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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rattoo, County Kerry
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rattoo, County Kerry
Barret James Knocknacree Rattoo Kerry Barrett Johanna Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Barrett John Knockananore Rattoo Kerry Barrett Michael Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Barry James Slievawaddra Rattoo Kerry Bowler Timothy Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Boyle John Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Boyle John Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Boyle Patrick Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Boyle Patrick Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Boyle Thomas Rahealy Rattoo Kerry Boyle Thomas Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Boyle Thomas Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Brazill John Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Brazill Thomas Ardcullen-Marshes Rattoo Kerry Brazill William Rahealy Rattoo Kerry Bresnahan Daniel Addergown Rattoo Kerry Bresnahan Terrance Addergown Rattoo Kerry Brick Thomas Glanerdalliv Rattoo Kerry Brown Johanna Knocknacree Rattoo Kerry Brown Robert Ardcullen Rattoo Kerry Browne Edward Benmore Rattoo Kerry Browne Johanna Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Burns Margaret Ardcullen Rattoo Kerry Callaghan Ellen Ballyhorgan Rattoo Kerry Callaghan Ellen Bishopscourt North Rattoo Kerry Callaghan Honoria Ballyhorgan Rattoo Kerry Callaghan Honoria Bishopscourt North Rattoo Kerry Callaghan John Ardcullen Rattoo Kerry Callaghan Margaret Ballyhorgan Rattoo Kerry Callaghan Margaret Bishopscourt North Rattoo Kerry Callaghan Patrick Leagh Rattoo Kerry Cantlon Michael Ballyhorgan Marshes Rattoo Kerry Carmody Edward Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Carney James Addergown Rattoo Kerry Carney James Ballinbranhig Rattoo Kerry Carney Thomas Rahealy Rattoo Kerry Carroll Catherine Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Carroll Daniel Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Carroll Jeremiah Addergown Rattoo Kerry Carroll Maurice Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Carroll Michael Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Carroll Michael Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Carroll Nicholas Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Carroll Patrick Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Carroll Thomas Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Carrqll Thomas Ardcullen Rattoo Kerry Carrroll Michael Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Cashel George, Esq. Glanerdalliv Rattoo Kerry Connell John Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Connell Timothy Slievawaddra Rattoo Kerry Connor Daniel Leagh Rattoo Kerry Connor James Ardcullen Rattoo Kerry Connor Jeremiah Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Connor John Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Connor John Knocknacree Rattoo Kerry Connor John Leagh Rattoo Kerry Connor John Rahealy Rattoo Kerry Connor John Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Connor Joseph Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Connor Margaret Knocknacree Rattoo Kerry Connor Matthew Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Connor Maurice Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Connor Maurice Knockananore Rattoo Kerry Connor Patrick Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Connor Thomas Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Connors James Killarida Rattoo Kerry Conway Eugene Ballinbranhig Rattoo Kerry Coonihan Thomas Knockananore Rattoo Kerry Coonihan Thomas Rahealy Rattoo Kerry Corridon Michael Killarida Rattoo Kerry Corridon Thomas Killarida Rattoo Kerry Costello Daniel Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Costelloe John Knocknacree Rattoo Kerry Counihan James Addergown Rattoo Kerry Creagh John Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Creagh John, Esq. Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Cronin Julia Ballyouneen Rattoo Kerry Crowley James Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Crowley Patrick Knockananore Rattoo Kerry Cushen Richard Knockercreeveen Rattoo Kerry Dalton Jeremiah Knockavaghig Rattoo Kerry Dalton Maurice Addergown Rattoo Kerry Dalton Michael Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Dalton Thomas Addergown Rattoo Kerry Dannaher Daniel Killarida Rattoo Kerry Dannaher Timothy Killarida Rattoo Kerry Dawton James, Jr. Ballyhorgan Marshes Rattoo Kerry Dawton James, Sr. Ballyhorgan Marshes Rattoo Kerry Day Garrett Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Day John Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Day Patrick Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Deady John Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Dee James Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Dee Mary Killarida Rattoo Kerry Delany Michael Addergown Rattoo Kerry Delany Micheal Addergown Rattoo Kerry Devane Patrick Ballyhorgan Marshes Rattoo Kerry Devane Patrick Lacka West Rattoo Kerry Dillane Edmond Killarida Rattoo Kerry Dillon Thomas Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Dinneen William Slievawaddra Rattoo Kerry Donohoe Jeremiah Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Donohoe Julia Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Doolan John Ballinbranhig Rattoo Kerry Dooling Bridget Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Dooling Catherine Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Dooling Patrick Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Doyle Matthew Ballyouneen Rattoo Kerry Doyle Owen Ballyouneen Rattoo Kerry Dunne Michael Glanerdalliv Rattoo Kerry Dunne Thomas Glanerdalliv Rattoo Kerry Enright Michael Benmore Rattoo Kerry Enright Michael River Cashen Rattoo Kerry Enright Patrick Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Fealy Johanna Rahealy Rattoo Kerry Ferris John Knockananore Rattoo Kerry Ferris Patrick Knockananore Rattoo Kerry Ferris Patrick Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Fitzgerald Edward Addergown Rattoo Kerry Fitzgerald Edward Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Fitzgerald Margaret Benmore Rattoo Kerry Fitzmaurice James Addergown Rattoo Kerry Fitzmaurice James Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Fitzmaurice John Knockananore Rattoo Kerry Fitzmaurice Michael Addergown Rattoo Kerry Fitzmaurice Patrick Addergown Rattoo Kerry Fitzmaurice Robert Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Fitzmaurice Thomas Addergown Rattoo Kerry Flahaven Thomas Knocknacree Rattoo Kerry Flaherty Catherine Leagh Rattoo Kerry Flaherty John Leagh Rattoo Kerry Flaherty Martin Ballyhorgan Marshes Rattoo Kerry Flynn Denis Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Flynn Edmond Knockavaghig Rattoo Kerry Foley Michael Sheep Walk Rattoo Kerry Foley Patrick Ballinbranhig Rattoo Kerry Gentleman James Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Gorman Julia Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Grady Michael Ballinbranhig Rattoo Kerry Greany Ellen Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Griffin John Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Gun John Knockananore Rattoo Kerry Gun Mrs. ??? Knockercreeveen Rattoo Kerry Gun Wilson, Esq. Islands Rattoo Kerry Gun Wilson, Esq. Rattoo Rattoo Kerry Gun Wilson, Esq. Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Hackett Patrick Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Halloran David Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Halloran Maurice Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Halloran Simon Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Halloran Simon Farranedmond Rattoo Kerry Halloran Thomas Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Hanlon John Bishopscourt South Rattoo Kerry Hanlon John Clooneagh Rattoo Kerry Hanlon John Rattoo Rattoo Kerry Hanlon John, Jr. Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Hanlon John, Sr. Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Hanlon Michael Glanerdalliv Rattoo Kerry Hanrahan Mary Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Hans John Slievawaddra Rattoo Kerry Harnett John Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Harnett Michael Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Harrington John Leagh Rattoo Kerry Harrington Thomas Addergown Rattoo Kerry Harty James River Cashen Rattoo Kerry Harty Michael Knockananore Rattoo Kerry Hayes Bartholomew Slievawaddra Rattoo Kerry Hayes Garrett Lacka West Rattoo Kerry Hayes Michael Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Hayes Timothy Slievawaddra Rattoo Kerry Healy Elizabeth Addergown Rattoo Kerry Healy John Corbally Rattoo Kerry Healy Patrick Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Healy Thomas Addergown Rattoo Kerry Hennessy Denis Rahealy Rattoo Kerry Hoolahan Edward Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Hoolahan Edward Lacka West Rattoo Kerry Hoolahan Thomas Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Horbert William Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Horgan Sylvester Ayle Rattoo Kerry Horgan Sylvester Ballyhorgan Rattoo Kerry Horgan Sylvester Sheep Walk Rattoo Kerry Joy William Ardcullen Rattoo Kerry Joyce William Ardcullen-Marshes Rattoo Kerry Kane John Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Keane Daniel Killarida Rattoo Kerry Keane James Killarida Rattoo Kerry Keane Michael, Jr. Killarida Rattoo Kerry Keane Michael, Sr. Killarida Rattoo Kerry Keane Sarah Lacka West Rattoo Kerry Keane William Knocknacree Rattoo Kerry Keleher Daniel Ballinbranhig Rattoo Kerry Keleher John Ballinbranhig Rattoo Kerry Kelly Daniel Slievawaddra Rattoo Kerry Kennedy Thomas Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Kennely Denis Ardcullen-Marshes Rattoo Kerry Kennely Ellen Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Kennely Martin Knocknacree Rattoo Kerry Kerwick Johanna Ballyouneen Rattoo Kerry Kerwick Patrick Lacka East Rattoo Kerry Kissane Daniel Ballyhorgan Rattoo Kerry Kissane Daniel Ballyhorgan Marshes Rattoo Kerry Kissane David Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Kissane David Benmore Rattoo Kerry Kissane Maurice Ballyhorgan Rattoo Kerry Kissane Maurice Ballyhorgan Marshes Rattoo Kerry Kissane Thomas Ballyhorgan Rattoo Kerry Kissane Thomas Ballyhorgan Marshes Rattoo Kerry Lawler Denis Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Lawlor David Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Lawlor Denis Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Lawlor Edward Lacka East Rattoo Kerry Lawlor John Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Lawlor Maurice Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Leehy Michael Benmore Rattoo Kerry Linehan Henry Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Linehan William Addergown Rattoo Kerry Linhean Henry Lacka East Rattoo Kerry Long Ellen Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Long Mary Knockavaghig Rattoo Kerry Lynch Bridget Lacka East Rattoo Kerry Lynch James Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Lynch John Knoppoge North Rattoo Kerry Lynch Michael Ballyouneen Rattoo Kerry Lynch Patrick Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Lyne Thomas Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Lyons Kerry Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Maddigan Mary Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Mahoney Michael Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Mahony Bartholomew Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Mahony David Lacka East Rattoo Kerry Mahony Patrick Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Mc Carthy James Knoppoge North Rattoo Kerry Mc Carthy Jeremiah Bishopscourt South Rattoo Kerry Mc Carthy Johanna Ballyouneen Rattoo Kerry Mc Carthy John Knoppoge North Rattoo Kerry Mc Carthy Mary Knoppoge North Rattoo Kerry Mc Carthy Thomas Knoppoge North Rattoo Kerry Mc Carthy Timothy Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Mc Donnell James Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Mc Donnell John Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Mc Donnell Margaret Knockananore Rattoo Kerry Mc Elligott Maurice Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Mc Enerny John Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Moore John, Jr. Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Moore John, Sr. Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Moore Maurice Knockavaghig Rattoo Kerry Mulcare Margaret Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Murphy Cornelius Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Murphy Maurice Ballinbranhig Rattoo Kerry Murphy Patrick Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Neale John Lacka East Rattoo Kerry Nealin Denis Ballincrossig Rattoo Kerry Nealin John Slievawaddra Rattoo Kerry Nealin Mary Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Nealin Maurice Knoppoge North Rattoo Kerry Nealin Maurice Slievawaddra Rattoo Kerry Nealin Thomas Knoppoge North Rattoo Kerry Neil Ellen Ballyhorgan Marshes Rattoo Kerry Neil Patrick Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Neill James Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Neville Thomas Addergown Rattoo Kerry Nolan Edmond Glanerdalliv Rattoo Kerry Nolan Edmund Glanerdalliv Rattoo Kerry Nolan Jeremiah Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry O'Brien Patrick Rahealy Rattoo Kerry O'Connell Thomas Dromroe Rattoo Kerry O'Connell Thomas Glanerdalliv Rattoo Kerry O'Connell Thomas Lisnagoneeny Rattoo Kerry O'Donnell James Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Oliver Richard, Esq. Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Paine John Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Pickford George Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Pierce Garrett Ardcullen Rattoo Kerry Pierce Garrett Derryco Rattoo Kerry Pierce Maurice Derryco Rattoo Kerry Pope William, Esq. Cloonlogher Rattoo Kerry Pope William, Esq. Corbally Rattoo Kerry Quinlan Michael Ballinbranhig Rattoo Kerry Quinlan William Lisnagoneeny Rattoo Kerry Quinty James Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Quinty John Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Quinty Maurice Ballinbranhig Rattoo Kerry Rice Dominick, Esq. Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Rice Dominick, Esq. Knockercreeveen Rattoo Kerry Rice James Ballyhorgan Rattoo Kerry Rice James Bishopscourt North Rattoo Kerry Rice James Lacka East Rattoo Kerry Rice Justice D., Esq. Ballinbranhig Rattoo Kerry Rice Justice D., Esq. Knockavaghig Rattoo Kerry Ross John Benmore Rattoo Kerry Ross William Benmore Rattoo Kerry Ross William Bishopscourt North Rattoo Kerry Ross William Lacka East Rattoo Kerry Ryan Michael Benmore Rattoo Kerry Ryle John Leagh Marshes Rattoo Kerry Ryle Mary Benmore Rattoo Kerry Sandes George Rahealy Rattoo Kerry Sandes William G., Esq. Slievawaddra Rattoo Kerry Sandes Wm. G., Esq. Benmore Rattoo Kerry Sandes Wm. G., Esq. Bishopscourt North Rattoo Kerry Sandes Wm. G., Esq. Knockananore Rattoo Kerry Sandes Wm. G., Esq. Leagh Marshes Rattoo Kerry Sandes Wm. G., Esq. Rahealy Rattoo Kerry Sandes Wm. G., Esq. Rattoo Rattoo Kerry Scanlan Daniel Knockananore Rattoo Kerry Scanlan Mary Slievawaddra Rattoo Kerry Scanlan William Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Shaughnessy John Lisnagoneeny Rattoo Kerry Sheehy Clifford Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Sheehy John Drommartin Rattoo Kerry Sheehy Michael Leagh Rattoo Kerry Sheehy Michael Sheep Walk Rattoo Kerry Slattery Jeremiah Bishopscourt South Rattoo Kerry Stack Edmond Ballyouneen Rattoo Kerry Stack Maurice Ballyouneen Rattoo Kerry Stoughton Johanna Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Stoughton Thos. A., Esq. Ballyhorgan Rattoo Kerry Stoughton Thos. A., Esq. Derryco Rattoo Kerry Stoughton Thos. A., Esq. Knoppoge North Rattoo Kerry Stoughton Thos. A., Esq. Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Stoughton William Lacka East Rattoo Kerry Studdert Thomas, Esq. Ballyouneen Rattoo Kerry Stundon Thomas Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Sullivan Denis Ardcullen-Marshes Rattoo Kerry Sullivan Ellen Ballyduff Rattoo Kerry Sullivan Jer. Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Sullivan Jeremiah Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Sullivan Martin Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Sullivan Martin Lacka West Rattoo Kerry Sullivan Michael Bishopscourt South Rattoo Kerry Sullivan Patrick Knockercreeveen Rattoo Kerry Supple James Knocknacree Rattoo Kerry Supple Kerry Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Supple Kerry, Esq. Knoppoge South Rattoo Kerry Supple Kerry, Esq. Lacka West Rattoo Kerry Supple Kerry, Esq. Sheep Walk Rattoo Kerry Thornton Daniel Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry Thornton John Ballinbranhig Rattoo Kerry Whelan Jeremiah Sleveen Rattoo Kerry Whelan John Drommartin Rattoo Kerry White Edward Tullaghna Rattoo Kerry