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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dysert, County Kerry
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dysert, County Kerry
Ainsley Robert Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Andrews Maunsell H. Farran Dysert Kerry Andrews Maunsell H. Parknamulloge Dysert Kerry Barrett James Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Barrett Johanna Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Barrett John Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Barrett John Parknamulloge Dysert Kerry Barrett Thomas Scartleigh Dysert Kerry Barry John Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Bernard John M., Esq. Ballynagare Dysert Kerry Broder Julia Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Brosnahan Cornelius Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Brosnahan Cornelius Dicksgrove Dysert Kerry Brosnahan James Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Brosnahan John Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Brosnahan John Glanlea Dysert Kerry Brosnahan Margaret Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Brosnahan Maurice Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Brosnahan Patrick Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Buckley Ellen Ballynagare Dysert Kerry Buckley Mary Ennismore Dysert Kerry Burke Patrick Kilcow Dysert Kerry Butler Patrick Kilcow Dysert Kerry Butler William Cloonacurrig Dysert Kerry Cahill Michael Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Callaghan James Ballyhennessy Dysert Kerry Callaghan John Ballyhorgan South Dysert Kerry Canty Johanna Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Carmody Bridget Ennismore Dysert Kerry Carmody Daniel Ennismore Dysert Kerry Carmody Thomas Ennismore Dysert Kerry Carroll Thomas Ballyhorgan South Dysert Kerry Carroll Thomas Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Casey Henry Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Clenane Dominick Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Clifford Denis Parknamulloge Dysert Kerry Clifford Judith Lisheenbaun Dysert Kerry Coffey Daniel Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Coffey John Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Coffey Michael Drumroe Dysert Kerry Coffey Timothy Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Connell James Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Connell John Ballyhennessy Dysert Kerry Connor Cain Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Connor Catherine Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Connor Denis Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Connor Ellen Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Connor James Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Connor John Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Connor John Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Connor John Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Connor Mary Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Connor Maurice Ballygree Dysert Kerry Connor Michael Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Connor Thomas Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Connor Timothy Parknamulloge Dysert Kerry Connor William Farran Dysert Kerry Connors Terence Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Connors Terence Scartleigh Dysert Kerry Coonahan John Parknasmuttaun Dysert Kerry Costelloe Maurice Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Costelloe Michael Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Costelloe Thomas Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Costelloe Walter Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Cournane Julia Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Crean Cornelius Farran Dysert Kerry Cronin Daniel Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Cronin James Dysert Dysert Kerry Cronin Mary Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Cronin Michael Dysert Dysert Kerry Cronin Patrick Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Crowley Julia Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Cullinane Mary Ballintogher Dysert Kerry Cullinane Mary Dysert Marshes Dysert Kerry Culloty Jeremiah Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Cunningham Thomas Beennameelane Dysert Kerry Dalton Patrick Killacrin Dysert Kerry Daly Catherine Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Daly Charles Parknamulloge Dysert Kerry Daly Daniel Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Daly Jeremiah Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Daly John Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Daly Michael Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Daly Patrick Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Daly Timothy Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Dee James Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Dee John Beennameelane Dysert Kerry Dee John Dromloughra Dysert Kerry Dee John Scartleigh Dysert Kerry Dee Patrick Dromloughra Dysert Kerry Devane Timothy Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Devane Timothy Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Doherty Martin Drumroe Dysert Kerry Donovan Cornelius Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Dooley Patrick Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Doran Maurice Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Downey James Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Downey James Parknasmuttaun Dysert Kerry Driscoll Pierce Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Drum John Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Drury Catherine Dysert Dysert Kerry Drury James Ballyhennessy Dysert Kerry Drury Simon Dysert Dysert Kerry Dunne James Parknamulloge Dysert Kerry Dunne John Parknamulloge Dysert Kerry Enright John Ennismore Dysert Kerry Enright Mary Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Finnigan Honoria Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Fitzgerald James Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Fitzgerald John Ballyhorgan South Dysert Kerry Fitzgerald Michael Ennismore Dysert Kerry Fitzgerald Thomas Drumroe Dysert Kerry Fitzmaurice Patrick Ennismore Dysert Kerry Fitzmaurice Robert Parknasmuttaun Dysert Kerry Flaherty William Knockaunacurraheen Dysert Kerry Fleming David Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Fleming Ellen Drumroe Dysert Kerry Fleming Michael Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Fleming Patrick Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Fleming William Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Flynn Cornelius Ballintogher Dysert Kerry Gentleman Goodman, Esq. Ballyhorgan South Dysert Kerry Gentleman Goodman, Esq. Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Gilbert George, Jr. Ballynagare Dysert Kerry Gilbert George, Sr. Ballynagare Dysert Kerry Gilbert George, Sr. Knockaunacurraheen Dysert Kerry Gilbert Margaret Ballynagare Dysert Kerry Gilbert Mary Ballynagare Dysert Kerry Ginna John Killacrin Dysert Kerry Grady John Ballyhorgan South Dysert Kerry Greany Thomas Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Griffin John Killacrin Dysert Kerry Griffin Maurice Ballyhennessy Dysert Kerry Hanigan Elizabeth Ballyhennessy Dysert Kerry Harrold John Lisheenbaun Dysert Kerry Harrold Thomas Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Hartnett Patrick Dromloughra Dysert Kerry Hayes Maurice Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Hayes Patrick Dromloughra Dysert Kerry Hayes Patrick Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Healy Timothy Glanlea Dysert Kerry Hennessy Philip Killacrin Dysert Kerry Herbert Rev. Thomas Farran Dysert Kerry Hewson George, Esq. Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Hewson George, Esq. Bawnachaulig Dysert Kerry Hewson George, Esq. Beennameelane Dysert Kerry Hewson George, Esq. Coolagowan Dysert Kerry Hewson George, Esq. Ennismore Dysert Kerry Hewson George, Esq. Killacrin Dysert Kerry Hewson George, Esq. Poulnahaha Dysert Kerry Hewson Rev. Maurice Scartleigh Dysert Kerry Hickey John Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Hickie Margaret Farran Dysert Kerry Hopkins William Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Horgan Cornelius Ennismore Dysert Kerry Horgan Denis Knockaunacurraheen Dysert Kerry Horgan Michael Ennismore Dysert Kerry Horgan Michael Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Horgan Michael Killacrin Dysert Kerry Horgan Patrick Killacrin Dysert Kerry Horgan Timothy Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Horgan Timothy Killacrin Dysert Kerry Horrigan Mary Ballintogher Dysert Kerry Horrigan Michael Ballintogher Dysert Kerry Howard Martin Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Hussey Bartholomew Ballygree Dysert Kerry Hussey Edmond Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Jones John Lisheenbaun Dysert Kerry Jones Stephen Farran Dysert Kerry Kearney Patrick Parknamulloge Dysert Kerry Keeffe Daniel Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Keeffe Denis Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Keeffe Ellen Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Keeffe Honoria Farran Dysert Kerry Kelleher Patrick Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Kenny Robert Kilcow Dysert Kerry King Margaret Ballyhennessy Dysert Kerry Kissane Patrick Ennismore Dysert Kerry Lake James Ballynagare Dysert Kerry Lane Denis Dysert Dysert Kerry Lawler Honoria Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Leary Andrew Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Leary Cornelius Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Lenehan George Kilcow Dysert Kerry Lenehan Patrick Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Lenihan Catherine Ballyhennessy Dysert Kerry Listowel ? Dromloughra Dysert Kerry Listowel ? Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Listowel ? Killacrin Dysert Kerry Looney Daniel Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Lynch Patrick Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Lyne Daniel Lisheenbaun Dysert Kerry Lyne Johanna Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Lyons Bridget Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Lyons Denis Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Lyons Maurice Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Lyons Thomas Killacrin Dysert Kerry Maguire John Farran Dysert Kerry Maguire John, Jr. Farran Dysert Kerry Mahony Bryan Kilcow Dysert Kerry Mahony Daniel Dromloughra Dysert Kerry Mahony Daniel Parknasmuttaun Dysert Kerry Mahony Jeremiah Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Mahony Martin Cloonacurrig Dysert Kerry Mahony Martin Kilcow Dysert Kerry Mahony Michael Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Mahony Patrick Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Marshall Mary Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Mc Auliffe Daniel Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Mc Auliffe Jeremiah Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Mc Auliffe John Dysert Dysert Kerry Mc Auliffe Patrick Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Mc Auliffe Patrick Dysert Dysert Kerry Mc Auliffe Timothy Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Bridget Islands Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Catherine Ballintogher Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Denis Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Denis Glanlea Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Eugene Dysert Marshes Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Honoria Ballintogher Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy James Killacrin Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Johanna Dromloughra Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Johanna Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy John Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy John Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy John Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy John Islands Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Michael Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Michael Glanlea Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Michael Killacrin Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Owen Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Patrick Killacrin Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Peter Ballintogher Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Richard Lisheenbaun Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Thomas Dysert Marshes Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy Timothy Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Mc Carthy William Ballintogher Dysert Kerry Mc Crehin Edmond Beennameelane Dysert Kerry Mc Dermott Jeremiah Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Mc Dermott John Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Mc Elligott Mary Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Mc Elligott Thos., Jr. Ballynagare Dysert Kerry Mc Elligott Thos., Sr. Ballynagare Dysert Kerry Mc Guire William Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Meredith Richard Dicksgrove Dysert Kerry Moore James Ennismore Dysert Kerry Moore John Ennismore Dysert Kerry Moriarty Daniel Drumroe Dysert Kerry Moriarty Patrick Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Mulhane Laurence Drumroe Dysert Kerry Mulhane William Drumroe Dysert Kerry Mulhane William Parknasmuttaun Dysert Kerry Murphy John Ballynagare Dysert Kerry Murphy Maurice Ennismore Dysert Kerry Murphy Patrick Parknasmuttaun Dysert Kerry Murphy Richard Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Murphy William Killacrin Dysert Kerry Nolan Anne Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Nowlan Michael Lisheenbaun Dysert Kerry O'Halloran Thomas Killacrin Dysert Kerry Pierce Garrett Dysert Dysert Kerry Pierce Mary Dysert Dysert Kerry Powell John Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Power John Gortnaminsha Dysert Kerry Prenderville Edmond Ballygree Dysert Kerry Prenderville Garrett Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Prenderville Thomas Cloonacurrig Dysert Kerry Prenderville Thomas Kilcow Dysert Kerry Prendeville Thomas Lisheenbaun Dysert Kerry Quilter Catherine Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Quilter Ellen Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Quilter John Ballintogher Dysert Kerry Quilter John Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Quilter Margaret Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Quilter Matthias Ballintogher Dysert Kerry Quilter Matthias Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Quilter Thomas Ballintogher Dysert Kerry Quilter Thomas Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Quinlan David Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Quinlan Edmund Kilcow Dysert Kerry Quinlan Francis Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Quinlan Laurence Kilcow Dysert Kerry Quinlan Michael Kilcow Dysert Kerry Rahilly Daniel Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Ready Catherine Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Reardon Mary Lisheenbaun Dysert Kerry Reidy Michael Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Riordan Daniel Parknamulloge Dysert Kerry Roche John Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Sandes George, Esq. Ballyhennessy Dysert Kerry Sandes Mrs. Agnes Dromloughra Dysert Kerry Sandes Mrs. Agnes Scartleigh Dysert Kerry Sandes Stephen, Esq. Ballyhorgan West Dysert Kerry Sandes William G., Esq. Dromloughra Dysert Kerry Savage John Kilsarkan East Dysert Kerry Scanlan James Scartleigh Dysert Kerry Scanlan John Scartleigh Dysert Kerry Scanlon Ellen Beennameelane Dysert Kerry Scanlon John Dromloughra Dysert Kerry Scanlon John Knockaunacurraheen Dysert Kerry Shea Catherine Farran Dysert Kerry Sheehan William Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Sheehy Cornelius Dromloughra Dysert Kerry Sheehy Johanna Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Slattery Ellen Lisheenbaun Dysert Kerry Stack John Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Stack John Farran Dysert Kerry Stack Maurice Clooncolla Dysert Kerry Sullivan Jeremiah Glanlea Dysert Kerry Sullivan John Killacrin Dysert Kerry Sullivan Michael Ennismore Dysert Kerry Sullivan Owen Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Sullivan Owen Drumroe Dysert Kerry Sullivan Patrick Killacrin Dysert Kerry Sullivan Thomas Killacrin Dysert Kerry Supple Kerry, Esq. Ballyhennessy Dysert Kerry Teahan William Kilsarkan West Dysert Kerry Thompson Robert A. Clashganniv Dysert Kerry Thompson Robert A. Kilcow Dysert Kerry Thompson Robert A. Lisheenbaun Dysert Kerry Trant John Ballynagare Dysert Kerry Trant John Ennismore Dysert Kerry Tuomy Thomas Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Twiss Francis Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Twiss George Parknamulloge Dysert Kerry Twiss John Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Twiss Michael Parknamulloge Dysert Kerry Twiss Robert, M.D. Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Twiss William Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Twiss William, Jr. Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Walsh John Ballahantouragh Dysert Kerry Walsh Maurice Ballyhorgan East Dysert Kerry Walsh Thomas Curraghcroneen Dysert Kerry Walsh William Drumroe Dysert Kerry Walsh William Parknasmuttaun Dysert Kerry Wilmott Patrick Killacrin Dysert Kerry Wren Thomas Drumroe Dysert Kerry