Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Carn, County Kildare
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Carn, County Kildare
Alford John Martinstown Carn Kildare Beckett Ellen Suncroft Carn Kildare Behan Denis Brownstown, Upper Carn Kildare Beirne John Carn Carn Kildare Beirne John Churchland, East Carn Kildare Beirne John Churchland, South Carn Kildare Beirne John Churchland, West Carn Kildare Beirne John Common, North Carn Kildare Belford Margaret Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Birney Richard Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Birney Richard Brownstown, Upper Carn Kildare Borrowes Robert H. Martinstown Carn Kildare Bowe John Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Boylan Mary Common, South Carn Kildare Brennan Hugh Common, North Carn Kildare Brennan John Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Brooks Edward Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Brown Peter Brownstown, Upper Carn Kildare Browne Mary Suncroft Carn Kildare Byrne Felix Common, North Carn Kildare Byrne Stephen Common, North Carn Kildare Cain Mary Common, North Carn Kildare Carey Bartholomew Brownstown, Upper Carn Kildare Carey Patrick Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Coffrey Simon Brownstown, Upper Carn Kildare Common ??? Common, North Carn Kildare Common ??? Common, South Carn Kildare Common ??? Suncroft Carn Kildare Conlan William Common, South Carn Kildare Conlan William Suncroft Carn Kildare Conneran Edward Common, North Carn Kildare Cullen Lawrence Common, North Carn Kildare Dillon James Carn Carn Kildare Dillon James Common, South Carn Kildare Dillon Thomas Common, North Carn Kildare Disney William Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Dixon John Common, North Carn Kildare Dolan Edward Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Doogan Martin Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Dooney Patrick Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Dooney Patrick Brownstown, Upper Carn Kildare Doyle Jacob Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Doyle Patrick Brownstown, Upper Carn Kildare Dunlevin Lawrence Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Dunlevin Lawrence Brownstown, Upper Carn Kildare Dunne Hannah Suncroft Carn Kildare Dunne James Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Ennis Thomas Common, North Carn Kildare Ennis Valentine Common, North Carn Kildare Farrell James Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Fenton Catherine Common, North Carn Kildare Fitzgerald James Suncroft Carn Kildare Flanagan Elizabeth Common, North Carn Kildare Flood Elizabeth Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Flood Matthew Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Flood Richard Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Flood William Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Flood William Common, North Carn Kildare Foran William Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Fox John Common, North Carn Kildare Fox John Suncroft Carn Kildare Garry Daniel Martinstown Carn Kildare Grady Thomas Enlagher Carn Kildare Hamilton John S. Martinstown Carn Kildare Haslin Denis Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Higgins Thomas Suncroft Carn Kildare Igoe James Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Igoe Mary Carn Carn Kildare Indan Sarah Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Keegan Mary Common, North Carn Kildare Keegan Roger Brownstown, Upper Carn Kildare Keegan Thomas Common, North Carn Kildare Keenagh Michael Common, North Carn Kildare Kelly Edward Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Kelly Michael Common, North Carn Kildare Kelly William Common, South Carn Kildare Lawlor Michael Suncroft Carn Kildare Lee Patrick Carn Carn Kildare Lee Patrick Common, North Carn Kildare Lee Thomas Carn Carn Kildare Lee Thomas Common, North Carn Kildare Lee Thomas Common, South Carn Kildare Lee Thomas Suncroft Carn Kildare Lee Thomas, Jr. Suncroft Carn Kildare Mahon Stephen Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Mc Donald Geoffrey Churchland, East Carn Kildare Mc Evoy Eliza Common, South Carn Kildare Mc Evoy John Common, South Carn Kildare Mc Nally James Common, North Carn Kildare Mc Nurmey Michael Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Morrin Bridget Martinstown Carn Kildare Murphy James Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Murphy Michael Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Nolan Patrick Carn Carn Kildare Nolan Patrick Common, North Carn Kildare Nolan Patrick Suncroft Carn Kildare Orford John Common, South Carn Kildare Orford John Suncroft Carn Kildare Orford William Carn Carn Kildare Orford William Suncroft Carn Kildare Owens Bryan Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Owens Thomas Suncroft Carn Kildare Perry Patrick Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Perry Patrick Brownstown, Upper Carn Kildare Power Catherine Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Radcliffe William Brownstown, Upper Carn Kildare Regan Michael Common, North Carn Kildare Richardson Bridget Suncroft Carn Kildare Smith John Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Smith Thomas Common, North Carn Kildare Toole Christopher Common, North Carn Kildare Toole Denis Enlagher Carn Kildare Toole Jeremiah Brownstown, Upper Carn Kildare Toole Micahel Enlagher Carn Kildare Toole Michael Common, North Carn Kildare Wynne Denis Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare Wynne John Brownstown, Lower Carn Kildare