Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Stacumny, County Kildare
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Stacumny, County Kildare
Brady Charles Stacumny Cottage Stacumny Kildare Byrne Thomas Balscott Stacumny Kildare Corcoran Thomas Stacumny Stacumny Kildare Coughlan Thomas Ballymadeer Stacumny Kildare Daly Anne Stacumny Cottage Stacumny Kildare Gerrard Patrick Ballymadeer Stacumny Kildare Hoey George Stacumny Stacumny Kildare Hoey George Stacumny Cottage Stacumny Kildare Howard Thomas Stacumny Stacumny Kildare Howard Thomas Stacumny Cottage Stacumny Kildare Kavanagh Catherine Stacumny Stacumny Kildare Kelly James Stacumny Stacumny Kildare Lawler Thomas Balscott Stacumny Kildare Lawler Thomas Stacumny Stacumny Kildare Lawler Thomas Stacumny Cottage Stacumny Kildare Madden John Stacumny Stacumny Kildare Mcevoy Michael Stacumny Cottage Stacumny Kildare Mckeown Mrs. Anne Jane Elmhall Stacumny Kildare Middleton Robert Balscott Stacumny Kildare Millea Michael Stacumny Stacumny Kildare Moore Barnaby Stacumny Cottage Stacumny Kildare Moran William Stacumny Cottage Stacumny Kildare Murphy Rep. Henry, Esq. Stacumny Stacumny Kildare Saunders Charles Stacumny Stacumny Kildare Saunders Michael Stacumny Stacumny Kildare Seery John Stacumny Cottage Stacumny Kildare Tyrrell William Stacumny Cottage Stacumny Kildare Wardell George Ballymadeer Stacumny Kildare Whitmore Edmund Stacumny Stacumny Kildare Whitmore Richard Stacumny Cottage Stacumny Kildare Wilson John, Esq. Ballymadeer Stacumny Kildare