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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Freshford, County Kilkenny
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Freshford, County Kilkenny
Aylward Bridget Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Baily Patrick Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Baily Walter Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Baily William Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Bergin Kieran Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Bergin Margaret Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Blanchfield Catherine Chapel Lane Freshford Kilkenny Blanchfield John Moat Freshford Kilkenny Brady Patrick Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Bray John Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Brennan Hannah Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Brennan Jeremiah Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Brennan Martin Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Broderick Judith Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Broderick Robert Boherkyle Freshford Kilkenny Broderick Robert Curraghduff Freshford Kilkenny Broderick Thomas Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Broderick Thomas Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Brophy Ellen Moat Freshford Kilkenny Brophy Richard Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Brophy Timothy Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Bryan Bridget Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Bryan George, Esq. Upperwood Demesne Freshford Kilkenny Bryan John Moat Freshford Kilkenny Bryan Patrick Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Buggy Edmond Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Buggy Patrick Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Buggy Thomas Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Burke Richard Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Butler James Boherkyle Freshford Kilkenny Butler Margaret Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Butler Thomas Chapel Lane Freshford Kilkenny Byrne Margaret Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Cahill James Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Cahill John Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Cahill John Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Cahill Matthew Bawntanameena Freshford Kilkenny Cahill Michael Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Campion James Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Campion John Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Campion Margery Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Campion Mrs. Mary Moat Freshford Kilkenny Campion Patrick Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Cantwell Michael Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Carroll Catherine Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Carroll John Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Carthy Patrick Moat Freshford Kilkenny Casey James Curraghduff Freshford Kilkenny Casey John Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Casey Michael Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Cashin Martin Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Clifford John Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Clifford Margaret Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Clifford Nicholas Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Clifford Nicholas Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Clifford Patrick Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Cody James Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Coghlan Catherine Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Comerford Mary Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Comerford Mrs. Mary Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Commons Judith Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Condra Mary Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Connell Martin Moat Freshford Kilkenny Connery Patrick Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Connery William Moat Freshford Kilkenny Connolly Martin Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Connor John Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Connors Martin Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Conroy Thomas Boherkyle Freshford Kilkenny Conroy Thomas Knockown Freshford Kilkenny Corcoran Thomas Knockown Freshford Kilkenny Corrigan Margaret Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Corrigan Michael Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Costello Anne Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Costello James Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Costigan Patrick Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Coyne Patrick Freshford Lots Freshford Kilkenny Coyne Patrick Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Croak William Curraghduff Freshford Kilkenny Cronin David Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Crowe Catherine Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Cuddihy Anastasia Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Cuddihy Michael Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Cuddihy Michael Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Cullenan James, Esq. Moat Road Freshford Kilkenny Cullenan James, Esq. Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Cullenan Jas., Esq. Market Square Freshford Kilkenny D'Alton William Knockown Freshford Kilkenny Dawson John Moat Freshford Kilkenny De Montmorency W., Esq. Boherkyle Freshford Kilkenny De Montmorency W., Esq. Upperwood Demesne Freshford Kilkenny Dee Montmorency W., Esq. Knockown Freshford Kilkenny Dee Montmorency Wm., Esq. Moat Freshford Kilkenny Delahunty James Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Delaney Jeremiah Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Delany Edmond Moat Freshford Kilkenny Delany Honoria Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Delany Jeremiah Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Delany Jeremiah Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Delany John Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Delany Lawrence Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Delany Martin Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Delany Martin Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Delany Mary Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Delany Thomas Moat Freshford Kilkenny Delany Thomas Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Dempsey Timothy Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Dermody John Curraghduff Freshford Kilkenny Dermody William Boherkyle Freshford Kilkenny Dermody William Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Dillon Richard Bawntanameena Freshford Kilkenny Dillon Robert Bawntanameena Freshford Kilkenny Dillon Robert Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Dobbin Elizabeth Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Doheny John Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Dooley James Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Doran Bridget Moat Freshford Kilkenny Doran John Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Doran John Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Doran Mary Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Alice Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Anne Chapel Lane Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Edmond Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Edmond Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Edmond, Jr. Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Edmond, Sr. Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Dowling John Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Dowling John Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Dowling John Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Dowling John Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Dowling John Moat Road Freshford Kilkenny Dowling John Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Martin Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Martin Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Martin Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Martin Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Mary Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Mary Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Michael Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Michael Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Michael Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Michael Moat Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Michael Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Michael Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Michael, Jr. Chapel Lane Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Michael, Sr. Chapel Lane Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Mrs. Anastasia Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Richard Chapel Lane Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Richard Moat Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Thomas Chapel Lane Freshford Kilkenny Dowling Walter Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Dowling William Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Dowling William Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Dowling William Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Dowling William Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Dowling William Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Doyle James Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Doyle James Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Doyle James, Jr. Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Doyle James, Sr. Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Doyle Margaret Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Doyle Mary Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Doyle William Ballyroe Freshford Kilkenny Drew Mrs. Mary Anne Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Duigan Joseph Curraghduff Freshford Kilkenny Dunne John Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Dunphy Thomas Moat Freshford Kilkenny Dwyer William Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Egan James Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Egan John Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny English Catherine Moat Freshford Kilkenny English John Moat Freshford Kilkenny Farrell Catherine Moat Freshford Kilkenny Farrell Mary Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Fennelly Sarah Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Fitzgerald Catherine Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Fitzgerald Robert Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Daniel Freshford Lots Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Daniel Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Daniel Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Daniel Upperwood Demesne Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Denis Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Jeremiah Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick John Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick John Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick John Moat Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick John Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Margaret Moat Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Mary Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Mary Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Mary Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Mary Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Fitzpatrick Mrs. Mary Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Fogarty Mary Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Foster Bridget Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Francis Anne Moat Freshford Kilkenny Freeman Henry, Jr. Moat Freshford Kilkenny Freeman Henry, Sr. Moat Freshford Kilkenny Gaffney Matthew Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Gaffney Patrick Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Garland John Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Gaynor Patrick Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Giltenan Mrs. Anne Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Giltinan Mrs. Anne Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Glennon Mary Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Glindon Catherine Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Glindon John Bawntanameena Freshford Kilkenny Glindon John Moat Freshford Kilkenny Glindon Kieran Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Glindon Martin Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Glindon Martin Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Glindon Michael Freshford Lots Freshford Kilkenny Glindon Michael Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Glindon Michael Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Glindon Sarah Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Glindon Thomas Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Glindon Thomas Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Grace Catherine Ballyroe Freshford Kilkenny Grace James Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Grace John Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Grace Margaret Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Grace Mark Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Grace Mark Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Grace Mark Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Grace Mark Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Grace Mary Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Grace Michael Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Grace Patrick Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Grace Philip Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Grace Philip Moat Freshford Kilkenny Grace Pierce Inchmore Freshford Kilkenny Grace Thomas Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Grady Andrew Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Grady James Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Grady Judith Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Grady Martin Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Grady Michael Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Greany Michael Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Griffin Mary Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Grogan John Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Gwynne John Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Gwynne John Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Gwynne Patrick Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Hanlon John Moat Freshford Kilkenny Hanlon Patrick Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Hanlon William Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Hart Rev. Wm. Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Healy John Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Healy Mary Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Healy Mary Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Hearne James Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Hegarty Bridget Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Hely James Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Henry Robert Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Hickey Martin Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Hickey Mary Moat Freshford Kilkenny Hickey Timothy Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Hill Judith Moat Freshford Kilkenny Hoare Peter Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Hogan James Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Hogan James Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Hogan Martin Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Hogan Michael Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Holohan Michael Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Holohan Patrick Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Holohan William Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Hughes Patrick Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Jordan Mary Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Jordan Patrick Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Kavanagh Daniel Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Kavanagh Mrs. Mary Ballyroe Freshford Kilkenny Kealy Catherine Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Keane Charles Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Keane Charles Upperwood Demesne Freshford Kilkenny Keane Honoria Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Keane James Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Keane James Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Keane James, Jr. Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Keane James, Jr. Upperwood Demesne Freshford Kilkenny Keane James, Sr. Upperwood Demesne Freshford Kilkenny Keeffe Bridget Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Keeffe John Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Keeffe Lawrence Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Keeffe Pierce Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Keeffe Pierce Moat Freshford Kilkenny Keenan Mary Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Kelly James Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Kelly Michael Ballyroe Freshford Kilkenny Kelly Michael Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Kelly Patrick Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Kelly Patrick Moat Freshford Kilkenny Kelly Philip Moat Freshford Kilkenny Kelly Sarah Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Kelly William Moat Freshford Kilkenny Kennedy Catherine Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Kennedy Thomas Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Kennedy Thomas Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Kennedy William Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Kerwick John Moat Freshford Kilkenny Kerwick Mary Moat Freshford Kilkenny Kilfoyle Michael Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Kirwan James Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Kirwan Martin Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Knaresborough Patk. Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Knaresborough Thos. Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Laffan John Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Laffan Michael Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Lahiff Michael Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Lalor Daniel Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Lalor Margaret Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Lalor Martin Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Lalor Mary Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Lalor Mary Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Lalor Richard Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Lambe George Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Lanigan Michael Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Larkin Edmond Boherkyle Freshford Kilkenny Larkin James Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Larkin James Moat Freshford Kilkenny Larkin James Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Larkin John Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Larkin John Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Larkin Michael Moat Road Freshford Kilkenny Larressy Miss Mary Chapel Lane Freshford Kilkenny Larressy Patrick Chapel Lane Freshford Kilkenny Larressy Patrick Moat Freshford Kilkenny Lawlor Richard Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Long Mary Moat Freshford Kilkenny Loughlin Henry, Esq. Crowhill Freshford Kilkenny Loughlin James Crowhill Freshford Kilkenny Loughnan Catherine Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Lumson Mary Moat Freshford Kilkenny Maher Catherine Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Maher Edmond Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Maher John Moat Freshford Kilkenny Maher John Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Maher Nicholas Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Maher Sarah Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Maher Wm. John, Esq. Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Maher Wm. John, Esq. Moat Freshford Kilkenny Maher Wm. John, Esq. Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Mahony John Bawntanameena Freshford Kilkenny Malone Richard Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Mansfield James Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Mansfield John, Jr. Chapel Lane Freshford Kilkenny Mansfield John, Jr. Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Martin James Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Mathews Robert Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Mc Donnell William Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Mc Donnell William Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Mc Donnell William Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Mc Evoy Anne Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Mc Evoy Edmond Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Mc Evoy Lawrence Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Mc Grath Margaret Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Mc Grath William Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Meany Robert Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Mease Rev. James Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Menton Michael Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Molloy John Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Molloy Martin Moat Freshford Kilkenny Molloy Patrick Moat Freshford Kilkenny Molony Daniel Boherkyle Freshford Kilkenny Mooney James Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Mooney Patrick Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Moylan John Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Moylan Mary Moat Freshford Kilkenny Mulhall Patrick Bawntanameena Freshford Kilkenny Mulhall Patrick Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Mulhall Patrick Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Mulhall Patrick Moat Freshford Kilkenny Mulrooney Henry Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Murphy Catherine Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Murphy James Moat Freshford Kilkenny Murphy John Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Murphy John Moat Freshford Kilkenny Murphy Martin Moat Freshford Kilkenny Murtagh John Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Neill James Moat Freshford Kilkenny Neill Michael Boherkyle Freshford Kilkenny Peters Jeremiah Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Peters Jeremiah Boherkyle Freshford Kilkenny Peters Jeremiah Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Peters Jeremiah Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Peters Jeremiah Upperwood Demesne Freshford Kilkenny Peters Michael Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Phane Michael Moat Freshford Kilkenny Phelan David Moat Freshford Kilkenny Phelan Edmond Moat Freshford Kilkenny Phelan Elizabeth Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Phelan James Chapel Lane Freshford Kilkenny Phelan James Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Phelan James Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Phelan John Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Phelan John Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Phelan John Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Phelan Mary Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Phelan Michael Moat Freshford Kilkenny Phelan Nicholas Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Phelan Patrick Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Phelan Richard Chapel Lane Freshford Kilkenny Phelan Richard Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Phelan Richard Moat Freshford Kilkenny Phelan William Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Phelan William Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Phelan William Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Phelan William Moat Freshford Kilkenny Phelan William Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Pollard Patrick Curraghduff Freshford Kilkenny Power Lawrence Moat Freshford Kilkenny Purcell Bridget Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Purcell Martin Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Purcell Philip Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Quade Richard Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Quigley John Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Quigley Margaret Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Quigley Nicholas Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Quin Edmond Moat Freshford Kilkenny Quinlan Thomas Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Quirk James Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Quirke Catherine Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Quirke Nicholas Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Rafter Richard Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Reade Anastasia Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Reade Ellen Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Reade John Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Reilly Michael Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Ridge Martin Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Rochford John Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Rossiter Robert Moat Freshford Kilkenny Ruth Martin Freshford Lots Freshford Kilkenny Ruth Martin Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Ryan Mary Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Ryan Mary Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Ryan Rev. James F. Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Ryan Thomas Moat Freshford Kilkenny Ryan Hart John Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Saunders Eliza Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Saunders Mary Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Scully Jeremiah Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Shanahan Thomas Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Shanahan William Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Shea Anastasia Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Shea Ellen Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Shea Mary Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Shea Michael Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Shea Michael Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Shea Michael Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Shea Michael Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Shea Michael Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Shea Michael Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Shearman Mary Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Shearman Michael Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Short Michael Moat Freshford Kilkenny Shortall John Chapel Lane Freshford Kilkenny Shortall William Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Skehan James Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Skehan James Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Skehan Martin Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Slattery Edmond Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Slattery Edmond Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Smith William Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Stapleton Patrick Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Staunton Edmond Knockown Freshford Kilkenny Staunton Edward Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Stephens Catherine Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Stokes Thomas Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Stone Mrs. Sarah Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Stone Mrs. Sarah Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Stone Mrs. Sarah Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Sullivan Patrick Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Sutton Alice Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Swan John Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Swan John Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Swan John Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Taaffe Ellen Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Thornton James Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Thornton James Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Thornton James Moat Freshford Kilkenny Thornton James Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Thornton Thomas Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Thornton Thomas Moat Freshford Kilkenny Tobin James Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Tracey William Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Travers Michael Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Tynan John Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Tynan John Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Tynan John Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Tynan William Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Wall Eleanor Moat Freshford Kilkenny Wall James Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Wall Patrick Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Wall Patrick Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Wall Patrick Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Wall Patrick Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Wall Patrick Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Bridget Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Catherine Bohergloss Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Edmond Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Walsh James Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Walsh James Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Jeremiah Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Walsh John Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Walsh John Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Lawrence Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Lawrence Market Square Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Lawrence Old Bridge Street Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Lawrence Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Martin Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Martin Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Patrick Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Patrick Tobernapeastia Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Philip Boherkyle Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Philip Freshford Freshford Kilkenny Walsh Thomas Moat Freshford Kilkenny Warren Michael Baunaniska Freshford Kilkenny Washington James Johnstown Road Freshford Kilkenny Wellwood Joseph Clintstown Freshford Kilkenny Wellwood Joseph Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny Wellwood Joseph Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Wellwood William Kilkenny Street Freshford Kilkenny White Edmond Bohercrusha Freshford Kilkenny White Edmond Monabrika Freshford Kilkenny Williams Sarah Moat Freshford Kilkenny