Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Barrett John Gorteencahill Clontuskert Galway Barrett Thomas Stream Clontuskert Galway Battel Patrick Newtownkelly Clontuskert Galway Bermingham Michael Lisheennavinnoge (Blake) Clontuskert Galway Berrane Edmund Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Blake Patrick Atticoffey West Clontuskert Galway Blake Patrick Carrowmore East Clontuskert Galway Blake Patrick Gortnamona Clontuskert Galway Blake Patrick Newtownkelly Clontuskert Galway Blake Patrick Sheepwalk Clontuskert Galway Bohan Michael Chapelpark Clontuskert Galway Bohen Thomas Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Boyle Bridget Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Brock John Garryduff Clontuskert Galway Browders William Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Browne Edward Gortnahorna (Clanricarde) Clontuskert Galway Browne Mary Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Burke John Graiguea Woneen Clontuskert Galway Burke John Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Burke Michael Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Burke William H. Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Burke William H. Mackney (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Butler James Ballynew Clontuskert Galway Butler James Loughaunbrean Clontuskert Galway Butler John Lakefield Clontuskert Galway Butler Richard Mackney (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Butler Thomas Carrowkeel Clontuskert Galway Byan John, Sr. Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Byrne Mary Gorteencahill Clontuskert Galway Callaghan Patrick Carrowkeel Clontuskert Galway Campbell Edmund Carrowmore East Clontuskert Galway Campbell Edmund Sheepwalk Clontuskert Galway Campbell James Lisheennavinnoge (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Campbell Michael, Jr. Gorteenaveela Clontuskert Galway Campbell Michl., Jr. Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Campbell Michl., Sr. Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Campbell Thomas Lisheennavinnoge (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Carpenter Alexander Tirrooaun Clontuskert Galway Carroll William Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Church ??? Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Clancarty ??? Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Clancarty ??? Graiguea Woneen Clontuskert Galway Clancarty ??? Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Clancarty ??? Mackney (Kelly) Clontuskert Galway Clarke Thomas Mackney (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Coen Judith Chapelpark Clontuskert Galway Coen Judith Lakefield Clontuskert Galway Coen William Chapelpark Clontuskert Galway Coglhan John Lisheennavinnoge (Blake) Clontuskert Galway Coleman Thomas Loughturk West Clontuskert Galway Concannon Michael Gorteenaveela Clontuskert Galway Concannon Patrick Ballagh East Clontuskert Galway Concannon Thomas Ballagh East Clontuskert Galway Concannon Thomas Drum Clontuskert Galway Connelly Barthw. Shanvoley Clontuskert Galway Connolly Michael Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Connolly Thomas Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Connor James Mackney (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Connor William Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Connor William Garrylawerence Clontuskert Galway Connor William Gorteenaveela Clontuskert Galway Connors Edmund Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Cooke George Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Cooke James Gortnahorna Clontuskert Galway Cooke Richard Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Darby Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Edmund Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Hugh Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Coolahan James Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Jeremiah Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Coolahan John Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Coolahan John Cappagh Clontuskert Galway Coolahan John Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Coolahan John Coolbeg Clontuskert Galway Coolahan John Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Michael Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Owen Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Patrick Chapelpark Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Patrick Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Patrick Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Patrick, Sr. Cappagh Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Peter Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Peter Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Rep. William Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Richard Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Thomas Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Thomas Coolbeg Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Thomas Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Coolahan Thos. Cappagh Clontuskert Galway Corcoran John Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Corcoran Patrick Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Cormican John Lisheennavinnoge (Blake) Clontuskert Galway Cormican Patrick Lisheennavinnoge (Blake) Clontuskert Galway Costello James Corrabaun Clontuskert Galway Costello Patrick Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Costello Patrick Garrylawerence Clontuskert Galway Costello Thomas Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Costello Thomas Garrylawerence Clontuskert Galway Costelloe John Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Craughwell Dorothea Tristaun Clontuskert Galway Craughwell Dorothea Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Craughwell James Attibrassil Clontuskert Galway Craughwell James Templepark Clontuskert Galway Craven Michael Corrabaun Clontuskert Galway Cummy Bridget Chapelpark Clontuskert Galway Cunniffe Patrick Stream Clontuskert Galway Cunningham John Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Cunningham Thomas Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Curley James Barnaboy Clontuskert Galway Curley James Bogpark Clontuskert Galway Curley James Drum Clontuskert Galway Curley James Loughturk West Clontuskert Galway Curley John Ballagh East Clontuskert Galway Curley John Drum Clontuskert Galway Curley John, Jr. Ballagh East Clontuskert Galway Curley John, Jr. Drum Clontuskert Galway Curley John, Sr. Ballagh East Clontuskert Galway Curley John, Sr. Drum Clontuskert Galway Curley Patrick Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Curley Thomas Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Datten John Stream Clontuskert Galway Denison John Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Dermody James Gortnahorna (Clanricarde) Clontuskert Galway Dermody Patrick Crossconnell More Clontuskert Galway Dogherty Ellen Carrowkeel Clontuskert Galway Dolan Denis Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Dolan James Liskelly Clontuskert Galway Dolan Mary Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Dolan Thomas Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Donnellan Honoria Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Downey Patrick Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Drought Rev. Adolphus Somerset Clontuskert Galway Duane Patrick Ardranny More Clontuskert Galway Dunlo Viscount Graiguea Woneen Clontuskert Galway Egan Peter Tirrooaun Clontuskert Galway Eyre John Glenaun Clontuskert Galway Fahy Daniel Tirrooaun Clontuskert Galway Fahy Margaret Mackney (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Fahy Thomas Carrowmore East Clontuskert Galway Fahy William Mackney (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Fallon Kieran Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Fallon Peter Ballynew Clontuskert Galway Farrell Catherine Gorteencahill Clontuskert Galway Farrell James Ardranny More Clontuskert Galway Farrell Michael Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Finnegan Mary Carrowkeel Clontuskert Galway Flaherty Byran Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Flaherty Patrick Loughaunbrean Clontuskert Galway Flattery Mary Gannaveen Clontuskert Galway Flattery Mary Stream Clontuskert Galway Flattery Michael Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Foley John Gannaveen Clontuskert Galway Fury Daniel Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Galbraith John Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Ganyan John Gannaveen Clontuskert Galway Ganyan Richard Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Gardiner Anne Atticoffey West Clontuskert Galway Gascoyne Henry Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Geraghty John Somerset Clontuskert Galway Geraghty Matthew Somerset Clontuskert Galway Gill Thomas Mackney (Kelly) Clontuskert Galway Goerge Robert St. Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Goode John Somerset Clontuskert Galway Goode Patrick Gannaveen Clontuskert Galway Goode Patrick Somerset Clontuskert Galway Gorman Michael Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Greene Rd. W. Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Greene Rd. W. Ardranny More Clontuskert Galway Guinness John Crossconnell More Clontuskert Galway Gylnn John Mackney (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Hagerty George Chapelpark Clontuskert Galway Hallagay Mary Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Hanagan Michael Gannaveen Clontuskert Galway Hanlon Thomas Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Hannin Patrick Tristaun Clontuskert Galway Hanrahan Patrick Ardranny More Clontuskert Galway Hardiman Margaret Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Haverty Edward Bogpark Clontuskert Galway Haverty Edward Taylorstown Clontuskert Galway Haverty John Crossconnell More Clontuskert Galway Haverty Martin Gortmore Clontuskert Galway Haverty Martin Lisheennavinnoge (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Hoolahan Thomas Chapelpark Clontuskert Galway Horan John Attibrassil Clontuskert Galway Horan Patrick Tristaun Clontuskert Galway Howie John Mackney (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Hughes Honoria Carrowkeel Clontuskert Galway Hushen John Gortnahorna (Clanricarde) Clontuskert Galway Hushen William Gortnahorna (Clanricarde) Clontuskert Galway Johnston Elizabeth Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Johnston Gilbert Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Johnston James Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Jones Thomas L. Abbeypark Clontuskert Galway Jones Thomas L. Chapelpark Clontuskert Galway Jones Thomas L. Gorteencahill Clontuskert Galway Joseph John Mackney (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Joyce Pierce Abbeypark Clontuskert Galway Joyce Pierce Kill Clontuskert Galway Kane Matthias Gannaveen Clontuskert Galway Keane Bridget Abbeypark Clontuskert Galway Keane Charles Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Keane James Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Keating Anne Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Kelly Anne Crossconnell More Clontuskert Galway Kelly Bridget Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Kelly Byran Atticoffey West Clontuskert Galway Kelly Denis Gorteenaveela Clontuskert Galway Kelly Eleanor Somerset Clontuskert Galway Kelly Hugh Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Kelly James Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Kelly James Crossconnell More Clontuskert Galway Kelly John Loughturk West Clontuskert Galway Kelly John Taylorstown Clontuskert Galway Kelly Loughlin Atticoffey West Clontuskert Galway Kelly Luke Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Kelly Patrick Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Kelly Patrick Gortmore Clontuskert Galway Kelly Patrick Kilnahown Clontuskert Galway Kelly Patrick, Sr. Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Kelly William Crossconnell More Clontuskert Galway Kenny Michael Newtownkelly Clontuskert Galway Kerrigan Bridget Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Kerrigan Catherine Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Killeen Martin Kilnahown Clontuskert Galway Kirwan Michael Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Kirwan Patrick Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Kirwan Patrick Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Larcom Peter Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Larcom Peter Ardranny More Clontuskert Galway Larkin Bridget Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Larkin Edmund Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Larkin Elizabeth Somerset Clontuskert Galway Larkin Patrick Gortmore Clontuskert Galway Larkin Patrick Kilnahown Clontuskert Galway Larkin Patrick Somerset Clontuskert Galway Lee Martin Loughaunbrean Clontuskert Galway Lee Martin Taylorstown Clontuskert Galway Leonard John Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Leonard Thomas Liskelly Clontuskert Galway Loughnane Michael Tristaun Clontuskert Galway Lynch John Lakefield Clontuskert Galway Lynch Patrick Atticoffey West Clontuskert Galway Lynch Patrick Newtownkelly Clontuskert Galway Lyons James Chapelpark Clontuskert Galway Lyons James Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Lyons John Ardranny More Clontuskert Galway Lyons John Attibrassil Clontuskert Galway Lyons John Tristaun Clontuskert Galway Lyons Martin Ardranny More Clontuskert Galway Madden Austin Atticoffey West Clontuskert Galway Madden Bryan Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Madden Catherine Newtownkelly Clontuskert Galway Madden John Carrowkeel Clontuskert Galway Madden John Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Madden John Crossconnell More Clontuskert Galway Madden Michael Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Madden Patrick Carrowkeel Clontuskert Galway Madden Patrick Gannaveen Clontuskert Galway Madden Patrick Gortmore Clontuskert Galway Madden Patrick Lisheennavinnoge (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Madden Thomas Gannaveen Clontuskert Galway Mahern John Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Mc Cooge Margaret Gorteencahill Clontuskert Galway Mc Daniel Patrick Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Mc Daniel Thomas Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Mc Daniel William Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Mc Dermott Bryan Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Mc Dermott Byran Graiguea Woneen Clontuskert Galway Mc Dermott Hugh Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Mc Dermott James Bogpark Clontuskert Galway Mc Dermott James Loughaunbrean Clontuskert Galway Mc Dermott James Loughturk West Clontuskert Galway Mc Dermott James Taylorstown Clontuskert Galway Mc Dermott Mary Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Mc Dermott Michael Carrowmore West Clontuskert Galway Mc Dermott Michael Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Mc Dermott Michael Gortnahorna (Clanricarde) Clontuskert Galway Mc Dermott Patrick Loughturk West Clontuskert Galway Mc Dermott Thomas Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Mc Donagh Walter Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Mc Guinness Daniel Gortnahorna (Clanricarde) Clontuskert Galway Mc Guinness Daniel Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Mc Guinness John Gortnahorna (Clanricarde) Clontuskert Galway Mc Guinness Michael Gortnahorna (Clanricarde) Clontuskert Galway Mc Guinness Thomas Loughturk West Clontuskert Galway Mc Lane John Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Mc Lellan William Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Mc Mullan John Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Mc Mullen John Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Mc Mullen John Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Mc Namara Thomas Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Mc Ness Thomas Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Meledy Edward Sheepwalk Clontuskert Galway Middleton Judith Abbeypark Clontuskert Galway Mitchell Alexander Gannaveen Clontuskert Galway Mitchell Michael Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Molloy Charles Abbeypark Clontuskert Galway Molloy Charles Atticoffey East Clontuskert Galway Molloy Charles Chapelpark Clontuskert Galway Molloy Charles Lakefield Clontuskert Galway Molloy Martin Ballymanagh Clontuskert Galway Mooney Michael Ardranny More Clontuskert Galway Mooney Thomas Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Moran Edward Tristaun Clontuskert Galway Mullery Edmund Graiguea Woneen Clontuskert Galway Mullery John Graiguea Woneen Clontuskert Galway Mullery John Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Mullery Michael Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Mulray John Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Mulrey Catherine Sheepwalk Clontuskert Galway Mulrey Timothy Carrowmore East Clontuskert Galway Murphy John Stream Clontuskert Galway Murphy William Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Murray James Attibrassil Clontuskert Galway Murray John Crossconnell More Clontuskert Galway Murray Michael Crossconnell More Clontuskert Galway Naughton James Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Nevin Elwood Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Nevin John Crossconnell More Clontuskert Galway Nevin Patrick Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Nicholl Alexander Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Nolan James Ardranny More Clontuskert Galway Noone Andrew Tirrooaun Clontuskert Galway O'Brien Denis Crossconnell Beg Clontuskert Galway O'Hara William Lismanny Clontuskert Galway O'Neill James Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Poland Daniel Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Poland Martin Atticoffey West Clontuskert Galway Poland Patrick Ardranny More Clontuskert Galway Pollok Allan Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Pollok Allan Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Pollok Allan Gannaveen Clontuskert Galway Pollok Allan Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Pollok Allan Tirrooaun Clontuskert Galway Potts William T. Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Raftery Margaret Gortmore Clontuskert Galway Raftery Mary Tristaun Clontuskert Galway Raftery Thomas Lisheennavinnoge (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Reilly Honoria Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Reilly Jn. Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Reilly John Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Reilly Mary Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Reilly Michael Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Reilly Patrick, Jr. Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Reilly Patrick, Sr. Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Reilly Thomas Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Reynolds Denis Ballagh West Clontuskert Galway Robinson John Tirrooaun Clontuskert Galway Roche Michael Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Rouke John Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Ryan John Ardranny More Clontuskert Galway Ryan John Gorteenaveela Clontuskert Galway Ryan John, Jr. Ballagh West Clontuskert Galway Ryan John, Jr. Kilnahown Clontuskert Galway Ryan John, Jr. Liskelly Clontuskert Galway Ryan John, Sr. Kilnahown Clontuskert Galway Sale Anne Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Sale William Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Sale William Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Scott Bridget Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Scott Edward Tristaun Clontuskert Galway Scott Mary Ardranny Beg Clontuskert Galway Scott Michael Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Scott Thomas Gorteenaveela Clontuskert Galway Sellors Simon Corrabaun Clontuskert Galway Sellors Simon Tristaun Clontuskert Galway Seymour William Coolbeg Clontuskert Galway Seymour William Somerset Clontuskert Galway Sharpe Robert Ballagh West Clontuskert Galway Sharpe Robert Eskerkeel Clontuskert Galway Sharpe Robert Garryduff Clontuskert Galway Sharpe William Gortnahorna Clontuskert Galway Sheil Michael Gorteenaveela Clontuskert Galway Sheil Patrick Gorteenaveela Clontuskert Galway Sheil Patrick Loughturk West Clontuskert Galway Sheil Thomas Gorteenaveela Clontuskert Galway Shine Martin Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Sinclair Jane Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Sinclair Robert Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Skahill Thomas Crowsnest Clontuskert Galway Smith James Gortnahorna (Clanricarde) Clontuskert Galway Smyley Patrick Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Smyth William Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Staunton Honoria Stream Clontuskert Galway Stenson Andrew Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Stevenson James Gortmore Clontuskert Galway Stevenson James Kilnahown Clontuskert Galway Stevenson Thomas Gortmore Clontuskert Galway Stevenson Thomas Lisheennavinnoge (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Tevlin Timothy Attibrassil Clontuskert Galway Tierney John Gorteenaveela Clontuskert Galway Tierney Thomas Gorteenaveela Clontuskert Galway Tobin Nicholas Loughaunbrean Clontuskert Galway Tracey Patrick Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Tracy John Atticoffey West Clontuskert Galway Tunny Denis Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Turley James Chapelpark Clontuskert Galway Turley James Kill Clontuskert Galway Turley John Chapelpark Clontuskert Galway Turley John Lakefield Clontuskert Galway Wakefield Charles Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Wakefield William Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Wakefiled Mary Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Wakefiled Thomasl Kellysgrove Clontuskert Galway Wall Peter Cloonascragh Clontuskert Galway Walsh Andrew Drum Clontuskert Galway Walsh Arthur Attibrassil Clontuskert Galway Walsh David Kilnahown Clontuskert Galway Walsh Isaac Gortnahorna Clontuskert Galway Walsh James Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Walsh James Liskelly Clontuskert Galway Walsh James, Jr. Glenloughaun Clontuskert Galway Walsh Jane Mackney (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Walsh Mary Mackney (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway Walsh Thomas Urraghry Clontuskert Galway Watson Soloman Cappagh Clontuskert Galway Watson Solomon Barnpark Clontuskert Galway Watson Solomon Lakefield Clontuskert Galway White John Atticoffey West Clontuskert Galway White Michael Lismanny Clontuskert Galway Woods Margaret Gortmore Clontuskert Galway Woods Margaret Lisheennavinnoge (Clancarty) Clontuskert Galway