Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Mothell, County Kilkenny
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Mothell, County Kilkenny
Agar Thomas Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Anderson Richard H. Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Asleford John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Asleford Susan Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Asleford Thomas Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Asleford William Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Aylward Joseph Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Banim Nicholas Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Bannin John Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Bergin Catherine Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Bergin Martin Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Bergin Martin Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Bergin Martin Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Bergin Martin Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Bergin Michael Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Bergin Patrick Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Blanchfield Elizabeth Cassagh Mothell Kilkenny
Blanchfield Patrick Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Bolger Pierce Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Bowden John Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Bradley Henry Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Bradley Samuel Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Bradley William Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Bridget Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Catherine Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Denis Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Geoffrey Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan James Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Jas. Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Jas. Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Jeremiah Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan John Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan John Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan John Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan John, Jr. Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan John, Sr. Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Lawrence Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Loughlin Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Martin Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Mary Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Michael Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Michael Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Ml. Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Patrick Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Thomas Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Thomas Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Thomas Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Thos. Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan Timothy Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Brennan William Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Bride James Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Brophy James Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Brophy Martin Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Brophy Patrick Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Bryan John Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Bryan William Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Buckley Michael Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Buckley Michael Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Buckley Thomas Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Buggy John Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Buggy Patrick Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Butler Bridget Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Butler James Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Butler John Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Butler Richard Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Butler Richard Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Butler Thomas Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Byrne John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Byrne Margaret Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Byrne Martin Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Byrne William Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Campbell Daniel Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Campion Murtagh Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Cantwell John Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Cantwell Judith Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Carroll John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Carroll Thomas Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Carson John Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Cassin Henry Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Clear Anne Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Clear James Inchabride Mothell Kilkenny
Clear John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Clear Michael Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Clear Patrick Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Comerford Edmund Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Comerford James Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Comerford James Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Comerford James Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Comerford John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Comerford Nicholas Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Comerford Patrick Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Comerford Patrick Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Commins John Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Connery John Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Connery John Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Connery Mary Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Conway Maurice Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Coogan Edward Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Coogan Patrick Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Coogan Patrick Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Corcoran John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Corcoran Thomas Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Cormick Mary Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Crennan Michae Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Cuddihy Anastasia Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Cuddihy Garrett Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Cuddihy Martin Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Cuddihy William Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Cuddihy Wm. Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Dalton John Maudlin Mothell Kilkenny
Dalton Mary Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Dalton Patrick Maudlin Mothell Kilkenny
Dalton Tobias Maudlin Mothell Kilkenny
Dalton William Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Davis Elizabeth Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Davis Mary Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Delahunty James Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Delahunty Thos. Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Delahunty Pierce Ts. Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Devereux John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Diamond Maj. ??? Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Dixon Michael Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Dobbin John Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Dobbin Nicholas Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Doheny John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Doheny John Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Doheny Patrick Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Doolan Patrick Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Doran Michael Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Dowling Patrick Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Dowling Thomas Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Downey Jeremiah Inchabride Mothell Kilkenny
Downey Mary Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Doyle Margaret Inchabride Mothell Kilkenny
Duigan Mary Pallyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Dunne James Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Dunne Patrick Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Dunphy Luke Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Egan Rep. Patrick Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
English Margaret Cassagh Mothell Kilkenny
Fahy John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Fennell Joseph Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Fennelly Patrick Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Fogarty Honoria Maudlin Mothell Kilkenny
Fogarty James Maudlin Mothell Kilkenny
Fogarty Mary Maudlin Mothell Kilkenny
Fogarty Thomas Maudlin Mothell Kilkenny
Foley James Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Foley John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Frankfort Viscount ??? Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Fry James Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Gaffney John Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Gilbert Ellen Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Gooley James Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Gordon Samuel Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Graves Rev. Richard Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Gregg Thomas Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Griffin Francis Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Griffin William Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Griffith John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Hall Michael Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Hangelton Daniel Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Harding Martin Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Harding Nicholas Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Hawkins John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Healy Edward Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Healy Eleanor Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Healy Eleanor Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Healy Nicholas, Jr. Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Healy Patrick Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Heffernan Michael Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Heffernan Thomas Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Heffernan William Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Hogan John Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Hogan Patrick Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Holbrook Edward Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Holmes William Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Hunt Ralph Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Jackson Robert Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Jebb Jane Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Kavanagh Alice Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Kavanagh John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Kavanagh Michael Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Keely Derbias Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Keely Mary Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Kehoe Judith Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Kehoe Myles Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Kelly Honoria Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Kelly James Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Kelly James Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Kelly James Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Kelly Judith Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Kelly Lawrence Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Kelly Patrick Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Kenny Nicholas Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Keogh William Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Lacy Catherine Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Lacy Edward Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Lacy John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Lacy Nicholas Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Lalor Martin Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Lalor Michael Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Lannan Michael Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Laressy Michael Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Laressy Thomas Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Lawless Mary Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Lawless Michael Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Lawless Michael Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Lawless Patrick Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Lawless Patrick Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Lawless William Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Leahy James Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Leahy Richard Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Leahy William Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Loughnan Patrick Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Maher Edmund Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Maher Edward Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Maher John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Maher Martin Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Maher Thomas Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Malone Patrick Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Malone William Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Mc Gree Denis Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Mc Gree Patrick Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Mc Guinness Thomas Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Meighan Henry Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Meighan Mich. Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Miles James Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Minogue Lawrence Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Molloy Anne Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Moore Martin Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Moran John Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Morrissey John Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Muldowney Edward Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Muldowney Hugh Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Muldowney Hugh Inchabride Mothell Kilkenny
Muldowney John Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Muldowney Malachy Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Muldowney Mary Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Muldowney Patrick Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Muldowney Patrick Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Muldowney Walter Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Mulhall James Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Mulhall John Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Mulhall John Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Mulhall Martin Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Mulhall Mary Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Mulhall Nicholas Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Mulhall Patrick Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Mulhall Patrick, Jr. Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Mulhall William Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Mulhall William Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Mulhall William Inchabride Mothell Kilkenny
Murphy Catherine Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Murphy Edward Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Murphy Luke Cassagh Mothell Kilkenny
Murphy Margaret Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Murphy Patrick Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Murphy Peter Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Murphy Thomas Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Murphy William Cassagh Mothell Kilkenny
Neill Bryan Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Nolan Catherine Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Nolan Jeremiah Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Nowlan Edmund Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Nowlan James Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Nowlan John Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Nowlan Patrick Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Nowlan Stephen Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Patterson Robert Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Phelan Anne Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Phelan Denis Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Phelan Edward Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Phelan James Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Phelan James Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Phelan John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Phelan John Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Phelan John Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Phelan Margaret Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Phelan Mary Inchabride Mothell Kilkenny
Phelan Mary Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Phelan Patrick Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Phelan Roger Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Phillips Robert Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Pieloe John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Power Mary Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Power Robert Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Purcell James Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Purcell Margaret Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Purcell Michael Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Purcell Richard Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Purcell Thomas Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Purcell Thomas Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Purcell William Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Quirk Hugh Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Quirk Miles Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Quirk Paul Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Rothwell Edward Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Ryan David Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Ryan John Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Saunders Bridget Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Saunders James Coolraheen South Mothell Kilkenny
Shea Bridget Maudlin Mothell Kilkenny
Shea John Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Shirley John, Jr. Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Shirley John, Sr. Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Shortall Michael Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
St. George Thos., Esq. Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Steadman Michael Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Stone Susan Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Tobin Miss Mary Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Tobin Mrs. Mary Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Tobin Pierce Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Tobin Robert Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Tobin Thomas Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Tynan James Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Vicars William Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Walsh James Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Walsh John Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Walsh John Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Walsh John Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Walsh Martin Coolraheen North Mothell Kilkenny
Walsh Michael Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
Walsh Patrick Kilcollan Mothell Kilkenny
Walsh Patrick Newtown Mothell Kilkenny
Walsh Paul Esker Mothell Kilkenny
Walsh Thomas Cassagh Mothell Kilkenny
Walsh Thomas Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Ward Elizabeth Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Webb Peter Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Webb William, Esq. Webbsborough Mothell Kilkenny
Whelan Patrick Ballyclovan Mothell Kilkenny
White Martin Corbetstown Mothell Kilkenny
Willoughby Charles Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Willoughby Samuel Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Wood John Lisnafunshin Mothell Kilkenny
Woodcock James Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny
Woods John Esker Mothell Kilkenny