Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Johnstown, County Kildare
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Johnstown, County Kildare
Bloom William Palmerstown Demesne Johnstown Kildare Dowling Richard Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Dunne Lawrence Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Fishbourne Joseph Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Fishbourne Joseph Palmerstown Johnstown Kildare Fitzpatrick Thomas Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Foy Patrick Johnstown Johnstown Kildare French Arthur Johnstown Johnstown Kildare French Arthur Palmerstown Johnstown Kildare Halloran John Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Hayden Anne Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Hendrick Hans Palmerstown Johnstown Kildare Ledwith William Toberton Johnstown Kildare Ledwith William Westown Johnstown Kildare Mayo ??? Palmerstown Johnstown Kildare Mayo ??? Palmerstown Demesne Johnstown Kildare Mayo ??? Toberton Johnstown Kildare Mcnabb Robert Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Mcnally Anne Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Pellett John J. Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Pellett John J. Palmerstown Johnstown Kildare Raymond Edward Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Raymond Richard Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Reynolds Thomas Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Richardson John Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Scott William Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Walker William Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Warburton Rev. A. Palmerstown Johnstown Kildare Warburton Rev. A. Toberton Johnstown Kildare Wills William Johnstown Johnstown Kildare Wolfe Lady Charlotte Westown Johnstown Kildare