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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dingle, County Kerry
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dingle, County Kerry
Adams John Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Adams John Emlagh West Dingle Kerry Adams John Farran Dingle Kerry Adams John Main St. Dingle Kerry Adams Thomas Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Adams Thomas Main St. Dingle Kerry Adams Thomas Spa Rd. Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Adams Thomas The Wood Dingle Kerry Ash Patrick Reenbeg Dingle Kerry Ashe James Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Ashe John John St. Dingle Kerry Ashe Patrick Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Ashe Thomas Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Baker Michael Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Baker Roger Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Barrett John Ballymacadoyle Dingle Kerry Barrett Redmond Green Lane Dingle Kerry Barrett William The Mall Off John St. Dingle Kerry Barry James Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Barry James Cloosmore Dingle Kerry Barry Michael Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Barry Michael Goat St. Dingle Kerry Begley Catherine Goat St. Dingle Kerry Begley Jerimiah Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Begley John Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Begley John Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Begley Thomas Carhoo East Dingle Kerry Blennerhassett John Cliddaun Dingle Kerry Blennerhassett Richard Cliddaun Dingle Kerry Bowlan James Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Bowler Mary Farranredmond Dingle Kerry Bowler Mary Green Lane Dingle Kerry Bowler Mary The Wood Dingle Kerry Bowler Maurice Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Bowler Richard John St. Dingle Kerry Breen Bridget John St. Dingle Kerry Breen John Ballymacadoyle Dingle Kerry Breen John Upper Colony Off John St. Dingle Kerry Breen Mary John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Breen Thomas Goat St. Dingle Kerry Bresnahan Patrick John St. Dingle Kerry Brien Denis Emlagh West Dingle Kerry Brien Patrick Ballyeightragh Dingle Kerry Brosahan Catherine Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Brosnahan Bridget Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Brosnahan Johanna John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Brosnahan Johanna Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Brosnahan John Green Lane,Holy Ground Dingle Kerry Brosnahan John Holy Ground,Bridge Lane Dingle Kerry Brosnahan Patrick Farran Dingle Kerry Brosnahan Patrick John St. Dingle Kerry Brosnahan Patrick John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Brosnahan Thomas Farranflaherty Dingle Kerry Brosnahan Thomas Goat St. Dingle Kerry Brosnahan Thomas Strand Road Dingle Kerry Brosnahan William Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Brown Ellen Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Brown Mary Goat St. Dingle Kerry Bryan Honoria Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Bunnion John Main St. Dingle Kerry Cahalane James Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Cahalane Michael Barrack Lane Off John St. Dingle Kerry Cahalane Patrick Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Cahalane Patrick John St. Dingle Kerry Cahalane Thomas John St. Dingle Kerry Cahalane William Goat St. Dingle Kerry Callaghan Patrick John St. Dingle Kerry Callanan Catherine Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Casey James Main St. Dingle Kerry Casey Matt. Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Cavanagh James Main St. Dingle Kerry Cavanagh Patk. Main St. Dingle Kerry Chase Maryanne Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Chute Richard Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Clememts Elizabeth The Mall Off John St., Dingle Kerry Clifford Henry Green Lane Dingle Kerry Clifford John Green Lane Dingle Kerry Clifford Thomas Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Collier Ellen Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Collier Mary Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Collier Robert Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Collier Thomas Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Collier William John St. Dingle Kerry Collins Daniel Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Collis Maurice Main St. Dingle Kerry Connell Daniel Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Connell John Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Connell Mary Ballyameenboght Dingle Kerry Connell Patrick Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Connell Patrick John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Connor Andrew Ballymacadoyle Dingle Kerry Connor Andrew Raheenyhooig Dingle Kerry Connor Bridget Reenbeg Dingle Kerry Connor Catherine Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Connor Charles John St. Dingle Kerry Connor Charles Strand Road Dingle Kerry Connor Cornelius Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Connor Cornelius John St. Dingle Kerry Connor Daniel Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Connor Daniel Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Connor Denis Main St. Dingle Kerry Connor Edwd. John St. Dingle Kerry Connor Elizabeth Green Lane Dingle Kerry Connor Honoria John St. Dingle Kerry Connor Honoria Main St. Dingle Kerry Connor James Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Connor Jeremiah Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Connor Johanna Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Connor John Carhoo West Dingle Kerry Connor John Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Connor John Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Connor John Emlagh East Dingle Kerry Connor John Glin South Dingle Kerry Connor John Goat St. Dingle Kerry Connor John Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Connor Joseph Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Connor Mary John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Connor Mary Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Connor Mary The Mall Off John St., Dingle Kerry Connor Maurice Carhoo West Dingle Kerry Connor Maurice Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Connor Maurice Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Connor Maurice Strand Road Dingle Kerry Connor Michael Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Connor Patrick Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Connor Patrick Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Connor Thomas Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Conway Michael Strand Road Dingle Kerry Coonahan George Main St. Dingle Kerry Coonery Martin Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Cork ??? Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Crean Ellen Dyke Gate Lane,River Lane Dingle Kerry Cromer Jane Green Lane Dingle Kerry Cunan John Monacappa Dingle Kerry Cunane Timothy Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Cunane William Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Curran Bridget Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Curran Catherine Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Curran Daniel Ballinasig Dingle Kerry Curran Daniel Cloosmore Dingle Kerry Curran Dermot Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Curran James Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Curran John Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Curran Michael Goat St. Dingle Kerry Curran Michael Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Curran Peter Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Curran Peter Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Curran Peter John St. Dingle Kerry Curran Timothy Strand Road Dingle Kerry Daly Catherine Main St. Dingle Kerry Daly Daniel Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Day Catherine Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Day Edward Main St. Dingle Kerry Day Stokes Edward Farranakilla Dingle Kerry De Moleyns Henry D. B. Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Deady James Barrack Lane Off John St. Dingle Kerry Deady James Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Deady Michael Spa Rd. Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Denneen Charles The Mall Off John St., Dingle Kerry Devane Daniel Strand Road Dingle Kerry Devane Eugene Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Devane Honoria Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Devane Jerimiah Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Devane John Ballymacadoyle Dingle Kerry Devane John Milltown Dingle Kerry Devane John Strand Road Dingle Kerry Devane Mary Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Devane Michael Ballyeightragh Dingle Kerry Devane Michael Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Devane Michael Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Devane Patrick Milltown Dingle Kerry Devane Thomas Milltown Dingle Kerry Devane Timothy Carhoo East Dingle Kerry Devane Timothy Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Doherty Michael Main St. Dingle Kerry Donoghoe John Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Donohoe Daniel Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Donohoe James Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Donohoe Jeremiah Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Donohoe John Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Donohoe John Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Donohoe John Glin North Dingle Kerry Donohoe John Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Donohoe Margaret Spa Rd. Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Donohoe Matthew Glin South Dingle Kerry Donohoe Maurice Glin North Dingle Kerry Donohoe Maurice Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Donohoe Michael Ballymacadoyle Dingle Kerry Donovan Humphry Green Lane,Holy Ground Dingle Kerry Doody Patrick Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Doohig Mary Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Doohig Mary Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Doolan James Goat St. Dingle Kerry Doona Timothy Green Lane Dingle Kerry Dowd Daniel Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Dowd Denis Green Lane Dingle Kerry Dowd John Reenbeg Dingle Kerry Dowd Thomas Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Dowley William Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Downes Thomas Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Driscoll James John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Dunleavy Mary Goat St. Dingle Kerry Dunleavy Stephen Goat St. Dingle Kerry Dwyer Michael Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Eaten James Green Lane,Holy Ground Dingle Kerry Eaton James Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Egan Ellen Strand Road Dingle Kerry Egan Mary Main St. Dingle Kerry Emmett Robert John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Estin Patrick Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Fagan Charles Main St. Dingle Kerry Falvey John Goat St. Dingle Kerry Falvey Michael Cullenagh Dingle Kerry Falvey Michael Goat St. Dingle Kerry Falvey Michael Grove Dingle Kerry Falvey Michael The Wood Dingle Kerry Farguhan Robert Emlagh West Dingle Kerry Farrell Eugene John St. Dingle Kerry Farrell Peter Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Fenaghty Denis Green Lane,Holy Ground Dingle Kerry Fenaghty Honoria Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Ferreighty Eugene Raheenyhooig Dingle Kerry Ferriter Mary Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Ferritter William Raheenyhooig Dingle Kerry Finnegan Mary Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgearld Garrett Main St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald David Upper Colony Off John St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Edward Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Edward Sullivan's Lane Off John St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Garrett Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Garrett Dyke Gate Lane,River Lane Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald James Ballyheabought Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald James John St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald James Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald John Emlagh East Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald John Glin North Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald John Goat St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald John Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Judith Goat St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Julia Green Lane Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Margaret Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Mary Ballinasig Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Mary Goat St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Mary Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Maurice Ballybeg Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Maurice Barrack Lane Off John St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Maurice Gortonora Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Maurice Main St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Maurice The Chuill of John St., Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Michael Green Lane Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Nicholas Main St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Patrick Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Patrick Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Thomas Glin South Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Thomas Green Lane Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Thomas Main St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Thomas Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Thomas Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Fitzgerald Thos. Green Lane Dingle Kerry Fitzmaurice Francis Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Flaherty Eugene John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Flaherty Johanna Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Flaherty John Reenbeg Dingle Kerry Flaherty Joseph Reenbeg Dingle Kerry Flaherty Patrick Reenbeg Dingle Kerry Flaherty Timothy Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Flaherty Timothy Upper Colony Off John St. Dingle Kerry Flahive John The Wood Dingle Kerry Flahive Michael Main St. Dingle Kerry Flannery Michael Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Flannery Patrick Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Foley Daniel Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Foley Jeremiah Goat St. Dingle Kerry Foley Johanna Raheenyhooig Dingle Kerry Foley John Cliddaun Dingle Kerry Foley Mary Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Foley Mary Main St. Dingle Kerry Foran John Monacappa Dingle Kerry Forhan Francis Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Forhan John Main St. Dingle Kerry Forhan John The Mall Off John St., Dingle Kerry Fox Eliza Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Francis Catherine Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Francis John Glin South Dingle Kerry Francis Thomas Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry French Mary Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Galavan Thomas John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Garvey Catherine Ballyeightragh Dingle Kerry Garvey James Ballinasig Dingle Kerry Garvey Michael Ballyeightragh Dingle Kerry Garvey William Green Lane Dingle Kerry Goggin John Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Goggin John Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Goodman Rev. Thomas Green Lane,Holy Ground Dingle Kerry Goold James Cullenagh Dingle Kerry Goold James Farranflaherty Dingle Kerry Goold James Main St. Dingle Kerry Goold James Monacappa Dingle Kerry Gorman Maurice The Mall Off John St., Dingle Kerry Gorman Patrick Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Gould James Goat St. Dingle Kerry Gould Patrick Goat St. Dingle Kerry Graham Catherine Reenbeg Dingle Kerry Granfield Andrew Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Granfield Catherine Carhoo West Dingle Kerry Granfield Catherine Cloosmore Dingle Kerry Granfield John Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Granfield Michael John St. Dingle Kerry Granfield William Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Granfield William Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Green Christopher Green Lane Dingle Kerry Grenery Patrick Gortonora Dingle Kerry Grey John Main St. Dingle Kerry Grey Mary Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Grey Mary Gortonora Dingle Kerry Grey Patrick Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Grey Patrick Emlagh West Dingle Kerry Grey Patrick Farran Dingle Kerry Grey Patrick Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Griffin Andrew Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Griffin Bridget Green Lane,Holy Ground Dingle Kerry Griffin Bridget John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Griffin Bridget Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Griffin Catherine Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Griffin Daniel Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Griffin Daniel Goat St. Dingle Kerry Griffin Eugene Ballymacadoyle Dingle Kerry Griffin James Goat St. Dingle Kerry Griffin James Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Griffin James Spa Rd. Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Griffin Jeremiah Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Griffin Johanna Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Griffin Johanna Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Griffin Johanna Main St. Dingle Kerry Griffin John Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Griffin John Burnham East Dingle Kerry Griffin John Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Griffin John Cullenagh Dingle Kerry Griffin John Farranredmond Dingle Kerry Griffin John Goat St. Dingle Kerry Griffin John Grove Dingle Kerry Griffin John John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Griffin John Main St. Dingle Kerry Griffin John Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Griffin John Spa Rd. Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Griffin Margaret Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Griffin Mary Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Griffin Michael Glin South Dingle Kerry Griffin Patrick Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Griffin Patrick Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Griffin Patrick Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Griffin Patrick Raheenyhooig Dingle Kerry Griffin Patrick Reenbeg Dingle Kerry Griffin Patrick, Jr. Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Griffin Patrick, Jr. Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Griffin Robert Goat St. Dingle Kerry Griffin Sylvester Raheenyhooig Dingle Kerry Griffin Thomas Farranredmond Dingle Kerry Griffin Thomas Main St. Dingle Kerry Guinet Michael Goat St. Dingle Kerry Halloran James Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Halloran John Upper Colony Off John St. Dingle Kerry Halloran Thomas Cullenagh Dingle Kerry Halloran Thomas Upper Colony Off John St. Dingle Kerry Hannefin Patrick Cloosmore Dingle Kerry Hannifan Mauc. Goat St. Dingle Kerry Hannifan Mich. Goat St. Dingle Kerry Hannifan Patrick Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Hannifan Thomas Goat St. Dingle Kerry Harris Henry Main St. Dingle Kerry Hart Edward Ballybeg Dingle Kerry Hayes Joseph Emlagh West Dingle Kerry Hayes Joseph The Mall Off John St., Dingle Kerry Hickson Mrs. John Grove Dingle Kerry Hickson Rev. Robert Main St. Dingle Kerry Hickson Richard M. Cappa Dingle Kerry Hickson Richard M. Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Hickson Richard M. Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Hickson Richard Mahony Knockeen Dingle Kerry Hickson Robert Farranakilla Dingle Kerry Hickson Robert Farranredmond Dingle Kerry Hickson Robert Main St. Dingle Kerry Hickson Robert Milltown Dingle Kerry Hickson Robert, M.D. Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Hickson Robert, M.D. Knockeen Dingle Kerry Hoare John Ballybeg Dingle Kerry Hoare John Emlagh East Dingle Kerry Hoare John Islands Dingle Kerry Hoare John John St. Dingle Kerry Hoare Mary The Wood Dingle Kerry Hodnett Philip Emlagh West Dingle Kerry Holmes Maria Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Hoolahan Daniel Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Hoolahan Denis Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Hoolahan Ellen Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Hoolahan John Ballyeightragh Dingle Kerry Hoolahan John Dyke Gate Lane,River Lane Dingle Kerry Hoolahan Patrick Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Horgan Mary Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Horrigan Anne Strand Road Dingle Kerry Howse Terence The Mall Off John St., Dingle Kerry Hussey Edward Milltown Dingle Kerry Hussey Edward Spa Rd. Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Hussey Patk. Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Hussy Catherine Main St. Dingle Kerry Itchings William Emlagh West Dingle Kerry Jackson Thomas John St.,The Mall Dingle Kerry Jeffcott Elizabeth Farranflaherty Dingle Kerry Jeffcott Elizabeth Mullenaglemig Dingle Kerry Jeffort Mary Main St. Dingle Kerry Jefforts Rep. Elizabeth John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Johnson Edward Main St. Dingle Kerry Johnson Ellen The Mall Off John St., Dingle Kerry Johnson Richard Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Johnston Edward Gortonora Dingle Kerry Johnston Edward Main St. Dingle Kerry Johnston Elizabeth Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Johnston Michael Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Jozey Matilda Green Lane Dingle Kerry Kane Eugene Gortonora Dingle Kerry Kane Eugene John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Kane Jeremiah Green Lane Dingle Kerry Kane Jeremiah Strand Road Dingle Kerry Kane Michael Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Kane Michael Strand Road Dingle Kerry Kavanagh Ellen Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Kavanagh James Cullenagh Dingle Kerry Kavanagh James Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Kavanagh James Monacappa Dingle Kerry Kavanagh John Barrack Lane Off John St. Dingle Kerry Kavanagh John Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Kavanagh M. Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Kavanagh Maurice Burnham West Dingle Kerry Kavanagh Maurice John St. Dingle Kerry Kavanagh Michael Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Kavanagh Patrick Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Kavanagh Patrick Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Kavanagh Thomas Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Kavanagh Thomas Green Lane Dingle Kerry Kavanagh Thomas Holy Ground,Bridge Lane Dingle Kerry Kavanagh Thomas Strand Road Dingle Kerry Kavanagh Thomas The Wood Dingle Kerry Kavenagh Laurence Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Kaye Daniel Raheenyhooig Dingle Kerry Kaye Mary Strand Road Dingle Kerry Keane Eugene John St. Dingle Kerry Kelleher Maurice Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Kelliher James Emlagh East Dingle Kerry Kelliher Maurice Main St. Dingle Kerry Kelliher Thomas Milltown Dingle Kerry Kelly Bridget Farranflaherty Dingle Kerry Kelly Bridget Green Lane Dingle Kerry Kelly Edmund Ballyheabought Dingle Kerry Kelly John Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Kelly Michael Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Kelly Robert Goat St. Dingle Kerry Kennedy Andrew Goat St. Dingle Kerry Kennedy Catherine Cloosmore Dingle Kerry Kennedy Catherine John St. Dingle Kerry Kennedy Daniel Goat St. Dingle Kerry Kennedy Daniel John St. Dingle Kerry Kennedy Daniel John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Kennedy Elizabeth Milltown Dingle Kerry Kennedy Elizabeth Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Kennedy Ellen Goat St. Dingle Kerry Kennedy James Ballinasig Dingle Kerry Kennedy James Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Kennedy James Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Kennedy James Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Kennedy Johanna Emlagh East Dingle Kerry Kennedy John Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Kennedy Martin Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Kennedy Mary Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Kennedy Patrick Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Kennedy Patrick Green Lane Dingle Kerry Kennedy Patrick John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Kennedy Patrick Milltown Dingle Kerry Kennedy Patrick Strand Road Dingle Kerry Kennedy Patrick Sullivan's Lane Off John St. Dingle Kerry Kennedy Peter Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Kennedy Richard Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Kennedy Roger Ballyameenboght Dingle Kerry Kennedy Roger Milltown Dingle Kerry Kennedy Terence Ballyameenboght Dingle Kerry Kennedy Thomas Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Kennedy Thomas John St. Dingle Kerry Kennedy Thomas Strand Road Dingle Kerry Kennedy Timothy John St. Dingle Kerry Kennedy William Ballycanneen Dingle Kerry Kennedy William Cloosmore Dingle Kerry Kerlihy Mary Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Kirr James Goat St. Dingle Kerry Lacy John John St. Dingle Kerry Lacy John John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Lamb Dorothea Green Lane Dingle Kerry Lander Catherine Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Lander Mary Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Langdan John Green Lane,Holy Ground Dingle Kerry Langdon John Gortonora Dingle Kerry Langdon Thomas Green Lane Dingle Kerry Leacy John Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Leahy Dermot Upper Colony Off John St. Dingle Kerry Leahy Ellen Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Leahy Honoria The Wood Dingle Kerry Leahy John Main St. Dingle Kerry Leahy John Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Leary Catherine John St. Dingle Kerry Leary James Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Lee James Main St. Dingle Kerry Leehy John Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Leehy Thomas Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Leery Daniel Eagan's Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Levito John Strand Road Dingle Kerry Levitte John Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Lewis Rev. Saml. Henry Emlagh West Dingle Kerry Long James Main St. Dingle Kerry Long Michael Strand Road Dingle Kerry Long Patrick Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Lovet John Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Lovett Christopher Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Lovett George Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Lovett Michael Ballyeightragh Dingle Kerry Lovett Thomas Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Lynch Bartholomew Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Lynch Bartholomew Gortonora Dingle Kerry Lynch Bartholomew Main St. Dingle Kerry Lynch Honoria Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Lynch James Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Lynch John Knockeen Dingle Kerry Lynch John Main St. Dingle Kerry Lynch John Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Lynch John Spa Rd. Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Lynch Mary Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Lynch Mary Main St. Dingle Kerry Lynch Michael Ballyheabought Dingle Kerry Lynch Michael Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Lynch Patrick Ballinasig Dingle Kerry Lynch Timothy Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Lyne Daniel Ballinasig Dingle Kerry Lyne Daniel Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Lyne Maurice Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Lyne Michael Strand Road Dingle Kerry Lyne Thomas Farran Dingle Kerry Lyne Thomas Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Lynne Ellen Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Lynne James Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Maguire Denis Ballybeg Dingle Kerry Maguire Denis Farran Dingle Kerry Maguire Denis John St. Dingle Kerry Maguire Thomas Ballybeg Dingle Kerry Maguire Thomas John St. Dingle Kerry Mahony Catherine Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Mahony Cornelius Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Mahony Cornelius Goat St. Dingle Kerry Mahony Denis Goat St. Dingle Kerry Maning Denis Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Manning Margaret Green Lane Dingle Kerry Manning Michael Ballinasig Dingle Kerry Manning Michael Ballybeg Dingle Kerry Manning Michael Farran Dingle Kerry Manning Michael Gortonora Dingle Kerry Manning Michael Main St. Dingle Kerry Manning Michael Monacappa Dingle Kerry Manning Michael Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Manning Michael Denis Main St. Dingle Kerry Manning Michael Denis Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Manning Thomas Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Manning Thomas Farranflaherty Dingle Kerry Manning Thomas Main St. Dingle Kerry Manning Thomas Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Mansfield John Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Mansfield William Strand Road Dingle Kerry Markham James Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Markham Mary Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Martin Catherine Grove Dingle Kerry Martin James Green Lane Dingle Kerry Martin John Ballycanneen Dingle Kerry Martin Patrick Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Martin Patrick Cullenagh Dingle Kerry Martin Robert Green Lane Dingle Kerry Martin Thomas Green Lane Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Catherine Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy D. Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Daniel Cliddaun Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Daniel Glin South Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Denis Green Lane Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Florence Glin South Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Florence Strand Road Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy John Cappa Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy John Glin South Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy John Goat St. Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy John Grove Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy John Main St. Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy John Strand Road Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Margaret Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Margaret John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Mary Barrack Lane Off John St. Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Mary Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Michael Farran Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Michael Green Lane Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Thomas John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy Thomas The Mall Off John St., Dingle Kerry Mc Carthy William Glin South Dingle Kerry Mc Cormick Maria Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Mc Cowan James Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell Anne Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell Cornelius John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell Daniel Emlagh East Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell Dermot Strand Road Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell George Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell James Green Lane,Holy Ground Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell James Strand Road Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell John John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell John Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell Mary Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell Maur. Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell Maurice Eagan's Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell Maurice Main St. Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell Patrick Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell Richard Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell Thomas Emlagh East Dingle Kerry Mc Donnell Thomas Islands Dingle Kerry Mc Donnigh Laurence Main St. Dingle Kerry Mc Donough Laurence Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Mc Donough Laurence Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Mc Eagan Catherine Goat St. Dingle Kerry Mc Eagan Mary Main St. Dingle Kerry Mc Gillycuddy John Strand Road Dingle Kerry Mc Kenna Edmund Knockeen Dingle Kerry Mc Kenna James Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Mc Kenna James Main St. Dingle Kerry Mc Kenna Margaret John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Mc Kenna Mary Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Mc Kenna Mary Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Mc Kenna Maurice Ballymacadoyle Dingle Kerry Mc Kenna Thomas Ballyheabought Dingle Kerry Mc Kenna Thomas Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Mc Kenna Thomas Killelane Dingle Kerry Mc Loughlin Timothy Green Lane,Holy Ground Dingle Kerry Mc Mahon Agnes John St. Dingle Kerry Moore James Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Moore Johanna Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Moore John Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Moore John Dyke Gate Lane,River Lane Dingle Kerry Moore John John St. Dingle Kerry Moore Mary John St. Dingle Kerry Moore Mary John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Moore Patrick Ballymacadoyle Dingle Kerry Moore Patrick Strand Road Dingle Kerry Moore Timothy Main St. Dingle Kerry Moore William Strand Road Dingle Kerry Moran Eugene Green Lane Dingle Kerry Moran James Ballyheabought Dingle Kerry Moran John Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Moran John Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Moran John Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Moran Patrick Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Moran Patrick Milltown Dingle Kerry Moran Patrick Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Moran William Carhoo East Dingle Kerry Moran William Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Moriarty Catherine Main St. Dingle Kerry Moriarty Daniel Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Moriarty Edmund John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Moriarty Eugene Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Moriarty James Ballycanneen Dingle Kerry Moriarty James Green Lane Dingle Kerry Moriarty James Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Moriarty Johanna Ballymacadoyle Dingle Kerry Moriarty John Ballycanneen Dingle Kerry Moriarty John Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Moriarty John Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Moriarty Mary Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Moriarty Mary Main St. Dingle Kerry Moriarty Maurice Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Moriarty Patrick Ballyameenboght Dingle Kerry Moriarty Revd. Thomas Cliddaun Dingle Kerry Moriarty Thomas Ballycanneen Dingle Kerry Moriarty Thomas Glin North Dingle Kerry Moriarty Thomas John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Moriarty Thomas Strand Road Dingle Kerry Moriarty Timothy Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Moynahan John Doonsheane Dingle Kerry Moynahan John Main St. Dingle Kerry Moynahan Maurice John St. Dingle Kerry Moynahan Maurice The Chuill of John St., Dingle Kerry Munary James John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Murphy Catherine Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Murphy Daniel Barrack Lane Off John St. Dingle Kerry Murphy Daniel Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Murphy Honoria Eagan's Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Murphy James Eagan's Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Murphy James Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Murphy Jeremiah Milltown Dingle Kerry Murphy John Ballinasig Dingle Kerry Murphy John Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Murphy John Goat St. Dingle Kerry Murphy John Killelane Dingle Kerry Murphy John Milltown Dingle Kerry Murphy John Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Murphy John Thomas Goat St. Dingle Kerry Murphy Mary Dyke Gate Lane,River Lane Dingle Kerry Murphy Mary Milltown Dingle Kerry Murphy Michael Farranflaherty Dingle Kerry Murphy Michael Goat St. Dingle Kerry Murphy Michael Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Murphy Patrick Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Murphy Patrick Main St. Dingle Kerry Murphy Thomas Carhoo West Dingle Kerry Murphy Thomas Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Murphy William, M.D. Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Nealand Thomas Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Neill Jeremiah Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Neligan Dr. William Main St. Dingle Kerry Neligan James Cloosmore Dingle Kerry Neligan Johanna Dyke Gate Lane,River Lane Dingle Kerry Neligan John John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Neligan John Strand Road Dingle Kerry Neligan Michael Ballymacadoyle Dingle Kerry Neligan Patrick The Mall Off John St., Dingle Kerry Nelligan Catherine Main St. Dingle Kerry Nelligan Michael Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Nolan Daniel Goat St. Dingle Kerry Nursery ? Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry O'Connor Jeremiah Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry O'Connor John Goat St. Dingle Kerry O'Donnell Denis Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry O'Donnell Terence Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry O'Donohoe Thomas Gortonora Dingle Kerry O'Donohoe Thomas Main St. Dingle Kerry O'Donohoe Thomas The Wood Dingle Kerry O'Sullivan Rev. Eugene Green Lane Dingle Kerry Parker Benjamin Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Parker Rep. Thos. R. Green Lane Dingle Kerry Perle Sarah Main St. Dingle Kerry Petri William Main St. Dingle Kerry Petrie William Cloosmore Dingle Kerry Pierce James Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Pierce Martin Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Pierce Mary Green Lane Dingle Kerry Power John Eagan's Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Power Michael Eagan's Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Prendergast John Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Quill John Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Quinn Catherine Reenbeg Dingle Kerry Quinn James Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Quirk Maurice Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Quirk Morris Main St. Dingle Kerry Rahilly Catherine Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Rahilly John John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Reardon Johannah Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Reeves John Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Rice Elizabeth Gortonora Dingle Kerry Rice Rosanna Main St. Dingle Kerry Rorke Cornelius Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Rorke Mary Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Rorke Michael Ballyheabought Dingle Kerry Rufsille John N. Main St. Dingle Kerry Ryan James Milltown Dingle Kerry Scanlan Patrick Emlagh East Dingle Kerry Scanlan Patrick Emlea East Dingle Kerry Scanlon Catherine Green Lane Dingle Kerry Scanlon Susan John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Sealy William Goat St. Dingle Kerry Sealy William John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Seaver Elizabeth Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Shea Catherine Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Shea Catherine Upper Colony Off John St. Dingle Kerry Shea Ellen Reenbeg Dingle Kerry Shea John John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Shea John Strand Road Dingle Kerry Shea Margaret Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Shea Mary Goat St. Dingle Kerry Shea Maurice Carhoo East Dingle Kerry Shea Michael Ballyameenboght Dingle Kerry Shea Patrick Goat St. Dingle Kerry Shea Patrick Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Shea Peter Spa Rd. Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Shea Roger Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Shea Sylvester Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Shea Thomas Strand Road Dingle Kerry Shea Timothy Ballyameenboght Dingle Kerry Sheahy John Glin South Dingle Kerry Sheahy Michael Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Sheahy Thomas Glin South Dingle Kerry Sheehy Bridget Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Sheehy Daniel Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Sheehy Edward Dyke Gate Lane,River Lane Dingle Kerry Sheehy Elizabeth Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Sheehy Gregory John St. Dingle Kerry Sheehy James Burnham West Dingle Kerry Sheehy Johanna Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Sheehy Mary Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Sheehy Michael Ballymacadoyle Dingle Kerry Sheehy Patrick Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Sheehy Patrick Goat St. Dingle Kerry Sheehy Patrick Strand Road Dingle Kerry Sheehy Thomas Carhoo East Dingle Kerry Sheehy Thomas Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Sheehy Thomas John St. Dingle Kerry Sheridan Thomas B. R. Ballinasig Dingle Kerry Sheridan Thomas B. R. Cullenagh Dingle Kerry Sheridan Thomas B. R. Goat St. Dingle Kerry Sheridian Thomas B. R. Main St. Dingle Kerry Slattery Bridget John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Smyth Joseph Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Smyth Joseph Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Stack John Green Lane Dingle Kerry Stack Patrick Ballybeg Dingle Kerry Stack Patrick Barrack Lane Off John St. Dingle Kerry Stack Patrick Farranredmond Dingle Kerry Stack Patrick John St. Dingle Kerry Stack Patrick John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Stark Edmund Emlagh West Dingle Kerry Stern Capt. Wm. Emlagh West Dingle Kerry Sterne William Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Stilwell Mary Goat St. Dingle Kerry Stretton James Emlagh West Dingle Kerry Styles John Ballyeightragh Dingle Kerry Sugrue Charles Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Sugrue Denis Carhoo East Dingle Kerry Sugrue Humphry Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Sullivan Catherine Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Sullivan Cornelius Upper Colony Off John St. Dingle Kerry Sullivan Daniel John St. Dingle Kerry Sullivan Eugene Strand Road Dingle Kerry Sullivan Honoria Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Sullivan James Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Sullivan James Green Lane Dingle Kerry Sullivan James Upper Colony Off John St. Dingle Kerry Sullivan John Ballyheabought Dingle Kerry Sullivan John Main St. Dingle Kerry Sullivan John Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Sullivan John Strand Road Dingle Kerry Sullivan Maurice Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Sullivan Michael Milltown Dingle Kerry Sullivan Michael Strand Road Dingle Kerry Sullivan Patrick Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Sullivan Patrick Barrack Lane Off John St. Dingle Kerry Sullivan Patrick Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Sullivan Patrick The Chuill of John St., Dingle Kerry Sullivan Patrick Upper Colony Off John St. Dingle Kerry Sullivan Thomas Green Lane Off Main St. Dingle Kerry Sullivan Thomas Main St. Dingle Kerry Sweeny Eugene John St. Dingle Kerry Thomas John John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Thomas John Strand Road Dingle Kerry Thomas Mary Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Thomas Richard John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Thomas William The Chuill of John St., Dingle Kerry Townsend Rev. M. F. John St. Dingle Kerry Townsend Rev. Maurice F. John St. (Part Off) Dingle Kerry Townsend Rev. Maurice J. Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Townsend Rev. Maurice J. Dyke Gate Lane,River Lane Dingle Kerry Townsend Rev. Maurice J. Green Lane Dingle Kerry Trant Bridget John St. Dingle Kerry Trant Catherine Farran Dingle Kerry Trant Mary Green Lane Dingle Kerry Trant Mary Anne John St. Dingle Kerry Trant Patrick Main St. Dingle Kerry Treguntha Thomas Emlagh West Dingle Kerry Tristram Adam The Mall Off John St., Dingle Kerry Tuill Bridget Ballymorereagh Dingle Kerry Tuimey Patrick The Chuill of John St., Dingle Kerry Ventry Lord ??? Ballymacadoyle Dingle Kerry Ventry Lord ??? Burnham East Dingle Kerry Ventry Lord ??? Islands Dingle Kerry Wallace Thomas Ballyameenboght Dingle Kerry Walsh Catherine Green Lane,Greys Lane Dingle Kerry Walsh Dorthy Green Lane Dingle Kerry Walsh Ellen Ballynabooly Dingle Kerry Walsh Ellen Commons of Dingle Dingle Kerry Walsh Ellen Green Lane Dingle Kerry Walsh James Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Walsh Johanna Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Walsh Johanna Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Walsh John Burnham East Dingle Kerry Walsh John Burnham West Dingle Kerry Walsh Mary Main St. Dingle Kerry Walsh Michael Ballyameenboght Dingle Kerry Walsh Michael Commons of Milltown Dingle Kerry Walsh Michael Farranflaherty Dingle Kerry Walsh Michael Goat St. Dingle Kerry Walsh Michael Grove Dingle Kerry Walsh Patrick Burnham East Dingle Kerry Walsh Patrick Burnham West Dingle Kerry Walsh Robert Main St. Dingle Kerry Walsh Thomas Goat St. Dingle Kerry Walsh Thomas Mullenaglemig Dingle Kerry Walsh Thomas Old Chapel Lane Off Goat St. Dingle Kerry Walsh William Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Watson Rev. Arthur Knockeen Dingle Kerry White Daniel Quay Lane,Strand Rd. Dingle Kerry Williams George Dyke Gate Dingle Kerry Woods Thomas Goat St. Dingle Kerry