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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Molahiffe, County Kerry
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Molahiffe, County Kerry
Allen Julia Lisheenacannina Molahiffe Kerry Barry Edmond Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Barry Garrett Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Barry John Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Barry John Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Barry Michael Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Barton Ellen Bushmount Molahiffe Kerry Bowler Ellen Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Bowler Patrick Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Bowler William Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Breen John Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Brick Daniel, Jr. Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Brick John, Jr. Knockbrack Molahiffe Kerry Brick Michael Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Brick Timothy, Jr. Knockbrack Molahiffe Kerry Brien John Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Brien John Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Brien John, Jr. Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Brien Patrick Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Broderick Denis Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Broderick Honoria Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Broderick John Gowlane Molahiffe Kerry Broderick Patrick Rossanean Molahiffe Kerry Broderick Timothy Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Brosnahan Patrick Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Brosnihan Catherine Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Brosnihan Cornelius Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Brosnihan Daniel Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Brosnihan Deborah Gurteenroe Molahiffe Kerry Brosnihan Jeremiah Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Brosnihan Jeremiah Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Brosnihan Jerh., Jr. Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Brosnihan Mary Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Brosnihan Timothy Gortalassa Molahiffe Kerry Brown John Ballybane Molahiffe Kerry Burke Jeremiah Boolacullane Molahiffe Kerry Burke John Boolacullane Molahiffe Kerry Burke John Skahies Molahiffe Kerry Burke Margaret Corbally Molahiffe Kerry Burke Patrick Skahies Molahiffe Kerry Butler John Connigar Molahiffe Kerry Cahill Timothy Bushmount Molahiffe Kerry Cane Michael Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Carey Patrick Boolacullane Molahiffe Kerry Casey Cornelius Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Casey James Connigar Molahiffe Kerry Casey James Graffeens Molahiffe Kerry Casey Mary Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Casey Mary Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Casey William Roxborough Molahiffe Kerry Clifford Daniel Lisheenacannina Molahiffe Kerry Clifford James Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Clifford Jeremiah Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Clifford John Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Clifford John Graffeens Molahiffe Kerry Clifford John Roxborough Molahiffe Kerry Clifford Patrick Ballybane Molahiffe Kerry Clifford Timothy Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Coffey James Rusheen Molahiffe Kerry Collins Cornelius Gortavullin Molahiffe Kerry Collins Elizabeth Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Connell Denis Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Connell John Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Connor Cornelius Rusheen Molahiffe Kerry Connor Ellen Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Connor James Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Connor John Rusheen Molahiffe Kerry Connor Thomas Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Costello John Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Costello John Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Counihan James Farranfore Molahiffe Kerry Counihan John Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Counihan Mary Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Counihan Mary Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Counihan Timothy Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry County John Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Cournane John Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Cournane Mary Coolclieve Molahiffe Kerry Cronin Cornelius Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Cronin Honoria Boolacullane Molahiffe Kerry Cronin Jeremiah Boolacullane Molahiffe Kerry Cronin John Rossmore Molahiffe Kerry Cronin Marcus Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Crowly John Farranfore Molahiffe Kerry Daly Bartholomew Rossanean Molahiffe Kerry Daly Bridget Boolacullane Molahiffe Kerry Daly Bridget Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Daly Charles Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Daly Daniel Gurteenroe Molahiffe Kerry Daly Honoria Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Daly John Knockbrack Molahiffe Kerry Daly Maurice Knockbrack Molahiffe Kerry Daly Michael Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Daly Patrick Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Daly William Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Daly William Gurteenroe Molahiffe Kerry Daly William Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry De Coursey Maurice Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Denehy Edmund Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Denehy Mary Rossmore Molahiffe Kerry Denehy Peter Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Dogherty Cornelius Rossmore Molahiffe Kerry Dogherty Cornelius Rusheen Molahiffe Kerry Donnelly Francis Gortavullin Molahiffe Kerry Donohoe Jeremiah Knockbrack Molahiffe Kerry Donohoe Margaret Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Donohoe Thomas Boolacullane Molahiffe Kerry Donovan John Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Donovan Timothy Skahies Molahiffe Kerry Downey Maurice Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Duggan Daniel Roxborough Molahiffe Kerry Duggan Denis Roxborough Molahiffe Kerry Duggan Michael Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Dunleary Honoria Bohereens Molahiffe Kerry Dunleavy Patrick Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Falvey Michael Rossmore Molahiffe Kerry Field Elizabeth Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Fishbourne Joseph Farranfore Molahiffe Kerry Fitzgerald Garrett Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Fitzgerald James Bushmount Molahiffe Kerry Fitzgerald John Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Fitzgerald John Gowlane Molahiffe Kerry Fitzgerald Mary Connigar Molahiffe Kerry Fitzgerald Michael Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Fitzgerald Michael, Jr. Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Fitzgerald Thomas Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Fitzgerald William Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Flynn Bartholomew Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Flynn Cornelius Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Flynn Cornelius Skahies Molahiffe Kerry Flynn Daniel Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Flynn Daniel, Jr. Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Flynn Honoria Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Flynn Jeremiah Gortavullin Molahiffe Kerry Flynn Jeremiah Knockbrack Molahiffe Kerry Flynn John Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Flynn Michael Boolacullane Molahiffe Kerry Flynn Michael Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Gallivan Timothy Farranfore Molahiffe Kerry Galway Christopher Inchinveema Molahiffe Kerry Geran Timothy Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Griffin Eliza Bohereens Molahiffe Kerry Groves John Rossmore Molahiffe Kerry Groves John Rusheen Molahiffe Kerry Harrington David Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Harrington Denis Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Harrington James Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Harrington James Gurteenroe Molahiffe Kerry Harrington John Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Hartigan John Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Hartigan Thomas Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Hayes Catherine Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Hayes William Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Hayes William Corbally Molahiffe Kerry Hayes William Graffeens Molahiffe Kerry Hayes William Rusheen Molahiffe Kerry Hegarty Catherine Farranfore Molahiffe Kerry Herlihy Bartholomew Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Herlihy Daniel Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Herlihy Daniel Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Hickey John Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Hickson William Cloonlara Molahiffe Kerry Hogan John Skahies Molahiffe Kerry Hogan Timothy Skahies Molahiffe Kerry Horgan Bartholomew Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Horgan Michael Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Horgan Thomas Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Houran Michael Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Hurly John Farranfore Molahiffe Kerry Hurly John Rossanean Molahiffe Kerry Hussey Michael Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Joy Patrick Bohereens Molahiffe Kerry Keane Denis Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Keeffe Cornelius Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Keeffe Timothy Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Kelliher John Coolclieve Molahiffe Kerry Kelliher John Knockbrack Molahiffe Kerry Kelliher Margaret Roxborough Molahiffe Kerry Kelliher Maurice Bushmount Molahiffe Kerry Kelliher Thomas Roxborough Molahiffe Kerry Kelliher Timothy Coolclieve Molahiffe Kerry Kelly John Lisheenacannina Molahiffe Kerry Kelly William Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Kenmare ??? Boolacullane Molahiffe Kerry Kenmare ??? Corbally Molahiffe Kerry Kenmare ??? Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Kenmare ??? Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Kenmare ??? Knockbrack Molahiffe Kerry Kenny John Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Kenny Mrs. ??? Roxborough Molahiffe Kerry Kerrisk Denis Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Kerrisk Edmund Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Kerrisk James Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Kerrisk Johanna Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Kerrisk John Gortalassa Molahiffe Kerry Kerrisk Mary Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Kerrisk Patrick Gortalassa Molahiffe Kerry Larkin David Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Larkin David Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Larkin Michael Coolclieve Molahiffe Kerry Leary Humphry Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Leary Humphry Roxborough Molahiffe Kerry Leary John Rossmore Molahiffe Kerry Lynch Daniel Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Lynch John Breanshagh Molahiffe Kerry Lynch John Rossanean Molahiffe Kerry Lynch Martin Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Lyon Daniel Breanshagh Molahiffe Kerry Lyon Denis Coolclieve Molahiffe Kerry Lyon Patrick Breanshagh Molahiffe Kerry Mahony Cornelius Ballybane Molahiffe Kerry Mahony Patrick Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Mahony Rep. Jas. Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Mangan Denis Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Mason John Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Mc Carthy Callaghan Rusheen Molahiffe Kerry Mc Carthy Charles Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Mc Carthy Jeremiah Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Mc Carthy John Connigar Molahiffe Kerry Mc Carthy Owen Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Mc Carthy Patrick Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Mc Crohan Owen Roxborough Molahiffe Kerry Mc Donagh Thomas Gowlane Molahiffe Kerry Mc Elligott John M. Knockbrack Molahiffe Kerry Mc Gillycuddy Cornelius Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Mc Guire Robert Rossmore Molahiffe Kerry Mc Mahon Jeremiah Bushmount Molahiffe Kerry Mc Sweeny Eugene Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Mc Sweeny John Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Meara Cornelius Boolacullane Molahiffe Kerry Meara Mary Lisheenacannina Molahiffe Kerry Mitchell Timothy Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Moriarty Johanna Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Moynahan Johanna Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Moynihan Mary Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Murphy Daniel Knockbrack Molahiffe Kerry Murphy David Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Murphy John Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Murphy John Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Murphy John Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Murphy Joseph Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Murphy Mary Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Murphy Mary Rusheen Molahiffe Kerry Murphy Timothy Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Nagle William Cloonlara Molahiffe Kerry Neill Timothy Rusheen Molahiffe Kerry Nelligan John Gearha Molahiffe Kerry O'Riordan John Bohereens Molahiffe Kerry O'Riordan John Dromore Molahiffe Kerry O'Riordan John Graffeens Molahiffe Kerry O'Riordan John C. Gurteenroe Molahiffe Kerry Quirk Mary Rossmore Molahiffe Kerry Reilly James Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Riordan Charles Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Riordan Charles Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Riordan Daniel Rossanean Molahiffe Kerry Riordan John Rossanean Molahiffe Kerry Riordan Laurence Roxborough Molahiffe Kerry Riordan Michael Coolclieve Molahiffe Kerry Riordan Timothy Coolclieve Molahiffe Kerry Rourke Charles Lisheenacannina Molahiffe Kerry Ryan Anne Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Scott Bartholomew Rusheen Molahiffe Kerry Scott Edmund Rossmore Molahiffe Kerry Scott Elizabeth Rossmore Molahiffe Kerry Scott Peter Gurteenroe Molahiffe Kerry Shea Ellen Gurteenroe Molahiffe Kerry Shea Eugene Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Shea Humphry Rossmore Molahiffe Kerry Shea Jeremiah Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Shea John Gurteenroe Molahiffe Kerry Shea Michael Roxborough Molahiffe Kerry Sheehan Catherine Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Smyth Sarah Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Spring Arthur Gortavullin Molahiffe Kerry Spring Edmond Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Spring John Gortavullin Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Anne Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Bartholomew Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Catherine Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Cornelius Boolacullane Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Cornelius Bushmount Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Daniel Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Daniel Inchinveema Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Jeremiah Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Jeremiah Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Jeremiah Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan John Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan John Knockbrack Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan John Lisheenacannina Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan John Rossmore Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Julia Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Marcus Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Margaret Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Margaret Lisheenacannina Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Mary Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Mary Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Mary Roxborough Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Michael Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Michael Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Michael Lisheenacannina Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Owen Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Owen Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Sylvester Bohereens Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Thomas Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Thos. Knockaderry Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Tim Boolacullane Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Tim. Boolacullane Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Timothy Castlefarm Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Timothy Gearha Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Timothy Lisheenacannina Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Timothy, Jr. Lisheenacannina Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Timy. Killeagh Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Ulick Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan Ulick Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Sullivan William Garraun Molahiffe Kerry Sweeny Johanna Dromore Molahiffe Kerry Teahan Anne Knockbrack Molahiffe Kerry Teahan Cornelius Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Teahan Cornelius Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Teahan Cornls. Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Teahan Elizabeth Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Teahan Jeremiah Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Teahan John Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry Teahan Mary Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Teahan Maurice Knockbrack Molahiffe Kerry Teahea Mary Ballyfinnane Molahiffe Kerry Teahen Margaret Killahane Molahiffe Kerry Teahen Timothy Bushmount Molahiffe Kerry White Richard Ballinvarrig Molahiffe Kerry