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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Maghera, County Down
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Maghera, County Down
Agar Alexander Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Agar Alexander Carnacavill Maghera Down Agar Michael Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Agar Michael Carnacavill Maghera Down Alexander James Ballyginny Maghera Down Alexander James Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Alexander James, Sr. Ballyginny Maghera Down Alexander John Drumee Maghera Down Annesley Earl Tollymore Maghera Down Bannon Mary Ballyginny Maghera Down Barclay Anne Tollymore Maghera Down Barclay Henry Drumee Maghera Down Barclay John Ballyginny Maghera Down Barry Charles Tollymore Maghera Down Barry James Tollymore Maghera Down Barry William Murlough Upper Maghera Down Bayley William, Jr. Murlough Upper Maghera Down Bayley William, Sr. Murlough Upper Maghera Down Bell John Carnacavill Maghera Down Bell John Drumee Maghera Down Boden John Drumee Maghera Down Bradford Samuel Drumee Maghera Down Branagan William Drumee Maghera Down Brown James Ballyginny Maghera Down Burns Jno. Tollymore Maghera Down Burns John Tollymore Maghera Down Burns Michael Drumee Maghera Down Camlin William Tollymore Maghera Down Carlisle Thomas Ballyginny Maghera Down Casement John Ballyginny Maghera Down Caughey Jane Tollymore Maghera Down Caul Mary Drumee Maghera Down Clarke James Drumee Maghera Down Clendinn Hugh Carnacavill Maghera Down Coen Charles Drumee Maghera Down Coen Hugh Drumee Maghera Down Corlett Bridget Murlough Upper Maghera Down Corlett Henry Murlough Upper Maghera Down Cummins Elizabeth Drumee Maghera Down Cummins John Drumee Maghera Down Cunningham Margaret Murlough Upper Maghera Down Cunningham Margt. Murlough Upper Maghera Down Darby Patrick Drumee Maghera Down Davidson Robert Ballyginny Maghera Down De Spalier J. Tollymore Maghera Down Donnelly Bernard Drumee Maghera Down Donnelly John Drumee Maghera Down Donnelly Owen Drumee Maghera Down Doran James Ballyginny Maghera Down Doran John Tollymore Maghera Down Doran Thomas Drumee Maghera Down Douglas Alexander Murlough Upper Maghera Down Doyle Bernard Tollymore Maghera Down Doyle Eliza Drumee Maghera Down Doyle Jane Ballyginny Maghera Down Doyle Jane Drumee Maghera Down Duffin Rev. William Carnacavill Maghera Down Duffin Rev. William Tollymore Maghera Down Dunne Dominick Carnacavill Maghera Down Eakins James Ballyginny Maghera Down Eakins Robert Ballyginny Maghera Down Eakins Robert Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Edie John Ballyginny Maghera Down Egan James Drumee Maghera Down Ferguson James Murlough Upper Maghera Down Ferguson Mary Murlough Upper Maghera Down Ferguson Thomas Carnacavill Maghera Down Ferguson Thomas Murlough Upper Maghera Down Fisher John Ballyginny Maghera Down Fisher John Drumee Maghera Down Fitzpatrick Bernard Murlough Upper Maghera Down Fitzpatrick John Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Fitzpatrick Margaret Ballyginny Maghera Down Fitzpatrick Michael Drumee Maghera Down Fletcher William Murlough Upper Maghera Down Flynn Ellen Tollymore Maghera Down Forrester Matthew Murlough Upper Maghera Down Forsythe James Ballyginny Maghera Down Gracey Alexander Carnacavill Maghera Down Gracey James Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Graham James Murlough Upper Maghera Down Graham John Drumee Maghera Down Gray Robert Murlough Upper Maghera Down Gray William Ballyginny Maghera Down Greene Daniel Drumee Maghera Down Greene John Tollymore Maghera Down Greene Matthew Tollymore Maghera Down Greene Owen Tollymore Maghera Down Greene Thomas Drumee Maghera Down Greene William Murlough Upper Maghera Down Grennan William Ballyginny Maghera Down Grennan William Drumee Maghera Down Gribben William Ballyginny Maghera Down Gribben William Carnacavill Maghera Down Gribbin Wiliam Ballyginny Maghera Down Gribbin William Ballyginny Maghera Down Hackett William Tollymore Maghera Down Haliday Alexander Tollymore Maghera Down Hartley Jane Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Hawkins Edward Drumee Maghera Down Henry Patrick Ballyginny Maghera Down Henry Thomas Carnacavill Maghera Down Herron James Drumee Maghera Down Herron Jane Drumee Maghera Down Higgins William Drumee Maghera Down Hill Robert Murlough Upper Maghera Down Hogan John Ballyginny Maghera Down Holmes Charles Tollymore Maghera Down Holmes William Tollymore Maghera Down Hunter Edward Tollymore Maghera Down Hunter James Tollymore Maghera Down Hunter Margaret Tollymore Maghera Down Hunter Patrick Murlough Upper Maghera Down Hunter Patrick Tollymore Maghera Down Hyland Catherine Murlough Upper Maghera Down Hyland John Tollymore Maghera Down Hynes Luke Tollymore Maghera Down Johnson William Drumee Maghera Down Jordan John Carnacavill Maghera Down Jordan John Tollymore Maghera Down Jordan Michael, Jr. Tollymore Maghera Down Jordan Michael, Sr. Tollymore Maghera Down Jordan William Murlough Upper Maghera Down Jourdan John Drumee Maghera Down Kelly James Carnacavill Maghera Down Kelly Michael Tollymore Maghera Down Keown Isabella Tollymore Maghera Down Keown Richard Ballyginny Maghera Down Kernahan Alexander Carnacavill Maghera Down Kernahan James Carnacavill Maghera Down Kernahan Jane Carnacavill Maghera Down Kernahan Jane Drumee Maghera Down Killips Samuel Carnacavill Maghera Down Killips Samuel Drumee Maghera Down Kilpatrick John Drumee Maghera Down Kinaulty Bernard Drumee Maghera Down Kinulty Edward Drumee Maghera Down Kinulty John Drumee Maghera Down Kirk Samuel Carnacavill Maghera Down Kirk Samuel Drumee Maghera Down Law James Murlough Upper Maghera Down Law William, Jr. Murlough Upper Maghera Down Law William, Sr. Murlough Upper Maghera Down Lenahan William Murlough Upper Maghera Down Lindsay Andrew Ballyginny Maghera Down Lindsay Andrew Carnacavill Maghera Down Lindsay Andrew Drumee Maghera Down Loughlin Henry Murlough Upper Maghera Down Lowey Elizabeth Murlough Upper Maghera Down Lowey John Murlough Upper Maghera Down Lowey Robert Tollymore Maghera Down Macartan Mary Tollymore Maghera Down Macken John Murlough Upper Maghera Down Magee Hugh Ballyginny Maghera Down Magee Robert Ballyginny Maghera Down Magennis Daniel Drumee Maghera Down Magorian Peter Ballyginny Maghera Down Magrath Anne Tollymore Maghera Down Magrath Henry Tollymore Maghera Down Magrath Mary Tollymore Maghera Down Mahery James Drumee Maghera Down Mahood David Murlough Upper Maghera Down Marron John Drumee Maghera Down Martin Joseph Drumee Maghera Down Martin Mrs. ??? Murlough Upper Maghera Down Mason Robert Drumee Maghera Down Mason Thomas Drumee Maghera Down Mason William Drumee Maghera Down Mc Adam William Ballyginny Maghera Down Mc Adams James Ballyginny Maghera Down Mc Alinden Mary Murlough Upper Maghera Down Mc Alinden Mary Anne Murlough Upper Maghera Down Mc Anally Daniel Tollymore Maghera Down Mc Anally Henry Tollymore Maghera Down Mc Anally James Drumee Maghera Down Mc Anally John Carnacavill Maghera Down Mc Anally John Murlough Upper Maghera Down Mc Anally Patrick Murlough Upper Maghera Down Mc Anally Rose Drumee Maghera Down Mc Cartan Barclay Tollymore Maghera Down Mc Cartan Daniel Ballyginny Maghera Down Mc Cartan Daniel Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Mc Cartan Edward Tollymore Maghera Down Mc Cartan William Tollymore Maghera Down Mc Clean Catherine Drumee Maghera Down Mc Clean Francis Drumee Maghera Down Mc Clean Mary Drumee Maghera Down Mc Clelland William Tollymore Maghera Down Mc Combe John Ballyginny Maghera Down Mc Creanor John Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Mc Cullagh William Carnacavill Maghera Down Mc Cullagh William Drumee Maghera Down Mc Cullen Anne Jane Murlough Upper Maghera Down Mc Gorian James Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Mc Gorian John Drumee Maghera Down Mc Gorian Patrick Ballyginny Maghera Down Mc Grath John Drumee Maghera Down Mc Henry James Drumee Maghera Down Mc Henry Patrick Ballyginny Maghera Down Mc Ilroy Patrick Ballyginny Maghera Down Mc Ilroy Patrick Drumee Maghera Down Mc Kane Phelim Ballyginny Maghera Down Mc Kinney John Ballyginny Maghera Down Mc Knight Andrew Carnacavill Maghera Down Mc Knight Andrew Drumee Maghera Down Mc Knight James Ballyginny Maghera Down Mc Knight Jno. Carnacavill Maghera Down Mc Knight John Carnacavill Maghera Down Mc Knight John Murlough Upper Maghera Down Mc Knight John, Jr. Carnacavill Maghera Down Mc Knight John, Jr. Drumee Maghera Down Mc Knight John, Sr. Drumee Maghera Down Mc Knight Joseph Carnacavill Maghera Down Mc Knight Joseph Drumee Maghera Down Mc Knight Mary Carnacavill Maghera Down Mc Knight Mary Drumee Maghera Down Mc Knight Thomas Carnacavill Maghera Down Mc Knight Thomas Murlough Upper Maghera Down Mc Mullen James Drumee Maghera Down Mc Mullen John Ballyginny Maghera Down Mc Mullen William Ballyginny Maghera Down Moore George Drumee Maghera Down Moore James Drumee Maghera Down Moore Rev. John Tollymore Maghera Down Morgan James Ballyginny Maghera Down Morgan Michael Murlough Upper Maghera Down Morgan Stephen Drumee Maghera Down Mulligan George Murlough Upper Maghera Down Mulligan George Tollymore Maghera Down Murnin Peter Ballyginny Maghera Down Murray Patrick Drumee Maghera Down Murtagh William Carnacavill Maghera Down Nelson Hugh Drumee Maghera Down Newsom James Ballyginny Maghera Down Newsom John Ballyginny Maghera Down Nillis Robert Murlough Upper Maghera Down Nurse James Drumee Maghera Down O'Flinn Daniel Ballyloughlin Maghera Down O'Flinn Daniel Tollymore Maghera Down O'Hare Arthur Drumee Maghera Down O'Hare Eliza Ballyginny Maghera Down O'Neill Rose Drumee Maghera Down Oprey Henry Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Parker Henry Tollymore Maghera Down Porter Thomas Drumee Maghera Down Quinn Patrick Tollymore Maghera Down Quinn Susan Tollymore Maghera Down Ranshan Henry Ballyginny Maghera Down Rice Daniel Drumee Maghera Down Rice Michael Drumee Maghera Down Rice Owen Drumee Maghera Down Rice Patrick Murlough Upper Maghera Down Robinson John Ballyginny Maghera Down Roden ??? Tollymore Maghera Down Rogers Anne Drumee Maghera Down Rogers Charles Murlough Upper Maghera Down Rooney Ellen Murlough Upper Maghera Down Rooney James Ballyginny Maghera Down Rooney John Drumee Maghera Down Rooney Sarah Carnacavill Maghera Down Rooney William Drumee Maghera Down Rooney William Tollymore Maghera Down Rooney William, Sr. Murlough Upper Maghera Down Russell Hartless Tollymore Maghera Down Russell Hugh Ballyginny Maghera Down Russell Robert Tollymore Maghera Down Saul William Tollymore Maghera Down Savage John Tollymore Maghera Down Sawey James Drumee Maghera Down Sawey Thomas Drumee Maghera Down Scott James Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Scott Thomas Tollymore Maghera Down Small Elizabeth Carnacavill Maghera Down Small Lawrence Murlough Upper Maghera Down Smith Charles Carnacavill Maghera Down Smith Charles Drumee Maghera Down Smith Rev. Samuel Tollymore Maghera Down Smith Robert Carnacavill Maghera Down Smith William Carnacavill Maghera Down Smith William Drumee Maghera Down Spires Henry Ballyginny Maghera Down Spires Henry Drumee Maghera Down Spires John Murlough Upper Maghera Down Steenson Adam Drumee Maghera Down Stein Rev. James Murlough Upper Maghera Down Sterling Michael Murlough Upper Maghera Down Sterling Patrick Murlough Upper Maghera Down Stevenson Adam Carnacavill Maghera Down Stockdale Eliza Carnacavill Maghera Down Strain Isaac Ballyginny Maghera Down Taylor Robert Murlough Upper Maghera Down Thompson James Drumee Maghera Down Thompson John Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Thompson Leslie Carnacavill Maghera Down Thornton Robert Murlough Upper Maghera Down Toner Francis Tollymore Maghera Down Toner James Murlough Upper Maghera Down Toner John Drumee Maghera Down Toner Mary Ballyginny Maghera Down Toner Thomas Drumee Maghera Down Torrens Mary Drumee Maghera Down Tumilty Alice Ballyginny Maghera Down Tumilty James Ballyginny Maghera Down Tumilty James Drumee Maghera Down Tumilty John Drumee Maghera Down Turner William Ballyginny Maghera Down Wallace John Drumee Maghera Down Walsh Christopher Drumee Maghera Down Walsh James Drumee Maghera Down Ward Grace Ballyginny Maghera Down Waterson James Ballyloughlin Maghera Down Wilson Mary Ballyginny Maghera Down Wray Jackson Tollymore Maghera Down