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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Monivea, County Galway
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Monivea, County Galway
Bane James Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Bane James Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Berreen Cormack Shoodaun Monivea Galway Blade Michael Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Blunden William Toorkeel Monivea Galway Bodkin John Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Bourke Ellen Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Bourke Hobart Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Bourke James Kilbeg Monivea Galway Bourke Lambert Newcastle Monivea Galway Bourke Michael Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Bourke Michael Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Bourke Patrick Cloonkeenbeg North Monivea Galway Bourke Peter Shoodaun Monivea Galway Bourke Walter Lenamore Monivea Galway Bourke William Glennagloghaun Monivea Galway Branley Martin Kilbeg Monivea Galway Brennan Michael Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Brennan Patrick Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Browne Michael Shoodaun Monivea Galway Burke Michael Shoodaun Monivea Galway Burke Patrick Cloonkeenbeg Monivea Galway Burke Patrick Gortnaglogh Monivea Galway Burke Patrick E. Cloonkeenbeg Monivea Galway Burke Patrick W. Cloonkeenbeg Monivea Galway Burke Thomas Cloonkeenbeg Monivea Galway Burke William Ballynaboorkagh Monivea Galway Carey Laurence Garraunard Monivea Galway Carey Loughlin Garraunard Monivea Galway Carey Patrick Garraunard Monivea Galway Carey Patrick, Jr. Garraunard Monivea Galway Clancy Daniel Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Clancy John Gortnaglogh Monivea Galway Clancy Michael Farravaun Monivea Galway Clancy Patrick Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Clarke James Bingarra Monivea Galway Clarke James Binn Monivea Galway Clarke James Garraunard Monivea Galway Clarke James Graigabbey Monivea Galway Clarke James Graigabbey South Monivea Galway Clarke James Kilcornan Monivea Galway Clarke James Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Cody John Tisaxon Monivea Galway Coen Patrick Cloonkeenbeg Monivea Galway Coffey Edmund Roundfield Monivea Galway Coffey Michael Roundfield Monivea Galway Coleman John Tisaxon Monivea Galway Collins James Toorkeel Monivea Galway Collins Peter Kilcornan Monivea Galway Collins William Toorkeel Monivea Galway Commins John Shoodaun Monivea Galway Commons Daniel Shoodaun Monivea Galway Commons John Shoodaun Monivea Galway Commons John, Jr. Shoodaun Monivea Galway Commons Patrick Templemoyle Monivea Galway Concannon James C. Pollavullaun Monivea Galway Concar Thomas Farravaun Monivea Galway Connaughton Michael Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Connealy Honoria Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Conneely James Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Conneely Margaret Tisaxon Monivea Galway Conneely Martin Tisaxon Monivea Galway Connolly Ellen Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Connolly Honoria Abbert Demesne Monivea Galway Connolly John Cloonkeen Monivea Galway Connolly Michael Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Connolly Peter Cloonkeen Monivea Galway Connolly Stephen Kilcornan Monivea Galway Connor Patrick Derroogh Monivea Galway Conroy Hugh Carrowmore Monivea Galway Conroy William Carrowmore Monivea Galway Conwell William Kilcornan Monivea Galway Cooke James Cahernaglass Monivea Galway Cooke James Carrowmore Monivea Galway Cooke James Stonepark Monivea Galway Cooke John Cahernaglass Monivea Galway Cooke John Carrowmore Monivea Galway Cooke John Stonepark Monivea Galway Cooke Thomas Carrowmore Monivea Galway Coppinger John Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Coppinger Mortimer Shoodaun Monivea Galway Coppinger Patrick Shoodaun Monivea Galway Coppinger Patrick Tisaxon Monivea Galway Coppinger Patrick, Jr. Shoodaun Monivea Galway Corbett John Shoodaun Monivea Galway Corbett Thomas Bingarra Monivea Galway Corbett Thomas Shoodaun Monivea Galway Costelloe John Ballynaboorkagh Monivea Galway Coyne Thady Costellospark Monivea Galway Coyne Thady Hundredacres Monivea Galway Creahan Denis Cahernaglass Monivea Galway Crehan John Tisaxon Monivea Galway Crowe Thomas Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Crowe Thomas Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Crowe Thomas Monivea Demesne Monivea Galway Crowe Thomas Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Cuinane James Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Cuinane William Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Cunningham Patrick Graiguebaun Monivea Galway Curran John Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Curran John Tisaxon Monivea Galway Davin James Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Davin James Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Deely Daniel Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Deely Denis Nursery Park or Corrabaun Monivea Galway Dempsey Michael Cloonkeen Monivea Galway Dempsey Thomas Cloonkeen Monivea Galway Denis John Catherlissakill Monivea Galway Dennis John Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Devally Honoria Farravaun Monivea Galway Devely John Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Devely Michael Cuddoo East Monivea Galway Devely Peter Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Dibly John Laghtonora Monivea Galway Dibney Thomas Catherlissakill Monivea Galway Dilleen William Cloonkeenmore South Monivea Galway Dillon Patrick Shoodaun Monivea Galway Dillon William Cloonkeenbeg North Monivea Galway Doherty Thomas Ballynaboorkagh Monivea Galway Dolly Thomas Killaclogher Monivea Galway Dolly Timothy Carrowmore Monivea Galway Dolly Timothy Parkacurry Monivea Galway Donnellan Michl. Shoodaun Monivea Galway Donnellan Patrick Shoodaun Monivea Galway Donohoe John Cappaghmoyle Monivea Galway Donohoe Patrick Carrowmore Monivea Galway Dooly Loughlin Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Dooly Martin Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Dooly Patrick Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Duane Stephen Cormacuagh East Monivea Galway Duffy John Cartron Monivea Galway Duffy Patrick Abbert Demesne Monivea Galway Duggan Peter Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Dunne Thomas Cloonkeen Monivea Galway Dunsandle Lord ??? Cloonkeenbeg Monivea Galway Dunsandle Lord ??? Cloonkeenmore South Monivea Galway Dunsandle Lord ??? Corralea Monivea Galway Dunsandle Lord ??? Pollboy or Knockatober Monivea Galway Dunsandle Lord ??? Roundfield Monivea Galway Fahy Anthony Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Fahy Anthony Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Fahy Anthony Monivea,Glennagloghaun South T Monivea Galway Fahy Edward Kilbeg Monivea Galway Fahy Maria Cloonkeenbeg North Monivea Galway Fahy Martin Costellospark Monivea Galway Fahy Michael Cartron Monivea Galway Fahy Michael Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Fahy Patrick Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Fahy Patrick Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Fahy Patrick Peak Monivea Galway Fahy Patrick D. Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Fahy Thomas Cormacuagh East Monivea Galway Fahy Thomas Derroogh Monivea Galway Fahy Thomas Glennaslat Monivea Galway Fallon Bridget Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Fallon Bridget Glennaslat Monivea Galway Fallon Mark Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Farrell John Knockbrack Monivea Galway Feeny Patrick Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Finaughty Patrick Cormacuagh East Monivea Galway Finaughty Patrick Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Flaherty Martin Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Flaherty Martin Kilbeg Monivea Galway Flaherty Patrick Cahernaglass Monivea Galway Flaherty Patrick Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Flaherty Peter Ballynaboorkagh Monivea Galway Flaherty Thomas Ballyskeagh Monivea Galway Flynn John Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Flynn Richard Kilbeg Monivea Galway Forde John Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Forde Martin Shoodaun Monivea Galway Forde Mary Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Forde Timothy Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Fox John Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Fox John Parkacurry Monivea Galway French Digby Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway French Digby Kilbeg Monivea Galway French Digby Roundfield Monivea Galway French James Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway French James Monivea Demesne Monivea Galway French James Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway French Robert Costellospark Monivea Galway French Robert Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway French Robert Glennaslat Monivea Galway French Robert Kilbeg Monivea Galway French Robert Knockcorrandoo Monivea Galway French Robert Monivea Demesne Monivea Galway Furey Thomas Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Gallagher Bridget Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Galvin James Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Gannon Bridget Shoodaun Monivea Galway Gannon Daniel Toorkeel Monivea Galway Gannon James Toorkeel Monivea Galway Gannon John Lisdoran Monivea Galway Gannon John Toorkeel Monivea Galway Gannon Mary Shoodaun Monivea Galway Gardiner James Knockbrack Monivea Galway Geraghty Laurence Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Gillan Honoria Laghtonora Monivea Galway Gilligan Thomas Lenamore Monivea Galway Gilligan Thomas, Jr. Lenamore Monivea Galway Gleeson Connor Catherlissakill Monivea Galway Glynn Jeremiah Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Glynn John Cuddoo East Monivea Galway Glynn Martin Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Glynn Owen Cuddoo East Monivea Galway Glynn Owen Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Glynn Patrick Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Glynn Thomas Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Grady John Cartron Monivea Galway Grady John Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Grady John Glennaslat Monivea Galway Grady John Shoodaun Monivea Galway Grady Margaret Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Grady Michael Cuddoo East Monivea Galway Grady Michael Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Grady Michael Laghtonora Monivea Galway Grady Murty Glennaslat Monivea Galway Grealy Denis Lisdoran Monivea Galway Greany Thomas Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Greene John Monivea,Glennagloghaun South T Monivea Galway Hall Henry Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Hall Henry Cuddoo East Monivea Galway Hall Henry Knockbrack Monivea Galway Hall Henry Mountgarret Monivea Galway Hall Henry Newcastle Monivea Galway Hall Henry Tisaxon Monivea Galway Hanly Bartholomew Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Hanly Patrick, Jr. Lecarrow Monivea Galway Hardiman Hugh Knockbrack Monivea Galway Hardiman James Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Hardiman Jeremiah Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Hardiman Jeremiah Laghtonora Monivea Galway Hardiman Martin Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Hardiman Michael Knockbrack Monivea Galway Hardiman Michael Lenamore Monivea Galway Hardiman Thomas Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Harte John Bingarra Monivea Galway Hauly Patrick Glennaslat Monivea Galway Healy Patrick Carrowmore Monivea Galway Healy Thady Carrowmore Monivea Galway Healy Thomas Carrowmore Monivea Galway Healy William Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Healy William Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Healy William Monivea Demesne Monivea Galway Healy William Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Healy William Monivea,Glennagloghaun South T Monivea Galway Heavy John Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Heavy Margaret Cloonkeenbeg North Monivea Galway Heavy Margaret Cloonkeenmore South Monivea Galway Heavy Michael Cloonkeenbeg North Monivea Galway Heavy Michael Cloonkeenmore South Monivea Galway Heavy Patrick Glennaslat Monivea Galway Higgins James Lenamore Monivea Galway Higgins Matthew Kilbeg Monivea Galway Hogan Martin Lenamore Monivea Galway Hollian Patrick Kilcornan Monivea Galway Hollian Thomas Kilcornan Monivea Galway Hussion John Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Hussion John Mountgarret Monivea Galway Hynds Daniel Knockbrack Monivea Galway Hynds Michael Knockbrack Monivea Galway Hynes John Kilbeg Monivea Galway Hynes John Lenamore Monivea Galway Hynes Michael Lenamore Monivea Galway Igoe Honoria Shoodaun Monivea Galway Jennings Judith Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Joiner Patrick Lecarrow Monivea Galway Jordan John Shoodaun Monivea Galway Jordan Laurence Kilbeg Monivea Galway Jordan Myles Shoodaun Monivea Galway Jordan Patrick Kilbeg Monivea Galway Jordon Cecilia Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Joyce Patrick Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Kavanagh James Glennagloghaun Monivea Galway Kavanagh John Abbert Monivea Galway Kavanagh John Abbert Demesne Monivea Galway Kavanagh Thomas Abbert Demesne Monivea Galway Keane Michael Costellospark Monivea Galway Keane Thomas Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Kearney John Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Kearney Margaret Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Kearney Sibby Lisdoran Monivea Galway Kelly Bryan Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Kelly Charles Abbert Demesne Monivea Galway Kelly David Lenamore Monivea Galway Kelly James Shoodaun Monivea Galway Kelly John Colmanstown Monivea Galway Kelly John Cuddoo East Monivea Galway Kelly Laurence Shoodaun Monivea Galway Kelly Michael Glennagloghaun Monivea Galway Kelly Patrick Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Kelly Peter Ballyskeagh Monivea Galway Kelly Thomas Glennagloghaun Monivea Galway Kelly Thomas Shoodaun Monivea Galway Kelly Thomas Toorkeel Monivea Galway Kelly Winifred Gortnaglogh Monivea Galway Kendrehan Bridget Shoodaun Monivea Galway Kenny Bridget Binn Monivea Galway Kenny James C. Ballynaboorkagh Monivea Galway Kenny James C. Killaclogher Monivea Galway Kenny James C. Peak Monivea Galway Kenny Michael Shoodaun Monivea Galway Kenny Patrick Cloonkeenbeg Monivea Galway Kenny Peter Shoodaun Monivea Galway Kenny Thomas Colmanstown Monivea Galway Kenny Thomas Corrandoo Monivea Galway Keogh Edmund Laghtonora Monivea Galway Keogh Peter Kilcornan Monivea Galway Kieran Thomas Knockbrack Monivea Galway Kilkelly Anne Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Kilkelly John Catherlissakill Monivea Galway Kilkelly John Garraunard Monivea Galway Kilkelly Patrick Garraunard Monivea Galway Kilkelly Patrick Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Kilkelly William Catherlissakill Monivea Galway Kilkelly William Garraunard Monivea Galway Killarney Malachy Carrowmore Monivea Galway Killeen Thomas Carraunrevagh Monivea Galway Kinnealy Michael Glennaslat Monivea Galway Laffey Catherine Shoodaun Monivea Galway Lally Mark Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Lambert Giles Cloonbrusk Monivea Galway Lawles Thos., Sr. Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Lawless Catherine Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Lawless Dominick Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Lawless Patrick Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Lawless Richard Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Lawless Thomas, Jr. Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Lawless Thomas, Sr. Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Leonard Honoria Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Leonard Roderick Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Leonard Thaddeus Kilbeg Monivea Galway Leonard William Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Loftus James Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Loftus James Glennaslat Monivea Galway Loftus James Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Loftus John Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Loughlin Patrick Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Loughnan James Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Loughnan Matthew Abbert Demesne Monivea Galway Lowe Robert Gortnaglogh Monivea Galway Lyons Hugh Shoodaun Monivea Galway Lyons Michael Lenamore Monivea Galway Lyons Patrick Lenamore Monivea Galway Madden Anne Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Madden Anne Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Madden John Shoodaun Monivea Galway Madden Malachy Knockbrack Monivea Galway Madden Patrick Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Madden Patrick Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Mahon Henry Carraunrevagh Monivea Galway Mahon James Newcastle Monivea Galway Mahon Mary Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Mahon Thomas Belleville Demesne Monivea Galway Mahon Thomas Caraun Monivea Galway Mahon Thomas Carrowmore Monivea Galway Mahon Thomas Farravaun Monivea Galway Mangan Catherine Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Martin James Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Mc Cormick Henry Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Mc Dermott James Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Mc Donagh Patrick Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Mc Donnell George Catherlissakill Monivea Galway Mc Donough Michael Cuddoo East Monivea Galway Mc Donough Michael Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Mc Donough Michael Knockbrack Monivea Galway Mc Donough Patrick Knockbrack Monivea Galway Mc Evoy Bridget Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Mc Evoy Chas Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Mc Grath Denis Ballyskeagh Monivea Galway Mc Grath Denis Kilcornan Monivea Galway Mc Grath Edward Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Mc Tigue John Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Meledy Henry Carrowmore Monivea Galway Mellody John Cloonkeen Monivea Galway Melvin Patrick Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Meskill Patrick Abbert Monivea Galway Meskill Patrick Abbert Demesne Monivea Galway Meskill Patrick Carrowmore Monivea Galway Mitchell Patrick Binn Monivea Galway Mitchell Patrick Cloonkeenbeg North Monivea Galway Mitchell Patrick Lisdoran Monivea Galway Molloy Thomas Shoodaun Monivea Galway Monaghan Michael Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Monaghan Michael Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Monaghan Patrick Monivea,Glennagloghaun South T Monivea Galway Monahan Mark Cloonkeenbeg North Monivea Galway Monahan Mark Cloonkeenmore South Monivea Galway Monahan Mark Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Monahan Mary Cloonkeenbeg North Monivea Galway Monahan Thomas Lenamore Monivea Galway Moran John Ballyskeagh Monivea Galway Moran John Costellospark Monivea Galway Moran John Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Moran John Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Moran John Hundredacres Monivea Galway Moran John Lenamore Monivea Galway Moran John Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Moran Patrick Kilbeg Monivea Galway Morrissy Bartholomew Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Morrissy Bridget Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Morrissy Michael Tisaxon Monivea Galway Morrow Robert Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Mullen Edward Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Mullins James Graiguebaun Monivea Galway Murphy Denis Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Murphy James Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Murphy James Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Murphy Michael Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Murphy Michael Lenamore Monivea Galway Murphy Patrick Cormacuagh East Monivea Galway Murphy Thomas Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Murphy Thomas Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Murphy Thomas Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Murphy Thomas Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Murphy Thomas Parkacurry Monivea Galway Murphy Timothy Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Murray John Farravaun Monivea Galway Murray John C. Farravaun Monivea Galway Murray Margaret Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Murray Martin Knockbrack Monivea Galway Murray Patrick Lenamore Monivea Galway Murrett Eliza Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Murrett James Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Naughly Thomas Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Naughton Patrick Shoodaun Monivea Galway Navin Thomas Lecarrow Monivea Galway Nolan Catherine Farravaun Monivea Galway Nolan John Farravaun Monivea Galway Nolan Patrick Cloonkeenmore South Monivea Galway Noone Michael Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Nowlan John Cappaghmoyle Monivea Galway Nowlan John Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Nowlan Patk. Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Nowlan Patrick Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Nowlan Patrick Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway O'Brien John Lecarrow Monivea Galway O'Brien Mary Carrantarramud Monivea Galway O'Donnell Patrick Tisaxon Monivea Galway O'Donnell Thomas Shoodaun Monivea Galway Pannel John Carrowmore Monivea Galway Purcell Mary Cloonkeen Monivea Galway Qualter William Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Quinn Bridget Carrowmore Monivea Galway Quinn John Newcastle Monivea Galway Quinn Laurence Ballynaboorkagh Monivea Galway Quinn Michael Carrowmore Monivea Galway Quinn Michael Knockbrack Monivea Galway Quinn Peter Cormacuagh East Monivea Galway Quinn Peter Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Quinn Thomas Cormacuagh East Monivea Galway Quinn Thomas Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Quinn Walter Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Rabbitt Patrick Knockbrack Monivea Galway Rabbitt Patrick Tisaxon Monivea Galway Rabbitt William Tisaxon Monivea Galway Rafferty Patrick Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Raftery Patrick Carrowmore Monivea Galway Redington Thomas Garraunard Monivea Galway Redington Thomas Parkacurry Monivea Galway Regan Edward Kilbeg Monivea Galway Regan Michael Glennagloghaun Monivea Galway Richardson Thomas Cormacuagh East Monivea Galway Richardson Thomas Cormacuagh West Monivea Galway Richardson Thomas Derroogh Monivea Galway Richardson Thomas Laghtonora Monivea Galway Richardson Thomas Lenamore Monivea Galway Richardson Thomas Tiaquin Demesne Monivea Galway Roche Michael Carrowmore Monivea Galway Roche Patrick Shoodaun Monivea Galway Roche Stephen Cashlaundarragh Monivea Galway Roche Stephen Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Roche Stephen Parkacurry Monivea Galway Roche Stephen Ryehill Demesne Monivea Galway Roche Thomas Carrowmore Monivea Galway Roughan Martin Derroogh Monivea Galway Rourke David Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Ruane Catherine Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Ruane James Aghafadda Monivea Galway Ruane James Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Ruane John Gortnaglogh Monivea Galway Ruane Martin Ballynaboorkagh Monivea Galway Ruane Mary Cuddoo East Monivea Galway Ruane Mary Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Ruane Michael Cuddoo East Monivea Galway Ruane Michael Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Ruane Michael Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Ruane Patrick Aghafadda Monivea Galway Ruane Patrick Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Ruane Patrick Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Ruane Patrick Gortnaglogh Monivea Galway Ruane Patrick Monivea,Glennagloghaun South T Monivea Galway Ruane William Cuddoo East Monivea Galway Ruane William Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Rutledge David Carrowmore Monivea Galway Rutledge David Catherlissakill Monivea Galway Rutledge David Cloonkeen Monivea Galway Rutledge David Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Rutledge David Graiguebaun Monivea Galway Rutledge David W. Abbert Monivea Galway Rutledge David W. Abbert Demesne Monivea Galway Ryan Patrick Cloonkeen Monivea Galway Ryan Patrick Shoodaun Monivea Galway Scanlan Jeremiah Ballyskeagh Monivea Galway Scanlan Jeremiah Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Scanlan Jeremiah Crooroe Park Monivea Galway Shaughnessy Catherine Glennagloghaun South Monivea Galway Shaughnessy Mary Shoodaun Monivea Galway Shaughnessy Patrick Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Stoney Mary Ballyboggan Monivea Galway Sweeny Martin Knockbrack Monivea Galway Tanyhan Michael Aghafadda Monivea Galway Tarby Anne Lecarrow Monivea Galway Tighe John Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Tighe John Toorkeel Monivea Galway Tracy John Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Tracy Martin Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Tracy Martin Shoodaun Monivea Galway Tully Thomas Monivea Demesne Monivea Galway Tuohy Hugh Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Tuohy Mark Cuddoo West Monivea Galway Tuohy Mary Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Tuohy Patrick Corrandoo Monivea Galway Tyrrell Thomas Carrantarramud Monivea Galway Wall Andrew Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Wall John Glennagloghaun North Monivea Galway Wall John Monivea,Glennagloghaun North T Monivea Galway Wall Robert Lenamore Monivea Galway Walsh Walter Bingarra Monivea Galway Ward Martin Laghtonora Monivea Galway Ward Mary Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway Ward Patrick Corrafaireen Monivea Galway Ward Winifred Knockauncarragh Monivea Galway