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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Donaghmore, County Kilkenny
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Donaghmore, County Kilkenny
Archer Mary Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Bailey John The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Barron John Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Berd Catherine Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Berd Garrett The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Berd John Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Berd John Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Berd John Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Berd Mary The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Berd Patrick The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Berd William Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Bergin Catherine The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Bergin James Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Bergin James Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Bergin John The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Bergin Martin Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Bergin Mary The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Bergin Patrick Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Bergin William Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Birney Patrick The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Blanchfield Ellen Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Blanchfield Honoria Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Blanchfield Matthew The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Boland Mary The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Bowe Margaret Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Bowe Patrick Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Bowers John Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Bowes Jeremiah The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Bowes John Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Bowes John Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Bowes Michael Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Bowes Timothy Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Bowes Timothy Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Brennan Edward Rathduff Donaghmore Kilkenny Brennan John Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Brennan John Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Brennan Mary Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Brennan Patrick The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Britt Mary Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Broderick Denis Coole Donaghmore Kilkenny Brophy Edward Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Brophy Martin The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Brophy Michael The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Brophy Patrick Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Broughton Patrick The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Bryan Margaret The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Bryan Mary The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Buggy James Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Buggy Thomas Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Buggy William Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Butler Martin The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Butler Michael Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Butler Richard Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Butler Richard Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Butler Thomas Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Butler William Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Butters John The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Campion David Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Campion James The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Campion John Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Campion Patrick Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Campion Patrick Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Campion Patrick Rathduff Donaghmore Kilkenny Campion Patrick The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Carroll Nicholas Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Carroll Nicholas The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Carty Edward The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Carty Patrick The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Cass James Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Cass Richard Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Cass Timothy Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Clear Honoria The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Clear John The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Clear Lawrence The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Cleary Patrick The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Comerford Margaret The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Comerford Mary The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Comerford Michael The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Connell Jeremiah The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Coogan Eleanor The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Coogan James The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Coogan James The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Coogan John The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Coogan Mrs. Eleanor The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Coogan Patrick Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Coogan Patrick Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Coogan Patrick Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Coogan Patrick Rathduff Donaghmore Kilkenny Coogan Patrick Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Coogan Patrick The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Coogan Patrick The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Coote Mrs. Catherine Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Coote Mrs. Catherine Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Curran Elizabeth The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Dalton James Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Dalton Patrick Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Daniel Edward Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Daniel Edward Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Delany Bartholomew The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Delany Edward Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Delany James Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Delany John The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Delany Martin The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Delany Martin The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Delany Mary Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Delany Nicholas Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Delany Nicholas Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Delany Patrick Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Delany Patrick The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Delany William Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Dermody Joseph Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Dermody Joseph The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Doheny Thomas Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Donnell James Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Donnell Margaret Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Doolan Bridget The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Dooley Edmund Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Dooley Michael Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Doolin John Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Doolin John The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Doolin Patrick The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Doolin Thomas The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Dooly Patrick Garrannaguilly Donaghmore Kilkenny Doran John The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Doran Lawrence The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Dowling John Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Dowling John Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Dowling John Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Dowling Margaret Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Dowling Patrick Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Dowling Thomas Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Downey Eleanor The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Downey James Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Downey Nicholas Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Drennan James The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Dunne John Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Dunne John Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Dunne Patrick Coole Donaghmore Kilkenny Dunne Philip Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Dunne Philip Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Dunne Philip The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Dunne Thomas The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Egan Andrew Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Fanton John The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Farrell Edward The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Farrell John Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Fetherstone Solomon The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Anne The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Bridget Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Bridget Rathduff Donaghmore Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Lawrence Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Lawrence The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Fox James The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Fox Thomas The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Gleeson Patrick Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Gorman Catherine Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Gorman James Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Gorman John Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Gorman Martin Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Gorman Mary Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Gorman Mary Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Gorman Miss Cath. The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Gorman Patrick Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Gorman Patrick The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Gorman Thomas Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Hanlon James Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Harding William Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Harding William The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Haughney Mary The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Hayden Edward Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Hayden Mary Coole Donaghmore Kilkenny Hayden Patrick Coole Donaghmore Kilkenny Hayden Patrick, Jr. Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Hayden Patrick, Sr. Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Hendricken James Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Hendricken James Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Hendricken James Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Hendricken James Rathduff Donaghmore Kilkenny Hendricken James Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Hennessy Daniel Tinnalintan Donaghmore Kilkenny Hennessy James Tinnalintan Donaghmore Kilkenny Hickey James Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Hickey Judith Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Hickey Patrick The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Higgins Thomas Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Hogan Patrick The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Hogan Thomas Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Holohan Edward The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Holohan John Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Holohan John Coole Donaghmore Kilkenny Holohan John Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Holohan Martin Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Holohan Matthew The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Holohan Philip The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Holohan Sarah The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Holohan Thomas The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Holohan William Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Humphreys John The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Humphrys Mary The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Hurley Patrick Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Jackman Judith The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Johnston Col. Ralph Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Kavanagh Edward Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Kavanagh Matthew Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Kavanagh Matthew Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Kavanagh Matthew, Esq. Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Kavanagh Thomas, Esq. Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Kavanagh Thos., Esq. Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Kavanagh Thos., Esq. Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Kavanagh Thos., Esq. Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Kavanagh Thos., Esq. Garrannaguilly Donaghmore Kilkenny Kavanagh Thos., Esq. The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Kavanagh William Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Kealy Thomas The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Kealy William Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Keeffe Patrick Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Keegan Andrew The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Keegan Michael Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Keenan Lawrence The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Keenan William The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Kehoe Mary Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Kehoe Mary The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Kelly Catherine Rathduff Donaghmore Kilkenny Kelly Daniel The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Kelly Eleanor Tinnalintan Donaghmore Kilkenny Kelly James The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Kelly John Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Kelly John Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Kelly John Rathduff Donaghmore Kilkenny Kelly Joseph Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Kelly Lawrence Rathduff Donaghmore Kilkenny Kelly Margaret The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Kelly Mary Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Kelly William Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Kenna John Ballymartin Donaghmore Kilkenny Kenny Patrick Garrannaguilly Donaghmore Kilkenny Keoghan Patrick Coole Donaghmore Kilkenny Keoghan Patrick, Jr. Tinnalintan Donaghmore Kilkenny Keoghan Patrick, Sr. Tinnalintan Donaghmore Kilkenny Keoghan Walter Tinnalintan Donaghmore Kilkenny Keoghan William Tinnalintan Donaghmore Kilkenny Kilkenny John The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Kirwan John Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Lacy Denis Ballymartin Donaghmore Kilkenny Lacy Patrick Ballymartin Donaghmore Kilkenny Lacy William, Jr. Ballymartin Donaghmore Kilkenny Lacy William, Sr. Ballymartin Donaghmore Kilkenny Lalor Daniel Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Lalor John Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Lannan Anastasia Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Lannan Anastasia The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Lannan James Rathduff Donaghmore Kilkenny Lannan John Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Lannan Mary Rathduff Donaghmore Kilkenny Lawler Daniel, Esq. Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Lawler Daniel, Esq. The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Lawler John The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Lawler Judith The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Lawless Patrick Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Lawless Rose The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Lester Forbes Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Lester Forbes Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Lodge Michael The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Loughman John Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Loughman Michael Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Loughman Michael The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Loughman Thomas Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Maguire Matthew Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Maher Eleanor Rathduff Donaghmore Kilkenny Maher John Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Maher Miss Ellen Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Maher Miss Helen Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Maher Patrick The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Maher Richard Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Mahon Thomas Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Mahony Michael The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Mahony Patrick The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Mara Michael Ballymartin Donaghmore Kilkenny Marum Mary The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Mc Cabe James Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Mc Donnell Catherine Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Mc Donnell Catherine Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Mc Donnell Richd. Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Mc Evoy John Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Mc Evoy William Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Mc Grath Terence The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Mc Gree John Garrannaguilly Donaghmore Kilkenny Minogue John Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Molloy John Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Molloy John The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Moore John Coole Donaghmore Kilkenny Moore John Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Moore Martin Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Moore Michael Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Moran Alice The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Mullally Michael Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Mullally Mrs. Bridget The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Murphy John Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Murphy John Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Neary Mary Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Neary Mary Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Neary Mrs. Mary Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Nolan John The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Nolan Michael The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny O'Grady John Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Palliser William The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Palmer Bridget Tinnalintan Donaghmore Kilkenny Palmer Catherine Tinnalintan Donaghmore Kilkenny Pender John The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Anastasia Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Bridget Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Bridget Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Bridget Rathduff Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Catherine The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Denis Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Edward Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Elizabeth The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan James Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan James Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan James Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan James The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan John Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan John Ballymartin Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan John Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan John Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan John Garrannaguilly Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan John The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Kieran Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Kieran Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Martin The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Mary Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Mary Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Mary Sraleagh Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Mary The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Michael Ballymartin Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Michael Rathduff Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Michael Sraleagh Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Michael The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Mrs. Bridget The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Patrick Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Patrick Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Patrick Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Patrick The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Patrick The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Rev. Andrew Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Rev. Andrew Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Richard Sraleagh Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Thomas The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan Walter The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan William The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan William, Esq. Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan William, Esq. Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan William, Esq. Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan William, Esq. Garrannaguilly Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan William, Esq. Moatpark Donaghmore Kilkenny Phelan William, Esq. Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Power Baronet John Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Power William The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Purcell Edward The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Purcell John Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Purcell Michael Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Purcell Patrick Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Purcell Philip Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Quinlan James Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Quirk David The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Quirk Paul The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Redmonds Lawrence Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Ringwell William Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Ryan Mary The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Ryan Mary The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Ryan Patrick Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Ryan Timothy The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Scrimmager John Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Shea Bridget Garrannaguilly Donaghmore Kilkenny Shea Eleanor Garrannaguilly Donaghmore Kilkenny Shea Elizabeth Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Shea Elizabeth Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Shea James Garrannaguilly Donaghmore Kilkenny Shea John Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Shea Mary Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Shea Michael Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Short Thomas Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Slattery Edmund The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Stapleton Bridget Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Stapleton John The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Stapleton Judith The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Stapleton Michael Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Stapleton Nicholas The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Stapleton Thomas Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Stapleton William Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Staunton Anne Coole Donaghmore Kilkenny Staunton Edward Coole Donaghmore Kilkenny Staunton James Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Staunton Joseph Tinnalintan Donaghmore Kilkenny Staunton William The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Swan John, Esq. Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Taylor John Ballynalacken Donaghmore Kilkenny Thornton Edward Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Thornton Michael Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Tobin Denis The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Tobin Elizabeth The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Tobin James The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Tobin John The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Tobin Michael The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Traynor Bridget Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Traynor Patrick Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Tynan James Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Upton Mrs. Mary Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Upton Mrs. Mary Finnan Donaghmore Kilkenny Upton Mrs. Mary The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Wall Mary The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Wall Nicholas The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh Bridget Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh Catherine The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh Edmund The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh Edward Garrannaguilly Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh James Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh James Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh James Garrannaguilly Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh John Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh Joseph Castle Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh Judith Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh Judith Short Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh Margaret The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh Martin Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh Martin The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh Michael Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh Patrick Donaghmore Donaghmore Kilkenny Walsh Patrick Garrannaguilly Donaghmore Kilkenny Wedlock James Bridge Street Donaghmore Kilkenny Wedlock John Ballinakill Road Donaghmore Kilkenny Wedlock Michael The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny White Mary The Fair Green Donaghmore Kilkenny White Michael The Pike Donaghmore Kilkenny White Thomas The Square Donaghmore Kilkenny Young Joseph Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny Young Thomas Ballyragget Donaghmore Kilkenny