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Ahern Mary Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Ahern Thomas Ardfert Oughter Ardfert Kerry Almon Thomas Barrow Ardfert Kerry Almon Timothy Ballyroe Ardfert Kerry Almond John Rahooneen Ardfert Kerry Baldwin Catherine Commons North Ardfert Kerry Barbaz Mary Larha Ardfert Kerry Barrett Denis Cloon Glebe Ardfert Kerry Barry James Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Barry James Commons East Ardfert Kerry Barry James Commons West Ardfert Kerry Barton David Ballyroe Ardfert Kerry Barton Thomas Ballyroe Ardfert Kerry Beckett Mary Commons West Ardfert Kerry Brassel Johanna Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Brazill Edmund Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Breen John Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Breen Maurice Barrow Ardfert Kerry Brennan John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Bresnahan James Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Bresnahan James Ballymacquin Upper Ardfert Kerry Bresnehan John Graigue Glebe Ardfert Kerry Brick Bridget Commons West Ardfert Kerry Brien Daniel Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Brien Jeremiah Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Brosnahan Honoria Knockeanagh Ardfert Kerry Brosnahan Honoria Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Brosnahan Mary Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Browne Ambrose Commons West Ardfert Kerry Browne John Commons West Ardfert Kerry Bungan Ellen Barrow Ardfert Kerry Burket Honoria Commons East Ardfert Kerry Busteed John Listrim Ardfert Kerry Cahill Catherine Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Callaghan John Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Canty John Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Carmody Bartholw. Brandonwell Ardfert Kerry Carmody John Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Carmody John Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Carmody Michael Ardfert Oughter Ardfert Kerry Carmody Patrick Brandonwell Ardfert Kerry Carmody Thomas Commons West Ardfert Kerry Carmody Timothy Commons West Ardfert Kerry Carroll Jeremiah Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Carroll John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Carroll John Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Carroll Margaret Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Carroll Margaret Ballymacquin Upper Ardfert Kerry Carroll Maurice Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Cartney Michael Commons East Ardfert Kerry Casey Denis Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Casey Honoria Commons East Ardfert Kerry Casey Maurice Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Casey Michael Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Casey Thomas Commons East Ardfert Kerry Casey Timothy Commons East Ardfert Kerry Casey William Rahooneen Ardfert Kerry Chute Pierce Ballyroe Ardfert Kerry Clancy Mary Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Coffey William Commons West Ardfert Kerry Collins Michael Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Collins Timothy Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Collis John Barrow Ardfert Kerry Connell James Barrow Ardfert Kerry Connell James, Jr. Barrow Ardfert Kerry Connell Johanna Commons West Ardfert Kerry Connell John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Connell Margaret Commons West Ardfert Kerry Connell Maurice Barrow Ardfert Kerry Connell Michael Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Connell Patrick Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Connell Patrick Commons West Ardfert Kerry Connell Patrick Knockroe Ardfert Kerry Connell Sarah Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Connell Timothy Barrow Ardfert Kerry Connell Timothy, Jr. Barrow Ardfert Kerry Connor Catherine Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Connor Catherine Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Connor Catherine Ballymacquin Upper Ardfert Kerry Connor James Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Connor John Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Connor John Knockeanagh Ardfert Kerry Connor John Listrim Ardfert Kerry Connor John Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Connor Margaret Sackville Ardfert Kerry Connor Michael Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Connor Patrick Graigue Glebe Ardfert Kerry Connor Thomas Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Conway John Brandonwell Ardfert Kerry Conway Patrick Commons West Ardfert Kerry Coornane Michael Knockeanagh Ardfert Kerry Corrane John Rahooneen Ardfert Kerry Corridon Elizabeth Commons North Ardfert Kerry Corridon Johanna Carrahane Upper Ardfert Kerry Costelloe Denis Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Cournane Ellen Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Cournane John Sackville Ardfert Kerry Cronin Daniel Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Cronin Daniel Ballymacquin Upper Ardfert Kerry Crosbie William T., Esq. Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Crosbie Wm. T., Esq. Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Crosbie Wm. T., Esq. Gortaspiddale Ardfert Kerry Crosbie Wm. T., Esq. Sackville Ardfert Kerry Daly Bridget Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Daly James Killorane Ardfert Kerry De Stack Thomas Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Deady Mary Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Delohery Patrick Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Dennahy Michael Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Denny Baronet Edward Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Devane Johanna Barrow Ardfert Kerry Dillane Catherine Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Dillane Jeremiah Barrow Ardfert Kerry Dillane William Commons West Ardfert Kerry Dillon Catherine Commons East Ardfert Kerry Dinneen Denis Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Dinneen Denis Commons West Ardfert Kerry Donegan Martin Commons West Ardfert Kerry Donohoe Daniel Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Donohoe Timothy Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Doolan Edward Killorane Ardfert Kerry Doolan Laurence Knockeanagh Ardfert Kerry Dooling Bartholomew Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Dooling Barthw, Sr. Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Dooling Barthw., Jr. Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Dooling Barthw., Sr. Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Dooling Catherine Tubrid Beg Ardfert Kerry Dooling Catherine Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Dooling Charles Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Dooling Edmond Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Dooling Ellen Listrim Ardfert Kerry Dooling Jeremiah Commons East Ardfert Kerry Dooling Johanna Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Dooling John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Dooling Mary Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Dooling Mary Commons West Ardfert Kerry Dooling Michael Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Dooling P. Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Dooling Patrick Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Dooling Patrick Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Dooling Patrick Listrim Ardfert Kerry Dooling Thomas Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Doran John Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Dowling Ellen Barrow Ardfert Kerry Dowling John Creegovane Ardfert Kerry Dowling Thomas Listrim Ardfert Kerry Downey Sarah Commons North Ardfert Kerry Driscoll Garrett Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Driscoll James Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Driscoll James Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Driscoll Johanna Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Driscoll John Ardfert Oughter Ardfert Kerry Driscoll Margaret Commons West Ardfert Kerry Driscoll Mathias Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Driscoll Timothy Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Duggin John Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Duggin Michael Ballinvoher Ardfert Kerry Duggin Mortimer Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Duhig Johanna Commons East Ardfert Kerry Duhig Michael Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Dywer John Farranwilliam Ardfert Kerry Edge Bridget Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Egan Catherine Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Egan Catherine Commons West Ardfert Kerry Egan Cornelius Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Egan Mary Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Egan Maurice Listrim Ardfert Kerry Egan Michael Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Egan Thomas Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Egar Francis Listrim Ardfert Kerry Evans Eyre Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Evans Eyre Commons West Ardfert Kerry Evans Geoge Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Evans Henry Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Evans William Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Evans William Commons East Ardfert Kerry Evans William Commons North Ardfert Kerry Evans William Commons West Ardfert Kerry Evans William Farranwilliam Ardfert Kerry Feeneighty James Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Feeneighty William Killorane Ardfert Kerry Fenaghty John Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Feneighty James Commons West Ardfert Kerry Feneighty Peter Commons West Ardfert Kerry Ferris John Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Ferris John Ballymacquin Upper Ardfert Kerry Ferris Mary Commons North Ardfert Kerry Ferris William Barrow Ardfert Kerry Fevier Anthony Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Finn Patrick Listrim Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald David Knockacloher Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald Edward Graigue Glebe Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald John Brandonwell Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald John Commons North Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald John Killorane Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald Mary Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald Mary Commons North Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald Maurice Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald Michael Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald Michael Ballyroe Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald Michael Commons North Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald Michael Knockacloher Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald Michael Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Fitzgerald William Ballyroe Ardfert Kerry Fitzmaurice Edmond Commons East Ardfert Kerry Fitzmaurice John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Fitzmaurice Margaret Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Fitzmaurice Mary Commons East Ardfert Kerry Fitzmaurice Thomas Brandonwell Ardfert Kerry Flaherty Edmond Commons West Ardfert Kerry Flaherty Edmund Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Flaherty Honoria Listrim Ardfert Kerry Flaherty John Brandonwell Ardfert Kerry Flaherty John Commons West Ardfert Kerry Flaherty Morgan Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Flaherty Morgan Commons East Ardfert Kerry Flaherty Morgan Commons West Ardfert Kerry Flaherty Thomas Commons West Ardfert Kerry Flaherty Thomas Tubrid Beg Ardfert Kerry Flynn Denis Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Flynn Jeremiah Knockacloher Ardfert Kerry Flynn Johanna Knockacloher Ardfert Kerry Fortune Robert Listrim Ardfert Kerry Gallagher Timothy Commons East Ardfert Kerry Gallavan Patrick Barrow Ardfert Kerry Gallavan William Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Gavin Edmond Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Geanin Honoria Barrow Ardfert Kerry Gear Patrick Ballinvoher Ardfert Kerry Geran Denis Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Geran Jeremiah Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Goggin George Commons East Ardfert Kerry Goggin John Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Gorman Timothy Commons West Ardfert Kerry Grady James Commons East Ardfert Kerry Grady John Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Grady Mary Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Grady William Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Greany Ellen Listrim Ardfert Kerry Griffin Catherine Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Griffin Daniel Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Griffin Daniel Listrim Ardfert Kerry Griffin Daniel, Jr. Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Griffin Denis Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Griffin Honoria Barrow Ardfert Kerry Griffin James Commons North Ardfert Kerry Griffin Johanna Barrow Ardfert Kerry Griffin John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Griffin John Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Griffin John Carrahane Upper Ardfert Kerry Griffin John Commons North Ardfert Kerry Griffin John Larha Ardfert Kerry Griffin Maurice, Jr. Barrow Ardfert Kerry Griffin Michael Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Griffin Michael Carrahane Upper Ardfert Kerry Griffin Timothy Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Griffin Timothy Knockroe Ardfert Kerry Griffin Timothy Listrim Ardfert Kerry Griffin William Listrim Ardfert Kerry Hanifin Jeremiah Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Hanifin Johanna Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Hanifin Mary Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Hanlon Lucy Commons West Ardfert Kerry Hanrahan Patrick Killorane Ardfert Kerry Hara Johanna Commons East Ardfert Kerry Harman James Barrow Ardfert Kerry Harman John Barrow Ardfert Kerry Harmon John Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Harmon Margaret Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Harmon Margaret Ballymacquin Upper Ardfert Kerry Harrington John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Harty John Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Healy Catherine Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Healy Francis Listrim Ardfert Kerry Healy John Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Healy John Ballymacquin Upper Ardfert Kerry Healy John Knockavurra Glebe Ardfert Kerry Healy Julia Listrim Ardfert Kerry Healy Maurice Farranwilliam Ardfert Kerry Healy Patrick Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Healy Philip Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Healy Thomas Listrim Ardfert Kerry Heck Sarah Sackville Ardfert Kerry Hick William Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Higgins Ellen Commons East Ardfert Kerry Higgins Johanna Commons East Ardfert Kerry Higgins John Commons East Ardfert Kerry Hillard Henry, Esq. Commons East Ardfert Kerry Hilliard Henry, Esq. Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Hilliard Robert, Esq. Commons West Ardfert Kerry Hilliard Robert, Esq. Graigue Glebe Ardfert Kerry Hilliard Robert, Esq. Knockavurra Glebe Ardfert Kerry Hilly Maurice Commons West Ardfert Kerry Holbert Garrett Sackville Ardfert Kerry Horgan Cornelius Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Horgan Daniel Commons East Ardfert Kerry Horgan Michael Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Horgan Thomas Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Houran James Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Houran James Commons West Ardfert Kerry Houran John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Houran Mary Commons West Ardfert Kerry Hurley Garrett Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Hurley Michael Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Hurley Timothy Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Hurly Timothy Commons East Ardfert Kerry Hussey Patrick Carrahane Upper Ardfert Kerry Johnson George Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Jordan Mary Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Joyce John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Joyce John Commons East Ardfert Kerry Joyce Mary Commons East Ardfert Kerry Joyce Mary Farranwilliam Ardfert Kerry Keane Rev. John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Keane Timothy Commons West Ardfert Kerry Kearne Avis Commons West Ardfert Kerry Kearne Rev. John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Kearne Rev. John Gortaspiddale Ardfert Kerry Kearne Rev. John Knockavurra Glebe Ardfert Kerry Kelleher Patrick Barrow Ardfert Kerry Kelly John Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Kelly Margaret Commons East Ardfert Kerry Kennedy Catherine Commons East Ardfert Kerry Kenny John Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Kenrick Anne Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Kerby James Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Kerby Mary Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Kerby William Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Kerwick James Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Kerwick James Commons East Ardfert Kerry Kerwick Mary Commons East Ardfert Kerry Kerwick William Knockavurra Glebe Ardfert Kerry King John Barrow Ardfert Kerry King Matthew Commons West Ardfert Kerry Kirby Bridget Ballyroe Ardfert Kerry Kirby Catherine Barrow Ardfert Kerry Lawler Denis Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Lawler Denis Carrahane Upper Ardfert Kerry Lawler Patrick Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Lawlor Bartholomew Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Lawlor Catherine Commons West Ardfert Kerry Lawlor David Commons West Ardfert Kerry Lawlor Denis Killorane Ardfert Kerry Lawlor Johanna Commons East Ardfert Kerry Lawlor John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Lawlor Mary Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Lawlor Michael Commons West Ardfert Kerry Lawlor Patrick Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Lawlor Patrick Barrow Ardfert Kerry Lawlor Terence Commons North Ardfert Kerry Lawlor Timothy Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Leahy Michael Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Leary John Ballinvoher Ardfert Kerry Leary Mary Commons North Ardfert Kerry Leary William Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Leary William Ballinvoher Ardfert Kerry Lee Ellen Commons West Ardfert Kerry Linehan Johanna Commons West Ardfert Kerry Linehan Mary Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Listowel ??? Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Listowel ??? Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Listowel ??? Illaunnabarnagh Ardfert Kerry Listowel ??? Muckloghmore Ardfert Kerry Long Jeremiah Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Long Patrick Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Lucid Ellen Knockeanagh Ardfert Kerry Lynch Bartholomew Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Lynch Catherine Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Lynch Johanna Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Lynch Laurence Knockeanagh Ardfert Kerry Lynch Maurice Larha Ardfert Kerry Lyon Maurice, Esq. Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Lyons Julia Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Lyons Patrick Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Lyons Patrick Carrahane Upper Ardfert Kerry Madden Michael Commons East Ardfert Kerry Mahane John Commons North Ardfert Kerry Mahane Margaret Commons North Ardfert Kerry Mahony Edmund Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Mahony Ellen Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Mahony John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Mahony John Commons West Ardfert Kerry Mahony Maurice Barrow Ardfert Kerry Mahony Thomas Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Mahony Thomas Commons East Ardfert Kerry Mansell John Commons North Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Callaghan Barrow Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Charles Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Charles Commons East Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Denis, Jr. Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Denis, M.D. Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Elizabeth Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Florence Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Florence Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Florence Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Jeremiah Graigue Glebe Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy John Commons East Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Julia Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Mary Barrow Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Michael Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Owen Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Owen Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy Philip Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy William Ballymacquin Upper Ardfert Kerry Mc Carthy William Barrow Ardfert Kerry Mc Crehon James Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Mc Crehon Johanna Farranwilliam Ardfert Kerry Mc Elligot Michael Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Mc Elligott Michael Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Mc Elligott Michael Commons East Ardfert Kerry Mc Elligott Michael Skrillagh Ardfert Kerry Mc Elligott Thomas Skrillagh Ardfert Kerry Mc Enery David Commons East Ardfert Kerry Mc Mahon Catherine Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Mc Quinn Catherine Commons West Ardfert Kerry Mc Quinn Daniel Rahooneen Ardfert Kerry Mc Quinn Mary Commons West Ardfert Kerry Mc Quinn Michael Commons West Ardfert Kerry Mc Quinn Michael Rahooneen Ardfert Kerry Mc Quinn Patrick Rahooneen Ardfert Kerry Mc Quirk Honoria Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Meagher John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Megan Solomon Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Megan Solomon Ballymacquin Upper Ardfert Kerry Minahan Denis Tubrid Beg Ardfert Kerry Minahan Thomas Tubrid Beg Ardfert Kerry Minahan Thomas Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Molony John Commons West Ardfert Kerry Moore Edward Commons East Ardfert Kerry Moore John Commons East Ardfert Kerry Moore Michael Tawlaght Ardfert Kerry Moriarty Catherine Commons East Ardfert Kerry Moriarty Mary Farranwilliam Ardfert Kerry Moriarty Patrick Commons East Ardfert Kerry Moriarty Patrick Listrim Ardfert Kerry Mulvihill Matthew Commons West Ardfert Kerry Murphy Arthur Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Murphy Daniel Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Murphy John Barrow Ardfert Kerry Murphy Michael Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Murphy Patrick Barrow Ardfert Kerry Murphy Robert Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Nolan John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Nolan John Commons West Ardfert Kerry Noonan William Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Noonan William Ballymacquin Upper Ardfert Kerry Nowlan Bartholomew Ardfert Oughter Ardfert Kerry Nowlan Ellen Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Nowlan James Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Nowlan Jane Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Nowlan John Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry O'Brien Elizabeth Commons West Ardfert Kerry O'Brien James Commons West Ardfert Kerry O'Brien Patrick Commons West Ardfert Kerry O'Connell John Knockeanagh Ardfert Kerry O'Connell Rev. John Ardfert Ardfert Kerry O'Connor Gerald, Esq. Farranwilliam Ardfert Kerry O'Connor Maria Ardfert Ardfert Kerry O'Connor Thomas Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry O'Connor Thomas Knockroe Ardfert Kerry O'Connor Thomas Rahooneen Ardfert Kerry O'Donnell John Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry O'Donnell Thomas Ardfert Ardfert Kerry O'Donnell Thomas Commons East Ardfert Kerry O'Grady James Ardfert Ardfert Kerry O'Grady James Commons East Ardfert Kerry Parker John Tawlaght Ardfert Kerry Peevers James Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Peevers James Commons West Ardfert Kerry Pendy John Tawlaght Ardfert Kerry Pendy Michael Tawlaght Ardfert Kerry Pendy Michael, Jr. Tawlaght Ardfert Kerry Pierce Michael Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Quain James Commons East Ardfert Kerry Quane William Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Quill Eugene Rahooneen Ardfert Kerry Rahilly Denis Graigue Glebe Ardfert Kerry Rahilly Denis Killorane Ardfert Kerry Rahilly Jeremiah Commons North Ardfert Kerry Rahilly John Brandonwell Ardfert Kerry Rahilly John Killorane Ardfert Kerry Rahilly Thomas Ballinvoher Ardfert Kerry Regan Jeremiah Ballymacquin Upper Ardfert Kerry Regan Michael Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Regan Terence Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Reidy Honoria Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Reidy Maurice Commons West Ardfert Kerry Rice Catherine Tubrid Beg Ardfert Kerry Riordan Catherine Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Riordan John Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Riordan Margaret Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Riordan Margaret Commons East Ardfert Kerry Riordan Michael Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Riordan Patrick Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Riordan William Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Rourke Cornelius Commons North Ardfert Kerry Rourke Thomas Commons West Ardfert Kerry Rourke Timothy Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Rourke Timothy Commons West Ardfert Kerry Ryal Catherine Creegovane Ardfert Kerry Ryal Edmond Barrow Ardfert Kerry Ryal Ellen Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Ryal Jeremiah Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Ryal Jeremiah Ballymacquin Upper Ardfert Kerry Ryal John Ballymacquin Upper Ardfert Kerry Ryle Michael Commons West Ardfert Kerry Ryle Patrick Commons West Ardfert Kerry Ryle Thomas Commons West Ardfert Kerry Savage John Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Savage William Collegefield Ardfert Kerry Sayer Andrew Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Scanlon Denis Listrim Ardfert Kerry Scanlon Edward Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Scanlon John Barrow Ardfert Kerry Scanlon Patrick Barrow Ardfert Kerry Scannell Michael Knockeanagh Ardfert Kerry Shanahan Daniel Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Shanahan Laurence Tubrid Beg Ardfert Kerry Shanahan Mary Tubrid Beg Ardfert Kerry Shanahan Thomas Tubrid Beg Ardfert Kerry Shea Cornelius Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Shea Daniel Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Shea Honoria Commons West Ardfert Kerry Shea Honoria Knockavurra Glebe Ardfert Kerry Shea Jeremiah Knockeanagh Ardfert Kerry Shea Michael Commons West Ardfert Kerry Shea Patrick Commons East Ardfert Kerry Shea Patrick Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Sheahan John Brandonwell Ardfert Kerry Sheahan John Graigue Glebe Ardfert Kerry Sheahan John Killorane Ardfert Kerry Sheahan John Rathcrihane Ardfert Kerry Sheanan John Killorane Ardfert Kerry Sheehan Florence Barrow Ardfert Kerry Sheehan John Commons East Ardfert Kerry Sheehan Maurice Commons East Ardfert Kerry Sheehan Thomas Barrow Ardfert Kerry Sheehan Thomas Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Sheehan William Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Sheehy Patrick Barrow Ardfert Kerry Slattery Charles Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Slattery Denis Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Slattery Edmond Commons East Ardfert Kerry Slattery Edmond Sackville Ardfert Kerry Slattery John Commons East Ardfert Kerry Slattery Margaret Commons East Ardfert Kerry Slattery William Commons East Ardfert Kerry Stack James Ballymacquin Lower Ardfert Kerry Stack James Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Stack John Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Stack Michael Barrow Ardfert Kerry Stack Michael Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Stack Michael Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Stack Patrick Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Stack Patrick Commons East Ardfert Kerry Stack Patrick Farranwilliam Ardfert Kerry Stokes Capt. Oliver Ballyroe Ardfert Kerry Strutton William Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Sugrue James Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Sugrue John Commons East Ardfert Kerry Sugrue Patrick Listrim Ardfert Kerry Sugrue Thomas Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Sugrue Thomas Commons West Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Bartholomew Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Bridget Commons North Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Cornelius Listrim Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Daniel Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Daniel Commons West Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Daniel Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Ellen Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Eugene Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Eugene Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Sullivan James Cloon Glebe Ardfert Kerry Sullivan James Commons West Ardfert Kerry Sullivan James Knockavurra Glebe Ardfert Kerry Sullivan James Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Jeremiah Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Jeremiah Commons West Ardfert Kerry Sullivan John Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Sullivan John Knockeanagh Ardfert Kerry Sullivan John Rahooneen Ardfert Kerry Sullivan John Tubrid More Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Laurence Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Sullivan M. Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Michael Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Michael Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Patrick Commons North Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Patrick Listrim Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Patrick Rahooneen Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Timothy Barrow Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Timothy Brandonwell Ardfert Kerry Sullivan Timothy Commons West Ardfert Kerry Sullivan William Kilfenora Ardfert Kerry Sullivan William Knockeanagh Ardfert Kerry Sweeney Johanna Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Sweeney John Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Sweeney John, Jr. Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Sweeny Mary Commons West Ardfert Kerry Todd William Sackville Ardfert Kerry Treacy David Commons East Ardfert Kerry Turner William Commons West Ardfert Kerry Wallace John Commons East Ardfert Kerry Wallace John Commons West Ardfert Kerry Wallace Nicholas Listrim Ardfert Kerry Wallace Thomas Ardfert Ardfert Kerry Walsh John Ballinprior Ardfert Kerry Walsh Martin Liscahane Ardfert Kerry Walsh Michael Farranwilliam Ardfert Kerry Whelan Johanna Carrahane Lower Ardfert Kerry Williams William Kill Ardfert Kerry Willis James Ardfert Ardfert Kerry