Fáilte Romhat
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Abbott John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Abbott John Vicar Street St. Catherines Dublin Adams Patrick Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Adley Thomas Belview St. Catherines Dublin Alexander Joseph Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Allen Denis Belview St. Catherines Dublin Allen John Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Anderson Nicholas School Street St. Catherines Dublin Anderson Thomas Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Anderson Thomas Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Anderson Thos. New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Andrews Jane Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Anthony Mrs. Cath. Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Armstrong David Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Armstrong John Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Armstrong John Haroldscross Parnell Place Upper St. Catherines Dublin Arthurs Cornelius Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Arthurs Cornelius Summer Street St. Catherines Dublin Bagnell John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Bagnell Robert Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Bagnell Thomas Vicar Street St. Catherines Dublin Bailey ??? Catherine Street St. Catherines Dublin Bailey ??? Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Bailey William Vicar Street St. Catherines Dublin Baker ??? New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Baker ??? Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Balfe Matthew Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Banahan James Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Barbage Margaret Haroldscross Parnell Place Upper St. Catherines Dublin Barnes Joseph Roper's Rest. St. Catherines Dublin Barnwell Patrick Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Barry David Wellington Place St. Catherines Dublin Barry Michael Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Barry Michael Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Barry William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Bates Peter Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Beahan Thomas Market Street St. Catherines Dublin Beardwood William H. Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Beckett James Ormond Street St. Catherines Dublin Beckett James Weaver's Square St. Catherines Dublin Beckett William Ormond Street St. Catherines Dublin Bell Julia Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Bell Walter Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Benmohel Rosanna New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Bennett Richard Haroldscross Bergin Place St. Catherines Dublin Benson Henry Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Benson Thomas Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Benson Thos. Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Benson William Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Bentley John Haroldscross Haroldscross St. Mary's St. Catherines Dublin Bergin John Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Bergin Patrick Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Bermingham Catherine Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Bermingham Edw. Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Bermingham Edward Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Bermingham Walter Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Birch Eland John's Street, West St. Catherines Dublin Birney Anne Bonhan Street St. Catherines Dublin Birney Mary Anne Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Birney Rep. Jas. Cole's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Birney Rep. Jas. Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Bishop Samuel Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Blackburn William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Bohn John Marshalsea Lane St. Catherines Dublin Bolan John Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Boland Susan Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Bouchier ??? Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Boulger Michael Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Bourne James Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Boyce Andrew Sterling Street St. Catherines Dublin Boyd Edward Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Boyd Walter Canal Bank St. Catherines Dublin Boylan William Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Bradley Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Brady Patrick Meeting House Yard St. Catherines Dublin Brady Thomas Canal Harbour St. Catherines Dublin Brady William Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Branigan William Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Brennan James Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Breslin ??? Bonhan Street St. Catherines Dublin Bridewell Richmond Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Brodie John B., Esq. Haroldscross Parnell Place Upper St. Catherines Dublin Brophy John Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Brophy Michael John's Lane, Lower St. Catherines Dublin Brophy Michael John's Street, West St. Catherines Dublin Brophy Michl. John's Lane, Lower St. Catherines Dublin Brophy William Molyneaux Yard St. Catherines Dublin Brophy William Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Brown Joseph Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Browne Henry Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Browne James Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Bruce Charles Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Bryan David Thomas Court, Bawn St. Catherines Dublin Bryan Michael Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Bulfin Patrick Molyneaux Yard St. Catherines Dublin Bulfin Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Bullock Edward Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Burgess John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Burke James Tripoli St. Catherines Dublin Burke Michael Belview St. Catherines Dublin Burke Michael Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Burke Walter Francis Street St. Catherines Dublin Burke William Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Burkett James Haroldscross Parnell Place, Lower St. Catherines Dublin Burn James Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Burns John Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Burton John Brickfield Lane St. Catherines Dublin Busby John Roper's Rest. St. Catherines Dublin Busby John Ward's Hill St. Catherines Dublin Bushell James Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Butler Edward John's Lane, Lower St. Catherines Dublin Butler James Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Butler Joseph Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Butler Mary Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Butler Michael Ward's Hill St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Andrew Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Anne Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Anne Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Bridget Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Christopher Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Denis Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Denis Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Elias Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Elizabeth Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Byrne James Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Byrne James Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Byrne James Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Byrne James Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Byrne James Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Byrne James Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Byrne John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Laurence Brickfield Lane St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Laurence Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Loftus Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Mary Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Michael Cole Alley St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Michael Cole's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Mrs. ??? Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Mrs. Elizabeth Argos St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Patrick Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Patrick Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Patrick Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Peter Bonhan Street St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Peter Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Sarah Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Thomas Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Byrne Thos. Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Caffrey John Summer Street St. Catherines Dublin Cahill Bernard Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Cahill Catherine Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Cahill John Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Cahill Peter Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Callaghan John Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Callaghan John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Callaghan John Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Callaghan Patrick J. Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Callon Thomas Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Campbell James Newport Street St. Catherines Dublin Campbell John Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Campbell Patrick Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Campbell Thomas Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Cananan Joseph Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Canavan Joseph Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Cannon Edward Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Cannon John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Carey ??? Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Carolan Thadeus Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Carpenter Thomas Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Carpenter Thomas Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Carr Peter Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Carroll Edward Haroldscross St. Catherines Dublin Carroll Garrett Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Carroll John Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Carroll John Thomas Court, Bawn St. Catherines Dublin Carroll John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Carroll Mary Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Carroll Mary Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Carroll Patrick Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Carroll Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Carroll Patrick Ward's Hill St. Catherines Dublin Carter John Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Carthy James Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Carthy Patrick Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Cass Joseph Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Cassidy Matthew Ormond Street St. Catherines Dublin Cathenell John Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Caulfield E. T. Marshalsea Lane St. Catherines Dublin Caulfield Michael Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Caulfield Terence Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Cavanagh John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Chapman Anne Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Chayter Joshua M. Belview St. Catherines Dublin Clarke Garrett Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Clarke Laurence Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Clarke Patrick Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Clarke Patrick Cross Stick Alley St. Catherines Dublin Clarke Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Clarke Thomas Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Clarke William Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Cleary Patrick Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Cleary Patrick Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Cleary Thomas Bonhan Street St. Catherines Dublin Clegg Richard Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Clegg Robert Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Cleman James Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Clements William Summer Street St. Catherines Dublin Clifford Michael Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Clifford Mrs. Mary Haroldscross Haroldscross St. Mary's St. Catherines Dublin Cluffe George Weaver's Square St. Catherines Dublin Clyons John Pim Street St. Catherines Dublin Coccoran Margaret Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Code John Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Cody Richard Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Coghlan Anne Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Colclough John Cole's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Coleman John Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Colgan Catherine Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Colgan James Bond Street St. Catherines Dublin Colgan James Canal Place, South St. Catherines Dublin Colgan James Newport Street St. Catherines Dublin Collier Mary Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Colligan Patrick Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Collins James Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Collins John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Collins Mary Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Collins Thomas Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Comerford Patrick Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Comerford Thomas Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Condron Anne Belview St. Catherines Dublin Connell Daniel Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Connell John Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Connelly John Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Connolly ??? Cole Alley St. Catherines Dublin Connolly Caleb Cutpurse Row St. Catherines Dublin Connolly Christopher Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Connolly Christr. Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Connolly James Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Connolly John Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Connolly John Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Connolly Walter Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Connor Henry Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Connor John Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Connor Patrick Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Connor Patrick Marshalsea Lane St. Catherines Dublin Connor Patrick Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Connor Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Connor Ralph Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Connor Thomas Pimlico St. Catherines Dublin Connor Thomas Ward's Hill St. Catherines Dublin Connor Thos. Cole Alley St. Catherines Dublin Connor Timothy Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Conroy Thomas John Street (Pimilco) St. Catherines Dublin Coogan ??? Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Cooke Bernard Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Cooke William Haroldscross Parnell Place Upper St. Catherines Dublin Cooney James Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Cooney Joseph New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Cooper Thomas Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Copeland Samuel Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Corballis Patrick Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Corballis Thomas Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Corcoran James P. Canal Place, South St. Catherines Dublin Corcoran William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Corkoran James Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Corkoran James Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Corkoran William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Corrigan Nathaniel Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Corrigan Patrick Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Costello Edward Haroldscross St. Catherines Dublin Costelloe John Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Courtenay Wm Ormond Street St. Catherines Dublin Courtenay Wm. Ormond Street St. Catherines Dublin Courtney William Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Coyle Bernard Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Craig Oliver John's Lane, Lower St. Catherines Dublin Craig Oliver New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Cramer Patrick Cross Stick Alley St. Catherines Dublin Creeth John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Crosthwaite Thomas Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Cuffe Peter Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Cullen Andrew Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Cullen Denis Ward's Hill St. Catherines Dublin Cullen Edward Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Cullen Michael Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Cullen Ml. Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Cullen Phiip Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Cumming James Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Cummins Patrick Cole Alley St. Catherines Dublin Cunningham Hugh Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Cunningham Thomas John Street (Pimilco) St. Catherines Dublin Curran Mary Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Curran Michael Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Curtin Patrick Canal Place, North St. Catherines Dublin Curtin Patrick Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Curtin Patrick Cole Alley St. Catherines Dublin Curtin Patrick Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Curtin Patrick Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Curtin Patrick Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Curtin Patrick Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Curtin Patrick Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Curtin Patrick Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Cushin John Belview St. Catherines Dublin D'Arcy John Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Dalton James Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Dalton Michael Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Dalton Michael Mullinahack St. Catherines Dublin Dalton Samuel Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Daly Denis Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Daly John Canal Harbour St. Catherines Dublin Daly Thomas Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Daniel James Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Daniel Thomas Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Darby Thomas Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Dargan Michael New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Davenport Samuel Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Davis Michael Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Davis Michael Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Davis Michael Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Davis Michael Ormond Street St. Catherines Dublin Davis Michael Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Davis Rachel Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Davis Richard Belview St. Catherines Dublin Davis Richard Canal Harbour St. Catherines Dublin Davis Richard Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Davis Thomas Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Davis William Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Day Rep. Pat. Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Day Rep. Patrick Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Deegan John Canal Place, North St. Catherines Dublin Deegan John Canal Place, South St. Catherines Dublin Delany Esther Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Delany Felix Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Delany William Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Dempsey C. Canal Place, South St. Catherines Dublin Dempsey Christopher Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Dempsey J. Canal Place, South St. Catherines Dublin Dempsey Patrick Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Dennan Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Derham Catherine New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Deverell Johnathan Bonhan Street St. Catherines Dublin Devine James Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Dibel Christopher Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Dillon John Wellington Place St. Catherines Dublin Dillon Owen Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Dolan John Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Dolan Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Domacan Anne New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Donnelly Esther Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Donnelly Henry Newport Street St. Catherines Dublin Donner John Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Donohoe Ellen Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Donohoe Ellen Thomas Court, Bawn St. Catherines Dublin Donohoe James Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Donohoe John Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Donohoe Julia Pim Street St. Catherines Dublin Donohoe Mary Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Donohoe Michael Canal Place, East St. Catherines Dublin Donovan Thomas Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Doolin James Ward's Hill St. Catherines Dublin Doolin John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Dooly James Market Street St. Catherines Dublin Dooly James Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Dooner John Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Dooner John Newport Street St. Catherines Dublin Dooner John Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Doorly Walter Francis Street St. Catherines Dublin Doorly Walter Molyneaux Yard St. Catherines Dublin Doran Thomas Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Dorrington William Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Dowdall Patrick Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Dowling Martha Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Dowling Thomas Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Downes James Bonhan Street St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Chris. Molyneaux Yard St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Christopher Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Christopher Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Christr. Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Elizabeth Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Francis Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Doyle James Belview St. Catherines Dublin Doyle James Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Doyle James Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Doyle John Pim Street St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Lawrence Meeting House Yard St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Michael Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Michael Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Moses Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Patrick Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Patrick Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Patrick Summer Street St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Peter Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Doyle Thomas Roper's Rest. St. Catherines Dublin Draper John John's Street, West St. Catherines Dublin Draper John New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Dry James Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Duffy Bernard Belview St. Catherines Dublin Duffy Malachy Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Duffy Matthew Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Duffy Philip Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Duffy Wm. Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Dunn Mary New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Christopher Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Daniel Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Edward Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Dunne James Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Dunne James Summer Street St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Maria Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Mark Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Mary Canal Place, East St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Matthew Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Michael Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Michael Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Patrick Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Patrick Pim Street St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Patrick Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Peter Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Thomas Canal Harbour St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Thomas Haroldscross Haroldscross St. Mary's St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Thomas Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Dunne Walter Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Dunnel Thomas Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Dunnil ??? Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Dunphy Edward Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Dwyer Edward Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Dwyer Edward Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Dwyer John Sterling Street St. Catherines Dublin Dwyer Owen Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Dynan Patrick New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Early John John's Lane, Upper St. Catherines Dublin Early John Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Early John Molyneaux Yard St. Catherines Dublin Early John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Early Thomas Molyneaux Yard St. Catherines Dublin Eaton Benjamin Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Eaves Rebecca Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Egan John Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Egerton John New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Elliott John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Elliott John Vicar Street St. Catherines Dublin English ??? Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Ennis Catherine Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Ennis Margaret Plunket Street St. Catherines Dublin Ennis Thomas Belview St. Catherines Dublin Ennis Thomas Canal Place, North St. Catherines Dublin Ennis William Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Eustace Jas. Weaver's Square St. Catherines Dublin Eustace Rep. Andrew Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Eustace Rep. Andrew Summer Street St. Catherines Dublin Eustace Richard New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Eustace Richard Weaver's Square St. Catherines Dublin Evans William C. Francis Street St. Catherines Dublin Fagan Francis Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Fagan James Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Fagan Michael Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Fairbrother Samuel Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Fairbrother William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Fairbrother William Ormond Street St. Catherines Dublin Fairbrother William Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Falls James Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Fannan Joseph Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Fannen John Cole Alley St. Catherines Dublin Farrell ??? Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Farrell Anne Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Farrell Edw. Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Farrell Edward Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Farrell Edward Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Farrell Hugh Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Farrell James Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Farrell Loftus Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Farrell Margaret Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Farrell Margaret Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Farrelly Anne Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Farrelly Thomas Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Farringdon John Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Fay Thomas Belview St. Catherines Dublin Feely ??? Belview St. Catherines Dublin Feely ??? Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Feely John Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Ferguson Robt. Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Field Mary Anne Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Field Richard Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Field William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Finlay Geo W., Esq. Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Finlay John Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Finlay Robert Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Finn Patrick Summer Street St. Catherines Dublin Fitzgerald Rose Newport Street St. Catherines Dublin Fitzharris William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Fitzpatrick Joseph Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Fitzpatrick Mary Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Fitzpatrick Thomas Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Fitzpatrick William Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Fitzsimon James Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Fitzsimon James Canal Harbour St. Catherines Dublin Fitzsimon Laur. Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Fitzsimon Laurence Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Fitzsimon Laurence Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Flanagan Bridget Belview St. Catherines Dublin Flint Frederick Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Flint Martha Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Flood William Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Floyd John Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Flynn Patrick John's Street, West St. Catherines Dublin Flynn Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Foley Francis Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Foley Patrick Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Foley Peter Marshalsea Lane St. Catherines Dublin Foran James Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Foran Mary Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Foran Patrick Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Ford James Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Forsman Saml. Sterling Street St. Catherines Dublin Forsman Samuel Sterling Street St. Catherines Dublin Forster John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Fottrell Edward Bond Street St. Catherines Dublin Fowler Peter Francis Street St. Catherines Dublin Fox George Pim Street St. Catherines Dublin Franklin James Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Frayne Catherine Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Free Anne Roper's Rest. St. Catherines Dublin French Edward Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin French Nich. Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin French Nicholas Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin French Nicholas Vicar Street St. Catherines Dublin Fulham John Vicar Street St. Catherines Dublin Gallagher Rose Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Garratt Joseph Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Gavacan Patrick Pim Street St. Catherines Dublin Gavan Mary Anne Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Gavan Michael Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Gaynor Patrick Mullinahack St. Catherines Dublin Gaynor Richard Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Geale William Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Gibbs John, Esq. Haroldscross Parnell Place Upper St. Catherines Dublin Gilbert John Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Gilligan Patrick Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Glynn John Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Glynn Joseph Belview St. Catherines Dublin Gordon Alexander Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Gordon John Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Gore James Molyneaux Yard St. Catherines Dublin Gore James Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Gorman Anne Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Gorman James Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Gory John Canal Harbour St. Catherines Dublin Gough Christopher Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Gough Thomas Newport Street St. Catherines Dublin Grace Patrick Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Grace Thomas Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Grady Mary Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Graham Charles Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Graham George Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Graham John Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Graham Thomas Ormond Street St. Catherines Dublin Graham Thomas Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Graham Thos. Ormond Street St. Catherines Dublin Grattan Eleanor Molyneaux Yard St. Catherines Dublin Grattan Eleanor Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Gray Richard Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Greame ??? Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Green Patrick Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Greene James Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Greene John Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Grey Philip Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Gribbin Arthur Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Grome Frederick Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Groom Anne Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Groves Mary Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Guinness Arthur Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Guinness Arthur Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Hackett John Newport Street St. Catherines Dublin Hackett John Pim Street St. Catherines Dublin Hackett William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Hall Benjamin Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Hall Robert Thomas Court, Bawn St. Catherines Dublin Hall Stephen Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Hallahan Thomas Weaver's Square St. Catherines Dublin Hallahan Thos. Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Halligan Daniel Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Hallion Thomas Belview St. Catherines Dublin Hallion Thomas Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Halloran Thomas Wellington Place St. Catherines Dublin Halpin Jeremiah Pim Street St. Catherines Dublin Halpin Martin Belview St. Catherines Dublin Haly Peter Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Hamilton Catherine Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Hamilton George J. Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Hamilton John Belview St. Catherines Dublin Hamilton Joseph Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Hamilton Joseph Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Hamilton Patrick Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Hanaphy John Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Hanbidge Laurence Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Hanley Laurence Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Hanlon James Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Hanlon John Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Hanlon Peter Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Hannan William Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Hannigan ??? Cross Stick Alley St. Catherines Dublin Hannigan Thomas Weaver's Square St. Catherines Dublin Harborne Thomas Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Hare Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Harmon Laurence Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Harrick Stephen Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Harris Joseph, Esq. Haroldscross Parnell Place Upper St. Catherines Dublin Harrison Joseph Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Harrison William Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Harrold Nicholas Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Hart James Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Harte James Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Hartford Bibby Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Hastings Avis Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Hatton Patrick Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Hawkins ??? Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Hawkshaw Mrs. ??? Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Hay Alexander Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Hayden James Sterling Street St. Catherines Dublin Hayden Mrs. ??? Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Hayes Mary Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Hayes Robert Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Hays Daniel Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Headech William Canal Harbour St. Catherines Dublin Healy John Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Healy John Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Healy Samuel Canal Harbour St. Catherines Dublin Healy Thomas Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Healy William Canal Bank St. Catherines Dublin Heane William Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Heffernan Thomas Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Henderson George Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Hendley Jane Weaver's Square St. Catherines Dublin Hendrick John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Hendrie Hugh Roper's Rest. St. Catherines Dublin Hennessey Anne Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Hennessy Owen Cole's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Henzell William Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Hepburne David Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Hevey John Meeting House Yard St. Catherines Dublin Hickey John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Hickey Thomas Roper's Rest. St. Catherines Dublin Hicks Christiana Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Higginbotham William Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Higgins James Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Hill Richard Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Hill Richard R. Cutpurse Row St. Catherines Dublin Hillans Samuel New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Hincks John Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Hoan J. Shirley Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Hoey James Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Hoey Thomas New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Hogan Henry Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Hogg John New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Hogg Joseph Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Holdright Edward Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Homan Thomas Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Hopkins Benjamin Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Hopkins Benjamin Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Hopkins Philip Mullinahack St. Catherines Dublin Hopkins William Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Horner John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Howell William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Huband Geo. Market Street St. Catherines Dublin Huband George Canal Place, North St. Catherines Dublin Hughes Stephen New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Hunt John Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Hunt Rep. Thomas Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Hutchinson Hugh Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Hyland George Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Hyland John Newport Street St. Catherines Dublin Jackson Robert Haroldscross Parnell Place Upper St. Catherines Dublin Jam John Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Jameson John Canal Place, South St. Catherines Dublin Jameson John Newport Street St. Catherines Dublin Jamesons ??? Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Jamesons ??? Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Jennett James Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Johnson Francis Haroldscross Parnell Place Upper St. Catherines Dublin Johnson Thomas Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Johnston ??? Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Johnston Anne Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Johnston Eliza Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Jones William Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Kane John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Kane Richard Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kane Rosanna Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Kavanagh ??? Bond Street St. Catherines Dublin Kavanagh Garrett John Street (Pimilco) St. Catherines Dublin Kavanagh Garrett Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Kavanagh James Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Kavanagh James Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Kavanagh Mary Canal Place, East St. Catherines Dublin Kavanagh Mary Market Street St. Catherines Dublin Kavanagh Mary Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kavanagh Mary Pim Street St. Catherines Dublin Kavanagh Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Kean Alice Newport Street St. Catherines Dublin Kean Michael Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Keane John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Kearney Eliza Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kearney James Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kearney Julia Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Kearney Michael Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Kearney Mrs. ??? Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kearney Patrick Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Kearney Peter Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kearns Mary Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Keaten James Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Keating Bridget Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Keating James Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Keating Mary Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Keating Michael Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Keegan Francis New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Keegan Michael Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Keegan Owen Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Keegan Peter Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Keegan Wm. Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Keely Bartholomew Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Keely Michael Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Keenan Samuel Brickfield Lane St. Catherines Dublin Keenan Thomas Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Kelly Andrew Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kelly Christopher Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Kelly Edward Molyneaux Yard St. Catherines Dublin Kelly Esther Cole Alley St. Catherines Dublin Kelly Henry Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Kelly James Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Kelly James Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Kelly James Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Kelly James Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Kelly John Canal Place, East St. Catherines Dublin Kelly John Canal Place, South St. Catherines Dublin Kelly John Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Kelly John Market Street St. Catherines Dublin Kelly John Swift's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Kelly Lawrence Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kelly Luke Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Kelly Martin Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Kelly Matthew Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Kelly Patrick Summer Street St. Catherines Dublin Kelly Patrick Weaver's Square St. Catherines Dublin Kelly Thomas Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Kemp Richard Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Kenna Rep. Martin Brickfield Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kenna Thomas Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Kenna Thomas Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Kenna Thomas Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kenna Thomas Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kennedy William Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Kenny Anne Swift's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Kenny Bryan Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Kenny James Belview St. Catherines Dublin Kenny James Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kenny James Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kenny Michael Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Kenny Patrick Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Keogh John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Kiernan Thomas Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Killingley James H. Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Killingley Thomas H. Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin King Hugh Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Kinsella Laurence Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Kirkpatrick James Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Kirkpatrick William Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Kirwan Cornelius Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Kirwan Michael Belview St. Catherines Dublin Kirwan Michael Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Kirwan Nicholas Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Kirwin Cornelius Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Kisby William Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Knowles Richard Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Lacey Edward Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Lacy Francis Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Lamb ??? Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Lamb Edward Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Lamb James Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Landy Catherine Bonhan Street St. Catherines Dublin Larkin Daniel Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Launders Chas. Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Leadbetter John E. Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Leahy Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Ledsam Amelia Haroldscross Bergin Place St. Catherines Dublin Ledwich Patrick Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Ledwidge Michael Meeting House Yard St. Catherines Dublin Ledwidge Michl. Meeting House Yard St. Catherines Dublin Lee Patrick Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Leech Thomas Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Lenehan John Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Lenehan John Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Lenehan Mich. Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Lenehan Michael Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Lenehan Michael Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Lenehan Michl. Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Lennon John Haroldscross St. Catherines Dublin Leonard Susan Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Lewis John Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Little Owen Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Litton Thomas Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Litton Thomas Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Litton Thomas Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Litton Thomas Ormond Street St. Catherines Dublin Lloyd Rep. Rt. Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Londregan John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Lothian James Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Loughrey Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Louth Mary Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Loveth James Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Lucas Jane Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Lynam John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Lynch Bartholomew Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Lynch Patrick Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Lynch Peter John Street (Pimilco) St. Catherines Dublin Lynch Philip Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Lynch Thomas Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Macklin Alexander Bond Street St. Catherines Dublin Macready Edward Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Madden James Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Madden John Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Madden Thomas Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Magee John Mullinahack St. Catherines Dublin Magee Mary Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Maginnis William Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Magrane Patrick Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Magrath ??? New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Magrath Jane Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Magrath Michael Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Maguire Hugh Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Maguire Hugh Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Maher Edward Canal Place, East St. Catherines Dublin Mahon Peter Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Malone Farrell Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Malone William Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Marlow Martha Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Marshall John Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Martin John Plunket Street St. Catherines Dublin Martin Johnathan Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Martin Thomas Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Matthews Cassan Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Maycock James Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Bride Charles Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Cann Daniel Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Cann John Vicar Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Carthy Patrick Roper's Rest. St. Catherines Dublin Mc Clinch Joseph Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Cormack Thomas Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Mc Cready Edward Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Dermott John Meeting House Yard St. Catherines Dublin Mc Dermott Mary Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Dermott Michael Brickfield Lane St. Catherines Dublin Mc Donald John Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Mc Donnell Edward New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Mc Donnell Elizabeth Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Donnell Jn. Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Donnell John John Street (Pimilco) St. Catherines Dublin Mc Donnell John Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Mc Donnell Michael Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Donnell Michael Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Mc Donnell Peter New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Mc Donnell Thomas John's Street, West St. Catherines Dublin Mc Evoy Nicholas Meeting House Yard St. Catherines Dublin Mc Gann John Newport Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Gouran Esther Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Gouran Margaret Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Govern Charles Catherine St. St. Catherines Dublin Mc Govern Margaret Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Mc Grane Miles Tripoll St. Catherines Dublin Mc Grane Patrick Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Mc Grath John Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Mc Guinness Christopher Belview St. Catherines Dublin Mc Guire Jas. Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Mc Guirk Andrew Cross Stick Alley St. Catherines Dublin Mc Intyre Mary Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Kaigue James Haroldscross St. Catherines Dublin Mc Kee James Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Kenna Arthur Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Kenna Jane Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Kenzie Sarah Wellington Place St. Catherines Dublin Mc Lean William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Lennan John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Loughlin James John's Lane, Lower St. Catherines Dublin Mc Loughlin Robert Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Mahon James Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Mc Manus James Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Mc Michael John Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Meadows William Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Meadows Wm. Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Mee John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Meehan Anne Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Meehan Charles Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Meehan Daniel Bonhan Street St. Catherines Dublin Might Thomas Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Millar Adam Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Mills John V. Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Mitchell Isaac Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Molloy Elizabeth Meeting House Yard St. Catherines Dublin Molloy Patrick Swift's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Molloy Robert Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Molloy Thomas Roper's Rest. St. Catherines Dublin Monahan John Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Monks Catherine Swift's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Monks Patrick Swift's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Monks Rep. Charles Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Monks Richard Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Montgormery James Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Mooney Christ. Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Mooney Christopher Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Mooney Christr. Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Mooney Christr. Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Mooney Denis Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Mooney John Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Mooney Peter Cole Alley St. Catherines Dublin Mooney Peter Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Moore Edward Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Moore Edwd. Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Moore John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Moore William Bond Street St. Catherines Dublin Moorhouse Charles Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Moorhouse Chas. Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Moran Daniel Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Moran Ellen Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Moran John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Moran John Cutpurse Row St. Catherines Dublin Moran John Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Moran Joseph Cutpurse Row St. Catherines Dublin Moran Robert Cutpurse Row St. Catherines Dublin Moran Thomas Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Moran William Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Morrin Mary Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Morrin Stephen Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Morris James Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Morrison John Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Morrisson A. W. Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Morrisson Richard Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Mowatt Wm. New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Mowles John Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Mowles P. Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Mowles Peter Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Moylan Denis John's Street, West St. Catherines Dublin Mulalley Peter Pim Street St. Catherines Dublin Mulally John Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Mulhall Patrick Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Mullen Joseph Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Andrew Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Arthur Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Catherine Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Charles Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Edward Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Ellen New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Murphy James Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Murphy James Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Murphy John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Murphy John Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Murphy John Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Murphy John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Julia Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Michael Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Miss ??? Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Patrick John's Lane, Lower St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Patrick Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Peter Brickfield Lane St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Richard Belview St. Catherines Dublin Murphy Thomas Pim Street St. Catherines Dublin Murphy William Haroldscross St. Catherines Dublin Murran James Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Murray Christopher Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Murray Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Murtha John Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Murtha Michael Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Nash Llewellyn Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Navin Patrick Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Navin Peter Thomas Court, Bawn St. Catherines Dublin Neary Henry Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Neill ??? John Street (Pimilco) St. Catherines Dublin Neill Edward Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Nesfield William Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Newton Augustin Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Nicholson Thomas Tripoli St. Catherines Dublin Nicholson Thos. Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Nixon James Haroldscross Parnell Place Upper St. Catherines Dublin Nolan Denis Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Nolan Mary Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Nolan Michael Vicar Street St. Catherines Dublin Norton John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Nowlan Edward Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Nowlan James Summer Street St. Catherines Dublin Nowlan John Catherine Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Brien Edward Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Brien Thomas Ward's Hill St. Catherines Dublin O'Brien Timothy Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Connor Arth. Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin O'Connor Arthur Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin O'Connor Arthur Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Connor James Newport Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Connor Michael Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Farrell Edw. New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin O'Flagherty Mary Haroldscross Bergin Place St. Catherines Dublin O'Hara Charles Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin O'Leary Arthur New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin O'Leary John Meeting House Yard St. Catherines Dublin O'Leary Robert Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Leary Robert Vicar Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Loughlin Francis New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin O'Malley Ennis New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin O'Neill Anthony Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin O'Neill Edward Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Neill John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Neill John Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin O'Neill John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Neill William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Reilly Charles Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin O'Reilly Charles Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Reilly Edward Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Reilly Edwd Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Reilly Michael Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Reilly Peter Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin O'Reilly Philip Molyneaux Yard St. Catherines Dublin O'Rourke Hugh John St. West St. Catherines Dublin O'Rourke Hugh John's Street, West St. Catherines Dublin O'Rourke Hugh New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin O'Shea James Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Oldham Samuel Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Ord Arthur Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Ord John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Ord Thomas New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Ord Thomas Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Ord Miller John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Osborne Sarah Haroldscross St. Catherines Dublin Oulahan Michael Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Owen William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Owens Daniel Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Pakenham Thomas Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Palmer John W. Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Paterson Patrick Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Pattison Henry Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Pattison Henry Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Phelan Daniel Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Phelan Mary Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Phibbs Eliza Summer Street St. Catherines Dublin Phillips John Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Phillips Mary Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Phillips Mary Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Phillips William Vicar Street St. Catherines Dublin Phillips Wm. Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Pidgeon Daniel Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Pilsworth ??? Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Pim Johnathan Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Pim Jonathan, Esq. Haroldscross St. Catherines Dublin Pluck Garrett Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Pluck John Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Plunkett Eliza Belview St. Catherines Dublin Plunkett Mary Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Pointon Esther Meath Market St. Catherines Dublin Pointon Esther A. Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Powell Thomas Wellington Place St. Catherines Dublin Powell William Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Power Baronet John John's Lane, Lower St. Catherines Dublin Power Baronet John John's Lane, Upper St. Catherines Dublin Power Thomas Crane Street St. Catherines Dublin Power William Plunket Street St. Catherines Dublin Price Frederick Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Price Rep. Edward Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Proudman John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Pullen Laurence Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Purcell Francis Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Purcell Laurence Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Quigley Patrick Bond Street St. Catherines Dublin Quinn James Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Quinn James Pim Street St. Catherines Dublin Quinn Laurence Marshalsea Lane St. Catherines Dublin Quinn Laurnce Marshalsea Lane St. Catherines Dublin Quinn Patrick Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Quinn William Tripoli St. Catherines Dublin Quirk Christopher Belview St. Catherines Dublin Rafter Michael Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Rainsford Richard Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Rainsford Richard Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Raleigh George Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Raleigh George Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Raleigh George Vicar Street St. Catherines Dublin Ramsay John Haroldscross St. Catherines Dublin Read ??? Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Read John Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Read Thomas Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Reddin Sylvester Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Reddy ??? Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Reddy Garrett Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Reddy John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Reddy John Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Redmond Patrick Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Regan Laurence Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Reilly Andrew Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Reilly Bernard Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Reilly Rose Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Reilly Rose Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Reilly William Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Rennix William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Rennix William Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Reynolds John Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Reynolds John John Street (Pimilco) St. Catherines Dublin Reynolds Patrick John Street (Pimilco) St. Catherines Dublin Reynolds Robert John Street (Pimilco) St. Catherines Dublin Rice Alicia Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Rice Alicia Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Richards Edward Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Richards James Bond Street St. Catherines Dublin Robertson ??? Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Robertson ??? Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Robertson James Wellington Place St. Catherines Dublin Robertson John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Robinson John Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Robinson Mrs. ??? Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Roche Catherine Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Roche John Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Roche Vincent John Street (Pimilco) St. Catherines Dublin Rock Francis Summer Street St. Catherines Dublin Rodgers Patrick Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Roe Henry Bonhan Street St. Catherines Dublin Roe Henry Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Roe Henry Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Roe James Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Roe Richard Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Rogers Simon Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Rogerson Elizabeth Swift's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Rooney Martha Plunket Street St. Catherines Dublin Rooney Patrick Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Rourke Daniel Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Ruddul William Francis Street St. Catherines Dublin Russell Richard John's Lane, Upper St. Catherines Dublin Russell Thomas Canal Place, South St. Catherines Dublin Ryan John Haroldscross Parnell Place, Lower St. Catherines Dublin Ryan John Swift's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Ryan Joseph Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Ryan Matthew Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Ryan Michael Francis Street St. Catherines Dublin Ryan Pierce Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Ryland Catherine Canal Place, East St. Catherines Dublin Scanlan Thomas Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Scott John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Scott William Ormond Street St. Catherines Dublin Scully William Roper's Rest. St. Catherines Dublin Seaborne John Haroldscross Parnell Place, Lower St. Catherines Dublin Seery Bridget Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Seery James Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Shanan Ternce Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Shannon Isaac Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Sharkey George John Street (Pimilco) St. Catherines Dublin Sharkey Thos. Cross Stick Alley St. Catherines Dublin Shaw Charles Wellington Place St. Catherines Dublin Shaw Edward Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Shaw George L. Haroldscross Bergin Place St. Catherines Dublin Shaw James Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Shea Bridget Bonhan Street St. Catherines Dublin Shea Jeremiah Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Sheil John Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Sheridan John Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Sheridan Patrick Cole Alley St. Catherines Dublin Sheridan Patrick Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Shern William Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Sherry Michael Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Shortal Walter Catherine St. St. Catherines Dublin Sibbald James Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Sibbald Thomas Cole's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Sibbald Thomas Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Sibbald Thos. Cole's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Sibbald Thos. Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Singleton Benjamin Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Singleton Benjn. Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Singleton Robert Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Singleton Robert Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Singleton William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Singleton William, Esq. Haroldscross Parnell Place Upper St. Catherines Dublin Sinnott Mary Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Slattery John Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Sloman ??? Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Sloman Samuel Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Smith Henry Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Smith Patrick Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Smith Richard Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Smithson John Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Smyth Catherine Circular Road St. Catherines Dublin Smyth Eliza Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Smyth Isaac Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Smyth James Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Smyth John Canal Place, South St. Catherines Dublin Smyth John Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Smyth Michael Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Smyth William Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Solon Anthony John's Street, West St. Catherines Dublin Spencer Bernard Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Spooner John Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Spring John Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Spring John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Stafford Owen Cole Alley St. Catherines Dublin Stafford Thomas Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Stafford Thomas Thomas Court, Bawn St. Catherines Dublin Stafford William Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Steele William Chamber Street St. Catherines Dublin Stephens Pierce Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Stephenson John Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Stephenson John Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin Sterling John Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Stopford Adam Mullinahack St. Catherines Dublin Stopford E. Mullinahack St. Catherines Dublin Story ??? School Street St. Catherines Dublin Story ??? Thomas Court, Bawn St. Catherines Dublin Strong George Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Styles Edward Bonhan Street St. Catherines Dublin Styles Edward Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Sullivan Bryan Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Sullivan John Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Summers John Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Summers Mr. ??? Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Swallow John Ward's Hill St. Catherines Dublin Sweetman Nicholas Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Swift Henry Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Swords John Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Tagart ??? Bonhan Street St. Catherines Dublin Talbot William Canal Harbour St. Catherines Dublin Taylor Edwin S. Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Thomas John New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Thompson Archibald Haroldscross Parnell Place Upper St. Catherines Dublin Thompson Geo. Plunket Street St. Catherines Dublin Thompson George Cole Alley St. Catherines Dublin Thompson Robert Wellington Place St. Catherines Dublin Thornton John Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Tier James Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Tiernan Patrick Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Tiernen Patrick Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Tiertney Patk. Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Todhunter Joshua, Esq. Haroldscross Parnell Place Upper St. Catherines Dublin Toole Anne Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Toole Catherine Newport Street St. Catherines Dublin Toole Dominick Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Toole James Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Toole James Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Toole James Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Toole Jeremiah Brickfield Lane St. Catherines Dublin Toole John Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Toole John Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Toole John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Toole Peter Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Toomy James Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Treinan John Canal Bank St. Catherines Dublin Trotter Marcus Haroldscross Bergin Place St. Catherines Dublin Tucker Thomas Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Tudor Richard Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Tully Julia Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Turner John Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Turner William Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Tyrell James Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Tyrell James Canal Place, South St. Catherines Dublin Tyrelll James Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin Tyrrell James Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Tyrrell John Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Tyrroll Patrick Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Verdon Stephen Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Verschoyle John Roper's Rest. St. Catherines Dublin Vose John Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Waddock Mary Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Wade John Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Wall Garrett Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Wall Samuel Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Wall Samuel Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Wall Samuel Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Wallace James Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Wallace Jas. Haroldscross Bergin Lane St. Catherines Dublin Walsh James Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Walsh Joseph Cork Stret St. Catherines Dublin Walsh Matthew Engine Alley St. Catherines Dublin Walsh Michael Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Walsh Rev. Jn. John's Street, West St. Catherines Dublin Walsh Thomas Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Walsh Thomas Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Walsh Thos. Meeting House Yard St. Catherines Dublin Walsh William Vicar Street St. Catherines Dublin Ward Elizabeth Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Ward Elizabeth Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Ward Louisa Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Ward Patrick Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Ward Patrick Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Wardell ??? New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Wardell John William Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Wardell William Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Wardle John Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Warham John Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Warham Thomas Canal Place, South St. Catherines Dublin Warham Thomas Portland Street St. Catherines Dublin Warham Thomas Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin Warham William Canal Harbour St. Catherines Dublin Warhan Thomas Bond Street St. Catherines Dublin Waring John Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Warren Gerald P. Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Waters James Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Watkins Joseph Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Watson Launet G., Esq. Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Watson Samuel Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Weddick Francis Braithwaite St. St. Catherines Dublin Welsh James H. New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Wesman Mary Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin West John Tenter Lane St. Catherines Dublin West William Hanbury Lane St. Catherines Dublin Whately James New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Wheeley James Cole Alley St. Catherines Dublin Whelan ??? Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Whelan James Belview St. Catherines Dublin Whelan James Bond Street St. Catherines Dublin Whelan James Canal Place, South St. Catherines Dublin Whelan James Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Whelan James Thomas Street St. Catherines Dublin Whelan Joseph Tripoli St. Catherines Dublin Whelan Mary Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Whelan Patrick Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin Whelan Patrick Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Wherity Andrew Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin White Daniel Haroldscross Pim's Cottages Greenmount St. Catherines Dublin White James Robert Street St. Catherines Dublin White Martin Bridgefoot Street St. Catherines Dublin White Thomas Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Whittle James Belview St. Catherines Dublin Whittle James Thomas Court, Bawn St. Catherines Dublin Whitty Thomas Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Wilde Thomas Poole Street St. Catherines Dublin Williams Edw. D. Meath Street St. Catherines Dublin Williams Nathaniel Cole's Alley St. Catherines Dublin Williams Robt. Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Willoughby George Pimlico. St. Catherines Dublin Wills George Brickfield Lane St. Catherines Dublin Willson ??? Rainsford Street St. Catherines Dublin Wilson ??? Belview St. Catherines Dublin Wilson Joseph Bond Street St. Catherines Dublin Wilson Joseph Earl Street, South St. Catherines Dublin Wilson William Haroldscross Clarke's Buildings St. Catherines Dublin Wilson William Vicar Street St. Catherines Dublin Woods Bridget New Row, West St. Catherines Dublin Woods Patrick Cork Street St. Catherines Dublin Woolly John Coombe St. Catherines Dublin Wright Henry Belview St. Catherines Dublin Wright Henry Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Wright Mary Haroldscross Parnell Place Upper St. Catherines Dublin Writs James Marrowbone Lane St. Catherines Dublin Wyer William Brown Street St. Catherines Dublin Wynne Eliza Thomas Court St. Catherines Dublin Yearly Joseph Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Yeates George Wellington Place St. Catherines Dublin Yeates Joseph Elbow Lane, Great St. Catherines Dublin Young Henry Love Lane St. Catherines Dublin Young Thomas Francis Street St. Catherines Dublin