Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Badger Michael Chapel St. Athenry Galway Bane John Coolaran Athenry Galway Barret Bridget North Gate St. Athenry Galway Barret Joseph Cullairbaun Athenry Galway Barret Joseph Prospect Athenry Galway Barrett Bridget North Gate St. Athenry Galway Barrett James Cross St. Athenry Galway Barrett James Kingsland South Athenry Galway Barrett Joseph Bridge St. Athenry Galway Barrett Joseph Kingsland South Athenry Galway Belton Michael Chapel St. Athenry Galway Bisgood Edmund Barnaboy Athenry Galway Blackhall Charles Athenry Burke's Lane Athenry Galway Blackhall Charles Cross St. Athenry Galway Blackhall Thomas Ballybackagh Athenry Galway Blackhall Thomas Cossaun Athenry Galway Blake James Cross St. Athenry Galway Blake John H. Caraunduff Athenry Galway Blake John H. Knocknacreeva Athenry Galway Blake Peter Montpellier Athenry Galway Blake Peter Skeaghadderreen Athenry Galway Bodkin Robert Shantallow Athenry Galway Bourke Jeremiah Clamperpark Athenry Galway Bourke Jeremiah Mountain South Athenry Galway Bourke John Ballydavid Middle Athenry Galway Bourke John Clamperpark Athenry Galway Bourke John Mc Donald's Lane Athenry Galway Bourke John North Gate St. Athenry Galway Bourke John Turloughalanger Athenry Galway Bourke Mary Chapel St. Athenry Galway Bourke Mary Prospect Athenry Galway Bourke Michael Mc Donald's Lane Athenry Galway Bourke Patrick Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Bourke Patrick Clamperpark Athenry Galway Bourke Patrick Mountain South Athenry Galway Bourke Peter Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Bourke Thomas Chapel St. Athenry Galway Braddish John Chapel St. Athenry Galway Bradish John Athenry Athenry Galway Bradley James Caherroyn Athenry Galway Brennan Bridget North Gate St. Athenry Galway Brennan James Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Brennan Joseph Chapel St. Athenry Galway Brennan Michael Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Brennan Patrick Ballydavid North Athenry Galway Brennan Patrick Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Broderick John Bottom Athenry Galway Broderick John Loobroe Athenry Galway Broderick Martin Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Broderick Peter Chapel St. Athenry Galway Broderick Peter Davis Lane Athenry Galway Broderick Thomas Gloves Middle Athenry Galway Brown Andrew Moyveela Athenry Galway Browne Andrew Moyveela Athenry Galway Browne Bartholomew Chapel St. Athenry Galway Browne John Turloughalanger Athenry Galway Burke Edmund Barrettspark Athenry Galway Burke Edmund Cashla Athenry Galway Burke Edmund Moor Athenry Galway Burke John North Gate St. Athenry Galway Burke Mark Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Burke Thomas Cross St. Athenry Galway Burke Ulick Cloonavadoge Athenry Galway Cahalan Edward Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Cahill Anne Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Cahill John Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Cahill Mary North Gate St. Athenry Galway Cahill Patrick North Gate St. Athenry Galway Callan Timothhy Pollacappul Athenry Galway Callanan Thomas Carrowntober West Athenry Galway Callinan Catherine North Gate St. Athenry Galway Calmount Mary Cross St. Athenry Galway Cannon Patrick Bridge St. Athenry Galway Cannon Patrick Chapel St. Athenry Galway Carey John Ballygarraun South Athenry Galway Carey John Ballygarraun West Athenry Galway Carey John Cloran Athenry Galway Carey Thomas Ballygarraun West Athenry Galway Carthrew Alexander Castleturvin Athenry Galway Carthy Ross Castleturvin Athenry Galway Casserly Patrick Mira Athenry Galway Casserly Thomas Mira Athenry Galway Clancy John Blean Athenry Galway Clarke James Ballydavid Middle Athenry Galway Clasby Martin Deerpark Athenry Galway Clasby Patrick Kingsland South Athenry Galway Clasby Thomas Ballygarraun South Athenry Galway Clasby Thomas Kingsland South Athenry Galway Cloonan John Carrowntober West Athenry Galway Cloonan William Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Cody John Cloonavadoge Athenry Galway Coheen John Court Lane Athenry Galway Cohen Catherine Caherroyn Athenry Galway Cohen Denis Cross St. Athenry Galway Cohen John Caherroyn Athenry Galway Cohen John Pollacappul Athenry Galway Coleman John Cross St. Athenry Galway Colles Maurice Pollnagroagh Athenry Galway Collins Martin Ballybrone Athenry Galway Collins Michael Ballygarraun South Athenry Galway Collins Michael Chapel St. Athenry Galway Collins Thomas Ballybrone Athenry Galway Colter Michael Ballydavid Middle Athenry Galway Commons Thomas Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Concar Johanna Cloonavadoge Athenry Galway Connolly John Park Athenry Galway Connolly Martin Chapel St. Athenry Galway Connolly Mary Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Connolly Mary Chapel St. Athenry Galway Connolly Patrick Bridge St. Athenry Galway Connolly Patrick Shantallow Athenry Galway Connolly Timothy Derrydonnell North Athenry Galway Connor James Rahard Athenry Galway Connor John Ballydavid North Athenry Galway Connor Martin Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Connor Michael Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Cooney John Cross St. Athenry Galway Cooney Thomas Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Coppinger James Park Athenry Galway Coppinger Thomas Blean Athenry Galway Coppinger Thos., Sr. Pollnagroagh Athenry Galway Corbett Denis Loughaunenaghan Athenry Galway Corbishly Johnathan Rathmorrissy Athenry Galway Cormickan Patrick Turloughalanger Athenry Galway Cormicken Michael Cross St. Athenry Galway Cornealy Timothy Farranablake West Athenry Galway Cornealy Timothy Furzypark Athenry Galway Cornealy Timothy Mulpit Athenry Galway Costello Martin Ballybrone Athenry Galway Costello Thomas Ballinloughaun Athenry Galway Costello Thomas Cashla Athenry Galway Costello Thomas Peakroe Athenry Galway Costelloe Myles Derrymaclaughna Athenry Galway Coyne Patrick Park Athenry Galway Coyne Timothy Park Athenry Galway Cronnelly Patrick Chapel St. Athenry Galway Crosby Honoria Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Culkeen Daniel Cross St. Athenry Galway Culkeen William Barrack Lane Athenry Galway Cullinan Francis North Gate St. Athenry Galway Cullinane Martin Ballybrone Athenry Galway Cullinane Thomas Barnaboy Athenry Galway Cullinane Thomas Derrymaclaughna Athenry Galway Cunniff Catherine North Gate St. Athenry Galway Cunniff John Mc Donald's Lane Athenry Galway Cunniff Patrick North Gate St. Athenry Galway Curly William Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Curran Michael Loobroe Athenry Galway Curran Rev. Peter Athenry Athenry Galway Curran Rev. Peter Chapel St. Athenry Galway Curran Rev. Peter Gorteenacra Athenry Galway Cusack Honoria Loughaunenaghan Athenry Galway Daly Mary Caherroyn Athenry Galway Davock John Castleturvin Athenry Galway Davock John Clamperpark Athenry Galway Davock John Turloughalanger Athenry Galway Davock Michael Castleturvin Athenry Galway Davock Owen Castleturvin Athenry Galway Davock Patrick Toberconnelly Athenry Galway Davock Peter Castleturvin Athenry Galway Delany Hugh Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Deveney Patrick Chapel St. Athenry Galway Dillon Michael Millpark Athenry Galway Dolly Timothy Ballyglass Athenry Galway Donnelly Timothy Loughaunenaghan Athenry Galway Donohoe Bridget Gloves West Athenry Galway Donohoe John Caherfinesker Athenry Galway Donohoe John Rahard Athenry Galway Donohoe Patrick North Gate St. Athenry Galway Donohoe Patrick Rahard Athenry Galway Donohoe Thomas Ballydavid North Athenry Galway Dowd Thomas Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Duffy John Barnaboy Athenry Galway Duggan James Cross St. Athenry Galway Dunleavy John Chapel St. Athenry Galway Dunlevy Denis Ballygarraun North Athenry Galway Dunlevy Thomas Ballygarraun North Athenry Galway Dunlevy Thomas Ballygarraun South Athenry Galway Dynes James Rahard Athenry Galway Eagle Bryan Cloran Athenry Galway Egan James Caherfinesker Athenry Galway Egan Joseph Cloran Athenry Galway Egan Patrick Caherfinesker Athenry Galway Egan Thaddeus Cashla Athenry Galway Elliot Patrick Caherfinesker Athenry Galway Evans Edward Farranablake East Athenry Galway Evans Edward Mountain South Athenry Galway Fahy Bridget Cloonavadoge Athenry Galway Fahy James Chapel St. Athenry Galway Fahy John Deerpark Athenry Galway Fahy John Knockbaun Athenry Galway Fahy John Park Athenry Galway Fahy John Tobernave Athenry Galway Fahy Michael Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Fahy Patrick Coolaran Athenry Galway Fahy Patrick Loughaunenaghan Athenry Galway Fahy Philip Loughaunenaghan Athenry Galway Fahy Theophilus North Gate St. Athenry Galway Fahy Thomas Loughaunenaghan Athenry Galway Fahy Thomas Moyveela Athenry Galway Farrell Anne Mountain South Athenry Galway Farrell Patrick Mountain South Athenry Galway Flaherty Patrick Barnaboy Athenry Galway Flaherty Thomas Caherfinesker Athenry Galway Flannery Patrick Clamperpark Athenry Galway Flannery Thomas Mountain South Athenry Galway Fleming Margaret M. Athenry Athenry Galway Flynn John North Gate St. Athenry Galway Ford Patrick Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Ford Timothy Derrydonnell Beg Athenry Galway Ford Timothy Mountain West Athenry Galway French Patrick Barnaboy Athenry Galway French Robert Caherfinesker Athenry Galway French Robert Derrydonnell Beg Athenry Galway French Robert Derrydonnell North Athenry Galway French Robert Greethill Athenry Galway French Stephen Caherfinesker Athenry Galway Freney Anthony Mountain West Athenry Galway Freney William Mountain West Athenry Galway Fury Anne Ballinloughaun Athenry Galway Fyan Michael Athenry Burke's Lane Athenry Galway Fyan Thomas Mc Donald's Lane Athenry Galway Gallagher Patrick Cross St. Athenry Galway Gardiner Michael Cossaun Athenry Galway Gibbons Michael Barnaboy Athenry Galway Gill James Peakroe Athenry Galway Gill John Baunmore Athenry Galway Gilligan William Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Gilmore Thomas Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Givney John Cashla Athenry Galway Gleese Patrick Mc Donald's Lane Athenry Galway Glynn James Ballygarraun North Athenry Galway Glynn Patrick Cross St. Athenry Galway Grady Bridget Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Grady Patrick Carrowntober West Athenry Galway Grady Thomas Deerpark Athenry Galway Grady Thomas Pollagooil Athenry Galway Grealish Michael Pollacappul Athenry Galway Grealy John Derrydonnell Beg Athenry Galway Grealy Patrick Chapel St. Athenry Galway Grealy Patrick Knockaunglass Athenry Galway Greany Martin Ballybrone Athenry Galway Greany Patrick Derrymaclaughna Athenry Galway Greene Michael Ballybrone Athenry Galway Griffin John Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Gunnell Bridget North Gate St. Athenry Galway Hali John Cross St. Athenry Galway Halloran John Chapel St. Athenry Galway Hanbury John Rahard Athenry Galway Hanly Bridget Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Hanly John Kingsland North Athenry Galway Hanly Martin Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Hanly Michael Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Hanly Michael Cloran Athenry Galway Hanly Patrick, Jr. Kingsland North Athenry Galway Hanly Patrick, Sr. Kingsland North Athenry Galway Hanly Thomas Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Hart William Cashla Athenry Galway Hasty Walter North Gate St. Athenry Galway Haverty Patrick Knockbaun Athenry Galway Healy John Greethill Athenry Galway Healy Michael Gloves West Athenry Galway Healy Morgan Castleturvin Athenry Galway Healy Patrick Castleturvin Athenry Galway Heavy Thomas Chapel St. Athenry Galway Heferty Anne North Gate St. Athenry Galway Henehen Thomas Ballyglass Athenry Galway Hennelly Martin Chapel St. Athenry Galway Hennelly Michael Ballygarraun South Athenry Galway Hennelly Michael Chapel St. Athenry Galway Hennelly Michael Clarke's St. Athenry Galway Hennelly Michael Kilskeagh Athenry Galway Hennelly Patrick Caherroyn Athenry Galway Hennely Patrick Gorteenacra Athenry Galway Henry Arthur Mira Athenry Galway Hessian Martin Mira Athenry Galway Hessian Michael Park Athenry Galway Hessian Patrick Barnaboy Athenry Galway Hickman William V. F. North Gate St. Athenry Galway Higgins Kearns Barrack Lane Athenry Galway Higgins Mary Rahard Athenry Galway Higgins Michael Derrydonnell North Athenry Galway Higgins Thomas Cossaun Athenry Galway Higgins Thomas Davis Lane Athenry Galway Hinehan Luke Athenry Burke's Lane Athenry Galway Hinehan Luke Cross St. Athenry Galway Hoban Patrick Park Athenry Galway Hogan Denis Mountain West Athenry Galway Holland Timothy Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Holloran John Ballygarraun South Athenry Galway Hood Pat Cashla Athenry Galway Howard Martin Ballydavid North Athenry Galway Hughes Honoria Derrydonnell North Athenry Galway Hynes Denis Ballybrone Athenry Galway Hynes Michael Moanbaun Athenry Galway Hynes Thomas Cloran Athenry Galway Hynes Thomas Cross St. Athenry Galway Hynes Timothy Rahard Athenry Galway Hynes William Pollagooil Athenry Galway Jennings John Gloves Middle Athenry Galway Johnston Robert Caherfinesker Athenry Galway Jordan John Cossaun Athenry Galway Jordan Michael Ballydavid North Athenry Galway Jordan Michael Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Jordan Richard Cossaun Athenry Galway Jordan Thomas Clamperpark Athenry Galway Joyce Honoria Derrymaclaughna Athenry Galway Joyce Thomas Barnaboy Athenry Galway Kame Michael Gloves Middle Athenry Galway Kane Honoria Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Kane John Derrydonnell Beg Athenry Galway Kane John Derrydonnell North Athenry Galway Kane John, Sr. Derrydonnell Beg Athenry Galway Kane Martin Greethill Athenry Galway Kane Michael Bridge St. Athenry Galway Kane Mortimer Greethill Athenry Galway Kane Patrick Caherfinesker Athenry Galway Kane Patrick Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Kaveney James Moyveela Athenry Galway Keane Bryan Ballyglass Athenry Galway Keane Michael Ballinloughaun Athenry Galway Kearnes Thomas Cross St. Athenry Galway Kearney John Barrettspark Athenry Galway Kearney John Cashla Athenry Galway Kearney John Moor Athenry Galway Kearney Thomas Chapel St. Athenry Galway Kearney Thomas Cross St. Athenry Galway Keighrey Thomas Ballygarraun North Athenry Galway Kelly Bryan Chapel St. Athenry Galway Kelly Catherine Lisheenkyle West Athenry Galway Kelly Catherine Mountain West Athenry Galway Kelly James Cross St. Athenry Galway Kelly John Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Kelly Joseph Gloves West Athenry Galway Kelly Michael Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Kelly Michael North Gate St. Athenry Galway Kelly Michael, Jr. Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Kelly Michael, Sr. Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Kelly Patrick Chapel St. Athenry Galway Kelly Thaddeus Caherbriskaun Athenry Galway Kelly Thomas Blean Athenry Galway Kelly Thomas Rahard Athenry Galway Kelly William Clamperpark Athenry Galway Kelly William Davis Lane Athenry Galway Kelly William Farranablake West Athenry Galway Kelly William Millpark Athenry Galway Kelly William Turloughalanger Athenry Galway Kendrigan Catherine Cross St. Athenry Galway Kendrigan John Ballydavid North Athenry Galway Kendrigan John Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Kendrigan John Carrowntober West Athenry Galway Kendrigan Michael Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Kendrigan Michael Carrowntober West Athenry Galway Kendrigan Patrick Carrowntober West Athenry Galway Kendrigan Thomas Carrowntober West Athenry Galway Kennedy Catherine North Gate St. Athenry Galway Kennedy James Davis Lane Athenry Galway Kennedy John Caherfinesker Athenry Galway Kennedy Mary Davis Lane Athenry Galway Kennedy Patrick Caherfinesker Athenry Galway Kenny Michael North Gate St. Athenry Galway Kenny Peter Derrydonnell Beg Athenry Galway Kilkelly Richard Cross St. Athenry Galway Killeen William Park Athenry Galway King Martin Rahard Athenry Galway Kinneen Dominick Caherbriskaun Athenry Galway Kinneen Dominick Cross St. Athenry Galway Kinneen Dominick Mountain South Athenry Galway Kinneen James Mountain South Athenry Galway Kinneen James Moyveela Athenry Galway Kinneen James Shantallow Athenry Galway Kinneen Michael Bottom Athenry Galway Kinneen Michael Boyhill Athenry Galway Kinneen Timothy Athenry Athenry Galway Kinneen Timothy Cross St. Athenry Galway Kinneen Timothy Cullairbaun Athenry Galway Kinneen Timothy Gorteenacra Athenry Galway Kinneen Timothy Knockaunglass Athenry Galway Kyne Patrick Caherbriskaun Athenry Galway Laffy Patrick Carrowntober West Athenry Galway Lambert Giles Ballinloughaun Athenry Galway Lambert Giles E. Lisheenkyle East Athenry Galway Lambert Giles E. Lisheenkyle West Athenry Galway Lambert Giles E. Moor Athenry Galway Lambert Parsons Tobernave Athenry Galway Lambert Walter Cashla Athenry Galway Lambert Walter Castlelambert Athenry Galway Lambert Walter Deerpark Athenry Galway Lambert Walter Pollagooil Athenry Galway Lambert Walter Tobernave Athenry Galway Lambert Walter P. Carnaun Athenry Galway Lambert Walter P. Castle Ellen Athenry Galway Lambert Walter P. Fahy's Village Athenry Galway Lambert Walter P. Knockbaun Athenry Galway Lambert Walter P. Loughaunenaghan Athenry Galway Lambert Walter P. Mountain North Athenry Galway Lambert Walter P. Pollagh Athenry Galway Lambert Walter P. Saintellen Athenry Galway Larkin James Mc Donald's Lane Athenry Galway Lawless John North Gate St. Athenry Galway Leonard Margaret Ballybrone Athenry Galway Leonard Mary Greethill Athenry Galway Leonard Patrick Ballybrone Athenry Galway Linskey John Pollacappul Athenry Galway Linskey Martin Derrymaclaughna Athenry Galway Linskey Michael Athenry Athenry Galway Linskey Michael North Gate St. Athenry Galway Linskey Michael Pollacappul Athenry Galway Linskey Patrick Kingsland South Athenry Galway Linskey William Kingsland South Athenry Galway Londrigan Michael Clarke's St. Athenry Galway Lopdell John Athenry Athenry Galway Lopdell John Prospect Athenry Galway Lopdell John Raheen Athenry Galway Loughlin John Chapel St. Athenry Galway Loughnan James Ballydavid North Athenry Galway Loughnan James Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Loughnane Anne North Gate St. Athenry Galway Loughnane John Mira Athenry Galway Loughnane Marcus Kilskeagh Athenry Galway Loughnane Mark Gloves Middle Athenry Galway Macalman Julia Baunmore Athenry Galway Mack James Mountain West Athenry Galway Mackey John Cross St. Athenry Galway Madden Edmund Baunmore Athenry Galway Madden Malachy Loughaunenaghan Athenry Galway Madden Michael Cossaun Athenry Galway Madden Thomas Cossaun Athenry Galway Maher James Mira Athenry Galway Mahon Patrick Caherroyn Athenry Galway Mahon Roger Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Mahon Thomas Castleturvin Athenry Galway Mahon Thomas Cossaun Athenry Galway Mahony Hugh Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Mahony Jeremiah Chapel St. Athenry Galway Malcolmson Fredk A. Gortroe Athenry Galway Malone Michael Greethill Athenry Galway Mangan John Rahard Athenry Galway Manus Patrick Cross St. Athenry Galway Martin Michael Derrydonnell North Athenry Galway Maurice Patrick Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Mc Carthy John Cross St. Athenry Galway Mc Cooge Mary Chapel St. Athenry Galway Mc Cormack Henry Cross St. Athenry Galway Mc Donagh Walter Cloonavadoge Athenry Galway Mc Donnell John North Gate St. Athenry Galway Mc Donough Bridget Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Mc Donough Mary North Gate St. Athenry Galway Mc Donough Patrick Gloves Middle Athenry Galway Mc Grath Patrick Coolaran Athenry Galway Mc Namara Michael Cross St. Athenry Galway Mc Tighe John Chapel St. Athenry Galway Meaghan John Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Mealey John Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Mealey John Montpellier Athenry Galway Mealey Patrick Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Mealey Patrick Montpellier Athenry Galway Meldon J. D. Coolaran Athenry Galway Metcalfe William Cross St. Athenry Galway Mitchell Thomas Davis Lane Athenry Galway Molloy Patrick Ballygarraun North Athenry Galway Molloy Thomas Blean Athenry Galway Molowney William Chapel St. Athenry Galway Monaghan Andrew Blean Athenry Galway Monaghan James Chapel St. Athenry Galway Monaghan John Baunmore Athenry Galway Monaghan John Cloran Athenry Galway Monaghan John North Gate St. Athenry Galway Monaghan Michael Coolaran Athenry Galway Monaghan Thomas Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Mooney Michael Gloves Middle Athenry Galway Moran Michael Castleturvin Athenry Galway Moran Thomas Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Morris Julia Derrymaclaughna Athenry Galway Morrissey John Blean Athenry Galway Morrissy Peter Chapel St. Athenry Galway Mullen John Cross St. Athenry Galway Mullen Michael Mountain West Athenry Galway Mullins Edward Cossaun Athenry Galway Mullowney Michael Rathmorrissy Athenry Galway Murphy Jeremiah Boyhill Athenry Galway Murphy John Barnaboy Athenry Galway Murphy John Rahard Athenry Galway Murphy Michael Ballybrone Athenry Galway Murphy Michael Boyhill Athenry Galway Murphy Patrick Ballybrone Athenry Galway Murphy Patrick Ballyglass Athenry Galway Murphy Patrick Caherbriskaun Athenry Galway Murphy Patrick Cross St. Athenry Galway Murphy Patrick Davis Lane Athenry Galway Murphy William Ballyglass Athenry Galway Murray James Derrydonnell North Athenry Galway Murray Joseph Bridge St. Athenry Galway Murray Patrick Montpellier Athenry Galway Murray Walter Derrydonnell North Athenry Galway Naughton Thomas Ballyglass Athenry Galway Nestor Bridget Clamperpark Athenry Galway Newell Patrick Caherroyn Athenry Galway Nieland Thomas Barrettspark Athenry Galway Nolan David Greethill Athenry Galway Nolan John Ballybackagh Athenry Galway Nolan Michael Ballygarraun North Athenry Galway Nolan Michael Toberconnelly Athenry Galway Nolan Michael Turloughalanger Athenry Galway Nolan Patrick North Gate St. Athenry Galway Nolan William Chapel St. Athenry Galway Nolan Winifred Caherfinesker Athenry Galway Noone Patrick Blean Athenry Galway Nylad Peter Baunmore Athenry Galway O'Brien Anthony Cross St. Athenry Galway O'Brien Anthony Kingsland South Athenry Galway O'Brien Augustus Barnaboy Athenry Galway O'Brien John Derrymaclaughna Athenry Galway O'Brien Patrick Carrowntober West Athenry Galway O'Connor John Caherroyn Athenry Galway O'Dea Edmund Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway O'Dea Thomas Athenry Burke's Lane Athenry Galway O'Doherty Chas. Wm. Ballyglass Athenry Galway Owens Martin Montpellier Athenry Galway Perrin Rev. Mark Athenry Athenry Galway Perrin Rev. Mark Castleturvin Athenry Galway Perry James Ballygarraun North Athenry Galway Perry James Ballygarraun South Athenry Galway Perry James Ballygarraun West Athenry Galway Perry James Baunmore Athenry Galway Perry James Cullairbaun Athenry Galway Perry James Gortbnahown Athenry Galway Perry James Moanbaun Athenry Galway Perry James Newford Athenry Galway Perry James Park Athenry Galway Persse Burton Bottom Athenry Galway Persse Burton Loobroe Athenry Galway Persse Burton Toberconnelly Athenry Galway Persse Neptune Cross St. Athenry Galway Persse Richard Boyhill Athenry Galway Pinnard James Caherbriskaun Athenry Galway Power Bridget Pollagh Athenry Galway Qualter John Chapel St. Athenry Galway Qualter Stephen Caherroyn Athenry Galway Quinn James Chapel St. Athenry Galway Quinn Malachy Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Quinn Thomas Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Rabbitt Patrick Carnaun Athenry Galway Rabbitt Patrick Cossaun Athenry Galway Regan Michael Turloughalanger Athenry Galway Regan Thomas Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Robinson William Athenry Athenry Galway Roche Stephen Ballydavid South Athenry Galway Roche Stephen Caherroyn Athenry Galway Rooane Martin Ballinloughaun Athenry Galway Roonane John Moanbaun Athenry Galway Roonee John Park Athenry Galway Rooney William Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Roonoe John Blean Athenry Galway Roonoe John Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Roonoe John Rahard Athenry Galway Roonoe Martin, Jr. Rahard Athenry Galway Roonoe Martin, Sr. Rahard Athenry Galway Roonoe Michael Blean Athenry Galway Roonoe Michael, Jr. Rahard Athenry Galway Roonoe Patrick Blean Athenry Galway Roonoe Thomas Rahard Athenry Galway Rush Ambrose Carnmore Athenry Galway Ryan Alice Athenry Burke's Lane Athenry Galway Ryan Bryan Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Ryan Bryan Montpellier Athenry Galway Ryan Honoria Ballydavid North Athenry Galway Ryan Honoria Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Ryan James Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Ryan James Davis Lane Athenry Galway Ryan Thomas Ballydavid North Athenry Galway Ryan Thomas Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Ryan William Chapel St. Athenry Galway Sewell Hon. B. Barrack Lane Athenry Galway Sewell Hon. B. Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Sewell Hon. B. Carrowntober West Athenry Galway Sewell Hon. B. Montpellier Athenry Galway Sewell Hon. S. Athenry Athenry Galway Shaughnessy Bartholomew Chapel St. Athenry Galway Shaughnessy Jeremiah Ballinloughaun Athenry Galway Shaughnessy John Carrowntober West Athenry Galway Shaughnessy Luke Mira Athenry Galway Shaughnessy Mary Cossaun Athenry Galway Shaughnessy Nichs. Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Shaughnessy Patrick Ballinloughaun Athenry Galway Shaughnessy Patrick Foorkill,Coldwood Athenry Galway Shaughnessy Patrick Mira Athenry Galway Shaughnessy Sarah Ballinloughaun Athenry Galway Shaughnessy William Cross St. Athenry Galway Shaughnessy William Prospect Athenry Galway Size Michael Boyhill Athenry Galway Skehill Patrick Carrowntober West Athenry Galway Slamen Bridget Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Smith James Derrydonnellmore Athenry Galway Smith Laurence Caherfinesker Athenry Galway Smyth James Toberroe Athenry Galway Staunton Judith Caherroyn Athenry Galway Sullivan Thomas Mountain West Athenry Galway Sweeney Myles Castleturvin Athenry Galway Sweeny Peter Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Taylor Walter Mulpit Athenry Galway Tierney John Loughaunenaghan Athenry Galway Tierney Michael Cullairbaun Athenry Galway Toole Patrick Blean Athenry Galway Tracey Michael Ballinloughaun Athenry Galway Uniacke Michael Chapel Lane Athenry Galway Vandeleur Thomas C. Moyveela Athenry Galway Vandeleur Thomas C. Palmerstown Athenry Galway Vandeleur Thomas C. Shantallow Athenry Galway Waldron Patrick Mulpit Athenry Galway Waldron Rev. Peter Mira Athenry Galway Wall Patrick Castle Ellen Athenry Galway Ward Patrick Carrowntober East Athenry Galway Ward Thomas Caherroyn Athenry Galway Whelan Bridget Athenry Burke's Athenry Galway Whelan Patrick Rahard Athenry Galway Whelan Thomas Caherroyn Athenry Galway Whelan Thomas Knockaunglass Athenry Galway White Thomas Gloves Middle Athenry Galway Wilkin Mark Coolaran Athenry Galway