Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Barrett John Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Barrett John Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Barrett Laurence Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Barry Patrick Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue Galway Bernard John Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Bernard John Gerrynasillagh Killimorbologue Galway Bernard John Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Blackstock Thomas Laughil Killimorbologue Galway Blaney Hugh Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway Boughan Patrick Clooncona Killimorbologue Galway Brennan Matthew Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Brennan Matthias Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Brennan Thomas Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway Brien Patrick Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Brien Terence Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Briscoe John Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Broderick John Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Broderick Martin Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Broderick Martin Main St. (South Side),(F) Killimorbologue Galway Broderick Patrick Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Broderick Richard Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Burke John Cloonoolish Killimorbologue Galway Burke Michael Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Burke Michael Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Burke Michael Magheramore Killimorbologue Galway Burke Michael Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Burke Thomas South Side,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Callan Martin Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Callanan Anne Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Callanan Peter Heathlawn Killimorbologue Galway Calligly Michael Lissaniska South Killimorbologue Galway Calligly Patrick Lissaniska South Killimorbologue Galway Calligy Thomas Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Campbell Edward Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Campbell Ferdinand Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Campbell Ferdinand Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Campbell Patrick Derradda Killimorbologue Galway Carey James Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Carey John Derradda South Killimorbologue Galway Carey Martin Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Carey Michael Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Carey Patrick, Jr. Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway Carey Patrick, Sr. Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway Carey Thomas Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Carey Thomas Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Carey Thomas South Side,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Carey William Main St. (South Side),(F) Killimorbologue Galway Carroll James Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Carroll Michael Derradda Killimorbologue Galway Carroll Michael Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Carroll Michael Magheramore Killimorbologue Galway Carroll Michael South Side,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Casey John Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Clancricarde Marquis ??? Gerrynasillagh Killimorbologue Galway Clarke John Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Clarke John Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Cloonane John Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Cloonane Patrick Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan James Corry Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan James Derrysiskal Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan James Oxgrove Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan John Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan John Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan John Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan Patrick Aghany Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan Patrick Killiane Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan Patrick Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan Rev. Francis Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan Rev. Francis Moneenaveena Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan Tobias Kilcrow Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan William Kilcrow Killimorbologue Galway Coghlan William Laughil Killimorbologue Galway Cohen Edward Clarary Killimorbologue Galway Cohen Edward Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway Connery Thomas Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Connolly John Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Connolly John Killeen East Killimorbologue Galway Connolly John Killimor & Boleybeg Killimorbologue Galway Connolly John Pollnahincha Killimorbologue Galway Conway Anne Clarary Killimorbologue Galway Conway Catherine Clarary Killimorbologue Galway Conway John, Jr. Clarary Killimorbologue Galway Conway John, Sr. Clarary Killimorbologue Galway Conway Mary Ahanduff Beg Killimorbologue Galway Conway Mary Ahanduff More Killimorbologue Galway Conway Michael Clarary Killimorbologue Galway Conway Michael Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Conway Patrick Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway Conway Patrick Rathmore Demesne Killimorbologue Galway Conway Peter Clarary Killimorbologue Galway Coolahan Mary Killeen East Killimorbologue Galway Costello Michael South Side,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Costello Patrick Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Costelloe James Clooncona Killimorbologue Galway Costelloe Mary Clooncona Killimorbologue Galway Costelloe Michael Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Costelloe Michael Magheramore Killimorbologue Galway Costilloe Edmond Clooncona Killimorbologue Galway Coughlan James Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Coughlan James Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Cowan Joseph Lissaniska North Killimorbologue Galway Cullinan Catherine Derradda Killimorbologue Galway Cummins Martin Coolbaun West Killimorbologue Galway Cunniffe Patrick Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Curley Malachy Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Curley Michael Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Daly Peter Derrysiskal Killimorbologue Galway Delahunt William Gerrynasillagh Killimorbologue Galway Delahunt William Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Dervin William Whitegates Killimorbologue Galway Dillon Michael Gerrynasillagh Killimorbologue Galway Dillon Michael Killimor & Boleybeg Killimorbologue Galway Dillon Michael Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Dillon Patrick Ahanduff Beg Killimorbologue Galway Dillon Thomas Killimor & Boleybeg Killimorbologue Galway Dolan Michael Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Dolan Michael Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Dolphin Peter Lismihill Killimorbologue Galway Donnelly John Moat Killimorbologue Galway Donohoe Joseph Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Donohoe Maria Cloonconabeg Killimorbologue Galway Donohoe Michael Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Donohoe Patk., Jr. Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Donohoe Patrick, Jr. Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Donohoe Patrick, Sr. Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Duffy Michael Clarary Killimorbologue Galway Duffy William South Side,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Dunsandle Lord ??? Derrysiskal Killimorbologue Galway Dunsandle Lord ??? Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Dunsandle Lord ??? Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Dunsandle Lord ??? Nail or Inga Killimorbologue Galway Dunsandle Lord ??? Rusheeny Killimorbologue Galway Egan Daniel Moneenaveena Killimorbologue Galway Egan John Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Egan John, Sr. Main St. (South Side),(F) Killimorbologue Galway Enwood Catherine Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Enwood John Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Enwood John Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Enwood John South Side,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Eyre John Cloonoolish Killimorbologue Galway Eyre John Kilcrow Killimorbologue Galway Fahy Anne Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Fahy John Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Fahy John, Jr. Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Fahy Patrick Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Fahy Patrick Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Fahy Redmond Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Feenaghty Michael Derradda Killimorbologue Galway Ferguson Patrick Clarary Killimorbologue Galway Ferguson Patrick Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway Finegan Jude Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Flanagan Patrick Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Flannery Patrick Lismihill Killimorbologue Galway Flood Patrick Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Flood Patrick Gerrynasillagh Killimorbologue Galway Flood Patrick Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Flood Patrick Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Galagy Patrick Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Gallagher Cecilia Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Gallagher Patrick Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Gannon Michael Lismihill Killimorbologue Galway Gilligan Michael Main St. (South Side),(F) Killimorbologue Galway Glenn Bridget Killimor & Boleybeg Killimorbologue Galway Glennon Thomas Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Goode John Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Goode John Magheramore Killimorbologue Galway Gormely Owen Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway Gormley Patk. Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Gormley Patk., Jr. Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Gormley Patk., Sr. Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Gormley Patrick Clooncona Killimorbologue Galway Gormley Patrick, Jr. Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Gormley Patrick, Sr. Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Gormley Ptk. Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Grady Bridget Derradda South Killimorbologue Galway Grady Mary Nail or Inga Killimorbologue Galway Grady Michael Ahanduff More Killimorbologue Galway Graney Michael Clarary Killimorbologue Galway Griffin Bridget Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Guilfoyle Patrick Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Hanbury John Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Hanny James Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Hanny Michael Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Hanny Peter Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Hanrahan John Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Hanrahan Patrick Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Hardy Joseph Magheramore Killimorbologue Galway Hardy Joseph Rusheeny Killimorbologue Galway Harney Patrick Coolbaun West Killimorbologue Galway Haverty Honoria Lissaniska North Killimorbologue Galway Head Martin Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Head Michael Clooncona Killimorbologue Galway Head Michael Whitegates Killimorbologue Galway Hearne Michael Clooncona Killimorbologue Galway Hobbs Michael Lissaniska South Killimorbologue Galway Hobbs Thomas Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Hobbs Thomas Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Hobbs Thomas Magheramore Killimorbologue Galway Hobbs Thomas Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Hogan Michael South Side,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Hoolaghan Martin Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Horan Michael Clooncona Killimorbologue Galway Horan Peter Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Horan Thomas Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Horan Thomas Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Horsman John Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Horsman John Magheramore Killimorbologue Galway Hough John Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Ivers William Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Kane Andrew Coolbaun Killimorbologue Galway Kane Andrew Coolbaun West Killimorbologue Galway Kane John Rathmoreahanduff Killimorbologue Galway Kane Mary Main St.,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Kane Patrick Clarary Killimorbologue Galway Keane John Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Kelly James Derradda Killimorbologue Galway Kelly John Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue Galway Kelly John Caher Killimorbologue Galway Kelly Martin Derradda Killimorbologue Galway Kelly Michael Derradda Killimorbologue Galway Kelly Michael Derrysiskal Killimorbologue Galway Kelly Michael Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Kelly Thomas Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Kilfoyle Patrick Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Kilkeeny James Killeen West Killimorbologue Galway Killeen Arthur Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue Galway Killian John Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Killian Peter Moneenaveena Killimorbologue Galway Kirkaldy Geo. D. H. Caher Killimorbologue Galway Kirkaldy Geo. D. H. Coolbaun Killimorbologue Galway Kirkaldy Geo. D. H. Corry Killimorbologue Galway Kirkaldy Geo. D. H. Moneenaveena Killimorbologue Galway Kirkaldy George D. H. Ahanduff Beg Killimorbologue Galway Kirkaldy George D. H. Ahanduff More Killimorbologue Galway Kirkaldy George D. H. Ardane Killimorbologue Galway Kirkaldy George D. H. Hearnesbrooke Demesne Killimorbologue Galway Kirkaldy George D. H. Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Kirklady George D. H. Killimor & Boleybeg Killimorbologue Galway Kirwan John Aghany Killimorbologue Galway Kirwan John Kilcrow Killimorbologue Galway Kirwan John Killiane Killimorbologue Galway Lagerton Robert Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Laird John Killimor & Boleybeg Killimorbologue Galway Laird Joseph Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Laird Joseph Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Lantry Michael Ahanduff Beg Killimorbologue Galway Lantry Michael Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue Galway Lantry Patrick Ahanduff Beg Killimorbologue Galway Larkin Anne Corry Killimorbologue Galway Larkin Anne Derrysiskal Killimorbologue Galway Larkin Anne Rathmoreahanduff Killimorbologue Galway Larkin Bridget Derradda South Killimorbologue Galway Larkin Daniel Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue Galway Larkin James Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Larkin John South Side,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Larkin Patrick Kilcrow Killimorbologue Galway Larkin Patrick Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Larkin Philip Derrysiskal Killimorbologue Galway Lawless ??? Derradda Killimorbologue Galway Loughley Patrick Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Lowry James Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Lowry Michael Lissaniska North Killimorbologue Galway Lowry Patrick Lissaniska North Killimorbologue Galway Lyons Michael Kilcrow Killimorbologue Galway Madden Michael Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Madden Patrick Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Mannion Thomas Ahanduff Beg Killimorbologue Galway Mannion Thomas Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue Galway Mannion Thomas Clooncona Killimorbologue Galway Mannion Thomas Lismihill Killimorbologue Galway Mannion Thomas Moneenaveena Killimorbologue Galway Martin Anne Heathlawn Killimorbologue Galway Martin Michael Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Martin Patrick Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway Mc Dermott James Clarary Killimorbologue Galway Mc Dermott James Coolbaun West Killimorbologue Galway Mc Dermott James Rathmore Demesne Killimorbologue Galway Mc Dermott James Rathmoreahanduff Killimorbologue Galway Mc Dermott Martin Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Mc Dermott Martin Cloonconabeg Killimorbologue Galway Mc Dermott Robert Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway Mc Govern John Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Mc Hugh Mary Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Mc Hugh Mary Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Mc Hugh Mary Main St.,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Meade John Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Meara Owen Killeen East Killimorbologue Galway Mitchell Joseph Derradda South Killimorbologue Galway Mitchell Laurence Clooncona Killimorbologue Galway Mitchell Patrick Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Mohen James Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Mohon Laurence South Side,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Monaghan Michael Main St. (South Side),(F) Killimorbologue Galway Monahan Catherine Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Monahan Patrick Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Mooney Mary Clooncona Killimorbologue Galway Moran John Corry Killimorbologue Galway Moran John Derrysiskal Killimorbologue Galway Moran John Killeen West Killimorbologue Galway Moran Martin Killeen East Killimorbologue Galway Moran Martin Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway Moran Mary Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Moran Patrick Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Mourne John Clooncona Killimorbologue Galway Muldoon Martin Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Muldoon Patrick Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway Mullin Denis Clooncona Killimorbologue Galway Mullin Michael Derradda Killimorbologue Galway Mulrooney Laurence Cloonoolish Killimorbologue Galway Murphy John Lismihill Killimorbologue Galway Murphy Michael Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Nevin Edward Killeen East Killimorbologue Galway Niland Mary Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Nolan John P. Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Noone Patrick Derradda Killimorbologue Galway O'Hara Bryan Magheramore Killimorbologue Galway O'Hara Bryan Nail or Inga Killimorbologue Galway O'Hara Michael Gerrynasillagh Killimorbologue Galway O'Hara Michael Main St. Killimorbologue Galway O'Hara Patrick Magheramore Killimorbologue Galway O'Hara Patrick Nail or Inga Killimorbologue Galway O'Hara Peter Magheramore Killimorbologue Galway O'Hara Peter Nail or Inga Killimorbologue Galway O'Hara Thomas Magheramore Killimorbologue Galway O'Hara Thomas Nail or Inga Killimorbologue Galway O'Lyons Andrew Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Pelly Michael Derradda Killimorbologue Galway Pelly Michael Gerrynasillagh Killimorbologue Galway Pelly Michael Magheramore Killimorbologue Galway Pelly Michael Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Pollock Allen Lissaniska South Killimorbologue Galway Quin John Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue Galway Quin Thomas Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Quin Timothy Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue Galway Quinn Bernard Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Quinn Patrick Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Raftery Ellen Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Raftery Thomas Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Regan Michael Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Reilly Hugh Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Reilly Margaret Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Reilly Michael Derrew Killimorbologue Galway Saunders Mary Magheramore Killimorbologue Galway Saunderson George Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue Galway Saunderson George Heathlawn Killimorbologue Galway Scott Laurence Lisdeligny Killimorbologue Galway Shanny Patrick Gerrynasillagh Killimorbologue Galway Shanny Patrick Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Smith Thomas Killeen East Killimorbologue Galway Smith William Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Stewart Stephen Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Stuart Stephen Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Sughley John South Side,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Sughley Michael Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Sughley Michael Garryad & Garryduff Killimorbologue Galway Sughley Michael South Side,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Thompson John Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Tierney Michael Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue Galway Tobin Thomas Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway Tracey Michael Derradda South Killimorbologue Galway Tracey Patrick Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue Galway Tracey Patrick Coolbaun West Killimorbologue Galway Usher William Lissaniska South Killimorbologue Galway Walsh Andrew Conors Park Killimorbologue Galway Walsh Anne Corry Killimorbologue Galway Walsh Denis Laughil Killimorbologue Galway Walsh Edward Kilmore Killimorbologue Galway Walsh James Laughil Killimorbologue Galway Walsh John Coolbaun West Killimorbologue Galway Ward James Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway Ward James Main St. Killimorbologue Galway Whelan Bridget South Side,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Whelan James Moat Killimorbologue Galway Whelan Malachy Moat Killimorbologue Galway Whelan Michael Derradda Killimorbologue Galway Whelan Thomas Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway White Anne Treananearla Killimorbologue Galway White James Derrew Killimorbologue Galway White James South Side,(F) Killimorbologue Galway Winters Patrick Coolbaun West Killimorbologue Galway Winters Patrick, Jr. Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway Winters Patrick, Sr. Kilnamullaun Killimorbologue Galway