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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rossorry, County Fermanagh
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rossorry, County Fermanagh
Amos Mary Rigg Rossorry Fermanagh Amos William Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Anderson William Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Armstrong Elizabeth Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Armstrong Guy Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Armstrong Mary Rosscarn Rossorry Fermanagh Armstrong Simon Granshagh Big Rossorry Fermanagh Armstrong Simon Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Armstrong William Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Arthur Andrew Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Arthur Andrew Bodarra Little Rossorry Fermanagh Arthur Andrew Rigg Rossorry Fermanagh Arthur James Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Arthur James Rigg Rossorry Fermanagh Arthur James Tattygare Glebe Rossorry Fermanagh Arthur Thomas Rigg Rossorry Fermanagh Arthur Thomas Tattygare Glebe Rossorry Fermanagh Arthurs William Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Baker William Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Ball Daniel Granshagh Little Rossorry Fermanagh Ball William Gortadrehid Big Rossorry Fermanagh Ball William Lisgoole Rossorry Fermanagh Beatty William Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Bell Alexander Ballyshanno,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Bell James Drumawill Rossorry Fermanagh Betty Simon Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Black George Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Blair John Lockard Big Rossorry Fermanagh Blake James Rigg Rossorry Fermanagh Blakely John Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Bodel Susan Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Boland Andrew Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Boland Andrew Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Boland Michael Ratona Rossorry Fermanagh Boles John Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Bothwell William Lockard Big Rossorry Fermanagh Bothwell William Ratona Rossorry Fermanagh Boyd John Culky Rossorry Fermanagh Boyd John Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Boyd Walter Culky Rossorry Fermanagh Boyd Walter Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Bracken James Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Bracken James Gortadrehid Little Rossorry Fermanagh Bracken Jane Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Brady Elizabeth Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Breen Robert Crown Hall Rossorry Fermanagh Brien Ellen Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Britain Charles Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Brittan George Cloghanagh Rossorry Fermanagh Brown John Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Browne Christopher Lockard Big Rossorry Fermanagh Bryan John Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Bryans Edward Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Buchanan ??? Mullaghree Rossorry Fermanagh Burgess James Drummee Rossorry Fermanagh Byng John Drummee Rossorry Fermanagh Cadden Hugh Drumkeen Rossorry Fermanagh Cadden John Cappog Rossorry Fermanagh Cadden John Mullylogan Rossorry Fermanagh Caldwell Robert Lankill Rossorry Fermanagh Campbell Rev. Charles Edw Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Caps Thomas Mullaghree Rossorry Fermanagh Carleton Charles Ashwoods or Woody Mullagh Rossorry Fermanagh Carleton James Ashwoods or Woody Mullagh Rossorry Fermanagh Carleton John Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Carmichael Alexander Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Carney Thomas, Jr. Culky Rossorry Fermanagh Carney Thomas, Jr. Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Carney Thomas, Sr. Culky Rossorry Fermanagh Carney Thomas, Sr. Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Carr Elizabeth Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Carron Francis Lankill Rossorry Fermanagh Carron Michael Lankill Rossorry Fermanagh Carron Robert Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Carson Eliza Granshagh Big Rossorry Fermanagh Carson John Clonamullog Rossorry Fermanagh Carson John Glencunny Rossorry Fermanagh Carson John Rosscarn Rossorry Fermanagh Carson William Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Cassidy Anthony Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Cheyne John Lankill Rossorry Fermanagh Chittick James Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Chittick James Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Clarke James Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Clarke John Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Clarke Samuel Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Cleary Edward Cappog Rossorry Fermanagh Cleary Owen Rosscarn Rossorry Fermanagh Clegg Robert Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Colligan James Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Colligan James Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Colligan James Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Collum Archibald Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Collum John Gortadrehid Little Rossorry Fermanagh Collum Simon Clonamullog Rossorry Fermanagh Collum William Clonamullog Rossorry Fermanagh Connor William Greystone Rossorry Fermanagh Corrigan Adam Drumkeen Rossorry Fermanagh Corrigan Margaret Croaghrim Rossorry Fermanagh Corrigan Thomas Culky Rossorry Fermanagh Coyle Bridget Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Craig Jane Garvary Rossorry Fermanagh Craig Jane Lisroddy Rossorry Fermanagh Crawford Andrew Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Creden James Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Creden James Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Creegan Francis Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Creggan Francis Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Crooke Mary Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Crowe Thomas Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Dane Paul Drumsna Rossorry Fermanagh Dane William A. Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Darragh Alexander Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Dodd John Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Dogherty John Gortadrehid Big Rossorry Fermanagh Doherty Daniel Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Doherty James Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Doherty Norah Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Doherty Patrick Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Doherty William Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Dolan Patrick Cloghanagh Rossorry Fermanagh Donnelly Daniel Corralinnen Rossorry Fermanagh Donnelly Daniel Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Donnelly Daniel Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Dooris Richard Rossole Rossorry Fermanagh Drennan Hugh Ashwoods Rossorry Fermanagh Dundas Aaron Brughas Rossorry Fermanagh Dundas Aaron Cloghanagh Rossorry Fermanagh Dundas Aaron Moyglass Rossorry Fermanagh Dundas James Brughas Rossorry Fermanagh Dundas Robert Brughas Rossorry Fermanagh Dundas Robert Moyglass Rossorry Fermanagh Dundas Thomas Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Dundas Thomas Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Dunn Edward Drumkeen Rossorry Fermanagh Eames William, Jr. Lankill Rossorry Fermanagh Eames William, Sr. Lankill Rossorry Fermanagh Early Thomas Drumawill Rossorry Fermanagh Echlin Henry Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott ??? Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott George Lockard Big Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott George Portmush Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott Jane Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott John Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott John Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott John Portora Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott John, Jr. Bowara Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott John, Sr. Bowara Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott Matthew Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott Matthew Mullnacaw Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott Thomas Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott William Dernashesk Rossorry Fermanagh Elliott William Portmush Rossorry Fermanagh Ellson John Gortadrehid Little Rossorry Fermanagh Ely Marquis ??? Brughas Rossorry Fermanagh Ely Marquis ??? Lenaghan Rossorry Fermanagh Ely Marquis ??? Ratona Rossorry Fermanagh Enniskillen ??? Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Enniskillen ??? Glencunny Rossorry Fermanagh Enniskillen ??? Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Enniskillen ??? Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Fawcett Francis Drumskew Rossorry Fermanagh Fawcett Hugh Portora Rossorry Fermanagh Fawcett Margaret Ashwoods or Woody Mullagh Rossorry Fermanagh Fearis Matthew Cloghanagh Rossorry Fermanagh Fearis Matthew Dinnydoon Rossorry Fermanagh Feely Charles Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Feely Charles Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Fisher Michael Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Fitzgerald Catherine Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Fitzgerald Catherine Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Fitzpatrick Patrick Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Flanagan Edward Lockard Little Rossorry Fermanagh Flanagan James Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Flanagan James Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Foot Wade Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Foott Wade Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Foott Wade Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Forde Ellen Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Foy John Croaghrim Rossorry Fermanagh Frazer Hugh Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Frith Baptist G. Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Gallagher Charles Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Gallagher Michael Corralinnen Rossorry Fermanagh Gallagher Michael Killybreed Rossorry Fermanagh Gallagher Sarah Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Gamble Anne Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Gamble Baptist Ballaghmore Rossorry Fermanagh Gamble Baptist Drummee Rossorry Fermanagh Gamble Baptist Ratona Rossorry Fermanagh Gamble Richard Lenaghan Rossorry Fermanagh Gibson Luke Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Gilleece James Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Gilleese Patrick Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Gonnigle Daniel Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Gordon Robert Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Gordon Thomas Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Gormley Thomas Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Graham Christopher Culky Rossorry Fermanagh Graham James Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Graham John Mullylogan Rossorry Fermanagh Graham John, Jr. Drumkeen Rossorry Fermanagh Graham John, Sr. Drumkeen Rossorry Fermanagh Graham Thomas Drumkeen Rossorry Fermanagh Graham William Dinnydoon Rossorry Fermanagh Graham William Drumkeen Rossorry Fermanagh Graves John Lankill Rossorry Fermanagh Gray Roderick Ballyshanno,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Gray Roderick Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Gray Roderick Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Gray Roderick Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Greddan William Clonbunniagh Rossorry Fermanagh Greene Charles Ashwoods or Woody Mullagh Rossorry Fermanagh Greene Charles Cappog Rossorry Fermanagh Greene John Cappog Rossorry Fermanagh Griffin James Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Guthridge Nehemiah Drummee Rossorry Fermanagh Guthridge Nehemiah, Jr. Drummee Rossorry Fermanagh Guthridge Richard Drummee Rossorry Fermanagh Guthridge Thomas Lenaghan Rossorry Fermanagh Guthridge Thomas, Sr. Drummee Rossorry Fermanagh Guthridge Thos., Jr. Drummee Rossorry Fermanagh Guthridge Tmomas Rigg Rossorry Fermanagh Hall Edward Granshagh Little Rossorry Fermanagh Hall Edward Kilnaloo Rossorry Fermanagh Hall John Culky Rossorry Fermanagh Hall Thomas Drumsillagh Rossorry Fermanagh Hall Thomas Kilnaloo Rossorry Fermanagh Halliday Alexander Gortadrehid Big Rossorry Fermanagh Halliday Michael Culky Rossorry Fermanagh Hamilton John Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Hamilton William Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Hanley Edward Glencunny Rossorry Fermanagh Harmon James Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Haron James Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Harris Anne Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Healy Mary Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Henderson James Corralinnen Rossorry Fermanagh Henderson James Killybreed Rossorry Fermanagh Henderson William Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Henton Sampson H. Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Hewston John Drumsillagh Rossorry Fermanagh Hewston John, Jr. Kilnaloo Rossorry Fermanagh Hewston John, Sr. Kilnaloo Rossorry Fermanagh Higgins John Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Higgins Thomas Cloghanagh Rossorry Fermanagh Hoey Rev. William Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Howe John Glencunny Rossorry Fermanagh Hoye John Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Hoye John Mullylogan Rossorry Fermanagh Hughes Mary Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Hyland John Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Innis Edward Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Irwin Charles Clonamullog Rossorry Fermanagh Irwin Robert Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Jameson James Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Adam Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Adam Bodarra Little Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Adam Mullaghlevin Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Alice Mullaghree Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Archibald Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Ellen Kinarla Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Hugh Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Hugh Mullaghlevin Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston James Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston James Mullaghlevin Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston James Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Jane Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Jane Tattygare Glebe Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Jno. Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston John Ashwoods or Woody Mullagh Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston John Drummee Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Rev. Robert Mullylogan Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Robert Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Robert Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Robert Mullaghlevin Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Simon Mullaghree Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Thomas Bodarra Little Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Thomas Dooederny Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Thomas Drummee Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Thomas Greystone Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston Thos. Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston William Bodarra Little Rossorry Fermanagh Johnston William Kinarla Rossorry Fermanagh Jones Charles Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Jones Hannah Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Jones Michael O. Culky Rossorry Fermanagh Jones Michael O. Gortadrehid Big Rossorry Fermanagh Jones Michael O. Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Jones Michael O. Lisgoole Rossorry Fermanagh Keenan Thomas Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Kelly James Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Kenny Joseph R. Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Kerr John Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Kerr John Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Kerrin Philip Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Kerrin William Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Kettyle Anne Corralinnen Rossorry Fermanagh Kettyle Anne Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Keys John Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Keys Robert Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Kidney Mary Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Kilgrew Thomas Rosscarn Rossorry Fermanagh Kirkpatrick Mary Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Kirkpatrick Mary Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Kirkpatrick Mary Portora Rossorry Fermanagh Kirkpatrick Mary Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Kyle Thomas Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Lally James Ashwoods or Woody Mullagh Rossorry Fermanagh Lally James Bodarra Little Rossorry Fermanagh Lally John Ashwoods or Woody Mullagh Rossorry Fermanagh Lally John Bodarra Little Rossorry Fermanagh Lee Rev. George H. Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Leonard Alice Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Leonard Patrick Killycat Rossorry Fermanagh Lilley Patrick Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Lilly Mathew Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Lilly Patrick Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Little James Kilnaloo Rossorry Fermanagh Little James Mullaghree Rossorry Fermanagh Little John Kilnaloo Rossorry Fermanagh Little John Mullaghree Rossorry Fermanagh Little Margaret Kilnaloo Rossorry Fermanagh Little Nehemiah Mullaghree Rossorry Fermanagh Little William Mullaghree Rossorry Fermanagh Looney Adam Crown Hall Rossorry Fermanagh Looney Thomas, Jr. Crown Hall Rossorry Fermanagh Looney Thomas, Sr. Crown Hall Rossorry Fermanagh Loughan Edward Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Loughrin Andrew Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Lunney Adam Tattygare Glebe Rossorry Fermanagh Lunney Edward Rigg Rossorry Fermanagh Lunny John Rosscarn Rossorry Fermanagh Lynam John Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Lyttle William Corralinnen Rossorry Fermanagh Macauley John, Jr. Rossole Rossorry Fermanagh Macauley John, Sr. Rossole Rossorry Fermanagh Macawley John Mullnacaw Rossorry Fermanagh Magee Patrick Brughas Rossorry Fermanagh Magee Thomas Brughas Rossorry Fermanagh Maglone Constantine Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Maguinness John Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Bernard Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Bernard Drumsillagh Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Charles Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Charles Clonamullog Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Edward Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Ellen Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire James Cappog Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire John Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire John Drumsillagh Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire John Kinarla Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Luke Killycat Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Patrick Dernashesk Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Patrick Drumawill Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Philip Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Richard Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Richard Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Richard Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Thomas Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire Thomas Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire William Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire William Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire William, Jr. Ashwoods or Woody Mullagh Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire William, Jr. Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire William, Jr. Bodarra Little Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire William, Sr. Ashwoods or Woody Mullagh Rossorry Fermanagh Maguire William, Sr. Bodarra Little Rossorry Fermanagh Malam George Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Martin John Killybreed Rossorry Fermanagh Martin John Rossole Rossorry Fermanagh Martin Patrick Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Martin Patrick Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Martin Patrick Rosscarn Rossorry Fermanagh Martin Patrick Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Martin Patrick Scaffog Rossorry Fermanagh Martin Philip Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Maude Maurice C. Lenaghan Rossorry Fermanagh Maude Maurice C. Ratona Rossorry Fermanagh Maxwell Hugh Lisroddy Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Aleese Hugh Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Auley Francis Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Bryan Bridget Cappog Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Bryan Charles Brughas Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Bryan Patrick Cappog Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Bryans John Drumawill Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Cabe William Kinarla Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Caffrey John Ashwoods Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Caffrey John Clonamullog Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Calf Catherine Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Cartney Alexander Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Cusker John Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Elgunn James Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Elgunn James Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Elgunn John Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Fadden David Lankill Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Fadden John Crown Hall Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Fadden John Glencunny Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Fadden Richard Crown Hall Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Gee Bernard Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Gill John Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Ginn Patrick Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Glone Constantine Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Govern Hugh Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Govern Thomas Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Intyre Peter Garvary Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Keague Thomas Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Loughlin James Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Loughlin John Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Manus Bridget Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Manus Catherine Clonbunniagh Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Manus Conor Scaffog Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Manus Cornelius Killybreed Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Manus Cornelius Rossole Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Manus Edward Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Manus Mary Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Manus Michael Lankill Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Manus Patrick Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Manus Patrick Killybreed Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Manus Patrick Scaffog Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Manus Sarah Lisroddy Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Manus Terence Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Meel James Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Mullen Thomas Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Vitty George Drumkeen Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Vitty James Drumkeen Rossorry Fermanagh Mc Vitty James Lankill Rossorry Fermanagh Mee Henry Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Mee Robert Clonbunniagh Rossorry Fermanagh Meehan John Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh Metcalf Isaac Ashwoods Rossorry Fermanagh Miller George Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Miller William Dernashesk Rossorry Fermanagh Mills William Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Mitchell Hugh Croaghrim Rossorry Fermanagh Mitchell John Croaghrim Rossorry Fermanagh Mitchell John Portmush Rossorry Fermanagh Mitchell William Croaghrim Rossorry Fermanagh Moffitt James Garvary Rossorry Fermanagh Moffitt James, Jr. Dooederny Rossorry Fermanagh Moffitt James, Sr. Dooederny Rossorry Fermanagh Moffitt Rebecca Garvary Rossorry Fermanagh Monaghan Edward Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Moore John Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Moore John Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Morrison Gideon Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Morrison John Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Morrison John Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Morrison John A. Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Mossman John Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Mossman John Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Mulhern John Cloghanagh Rossorry Fermanagh Mulligan Hugh Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Murphy Catherine Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Murphy Daniel Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Murphy Edward Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Murphy Joseph Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Murphy William Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Neeson Bridget Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Nixon Adam Kinarla Rossorry Fermanagh Nixon Adam Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Nixon Alexander Clonbunniagh Rossorry Fermanagh Nixon Elizabeth Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Nixon Jane Drummee Rossorry Fermanagh Nixon Montgomery D. Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Nixon Montgomery D. Portora Rossorry Fermanagh Nixon William Mullnacaw Rossorry Fermanagh Noble James Lankill Rossorry Fermanagh Noble William H. Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Nolan Bridget Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Nolan Edward Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Nolan Edward Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh O'Brien Francis Rossorry Rossorry Fermanagh O'Donnell William Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh O'Hara Thomas Ashwoods Rossorry Fermanagh O'Hara Thomas Clonamullog Rossorry Fermanagh Office ??? Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Ovens John Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Ovens John Mullnacaw Rossorry Fermanagh Palmer James Portmush Rossorry Fermanagh Parsons Alice Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Parsons Charles Lankill Rossorry Fermanagh Parsons Charles Mullylogan Rossorry Fermanagh Parsons George Cappog Rossorry Fermanagh Parsons Robert Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Persse Cromwell Garvary Rossorry Fermanagh Peterson Michael Kinarla Rossorry Fermanagh Phelan Ellen Drumsillagh Rossorry Fermanagh Pierce William Glencunny Rossorry Fermanagh Plunkett Christopher Brughas Rossorry Fermanagh Porter Abraham W. Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Price James Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Price Margaret Garvary Rossorry Fermanagh Price Thomas Lisroddy Rossorry Fermanagh Price William Garvary Rossorry Fermanagh Price William Glencunny Rossorry Fermanagh Quigley John Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Quigley Martin Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Quigley Willliam Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Quinn James Lockard Little Rossorry Fermanagh Quinton John Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Quinton William Ballaghmore Rossorry Fermanagh Quinton William Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Quinton William Gortadrehid Big Rossorry Fermanagh Quinton William Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Quinton William Mullnacaw Rossorry Fermanagh Rankin William, Jr. Crown Hall Rossorry Fermanagh Rankin William, Sr. Crown Hall Rossorry Fermanagh Reilly James Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Reilly John Carrigan Rossorry Fermanagh Reilly John Mullylogan Rossorry Fermanagh Reilly Owen Scaffog Rossorry Fermanagh Reilly William Scaffog Rossorry Fermanagh Roberts Hugh Rigg Rossorry Fermanagh Robinson David Dooederny Rossorry Fermanagh Robinson Henry Lankill Rossorry Fermanagh Robinson Henry Mullaghy Rossorry Fermanagh Robinson Jas. Mullaghy Rossorry Fermanagh Roe Margaret Drummee Rossorry Fermanagh Salinger John Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Samms Simon Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Samms Thomas Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Saunderson James Rosscarn Rossorry Fermanagh Scallan Matthew Rossole Rossorry Fermanagh Scollin John Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Scott William Bodarra Big Rossorry Fermanagh Scott William Mullaghlevin Rossorry Fermanagh Shannon Patrick Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Sheenan Edward Tattygare Glebe Rossorry Fermanagh Slevan Bernard Killybreed Rossorry Fermanagh Sloane Thomas Mullylogan Rossorry Fermanagh Smith James Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Smith Patrick Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Smith Thomas Ashwoods or Woody Mullagh Rossorry Fermanagh Smith Thomas Corralinnen Rossorry Fermanagh Smyth John Drumawill Rossorry Fermanagh Smyth John Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Smyth Thomas Drumgallan Rossorry Fermanagh Smyth William Ashwoods or Woody Mullagh Rossorry Fermanagh Smyth William Kinarla Rossorry Fermanagh Stanford Francis Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Stanford Thomas Enniskillen Henry St. Rossorry Fermanagh Steele Dorothea Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Steele Rev. William Portora Rossorry Fermanagh Stinson Alexander Culky Rossorry Fermanagh Stinson Alexander Laragh Rossorry Fermanagh Stinson James Granshagh Big Rossorry Fermanagh Storey Jospeh Dinnydoon Rossorry Fermanagh Taylor Richard Rosscarn Rossorry Fermanagh Teevan Jane Tattygare Glebe Rossorry Fermanagh Thompson Anne Kinarla Rossorry Fermanagh Thompson Patrick Kinarla Rossorry Fermanagh Trotter Arthur Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Trotter John Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Tubman Andrew Clonbunniagh Rossorry Fermanagh Tubman Henry Clonbunniagh Rossorry Fermanagh Tunney Owen Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Wallace Robert Rosscarn Rossorry Fermanagh Wallace Thomas Rosscarn Rossorry Fermanagh Walsh Robert P. Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Weir George Bowara Rossorry Fermanagh Weir George Cloghanagh Rossorry Fermanagh Weir James Ashwoods Rossorry Fermanagh Weir Launcelot Killycat Rossorry Fermanagh West John Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Whitley Joseph B. Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Whittaker Catherine Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Whittaker Rev. Mark Ballyshanno,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Whittaker Rev. Mark Brook St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Whittaker Rev. Mark Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Whittaker Rev. Mark Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Whittaker Rev. Mark Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Wilkin David Coles Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Willis George Mullaghree Rossorry Fermanagh Willis George Mullnacaw Rossorry Fermanagh Willoughby Henry Drumlyon Rossorry Fermanagh Wilson John Drumawill Rossorry Fermanagh Wilson John Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Wilson John Scaffog Rossorry Fermanagh Wilson Thomas Henry St.,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Wood John A. Ballyshanno,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Wood John A. Willoughby,Enniskillen Rossorry Fermanagh Wood John A. Windmill Hill Rossorry Fermanagh Woods James Granshagh Big Rossorry Fermanagh Wordsworth John Lurgandarragh Little Rossorry Fermanagh Wordsworth Thomas Lurgandarragh Little Rossorry Fermanagh