny Dromore Down Mc Candless John Tullymacarath Dromore Down Mc Candless Joseph Balleny Dromore Down Mc Candless Robert Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Candless Robert Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Candless Thomas Balleny Dromore Down Mc Candless Waddell Balleny Dromore Down Mc Candless William Balleny Dromore Down Mc Candless William Drumaghadone Dromore Down Mc Candless William Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Candless Wm. John Balleny Dromore Down Mc Cann Henry Drumskee Dromore Down Mc Cann Patrick Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Cann Thomas Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Canna Patrick Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Carson Arthur Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Mc Carson Robert Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mc Cartan Anne Kinallen Dromore Down Mc Cartan Rev. Wm. Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Carten John Growell Dromore Down Mc Carthy Andrew Backnamullagh Dromore Down Mc Carthy Henry Backnamullagh Dromore Down Mc Carthy Joseph Balleny Dromore Down Mc Cartney Edward Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Cartney Edward Coolsallagh Dromore Down Mc Cartney Edward Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Cartney Edward Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Cartney Mary Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mc Carty John Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Caughey Samuel Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Caw Daniel Greenoge Dromore Down Mc Caw Hugh Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Caw John Balleny Dromore Down Mc Caw Joseph Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Caw Sarah Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Caw Thomas Greenoge Dromore Down Mc Clatchy ??? Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Clatchy James Balleny Dromore Down Mc Clatchy James, Jr. Balleny Dromore Down Mc Clatchy Jas., Sr. Balleny Dromore Down Mc Clatchy Sarah Balleny Dromore Down Mc Clean Alexander Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Clean David Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Clean Hugh Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mc Clean James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Clean James Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Clean John Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Clean Robert Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Clean Samuel Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Clean Thomas Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Clear Andrew Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Cleave Nathaniel Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Clelland John Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Clelland Joseph Edentiroory Dromore Down Mc Clelland Robert Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Clelland William Balleny Dromore Down Mc Clelland William Quilly Dromore Down Mc Clenahan Joseph Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Clinchy Robert Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Clives Thomas Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Cloghan William Greenoge Dromore Down Mc Cloon James Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Cloughan Alexander Backnamullagh Dromore Down Mc Cloughan George Backnamullagh Dromore Down Mc Cloughan Joseph Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Cloughan Mary Backnamullagh Dromore Down Mc Cloughan Robert Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Cloughan Thomas Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Clougher Samuel Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Cluckan Joseph Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mc Clune James Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Clure Hugh Drummiller Dromore Down Mc Clure Jane Dromore Derry's Court Dromore Down Mc Clure Samuel Edentiroory Dromore Down Mc Clutchey George Quilly Dromore Down Mc Clutchy Anne Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Comb ??? Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mc Comb David Ballysallagh Dromore Down Mc Comb James Ballysallagh Dromore Down Mc Comb Robert Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Comb Samuel Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Comb Samuel Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Comb Susan Ballysallagh Dromore Down Mc Comb William Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Combe David Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Comleich Sarah Lisnaward Dromore Down Mc Conaghy Robert Dromore Mc Comb's Court Dromore Down Mc Connell Elizabeth Edentiroory Dromore Down Mc Connell Ellen Balleny Dromore Down Mc Connell James Drummiller Dromore Down Mc Connell James Quilly Dromore Down Mc Connell Margaret Edentiroory Dromore Down Mc Connell Mary Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Convery James Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Conville Bernard Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Conville Hugh Lisnaward Dromore Down Mc Conville Thomas Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Coom Margaret Backnamullagh Dromore Down Mc Coriston James Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Cormack Patrick Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Cormack Patrick Growell Dromore Down Mc Cormick Andrew Ednego Dromore Down Mc Cormick Anne Jane Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Cormick James Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Mc Cormick John Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Cormick John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Cormick Margaret Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mc Cormick Mary Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Corriston William Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Coviston Allen Quilly Dromore Down Mc Coy Edward Drumskee Dromore Down Mc Coy John Drumskee Dromore Down Mc Crackan Joseph Drumaghadone Dromore Down Mc Cracken Anne J. Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Cracken Arthur Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Cracken Geo. Greenoge Dromore Down Mc Cracken George Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Cracken James Drumaghadone Dromore Down Mc Cracken James Greenoge Dromore Down Mc Cracken James Lisnaward Dromore Down Mc Cracken James Listullycurran Dromore Down Mc Cracken James Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Cracken James Tullyglush Dromore Down Mc Cracken Jno. Greenoge Dromore Down Mc Cracken John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Cracken John Greenoge Dromore Down Mc Cracken John Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Cracken John Quilly Dromore Down Mc Cracken Joseph Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Cracken Robert Drumskee Dromore Down Mc Cracken Robert Listullycurran Dromore Down Mc Cracken Robert Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Cracken Robert, Jr. Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Cracken Robert, Sr. Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Cracken William Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Crea Joseph Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Crea Jsph. Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Crea Samuel Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Crea Samuel Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Cready Eliza Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Creedy George Edentrillick Dromore Down Mc Creedy John Edentrillick Dromore Down Mc Crum John Edenordinary Dromore Down Mc Crum John Tullymacarath Dromore Down Mc Crum Robert Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Cullagh Jane Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Cullagh John Drumaknockan Dromore Down Mc Cullagh John Drumskee Dromore Down Mc Cullagh John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Cullagh John Killysorrell Dromore Down Mc Cullagh John Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Cullagh Joseph Drumaknockan Dromore Down Mc Cullagh Margaret Edentrillick Dromore Down Mc Cullagh Margaret Quilly Dromore Down Mc Cullagh Mary Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Cullagh Samuel Edenordinary Dromore Down Mc Cullagh William Killysorrell Dromore Down Mc Cullagh William Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Curry John Listullycurran Dromore Down Mc Dade John Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Dade Mary Bridge Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Dade Thomas Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Dade William Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Dade William Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Daid John Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Daid John Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Daid William Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Donnell James Back Lane,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Donnell James Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mc Donnell John Quilly Dromore Down Mc Donnell Philip Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Donnell William Coolsallagh Dromore Down Mc Dowell Andrew Quilly Dromore Down Mc Dowell David Quilly Dromore Down Mc Dowell James Quilly Dromore Down Mc Dowell James Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Dowell John Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Dowell John Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Dowell Robert Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Dowell Robert Quilly Dromore Down Mc Dowell Thomas Balleny Dromore Down Mc Dowell Thomas Quilly Dromore Down Mc Elroy Maria Kinallen Dromore Down Mc Elroy Patrick Edentiroory Dromore Down Mc Elvey Richard Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Elvey Samuel Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Evoy Arthur Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mc Evoy Arthur Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Evoy Bernard Coolsallagh Dromore Down Mc Evoy Bridget Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Evoy Hugh Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mc Evoy Hugh Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mc Evoy Isabella Quilly Dromore Down Mc Evoy John Coolsallagh Dromore Down Mc Evoy John Ednego Dromore Down Mc Evoy John Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Evoy Laurence Coolsallagh Dromore Down Mc Evoy Richard Tullymacarath Dromore Down Mc Evoy William Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Evoy William Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Mc Fadden James Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Fadden Mary Ballysallagh Dromore Down Mc Fadden Mary Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Fadden Robert Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Fadden Robert Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mc Fadden Samuel Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mc Fadden Sarah Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Garrell William Islandderry Dromore Down Mc Garry Richard Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Given Patrick Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Govern Henry Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Mc Grady Elizabeth Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Grady Hugh Drumskee Dromore Down Mc Grady John Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Grady Michael East Side,(Dromore) Dromore Down Mc Grady William Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Gready Daniel Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mc Gregor Mary Tullyglush Dromore Down Mc Gribbin James Balleny Dromore Down Mc Guiggan Arthur Edentrillick Dromore Down Mc Guiggan Sarah Kinallen Dromore Down Mc Guinness John Balleny Dromore Down Mc Gurk Neal Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Ilduff John Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Ilduff John Quilly Dromore Down Mc Ilrath Hugh Balleny Dromore Down Mc Ilrath John Balleny Dromore Down Mc Ilrath Robert Balleny Dromore Down Mc Ilrath William Balleny Dromore Down Mc Ilroy Anthony Ednego Dromore Down Mc Ilroy Maria Kinallen Dromore Down Mc Ilroy Roger Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Ilveen Hugh Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mc Ilveen Jane Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mc Ilveen Jane Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Ilveen Samuel Kinallen Dromore Down Mc Ivers James Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Ivers Michael Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Kage Bartholomew Islandderry Dromore Down Mc Kay James Listullycurran Dromore Down Mc Kay Neal Listullycurran Dromore Down Mc Kay Rev. Maurice Edenordinary Dromore Down Mc Kay Rev. Maurice Tullymacarath Dromore Down Mc Kee George Edentrillick Dromore Down Mc Kee James Edentrillick Dromore Down Mc Kee Maria Drummiller Dromore Down Mc Kee Rev. John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Kee Rev. John Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Kee Robert Greenoge Dromore Down Mc Kee Thomas Balleny Dromore Down Mc Kee Thomas Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Keever James Quilly Dromore Down Mc Kelvey John Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Kenny Alexander Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Kenny Catherine Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Kenny John Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Kenny John Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Kenny William Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Keon Adam Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Keon Agnes Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Keon Anne Islandderry Dromore Down Mc Keon James Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Keon John Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Keon Matthew Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Keon Robert Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Keon Robert Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Keon William Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Keown Bernard Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mc Keown John Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mc Keown John Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Key James Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Mc Key John Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Mc Kittrick John Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Knight Rowan Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Lean Andrew Drumaghadone Dromore Down Mc Lenahan John Lurganbane Dromore Down Mc Loughlin Alexander Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Loughlin James Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mc Loughlin Jane Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Macken James Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Mahon Patrick Balleny Dromore Down Mc Mahon Patrick Killysorrell Dromore Down Mc Manus John Balleny Dromore Down Mc Master Armstrong Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Master John Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Millan James Tullyglush Dromore Down Mc Millen James Greenoge Dromore Down Mc Millen Joseph Greenoge Dromore Down Mc Millen William Drumaghadone Dromore Down Mc Minnis Robert Edenordinary Dromore Down Mc Minnis Samuel Edenordinary Dromore Down Mc Mullen Alice Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Mc Mullen John Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Mc Mullen Joseph Drumskee Dromore Down Mc Mullen Joseph Edentiroory Dromore Down Mc Mullen William Balleny Dromore Down Mc Mullen William Drumskee Dromore Down Mc Murray Alexander Ballysallagh Dromore Down Mc Murray James Drumaghadone Dromore Down Mc Murray James Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Murray James Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Murray John Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mc Murray Robert Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mc Murray Robert Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Murray Thomas Ballymaganlis Dromore Down Mc Murray Thomas Drumaghadone Dromore Down Mc Murray Thomas Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Murray William Balleny Dromore Down Mc Murray William Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Murray William Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Mc Murray William Quilly Dromore Down Mc Nally Bernard Listullycurran Dromore Down Mc Nally Edward Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mc Nally Jane Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Nally Richard Magherabeg Dromore Down Mc Namara Daniel Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mc Neill Isabella Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Neill James Drumlough Dromore Down Mc Neill James Edentrillick Dromore Down Mc Neill John Skeagh Dromore Down Mc Neill William John Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Poland John Drummiller Dromore Down Mc Quaid Stephen Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mc Quide Jno. Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Quide Stephen Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mc Quillan Rep. Patk. Killysorrell Dromore Down Mc Robert Samuel Ballykeel Dromore Down Mc Roberts Andrew Ballysallagh Dromore Down Mc Roberts John Ballysallagh Dromore Down Mc Roberts Samuel Ballysallagh Dromore Down Mc Roberts Thomas Drummiller Dromore Down Mc Roberts William Ballysallagh Dromore Down Mc Veigh Alexander Kinallen Dromore Down Mc Whinney Alexander Ballynaris Dromore Down Mc Whirter John Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Meany Jeremiah Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Meany John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Meany John Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Meany Michael Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Meany William Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Mears Elizabeth Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down Mellon David Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mellon James Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mellon Mary Skeagh Dromore Down Mellon Patrick Balleny Dromore Down Mellon William Balleny Dromore Down Mercer Isaac Listullycurran Dromore Down Mercer James Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Mercer James Skeagh Dromore Down Mercer John Ballymaganlis Dromore Down Mercer John Ballynaris Dromore Down Mercer John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Mercer John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mercer John Quilly Dromore Down Mercer Joseph Islandderry Dromore Down Mercer Joseph Listullycurran Dromore Down Mercer Mary Edentrillick Dromore Down Mercer Michael Edentrillick Dromore Down Mercer Richard Ballysallagh Dromore Down Mercer Richard Lurganbane Dromore Down Mercer Richard Skeagh Dromore Down Mercer Sarah Listullycurran Dromore Down Mercer William Listullycurran Dromore Down Millar John Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Millen Isaac Balleny Dromore Down Miller James Drumlough Dromore Down Miller John Edentrillick Dromore Down Miller Samuel Drumlough Dromore Down Miller William Back Lane,Dromore Dromore Down Miller William Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Miller William Drumbroneth Dromore Down Miller William Growell Dromore Down Miller William Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Milligan James Islandderry Dromore Down Mills Alexander, Jr. Ballysallagh Dromore Down Mills Alexander, Sr. Ballysallagh Dromore Down Mills Ellen Drummiller Dromore Down Mills James Quilly Dromore Down Mills Jane Drumaghadone Dromore Down Mills John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mills John Ballynaris Dromore Down Mills John Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mills Joseph Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Mills Mary Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Mills Michael Drummiller Dromore Down Mills Robert Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mills Robert Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mills Thomas Skillyscolban Dromore Down Mills William Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mills William Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Minnis James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Minniss William B. Ballymacormick Dromore Down Minniss William B. Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Miskimmin John Balleny Dromore Down Mitchell Arthur Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mitchell George Lisnaward Dromore Down Mitchell James Backnamullagh Dromore Down Mitchell Jane Coolsallagh Dromore Down Mitchell Jane Lisnaward Dromore Down Mitchell John Balleny Dromore Down Mitchell John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Mitchell John Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mitchell John Lisnaward Dromore Down Mitchell Johnston Lisnaward Dromore Down Mitchell Rep. Maurice Lisnaward Dromore Down Mitchell Sophia Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Molloy Patrick Quilly Dromore Down Molohan Joseph Greenoge Dromore Down Montgomery George Drumaknockan Dromore Down Montgomery George Edentrillick Dromore Down Montgomery Hagar Greenan Dromore Down Montgomery Michael Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Mooney Edward Ballykeel Dromore Down Mooney James Ballykeel Dromore Down Mooney Thomas Ballykeel Dromore Down Mooney William Ballykeel Dromore Down Moore Alexander Edenordinary Dromore Down Moore Francis Ballykeel Dromore Down Moore Francis Drumlough Dromore Down Moore Grace Skillyscolban Dromore Down Moore John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Moore John Ballynaris Dromore Down Moore John Killysorrell Dromore Down Moore Joseph Islandderry Dromore Down Moore Margaret Lappoges Dromore Down Moore Matthew Kinallen Dromore Down Moore Robert Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Moore Robert Growell Dromore Down Moorhead Adam Tullindoney Dromore Down Moorhead John Drumlough Dromore Down Moorhead Micheal Drumlough Dromore Down Moorhead Robert Dromore Derry's Court Dromore Down Moorhead Thomas Balleny Dromore Down Moorhead Thomas Lisnaward Dromore Down Moran Samuel Ballysallagh Dromore Down Moran Thomas Ballysallagh Dromore Down Moreland Esther Ballysallagh Dromore Down Moreland George Drumlough Dromore Down Moreland James Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Moreland James Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Moreland John Drumlough Dromore Down Moreland Mary Ballysallagh Dromore Down Moreland Moses Drummiller Dromore Down Moreland Robert Drumlough Dromore Down Moreland Thomas Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Moreland William Growell Dromore Down Moreland William J. Lurganbane Dromore Down Morgan Alexander Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Morgan Daniel Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Morgan Ellen Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Morgan Henry Balleny Dromore Down Morgan Henry Kinallen Dromore Down Morgan James Back Lane,Dromore Dromore Down Morgan John Ballykeel Dromore Down Morgan Mary Quilly Dromore Down Morrison Anthony Magherabeg Dromore Down Morrison Arthur Drumlough Dromore Down Morrison Hugh Magherabeg Dromore Down Morrison John Drumlough Dromore Down Morrison Robert Drumlough Dromore Down Morrison Samuel Drumlough Dromore Down Morrison Thomas Drumlough Dromore Down Morrow John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Morrow John Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Morrow Thomas Ballynaris Dromore Down Morrow Thomas Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down Muckle Margaret Ballykeel Dromore Down Mulcahy Samuel Lurganbane Dromore Down Mulgrave Felix Magherabeg Dromore Down Mulgrave Samuel Magherabeg Dromore Down Mulgrave William Magherabeg Dromore Down Mulgrew Patrick Edentiroory Dromore Down Mulholland John Tullindoney Dromore Down Mulholland Margaret Ballysallagh Dromore Down Mullan James Lisnaward Dromore Down Mullen James Balleny Dromore Down Mullen John Drumaknockan Dromore Down Mulligan Allen Coolsallagh Dromore Down Mulligan James Balleny Dromore Down Mulligan James Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Mulligan James Lisnaward Dromore Down Mulligan Jane Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Mulligan John Kinallen Dromore Down Mulligan John Magherabeg Dromore Down Mulligan Robert Edentiroory Dromore Down Mulligan Sarah Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Mulligan William Edenordinary Dromore Down Mulligan William Islandderry Dromore Down Munro Anna Maria Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Munroe John Ballynaris Dromore Down Murdock John Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Murdock John Edentrillick Dromore Down Murdock John Lappoges Dromore Down Murdy Charles Edenordinary Dromore Down Murdy Robert Edenordinary Dromore Down Murphy ??? Drumskee Dromore Down Murphy Anne Jane Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Murphy Charles Greenan Dromore Down Murphy Francis Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Murphy Francis Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Murphy Francis Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Murphy Henry Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Murphy James Listullycurran Dromore Down Murphy John Balleny Dromore Down Murphy John Ballynaris Dromore Down Murphy John Greenan Dromore Down Murphy John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Murphy John Killysorrell Dromore Down Murphy John Listullycurran Dromore Down Murphy John Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Murphy John Tullindoney Dromore Down Murphy Rev. Henry Edenordinary Dromore Down Murphy Rev. Henry Tullymacarath Dromore Down Murphy Thomas Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Murphy Thomas Listullycurran Dromore Down Murphy William Drummiller Dromore Down Murray Arthur Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Murray David Edenordinary Dromore Down Murray Hugh Drummiller Dromore Down Murray Jane Edentrillick Dromore Down Murray John Ballykeel Dromore Down Murtagh Michael Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Mussen David Balleny Dromore Down Mussen Ellen Balleny Dromore Down Mussen Robert Balleny Dromore Down Mussenden William Drumlough Dromore Down Nagle Margaret Ballykeel Dromore Down Napier Alexander Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Napier Eliza Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Napier Henry Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Napier Henry B. Ballymacormick Dromore Down Napier William Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Neill Hugh Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Neill Jane Ballynaris Dromore Down Neille Mary Drumbroneth Dromore Down Nelson Alexander Kinallen Dromore Down Nelson Christopher Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Nelson Eliza Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down Nelson John Ballymaganlis Dromore Down Nelson John Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Nelson John Drummiller Dromore Down Nelson John Lurganbane Dromore Down Nelson Joseph Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Nelson Margaret Drummiller Dromore Down Nelson Moses Kinallen Dromore Down Nelson Robert Ballysallagh Dromore Down Nelson William J. Ballysallagh Dromore Down Nesbitt James Greenoge Dromore Down Newell John Ballysallagh Dromore Down Newell Sarah Drumlough Dromore Down Nixon Francis Drumbroneth Dromore Down Nolan Edward Killysorrell Dromore Down Nugent James Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down O'Hare Bernard Killysorrell Dromore Down O'Hare Michael Ballysallagh Dromore Down O'Hare Rose Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down O'Neill Diana Balleny Dromore Down O'Neill John Balleny Dromore Down O'Neill John Ballymacormick Dromore Down O'Neill John Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down O'Neill John Drumbroneth Dromore Down O'Neill John Drumskee Dromore Down O'Neill John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down O'Neill John Lottery Place,Dromore Dromore Down O'Neill John Magherabeg Dromore Down O'Neill Margaret Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down O'Neill Neal Ballynaris Dromore Down O'Neill Neal Greenoge Dromore Down Orlow Robert Ballynaris Dromore Down Osborne Fergus Edentiroory Dromore Down Osborne Fergus Killysorrell Dromore Down Oswald Eliza Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Oswald Eliza Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Oswald Henry U. Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Oswald Mary Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Oswald Mary Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Padden James Drumskee Dromore Down Padden John Tullymacarath Dromore Down Padden Mary Drumbroneth Dromore Down Padlo John Drumlough Dromore Down Padlo William Drumlough Dromore Down Pantridge Andrew Ballymacormick Dromore Down Pantridge Anne Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Pantridge Anne Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Pantridge Elizabeth Drumskee Dromore Down Pantridge Isaac Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Pantridge Isaac The Bridge End,Dromore Dromore Down Pantridge James Backnamullagh Dromore Down Pantridge James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Pantridge James Ballynaris Dromore Down Pantridge Richard Ballynaris Dromore Down Pantridge Sarah Ballymacormick Dromore Down Parker James Lisnaward Dromore Down Parker John Ednego Dromore Down Parks Hamilton Magherabeg Dromore Down Parks John Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Parrot James Quilly Dromore Down Parrot John Quilly Dromore Down Parrott William Quilly Dromore Down Partridge Diana Lurganbane Dromore Down Patterson Archibald Magherabeg Dromore Down Patterson George Ballymacormick Dromore Down Patterson George Drummiller Dromore Down Patterson Hugh Edentrillick Dromore Down Patterson Isaac Listullycurran Dromore Down Patterson John Backnamullagh Dromore Down Patterson John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Patterson John Edentrillick Dromore Down Patterson John Lisnaward Dromore Down Patterson John Listullycurran Dromore Down Patterson Joseph Balleny Dromore Down Patterson Joseph Drumbroneth Dromore Down Patterson Joseph Edentrillick Dromore Down Patterson Margaret Quilly Dromore Down Patterson Mary Listullycurran Dromore Down Patterson Moses Tullyglush Dromore Down Patterson Robert Drumaghadone Dromore Down Patterson Robert Skillyscolban Dromore Down Patterson Samuel Growell Dromore Down Patterson Sarah Lappoges Dromore Down Patterson Thomas Balleny Dromore Down Patterson William Quilly Dromore Down Patterson William Tullyglush Dromore Down Payne George Drumbroneth Dromore Down Payne Richard Balleny Dromore Down Payne William Ballymacormick Dromore Down Pedley Elizabeth Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Perry John Lisnaward Dromore Down Perry Martin Lisnaward Dromore Down Perry William Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Pollock James Drumlough Dromore Down Pollock Robert Killysorrell Dromore Down Pootes Anne Moss Lane,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Pootes Robert Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Pootes William Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Poots Adam Ballynaris Dromore Down Poots Eliza Ballynaris Dromore Down Poots Henry Quilly Dromore Down Poots James Coolsallagh Dromore Down Poots James Magherabeg Dromore Down Poots James Quilly Dromore Down Poots John Ballynaris Dromore Down Poots John Magherabeg Dromore Down Poots Margaret Magherabeg Dromore Down Poots Richard Balleny Dromore Down Poots Robert Ballynaris Dromore Down Poots Robert Magherabeg Dromore Down Poots Samuel Ballynaris Dromore Down Porter Elizabeth Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Porter Joseph Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Powell Joseph Balleny Dromore Down Powell Joseph Skeagh Dromore Down Prenter Thomas Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Prentice Adam Ballymacormick Dromore Down Prentice Francis Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Prentice James Greenoge Dromore Down Prentice John Edentrillick Dromore Down Prentice John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Prentice John Magherabeg Dromore Down Prentice Martin Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Prentice Sarah Magherabeg Dromore Down Prentice William Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Preston Francis Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Preston Francis Magherabeg Dromore Down Preston George Ballymacormick Dromore Down Preston George Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Preston George Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Preston George Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down Preston George Quilly Dromore Down Preston John Dromore Mc Comb's Court Dromore Down Preston John Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Preston Michael Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Preston Samuel Quilly Dromore Down Preston Thomas Ballynaris Dromore Down Preston Thomas Quilly Dromore Down Preston William Quilly Dromore Down Price Henry, Jr. Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Price Henry, Sr. Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Price William Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Printer James Killysorrell Dromore Down Printer Joseph Balleny Dromore Down Printer Michael Quilly Dromore Down Printer William Drumbroneth Dromore Down Pritchard John Drumskee Dromore Down Pritchard Thomas Balleny Dromore Down Pritchard Thomas Drumbroneth Dromore Down Purdy John Greenoge Dromore Down Purdy Rep. James Greenoge Dromore Down Purdy Richard Greenoge Dromore Down Purdy Richard Kinallen Dromore Down Purdy Samuel Greenoge Dromore Down Quinn Bridget Drummiller Dromore Down Quinn Ellen Skeagh Dromore Down Quinn James Ballymaganlis Dromore Down Quinn James Ballynaris Dromore Down Quinn James Ednego Dromore Down Quinn John Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Rafferty Robert Drumaknockan Dromore Down Rainey James Drumlough Dromore Down Rainey Thomas Ballykeel Dromore Down Rainey William Growell Dromore Down Rea William Drumskee Dromore Down Reddick Alexander Islandderry Dromore Down Reddick William Balleny Dromore Down Redmond Andrew Ednego Dromore Down Reid Andrew Drumlough Dromore Down Reid George Edentrillick Dromore Down Reid Henry Coolsallagh Dromore Down Reid Isaac Balleny Dromore Down Reid Isaac Skillyscolban Dromore Down Reid James Drumlough Dromore Down Reid John Drumlough Dromore Down Reid John Ednego Dromore Down Reid John Skillyscolban Dromore Down Reid Joseph Ballymacormick Dromore Down Reid Robert Drumlough Dromore Down Reid Robert Ednego Dromore Down Reid Robert Listullycurran Dromore Down Reid William Skeagh Dromore Down Reilly Richard Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Reisk Esther Skillyscolban Dromore Down Renshaw David Skillyscolban Dromore Down Reynolds James Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Reynolds Thomas Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Ringland Hans Ballykeel Dromore Down Roberts William Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Robinson George Greenan Dromore Down Robinson James Back Lane,Dromore Dromore Down Robinson James Ballykeel Dromore Down Robinson James Coolsallagh Dromore Down Robinson James Greenan Dromore Down Robinson John Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Robinson John Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Robinson John Drumlough Dromore Down Robinson John Quilly Dromore Down Robinson John Tullindoney Dromore Down Robinson Rachel Coolsallagh Dromore Down Robinson Samuel Islandderry Dromore Down Robinson William Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Robinson William Skeagh Dromore Down Rogers Hugh Lurganbane Dromore Down Rogers John Magherabeg Dromore Down Rogers William Greenoge Dromore Down Roney James Drumbroneth Dromore Down Roney John Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Roney John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Roney John Killysorrell Dromore Down Roney William Drumbroneth Dromore Down Rooney Arthur Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Rooney Patrick Quilly Dromore Down Rorke John Listullycurran Dromore Down Rourke Anne Ballynaris Dromore Down Rourke Hugh Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Rourke James Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Rowan John Bridge Street,Dromore Dromore Down Rowden James Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Roy William Edentrillick Dromore Down Ruddock Alexander Growell Dromore Down Ruddock John Growell Dromore Down Ruddock John, Jr. Growell Dromore Down Ruddock Joseph Growell Dromore Down Ruddock Mary Growell Dromore Down Ruddock Robert Growell Dromore Down Ruddock William Growell Dromore Down Rush John Ballykeel Dromore Down Rush John Growell Dromore Down Russell Abraham Lurganbane Dromore Down Russell Alexander Coolsallagh Dromore Down Russell James Greenan Dromore Down Russell James Magherabeg Dromore Down Russell William Ballykeel Dromore Down Rutherford Robert Ballykeel Dromore Down Ryan Elizabeth Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Ryan Mary Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Safley Mary Kinallen Dromore Down Saftly John Skeagh Dromore Down Sampson Anne Ballymacormick Dromore Down Sandes Samuel Edentiroory Dromore Down Saul William Balleny Dromore Down Saul William Ballynaris Dromore Down Saul William Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Saul William Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Saul William Drumbroneth Dromore Down Saul William Lisnaward Dromore Down Saunders Francis Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Savage Anne Quilly Dromore Down Savage Eliza Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Savage George Balleny Dromore Down Savage William Drumbroneth Dromore Down Scott David Ballysallagh Dromore Down Scott Elizabeth Killysorrell Dromore Down Scott Henry C. Drumlough Dromore Down Scott James Ballykeel Dromore Down Scott James Drummiller Dromore Down Scott James Killysorrell Dromore Down Scott James Lurganbane Dromore Down Scott Jane Tullymacarath Dromore Down Scott John Ballysallagh Dromore Down Scott John Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Scott John Drumlough Dromore Down Scott John Drummiller Dromore Down Scott John Greenan Dromore Down Scott John Lurganbane Dromore Down Scott John Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down Scott Joseph Drummiller Dromore Down Scott Mary Anne Killysorrell Dromore Down Scott Moses Drummiller Dromore Down Scott Robert Drummiller Dromore Down Scott Samuel Drummiller Dromore Down Scott Susan Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Scott Thomas Tullindoney Dromore Down Scott William Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Scott William Growell Dromore Down Scott William Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Scott William Tullymacarath Dromore Down Searight Anne Lappoges Dromore Down Searight William Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Seaton William Quilly Dromore Down Shanks Joseph Quilly Dromore Down Shannon Alexander Drumaknockan Dromore Down Shannon Alexander Edentrillick Dromore Down Shannon James Edentrillick Dromore Down Shannon John Edentrillick Dromore Down Shaw John Balleny Dromore Down Shaw William Balleny Dromore Down Shaw William Ballymacormick Dromore Down Sheilds Daniel Tullymacarath Dromore Down Sheilds James Skeagh Dromore Down Sheils Anne Growell Dromore Down Shilcock Thomas Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Sibbitt David Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down Simerton William Quilly Dromore Down Simpson George Coolsallagh Dromore Down Simpson James Skeagh Dromore Down Sinclair John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Sinclair John Ballynaris Dromore Down Singer Helena Ballykeel Dromore Down Skelly James, Jr. Kinallen Dromore Down Skelly James, Sr. Kinallen Dromore Down Skelly William Skeagh Dromore Down Skelton William Drumskee Dromore Down Sleatch James Ednego Dromore Down Sligth Thomas Edentiroory Dromore Down Sloan James Balleny Dromore Down Smith David Ballykeel Dromore Down Smith David Lappoges Dromore Down Smith Ellen Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Smith Hudson Drumskee Dromore Down Smith Hugh Edentrillick Dromore Down Smith James Drumlough Dromore Down Smith James H. Balleny Dromore Down Smith Jane Drumskee Dromore Down Smith Jeremiah Drumlough Dromore Down Smith Rev. Edward I. Ballykeel Dromore Down Smith Robert Drumskee Dromore Down Smith Samuel Drumlough Dromore Down Smith William Ballynaris Dromore Down Smith William Drumlough Dromore Down Smith William Lisnaward Dromore Down Smyth Henry Islandderry Dromore Down Smyth James Tullyglush Dromore Down Smyth Patrick Drumbroneth Dromore Down Sneddan Jane Edenordinary Dromore Down Snowden Charles Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Snowden John Killysorrell Dromore Down Spain Esther Quilly Dromore Down Spence George Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Spence George Drumbroneth Dromore Down Spence George Drumlough Dromore Down Spence James Tullymacarath Dromore Down Spence John Drumlough Dromore Down Spence John Tullymacarath Dromore Down Spence Oliver Quilly Dromore Down Spence Oliver Tullymacarath Dromore Down Spratt ??? Skillyscolban Dromore Down Spratt David Ednego Dromore Down Spratt Margaret Balleny Dromore Down Spratt William Balleny Dromore Down Spratt William Drumlough Dromore Down Spratt William West Side,(Dromore) Dromore Down Sprott Hugh Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Sprott James Lisnaward Dromore Down Sprott Robert Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Sprott Robert Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Sprott Wm. Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Stafford John Ballykeel Dromore Down Stanfield Brazen Listullycurran Dromore Down Stanfield John Edentrillick Dromore Down Stanfield John Listullycurran Dromore Down Stanfield William Listullycurran Dromore Down Steel Alexander Tullindoney Dromore Down Steele George Backnamullagh Dromore Down Stephens Joseph Edenordinary Dromore Down Sterling Robert Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Stevenson James Balleny Dromore Down Stevenson John Ednego Dromore Down Stevenson Moses Lisnaward Dromore Down Stevenson William Back Lane,Dromore Dromore Down Stewart Charles Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Stewart Charles Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Stewart Hugh Ballymacormick Dromore Down Stewart Hugh Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Stewart Hugh Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Stewart John Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Stewart John Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Stewart Robert Lisnaward Dromore Down Stewart William Ednego Dromore Down Strain Daniel Drumaknockan Dromore Down Strong Alice Drumlough Dromore Down Strong Hannah Ednego Dromore Down Strong Hannah Tullyglush Dromore Down Strong John Drumlough Dromore Down Strong Joseph Tullyglush Dromore Down Strong Robert Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Strong Robert West Side,(Dromore) Dromore Down Strong Thomas Ednego Dromore Down Stuart Alexander Edentrillick Dromore Down Stuart Edward Drumaknockan Dromore Down Stuart Matthew Edentrillick Dromore Down Stuart Robert Edentrillick Dromore Down Stuart Robin Growell Dromore Down Sturgeon George Drumlough Dromore Down Taggart James Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Taite William Drumlough Dromore Down Tate Hugh W. Ballykeel Dromore Down Tate Jane Ballykeel Dromore Down Tate Thomas Ballykeel Dromore Down Taylor Robert Coolsallagh Dromore Down Taylor William Balleny Dromore Down Templeton Samuel Quilly Dromore Down Thomas James Greenoge Dromore Down Thompson Alexander Ballymacormick Dromore Down Thompson Andrew Balleny Dromore Down Thompson Catherine Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Thompson David Balleny Dromore Down Thompson Edward Quilly Dromore Down Thompson Eliza Ballykeel Dromore Down Thompson George Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Thompson James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Thompson James Ballynaris Dromore Down Thompson James Edentrillick Dromore Down Thompson James Lurganbane Dromore Down Thompson Jane Mc Quide's Row,Dromore Dromore Down Thompson John Ballynaris Dromore Down Thompson John Drumaknockan Dromore Down Thompson John Drummiller Dromore Down Thompson John Islandderry Dromore Down Thompson Joseph Balleny Dromore Down Thompson Robert Drumlough Dromore Down Thompson Robert Listullycurran Dromore Down Thompson Thomas Tullindoney Dromore Down Thompson William Ballynaris Dromore Down Thompson William Edentrillick Dromore Down Thompson William Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Thompson William Kinallen Dromore Down Thomson James Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Thomson James Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Tittrington John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Toner John Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Toner John Weir's Rw.,Ballymacormick Dromore Down Toner William Lisnaward Dromore Down Tornin Edward Skeagh Dromore Down Towell Michael Ballynaris Dromore Down Towell Robert Quilly Dromore Down Townsley John Ballymacormick Dromore Down Train James Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Trousdale George Drumlough Dromore Down Tuft Ellen Balleny Dromore Down Turner John Greenoge Dromore Down Vance Samuel Greenan Dromore Down Vance William Greenan Dromore Down Vaughan George M. Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Vaughan George M. Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Vaughan George M. Quilly Dromore Down Vaughan Robert Quilly Dromore Down Verdon John Ballynaris Dromore Down Waddell Cornelius Greenan Dromore Down Waddell Francis Drumbroneth Dromore Down Waddell Mary Jane Coolsallagh Dromore Down Waddell Mary Jane Islandderry Dromore Down Walker Alexander Greenoge Dromore Down Walker Andrew Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Walker Catherine Drumlough Dromore Down Walker Eliza Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Walker James Ballykeel Dromore Down Walker James Ballynaris Dromore Down Walker James Greenoge Dromore Down Walker James Listullycurran Dromore Down Walker James Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Walker Jane Greenoge Dromore Down Walker Jane Magherabeg Dromore Down Walker John Greenoge Dromore Down Walker Joseph Drumlough Dromore Down Walker Marcus H. Listullycurran Dromore Down Walker Samuel Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Walker Thomas Skillyscolban Dromore Down Walker William Ballynaris Dromore Down Wallace James Ballykeel Dromore Down Wallace Robert East Side,(Dromore) Dromore Down Wallace Samuel Ballykeel Dromore Down Wallace William Drumlough Dromore Down Walsh Alexander Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Walsh Alexander C. Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Walsh Alexander C. Moss Lane,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Walsh Richard Lurganbane Dromore Down Ward Daniel Ballymacormick Dromore Down Ward Edward Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Ward Edward Market Square,Dromore Dromore Down Ward John Magherabeg Dromore Down Ward Sarah Ballymacormick Dromore Down Ward Thomas Ballykeel Dromore Down Ward Wm. Ballymacormick Dromore Down Waring Hannah Dromore Brewery Lane Dromore Down Waring Thomas Tullyglush Dromore Down Waring William Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Watson Arthur Lottery Place,Dromore Dromore Down Watson David Ballykeel Dromore Down Watson Eliza Magherabeg Dromore Down Watson George Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Watson George Drumaknockan Dromore Down Watson George Drumlough Dromore Down Watson Hugh Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Watson Hugh Drumaknockan Dromore Down Watson James Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Watson James Skeagh Dromore Down Watson Jane Drumaknockan Dromore Down Watson John Dromore Meeting Street Dromore Down Watson John Drumaknockan Dromore Down Watson John Drumbroneth Dromore Down Watson John East Side,(Dromore) Dromore Down Watson John Lurganbane Dromore Down Watson Margaret Ballynaris Dromore Down Watson Mary Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Watson Robert Ballykeel Dromore Down Watson Robert Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Watson Robert Drumbroneth Dromore Down Watson William Balleny Dromore Down Watson William Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Watson William Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Watson William Magherabeg Dromore Down Watts William Edenordinary Dromore Down Waugh James Drumaghadone Dromore Down Waugh John Ballysallagh Dromore Down Waugh John Drummiller Dromore Down Waugh Samuel Drumskee Dromore Down Weekston Elizabeth Dromore Derry's Court Dromore Down Weir Andrew Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Weir James Ballymacormick Dromore Down Weir James Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Weir Marshall Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Weir Marshall Church Street,Dromore Dromore Down Weir Marshall West Side,(Dromore) Dromore Down Welwood Thomas Drumlough Dromore Down West Ellen Backnamullagh Dromore Down Wetherford William Drummiller Dromore Down Whan George Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down Whan James Princes Street,Dromore Dromore Down White George Ballykeel Dromore Down White Hugh Skillyscolban Dromore Down White James Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down White James Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down White Jane Ballykeel Dromore Down White John Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down White John Lurganbane Dromore Down White Robert Kinallen Dromore Down White William Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Whitehead Mary Tullymacarath Dromore Down Whitehead Theobald Tullymacarath Dromore Down Whiteman Robert Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Whiteside Elizabeth Magherabeg Dromore Down Whiteside George Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Whiteside Theobald Balleny Dromore Down Whiteside Theophilus Hillsborough St,Dromore Dromore Down Wigsty John Ballynaris Dromore Down Wilkinson Anne Ballymacormick Dromore Down Wilkinson George Skillyscolban Dromore Down Wilkinson Hugh Balleny Dromore Down Wilkinson Robert Magherabeg Dromore Down Wilkinson William Balleny Dromore Down Wilkinson William Drumaghadone Dromore Down Wilkinson William Magherabeg Dromore Down Williamson Richard Coolsallagh Dromore Down Williamson Richard Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Williamson Robert Quilly Dromore Down Williamson Samuel Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Williamson Samuel Mount Street,(Ballyvicknacally) Dromore Down Wilson Alexander Skillyscolban Dromore Down Wilson David Balleny Dromore Down Wilson Eliza Ballyvicknacally Dromore Down Wilson Hugh Ballysallagh Dromore Down Wilson James Drumlough Dromore Down Wilson James Drummiller Dromore Down Wilson James Kinallen Dromore Down Wilson James Magherabeg Dromore Down Wilson Jane Dromore Rampart Street Dromore Down Wilson Joseph Drumskee Dromore Down Wilson Roland Skillyscolban Dromore Down Wilson Sarah Dromore Derry's Court Dromore Down Wilson Susannah Skillyscolban Dromore Down Wilson William Edentiroory Dromore Down Wilson William Kinallen Dromore Down Woods James Castle Street,Dromore Dromore Down Woods James Drumbroneth Dromore Down Woods James Lurganbane Dromore Down Woods James Meeting Street,Dromore Dromore Down Woods James Skillyscolban Dromore Down Woods Robert Ballymacormick Dromore Down Woods Sarah Skeagh Dromore Down Wright James Ballynaris Dromore Down Wright James Lisnaward Dromore Down Wright John Killysorrell Dromore Down Young Jane Skeagh Dromore Down Young John Backnamullagh Dromore Down Young John Ballykeel Dromore Down Young John Growell Dromore Down Young Thomas Lurganbane Dromore Down