Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Ardagh Thomas Kill, East Kill Kildare Barry Patrick Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Bearnes Esther Kill, West Kill Kildare Bolger John Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Bracken John Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Brady Hugh Kill, East Kill Kildare Brady Michael Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Brae Alexander Kill, East Kill Kildare Brennan Edward Morganstown Kill Kildare Brien Christopher Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Broghill Andrew Kill, West Kill Kildare Brophy Stephen Morganstown Kill Kildare Brophy Stephen Swordlestown South Kill Kildare Broughill Patrick Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Burke John Kill, East Kill Kildare Burke Patrick Killhill, Town of Kill Kill Kildare Burns Thomas Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Byrne Daniel Painestown Kill Kildare Byrne James Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Byrne John Killhill Kill Kildare Byrne Michael Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Byrne Patrick Painestown Kill Kildare Carney Timothy Boherphilip Kill Kildare Carroll Andrew Greenhills Kill Kildare Christy Thomas Kill, East Kill Kildare Clarke Matthew Killhill Kill Kildare Clonmel ??? Kill, East Kill Kildare Coleman John Killhill, Town of Kill Kill Kildare Connor Patrick Hartwell, Upper Kill Kildare Costelloe John Swordlestown South Kill Kildare Crofton John Kill, West Kill Kildare Cullen John Greenhills Kill Kildare Cunningham Richard Hartwell, Lower Kill Kildare Cunningham Richard Kill, West Kill Kildare Cunningham Richard Killhill, Town of Kill Kill Kildare Cunningham Sarah Killhill Kill Kildare Cunningham Susan Kill, East Kill Kildare Cunningham Susan Killhill Kill Kildare Darby Philip Killhill, Town of Kill Kill Kildare Donohoe Thomas Killhill, Town of Kill Kill Kildare Dowling Thomas Swordlestown South Kill Kildare Doyle Anne Swordlestown South Kill Kildare Doyle Edward Hartwell, Upper Kill Kildare Doyle James Sillagh Kill Kildare Doyle Margaret Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Doyle Patrick Greenhills Kill Kildare Doyle Patrick Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Doyle Thomas Killhill, Town of Kill Kill Kildare Doyle William Kill, East Town of Kill Kill Kildare Dunne Margaret Greenhills Kill Kildare Elliott John Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Elliott Robert Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Fagan Julia Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Fahy William Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Farrell Christopher Killeenbeg Kill Kildare Farrell John Hartwell, Upper Kill Kildare Finn Patrick Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Fitzpatrick John Newtown Kill Kildare Fitzsimons Nicholas Kill, East Kill Kildare Flanagan James Broguestown Kill Kildare Flanagan James Hartwell, Upper Kill Kildare Flood Christopher Swordlestown South Kill Kildare Flood Lawrence Swordlestown South Kill Kildare Flynn William Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Gallaher Thomas Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Hall George Rathgorragh Kill Kildare Halpin Sarah Killhill, Town of Kill Kill Kildare Hanlon Thomas Swordlestown South Kill Kildare Hayden Martin Morganstown Kill Kildare Hayden Patrick Kill, East Kill Kildare Hayden Rev. James Kill, East Town of Kill Kill Kildare Heath Mary Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Hill George Arthurstown Kill Kildare Hill Robert Arthurstown Kill Kildare Hill Robert Thornberry Kill Kildare Hughes Anne Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Hussy Eliza Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Kavanagh Thomas Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Keily John Swordlestown South Kill Kildare Kelly Edward Kill, West Kill Kildare Kelly Edward Killhill, Town of Kill Kill Kildare Kelly Mary Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Kennedy Patrick Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Keogh James Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Keogh Thomas Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare King Bryan Hartwell, Lower Kill Kildare Kinsella Thomas Alasty Kill Kildare Lacy Thomas Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Laffan William Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Lancy Walter Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Ledwich Christopher Greenhills Kill Kildare Leonard Thomas Killhill Kill Kildare Lyons William Hartwell, Lower Kill Kildare Lyons William Killhill Kill Kildare Mack William Killhill, Town of Kill Kill Kildare Magrath John Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Mangan Patrick Swordlestown South Kill Kildare Mayo ??? Fodeens Kill Kildare Mayo ??? Greenhills Kill Kildare Mayo ??? Kill, East Town of Kill Kill Kildare Mayo ??? Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Mc Cormack Thomas Kill, West Kill Kildare Mc Cormack Thomas Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Mc Donnell Edward Kill, East Kill Kildare Mc Donnell Edward Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Mc Kiven James Alasty Kill Kildare Mc Kiven James Killeenbeg Kill Kildare Mcready Mary Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Mellon John Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Mitchell James Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Monahan Christopher Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Moore James Swordlestown South Kill Kildare Murphy James Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Murphy John Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Murphy Mary Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Murphy Philip Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Murphy Philip Swordlestown South Kill Kildare Neale John Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Neill Rose Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Nolan John Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Nowlan Jeremiah Morganstown Kill Kildare Nowlan Michael Morganstown Kill Kildare Nowlan Thomas Kill, East Kill Kildare Nowlan Thomas Kill, West Kill Kildare Nowlan Thomas Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare O'Hara James Swordlestown South Kill Kildare Pitt William Kill, East Kill Kildare Power Walter Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Proctor John Killhill, Town of Kill Kill Kildare Reilly John Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Roarke Margaret Killhill, Town of Kill Kill Kildare Shaw Richard Swordlestown North Kill Kildare Shaw Sarah Morganstown Kill Kildare Short John Killhill Kill Kildare Simpson Joseph Greenhills Kill Kildare Slattery James Swordlestown South Kill Kildare Staunton Charles Hartwell, Lower Kill Kildare Staunton Charles Kill, West Kill Kildare Staunton Charles Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Timmins James Greenhills Kill Kildare Troy James Kill, East Kill Kildare Troy James Kill, West Town of Kill Kill Kildare Turner Gerald Painestown Kill Kildare Victory Patrick Painestown Kill Kildare Walsh Lawrence Killhill Kill Kildare Walsh Mary Hartwell, Upper Kill Kildare Walsh Richard Killhill Kill Kildare Warburton Rev. John Kill, East Kill Kildare Whelan Patrick Hartwell, Lower Kill Kildare Wilson Charles Sillagh Kill Kildare