Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Michaels, County Dublin
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Michaels, County Dublin
Allen Richard High Street St. Michaels Dublin Allen Richard School House Lane St. Michaels Dublin Baker Thomas Cook Street St. Michaels Dublin Baker Thomas Michael's Lane St. Michaels Dublin Blake Catherine Cook Street St. Michaels Dublin Blake Patrick School House Lane St. Michaels Dublin Brady James Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Brien Charles High Street St. Michaels Dublin Brien Charles Michael's Lane St. Michaels Dublin Brophy William High Street St. Michaels Dublin Browne Robert Michael's Lane St. Michaels Dublin Byrne Patrick Cook Street St. Michaels Dublin Campion Henry V. Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Campion Henry V. Michael's Lane St. Michaels Dublin Carroll Richard High Street St. Michaels Dublin Cass James School House Lane St. Michaels Dublin Clarke Michael Merchants' Quay St. Michaels Dublin Cockson Thomas High Street St. Michaels Dublin Collins Patk. High Street St. Michaels Dublin Condron Thomas Michael's Lane St. Michaels Dublin Connell Daniel High Street St. Michaels Dublin Connell John High Street St. Michaels Dublin Craig Oliver Cook Street St. Michaels Dublin Curtin Patrick Michael's Lane St. Michaels Dublin Denehy Cornelius High Street St. Michaels Dublin Denis James Michael's Lane St. Michaels Dublin Devern Richard Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Dillon John High Street St. Michaels Dublin Dunne Michael Cook Street St. Michaels Dublin Egan Charles School House Lane St. Michaels Dublin England John High Street St. Michaels Dublin Ennis James High Street St. Michaels Dublin Fagan William High Street St. Michaels Dublin Fegan William School House Lane St. Michaels Dublin Finlay Chas. F. Rosemary Lane St. Michaels Dublin Fitzhenry Robert High Street St. Michaels Dublin Fleming Rep. Nicholas Michael's Lane St. Michaels Dublin Flevin William Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Gaffney Patrick High Street St. Michaels Dublin Gerrard Patrick High Street St. Michaels Dublin Gerrard William Rosemary Lane St. Michaels Dublin Gilereest George High Street St. Michaels Dublin Gorman Michael Cook Street St. Michaels Dublin Handcock ??? High Street St. Michaels Dublin Hanlon Margaret Michael's Lane St. Michaels Dublin Hanlon Margt. Michael's Lane St. Michaels Dublin Hanly Patrick High Street St. Michaels Dublin Head Michael Cook Street St. Michaels Dublin Henrick Henry H. High Street St. Michaels Dublin Honan Catherine Cook Street St. Michaels Dublin Hughes James High Street St. Michaels Dublin Jones Samuel Merchants' Quay St. Michaels Dublin Jones Samuel Rosemary Lane St. Michaels Dublin Kane Andrew Rosemary Lane St. Michaels Dublin Knowles Richard Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Lawless Edward Michael's Lane St. Michaels Dublin Lawless Edwd. Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Little Owen High Street St. Michaels Dublin Lydon Francis Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Magrath Mark Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Maguire John Rosemary Lane St. Michaels Dublin Mc Arden Catherine High Street St. Michaels Dublin Mc Donnell Christopher Merchants' Quay St. Michaels Dublin Mc Garry Michael Cook Street St. Michaels Dublin Mc Nally Elizabeth Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Mc Weeny Edward High Street St. Michaels Dublin Moss Sigisimund S. High Street St. Michaels Dublin Mulholland Francis High Street St. Michaels Dublin Mulvey Andrew Cook Street St. Michaels Dublin Murphy James Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Murray Judith High Street St. Michaels Dublin Neill Martin High Street St. Michaels Dublin Nolan Bridget High Street St. Michaels Dublin O'Neill Bernard Cook Street St. Michaels Dublin O'Neill James High Street St. Michaels Dublin Peppard Walter Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Pepper John High Street St. Michaels Dublin Plunket Peter Merchants' Quay St. Michaels Dublin Rennan Mary Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Risk Andrew Merchants' Quay St. Michaels Dublin Rourke James Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Ryan Mary Merchants' Quay St. Michaels Dublin Ryan Mary Rosemary Lane St. Michaels Dublin Sheehan Peter Cook Street St. Michaels Dublin Thomson ??? High Street St. Michaels Dublin Walsh Jeremiah Michael's Hill St. Michaels Dublin Warren Thomas High Street St. Michaels Dublin Whelan James High Street St. Michaels Dublin Whelan Patk. High Street St. Michaels Dublin Wood James Cook Street St. Michaels Dublin