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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Narraghmore, County Kildare
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Narraghmore, County Kildare
Annesley Henry Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Annesley John Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Archbold Christopher Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Archbold James Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Archbold Robert Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Ash George Narraghmore Narraghmore Kildare Ashe Charlotte Youngstown Narraghmore Kildare Beasley Joseph Skerries North Narraghmore Kildare Beasley Richard Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Bedow Catherine Rathgrumly Narraghmore Kildare Behan Nicholas Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Bell Jacob Rathgrumly Narraghmore Kildare Bermingham Patrick Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Bolger Patrick Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Bolger Thomas Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Bonham John Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Bonham John Narraghmore Demesne Narraghmore Kildare Bonham Rev. John Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Bourke Ellen Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Bourke Philip Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Bowles Robert Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Brennan William Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Brien James Rathgrumly Narraghmore Kildare Brien Julia Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Brien Patrick Annalough Narraghmore Kildare Brien Patrick Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Brien Patrick Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Brophy Michael Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Brophy Michael Rathgrumly Narraghmore Kildare Brophy Patrick Skerries North Narraghmore Kildare Burnett John Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Butterfield George Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Butterfield James Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Butterfield James Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Butterfield Michael Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Butterfield Patrick Tinnakill Narraghmore Kildare Byrne Andrew Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Byrne Andrew Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Byrne Andrew Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Byrne Andrew Narraghmore Narraghmore Kildare Byrne Denis Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Byrne James Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Byrne James Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Byrne James Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Byrne Jeremiah Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Byrne Jeremiah Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Byrne John Ballyadams Narraghmore Kildare Byrne John Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Byrne John Lynamsgarden Narraghmore Kildare Byrne Matthew Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Byrne Matthew Lipstown Narraghmore Kildare Byrne Patrick Ballyadams Narraghmore Kildare Byrne Patrick Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Byrne Richard Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Byrne Thomas Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Byrne William Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Callaghan Michael Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Callaghan Owen Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Callan William Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Campbell Felix Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Campbell Felix Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Campbell Felix Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Campbell Patrick Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Carroll Margaret Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Carroll Mary Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Carroll Thomas Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Carty Michael Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Cashen John Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Connolly Owen Ballyadams Narraghmore Kildare Connor Dominick Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Connor James Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Connor Michael Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Conran Matthew Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Costello Ellen Rahoonbeak Narraghmore Kildare Costello Jane Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Costello Michael Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Crampton Joseph Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Croake Margaret Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Croake Thomas Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Croake Walter Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Cullen Garrett Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Cummins James Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Cummins James Narraghmore Narraghmore Kildare Cunningham Bridget Spratstown Narraghmore Kildare Curran James Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Curran James Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Curtis Margaret Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Curtis Patrick Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Dallon John Boleybeg Narraghmore Kildare Dargan James Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Dempsey Edward Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Dempsey James Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Dempsey James Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Dempsey Michael Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Dempsey Terence Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Dempsey Terence Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Devine John Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Dickenson Rev. Charles J. Boleybeg Narraghmore Kildare Dickenson Rev. Charles J. Narraghmore Narraghmore Kildare Dinny Edward Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Dolan Mary Kilmead Narraghmore Kildare Donohoe Bridget Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Doolan John Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Doolin James Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Doolin Valentine Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Doran Anne Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Doran Edward Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Doran Patrick Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Doran William Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Dowling Elizabeth Ardnagross Narraghmore Kildare Dowling Elizabeth Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Downey Thomas Rathgrumly Narraghmore Kildare Doyle Edward Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Doyle Eliza Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Doyle James Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Doyle Mary Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Doyle Mary Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Doyle Patrick Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Doyle William Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Duffy David Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Duigan Bridget Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Duigan Catherine Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Duigan Margaret Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Dunphy Laurence Rathgrumly Narraghmore Kildare Edwards John Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Edwards John Narraghmore Narraghmore Kildare Egar Alexander Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Ennis Thomas Ardnagross Narraghmore Kildare Fallon Michael Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Farmer Walter Narraghmore Narraghmore Kildare Farrell Margaret Boleybeg Narraghmore Kildare Farrell Sarah Boleybeg Narraghmore Kildare Farrell William Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Finn Daniel Ardnagross Narraghmore Kildare Finn Edward Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Finn Mary Annalough Narraghmore Kildare Finn Mary Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Finn Mary Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Finn Mary Rahoonbeak Narraghmore Kildare Fitzgerald Eliza Skerries South Narraghmore Kildare Fitzpatrick Mary Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Flannery Edward Rathgrumly Narraghmore Kildare Fleming Patrick Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Flood Denis Kilmead Narraghmore Kildare Flood Nicholas Boleybeg Narraghmore Kildare Flynn Cornelius Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Foey Charles Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Forrestal Michael Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Fotheral William Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Fox Thomas Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Gaynor Martin Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Gaynor Patrick Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Gibbons William Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Glynn Thomas Narraghmore Narraghmore Kildare Green Edward Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Greenahm Leonard Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Greenham Leonard Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Griffin Christopher Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Gunning Edward Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Hayden John Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Hayden John Rahoonbeak Narraghmore Kildare Hayes Thomas P. Rathgrumly Narraghmore Kildare Heffernan James Monatore Narraghmore Kildare Heffernan James Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Heffernan Laurence Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Heffernan Michael Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Heffernan Nicholas Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Hennesssy Michael Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Hickey John Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Hickey Maurice Boleybeg Narraghmore Kildare Hindy Henry Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Hindy Samuel Boleybeg Narraghmore Kildare Hogan William Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Hosey Thomas Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Hunt Thomas Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Hutchinson Luke Narraghmore Narraghmore Kildare Hynes Thomas Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Johnson William Tinnakill Narraghmore Kildare Kane Bridget Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Kane Francis Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Kane Patrick Spratstown Narraghmore Kildare Keatley Michael Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Keatley Michael Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Keatley Robert Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Keegan Eliza Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Keegan John Kilmead Narraghmore Kildare Kelly Catherine Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Kelly Eliza Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Kelly John Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Kelly Nicholas Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Kelly Patrick Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Kelly Rebecca Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Kelly Richard Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Kelly Thomas Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Kelly Timothy Youngstown Narraghmore Kildare Kelly William Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Kenna James Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Kenna James Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Kenna John Ardnagross Narraghmore Kildare Kenna Michael Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Kenna Michael Rahoonbeak Narraghmore Kildare Kennedy John Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Kenny Bridget Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Kenny James Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Kenny Margaret Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Kenny Patrick Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Keogh James Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Kinsella James Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare La Touche John Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare La Touche John Boleybeg Narraghmore Kildare La Touche John Lipstown Narraghmore Kildare La Touche John Narraghmore Demesne Narraghmore Kildare Larkin Mary Lynamsgarden Narraghmore Kildare Lawler James Tinnakill Narraghmore Kildare Lawler John Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Lawler Luke Boleybeg Narraghmore Kildare Lawler Luke Narraghmore Demesne Narraghmore Kildare Lawler Michael Lipstown Narraghmore Kildare Lawler Patrick Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Lawler William Ardnagross Narraghmore Kildare Lawlor James Narraghmore Narraghmore Kildare Leary James Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Leigh Ellen Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Leigh Ellen Rahoonbeak Narraghmore Kildare Leigh James Rathgrumly Narraghmore Kildare Leinster ??? Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Lennon Mary Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Love William Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Love William Narraghmore Narraghmore Kildare Love William Narraghmore Demesne Narraghmore Kildare Lynam William Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Lynch Matthew Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Mahon Patrick Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Mara Christopher Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Masterson Catherine Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Masterson Felix Rathgrumly Narraghmore Kildare Masterson Michael Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Masterson Thomas Kilmead Narraghmore Kildare Mcdaniel James Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Mcdaniel Peter Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Mcdaniel Philip Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Mcdonald Daniel Boleybeg Narraghmore Kildare Mcdonald Felix Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Mcdonald Jane Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Mcdonald Murtagh Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Mcdonnell Patrick Narraghmore Narraghmore Kildare Mcevoy Anne Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Mcevoy James Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Mcevoy James Spratstown Narraghmore Kildare Mcevoy Thomas Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Mcgrath John Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Mcloughlin Patrick Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Meara Anne Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Meara Edward Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Meara Eliza Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Meara John Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Meara Michael Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Meara Thomas Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Merens Margaret Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Minch George Crookstown East Narraghmore Kildare Moffett Rev. Robert Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Molloy Bernard Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Mooney Mary Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Moore James Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Moore Pierce Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Moore Thomas Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Moran Bryan Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Moran David Spratstown Narraghmore Kildare Moran Edward Spratstown Narraghmore Kildare Morrin Edward Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Morrin Peter Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Morrin Peter Boleybeg Narraghmore Kildare Morrin Peter Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Muldowney Mary Boleybeg Narraghmore Kildare Muldowney Patrick Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Murphy Daniel Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Murphy Edward Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Murphy Michael Lipstown Narraghmore Kildare Murphy Patrick Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Murphy Thomas Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Murphy Thomas Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Murphy Thomas Spratstown Narraghmore Kildare Murray John Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Murray Mary Youngstown Narraghmore Kildare Neal James Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Neill Michael Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Nolan Bridget Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Nolan James Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Nolan John Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Nolan John Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Nolan John Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Nolan John Rahoonbeak Narraghmore Kildare Nolan Judith Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Nolan Mary Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Nolan Patrick Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Nolan William Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Noud Thomas Kilmead Narraghmore Kildare Owens Denis Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Ownes Michael Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Page James Rathgrumly Narraghmore Kildare Page James Skerries North Narraghmore Kildare Page William Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Pelin William Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Power William Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Ralph Henry Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Rawson Robert Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Regan John Spratstown Narraghmore Kildare Ringwood Rose Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Roberts Alice Rathgrumly Narraghmore Kildare Rock Mary Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Rogers George Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Rooney James Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Rourke Michael Glassely Narraghmore Kildare Ryan Catherine Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Ryan John Boleybeg Narraghmore Kildare Ryan Thomas Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Salmon Edward Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Schultze Frederick Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Scott Daniel Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Scott Daniel Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Scott Daniel Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Scott Patrick Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Scott Thomas Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Shannon Christopher Ballindrum Narraghmore Kildare Shannon Christopher Kilmead Narraghmore Kildare Shirlock Christopher Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Shirlock John Kilmead Narraghmore Kildare Shirlock William Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Shortall Judith Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Sinnott Charles Kilmead Narraghmore Kildare Smyth William Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Stayne Hugh Rahoonbeak Narraghmore Kildare Stockton John Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Stynes John Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Swords Thomas Kilmead Narraghmore Kildare Swords Valentine Kilmead Narraghmore Kildare Tallant Matthew Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Timmins Eliza Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Timmins Michael Inchaquire Narraghmore Kildare Toole Andrew Oldgrange Narraghmore Kildare Toole Anne Rahoonbeak Narraghmore Kildare Toole Bartholomew Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Toole Christopher Spratstown Narraghmore Kildare Toole Thomas Rahoonbeak Narraghmore Kildare Townsend John Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Travers Thomas Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Tyrrell Esther Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Waldron Richard Killeen Narraghmore Kildare Waldron Richard Narraghmore Demesne Narraghmore Kildare Walsh Catherine Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Walsh Edward Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Walsh Oliver Rahoonbeak Narraghmore Kildare Walsh Thomas Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Waters John Blackrath Narraghmore Kildare Waters Matthew Crookstown Lower Narraghmore Kildare Waters William Annalough Narraghmore Kildare Whelan Alice Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Whelan James Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare Whelan John Battlemount Narraghmore Kildare Whelan Judith Moyleabbey Narraghmore Kildare Whelan Michael Skerries North Narraghmore Kildare Whelan Patrick Ballynabarna Narraghmore Kildare Whelan Patrick Crookstown Upper Narraghmore Kildare Whittle Mary Narraghmore Demesne Narraghmore Kildare Wilson Stephen Mullamast Narraghmore Kildare