Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Adams John Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Adams John Clievragh Listowel Kerry Adams John The Square, Listowel Kerry Ahern Daniel Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Ahern John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Bagley Margaret Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Banfield Daniel Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Barrett Anne Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Barrett Edmund Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Barrett Ellen Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Barrett John Dromin Listowel Kerry Barrett Thomas Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Barrett Timothy Knockane Listowel Kerry Barry Edmund Listowel Listowel Kerry Barry Michael Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Barry Richard Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Bart Sir Robert Paul Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Bartishell Mary Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Bartishell Michael Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Behane Mary Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Behane William Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Bishop Ignatius Church St. Listowel Kerry Bourke Edward Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Bourke Michael Church St. Listowel Kerry Bourke William Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Brazell William Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Brazill Edward Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Brazill Mary Clievragh Listowel Kerry Breen Catherine Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Bresnahan Martin Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Bresnahan Mary Listowel Listowel Kerry Bresnahan Michael Dromin Upper Listowel Kerry Bresnahan Richard Clievragh Listowel Kerry Broderick Edmund Clievragh Listowel Kerry Broderick John Clievragh Listowel Kerry Broderick Richard Clievragh Listowel Kerry Broderick William Clievragh Listowel Kerry Brown Edmomd Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Brown Edmund Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Browne Edmund Clievragh Listowel Kerry Browne Edward Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Browne George Meen Listowel Kerry Browne John Church St. Listowel Kerry Browne John Listowel Listowel Kerry Browne Robert Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Buckley Daniel Meen Listowel Kerry Buckley Honoria Clievragh Listowel Kerry Buckley John Derry Listowel Kerry Buckley Michael Cloontubbrid South Listowel Kerry Buckley Timothy Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Buckley Timothy Cloontubbrid South Listowel Kerry Bunnion William Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Byrne Catherine Church St. Listowel Kerry Byrne Catherine Listowel Listowel Kerry Byrne Maurice Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Callaghan Denis Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Callaghan Ellen Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Callaghan John Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Callaghan John Cloontubbrid North Listowel Kerry Callaghan Patrick Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Carmody Catherine Cloontubbrid North Listowel Kerry Carmody Cornelius Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Carmody Edmond Listowel Listowel Kerry Carmody Mary Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Carmody Patrick Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Carmody Stephen Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Carmody Thomas Church St. Listowel Kerry Carmody Thomas Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Carmody Thomas Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Carmoody Mary Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Carroll Ellen Skehanierin (Stokes) Listowel Kerry Carroll James Church St. Listowel Kerry Carroll Margaret Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Carroll Mary Listowel Listowel Kerry Carroll Mary Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Carroll Michael Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Carroll Sarah Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Carroll Thomas Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Cassidy William Church St. Listowel Kerry Cheevers Patrick, Esq. Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Church Edward, Esq. Church St. Listowel Kerry Church John G., Esq. The Square, Listowel Kerry Clifford James Church St. Listowel Kerry Coffey John Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Collins Bartholomew Church St. Listowel Kerry Collins Bartholomew Dromin Upper Listowel Kerry Collins Bartholomew Listowel Listowel Kerry Collins Catherine Dromin Upper Listowel Kerry Collins Denis Listowel Listowel Kerry Collins Edward Dromin Upper Listowel Kerry Collins John Dromin Upper Listowel Kerry Collins Mary Church St. Listowel Kerry Collins Maurice Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Collins Maurice Dromin Upper Listowel Kerry Collins Thomas Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Collins Thomas Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Collis Stephen E., Esq. Meen Listowel Kerry Collopy Margaret Listowel Listowel Kerry Collopy Mrs. Margaret The Square, Listowel Kerry Connell Agnes Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Connell Denis Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Connell John Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Connell Maurice Knockane Listowel Kerry Connolly Denis Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Connolly Marcus Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Connor John Church St. Listowel Kerry Connors Anne Coolnalaght Listowel Kerry Connors Bridget Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Connors Catherine Listowel Listowel Kerry Connors Charles Knockane Listowel Kerry Connors Cornelius Church St. Listowel Kerry Connors Daniel Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Connors Deborah Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Connors Denis Listowel Listowel Kerry Connors Ellen Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Connors Ellen Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Connors Francis Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Connors Honoria Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Connors Honoria Meen Listowel Kerry Connors James Ballaghadigue Listowel Kerry Connors Jeremiah Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Connors Jeremiah Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Connors John Clievragh Listowel Kerry Connors John Coolatoosane Listowel Kerry Connors John Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Connors John Knockane Listowel Kerry Connors John Listowel Listowel Kerry Connors John Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Connors John, Jr. Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Connors John, Sr. Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Connors Margaret Church St. Listowel Kerry Connors Margaret Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Connors Mary Knockane Listowel Kerry Connors Mary Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Connors Mary Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Connors Maurice Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Connors Maurice Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Connors Michael Church St. Listowel Kerry Connors Michael Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Connors Patrick Church St. Listowel Kerry Connors Patrick Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Connors Richard Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Connors Richard Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Connors Susan Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Connors Thomas Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Connors Thomas Coolnalaght Listowel Kerry Connors Thomas Dromin Lower Listowel Kerry Connors Thomas Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Connors Thomas Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Connors Thomas Skehanierin Lower Listowel Kerry Connors Thos., Jr. Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Connors Thos., Sr. Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Connors William Ballaghadigue Listowel Kerry Connors William Meen Listowel Kerry Connors Wm. Ballaghadigue Listowel Kerry Connors Wm. Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Conway James Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Costello John Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Costello Michael Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Costelloe Edmund Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Costelloe Michael Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Costelloe Nicholas Church St. Listowel Kerry Costelloe Nicholas Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Cotter John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Cotter Joseph Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Cotter Joseph Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Coughlan Daniel Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Coughlan John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Creagh Patrick Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Creagh Patrick Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Creagh Thomas Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Creden John Church St. Listowel Kerry Crimmin John Dromin Lower Listowel Kerry Crimmin John Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Crimmin Maurice Church St. Listowel Kerry Crowley Michael Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Crowley Thomas Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Crummin John Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Culhane John Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Cunningham Elizabth Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Curtin Timothy Clievragh Listowel Kerry Cushen Edmond Church St. Listowel Kerry Cushen Mary Church St. Listowel Kerry Dalton Patrick Dromin Listowel Kerry Daly Michael Listowel Listowel Kerry Daly Michael Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Dawton Joseph Dromin Upper Listowel Kerry Dawton Joseph Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Day Mrs. Mary The Square, Listowel Kerry Dee Daniel Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Deenihan John Listowel Listowel Kerry Denny Rev. Edw. M. The Square, Listowel Kerry Denny Rev. Edwd. M. Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Dillane David Dromin Lower Listowel Kerry Dillane David Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Dillane John Clievragh Listowel Kerry Dillane John Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Dillane John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Dillane John Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Dillane John Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Dillane John Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Dillane Martin Church St. Listowel Kerry Dillane Mary Dromin Lower Listowel Kerry Dillane Mary Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Dillane Michael Clievragh Listowel Kerry Dillane Michael Dromin Lower Listowel Kerry Dillane Robert Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Dillane Robert Skehanierin Lower Listowel Kerry Dillane Thomas Listowel Listowel Kerry Dillane Timothy Church St. Listowel Kerry Doherty Julia Cloontubbrid North Listowel Kerry Donnellan Michael Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Donnellan Micheal Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Donnelly Michael Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Donohoe Humphry Listowel Listowel Kerry Donovan John Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Donovan Patrick Listowel Listowel Kerry Dooling Thomas Listowel Listowel Kerry Dowde Owen Listowel Listowel Kerry Dowde William Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Dowling Margaret Listowel Listowel Kerry Dowling Maurice Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Doyle John Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Doyle Thomas Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Driscol William Dromin Listowel Kerry Duffield ??? The Square, Listowel Kerry Dwyer Philip Listowel Listowel Kerry Dwyer Philip Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Elliott Alexander, Esq. Islandganniv South Listowel Kerry Enright Denis Meen Listowel Kerry Enright Ellen Listowel Listowel Kerry Enright George Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Enright John Church St. Listowel Kerry Enright John Coolnalaght Listowel Kerry Enright John Listowel Listowel Kerry Enright Patrick Church St. Listowel Kerry Enright Patrick, M.D. The Square, Listowel Kerry Enright William Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Farrell Henry Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Fealy Thomas Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Ferris Patrick Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Ferris Patrick Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Ferris Patrick, Jr. Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Ferris Patrick, Jr. Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Ferris Patrick, Sr. Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Ferris Patrick, Sr. Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Finucane Jeremiah Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Fitizgerald Miss Anne The Square, Listowel Kerry Fitzgerald Edmund Dromin Lower Listowel Kerry Fitzgerald John Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Fitzgerald John, Esq. The Square, Listowel Kerry Fitzgerald Michael Church St. Listowel Kerry Fitzgerald Michael Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Fitzgerald Michael Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Fitzgerald Patrick The Square, Listowel Kerry Fitzgerald Richard Cloontubbrid South Listowel Kerry Fitzgerald Richard Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Fitzgerald Richard Derry Listowel Kerry Fitzgerald Richard, Esq. Listowel Listowel Kerry Fitzgerald Richard, Esq. The Square, Listowel Kerry Fitzmaurice John Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Fitzmaurice Maurice Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Fitzmaurice Patrick Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Fitzmaurice Thomas Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Fitzmaurice William Church St. Listowel Kerry Flahavan John Knockane Listowel Kerry Flahavan Patrick Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Flahavan Patrick Knockane Listowel Kerry Flaherty Edmund Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Flaherty Margaret Church St. Listowel Kerry Flaherty Margaret Listowel Listowel Kerry Flaherty Maurice Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Flaherty Patrick Clievragh Listowel Kerry Flaherty Thomas Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Flaherty Timothy Meen Listowel Kerry Fleming Patrick Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Foley Mary Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Foran Ellen Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Foran John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Foran John Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Foran Michael Listowel Listowel Kerry Foran Michael Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Foran William Cloontubbrid North Listowel Kerry Forde John Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Gallavan Mary Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Gallivan Bridget Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Gallivan William Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Galvin Thomas Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Geran Honoria Listowel Listowel Kerry Geran Patrick Listowel Listowel Kerry Gibson Rev. John The Square, Listowel Kerry Ginna John Listowel Listowel Kerry Ginna John, Jr. Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Ginna John, Sr. Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Ginna William Church St. Listowel Kerry Godfrey John Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Grant Thomas Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Granville James Listowel Listowel Kerry Green Robert Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Grenville Maurice Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Griffin Ellen Church St. Listowel Kerry Griffin Ellen Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Griffin Henry Clievragh Listowel Kerry Griffin Honoria Church St. Listowel Kerry Griffin Laurence Clievragh Listowel Kerry Griffin Mary Clievragh Listowel Kerry Grogan Mary Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Grogan Patrick Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Guiney John Knockane Listowel Kerry Guiny John Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Halloran James Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Halpin James Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Halpin Jeremiah Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Hanarhan Johanna Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Hannan Daniel Derry Listowel Kerry Hannan Daniel Knockane Listowel Kerry Hannan Eliza Clievragh Listowel Kerry Hannan William Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Hanrahan Daniel Listowel Listowel Kerry Hanrahan John Listowel Listowel Kerry Haplin Jeremiah Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Harford John Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Harnett Catherine Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Harnett Edmond The Square, Listowel Kerry Harnett Edward Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Harnett Edward Listowel Listowel Kerry Harnett John Clievragh Listowel Kerry Harnett John Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Harnett Margaret Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Harnett Maurice Church St. Listowel Kerry Harnett Patrick Church St. Listowel Kerry Harnett Patrick Clievragh Listowel Kerry Harnett Richard C., Esq. The Square, Listowel Kerry Harnett Richard, Esq. Clievragh Listowel Kerry Harnett William Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Harnett William, Esq. Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Harnett William, Esq. Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Hayes John Church St. Listowel Kerry Hayes Michael Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Hayes Richard Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Hayes Richard Cloontubbrid North Listowel Kerry Hayes Thomas Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Hayes William Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Healy Francis The Square, Listowel Kerry Healy John Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Healy John, Esq. Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Healy Mary Cloontubbrid South Listowel Kerry Healy Maurice Cloontubbrid North Listowel Kerry Healy Thomas Church St. Listowel Kerry Hegarty Bridget Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Hegarty John Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Hegarty John Knockane Listowel Kerry Hegarty Martin Knockane Listowel Kerry Henchy Patrick Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Henican Johanna Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Henican Johanna Skehanierin (Stokes) Listowel Kerry Henican Patrick Skehanierin (Stokes) Listowel Kerry Hennessy Catherine Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Hennessy James Listowel Listowel Kerry Hennessy Jas. Dromin Lower Listowel Kerry Hennessy Michael Dromin Upper Listowel Kerry Hennessy William Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Hetherman Bridget Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Histon George Dromin Listowel Kerry Hone James M., Esq. Listowel Listowel Kerry Horan Cornelius Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Horan Daniel Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Horan John Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Horan Patrick Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Horgan David Church St. Listowel Kerry Horgan Honoria Listowel Listowel Kerry Horgan John Church St. Listowel Kerry Horigan John Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Jones John Skehanierin Lower Listowel Kerry Jones Michael Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Jones Patrick Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Jones Patrick Listowel Listowel Kerry Joy Margaret Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Keane Edward Listowel Listowel Kerry Keane Eliza Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Keane Jeremiah Church St. Listowel Kerry Keane John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Keane Michael Church St. Listowel Kerry Keane Michael Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Kearney Margaret Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Kearney Mary Church St. Listowel Kerry Kearney Michael Church St. Listowel Kerry Keating John Church St. Listowel Kerry Keeffe David Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Keeffe Elizabeth Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Keeffe John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Keeffe Patrick Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Keily Bridget Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Keily Ellen Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Keily Michael Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Keily Patrick Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Keleher Maurice Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Kelly Michael Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Kelly Michael Church St. Listowel Kerry Kelly Michael Dromin Lower Listowel Kerry Kelly Michael Listowel Listowel Kerry Kelly Michael Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Kennedy Michael Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Kennedy Patrick Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Kennely Daniel Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Kennely John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Kennely John Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Kennely Michael Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Kennington James Church St. Listowel Kerry Kenny James Church St. Listowel Kerry Kerry ??? Dromin Lower Listowel Kerry Kinnely Catherine Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Kinnely Denis Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Kinnely James Listowel Listowel Kerry Kinnely John Skehanierin (Stokes) Listowel Kerry Kinnely Mary Dromin Listowel Kerry Kinnely Maurice Knockane Listowel Kerry Kinnely Michael Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Kinnely Patrick Skehanierin (Stokes) Listowel Kerry Kinnely Patrick, Jr. Dromin Listowel Kerry Kinnely Patrick, Sr. Dromin Listowel Kerry Kinnely Timothy Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Kinnely Timothy Coolatoosane Listowel Kerry Kirby James Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Kirby Thomas Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Kittson Blakeney Derry Listowel Kerry Kittson George Leslie Derry Listowel Kerry Lawlor Timothy Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Leahy Edmond Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Leahy John Dromin Listowel Kerry Leahy Timothy Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Leary Charles Listowel Listowel Kerry Leonard Daniel Clievragh Listowel Kerry Leonard Daniel Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Leonard Daniel Listowel Listowel Kerry Leonard Daniel, Esq. The Square, Listowel Kerry Leonard John Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Leonard Maurice, Esq. Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Leonard Maurice, Esq. The Square, Listowel Kerry Linehan Daniel Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Liston Nicholas Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Listowel ??? Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Listowel ??? Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Listowel ??? Listowel Listowel Kerry Listowel ??? Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Loughnane Cornelius Coolatoosane Listowel Kerry Loughnane John Coolatoosane Listowel Kerry Loughnane Partick Coolatoosane Listowel Kerry Loughnane Patrick Coolatoosane Listowel Kerry Lowney Jeremiah Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Lowney Patrick Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Lunham William Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Lynch John Clievragh Listowel Kerry Lynch Mary Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Lynch Maurice Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Lynch Moses Listowel Listowel Kerry Lynch Patrick Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Lynch Thomas Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Lyons Catherine Clievragh Listowel Kerry Lyons Daniel Ballaghadigue Listowel Kerry Lyons Daniel Derry Listowel Kerry Lyons James Derry Listowel Kerry Lyons James Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Lyons Patrick Ballaghadigue Listowel Kerry Lyons Peter Ballaghadigue Listowel Kerry Lyons Richard Derry Listowel Kerry Macasy John Listowel Listowel Kerry Macasy John Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Macasy Richard Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Macasy William Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Maddigan Timothy Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Magrath Denis Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Magrath John Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Magrath Thomas Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Maher Michael Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Mahony Daniel Meen Listowel Kerry Mahony Denis Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Mahony Edmond Meen Listowel Kerry Mahony Ellen Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Mahony Johanna Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Mahony Johanna Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Mahony John Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Mahony John Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Mahony Margaret Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Mahony Mary Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Mahony Maurice Dromin Lower Listowel Kerry Mahony Michael Meen Listowel Kerry Mahony Pierce, Esq. Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Mahony Rev. Jeremiah Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Mahony Rev. Jeremiah Listowel Listowel Kerry Mahony Rev. Jeremiah The Square, Listowel Kerry Mahony Robert Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Mahony Stephen Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Mahony Stephen Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Mahony Timothy Church St. Listowel Kerry Mangan Michael Clievragh Listowel Kerry Matthews Christopher Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Matthews Christphr. Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Mc Aliff Thomas Church St. Listowel Kerry Mc Auliff Florence Listowel Listowel Kerry Mc Auliff Florence Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Mc Auliff Mary Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Mc Auliff Thomas Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Mc Auliffe Thomas Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Mc Carthy Charles Ballaghadigue Listowel Kerry Mc Carthy Denis Listowel Listowel Kerry Mc Carthy Denis Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Mc Carthy Eugene The Square, Listowel Kerry Mc Carthy John Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Mc Carthy John Listowel Listowel Kerry Mc Carthy Margaret Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Mc Coy John Cloontubbrid North Listowel Kerry Mc Coy Laurence Cloontubbrid North Listowel Kerry Mc Crehin James Skehanierin (Stokes) Listowel Kerry Mc Crystal John, M.D. Clievragh Listowel Kerry Mc Crystal John, M.D. Listowel Listowel Kerry Mc Crystal John, M.D. The Square, Listowel Kerry Mc Donnell James Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Mc Donnell James Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Mc Elligott Edmond Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Mc Elligott Ellen Church St. Listowel Kerry Mc Elligott Ellen Listowel Listowel Kerry Mc Elligott James Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Mc Elligott John Church St. Listowel Kerry Mc Elligott John Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Mc Elligott John Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Mc Elligott Mary Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Mc Elligott Patrick Church St. Listowel Kerry Mc Elligott Thomas Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Mc Elligott Thomas Knockane Listowel Kerry Mc Glin Thomas Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Mc Grath John Clievragh Listowel Kerry Mc Mahon Bridget Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Mc Mahon Denis Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Mc Mahon Ellen Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Mc Mahon James Skehanierin (Stokes) Listowel Kerry Mc Mahon Morgan Listowel Listowel Kerry Mc Mahon Patrick Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Mc Namara Ellen Listowel Listowel Kerry Mccarthy Margaret Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Moloney Michael Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Moloney Michael Cloontubbrid South Listowel Kerry Moloney Thomas Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Moloney William Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Molyneaux Robert Church St. Listowel Kerry Molyneux Patrick Meen Listowel Kerry Molyneux Thomas Church St. Listowel Kerry Molyneux Thomas Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Molyneux Thomas Meen Listowel Kerry Moore John Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Moore Mary Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Moore Patrick Church St. Listowel Kerry Moran Denis Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Moriarty Catherine Listowel Listowel Kerry Moriarty Mary Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Morris Ellen Church St. Listowel Kerry Morris Ellen Listowel Listowel Kerry Morris Michael Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Morrissy John Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Mulcahy Patrick Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Mulvihill Catherine Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Mulvihill Edmund Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Mulvihill Edmund Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Mulvihill James Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Mulvihill John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Mulvihill John Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Mulvihill Margaret Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Mulvihill Patrick Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Murphy Daniel Clievragh Listowel Kerry Murphy Denis Church St. Listowel Kerry Murphy Denis Dromin Lower Listowel Kerry Murphy Denis Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Murphy John Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Murphy John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Murphy Michael Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Murphy Patrick Listowel Listowel Kerry Murphy Patrick Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Murphy Timothy Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Murphy Timothy Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Nagle John Church St. Listowel Kerry Neale John Clievragh Listowel Kerry Neale Thomas Clievragh Listowel Kerry Nelligan David Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Nelligan Francis Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Newman Thomas Listowel Listowel Kerry Newman Thomas Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Nolan Bridget Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Nolan Charles Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Nolan Eliza Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Nolan John Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Nolan John Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Nolan Joseph Dromin Upper Listowel Kerry Nolan Michael Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Nolan Thomas, Jr. Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Nolan Thomas, Sr. Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Nolan William Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Noonan John Church St. Listowel Kerry Noonan John Listowel Listowel Kerry Noonan John The Square, Listowel Kerry O'Brien Honoria Pound Lane Listowel Kerry O'Brien Mary Church St. Listowel Kerry O'Brien Michael Pound Lane Listowel Kerry O'Brien Michael Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry O'Callaghan Gerald Listowel Listowel Kerry O'Connell John Church St. Listowel Kerry O'Connor Catherine Church St. Listowel Kerry O'Connor Humphery Coolnalaght Listowel Kerry O'Connor John Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry O'Connor John Church St. Listowel Kerry O'Connor John L. Listowel Listowel Kerry O'Connor Terrence Church St. Listowel Kerry O'Donnell Maurice Church St. Listowel Kerry O'Donnell Maurice Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry O'Donnell Maurice Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry O'Donnell Maurice Listowel Listowel Kerry O'Donnell Patrick Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry O'Donnell William Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry O'Leary John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry O'Rourke Andrew Pound Lane Listowel Kerry O'Rourke Charles Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Pelican Thomas Clievragh Listowel Kerry Philips Richard Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Pickford George Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Pierce Garret Clievragh Listowel Kerry Pierce Thomas Church St. Listowel Kerry Pierce Thomas Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Potter Ellen Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Power Edmund Clievragh Listowel Kerry Prenderville Patrick Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Prendiville Maurice Knockane Listowel Kerry Purcell James Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Quill John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Quill Mary Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Quill Michael Church St. Listowel Kerry Quilter John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Quilter Matthew Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Quilter Thomas Church St. Listowel Kerry Quilter Thomas Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Quinn Julia Derry Listowel Kerry Quirk Michael Church St. Listowel Kerry Quirk Michael Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Quirk Michael Listowel Listowel Kerry Quirke Michael Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Rahilly Catherine Listowel Listowel Kerry Raymond James, Esq. Dromin Listowel Kerry Raymond Samuel Listowel Listowel Kerry Rea John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Regan Johanna Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Regan John Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Regan Michael Knockane Listowel Kerry Rehahan Margaret Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Reidy Henry Listowel Listowel Kerry Relahan Timothy Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Riordan Daniel Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Riordan John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Roche John Church St. Listowel Kerry Roche John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Roche John Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Roche Stephen Church St. Listowel Kerry Rourke Andrew Listowel Listowel Kerry Rowan Mary Church St. Listowel Kerry Ryan Richard Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Sandes George, Esq. Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Sandes George, Esq. Cloontubbrid North Listowel Kerry Sandes George, Esq. Cloontubbrid South Listowel Kerry Sandes George, Esq. The Square, Listowel Kerry Sandes Johanna Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Sandes Matthew Meen Listowel Kerry Sandes Miss Mary The Square, Listowel Kerry Sandes Mrs. Mary The Square, Listowel Kerry Sandes William G., Esq. Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Sandes William G., Esq. Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Sandes Wm. G., Esq. Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Scanlan Bridget Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Scanlan Daniel Clievragh Listowel Kerry Scanlan Edward Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Scanlan James Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Scanlan Jeremiah Clievragh Listowel Kerry Scanlan John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Scanlan John Knockane Listowel Kerry Scanlan Michael Clievragh Listowel Kerry Scanlan Michael Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Scanlan Michael Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Scanlan Michael Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Scanlan Patrick Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Scannell Bartholmw. Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Scannell John Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Scannell Michael Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Sealy John, Esq. Knockane Listowel Kerry Seliphant William Church St. Listowel Kerry Shanahan Edmund Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Shanahan Margaret Church St. Listowel Kerry Shanahan Maurice Coolatoosane Listowel Kerry Shanahan Patrick Coolatoosane Listowel Kerry Shannon Patrick Church St. Listowel Kerry Shaughnessy James Church St. Listowel Kerry Shaw Mr. ??? The Square, Listowel Kerry Shea Mary Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Shea Thomas Cloontubbrid North Listowel Kerry Shea Thomas Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Sheahan Catherine Listowel Listowel Kerry Sheehan James The Square, Listowel Kerry Sheehy Bartholomew Knockane Listowel Kerry Sheehy Cornelius Gortcurreen Listowel Kerry Sheehy Edmund Knockane Listowel Kerry Sheehy John Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Sheppard Capt. ??? The Square, Listowel Kerry Shine Maurice Church St. Listowel Kerry Shine Maurice Listowel Listowel Kerry Shine Maurice Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Silles Richard Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Sline Maurice Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Smith Henry, Esq. The Square, Listowel Kerry Smith James Curraghatoosane Listowel Kerry Smith John Church St. Listowel Kerry Stack Bartholomew Listowel Listowel Kerry Stack Catherine Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Stack Edmond Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Stack Edmund Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Stack Ellen Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Stack James Church St. Listowel Kerry Stack James Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Stack James Knockane Listowel Kerry Stack John Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Stack John Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Stack Mary Gortacrossane Listowel Kerry Stack Maurice Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Stack Michael Church St. Listowel Kerry Stack Richard Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Stack Robert Ballaghadigue Listowel Kerry Stack Robert Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Stack Robert Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Stack Thomas Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Stokes John Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Stokes Mary Church St. Listowel Kerry Stokes Patrick Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Stokes Robert Church St. Listowel Kerry Stokes Robert Listowel Listowel Kerry Stokes William Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry Studd David Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Studd William Islandganniv North Listowel Kerry Sullivan Daniel Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Sullivan Denis Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Sullivan Denis Knockane Listowel Kerry Sullivan Denis Meen Listowel Kerry Sullivan Denis Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Sullivan Honoria Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Sullivan John Church St. Listowel Kerry Sullivan John Clievragh Listowel Kerry Sullivan John Dromin Upper Listowel Kerry Sullivan John Knockane Listowel Kerry Sullivan John Listowel Listowel Kerry Sullivan John Meen Listowel Kerry Sullivan Maurice Listowel Listowel Kerry Sullivan Michael Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Sullivan Owen Bunagarha Listowel Kerry Sullivan Owen Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Sullivan Patrick Derry Listowel Kerry Sullivan Patrick Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Sullivan Thomas Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Sullivan Thomas Skehanierin (Egan) Listowel Kerry Tackaberry Abraham Church St. Listowel Kerry Tackaberry Robert Church St. Listowel Kerry Thorpe Gabriel, M.D. Ballygowloge Listowel Kerry Thorpe Gabriel, M.D. Listowel Listowel Kerry Thorpe Gabriel, M.D. The Square, Listowel Kerry Trant John Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Troy Robert Church St. Listowel Kerry Troy Robert Listowel Listowel Kerry Tyter Arthur Pound Lane Listowel Kerry Wall Catherine The Square, Listowel Kerry Wall Richard Church St. Listowel Kerry Wallis Maurice Clievragh Listowel Kerry Walsh Anne Tea Lane, Listowel Kerry Walsh Henry Coolaclarig Listowel Kerry Walsh John Church St. Listowel Kerry Walsh Mary Cloonmacon Listowel Kerry Walsh Michael Cloontubbrid North Listowel Kerry Walsh Sir John Kylebwee Listowel Kerry Walsh Thomas Glanaphuca Listowel Kerry White John Clievragh Listowel Kerry White John Knockane Listowel Kerry Wilmott James Church St. Listowel Kerry Wilmott James Listowel Listowel Kerry Wilmott James, Sr. Church St. Listowel Kerry Wilmott Joseph Listowel Listowel Kerry Wilmott Mary Town of Listowel Listowel Kerry Winden Patrick Church St. Listowel Kerry Winders Patrick Listowel Listowel Kerry