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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Hillsborough, County Down
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Hillsborough, County Down
Achilles James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Andrew James Lisadian Hillsborough Down Archer David Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Archer George Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Archer George Taughblane Hillsborough Down Archer Henry Taughblane Hillsborough Down Archer Isaac Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Archer Mary Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Armour William Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Armstrong Henry Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Armstrong James Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Armstrong Oliver Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Armstrong William Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Arnel Sarah Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Arnold Sarah Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Atkinson Joseph Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Aughrey Thomas Cabragh Hillsborough Down Aughrey William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Bain John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Bain John Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Balcombe James Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Ball John Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Ball Thonas Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Balmer Isaac Clogher Hillsborough Down Balmer James Clogher Hillsborough Down Balmer John Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Balmer Matthew Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Balmer William Clogher Hillsborough Down Balmer William J. Clogher Hillsborough Down Beatty Alexander Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Beatty Deborah Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Beatty Dorah Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Beatty James Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Beatty John Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Beatty John Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Beatty John Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Beatty Joseph Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Beatty Margaret Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Beatty Mary Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Beatty Rep. George Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Beatty Richard Clogher Hillsborough Down Beatty Robert Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Beatty Thomas Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Beatty William S. Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Beatty Wilson Clogher Hillsborough Down Bell Alexander Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Bell George Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Bell Henry Clogher Hillsborough Down Bell Henry Tullynore Hillsborough Down Bell James Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Bell Robert Cabragh Hillsborough Down Bell Robert Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Bell Robert Tullynore Hillsborough Down Bellew John Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Black Jane Tullynore Hillsborough Down Blenton Andrew Cabragh Hillsborough Down Blenton Arthur Cabragh Hillsborough Down Blythe Adam Lisadian Hillsborough Down Blythe Adam, Jr. Lisadian Hillsborough Down Blythe Thomas Reilly's Trench Hillsborough Down Bonner David Lamb's Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Borcland Edward Lisadian Hillsborough Down Borcland Thomas Lisadian Hillsborough Down Boreland Robert Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Bowers John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Bowers Timothy Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Boyd William Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Boyd William Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Bradshaw Edward Lisadian Hillsborough Down Bradshaw Joseph Lisadian Hillsborough Down Bradshaw Rep. Hercules Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Bradshaw Rep. Hercules Reilly's Trench Hillsborough Down Brennan Edward Taughblane Hillsborough Down Brennan Roger Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Brereton William Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Briggs Henry Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Briggs Henry Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Briggs John Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Brown Ellen Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Brown Robert Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Browne John Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Browne John Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Browne Robert Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Browne Robert Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Browne Samuel Cabragh Hillsborough Down Browne Samuel Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Browne Samuel Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Browne William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Brownlee Agnes Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Brownlee Alexander Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Brownlee Ellen Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Brownlee John Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Brownlee Robert Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Brownlee Thomas Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Brownlee Thomas Clogher Hillsborough Down Brownlee William Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Buchanan Moses The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Burns Mary Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Burroughs Samuel Barrack Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Burrows James Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Burrows John Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Burrows Rep. Alexander Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Burrows Robert Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Byrne Thomas Taughblane Hillsborough Down Calderwood William Tullynore Hillsborough Down Campbell Letitia Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Campbell Thomas Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Carleton Agnes Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Carlisle John Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Carlisle William Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Carothers James Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Carr Ezekiel Taughblane Hillsborough Down Carr John Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Carr Thomas Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Carson Robert Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Carville Lewis Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Catney Anne Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Cattney Charles Clogher Hillsborough Down Cattney John Clogher Hillsborough Down Cattney Joseph Clogher Hillsborough Down Chamber Hamilton Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Chambers James Mc Clunes Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Chambers Joseph Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Clarke Jane E. Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Clelland Hugh Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Clothworthy Mary Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Clotworthy Mary Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Cochrane John Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Cohein Moses Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Colburn David Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Colburn James Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Colburn James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Colburn Robert Cabragh Hillsborough Down Colburn Thomas Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Colburn William Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Colley George Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Conley Stewart Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Connery James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Cooney William Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Corbett David Cabragh Hillsborough Down Cordner Margaret Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Corry James Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Corry Samuel Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Cowan Isabella Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Cox Mary Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Craig James Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Craig John Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Craig John Taughblane Hillsborough Down Craig Joseph Taughblane Hillsborough Down Craig Samuel Taughblane Hillsborough Down Craig Thomas Taughblane Hillsborough Down Crangle John Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Crawford Anne Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Crawford James Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Crawley Richard Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Cregan Charlotte Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Cregan George Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Cregan George Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Croker George Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Cromie John Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Crowthers Alexander Cabragh Hillsborough Down Crowthers David Cabragh Hillsborough Down Crowthers James Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Crowthers James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Crowthers John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Crowthers Samuel Cabragh Hillsborough Down Crowthers Samuel, Jr. Cabragh Hillsborough Down Crowthers William Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Crowthers William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Crozier Thomas Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Crozier Thomas Inns Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Crozier Thomas Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Cunningham Alex. Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Cunningham Ellen Barrack Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Cunningham Francis Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Cunningham George Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Cunningham Mary Irwin's Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Cunningham Samuel Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Cunningham Thomas Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Curran John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Curry Thomas Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Dagg James Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Dales William Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Davy James Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Dawson John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Denison Thomas Cabragh Hillsborough Down Dickens David Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Dickson Eliza Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Dickson Hugh Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Dickson James Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Dickson James Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Dickson John Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Dillon Jane Taughblane Hillsborough Down Dodd Hugh Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Dogherty Henry Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Domigan John Taughblane Hillsborough Down Donaldson Alexander Inns Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Donaldson Mary Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Donaldson Samuel Barrack Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Doogan Richard Lisadian Hillsborough Down Dook James Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Dorman James Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Dowdalls Mary Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Downshire Marquis ??? Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Downshire Marquis ??? Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Downshire Marquis ??? Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Downshire Marquis ??? Inns Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Downshire Marquis ??? Large Park Hillsborough Down Downshire Marquis ??? Mc Clunes Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Downshire Marquis ??? Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Downshire Marquis ??? Small Park Hillsborough Down Downshire Marquis ??? The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Drake Sarah Clogher Hillsborough Down Drake Thomas Cabragh Hillsborough Down Duart John Tullynore Hillsborough Down Duart Robert Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Duart Thomas Tullynore Hillsborough Down Duart William Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Duncan Richard Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Dunwoody John Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Duratt Thomas Clogher Hillsborough Down Eccles Thomas Cabragh Hillsborough Down Ellis Henry Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Ellis James Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Ellis William Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Emerson Robert Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Emerson William Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Ewart William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Fanoher Michael Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Farrell Peter Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Faulks Alfred Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Faulks Alfred The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Feitus Edward Lamb's Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Ferguson David Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Ferguson Robert Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Ferguson Robert Cabragh Hillsborough Down Ferguson William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Fergy James Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Ferrans Edward Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Ferris Agnes Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Ferris John Clogher Hillsborough Down Ferris Robert Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Filgate Fitzherbert Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Filgate Fitzherbert Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Fisher James Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Fisher James Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Fleming William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Flynn Sarah Cabragh Hillsborough Down Foeman David Blighs Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Foots John Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Forde David Tullynore Hillsborough Down Forde Robert Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Frayne Patrick Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Frayne William Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Frazer John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Fulham John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Fullerton James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Galley Robert Meeting Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Gardiner James Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Gardiner James Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Gardiner James Mc Clunes Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Gardiner Patrick Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Gardiner Robert Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Gawley David Cabragh Hillsborough Down Gawley David Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Geehan Patrick Taughblane Hillsborough Down Gibson Charlotte Clogher Hillsborough Down Gibson David Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Gibson George Taughblane Hillsborough Down Gibson James Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Gibson James Clogher Hillsborough Down Gibson John Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Gibson John Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Gibson John Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Gibson John Taughblane Hillsborough Down Gibson John, Jr. Taughblane Hillsborough Down Gibson Joseph Taughblane Hillsborough Down Gibson Samuel Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Gibson Thomas Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Gibson William Taughblane Hillsborough Down Gillespie John Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Gilligan Isaac Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Gilligan Thomas Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Gilliland James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Gilliland Joseph Cabragh Hillsborough Down Gilmore Elizabeth Irwin's Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Gilmore William Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Gilmour Denis Clogher Hillsborough Down Glinton George Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Gordon George Tullynore Hillsborough Down Gordon Henry Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Gorman Charles Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Gorman Daniel Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Gorman Daniel Clogher Hillsborough Down Gorman Daniel Lamb's Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Gorman Edward Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Gorman James Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Gorman Philip Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Gormil Robert Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Graham John Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Graham John Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Graham John Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Graham William Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Grainger Frances Lydia Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Grange Frances Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Grangle Robert Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Grant James Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Grant John Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Grant John Taughblane Hillsborough Down Grant Samuel Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Grant Thomas Lisadian Hillsborough Down Grant William Taughblane Hillsborough Down Green Bartholomew Clogher Hillsborough Down Green Bartholomew Tullynore Hillsborough Down Green John Lisadian Hillsborough Down Green John Tullynore Hillsborough Down Greene Anne The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Greene Isaac Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Greene Jacob Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Greene John Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Greene John The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Greer James Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Greer James Tullynore Hillsborough Down Greer Rev. Thomas Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Gregg James Lisadian Hillsborough Down Gregg John Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Griffin Henry Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Guinae John Taughblane Hillsborough Down Hale Edward The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hall Catherine Blighs Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Halliday Archibald Cabragh Hillsborough Down Halliday John Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Halliday Rebecca The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hamilton Abel Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hamilton James Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hamilton Sarah Clogher Hillsborough Down Hanna Anthony Tullynore Hillsborough Down Hanna James Lisadian Hillsborough Down Hanna John J. Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Hanna Samuel Cabragh Hillsborough Down Hanna Sarah Tullynore Hillsborough Down Hanna Sarah, Jr. Tullynore Hillsborough Down Harman Richard Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Harper James Taughblane Hillsborough Down Harper John Taughblane Hillsborough Down Harpur Edmond D. Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Harrison Allen Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Harrison Anne Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Harrison Elias Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Harrison Elias Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Harrison Ellen Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Harrison George Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Harrison James Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Harrison Joseph Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Harrison Joshua Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Harrison Joshua Cabragh Hillsborough Down Harrison Joshua Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Harvey John Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Harvey Rev. Bennet Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Harvey William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Hastings Henry Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Hawthorn Alexander Meeting Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hawthorn John Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hawthorne Henry Clogher Hillsborough Down Hawthorne Patrick Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Hawthorne Robert Clogher Hillsborough Down Heany Alice Lisadian Hillsborough Down Heany Thomas Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Heenan James Mc Clunes Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Henderson George Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Henderson James Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Henderson James Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Henderson Robert Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Henn James Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Heron Robert Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hetherington Matthew Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Hewit William Reilly's Trench Hillsborough Down Hewitson Henry Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Hewston Eliza Mc Clunes Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hill James Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Hill William Lisadian Hillsborough Down Hill Bradshaw James Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hillis John Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Hogg John Clogher Hillsborough Down Hollings Hannah Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hood Robin Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Hordman Isaac Lisadian Hillsborough Down Howe Thomas S. Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hughes James Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hume William Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Hume William Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Hunter Arthur Bachelors Walk,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hunter Henry Mc Clunes Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hunter Henry Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Hutchinson James Tullynore Hillsborough Down Ingram Thomas Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Ingram Thomas Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Irvine David Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Irvine David Lisadian Hillsborough Down Irvine David Tullynore Hillsborough Down Irvine Ellen Tullynore Hillsborough Down Irvine Hugh Cabragh Hillsborough Down Irvine James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Irvine William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Irwin Matthew Cabragh Hillsborough Down Irwin Samuel Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Irwin William J. Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Jameson Francis Clogher Hillsborough Down Jess Sarah Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Johnson Henry Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Johnson Joseph Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Johnston Francis Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Johnston Henry Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Johnston Isaac Lisadian Hillsborough Down Johnston James Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Johnston John Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Johnston John Clogher Hillsborough Down Johnston John Lisadian Hillsborough Down Johnston Joseph Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Johnston Joseph Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Johnston Mary Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Johnston Robert Clogher Hillsborough Down Johnston Robert Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Johnston Samuel Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Johnston Thomas Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Johnston Thomas Clogher Hillsborough Down Johnston William Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Johnston William Clogher Hillsborough Down Johnstone Francis Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Johnstone James Taughblane Hillsborough Down Johnstone Robert Inns Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Jordan Abraham Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Jordan Andrew Clogher Hillsborough Down Jordan James Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Jordan Samuel Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Jordan Samuel Clogher Hillsborough Down Jordan Samuel Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Jordan Samuel, Jr. Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Jordan William Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Kane Richard Lisadian Hillsborough Down Kane Thomas Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Keane William Blighs Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Kearns Letitia Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Keenan John Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Keeth Arthur Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Kelly Joseph Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Kelly Michael B. Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Kennedy Alexander Lisadian Hillsborough Down Kennedy Francis Cabragh Hillsborough Down Kerrigan John Clogher Hillsborough Down Kidd Alice Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Kidd Robert Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Kidd Robert Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Kilpatrick William Bachelors Walk,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Knox James Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Knox John The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Lavery Joseph Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Lavery Joseph The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Lavson George Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Law Samuel Tullynore Hillsborough Down Law William J. Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Lawson James Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Lawson James Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Lee Isaac Taughblane Hillsborough Down Lee John Taughblane Hillsborough Down Lee Sarah Taughblane Hillsborough Down Leggett Peter Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Leinster David Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Leinster James Clogher Hillsborough Down Leinster James Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Leinster James H. Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Leinster John Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Leinster John Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Leinster William John Bachelors Walk,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Lentfield James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Levingston John Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Levingston William Mc Clunes Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Leviston John Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Leviston John Lisadian Hillsborough Down Lillie William Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Lilly Isaac Taughblane Hillsborough Down Lilly James Taughblane Hillsborough Down Lilly James, Jr. Taughblane Hillsborough Down Lilly John Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Lilly Joseph Taughblane Hillsborough Down Lilly Samuel Taughblane Hillsborough Down Lilly William Taughblane Hillsborough Down Little Thomas Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Little William Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Little William Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Little William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Lockhart Arthur Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Lockhart James Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Lockhart Joseph Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Lockhart Joseph Lisadian Hillsborough Down Logan James Taughblane Hillsborough Down Loughlin Thomas Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Loughlin Thomas Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Loughlin Thomas The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Lovery James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Lunn Mcihael Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Lutton Sarah The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Lyness Stewart Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Macauley George Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Macauley John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Macauley Samuel Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Maddison Eliza Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Maddison Thomas Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Magee Adam Cabragh Hillsborough Down Magee Edward Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Magee John Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Magee William Lisadian Hillsborough Down Magill James Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Maginnis Eliza Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Maginnis George Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Magowan Roger Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Magrath Henry Cabragh Hillsborough Down Magrath Sarah Cabragh Hillsborough Down Maguinness John Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Maguire David Cabragh Hillsborough Down Maguire John Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Maguire John Inns Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mahood George, Jr. Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mahood George, Sr. Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mahood Henry Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mahood James Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Makee John Taughblane Hillsborough Down Makee John Tullynore Hillsborough Down Makee Thomas Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Makee William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Malcolm John Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Malone Sarah Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Manning Robert Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Manning Robert The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mant Walter B. Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Martin James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Martin John Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Martin John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Martin John Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Martin Matthew Cabragh Hillsborough Down Martin Samuel Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Martin William Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Matteer Robert Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Matterson Mary Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Mattison Robert Tullynore Hillsborough Down Mays James Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Alister Daniel Lisadian Hillsborough Down Mc Alister Jane Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Mc Allister John Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Mc Allister William Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Allister William Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Mc Allister William Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Mc Ateer Thomas Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Mc Auley Alexander Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mc Auley George Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Bride Anne Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mc Bride Margaret Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Bride Mary Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Bride Samuel Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Mc Camney Ellen Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mc Cann George Blighs Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Cann John Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Cann John Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Cann Peter Reilly's Trench Hillsborough Down Mc Cann Sarah Clogher Hillsborough Down Mc Carthy James Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Mc Carthy James Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Carthy John Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Mc Carthy Mary Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Mc Carthy William Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Mc Carthy William Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Cartin Catherine Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mc Cartney David Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mc Carty Robert Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mc Cay John Clogher Hillsborough Down Mc Cay Thomas Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mc Claverty David Reilly's Trench Hillsborough Down Mc Claverty John Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mc Claverty Robert Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mc Claverty William Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Mc Clelland James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mc Clelland Joseph Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mc Clelland Matthew Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mc Clelland William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mc Cloon John Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mc Cloon Joseph Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mc Clune John Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Clure David Lisadian Hillsborough Down Mc Clure George Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Mc Clure James Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mc Clure James Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Mc Clure James Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mc Clure Michael Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Clure William Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mc Clutchy Robert Inns Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Conkey John Clogher Hillsborough Down Mc Corriston Mary Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Coy David Blighs Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Coy Elizabeth Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Creedy Daniel Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mc Cullagh David Clogher Hillsborough Down Mc Cutcheon John Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Mc Donnell Alexander Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Donnell Anthony Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Mc Donnell James Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Mc Donnell John Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mc Donnell Robert Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Mc Doughlin James Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Mc Dowell Esther Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Mc Dowell Henry Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Goveny John Inns Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Goveny Robert Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Mc Guiggan James Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mc Guiggan John Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Guiggan Rep. John The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Guiggan Robert Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mc Guiggan Roland Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mc Guire Edward Clogher Hillsborough Down Mc Ileavy George Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Mc Ileavy John Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Mc Ileavy John Lisadian Hillsborough Down Mc Ilroy William Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Mc Ilveen Joseph Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Intyre Anthony Lisadian Hillsborough Down Mc Kee Anthony Clogher Hillsborough Down Mc Kee Ellen Irwin's Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Kee Francis Clogher Hillsborough Down Mc Kee George Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Kee George Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Kee George Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Kee Henry Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Mc Kee John Bachelors Walk,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Kee Joseph Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mc Kee Rose Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Mc Kee William Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Kenlis William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mc Kenna William Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Keon Eliza Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Mc Keon James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mc Keon Joseph Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Mc Keon Rep. Mary Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mc Keon Robert Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Mc Keon Robert Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Keon Robert Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Keon William Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mc Keown William Lisadian Hillsborough Down Mc Kibben Margaret Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mc Kibben Robert Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Mc Kishan John Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Mc Master Samuel Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Mc Mullen Mary Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Nally Bernard Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mc Nally James Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mc Nally Jane Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Mc Nally John Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Mc Nally John Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mc Nally Robert Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mc Nally William Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Pherson Mary Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mc Philip Cornelius Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Mc Quaid Isabella Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mc Rory John Lisadian Hillsborough Down Mc Sherry Thomas Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Mc Veigh John Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Megaghy ??? Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Megahey Isabella The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Megahey James Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mercer Bernard Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mercer Bernard Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mercer James Lisadian Hillsborough Down Mercer John Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mercer John Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Mercer John Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mercer John Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mercer Michael Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mercer Richard Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mercer William Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Mercer William Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mercer William Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Mercer William Taughblane Hillsborough Down Mills Robert Clogher Hillsborough Down Moger Reuben Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Montgomery Charles Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Mooney Thomas Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Moore Eliza Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Moore John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Moore John Mc Clunes Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Moore Samuel Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Moore Thomas Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Morrison Anne Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Morrison Anthony Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Morrison Esther Cabragh Hillsborough Down Morrison James Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Morrison James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Morrison James Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Morrow Andrew Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Morrow George Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Morrow Hugh Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Morrow James Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Morrow Robert Cabragh Hillsborough Down Morrow William Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Mulholland Richard Cabragh Hillsborough Down Mulholland Sarah Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Mulligan Ellen Mc Clunes Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mulligan John Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mulligan John Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mulligan Samuel Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Murdock Robert Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Murdock Robert Taughblane Hillsborough Down Murphy Arthur Lisadian Hillsborough Down Murray Daniel Clogher Hillsborough Down Murray David Mc Clunes Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Murray Henry Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Murray Henry Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Murray James Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Murray Jane Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Murray John Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Murray John Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Murray Patrick Cabragh Hillsborough Down Murray Robert Meeting Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Murray Thomas Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Murray Thomas Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Murtagh John Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Mussenden William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Nash Charles F. Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Neill Arthur Reilly's Trench Hillsborough Down Neill Cornelius Lisadian Hillsborough Down Nelson Anne Cabragh Hillsborough Down Nelson John Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Nelson John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Nelson Moses Tullynore Hillsborough Down Nelson William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Newill James Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Norrett Edward Cabragh Hillsborough Down Norrett Robert Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Norwood Daniel Cabragh Hillsborough Down O'Hagan John Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down O'Rourke Henry Lisadian Hillsborough Down Orme Anne Maria Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Paisley Robert Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Parker John Lisadian Hillsborough Down Patterson Alexander Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Patterson Hugh Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Patterson Isaac Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Patterson James Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Patterson James Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Patterson James Tullynore Hillsborough Down Patterson Joseph Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Patterson Moses Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Patterson Robert Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Patterson Samuel Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Payne Hugh Cabragh Hillsborough Down Payne Michael Cabragh Hillsborough Down Philpot James Tullynore Hillsborough Down Philpott James Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Philpott James Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Prentice Samuel Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Prentice William Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Prentice William Clogher Hillsborough Down Prussia George Cabragh Hillsborough Down Pullison Catherine Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Quinn James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Quinn James, Jr. Cabragh Hillsborough Down Quinn Jane Cabragh Hillsborough Down Quinn Thomas Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Rainey James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Rainey William Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Rea James Blighs Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Reavy Daniel Taughblane Hillsborough Down Reed Alexander Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Reed Joseph Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Reed Robert Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Reed Thomas Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Reid David Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Reid Francis Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Reid James Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Reid John Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Rennyson James Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Rennyson James Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Rice Bernard Cabragh Hillsborough Down Rice Daniel Tullynore Hillsborough Down Rice Rose Cabragh Hillsborough Down Rielly Thomas Taughblane Hillsborough Down Roberts George Lisadian Hillsborough Down Robinson James Lisadian Hillsborough Down Robinson William Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Robinson William Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Rogan Charles Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Rogan Moses Tullynore Hillsborough Down Rogan Robert Reilly's Trench Hillsborough Down Rosborough George Barrack Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Rowan John Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Rush Alexander Cabragh Hillsborough Down Rush John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Sandes William Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Sandes William Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Sandford Herbert Taughblane Hillsborough Down Sands William Inns Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Sands William The Square,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Sanigear John Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Savage John Inns Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Scandrett Robert Lisadian Hillsborough Down Scandrett Thomas H. Lisadian Hillsborough Down Scott Henry Tullynore Hillsborough Down Scott James Bachelors Walk,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Scott James Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Scott John Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Scott Joseph Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Scott Joseph Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Scott Patrick Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Scott Richard Cabragh Hillsborough Down Scott Thomas Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Scott Thomas Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Scott William Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Scott William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Shaw James Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Sheels William Cabragh Hillsborough Down Short Hugh Cabragh Hillsborough Down Short James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Short John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Sinclair Alexander Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Sinclair James Lisadian Hillsborough Down Sinclair William Taughblane Hillsborough Down Smith Catherine Tullynore Hillsborough Down Smith Felix Tullynore Hillsborough Down Smith George Taughblane Hillsborough Down Smith James Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Smith James Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Smith Jeremiah Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Smith John Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Smith John Clogher Hillsborough Down Smith John, Jr. Clogher Hillsborough Down Smith Mary Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Smith Michael Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Smith Michael Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Smith Michael Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Smith Robert Clogher Hillsborough Down Smith Robert Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Smith Thomas Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Smith Thomas Taughblane Hillsborough Down Smith William Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Smith William Taughblane Hillsborough Down Smyley John Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Smyley Rose Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Smyth Joseph Reilly's Trench Hillsborough Down Smyth Robert Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Spence Ellen Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Spence Joseph Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Spence Matthew Cabragh Hillsborough Down Spence Michael Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Spratt John Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Spratt William Tullynore Hillsborough Down St. George Rev. Howard B. Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Stafford Thomas Lisadian Hillsborough Down Stafford Thomas Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Stalford Alexander Taughblane Hillsborough Down Stalford Joseph Taughblane Hillsborough Down Stalford Samuel Taughblane Hillsborough Down Stalford William Taughblane Hillsborough Down Stanfield Alexander Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Stanfield Andrew Taughblane Hillsborough Down Stanfield Arthur Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Stanfield Dickson Taughblane Hillsborough Down Stanfield James Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Stanfield James Lisadian Hillsborough Down Stanfield James Taughblane Hillsborough Down Stanfield John Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Stanfield Lucy Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Stanfield Richard Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Stanfield Robert Taughblane Hillsborough Down Stanfield Thomas Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Stanfield Thomas Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Stanfield Thomas Taughblane Hillsborough Down Stanfield William Taughblane Hillsborough Down Stanford William Lisadian Hillsborough Down Steele Alice Jane Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Steele James Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Sterett William Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Sterling Robert Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Sterling Thomas Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Sterling William Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Stewart James Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Stewart James Lamb's Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Stewart Robert Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Sturgeon George Tullynore Hillsborough Down Sutton Sarah Barrack Court,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Taite Arthur Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Taite John Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Taite John Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Taite Joseph Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Taite Moses Reilly's Trench Hillsborough Down Taite Samuel Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Taite Samuel Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Taylor James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Taylor John Cabragh Hillsborough Down Teague William E. Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Thompson Ellen Cabragh Hillsborough Down Thompson John Clogher Hillsborough Down Thompson John Tullynore Hillsborough Down Thompson Rowley Lisadian Hillsborough Down Thompson William Clogher Hillsborough Down Thornton Arthur Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Thornton John Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Thornton Joseph Edenticullo Hillsborough Down Thornton Philip Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Thornton William Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Tidderton John Meeting Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Titterington John Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Titterington Joseph Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Titterington Whitfield Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Titterington Whitfield Lisadian Hillsborough Down Titterington William Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Titterton James Blighs Lane,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Todd Margaret A. Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Tolerton Mary Cabragh Hillsborough Down Toner Edward Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Topping Joseph Taughblane Hillsborough Down Topping Solomon Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Topping William Taughblane Hillsborough Down Torman John Lisadian Hillsborough Down Towell William Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Traynor Rose Tullynore Hillsborough Down Trisham Andrew Clogher Hillsborough Down Turner George Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Turner John Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Turner John Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Turner John Lisadian Hillsborough Down Vaughan James A. Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Walker James Cabragh Hillsborough Down Walker John Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Walker John Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Walker Joshua Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Walker Samuel Cabragh Hillsborough Down Walker Susannah Cabragh Hillsborough Down Walker Thomas Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Walker William Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Walsh Halliday Lisadian Hillsborough Down Walsh Henry Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Walsh Henry, Jr. Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Walsh Isaac Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Walsh Jacob Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Walsh John Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Walsh John Lisadian Hillsborough Down Walsh John Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Walsh Sarah Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Wardaugh Mark Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Wardhaugh Mark Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Wardhaugh Mark Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Waters Sarah Wapping Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Waterworth James Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Waterworth John Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Waterworth Robert Cabragh Hillsborough Down Waterworth Thomas Cabragh Hillsborough Down Watson Richard Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Watson Samuel Aghandunvarran Hillsborough Down Weir Abraham Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Weir Thomas Lisburn Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Whateley John Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Whatley Rep. Thomas Hillsborough Hillsborough Down White George Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down White William Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Wilkinson Mary Park Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Wilkinson Sarah Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Wilson Gawn Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Wilson Isaac Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Wilson James Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Wilson James Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Wilson John Arthur Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Wilson John Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Wilson Mary Ballykeel Edenagonnell Hillsborough Down Wilson Richard Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Wilson Robert Ballyworfy Hillsborough Down Wilson William Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Wilson William Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Wilson William Magheradartin Hillsborough Down Woods James Ballyhomra Hillsborough Down Woods Jeremiah Corcreeny Hillsborough Down Woods Jeremiah Main Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Woods Jeremiah Taughblane Hillsborough Down Woods John Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down Woods John Lisadian Hillsborough Down Wright David Ballynahinch Street,Hillsborough Hillsborough Down Wright James Tullynore Hillsborough Down Wright Mary Drumatihugh Hillsborough Down Wright William Ballykeel Artifinny Hillsborough Down