Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Jerpointwest, County Kilkenny
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Jerpointwest, County Kilkenny
Ade James Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Ade Mary Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Aylford Philip Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Aylward James Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Aylward Mich. Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Aylward Michael Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Barley Patrick Castlecosker Jerpointwest Kilkenny Belcher Rep. Wm., Esq. Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Blanchfield Edmund Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Blanchfield Mary Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Bowe Michael Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Brennan Michael Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Burke John Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Burke Michael Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Burke Thomas Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Butler Michael Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Butler William Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Byrne Thomas Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Campion James Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Campion Thomas Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Carrick ??? Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Carroll Patrick Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Cashen Patrick Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Cashen Thomas Castlecosker Jerpointwest Kilkenny Clifford William, Esq. Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Cody Edmund Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Cody Lawrence Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Cody Michael Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Cody Patrick Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Comerford Margaret Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Comerford Richard Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Connors Matthew Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Connors Patrick Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Conway Catherine Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Conway Pierce Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Cronyn Edward Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Crowley Luke Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Cullen Thomas Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Dalton Edmund Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Dalton Martin Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Dalton Patrick Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Daniffe Judith Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Dobbin John Castlecosker Jerpointwest Kilkenny Dollard Thomas Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Dooley Richard Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Doyle Eliza Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Doyle Lawrence Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Doyle William Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Dunsany Lord ??? Castlecosker Jerpointwest Kilkenny Dwyer James Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Egan John Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Egan Patrick Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Farrell Michael Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Fitzgerald Michael Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Fitzgerald Robert Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Fleming John Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Fleming Patrick Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Flynn Thomas Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Foley Joseph Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Foley Michael Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Foley Patrick Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Freney Margaret Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Freney Michael Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Freney Patrick Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Freney Thomas Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Freney William Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Gibson Patrick Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Gorey Michael Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Gorman Judith Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Grace Richard Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Hanrahan Catherine Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Hanrahan Edmund Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Hanrahan Patrick Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Hanrahan Patrick Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Hayden Catherine Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Heagan Patrick Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Heagan Thomas Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Hoban Judith Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Holohan Henry Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Holohan Richard Castlecosker Jerpointwest Kilkenny Hurley Mary Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Hurley William Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Kearns John Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Keefe William Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Keeffe Anasatia Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Keeffe Edmond Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Keeffe James Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Keeffe John Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Keeffe Patrick, Jr. Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Keeffe Patrick, Sr. Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Keeffe Thomas Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Keeffe William Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Kennedy Anastatia Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Kennedy James Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Kennedy John Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Kennedy John Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Kennedy John C. Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Kennedy John K. Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Kennedy Michael Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Kieraghan Philip Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Kinneary Martin Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Kirwan Lawrence Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Langtree Robert Castlecosker Jerpointwest Kilkenny Lanigan Edmund Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Lanigan John Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Larressy James Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Lawlor John Castlecosker Jerpointwest Kilkenny Leahy Michael Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Leary Anastasia Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Leary Patrick Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Leary William Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Mackey John Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Mackey John Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Mackey Patrick Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Mackey Thomas Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Madigan John Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Madigan Mary Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Malone James Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Malone John Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Malone John Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Malone Michael Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Malone Thomas Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Mc Donnell John Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Mc Evoy John Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Millen Robert Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Miller Robert Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Murphy Catherine Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Murphy Garrett Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Murphy Honoria Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Murphy John Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Murphy Patrick Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Murphy Patrick Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Murphy Richard Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Murphy Richard Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Murphy Richard Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Murphy Thomas Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Neill Patrick Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Neill Phelix Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Neill William Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Nolan William Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Paul Michael Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Phelan Joseph Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Power Bridget Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Power John Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Power John Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Power John Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Power John Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Power Lawrence Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Power Mary Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Prendergast Edmund Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Putland Charles, Esq. Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Putland Charles, Esq. Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Quigley James Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Quigly John Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Quinlan Margaret Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Quinlan Pierce Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Quinn Michael Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Quinn Thomas Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Raftis Pierce Castlecosker Jerpointwest Kilkenny Read Michael Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Reilly Thomas Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Relish James Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Roche James Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Ryan Michael Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Sallins William Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Shea Richard Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Sheehy Patrick Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Sloane Charles Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Splint Mrs. Mary Anne Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Spruhan Patrick Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Tierney Thomas Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Tracey James Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Tracey Michael Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Tracey Thomas Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh Edmund Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh Edmund Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh James Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh James Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh James Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh Michael Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh Michael Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh Patrick Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh Richard Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh Thomas Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh Thomas, Jr. Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh Thomas, Sr. Baunskeha Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh Walter Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh William Curraghmore Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh William Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Walsh William Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny Waters Bridget Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny Watters James Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Whelan Catherine Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Whelan David Jerpointwest Jerpointwest Kilkenny Whelan Edmund Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Whelan Michael Garrandarragh Jerpointwest Kilkenny White Andrew Coolnahu Jerpointwest Kilkenny White Martin Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny Woods John Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny