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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Caher, County Kerry
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Caher, County Kerry
Allman Timothy Main St. Caher Kerry Barrett William Church Lane Caher Kerry Barry James Castlequin Caher Kerry Barry James, M.D. Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Barry James, M.D. Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Barry James, M.D. Knockaunrory Caher Kerry Barry James, M.D. Main St. Caher Kerry Barry James, M.D. Quay St. Caher Kerry Barry John Castlequin Caher Kerry Barton James Quay St. Caher Kerry Barton John Garranebane Caher Kerry Bland Nathaniel C. Kimego East Caher Kerry Bowler John Laharan South Caher Kerry Bowler Thomas High St. Caher Kerry Bowler Thomas Laharan South Caher Kerry Bradley William Main St. Caher Kerry Brennan Augustin Quay St. Caher Kerry Brennan Daniel High St. Caher Kerry Brennan John Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Brennan John Castlequin Caher Kerry Brennan John Main St. Caher Kerry Brennan John, Jr. Castlequin Caher Kerry Brennan Margaret Hillgrove Caher Kerry Brennan Mary Derreen Caher Kerry Brennan Mary Quay St. Caher Kerry Brennan Patrick Main St. Caher Kerry Brennan Patrick Quay St. Caher Kerry Brennan Timothy Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Brien Ellen Gurteen Caher Kerry Buckley John High St. Caher Kerry Burke Denis Derreen Caher Kerry Burke James Main St. Caher Kerry Burke James Pound Lane Caher Kerry Burke John Garranebane Caher Kerry Burke John High St. Caher Kerry Burke John Main St. Caher Kerry Burke John, Jr. Garranebane Caher Kerry Burke Martin Church Lane Caher Kerry Burke Patrick Oghermong Caher Kerry Burke Thomas Kilcoman Caher Kerry Burke William High St. Caher Kerry Butler Mrs. Anne Quay St. Caher Kerry Butler Pierce Castlequin Caher Kerry Butler Pierce Quay St. Caher Kerry Carson Thomas Garranearagh Caher Kerry Casey Daniel Ballycarbery East Caher Kerry Casey Daniel Main St. Caher Kerry Casey Daniel Mountluke Caher Kerry Casey Denis Beginish Island Caher Kerry Casey Denis Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Casey Denis Kimego West Caher Kerry Casey Denis Laharan South Caher Kerry Casey John Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Casey John, Jr. Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Casey John, Sr. Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Casey Mary Killclan East Caher Kerry Casey Mary Quay St. Caher Kerry Casey Michael Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Casey Michael Main St. Caher Kerry Casey Patrick Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Casey Thomas Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Casey William Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Clifford Cornelius Castlequin Caher Kerry Clifford Daniel Main St. Caher Kerry Clifford Denis Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Clifford Denis Castlequin Caher Kerry Clifford Denis Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Clifford Jeremiah Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Clifford Jeremiah Garranearagh Caher Kerry Clifford Jeremiah Old Rd. Caher Kerry Clifford Jeremiah Quay St. Caher Kerry Clifford John Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Clifford Julia Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Clifford Julia Garranebane Caher Kerry Clifford Michael Castlequin Caher Kerry Clifford Michael Main St. Caher Kerry Clifford Michael Reenard Caher Kerry Clifford Owen Currane's Lane Caher Kerry Clifford Timothy Quay St. Caher Kerry Cluse John Main St. Caher Kerry Coffey Cornelius Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Coffey Cornelius Letter Caher Kerry Coffey Denis Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Coffey Honoria Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Coffey James Castlequin Caher Kerry Coffey John Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Coffey Maurice Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Coffey Patrick Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Coffey Simon Castlequin Caher Kerry Collins Denis Ballycarbery East Caher Kerry Connel John Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Connell Alicia Reenard Caher Kerry Connell Andrew High St. Caher Kerry Connell Bridget Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Connell Catherine Ballycarbery East Caher Kerry Connell Catherine Ballycarbery South Caher Kerry Connell Catherine Castlequin Caher Kerry Connell Catherine Reenard Caher Kerry Connell Charles Gurteen Caher Kerry Connell Charles Killogrone Caher Kerry Connell Daniel Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Connell Daniel High St. Caher Kerry Connell Daniel Main St. Caher Kerry Connell Denis Ballycarbery West Caher Kerry Connell Denis High St. Caher Kerry Connell Ellen Killclan East Caher Kerry Connell Ellen Mountluke Caher Kerry Connell James Hillgrove Caher Kerry Connell Jeremiah Derreen Caher Kerry Connell Jeremiah Gurteen Caher Kerry Connell Jeremiah Killclan West Caher Kerry Connell John Beginish Island Caher Kerry Connell John Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Connell John Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Connell John High St. Caher Kerry Connell John Killclan West Caher Kerry Connell John Moneyduff Caher Kerry Connell John, Sr. Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Connell Julia Killoc Caher Kerry Connell Laurence Garranebane Caher Kerry Connell Martin Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Connell Martin, Jr. Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Connell Mary Castlequin Caher Kerry Connell Mary Garranearagh Caher Kerry Connell Mary High St. Caher Kerry Connell Mary Killclan West Caher Kerry Connell Mary Kimego East Caher Kerry Connell Mary Reenard Caher Kerry Connell Maurice Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Connell Maurice Laharan South Caher Kerry Connell Michael Beginish Island Caher Kerry Connell Michael Garranebane Caher Kerry Connell Morgan Ballycarbery West Caher Kerry Connell Morgan Killclan East Caher Kerry Connell Mortimer Beginish Island Caher Kerry Connell Mortimer Church Island Caher Kerry Connell Mortimer Kimego West Caher Kerry Connell Patrick Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Connell Patrick High St. Caher Kerry Connell Patrick Laharan North Caher Kerry Connell Patrick Main St. Caher Kerry Connell Patrick Oghermong Caher Kerry Connell Thomas Killclan East Caher Kerry Connell Thomas Reenard Caher Kerry Connell Timothy Ballycarbery East Caher Kerry Connell Timothy Beginish Island Caher Kerry Connell Timothy Garranebane Caher Kerry Connell Timothy Killclan East Caher Kerry Connor Barth. Boola Caher Kerry Connor Bryan Church Lane Caher Kerry Connor Cornelius Killoc Caher Kerry Connor Cornelius Kimego West Caher Kerry Connor Daniel Garranebane Caher Kerry Connor Daniel Killoc Caher Kerry Connor Daniel Kimego East Caher Kerry Connor Daniel Kimego West Caher Kerry Connor Daniel Reenard Caher Kerry Connor Daniel Rehill Caher Kerry Connor David Garranebane Caher Kerry Connor Honoria Quay St. Caher Kerry Connor James Boola Caher Kerry Connor James Kimego West Caher Kerry Connor James, Jr. Kimego West Caher Kerry Connor Jeremiah Church Lane Caher Kerry Connor Jeremiah Killoc Caher Kerry Connor John Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Connor John Kimego East Caher Kerry Connor John Kimego West Caher Kerry Connor John Rehill Caher Kerry Connor John Tooreenmore Caher Kerry Connor Julia Main St. Caher Kerry Connor Mary Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Connor Mary Kimego West Caher Kerry Connor Michael Killoc Caher Kerry Connor Michael Kimego West Caher Kerry Connor Patrick Derreen Caher Kerry Connor Patrick Quay St. Caher Kerry Connor Thomas Kimego West Caher Kerry Connor Timothy Canburrin Caher Kerry Connor Timothy Quay St. Caher Kerry Conway Maurice High St. Caher Kerry Conway Maurice Main St. Caher Kerry Conway Timothy Ballycarbery South Caher Kerry Conway Timothy High St. Caher Kerry Conway Timothy Main St. Caher Kerry Cooke Honoria High St. Caher Kerry Corcoran Daniel Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Corcoran Denis Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Corcoran Patrick Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Corcoran Thomas Laharan South Caher Kerry Corkerry Denis Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Corkery Daniel Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Coughlan Denis Hillgrove Caher Kerry Cournane Patrick Main St. Caher Kerry Cronin Mary Garranearagh Caher Kerry Cunane John Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Cunane Michael Canburrin Caher Kerry Currane Bartholmew Carhan Upper Caher Kerry Currane Daniel Church Lane Caher Kerry Currane Denis Garranearagh Caher Kerry Currane Denis Oghermong Caher Kerry Currane Ellen Garranebane Caher Kerry Currane James Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Currane John Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Currane John Castlequin Caher Kerry Currane John Oghermong Caher Kerry Currane Margaret Garranearagh Caher Kerry Currane Mary Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Currane Mary Derreen Caher Kerry Currane Michael Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Currane Patrick Oghermong Caher Kerry Currane Thomas Quay St. Caher Kerry Curry Mary High St. Caher Kerry Cussane Corn. Main St. Caher Kerry Daley Daniel Church Lane Caher Kerry Daly Daniel Boherboy Caher Kerry Daly Daniel Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Daly Daniel Garranebane Caher Kerry Daly Ellen Garranebane Caher Kerry Daly James Kimego East Caher Kerry Daly Jeremiah Derreen Caher Kerry Daly John Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Daly Michael Garranebane Caher Kerry Daly Patrick Garranearagh Caher Kerry Daly Timothy Derreen Caher Kerry Davis Joseph Castlequin Caher Kerry Davy Joseph Main St. Caher Kerry Day Jane High St. Caher Kerry Day John Church Lane Caher Kerry Day John Old Rd. Caher Kerry Day John Reenard Caher Kerry Delany Ellen High St. Caher Kerry Denison Charles Laharan South Caher Kerry Dennehy Bridget Killoc Caher Kerry Dennehy John Derreen Caher Kerry Dennehy Mary Pound Lane Caher Kerry Dennehy Patrick Castlequin Caher Kerry Dennehy Thomas Quay St. Caher Kerry Dennison Charles Laharan South Caher Kerry Devane John Castlequin Caher Kerry Dodd Robert R. Quay St. Caher Kerry Donnely Daniel Main St. Caher Kerry Donohoe Barth. Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Donohoe Bridget Garranearagh Caher Kerry Donohoe Catherine Reenard Caher Kerry Donohoe Daniel Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Donohoe Daniel Canburrin Caher Kerry Donohoe Daniel Garranearagh Caher Kerry Donohoe Elizabeth Quay St. Caher Kerry Donohoe Honoria Ballycarbery South Caher Kerry Donohoe Jeremiah Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Donohoe Jeremiah Canburrin Caher Kerry Donohoe Jeremiah Castlequin Caher Kerry Donohoe Jeremiah Garranearagh Caher Kerry Donohoe Jeremiah Letter Caher Kerry Donohoe John Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Donohoe John Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Donohoe John Killoc Caher Kerry Donohoe John Reenard Caher Kerry Donohoe Malachy Ballycarbery East Caher Kerry Donohoe Mary Oghermong Caher Kerry Donohoe Michael Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Donohoe Michael Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Donohoe Michael Garranearagh Caher Kerry Donohoe Michael Letter Caher Kerry Donohoe Michael Quay St. Caher Kerry Donohoe Michael Reenard Caher Kerry Donohoe Patrick Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Donohoe Thomas Reenard Caher Kerry Donohoe Timothy Currane's Lane Caher Kerry Donohoe Timothy High St. Caher Kerry Donohoe William Kilcoman Caher Kerry Donovan James Main St. Caher Kerry Dowling Edmond Tooreenmore Caher Kerry Dowling Thomas Killclan East Caher Kerry Doyle Daniel Old Rd. Caher Kerry Doyle John Pound Lane Caher Kerry Doyle Thomas Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Driscoll Cornelius Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Driscoll Cornelius Main St. Caher Kerry Driscoll Denis Kimego West Caher Kerry Driscoll Eoin Quay St. Caher Kerry Driscoll Honoria Main St. Caher Kerry Driscoll John Castlequin Caher Kerry Driscoll John Main St. Caher Kerry Driscoll John Quay St. Caher Kerry Driscoll Mary Turnamucka Caher Kerry Driscoll Michael Main St. Caher Kerry Driscoll Michael Pound Lane Caher Kerry Driscoll Patrick High St. Caher Kerry Driscoll Timothy Boherboy Caher Kerry Eagar Tallis Main St. Caher Kerry Egan Crohan Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Egan James Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Egan John Quay St. Caher Kerry Ellard Edmund Reenard Caher Kerry Ellis Thomas Main St. Caher Kerry Falvey Jeremiah Carhan Upper Caher Kerry Falvey John High St. Caher Kerry Feely Bartholomew Kimego East Caher Kerry Fenton Thomas High St. Caher Kerry Fitzgerald Catherine Old Rd. Caher Kerry Fitzgerald Edmond Ballycarbery West Caher Kerry Fitzgerald James Old Rd. Caher Kerry Fitzgerald John Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Fitzgerald John Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Fitzgerald John Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Fitzgerald John Main St. Caher Kerry Fitzgerald John Quay St. Caher Kerry Fitzgerald Patrick Garranearagh Caher Kerry Fitzgerald Stephen Beginish Island Caher Kerry Fitzpatrick Patrick High St. Caher Kerry Fitzpatrick Thomas Main St. Caher Kerry Fleming John Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Fleming John Main St. Caher Kerry Fleming John Old Rd. Caher Kerry Fleming Thomas, Jr. Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Fogarty Timothy Castlequin Caher Kerry Fogarty Timothy Main St. Caher Kerry Foley D. Main St. Caher Kerry Foley Daniel Main St. Caher Kerry Foley Denis Main St. Caher Kerry Foley John Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Foley Mary High St. Caher Kerry Foley Patrick High St. Caher Kerry Foley Thomas Main St. Caher Kerry Gallivan John Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Gallivan John High St. Caher Kerry Gallivan Patrick High St. Caher Kerry Galvan Ellen Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Garvey Daniel Kimego East Caher Kerry Garvey Denis Castlequin Caher Kerry Garvey Denis Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Garvey Denis Laharan North Caher Kerry Garvey Patrick Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Garvey Patrick, Jr. Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Garvey Patrick, Sr. Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Garvey Thomas Kimego East Caher Kerry Garvey William Kimego West Caher Kerry Gaynor Daniel High St. Caher Kerry Geran Michael Garranearagh Caher Kerry Gleeson John Quay St. Caher Kerry Golden Catherine Garranebane Caher Kerry Golden Denis Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Golden James Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Golden Mary Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Golden Maurice Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Golden Maurice Emlagh Caher Kerry Golden William Mountluke Caher Kerry Grady John Church Lane Caher Kerry Griffin Denis Quay St. Caher Kerry Griffin J. Main St. Caher Kerry Griffin James Oghermong Caher Kerry Griffin John Ballycarbery South Caher Kerry Griffin Michael Kimego West Caher Kerry Griffin Patrick Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Griffin Patrick High St. Caher Kerry Hamilton Elizabeth Main St. Caher Kerry Harrington Mary Beginish Island Caher Kerry Healey John Garranebane Caher Kerry Healy Daniel Carhan Upper Caher Kerry Healy Jeremiah High St. Caher Kerry Healy John Garranebane Caher Kerry Healy Michael Castlequin Caher Kerry Healy Rev. John Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Herlihy Daniel Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Herlihy Denis Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Hickey James High St. Caher Kerry Hickey James Main St. Caher Kerry Hickson George Main St. Caher Kerry Hoare David High St. Caher Kerry Hoare Edward Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Hoare Edward Garranearagh Caher Kerry Hoare Edward Quay St. Caher Kerry Hoare John Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Hoolahan Edmond Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Hoolahan Edmund Main St. Caher Kerry Horgan Jeremiah Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Horgan Michael Church Lane Caher Kerry Hussey John Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Hussey John Castlequin Caher Kerry Hussey John Main St. Caher Kerry Joyce John Derreen Caher Kerry Kealing Ellen Main St. Caher Kerry Keating Cornelius Killogrone Caher Kerry Keating Daniel Letter Caher Kerry Keating Daniel Main St. Caher Kerry Keating Daniel Reenard Caher Kerry Keating Denis Garranearagh Caher Kerry Keating Denis High St. Caher Kerry Keating Geoffrey Letter Caher Kerry Keating Geoffry Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Keating Honoria Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Keating James Castlequin Caher Kerry Keating James Derreen Caher Kerry Keating Jeremiah Castlequin Caher Kerry Keating Jeremiah Reenard Caher Kerry Keating John Boola Caher Kerry Keating John Castlequin Caher Kerry Keating John Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Keating John Oghermong Caher Kerry Keating Mary Garranebane Caher Kerry Keating Mary Main St. Caher Kerry Keating Maurice Castlequin Caher Kerry Keating Maurice Letter Caher Kerry Keating Michael Derreen Caher Kerry Keating Michael Knockaunrory Caher Kerry Keating Michael Reenard Caher Kerry Keating Patrick Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Keating Patrick Kimego East Caher Kerry Keating Patrick Letter Caher Kerry Keating Patrick Main St. Caher Kerry Keating Stephen Main St. Caher Kerry Keating Thomas Canburrin Caher Kerry Keating Thomas Carhan Upper Caher Kerry Keating Timothy Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Keating Timothy Derreen Caher Kerry Keily Patrick J. Main St. Caher Kerry Keleher Daniel Garranearagh Caher Kerry Keleher Daniel, Jr. Garranearagh Caher Kerry Keleher Johanna Pound Lane Caher Kerry Keleher Mary Pound Lane Caher Kerry Keleher Maurice High St. Caher Kerry Keleher Michael Castlequin Caher Kerry Keleher Patrick Quay St. Caher Kerry Keleher Thomas Garranebane Caher Kerry Keleher Timothy Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Keleher Timothy Main St. Caher Kerry Kelly Anne High St. Caher Kerry Kelly Bartholmew Kilcoman Caher Kerry Kelly Bridget Oghermong Caher Kerry Kelly Catherine Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Kelly Cornelius Laharan South Caher Kerry Kelly Daniel Laharan South Caher Kerry Kelly Denis Kilcoman Caher Kerry Kelly James Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Kelly James Killoc Caher Kerry Kelly John Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Kelly John Kilcoman Caher Kerry Kelly John Main St. Caher Kerry Kelly Julia Kilcoman Caher Kerry Kelly Maurice Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Kelly Maurice Kilcoman Caher Kerry Kelly Michael Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Kelly Michael Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Kelly Michael Kilcoman Caher Kerry Kelly Michael, Jr. Derreen Caher Kerry Kelly Michael, Sr. Derreen Caher Kerry Kelly Mortimer Ballycarbery West Caher Kerry Kelly Mortimer Emlagh Caher Kerry Kelly Patrick Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Kelly Patrick Kilcoman Caher Kerry Kelly Patrick Laharan South Caher Kerry Kelly Thomas Kilcoman Caher Kerry Kelly Thomas Killoc Caher Kerry Kelly Timothy Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Kelly Timothy Letter Caher Kerry Landers Garrett Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Leahy Thomas Garranearagh Caher Kerry Leahy Timothy Church Lane Caher Kerry Leary Julia High St. Caher Kerry Leasey Fenton Derreen Caher Kerry Leslie Thomas Main St. Caher Kerry Lowder William Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Lowney John High St. Caher Kerry Lowther William Quay St. Caher Kerry Lucy Catherine Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Lynch James High St. Caher Kerry Lynch Jeremiah, Jr. Derreen Caher Kerry Lynch Jeremiah, Sr. Derreen Caher Kerry Lynch John Derreen Caher Kerry Lynch Martin Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Lynch Martin Main St. Caher Kerry Lynch Nicholas Quay St. Caher Kerry Lyne Cornelius Carhan Upper Caher Kerry Lyne Cornelius Knockaunrory Caher Kerry Lyne Cornelius Quay St. Caher Kerry Lyne Cornelius, Jr. Knockaunrory Caher Kerry Lyne Daniel Carhan Upper Caher Kerry Lyne Daniel Currane's Lane Caher Kerry Lyne Mary Killclan East Caher Kerry Lyons Timothy Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Lyons William Main St. Caher Kerry Madden Peter Main St. Caher Kerry Magin Mary Main St. Caher Kerry Mahoney Catherine Castlequin Caher Kerry Mahoney Daniel Main St. Caher Kerry Mahoney John Garranebane Caher Kerry Mahoney Mary Castlequin Caher Kerry Mahoney Timothy Castlequin Caher Kerry Mahony Daniel Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Mahony Daniel Laharan North Caher Kerry Mahony Ellen Laharan South Caher Kerry Mahony John Oghermong Caher Kerry Mahony Michael High St. Caher Kerry Mahony Patrick Main St. Caher Kerry Maloney John Old Rd. Caher Kerry Mannise Joseph Main St. Caher Kerry Mannix James Old Rd. Caher Kerry Mannix Jeremiah Church Lane Caher Kerry Mannix Thomas Garranebane Caher Kerry Martin James Quay St. Caher Kerry Martin Richard Main St. Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Andrew Main St. Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Anne Derreen Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Catherine High St. Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Charles High St. Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Daniel Main St. Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Denis Laharan South Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Honoria Garranearagh Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Honoria High St. Caher Kerry Mc Carthy James Reenard Caher Kerry Mc Carthy John Laharan South Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Martin Reenard Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Mary Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Mary Killogrone Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Mary Laharan South Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Noel Laharan North Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Randal Laharan North Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Timothy Laharan South Caher Kerry Mc Carthy Timothy Reenard Caher Kerry Mc Clohan Owen Beginish Island Caher Kerry Mc Croghan Catherine High St. Caher Kerry Mc Croghan Ellen Church Lane Caher Kerry Mc Crohan Daniel Reenard Caher Kerry Mc Crohan Denis Letter Caher Kerry Mc Crohan Ellen Pound Lane Caher Kerry Mc Crohan Jeremiah Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Mc Crohan Timothy Reenard Caher Kerry Mc Gillcuddy Daniel Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Mc Gillycuddy Margaret Reenard Caher Kerry Mc Gillycuddy Patrick Reenard Caher Kerry Mc Laughlin Michael Main St. Caher Kerry Mc Loughlin Michael Garranebane Caher Kerry Mc Loughlin Michael Pound Lane Caher Kerry Mc Loughlin Simon Garranebane Caher Kerry Mc Mahon Catherine High St. Caher Kerry Moran Agustine Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Moran Bridget Garranebane Caher Kerry Moran Denis High St. Caher Kerry Moran Denis Letter Caher Kerry Moran John Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Moran Joseph Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Moran Joseph Main St. Caher Kerry Moran Michael Reenard Caher Kerry Moran Thomas Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Moran Thomas Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Moran Thomas Garranebane Caher Kerry Moran Thomas Main St. Caher Kerry Moran Thomas Old Rd. Caher Kerry Moriarty Bartholomew High St. Caher Kerry Moriarty Catherine Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Moriarty Denis Ballycarbery East Caher Kerry Moriarty Denis Castlequin Caher Kerry Moriarty Denis Kimego East Caher Kerry Moriarty Denis Main St. Caher Kerry Moriarty Denis Pound Lane Caher Kerry Moriarty Jeremiah Main St. Caher Kerry Moriarty John Castlequin Caher Kerry Moriarty John Church Lane Caher Kerry Moriarty John Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Moriarty John Garranearagh Caher Kerry Moriarty John Garranebane Caher Kerry Moriarty John Main St. Caher Kerry Moriarty John Pound Lane Caher Kerry Moriarty Joseph Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Moriarty Margaret Main St. Caher Kerry Moriarty Mary Garranebane Caher Kerry Moriarty Maurice Castlequin Caher Kerry Moriarty Maurice Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Moriarty Maurice Emlagh Caher Kerry Moriarty Maurice Main St. Caher Kerry Moriarty Maurice R. Main St. Caher Kerry Moriarty Patrick Castlequin Caher Kerry Moriarty Patrick Main St. Caher Kerry Moriarty Stephen Currane's Lane Caher Kerry Moriarty Stephen Garranearagh Caher Kerry Murphy Catherine Boola Caher Kerry Murphy Cornelius Castlequin Caher Kerry Murphy Cornelius Currane's Lane Caher Kerry Murphy Daniel Ballycarbery East Caher Kerry Murphy Daniel Garranearagh Caher Kerry Murphy Denis Letter Caher Kerry Murphy Honoria High St. Caher Kerry Murphy James Boherboy Caher Kerry Murphy James Main St. Caher Kerry Murphy Jeremiah Ballycarbery West Caher Kerry Murphy Jeremiah Main St. Caher Kerry Murphy Johanna Garranearagh Caher Kerry Murphy John Castlequin Caher Kerry Murphy John Laharan North Caher Kerry Murphy John Pound Lane Caher Kerry Murphy John J. Main St. Caher Kerry Murphy John, Jr. Garranearagh Caher Kerry Murphy John, Sr. Garranearagh Caher Kerry Murphy Julia Church Lane Caher Kerry Murphy Laurence High St. Caher Kerry Murphy Margaret Killoc Caher Kerry Murphy Mary Quay St. Caher Kerry Murphy Michael Garranebane Caher Kerry Murphy Michael Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Murphy Michael Main St. Caher Kerry Murphy Paul Garranearagh Caher Kerry Murphy Timothy Ballycarbery East Caher Kerry Murphy Timothy Foughil Island Caher Kerry Murphy Timothy Killoc Caher Kerry Murphy William Castlequin Caher Kerry Naughtin James Reenard Caher Kerry Naughton Catherine Garranearagh Caher Kerry Nc Crohan Ellen Garranebane Caher Kerry Neil John Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Neil John Knockaunrory Caher Kerry Neil Julia Castlequin Caher Kerry Neil Patrick Carhan Upper Caher Kerry Neil Patrick Garranearagh Caher Kerry Neil Patrick Garranebane Caher Kerry Neil Patrick Main St. Caher Kerry Neill Bartholomew Killclan East Caher Kerry Neill Daniel Derreen Caher Kerry Neill Daniel Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Neill Daniel Letter Caher Kerry Neill Jeremiah Derreen Caher Kerry Neill John Ballycarbery East Caher Kerry Neill John Moneyduff Caher Kerry Neill Mary Derreen Caher Kerry Neill Maurice Letter Caher Kerry Neill Owen Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Neill Owen Killclan East Caher Kerry Neill Patrick Garranearagh Caher Kerry Neill Thomas Killclan West Caher Kerry O Johanna Main St. Caher Kerry O'Connell Geoffrey Letter Caher Kerry O'Connell John Cahersiveen Caher Kerry O'Connell John High St. Caher Kerry O'Connell John Knockaunrory Caher Kerry O'Connell Maurice Cahersiveen Caher Kerry O'Connell Maurice Carhan Lower Caher Kerry O'Connell Maurice Islands No. 5, 6, & 7 Caher Kerry O'Connell Maurice Reenard Caher Kerry O'Connell Morgan Letter Caher Kerry O'Connell Morgan Quay St. Caher Kerry O'Connell Mortimer Cahersiveen Caher Kerry O'Connell Mortimer Main St. Caher Kerry O'Connell Richard Letter Caher Kerry O'Connell Richard Main St. Caher Kerry O'Conner Jermiah J., M.D. Carhan Lower Caher Kerry O'Connor David Cahersiveen Caher Kerry O'Connor David Main St. Caher Kerry O'Connor Jeremiah, M.D. Cahersiveen Caher Kerry O'Donohoe John Main St. Caher Kerry O'Neil Edmond Lamb Island No. 1 Caher Kerry O'Neil John Lamb Island No. 1 Caher Kerry O'Neill Edward Reenard Caher Kerry O'Neill John Reenard Caher Kerry Potts Bridget Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Potts Jane Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Prenderville Thomas Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Prendeville Thomas Church Lane Caher Kerry Primrose John Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Prior Owen High St. Caher Kerry Quirk James Main St. Caher Kerry Rahilly Michael Derreen Caher Kerry Reilly Maurice Oghermong Caher Kerry Riley Mary Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Riordan Honoria High St. Caher Kerry Roche David Moneyduff Caher Kerry Roche James Church Lane Caher Kerry Roche Mary High St. Caher Kerry Roche Michael Ballycarbery South Caher Kerry Saunders James Reenard Caher Kerry Seggerson John Derreen Caher Kerry Seggerson John Laharan South Caher Kerry Shannahan John Main St. Caher Kerry Shea Bartholomew Garranebane Caher Kerry Shea Bartholomew High St. Caher Kerry Shea Bartholomew Mountluke Caher Kerry Shea Bartw. Main St. Caher Kerry Shea Catherine Pound Lane Caher Kerry Shea Cornelius Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Shea Cornelius Killoc Caher Kerry Shea Cornelius Laharan South Caher Kerry Shea Cornelius, Jr. Laharan South Caher Kerry Shea Daniel Boola Caher Kerry Shea Daniel Garranebane Caher Kerry Shea Deborah Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Shea Denis Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Shea Denis Castlequin Caher Kerry Shea Denis Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Shea Denis High St. Caher Kerry Shea Denis Kilcoman Caher Kerry Shea Denis Laharan South Caher Kerry Shea Denis, Jr. Laharan South Caher Kerry Shea Honoria Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Shea Honoria Oghermong Caher Kerry Shea James Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Shea James Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Shea James Kimego East Caher Kerry Shea Jeremiah Laharan South Caher Kerry Shea Johanna Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Shea John Boola Caher Kerry Shea John Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Shea John Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Shea John Derreen Caher Kerry Shea Martin Main St. Caher Kerry Shea Matthew Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Shea Michael Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Shea Michael Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Shea Michael Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Shea Michael Killoc Caher Kerry Shea Michael Letter Caher Kerry Shea Mortimer Derreen Caher Kerry Shea Patrick Derreen Caher Kerry Shea Patrick High St. Caher Kerry Shea Patrick Kimego East Caher Kerry Shea Patrick Letter Caher Kerry Shea Thomas Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Shea Thomas Currane's Lane Caher Kerry Shea Thomas Killoc Caher Kerry Shea Thomas Main St. Caher Kerry Shea Thomas Mountluke Caher Kerry Shea Timothy High St. Caher Kerry Shea Timothy Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Sheahan Denis Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Sheehan Crohan Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sheehan Daniel Gurteen Caher Kerry Sheehan Daniel High St. Caher Kerry Sheehan Ellen Garranebane Caher Kerry Sheehan Fenton Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Sheehan John Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sheehan John Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Sheehan Laurence Killclan West Caher Kerry Sheehan Michael Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sheehan Patrick Garranearagh Caher Kerry Sheehan Thomas Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sheehan Timothy Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Shewell James Church Lane Caher Kerry Shewell James High St. Caher Kerry Spillane Andrew High St. Caher Kerry Spillane John Reenard Caher Kerry Spillane Michael Reenard Caher Kerry Spottiswood John Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Spottiswood Maurice Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Spottiswood Maurice, M.D. Quay St. Caher Kerry Sugrue Daniel Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sugrue Francis Oghermong Caher Kerry Sugrue James Boola Caher Kerry Sugrue James, Jr. Oghermong Caher Kerry Sugrue James, Sr. Oghermong Caher Kerry Sugrue Michael Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sugrue Michael Kilcoman Caher Kerry Sugrue Michael Oghermong Caher Kerry Sugrue Patrick Oghermong Caher Kerry Sullivan Barth. Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Sullivan Bartholomew Letter Caher Kerry Sullivan Bridget Carhan Upper Caher Kerry Sullivan Bridget High St. Caher Kerry Sullivan Catherine High St. Caher Kerry Sullivan Cornelius Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Sullivan Cornelius Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Sullivan Cornelius Reenard Caher Kerry Sullivan Crohan Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Sullivan Daniel Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Sullivan Daniel Carhan Upper Caher Kerry Sullivan Daniel Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sullivan Daniel Garranebane Caher Kerry Sullivan Daniel High St. Caher Kerry Sullivan Daniel Inchimacteigue Caher Kerry Sullivan Daniel Oghermong Caher Kerry Sullivan Denis Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Sullivan Denis Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Sullivan Denis Garranearagh Caher Kerry Sullivan Denis Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Sullivan Denis Laharan South Caher Kerry Sullivan Denis Oghermong Caher Kerry Sullivan Edward Main St. Caher Kerry Sullivan Ellen Pound Lane Caher Kerry Sullivan Florence Laharan South Caher Kerry Sullivan Honoria Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Sullivan Honoria Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sullivan Honoria Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Sullivan Honoria High St. Caher Kerry Sullivan Honoria Main St. Caher Kerry Sullivan James Ballycarbery South Caher Kerry Sullivan James Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sullivan James Garranearagh Caher Kerry Sullivan James Laharan South Caher Kerry Sullivan James Reenard Caher Kerry Sullivan Jeremiah Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Sullivan Jeremiah Carhan Upper Caher Kerry Sullivan Jeremiah Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sullivan Jeremiah Quay St. Caher Kerry Sullivan Jeremiah Reenard Caher Kerry Sullivan Johanna High St. Caher Kerry Sullivan Johanna Laharan South Caher Kerry Sullivan John Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Sullivan John Castlequin Caher Kerry Sullivan John Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Sullivan John Garranebane Caher Kerry Sullivan John High St. Caher Kerry Sullivan John Inchimacteigue Caher Kerry Sullivan John Kimego West Caher Kerry Sullivan John Knockaunrory Caher Kerry Sullivan John Laharan South Caher Kerry Sullivan John Main St. Caher Kerry Sullivan John Quay St. Caher Kerry Sullivan John Reenard Caher Kerry Sullivan John Rehill Caher Kerry Sullivan John, Jr. Garranearagh Caher Kerry Sullivan John, Jr. Garranebane Caher Kerry Sullivan John, Jr. Laharan South Caher Kerry Sullivan John, Sr. Garranearagh Caher Kerry Sullivan Laurence High St. Caher Kerry Sullivan Martin Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Sullivan Martin Oghermong Caher Kerry Sullivan Martin Pound Lane Caher Kerry Sullivan Mary Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sullivan Mary High St. Caher Kerry Sullivan Mary Inchiclogh Caher Kerry Sullivan Michael Carhan Upper Caher Kerry Sullivan Michael Church Lane Caher Kerry Sullivan Michael Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sullivan Michael High St. Caher Kerry Sullivan Michael Killclan West Caher Kerry Sullivan Michael Main St. Caher Kerry Sullivan Michael Old Rd. Caher Kerry Sullivan Michl. Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sullivan Mortimer Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sullivan Owen Canburrin Caher Kerry Sullivan Pat. Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sullivan Patrick Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Sullivan Patrick Castlequin Caher Kerry Sullivan Patrick Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sullivan Patrick Inchimacteigue Caher Kerry Sullivan Patrick Killogrone Caher Kerry Sullivan Patrick Oghermong Caher Kerry Sullivan Philip Main St. Caher Kerry Sullivan Sarah Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Sullivan Sylvester Castlequin Caher Kerry Sullivan Thomas Cloghanelinaghan Caher Kerry Sullivan Thomas Oghermong Caher Kerry Sullivan Timothy Boherboy Caher Kerry Sullivan Timothy Carhan Upper Caher Kerry Sullivan Timothy Castlequin Caher Kerry Sullivan Timothy Cloghanecarhan Caher Kerry Sullivan Timothy Derreen Caher Kerry Sullivan Timothy Knockaunrory Caher Kerry Sullivan Timothy Laharan South Caher Kerry Sullivan Timothy Moneyduff Caher Kerry Sullivan Timothy Pound Lane Caher Kerry Sullivan Timothy Quay St. Caher Kerry Sweeney John Main St. Caher Kerry Thompson William Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Thompson William High St. Caher Kerry Trant Patrick Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Trant Patrick Knockaunrory Caher Kerry Walker Maurice Kimego West Caher Kerry Walsh Bartholomew Mountluke Caher Kerry Walsh Catherine Castlequin Caher Kerry Walsh Charles Canburrin Caher Kerry Walsh James Castlequin Caher Kerry Walsh James Garranearagh Caher Kerry Walsh John Castlequin Caher Kerry Walsh John Oghermong Caher Kerry Walsh John Reenard Caher Kerry Walsh Mary Kimego West Caher Kerry Walsh Maurice Kimego West Caher Kerry Walsh Maurice Mountluke Caher Kerry Walsh Patrick Church Lane Caher Kerry Walsh Patrick High St. Caher Kerry Walsh Patrick Kimego East Caher Kerry Walsh Patrick Pound Lane Caher Kerry Walsh Thomas Cahersiveen Caher Kerry Webb Thomas Carhan Lower Caher Kerry Webb Thomas Main St. Caher Kerry Whatson Anne Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Whatson John Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Whatson Robert Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Whatson William Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Wickham James C. Quay St. Caher Kerry Williams James Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Williams John Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Williams Richard Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Williams William Agnatubrid Caher Kerry Williams William Ballycarbery East Caher Kerry