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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killoscobe, County Galway
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killoscobe, County Galway
Armstrong James Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Bellew Baronet Christr. Doonwood Killoscobe Galway Bermingham James Rahins Killoscobe Galway Bermingham John Rahins Killoscobe Galway Bermingham Thos. Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Blake James Ballyara Killoscobe Galway Blake James Lismoes Killoscobe Galway Blake James Moneen Killoscobe Galway Bourke Edward Pollnabrone Killoscobe Galway Bourke Elizabeth Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Bourke Michael Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Bourke Sybil Carrownacregg West Killoscobe Galway Bourke Thomas Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Bourke Thomas Moneen Killoscobe Galway Brereton William Eskerroe Killoscobe Galway Broderick James Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Broderick John Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Broderick Patrick Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Broderick Thomas Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Browne James Carrownacregg East Killoscobe Galway Browne James Carrownacregg West Killoscobe Galway Browne James Cloonoran Oughter Killoscobe Galway Browne James Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Brownn James Eskerroe Killoscobe Galway Burke Edmund Moneen Killoscobe Galway Byrne John, Jr. Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Byrne John, Sr. Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Byrne Patrick Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Cannon Thomas Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Cannon Thomas Moneen Killoscobe Galway Carr Michael Cloonoran Oughter Killoscobe Galway Carr Michael Eskerroe Killoscobe Galway Carrig John Doonwood Killoscobe Galway Carty Michael Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Cheeversd Matthew Rahins Killoscobe Galway Clynn Thaddeus Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Coffey Thomas Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Collins Mary Moneen Killoscobe Galway Collins Michael Moneen Killoscobe Galway Collins Patrick Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Collins Patrick Moneen Killoscobe Galway Concannon Edmund J. Aghanahil Killoscobe Galway Concannon Edward Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Concannon James B. Ballynasooragh Oughter Killoscobe Galway Coneannon Edmund Ballynasooragh Eighter Killoscobe Galway Conneely John Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Connellan Martin Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Connolly Peter Caltraghcreen Killoscobe Galway Coppinger Michael Moneen Killoscobe Galway Costello Michael Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Costello Patrick Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Cox Michael Rahins Killoscobe Galway Craughwell Honoria Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Craughwell Peter Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Creahan Patrick Moneen Killoscobe Galway Croghwell Martin Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Cruise Daniel Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Cullinane John Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway Cunniffe Patrick Cross Eighter Killoscobe Galway Cunniffe Sybil Cross Eighter Killoscobe Galway Cunniffe Thomas Graigue Killoscobe Galway Curley Bridget Lismoyle Killoscobe Galway Curly Patrick Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Dempsey Honoria Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Devane Patrick Rahins Killoscobe Galway Devany Rose Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Deviny Mary Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Deviny Winifred Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Divane Patrick Doonwood Killoscobe Galway Dolan Andrew Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Dolan Catherine Moneen Killoscobe Galway Dolan Francis Moneen Killoscobe Galway Dolan John Lismoyle Killoscobe Galway Dolan Michael Moneen Killoscobe Galway Dolan Patrick Lismoyle Killoscobe Galway Dolphin Oliver Graigue Killoscobe Galway Donnellan Denis Lismoyle Killoscobe Galway Donoghoe Eleanor Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Donoghoe Jeremiah Graigue Killoscobe Galway Donoghoe Martin Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Donoghoe Michael Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Donoghoe William Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Dooley Eleanor Graigue Killoscobe Galway Dooley Michael Graigue Killoscobe Galway Dooley Michael Kilfelligy Killoscobe Galway Dooley William Graigue Killoscobe Galway Dowd Michael Carrownacregg West Killoscobe Galway Dowd Thomas Carrownacregg West Killoscobe Galway Duffy Laurence Rahins Killoscobe Galway Egan Martin Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Egan Patrick Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Egan Patrick Kilfelligy Killoscobe Galway Evans John Pollnabrone Killoscobe Galway Evans John C. Cross Eighter Killoscobe Galway Evans John C. Cross Oughter Killoscobe Galway Evans John C. Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Fahy Michael Carrownacregg West Killoscobe Galway Fahy Peter Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Fahy Peter Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway Fahy Thomas Pollnabrone Killoscobe Galway Farrell Edward Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Feenaghty Martin Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Feenaghty Patrick Doonwood Killoscobe Galway Fennaghty Michael Carrownacregg West Killoscobe Galway Fitzgerald Myles Cloverfield Killoscobe Galway Fitzpatrick Jane Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Flanagan Martin Rahins Killoscobe Galway Flanery Patrick Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Flynn James Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Flynn Peter Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway Ford Edward Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway French Robert Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway French Robert Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway French William Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway Galvin Patrick Cloonoran Oughter Killoscobe Galway Gavan Patrick Carrownacregg East Killoscobe Galway Gavan Patrick Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Geoghegan Denis Doonwood Killoscobe Galway Geraghty Andrew Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Geraghty Andrew Eskerroe Killoscobe Galway Geraghty Connor Doonwood Killoscobe Galway Geraghty Daniel Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Geraghty Honoria Carrownacregg East Killoscobe Galway Geraghty John Cloverfield Killoscobe Galway Geraghty Malachy Kilfelligy Killoscobe Galway Geraghty Margaret Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Geraghty Michael Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Geraghty Patrick Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Geraghty Thomas Eskerroe Killoscobe Galway Geraghty Thomas Lismoyle Killoscobe Galway Gilhooly John Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Gilhooly Michael Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Gilhooly Michael Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Gilhooly Thomas Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Gilhooly Thomas Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Glynn Anne Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Glynn Martin Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Glynn Patrick Doonwood Killoscobe Galway Glynn Thaddeus Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Golden Mark Cross Oughter Killoscobe Galway Golden Patrick Cross Eighter Killoscobe Galway Gormally Thomas Rahins Killoscobe Galway Gorman John Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Gormly Andrew Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Grady Michael Lismoyle Killoscobe Galway Grady Michael Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Griffin Patrick Carrownacregg West Killoscobe Galway Grimes Bridget Rahins Killoscobe Galway Hackett John Pollnabrone Killoscobe Galway Hannan Michael Rahins Killoscobe Galway Hansbury John Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Healy William Caltraghcreen Killoscobe Galway Heavy Honoria Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Hendhen Michael Cross Eighter Killoscobe Galway Hessian John Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Higgins Patrick Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Hussy John Ballyara Killoscobe Galway Jackson William Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Johnston St. George R. Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Jordan Thomas Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Joyce Patrick Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Kavanagh Martin Lismoyle Killoscobe Galway Keane Bridget Cloonoran Oughter Killoscobe Galway Kelly Catherine Caltraghcreen Killoscobe Galway Kelly Daniel Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Kelly Edward Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Kelly John Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Kelly Joseph Corgerry Eighter Killoscobe Galway Kelly Joseph Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Kelly Joseph Kilfelligy Killoscobe Galway Kelly Joseph Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Kelly Joseph Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Kelly Joseph Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway Kelly Judith Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Kelly Lawrence Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Kelly Patrick Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Kelly Patrick Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Kelly Thomas Rahins Killoscobe Galway Kelly William Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway Kennedy Catherine Doonwood Killoscobe Galway Kennedy John Kilfelligy Killoscobe Galway Kennedy Peter Kilfelligy Killoscobe Galway Kennedy Thomas Rahins Killoscobe Galway Keogh Michael Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway Kilgenane Thaddeus Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Laheen Bridget Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Laheen Catherine Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Laheen Catherine, Jr. Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Laheen Thomas Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Lahiff Catherine Pollnabrone Killoscobe Galway Lahiff William Rahins Killoscobe Galway Lally Denis Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Lally John Rahins Killoscobe Galway Lally Laurence Rahins Killoscobe Galway Lally Lawrence Kilfelligy Killoscobe Galway Lally Patrick Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Lawless Walter Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Leeson Martin Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Loftus James Eskerroe Killoscobe Galway Loftus Loughlin Eskerroe Killoscobe Galway Lohan Edward Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Lohghnane Bridget Moneen Killoscobe Galway Loughnane Bridget Moneen Killoscobe Galway Loughnane Michael Moneen Killoscobe Galway Loughnane Thomas Rahins Killoscobe Galway Lyons Connor Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Lyons Honoria Lismoyle Killoscobe Galway Lyons John Rahins Killoscobe Galway Lyons Michael Kilfelligy Killoscobe Galway Lyons Patrick Rahins Killoscobe Galway Madden James Moneen Killoscobe Galway Madden Patrick Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Maguire Luke Eskerroe Killoscobe Galway Mammion Michael Rahins Killoscobe Galway Mammion Thomas Rahins Killoscobe Galway Mannion Daniel Rahins Killoscobe Galway Mannion Edward Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Mannion John Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Mannion Joseph Ballyara Killoscobe Galway Mannion Margaret Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Mannion Martin Moneen Killoscobe Galway Mannion Mary Rahins Killoscobe Galway Mannion Matthew Ballynasooragh Oughter Killoscobe Galway Mannion Patrick Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Mannion Patrick Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Mannion Thaddeus Ballyara Killoscobe Galway Mannion Thomas Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Mannion Thomas Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Mc Donnell Michael Rahins Killoscobe Galway Mc Donnell William Rahins Killoscobe Galway Mc Donough William Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Mc Hugh Thomas Carrownacregg West Killoscobe Galway Mc Loughlin Daniel Moneen Killoscobe Galway Mc Loughlin Michael Moneen Killoscobe Galway Milett Patrick Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Miskella Johns Ballyara Killoscobe Galway Molloy Thomas Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Molony Denis Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Monaghan John Corgerry Eighter Killoscobe Galway Monaghan John Rahins Killoscobe Galway Moore Michael Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Moran James Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Moran James Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Moran Sarah Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Morgan Eleanor Ballynasooragh Eighter Killoscobe Galway Morgan Eleanor Rahins Killoscobe Galway Mullowney Issac Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway Murphy Patrick Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway Murray Andrew Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Murray Ferdinand Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Murray John Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Murray Michael Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Murray Patrick Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Murray Patrick Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Murray William Rahins Killoscobe Galway Naughton Bryan Pollnabrone Killoscobe Galway Naughton Thomas Caltraghcreen Killoscobe Galway Neil John Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Neill Bryan Aghanahil Killoscobe Galway Neill Catherine Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Neill John Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Nolan Robert Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway Nolan Thomas Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Noone Bridget Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway Noone Peter Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Noone Rev. John Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Noone Rev. John Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Noone Rev. John Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway Nowlan Joseph E. Cloverfield Killoscobe Galway O'Kelly Patrick Cloonoran Oughter Killoscobe Galway O'Kelly Patrick Lismoyle Killoscobe Galway O'Rourke Rev. John Eskerroe Killoscobe Galway O'Toole Eleanor Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Owens Patrick Doonwood Killoscobe Galway Owens Thomas Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Prendergast Luke Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Quigley Patrick Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Quirk Patrick Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Raftery Eleanor Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Raftery Patrick Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Rochford Anne Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Rourke Thomas Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Ruane Edward Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Ruane John Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Ruane John Caltraghcreen Killoscobe Galway Ruane John Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Ruane John Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Ruane John Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Ruane Patrick Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Ruane Patrick Caltraghcreen Killoscobe Galway Ruane Patrick Moneen Killoscobe Galway Ruane Thaddeus, Jr. Rahins Killoscobe Galway Ruane Thaddeus, Sr. Rahins Killoscobe Galway Ryan John Caltraghcreen Killoscobe Galway Ryan John Moneen Killoscobe Galway Scanlan Bartholomew Cross Eighter Killoscobe Galway Scanlan Bartholomew Cross Oughter Killoscobe Galway Scanlan Margaret Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Scanlan Martin Pollnabrone Killoscobe Galway Scanlan Thomas Pollnabrone Killoscobe Galway Silk Patrick Doonwood Killoscobe Galway Silk William Menlough Eighter Killoscobe Galway Staunton Mary Graigue Killoscobe Galway Staunton Patrick Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Staunton Peter Corgerry Oughter Killoscobe Galway Stowe Thomas Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Tannion James Fairhill Killoscobe Galway Tansey Mark Doonwood Killoscobe Galway Verdon Eleanor Moneen Killoscobe Galway Verdon Luke Moneen Killoscobe Galway Wade Michael Lismoyle Killoscobe Galway Waldron Bridget Ballaghnagrosheen Killoscobe Galway Waldron Bridget Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Walsh Michael Pollnabrone Killoscobe Galway Walsh Patrick Killoscobe Killoscobe Galway Ward Anne Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Ward Anne Menlough Oughter Killoscobe Galway Ward Catherine Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway Ward Martin Knockavilla Killoscobe Galway Ward Martin, Jr. Cross Eighter Killoscobe Galway Ward Martin, Sr. Cross Eighter Killoscobe Galway Ward Michael Pollnabrone Killoscobe Galway Ward Patrick Menlough Commons Killoscobe Galway