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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dunmore, County Galway
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dunmore, County Galway
Baker Patrick Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Ball William S. Lissyconor Dunmore Galway Barrett John S. Ballintava Dunmore Galway Bird James Cappagh Dunmore Galway Bird Walter Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Blake Arthur N. Quaybaun Dunmore Galway Blake Charles Ballintise Dunmore Galway Blake Charles Sylaun East Dunmore Galway Blake Walter Carrowbaun Dunmore Galway Blake Walter Dunmore Dunmore Galway Bodkin James Dunmore Dunmore Galway Bodkin John Cluid Dunmore Galway Bodkin John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Bodkin John Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Bodkin John Tobernaclug Dunmore Galway Bodkin John J. Quarrymount Dunmore Galway Bodkin Rep. Peter Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Bones Charles Cappagh Dunmore Galway Bones Edward Cappagh Dunmore Galway Bones James Cappagh Dunmore Galway Bones James Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Bones Patrick Cappagh Dunmore Galway Bourke Henry Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Bourke John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Bourke Martin Cloonboo More Dunmore Galway Bourke Mary Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Bourke Mary Tobernaclug Dunmore Galway Bourke Patrick Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Bourke Patrick Knockaunbrack Dunmore Galway Bourke Peter Cloonboo More Dunmore Galway Bourke Richard Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Bourke Timothy Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Bourke Walter Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Bourke William Castle Dunmore Galway Bourke William Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Bourke William Killuney Dunmore Galway Boyle Bartholomew Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Boyle Michael Darrary North Dunmore Galway Boyle Patrick Ballinlass Dunmore Galway Boyle Patrick Cappagh Dunmore Galway Boyle Patrick Killuney Dunmore Galway Boyle Thomas Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Boyle Timothy Ballinlass Dunmore Galway Boyle Timothy Drumbane Dunmore Galway Boyle Timothy Killuney Dunmore Galway Brady Richard Killuney Dunmore Galway Brady Thomas Knockaunbrack Dunmore Galway Brady Thomas Lissyconor Dunmore Galway Breheny John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Brenan James Dunmore Dunmore Galway Brennan John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Brennan John Knockaunbrack Dunmore Galway Brennan John Lissyconor Dunmore Galway Brennan Martin Cluid Dunmore Galway Brennan Michael Knockaunbrack Dunmore Galway Brennan Patrick Baunmore Dunmore Galway Brennan Patrick Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Brennan Patrick Sylaun West Dunmore Galway Brennan Thaddeus Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Brennan Thomas Glen Dunmore Galway Brogan Owen Cappagh Dunmore Galway Browne James Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Browne John W. Gorteen Dunmore Galway Browne Michael Cloonboo Beg Dunmore Galway Browne Nicholas Bracklagh Dunmore Galway Browne Nicholas Fearbeg Dunmore Galway Browne Patrick Quaybaun Dunmore Galway Browne Thomas Quaybaun Dunmore Galway Bryan Thomas Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Bryne Michael Cloonboo More Dunmore Galway Burke David Cogaula Dunmore Galway Burke Denis Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Burke Edward Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Burke John Cappagh Dunmore Galway Burke John Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Burke John Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Burke John Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Burke John Lurgan Dunmore Galway Burke Matthew Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Burke Michael Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Burke Michael Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Burke Michael Menus Dunmore Galway Burke Patrick Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Burke Patrick Drumbane Dunmore Galway Burke Patrick Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Burke Patrick Lurgan Dunmore Galway Burke Richard Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Burke Thomas Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Burke Thomas Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Burke William Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Burke William Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Burke William Lurgan Dunmore Galway Burns Thomas Tooreen Dunmore Galway Byrne John Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Byrne John Darrary South Dunmore Galway Byrne John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Byrne Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Byrne Thomas Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Cahill Michael Ballagh West Dunmore Galway Cairnes Eliza Carrowcullen Dunmore Galway Canavan Edward Dunmore Dunmore Galway Canning Richard Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Cannon Thomas Ballintise Dunmore Galway Canny Michael Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Carney Bernard Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Carney Bryan Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Carney James Cappagh Dunmore Galway Carney Martin Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Carney Owen Cappagh Dunmore Galway Carney Patrick Cappagh Dunmore Galway Carney Thomas Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Carty John Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Casey Denis Quaybaun Dunmore Galway Casey Thomas Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Casserley Patrick Lissybroder Dunmore Galway Casserly Mary Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Casserly Thomas Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Cassidy Sarah Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Clancy John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Clarke John Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Clarke Mary Ballymoney North Dunmore Galway Clarke Mary Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Clarke Michael Sylaunnagran Dunmore Galway Clarke Peter Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Clarke William Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Cleary Patrick Stripe North Dunmore Galway Cloonan Edmund Knockaunbrack Dunmore Galway Cloonan Patrick Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Coen Edmund Gorteen Dunmore Galway Coen John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Coen John Killavoher Dunmore Galway Coghlan Edmund Cappagh Dunmore Galway Coleman James Fearmore Dunmore Galway Coleman Michael Fearmore Dunmore Galway Collins Edward Ballywataire Dunmore Galway Collins Edward Lissyconor Dunmore Galway Collins John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Collins John Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Collins John Meenleana Dunmore Galway Collins Luke, Jr. Castle Dunmore Galway Collins Luke, Sr. Castle Dunmore Galway Collins Patrick Castle Dunmore Galway Collins Patrick Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Comer Bridget Dunmore Dunmore Galway Comer James Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Comer John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Comer Michael Gorteen Dunmore Galway Comer Michael, Jr. Gorteen Dunmore Galway Comer Thomas Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Comer Thomas Lissyconor Dunmore Galway Commons Michael Menus Dunmore Galway Concannon Andrew Dunmore Dunmore Galway Concannon Andrew Prospect Dunmore Galway Concannon Augustine Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Concannon Francis Attiflynn Dunmore Galway Concannon James Beaghroe Dunmore Galway Concannon Margaret Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Concannon Michael Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Concannon Michael Dunmore Dunmore Galway Concannon Thaddeus Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Concannon Thomas Aille Dunmore Galway Coneely Martin Cappagh Dunmore Galway Conneely Patrick Carrownaseer South Dunmore Galway Conneely Patrick Lisduff Dunmore Galway Conneely Thomas Carrownaseer South Dunmore Galway Connell James Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Connell James Darrary South Dunmore Galway Connell John Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Connell Mary Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Connell Michael Cappagh Dunmore Galway Connell Owen Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Connell Patrick Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Connell Patrick Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Connell Patrick Drumbane Dunmore Galway Connell Ptk. Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Connell William Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Connolly Daniel Gortaleam Dunmore Galway Connolly James Cluid Dunmore Galway Connolly James Derrymore Dunmore Galway Connolly John Darrary North Dunmore Galway Connolly John Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Connolly John Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Connolly John Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Connolly Martin Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Connolly Michael Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Connolly Michael Tobernaclug Dunmore Galway Connolly Thomas Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Connolly Thomas Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Connolly Thomas Tobernaclug Dunmore Galway Connolly William Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Connor Arthur Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Connor Arthur Carrowpadeen West Dunmore Galway Connor Catherine Dunmore Dunmore Galway Connor James Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Connor John Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Connor Patrick Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Connor Patrick Glen Dunmore Galway Conroy John Tooreen Dunmore Galway Conway Margaret Newtown (Darcy) Dunmore Galway Conway Thomas Bettyspark Dunmore Galway Cooke John Garrafrauns Dunmore Galway Cooke Michael Menus Dunmore Galway Cooney Patrick Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Corcoran Augustine Addergoole More Dunmore Galway Corcoran Laurence Drumbane Dunmore Galway Corcoran Laurence Shrule Dunmore Galway Corcoran Michael Drumbane Dunmore Galway Corcoran Michael Shrule Dunmore Galway Corless James Conagher Dunmore Galway Cosby William Killuney Dunmore Galway Cosgrave John Darrary North Dunmore Galway Cosgrave John Darrary South Dunmore Galway Cosgrave Thomas Lurgan Dunmore Galway Costelloe Patrick Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Costelloe Sarah Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Costelloe Sebina Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Costelloe Thomas Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Costelloe Thomas, Jr. Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Costelloe Thomas, Sr. Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Costelloe William Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Cottell Michael Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Cottle Lawrence Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Craven John Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Craven Nicholas Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Creane Joseph Dunmore Dunmore Galway Crews William Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Crowe Bridget Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Crowe Patrick Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Cruise William Cluid Dunmore Galway Cullinan John Carrownagur Dunmore Galway Cullinan John Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Cullinan Patrick Carrownagur Dunmore Galway Cumingham Patrick Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Cummins Cormack Ballagh East Dunmore Galway Cummins John Mullaghmarkagh Dunmore Galway Cummins Margaret Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Cummins Michael Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Cummins Patrick Slieve Dunmore Galway Cummins Peter Prospect Dunmore Galway Cummins Thomas Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Cunniff Martin Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Cunningham Martin Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Cunningham Mary Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Cunningham Mary Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Cunningham Michael Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Cunningham Michael Ballintava Dunmore Galway Cunningham Michl. Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Cunningham Patrick Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Cunningham Thomas, Sr. Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Cunningham Thos., Jr. Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Cunningham William Gortaleam Dunmore Galway Curley Naperia Dunmore Dunmore Galway Daly Daniel Carrownagur Dunmore Galway Daly James Ballymoney North Dunmore Galway Daly James Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Daly James Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Daly John Bracklagh Dunmore Galway Daly John Carrownagur Dunmore Galway Daly Patrick Ballymoney North Dunmore Galway Daly Patrick Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Delany Dorothea Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Denis John Garrauns Dunmore Galway Dennis John Stripe South Dunmore Galway Dermody Margaret Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Dermody Thomas Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Devan Thomas Castle Dunmore Galway Devanny Jeremiah Roy Dunmore Galway Devany Bridget Dunmore Dunmore Galway Dillon Michael Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Disken Martin Ballintava Dunmore Galway Diskin James Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Diskin James Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Diskin Mary Newtown (Darcy) Dunmore Galway Diskin Michael Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Diskin Monica Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Diskin Patrick Kiltivna Dunmore Galway Diskin Peter Glen Dunmore Galway Diskin Thomas Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Diskin Thomas Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Diskin Thomas Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Diskin Thomas Menus Dunmore Galway Diskin Thomas Menus Park Dunmore Galway Diskin William Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Dodd Thomas Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Doherty Edward Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Doherty Martin Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Doherty Roger Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Doherty Thomas Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Dolan James Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Dolan John Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Dolan Patrick Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Dolan Thomas Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Donelan Thomas O'C Beaghbaun Dunmore Galway Donnelan James Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Donnelan Michael Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Donnelan Peter, Sr. Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Donnellan Bridget Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Donnellan Charles Newtown (Darcy) Dunmore Galway Donnellan Daniel Castle Dunmore Galway Donnellan Denis Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Donnellan Edmund Baunmore Dunmore Galway Donnellan Edmund Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Donnellan Edward Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Donnellan Edward Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Donnellan Eleanor Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Donnellan James Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Donnellan James Dunmore Dunmore Galway Donnellan James Gorteen Dunmore Galway Donnellan Jn. Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Donnellan John Cappagh Dunmore Galway Donnellan John Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Donnellan John Cloonmore Dunmore Galway Donnellan John Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Donnellan John Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Donnellan John Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Donnellan John Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Donnellan John Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Donnellan Malachy Dunmore Dunmore Galway Donnellan Martin Carrowkeel Anahglass Dunmore Galway Donnellan Martin Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Donnellan Martin Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Donnellan Michael Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Donnellan Michael Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Donnellan Patrick Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Donnellan Patrick Carrowpadeen West Dunmore Galway Donnellan Patrick Castle Dunmore Galway Donnellan Patrick Cloonboo Beg Dunmore Galway Donnellan Patrick Cloonmore Dunmore Galway Donnellan Patrick Gorteen Dunmore Galway Donnellan Patrick Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Donnellan Patrick Slieve Dunmore Galway Donnellan Patrick Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Donnellan Peter, Jr. Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Donnellan Thomas Ballintava Dunmore Galway Donnellan Thomas Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Donnellan Thomas Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Donnellan Thomas Castle Dunmore Galway Donnellan Thomas Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Donnellan Thomas Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Donnellan Thomas Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Donnellan Thos. Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Donnellan Tobias Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Donnellan Ts. Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Donnellan William Dunmore Dunmore Galway Donnellan Winifred Ballintise Dunmore Galway Donnellen Owen Cappagh Dunmore Galway Donnnelan Catherine Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Donohoe John Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Donohoe Michael Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Donohoe Roger Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Dooley John Cloonboo More Dunmore Galway Doorey Patrick Ballintava Dunmore Galway Dowd William Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Dowling Michael Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Dowling Richard Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Dowling Thomas Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Duffy Bryan Killuney Dunmore Galway Duffy James Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Duffy John Killuney Dunmore Galway Duffy Michael Carrowkeel Anahglass Dunmore Galway Duffy Rev. Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Dwyer Daniel Dunmore Dunmore Galway Egan James Dunmore Dunmore Galway Egan James Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Egan John Carrowkeel Anahglass Dunmore Galway Egan John Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Egan John Gorteen Dunmore Galway Ester Owen Mullaghmarkagh Dunmore Galway Eyre Edmund Cogaula Dunmore Galway Fahy Michael Carrowpadeen West Dunmore Galway Fahy Michael Cloonboo Beg Dunmore Galway Fahy Patrick Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Fahy Patrick Carrowpadeen West Dunmore Galway Fahy Patrick Cogaula Dunmore Galway Fallon Denis Ballinlass Dunmore Galway Fallon James Ballinlass Dunmore Galway Fallon James Cloneen Dunmore Galway Fallon James Grange Dunmore Galway Fallon John Beagh (Donnellan) Dunmore Galway Fallon John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Fallon Michael Ballinlass Dunmore Galway Fallon Michael Carrowkeel Anahglass Dunmore Galway Fallon Patrick Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Fallon Peter Addergoole More Dunmore Galway Fallon Thomas Darrary South Dunmore Galway Farragher Patrick Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Farrell Patrick Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Farrell Robert Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Feeny Edmund Castle Dunmore Galway Ferrier John Attiflynn Dunmore Galway Finigan Austin Roy Dunmore Galway Finigan Patrick Ballymoney North Dunmore Galway Finnegan Patrick Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Finnigan Augusstine Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Fitzgerald James Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Fitzgerald John Slieve Dunmore Galway Fitzgerald John Tobernaclug Dunmore Galway Flaherty James Carrownagur Dunmore Galway Flaherty Michael Cappagh Dunmore Galway Flaherty Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Flaherty Peter Drumbane Dunmore Galway Flaherty Thomas Cogaula Dunmore Galway Flanagan Bryan Beagh (Donnellan) Dunmore Galway Flanagan James Slieve Dunmore Galway Flanagan John Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Flanagan Mary Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Flanagan Mary Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Flanagan Patrick Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Flanagan Thomas Slieve Dunmore Galway Flanagan William Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Flannery Denis Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Flannery Thomas Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Flattery Bridget Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Fleming Bartholomew Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Fleming Bridget Gorteen Dunmore Galway Fleming John Cloneen Dunmore Galway Fleming John Cluid Dunmore Galway Fleming John Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Fleming John Grange Dunmore Galway Fleming Patrick Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Fleming Patrick Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Fleming Patrick Kilnaslieve Dunmore Galway Fleming Patrick Sylaun West Dunmore Galway Fleming Thomas Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Fletcher Thomas Dunmore Dunmore Galway Flynn John Stripe North Dunmore Galway Ford Francis Dunmore Dunmore Galway Ford John Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Ford Thomas Sylaunnagran Dunmore Galway Forde Patrick Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Forde Thaddeus Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Fox Bridget Tobernaclug Dunmore Galway Fox John Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Fox Martin Cappagh Dunmore Galway Fox Thomas Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Freney Patrick Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Freney Patrick Slieve Dunmore Galway Ganly John Castle Dunmore Galway Gannon Bartholomew Dunmore Dunmore Galway Gannon Honoria Sylaun West Dunmore Galway Gannon John Ballintise Dunmore Galway Gannon John Carrowcullen Dunmore Galway Gannon Michael Beaghroe Dunmore Galway Gannon Patrick Ballintise Dunmore Galway Gannon Patrick Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Gannon Thomas Beaghroe Dunmore Galway Gannon Thomas Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Gannon Thomas Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Gannon Thomas Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Gardiner James Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Gardiner Mary Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Gavin Thomas Dunmore Dunmore Galway Geraghty Michael Killavoher Dunmore Galway Geraghty Michael Lissyconor Dunmore Galway Gibbons Honoria Dunmore Dunmore Galway Gildea James Castle Dunmore Galway Gilligan John Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Gilligan Nicholas Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Gilligan Thomas Garrafrauns Dunmore Galway Gilmore Bridet Dunmore Dunmore Galway Gilmore Bridget Dunmore Dunmore Galway Gilmore Edmund Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Gilmore Edmund Moneenpollagh Dunmore Galway Gilmore Luke Dunmore Dunmore Galway Gilmore Mary Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Gilmore Michael Cappagh Dunmore Galway Gilmore Michael Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Gilmore Patrick Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Gilmore Wiliam Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Gilmore William Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Glancy John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Glannon Michael Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Gleeson Bridget Slieve Dunmore Galway Gleeson James Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Gleeson John Addergoole More Dunmore Galway Gleeson John Carrowntryla Dunmore Galway Gleeson John Gorteen Dunmore Galway Gleeson Luke Gorteen Dunmore Galway Gleeson Mary Addergoole More Dunmore Galway Gleeson Michael Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Gleeson Michael Cloonmore Dunmore Galway Gleeson Patrick, Jr. Slieve Dunmore Galway Gleeson Patrick, Sr. Slieve Dunmore Galway Glennon Martin Ballintava Dunmore Galway Glynn Catherine Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Glynn James Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Glynn Martin Conagher Dunmore Galway Glynn Thomas Cappantruhaun Dunmore Galway Glynn Thomas Cogaula Dunmore Galway Godfrey John Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Golding Richard Carrowcullen Dunmore Galway Goley James Roy Dunmore Galway Gore Baronet St. George Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Gowlan James Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Gowlan John Cloonmore Dunmore Galway Gowlan Mary Pollaphuca Dunmore Galway Gowlan Michael Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Gowlan Patrick Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Gowlan Thomas Mullaghmarkagh Dunmore Galway Gowland Thos. Mullaghmarkagh Dunmore Galway Grady Bridget Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Grady Bridget Dunmore Dunmore Galway Grady James Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Graney James Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Graney James Prospect Dunmore Galway Graney Mary Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Gray Joseph Prospect Dunmore Galway Gray Josepy Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Grealy Martin Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Greene Martin Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Grehan Patrick Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Griffin Martin Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Griffith Wiliam D. Grange Dunmore Galway Griffith William D. Dunmore Demense Dunmore Galway Grogan John Kilnaslieve Dunmore Galway Grogan Martin Garrafrauns Dunmore Galway Grogan Thomas Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Haliday Honoria Meenleana Dunmore Galway Handcock John S. Carrowntryla Dunmore Galway Handcock John S. Cloonmore Dunmore Galway Handcock John S. Gorteen Dunmore Galway Handcock Rep. Honoria Lurgan Dunmore Galway Hannon John Killuney Dunmore Galway Harte Catherine Dunmore Dunmore Galway Harte Thomas Conagher Dunmore Galway Hasty James Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Hasty Stephen Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Haverty Henry Cloonboo More Dunmore Galway Hayden Mary Dunmore Dunmore Galway Healy Edward Garrafrauns Dunmore Galway Healy John Garrafrauns Dunmore Galway Healy Matthew Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Healy Patrick Graigueachullaire Dunmore Galway Healy Peter Darrary South Dunmore Galway Heffernan Daniel Garrafrauns Dunmore Galway Heffernan Michael Killuney Dunmore Galway Henaghan Denis Castle Dunmore Galway Henaghan Patrick Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Henaghan Thomas Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Henehan Patrick Lissybroder Dunmore Galway Henry John Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Higgins Andrew Gorteen Dunmore Galway Higgins Edmund Cloonboo More Dunmore Galway Higgins Honoria Fortpark Dunmore Galway Higgins James Carrowntryla Dunmore Galway Higgins James Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Higgins James Cloonmore Dunmore Galway Higgins John Conagher Dunmore Galway Higgins Michael Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Higgins Michael Dunmore Dunmore Galway Higgins Michael Stripe North Dunmore Galway Higgins Owen Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Higgins Patrick Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Higgins Patrick Killavoher Dunmore Galway Higgins Thomas Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Higgins Thomas Graigueachullaire Dunmore Galway Hoare John Roy Dunmore Galway Hoban Bridget Baunmore Dunmore Galway Hoban Bryan Baunmore Dunmore Galway Hogan Thomas Killuney Dunmore Galway Hopkins John Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Hopkins Malachy Beagh (Donnellan) Dunmore Galway Hopkins Martin Roy Dunmore Galway Hopkins Michael Newtown (Darcy) Dunmore Galway Hopkins Thomas Menus Park Dunmore Galway Horan James Carrowcullen (Hoare) Dunmore Galway Houghagan Michael Stripe North Dunmore Galway Houghtigan John Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Howley John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Hughes William Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Hunt Thaddeus Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Hunt Thomas Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Hushin Martin Darrary North Dunmore Galway Hushin Martin Garrafrauns Dunmore Galway Hushin Maurice Garrafrauns Dunmore Galway Hussey Michael Cappantruhaun Dunmore Galway Hussey Michael Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Hussey Patrick Cloneen Dunmore Galway Hussey Patrick Grange Dunmore Galway Hussian Malachy Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Jennings Mary Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Jennings Matthew Kilnaslieve Dunmore Galway Jennings Patrick Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Jordan Thomas Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Joyce James Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Joyce John Sylaunnagran Dunmore Galway Joyce Nicholas Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Joyce Nicholas Glen Dunmore Galway Joyce Patrick Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Joyce Patrick Lisduff Dunmore Galway Joyce Thomas Glen Dunmore Galway Joyce Thomas Lisduff Dunmore Galway Judge Michael Killuney Dunmore Galway Judge Patrick Prospect Dunmore Galway Kane Bridget Dunmore Dunmore Galway Kane Bryan Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Kane James Baunmore Dunmore Galway Kane John Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Kane Patrick Darrary North Dunmore Galway Kane Patrick Darrary South Dunmore Galway Kane Patrick Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Kane Thomas Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Kane Thomas Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Kane Thomas, Jr. Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Kavanagh Edmund Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Kavanagh John Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Kavanagh Martin Ballagh East Dunmore Galway Kavanagh Thomas Ballagh East Dunmore Galway Kavanagh Thomas Derrymore Dunmore Galway Keady John Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Kealy John Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Kealy John Carrownagur Dunmore Galway Kealy John Gorteen Dunmore Galway Kealy Martin Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Kealy Martin Gorteen Dunmore Galway Kealy Roderick Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Kearney Richard Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Keavany John Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Keavany Margaret Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Keavany Thomas Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Keavany Wm. Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Keaveny Malachy Castle Dunmore Galway Keaveny Malachy Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Keaveny Patrick Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Keaveny W. Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Keefe Margaret Dunmore Dunmore Galway Keely Andrew Derrymore Dunmore Galway Keely Carroll Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Keely John Cloneen Dunmore Galway Keely John Grange Dunmore Galway Kelly Catherine Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Kelly Charles Carrownagur Dunmore Galway Kelly Edward Slievedarragh Dunmore Galway Kelly Eleanor Quaybaun Dunmore Galway Kelly James Ballywataire Dunmore Galway Kelly James Glen Dunmore Galway Kelly James Lissybroder Dunmore Galway Kelly John Abbeyland South Dunmore Galway Kelly John Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Kelly John Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Kelly John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Kelly John Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Kelly John Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Kelly Joseph Killavoher Dunmore Galway Kelly Mary Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Kelly Maryanne Dunmore Dunmore Galway Kelly Michael Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Kelly Michael Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Kelly Michael Glen Dunmore Galway Kelly Michael Graigueachullaire Dunmore Galway Kelly Michael Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Kelly Patrick Carrowntryla Dunmore Galway Kelly Patrick Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Kelly Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Kelly Patrick Fortpark Dunmore Galway Kelly Patrick Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Kelly Patrick Prospect Dunmore Galway Kelly Peter Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Kelly Roger Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Kelly Roger Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Kelly Roger Roy Dunmore Galway Kelly Sarah Graigueachullaire Dunmore Galway Kelly Thomas Ballintise Dunmore Galway Kelly Thomas Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Kelly Thomas Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Kelly Thomas Graigueachullaire Dunmore Galway Kelly William Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Kennedy Connor Menus Dunmore Galway Kennedy Connor Pollaphuca Dunmore Galway Kennedy John Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Kennedy Michael Pollaphuca Dunmore Galway Kennedy Thomas Pollaphuca Dunmore Galway Kenny Bernard Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Kenny Bridget Ballintise Dunmore Galway Kenny Bridget Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Kenny Denis Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Kenny John Ballintise Dunmore Galway Kenny John Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Kenny John Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Kenny Martin Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Kenny Michael Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Kenny Michael Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Kenny Patrick Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Kenny Patrick Cluid Dunmore Galway Kenny Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Kenny Richard Cluid Dunmore Galway Kenny Roger Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Kenny Thomas Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Kenny Thomas Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Kerrigan James Slieve Dunmore Galway Kerrigan Patrick Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Keveney Patrick Cappagh Dunmore Galway Keveny Felix Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Keveny Michael Dunmore Dunmore Galway Keveny Owen Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Keveny Patrick Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Kieran William Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Kilcourse Margaret Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Kilday Bridget Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Kilday Patrick Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Kilday Thomas Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Kilgariff John Ballintava Dunmore Galway Kilgarriff Augustine Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Kilgarriff Bryan Garrafrauns Dunmore Galway Kilgarriff Connor Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Kilgarriff James Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Kilgarriff John Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Kilgarriff John Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Kilgarriff Matthew Garrafrauns Dunmore Galway Kilgarriff Michael Mullaghmarkagh Dunmore Galway Kilgarriff Patrick Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Kiline Bridget Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Kilkelly John Lissybroder Dunmore Galway Killeen James Menus Dunmore Galway Killeen John Menus Dunmore Galway Kilmartin Patrick Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Kilmartin William Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Kilroy James Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Kinally Michael Darrary South Dunmore Galway Kinally Michael Garrafrauns Dunmore Galway Kinally Michael Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway King James Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway King Michael Dunmore Dunmore Galway King Thomas Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Kinnealy Edmund Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Kinnealy Patrick Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Kinnealy William Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Kirane Thomas Killuney Dunmore Galway Kirane Thomas Kiltivna Dunmore Galway Kirrane Mary Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Kirrane William Gorteen Dunmore Galway Kirwan James Graigueachullaire Dunmore Galway Kirwan Martin Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Kirwan Martin Darrary North Dunmore Galway Kirwan Richard Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Kirwan Richard Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Kirwan Richard Stripe North Dunmore Galway Kirwan Richard A. Conagher Dunmore Galway Kirwan William Killavoher Dunmore Galway Knight Edward Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Knight John Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Knight John Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Knight Sally Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Knight Thomas Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Lally Patrick Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Lally Patrick Roy Dunmore Galway Lally Thomas Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Larcom John Glen Dunmore Galway Lardner Patrick Carrownagur Dunmore Galway Leary Judith Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Leoard Michael Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Linskey William Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Linsky Bridget Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Linsky James Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Linsky Thomas Paddock Dunmore Galway Loftus Denis Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Loftus James Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Loftus James Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Loftus James Dunmore Dunmore Galway Loftus James Meenleana Dunmore Galway Loftus Martin Dunmore Dunmore Galway Loftus Peter Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Long Patrick Cloonboo Beg Dunmore Galway Lowry Martin Dunmore Dunmore Galway Lowry Michael Cappantruhaun Dunmore Galway Lych John Ballagh West Dunmore Galway Lydon Mary Kiltivna Dunmore Galway Lynch George Sylaunnagran Dunmore Galway Lyons Francis Darrary South Dunmore Galway Lyons James Baunmore Dunmore Galway Lyons James Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Lyons James Shrule Dunmore Galway Lyons Laurence Shrule Dunmore Galway Lyons Michael Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Lyons Michael Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Lyons Michael Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Lyons Owen Menus Park Dunmore Galway Lyons Owen Shrule Dunmore Galway Lyons Patrick Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Lyons Patrick Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Lyons Patrick Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Lyons Patrick Shrule Dunmore Galway Lyons Rev. Thomas Moneenpollagh Dunmore Galway Lyons Terence Conagher Dunmore Galway Lyons Terence Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Lyons Thaddeus Cappagh Dunmore Galway Lyons Thomas Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Lyons William Conagher Dunmore Galway Madden Bryan Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Magrath Catherine Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Magrath James Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Magrath Patrick Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Maguire James Kiltivna Dunmore Galway Mahon Edward Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Mahon Edward Dunmore Dunmore Galway Mahon John Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Mahon John Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Mahon Luke Lisduff Dunmore Galway Mahon Mary Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Mahon Matthias Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Mahon Matthias Kiltivna Dunmore Galway Mahon Patrick Lisduff Dunmore Galway Mahon Peter Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Malarky Connor Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Malarky Ed. Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Malarky Edward Dunmore Dunmore Galway Malarky James Meenleana Dunmore Galway Malarky Mark Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Malarky Owen Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Malarky Patk. Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Malarky Patrick Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Malarky Peter Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Malarky Thomas Cappagh Dunmore Galway Malarky Thomas Dunmore Dunmore Galway Mannion Andrew Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Mannion Henry Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Mannion Henry Stripe South Dunmore Galway Mannion James Gortaleam Dunmore Galway Mannion James Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Mannion John Castle Dunmore Galway Mannion John Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Mannion John Cloneen Dunmore Galway Mannion John Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Mannion Luke Castle Dunmore Galway Mannion Malachy Gorteen Dunmore Galway Mannion Margaret Baunmore Dunmore Galway Mannion Martin Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Mannion Michael Baunmore Dunmore Galway Mannion Michael Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Mannion Michael Killavoher Dunmore Galway Mannion Michael Quarter Dunmore Galway Mannion Patrick Attiflynn Dunmore Galway Mannion Patrick Baunmore Dunmore Galway Mannion Patrick Castle Dunmore Galway Mannion Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Mannion Patrick Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Mannion Roger Stripe South Dunmore Galway Mannion Thomas Castle Dunmore Galway Mannion Thomas Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Mannion Thomas Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Mannion William Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Mannion William Gorteen Dunmore Galway Mannion William Killavoher Dunmore Galway Mannion William Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Mannnion Patrick Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Martin James Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Martin James Drumbane Dunmore Galway Martin Luke Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Martin Michael Dunmore Dunmore Galway Martin Michael Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Martin Patrick Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Martin Patrick Drumbane Dunmore Galway Martin Thomas Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Mc Clean Kenny Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Mc Cormack Catherine Lisduff Dunmore Galway Mc Cormack Luke Cappagh Dunmore Galway Mc Donagh Bridget Dunmore Dunmore Galway Mc Donagh John Ballagh West Dunmore Galway Mc Donagh Matthew Carrownaseer South Dunmore Galway Mc Donagh Matthew Dunmore Dunmore Galway Mc Donagh Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Mc Donagh Robert Dunmore Dunmore Galway Mc Donnell Martin Baunoges North Dunmore Galway Mc Donnell Martin Dunmore Dunmore Galway Mc Donnell Martin Paddock Dunmore Galway Mc Donnell Martin Roy Dunmore Galway Mc Donnell Patrick Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Mc Grath Michael Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Mc Grath Patrick Meenleana Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh Bryan Ballintava Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh David Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh Eliza Ballagh East Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh Eliza Roy Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh John Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh John Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh John Roy Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh Michael Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh Michael Graigueachullaire Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh Patrick Ballagh East Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh Patrick Ballagh West Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh Patrick Ballintava Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh Thomas Beagh (Donnellan) Dunmore Galway Mc Hugh Tobias Roy Dunmore Galway Mc Intire James Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Mc Intyre John Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Mc Loughlin James Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Mc Loughlin John Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Mc Loughlin John Lurgan Dunmore Galway Mc Loughlin Patrick Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Mc Manus Patrick Lissybroder Dunmore Galway Mc Manus Thomas Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Mc Nally Thomas Glen Dunmore Galway Mc Walter Maurice Conagher Dunmore Galway Mchugh John Conagher Dunmore Galway Mehan Patrick Darrary South Dunmore Galway Melarky Emd. Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Melarky Hugh Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Melarky Jno. Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Melarky John Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Melarky Owen Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Melarky Thomas Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Mihan Patrick Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Mihan Thomas Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Minchin Rep. Margaret Dunmore Dunmore Galway Miskil John Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Miskil Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Miskil Peter Carrowpadeen West Dunmore Galway Miskil Thomas Ballagh East Dunmore Galway Miskill Michael Cloonboo More Dunmore Galway Mitchell John Roy Dunmore Galway Mitchell Mary Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Mitchell Michael Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Mitchell Michael Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Mitchell Michael Menus Dunmore Galway Mitchell Peter Ballintava Dunmore Galway Mitchell Roger Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Mitchell Samuel Menus Dunmore Galway Mollowney John Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Mollowney Michael Castle Dunmore Galway Mollowney Michael Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Molloy Bridget Mullaghmarkagh Dunmore Galway Monaghan Cicely Kilnaslieve Dunmore Galway Monaghan Cicely Sylaun West Dunmore Galway Monaghan John Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Monaghan Margaret Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Monaghan Patrick Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Monaghan Patrick Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Monaghan Patrick Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Monaghan Peter Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Monaghan Thomas Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Mooney Anddrew Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Mooney David Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Mooney Edward Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Mooney James Ballintava Dunmore Galway Mooney Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Moore Edmund Knockaunbrack Dunmore Galway Moore Edmund Lissyconor Dunmore Galway Morris Patk. Dunmore Dunmore Galway Morris Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Morris Sarah Glen Dunmore Galway Morris Thomas Ballintava Dunmore Galway Morrissy Edward Lissyconor Dunmore Galway Morrissy Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Morrissy Patrick Knockaunbrack Dunmore Galway Morrissy Patrick Lissyconor Dunmore Galway Mugan Rev. Anthony Dunmore Dunmore Galway Mularky Thomas Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Mullany James Prospect Dunmore Galway Mullen John Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Mullen John Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Mullen Michael Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Mullen Michael Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Mullen Patrick Ballymoney North Dunmore Galway Mullens John Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Mullin James Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Mullin John Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Mullin Malachy Cloonboo More Dunmore Galway Mullin Michael Castle Dunmore Galway Mullin Patrick Slieve Dunmore Galway Mullin Patrick Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Mullin Thomas Cappantruhaun Dunmore Galway Mullins Doninick Meenleana Dunmore Galway Mullins Ellen Meenleana Dunmore Galway Mullins James Meenleana Dunmore Galway Mullins Peter Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Mullins Thomas Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Mullins Thomas Derrymore Dunmore Galway Mullins Thomas Meenleana Dunmore Galway Murphy Mary Roy Dunmore Galway Murphy Michael Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Murphy Patrick Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Murphy Thomas Sylaunnagran Dunmore Galway Murphy William Dunmore Dunmore Galway Murray Andrew Darrary South Dunmore Galway Murray Bridget Slieve Dunmore Galway Murray Edward Kiltivna Dunmore Galway Murray Henry Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Murray John Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Murray John Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Murray John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Murray John Gorteen Dunmore Galway Murray John Slieve Dunmore Galway Murray Martin Slieve Dunmore Galway Murray Michael Killuney Dunmore Galway Murray Patrick Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Murray Patrick Carrowpadeen East Dunmore Galway Murray Thomas Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Murray Thomas Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Naghlin Matthias Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Naughten Ellen Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Naughten Matthias Menus Park Dunmore Galway Naughton Bryan Knockaunbrack Dunmore Galway Naughton Denis Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Naughton Martin Roy Dunmore Galway Naughton Michael Carrowreagh Dunmore Galway Naughton Thomas Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Neiland Andrew Derrymore Dunmore Galway Neiland Mary Graigueachullaire Dunmore Galway Nester Patrick Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Nevin Honoria Dunmore Dunmore Galway Newell Patrick Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Newell Patrick Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Newell Thomas Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Nolan Patrick Roy Dunmore Galway Noonan John Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Noonan Patrick Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Noone James Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Noone John Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Noone Mary Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Noone Patrick Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Noone Thomas Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Noone William Cloonfane Dunmore Galway O'Connor Andrew Dunmore Dunmore Galway O'Connor Arthur Beagh Dunmore Galway O'Connor Charles Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway O'Donnell James Lurgan Dunmore Galway O'Donnell Patrick Knockatee West Dunmore Galway O'Donnell Patrick Lurgan Dunmore Galway O'Hagan Margaret Dunmore Dunmore Galway O'Kelly Corneilius Newtown (Lynott) Dunmore Galway O'Kelly Cornelius Newtown (Darcy) Dunmore Galway O'Kelly Patrick Newtown (Darcy) Dunmore Galway O'Loughlin Henry Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway O'Loughlin Henry Dunmore Dunmore Galway O'Neill Brien Glen Dunmore Galway O'Neill James Beaghroe Dunmore Galway O'Neill John Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway O'Neill John Roy Dunmore Galway O'Reilly Myles W. Carrowkeel Anahglass Dunmore Galway O'Reilly Myles W. Slieve Dunmore Galway O'Rorke Patrick Beaghbaun Dunmore Galway O'Rorke Rev. James Dunmore Dunmore Galway O'Rourke Patrick Beagh (Donnellan) Dunmore Galway Osley William Cloneen Dunmore Galway Patten John Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Patten Owen Cappagh Dunmore Galway Patten Thomas Cappagh Dunmore Galway Patterson Bryan Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Patterson Bryanel Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Patterson Michael Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Patton John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Patton Mary Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Patton Owen Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Patton Owen Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Patton Owen Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Petty Edward Carrownaseer South Dunmore Galway Petty Edward Meenleana Dunmore Galway Picket Patrick Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Pickett Thomas Meenleana Dunmore Galway Pigot Thomas Killuney Dunmore Galway Pigott John Killuney Dunmore Galway Pigott Michael Killuney Dunmore Galway Pigott Patrick Carrowkeel Anahglass Dunmore Galway Plungen Mary Abbeyland North Dunmore Galway Potter Thomas Cloonboo Beg Dunmore Galway Power Thomas Gortaleam Dunmore Galway Prendergast John Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Prendergast John Conagher Dunmore Galway Prendergast Patrick Cloneen Dunmore Galway Prendergast Patrick Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Prendergast Patrick Grange Dunmore Galway Prendergast Thomas Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Qualter Bartholomew Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Qualter James Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Qualter John Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Qualter Patrick Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Qualter Sarah Lisduff Dunmore Galway Quin James Stripe South Dunmore Galway Quin John Quarrymount Dunmore Galway Quin William Darrary South Dunmore Galway Quinn John Conagher Dunmore Galway Quinn Margaret Dunmore Dunmore Galway Quinn Mary Conagher Dunmore Galway Quinn Michael Conagher Dunmore Galway Quinn Patt Dunmore Dunmore Galway Quinn William Conagher Dunmore Galway Rabbitt Patrick Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Rabbitt Patrick Cloonboo Beg Dunmore Galway Rabbitt Roderick Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Rabbitt Rody Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Rabbitt Roger Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Rabbitt Thomas Cloonboo Beg Dunmore Galway Rabbitt Timothy Gortaleam Dunmore Galway Rabbitt Timothy Lissyconor Dunmore Galway Rabbitt Timothy Tobernaclug Dunmore Galway Raftery Daniel Cluid Dunmore Galway Raftery Daniel Tobernaclug Dunmore Galway Raftery John Cluid Dunmore Galway Raftery Martin Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Raftery Mary Dunmore Dunmore Galway Raftery Patrick Cluid Dunmore Galway Raftery Patrick Tobernaclug Dunmore Galway Raftery Thomas Ballintava Dunmore Galway Rattigan Edmund Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Rattigan James Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Rattigan John Baunmore Dunmore Galway Redington Catherine Gorteen Dunmore Galway Redington John Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Redington John Cloonmore Dunmore Galway Redington John Gorteen Dunmore Galway Redington John Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Redington Michael Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Redington Patrick Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Redington Patrick Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Redington Patrick Darrary North Dunmore Galway Redington Richard Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Redington William Cogaula Dunmore Galway Reid Thomas Dunmore Dunmore Galway Reilly George Abbeyland South Dunmore Galway Reilly George Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Reilly George Dunmore Dunmore Galway Reilly George Grange Dunmore Galway Reilly George Moneenpollagh Dunmore Galway Reilly Honoria Slievedarragh Dunmore Galway Reilly James Ballymoney North Dunmore Galway Reilly James Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Reilly John Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Reilly John Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Reilly John Shrule Dunmore Galway Reilly Patrick Ballymoney North Dunmore Galway Reilly Patrick Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Reilly Peter Cloneen Dunmore Galway Reilly Peter Dunmore Dunmore Galway Reilly Peter Grange Dunmore Galway Reilly Thomas Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Reilly Thomas Stripe North Dunmore Galway Roche James Graigueachullaire Dunmore Galway Roche James, Jr. Graigueachullaire Dunmore Galway Roche John Kippaunagh Dunmore Galway Roche Patrick Graigueachullaire Dunmore Galway Rogan Thomas Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Rogers Bryan Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Ronan Bridget Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Ronan James Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Ronan Martin Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Ronan Patrick Gorteen Dunmore Galway Ronayne James Flaskagh Beg Dunmore Galway Roonan James Lisduff Dunmore Galway Roonan James Menus Dunmore Galway Roonan Patrick Addergoole More Dunmore Galway Roonan Patrick Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Roonane James Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Roper William Bettyspark Dunmore Galway Roper William Drumaskin Dunmore Galway Roper William Fearmore Dunmore Galway Rowan James Killuney Dunmore Galway Rowly Bartholomew Prospect Dunmore Galway Rush John Drumbane Dunmore Galway Rush Patrick Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Rush Peter Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Ryan James Ballymoney North Dunmore Galway Ryan John Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Ryan John Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Ryan Malachy Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Ryan Mark Carrowpadeen West Dunmore Galway Ryan Martin Dunmore Dunmore Galway Ryan Mary Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Ryan Michael Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Ryan Michael Bettyspark Dunmore Galway Ryan Michael Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Ryan Patrick Ballymoney North Dunmore Galway Ryan Patrick Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Ryan Patrick Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Ryan Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Ryan Thomas Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Ryder Denis Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Ryder Denis Menus Dunmore Galway Ryder Denis Menus Park Dunmore Galway Ryder John Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Ryder Laurence Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Ryder Patrick Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Ryder Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Ryder Patt Dunmore Dunmore Galway Ryder Thomas Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Scahill Michael Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Scahill Thomas Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Scahill William Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Scully Catherine Dunmore Dunmore Galway Shaughnessy John Carrowkeel Anahglass Dunmore Galway Shaughnessy John Slieve Dunmore Galway Shaughnessy Mary Carrowkeel Dunmore Galway Shaughnessy Michael Slieve Dunmore Galway Shaughnessy Michael Sylaun West Dunmore Galway Shaughnessy Patrick Carrownagur Dunmore Galway Shaughnessy Patrick Newtown (Darcy) Dunmore Galway Shee Baronet George Castlefarm Dunmore Galway Shee Baronet George Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Shee Baronet George Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Shee Baronet James Dunmore Dunmore Galway Shee Sir George Cloneen Dunmore Galway Shee Sir George Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Shee Sir George Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Shee Sir George Mullaghmarkagh Dunmore Galway Sheil Patrick Carrownaseer North Dunmore Galway Sheridan Catherine Dunmore Dunmore Galway Sheridan Michael Stripe North Dunmore Galway Sheridan William Ballaghdorragha Dunmore Galway Skerry Matthew Cluid Dunmore Galway Slattery Francis Cluid Dunmore Galway Slattery James Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Slattery John Lissybroder Dunmore Galway Slattery Michael Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Slattery Michael Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Slattery Michael Tobernaclug Dunmore Galway Slattery Patrick, Jr. Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Slattery Patrick, Sr. Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Smith Patrick Flaskagh More Dunmore Galway Smith Philip Killuney Dunmore Galway Staunton Patrick Quaybaun Dunmore Galway Steed Martin Lurgan Dunmore Galway Steel Thomas Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Stephens John Kiltivna Dunmore Galway Stephens Luke Dunmore Dunmore Galway Sullivan John Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Sweeny Mary Dunmore Dunmore Galway Thornton James, Jr. Stripe North Dunmore Galway Thornton James, Sr. Stripe North Dunmore Galway Tiernan John Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Tiernan Michael Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Tierney James Dunmore Dunmore Galway Tierney Jeremiah Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Tierney Martin Cappagh Dunmore Galway Tierney Michael Cappagh Dunmore Galway Tierney Patrick Carrowkeel Anahglass Dunmore Galway Tierney Patrick Knockaunnagat Dunmore Galway Timnan Michael Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Tivnan Patrick Cloonkeen Dunmore Galway Tobin Thomas Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway Toey John Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Toher Patrick Kilnaslieve Dunmore Galway Toole Bridget Slieve Dunmore Galway Toole James Conagher Dunmore Galway Toole Martin Conagher Dunmore Galway Toole Patrick Conagher Dunmore Galway Tracy Bartholomew Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Tracy Daniel Dunmore Dunmore Galway Tracy Hugh Meenleana Dunmore Galway Tracy John Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Tracy Patrick Dunmore Dunmore Galway Tracy Thomas Dunmore Dunmore Galway Tracy Thomas Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Tressy Bartholomew Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Tressy Bartholomew Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Tressy James Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Tressy Patrick Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Tressy Patrick Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Tressy Thomas Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Tully Dominick Abbeyland South Dunmore Galway Tully Dominick Ballymoney South Dunmore Galway Tully Dominick Cappagh Dunmore Galway Tully Dominick Carrownaseer South Dunmore Galway Tully Dominick Derrymore Dunmore Galway Tully Dominick Meenleana Dunmore Galway Tully Dominick Moneenpollagh Dunmore Galway Tully Dominick Quarter Dunmore Galway Tully James Conagher Dunmore Galway Tully Owen Conagher Dunmore Galway Turnan Patrick Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Turner William Cloneen Dunmore Galway Vernor John Dunmore Dunmore Galway Vesey George Cappantruhaun Dunmore Galway Vesey George Cogaula Dunmore Galway Waldron Francis Curraghaun Dunmore Galway Waldron James Dunmore Dunmore Galway Walsh Honoria Dunmore Dunmore Galway Walsh James Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Walsh John Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Walsh John Cloonfane Dunmore Galway Walsh John Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Walsh Martin Drumbane Dunmore Galway Walsh Mary Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Walsh Mary Cloondergan Dunmore Galway Walsh Michael Gortnalea Dunmore Galway Walsh Patrick Darrary South Dunmore Galway Walsh Peter Cloonagh Dunmore Galway Walsh Thomas Addergoole Beg Dunmore Galway Ward Martin Dunmore Dunmore Galway Ward Richard Carrowmanagh Dunmore Galway Wax Owen Cappagh Dunmore Galway