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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Abbeyleix, County Laois
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Abbeyleix, County Laois
Anderson George Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Bagshaw James Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois Banim Patrick Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Bannan Joseph Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Bardin William Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Barron Elizabeth Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Barron Martin Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Beale Denis Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Beckden Anne Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Beckett Michael Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Bell William, Esq. Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Bennett Anne Boston or Coolballyrogan Abbeyleix Laois Bergin John Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Bergin John Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Bergin Joseph Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Bergin Judith Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Bergin Mary Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Bergin Patrick Boley Abbeyleix Laois Berry Rev. Thomas Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Betts Clements Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Betts John Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Betts William Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Betts William Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Birmingham Michael Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Bolton Charles, Esq. Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Bolton George, Esq. Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Bonham William Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Booker Pigot, Esq. Rathmoyle (Back Road) Abbeyleix Laois Booker Pigott, Esq. Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Bowe Catherine Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Bowe John Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Bowe John Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Bowe John Knocknamoe (Chambers Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Bowe Mary Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Bowe Mary Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Bowe Mary Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Bowe Patrick Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Bowe Timothy Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Boxwell Mrs. Sarah Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Brandon Thomas Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Brazill John Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Brennan Andrew Knocknamoe (Oldtown Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Brennan Edward Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Brennan James Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Brennan John Boston or Coolballyrogan Abbeyleix Laois Brennan John Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Brennan Mary Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Brennan Richard Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Brennan William Ardlea Abbeyleix Laois Brereton Edward Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Brereton Thomas Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix Laois Brett Elizabeth Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Bridewell ??? Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Brophy Daniel Ballyfin Abbeyleix Laois Brophy Elizabeth Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Brophy Honoria Boley Abbeyleix Laois Brophy John Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Brophy John Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Brophy Michael Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Broughton Arthur Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Broughton Henry Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Broughton Marg. Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Brownlow John Ballyfin Abbeyleix Laois Brownlow Thomas Ballyfin Abbeyleix Laois Brownlow Wm., Esq. Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix Laois Brownlow Wm., Esq. Knapton Abbeyleix Laois Buckley William Rathmoyle (Chapel Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Buggy Henoria Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois Buggy Honoria Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Buggy Michael Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Buggy Richard Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Buggy Richard Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Buggy Robert Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Burgess John Boley Abbeyleix Laois Burke Bridget Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Burke John Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Burke William Redhills Abbeyleix Laois Burkett Rev. Francis Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Burnes Mary Island Abbeyleix Laois Burns Jeremiah Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Butler Edward Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Butler John Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Butler Thomas Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Byrne Edmund Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Byrne Edward Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Byrne Elizabeth Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Byrne Jer. Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Byrne Jeremiah Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Byrne John Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Byrne John Knocknamoe (Chambers Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Byrne Martin Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Byrne Patrick Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Byrne Richard Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Byrne Richard Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Byrne Wm. Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Calbeck George Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Campion Michael Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Cantwell Joseph Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Cantwell William Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Carroll Denis Redhills Abbeyleix Laois Carroll Elizabeth Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Carroll Elizabeth Redhills Abbeyleix Laois Carroll Jeremiah Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Carroll John Boley Abbeyleix Laois Carroll John Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Carroll Lawrence Redhills Abbeyleix Laois Carroll Patrick Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Carroll Thomas Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Carroll Timothy Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Carroll William Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Carter James Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Carter Richard Redhills Abbeyleix Laois Carter William Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Carthy Daniel Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Carthy John Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Carthy Margaret Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Cartwright Caroline Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Carty John Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Case Thomas Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Case Thomas Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Case Thomas Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Casey Ellen Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Casey Owen Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Casey Patrick Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Cash John Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Cash John Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Cash Philip Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Cashen Honoris Knocknamoe (Chambers Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Cashin James Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Cass Philip Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Clarke Catherine Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Clements Margaret Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Clooney John Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Clooney John Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois Clooney Judith Ardlea Abbeyleix Laois Clooney William Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Clooney William Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Cnoughan Thos. Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Cody Andrew Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Cody James Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Cody John Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Cody John Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Cody Patrick Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Coleman Lawrence Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix Laois Collins John Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Collins John, Jr. Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Collins John, Sr. Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Connell Richard Boley Abbeyleix Laois Connor Michael Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Connor Thomas Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Connors Hugh Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Coogan John Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Copeland Mary Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Corrigan Jeremiah Curraghacronacon Abbeyleix Laois Corrigan John Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Corrigan William Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Costigan Denis Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Costigan John Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Costigan Richard Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Coyle Daniel Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Coyle Daniel Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Coyle Daniel Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Crosby Mrs. Margaret Ardlea Abbeyleix Laois Crowley Catherine Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Crute Martin Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Crute Patrick Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Crute Peter Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Cuddihy Judith Boley Abbeyleix Laois Cuddihy Martin Boley Abbeyleix Laois Cuddihy Martin Knapton Abbeyleix Laois Cuddihy Michael Boley Abbeyleix Laois Cuddihy Patrick Boley Abbeyleix Laois Cuddihy Patrick Clonoghil Abbeyleix Laois Cuddihy Patrick Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Cuddy Patrick Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Cullen John Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Cullen Michael Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Cullen Patrick Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Cullen Thomas Knocknamoe (Chambers Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Cunningham John Boley Abbeyleix Laois Cunningham John Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Curran Edward Island Abbeyleix Laois Curran Judith Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Cushing James Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Cushing Patrick Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Dalton Mary Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Daly Elizabeth Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Dann Jonathan Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Dann William Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Dawson James Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Day John Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Lady Emma Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount Baggottspark Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount Graceswood Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount ??? Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount ??? Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount ??? Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount ??? Boley Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount ??? Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount ??? Derrylahan Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount ??? Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount ??? Island Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount ??? Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount ??? Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount ??? Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount ??? Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois De Vesci Viscount ??? Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Delany Bernard Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Delany Denis Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Delany Denis Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Delany Denis Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Delany Edward Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Delany Edward Boley Abbeyleix Laois Delany Edward Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Delany Elizabeth Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Delany Ellen Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Delany Honoria Boley Abbeyleix Laois Delany Jane Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Delany John Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Delany John Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Delany John Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Delany John Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Delany John Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Delany Judith Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Delany Martin Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Delany Mary Boley Abbeyleix Laois Delany Mary Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Delany Mary Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Delany Michael Boley Abbeyleix Laois Delany Michael Clonoghil Abbeyleix Laois Delany Michael Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Delany Michael Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Delany Mrs. Sarah Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Delany Nichl. Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Delany Nicholas Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Delany Patrick Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Delany Patrick Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Delany Peter Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Delany Rose Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Delany Thomas Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Delany Timothy Boston or Coolballyrogan Abbeyleix Laois Dempsey Bernard Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Dempsey Catherine Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Dempsey James Ballyfin Abbeyleix Laois Dempsey John Ballyfin Abbeyleix Laois Dempsey Thomas Ballyfin Abbeyleix Laois Denair Daniel Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Devin Thomas Knapton Abbeyleix Laois Devitt Mary Boley Abbeyleix Laois Dobbs George Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Dobbs James Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Dobbs Robert Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Dobbs Robert Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Dobbs Stanley Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Dobbs William Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix Laois Dobbs William Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Doghen Finton Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Doghen Kieran Boley Abbeyleix Laois Doghen Patrick Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Doherty Michael Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Donegan William Boley Abbeyleix Laois Donegan William Clonoghil Abbeyleix Laois Donnellan Rev. Bartholomew Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Doolan Edward Boston or Coolballyrogan Abbeyleix Laois Dooley James Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Dooley John Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix Laois Dooley John Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Dooley Mary Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Dooley Mary Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Dooley Mary Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Dooley Patrick Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Dooley Patrick Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Dooley Sylvester Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Doran William Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Douglas George Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix Laois Dowling Dominick Knocknamoe (Oldtown Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Dowling Ellen Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Dowling Finton Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Dowling James Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Doyle Catherine Boley Abbeyleix Laois Doyle John Knocknamoe (Chambers Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Duane Thomas Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Duff Andrew Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Duff John Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Duff Mary Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Duff Patrick Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Duggan Mary Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Duggan Rep. Wilm. Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Duigan Finton Boston or Coolballyrogan Abbeyleix Laois Duigan John Boston or Coolballyrogan Abbeyleix Laois Dunn Susan Ballyfin Abbeyleix Laois Dunne Daniel Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Dunne Elizabeth Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Dunne John Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Dunne Margaret Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Dunne Patrick Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Dunne Patrick Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Dunne William Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois Dunphy James Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Dunphy Patrick Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Dunphy Patrick Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Dyer Henry Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Ennis Christopher Rathmoyle (Chapel Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Fallon Bartholomew Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Farrell James Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Farrell Thomas Ballycormick Abbeyleix Laois Fennelly John Boley Abbeyleix Laois Fennelly John Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Ferguson Joseph, Esq. Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Finlay Owen Ardlea Abbeyleix Laois Finn Elizabeth Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Fitzgerald Anne Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Fitzgerald Catherine Graceswood Abbeyleix Laois Fitzgerald John Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Fitzgerald John Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Fitzgerald Patrick Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Fitzgerald Robt. U. P., Esq. Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Fitzgerald Thomas Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Anne Ardlea Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Catherine Boley Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Catherine Stewartsgrove Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Catherine Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Daniel Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Denis Graceswood Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Edward Stewartsgrove Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Edward Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Finton Ardlea Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Finton Boley Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Finton Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick John Curraghacronacon Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick John Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick John Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Micheal Ardlea Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Patrick Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Patrick Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Fitzpatrick Robert Rathmoyle (Chapel Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Flanagan Edward Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Flanagan Edward Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois Flanagan William Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Foster John Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois Foster Richard Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Foster Samuel Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Foster Samuel Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Foster Sarah Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Foster Sarah Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Foster Thomas Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Foster William Derrylahan Abbeyleix Laois Foster William Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Foster William Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Foyle John Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Foyle John Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Foyle Mary Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Foyle Patrick Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Galbraith Charles Knocknamoe (Oldtown Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Galbraith Frederick Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois Galbraith Frederick Rathmoyle (Back Road) Abbeyleix Laois Galbraith Samuel Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Galbraith Thomas Boley Abbeyleix Laois Galbraith Thomas Clonoghil Abbeyleix Laois Gale Anthony Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Gale Eliza Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Gale John Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Gale Mrs. Elizabeth Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Garrett Robert Ballyfin Abbeyleix Laois Geoghegan Horatio Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Glascock James Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Glascock James Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Glennon James Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Glennon William Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Gorman James Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Gorman John Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Gorman Mary Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Gorman Patrick Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Gorman Thomas Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Goss Elizabeth Boston or Coolballyrogan Abbeyleix Laois Goss Martin Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Goss Mary Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Gough John Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Gough Thomas Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Grady Mary Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Grady Thomas Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Grant David Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Grant Michael Rathmoyle (Chapel Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Gray Mrs. Elizabeth Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Greene Patrick Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Greene Patrick Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Guilfoyle Anthony Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Guilfoyle John Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Guilfoyle John Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Guilfoyle Mary Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Guilfoyle Michael Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Guilfoyle William Boley Abbeyleix Laois Gutherie David Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Hand Edward Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Hand John Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Hanlon Patrick Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Hart William Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Harte Edward Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois Harte Michael Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Hartford Edward Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Hartford Edward Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Hartford Edward, Sr. Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Hartford James Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Hartford James Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Hartford Thomas Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Hartford Thomas Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois Hartford Thomas Rathmoyle (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Hartford Thomas Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Hartford William Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Hartford William Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Harvey Edward Dunmore Abbeyleix Laois Haselen Jonathan Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Haslem Charles Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Haslem Jonathan Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Haslem Margaret Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Haslem Mrs. Fanny Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Haslem William Knocknamoe (Oldtown Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Hastie Edward Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Hayes John Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Heney Lawrence Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Hennessy Michael Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Hetherington Francis Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Hetherington Francis Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Hetherington Mrs. Fanny Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Hill Mary Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Hill Thos. Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Hipwell Samuel Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Hodgins James Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Hogan Edward Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Hogan Nicholas Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Hogan Sarah Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Hogan Thomas Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Hogan Thomas Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Hogan Timothy Dunmore Abbeyleix Laois Hogan Timothy Parkbawn Abbeyleix Laois Holbrook John Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Holbrook John Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Holohan Kieran Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Holohan Murtagh Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Horan William Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Horan William, Esq. Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Hosey John Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Hosey Mary Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Howard Robert Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Hughes Mary Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Hughes Thoebe Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Hughes Thomas Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Hughes Thomas Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Hurley Michael Rathmoyle (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Hurst Nathaniel Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Hurst Nathaniel Rathmoyle (Back Road) Abbeyleix Laois Hurst Nathaniel Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Hurst Nathaniel Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Hyland Judith Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Hyland Patrick Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Hynes Michael Knocknamoe (Chambers Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Hynes Richard Ardlea Abbeyleix Laois Irwin Miss Maryanne Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Jackson John Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Jacob Patrick Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Jeffers Michael Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Jelly George Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Jelly Michael Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Jenkins Jonathan Knocknamoe (Oldtown Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Jenkins Robert Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Jestin James Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix Laois Jestin James Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Jestin Mrs. Margaret Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Jestin Thomas Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Johnson Joseph Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Johnston John Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Johnston Patrick Island Abbeyleix Laois Jones Anthony Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Jordan Thomas Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Kavanagh Bridget Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Kavanagh Edward Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Kavanagh Elizabeth Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Kavanagh Finton Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Kavanagh Garrett Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Kavanagh John Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Kavanagh John Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Kavanagh John Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Kavanagh Judith Ballyfin Abbeyleix Laois Kavanagh Mary Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Kavanagh Michael Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Kavanagh Patrick Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Kavanagh William Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Kealy Malachi Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Keating Francis Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Keating John Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Keays Thomas Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Keegan Elizabeth Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Keegan Finton Curraghacronacon Abbeyleix Laois Keegan John Boley Abbeyleix Laois Keegan John Knapton Abbeyleix Laois Keegan Patrick Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Keegan Samuel Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Keenan Peter Ardlea Abbeyleix Laois Keenan Thomas Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Kehoe William Dunmore Abbeyleix Laois Kelly Anastasia Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Kelly John Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Kelly Margaret Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Kelly Mary Boston or Coolballyrogan Abbeyleix Laois Kelly Mary Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Kelly Miss Susan Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Kelly Thomas Boley Abbeyleix Laois Kelly Thomas Knapton Abbeyleix Laois Kelly Thomas Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Kelly William Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Kenna John Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Kenna John Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Kenna Martin Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Kenna Michael Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Kennedy John Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Kennedy John Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Kennedy John Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Kennedy Joseph Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Kennedy Michael Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Kennedy Thomas Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Kenny Edward Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Kenny Patrick, Jr. Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Kenny Patrick, Sr. Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Kenny Richard Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Kenny William Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Kerry Michael Dunmore Abbeyleix Laois Kerry Michael Parkbawn Abbeyleix Laois Kinerny Anastasia Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois King Elizabeth Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois King Patrick Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois King Samuel Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Kirwan Thomas Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Kirwin Bridget Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Kirwin Patrick Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Kirwin Patrick Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Knowles Patrick Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Lalor Catherine Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Lalor Edward Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Lalor Finton Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Lalor James Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Lalor Jeremiah Boley Abbeyleix Laois Lalor John Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Lalor John Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Lalor John Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Lalor John Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Lalor Loughlin Boley Abbeyleix Laois Lalor Loughlin Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Lalor Michael Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Lalor Michael, Jr. Boley Abbeyleix Laois Lalor Michael, Sr. Boley Abbeyleix Laois Lalor Michl. Boley Abbeyleix Laois Lalor Patrick Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Lalor William Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Lalor William Ballyfin Abbeyleix Laois Lalor William Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Lambert Francis Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Lancaster Rev. James Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Larkin Edward Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Lawrence William Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Leary Catherine Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Leary Elizabeth Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Leary Patrick Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Leech Allen Boley Abbeyleix Laois Leech Thomas Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Leigh John Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois Leigh Patrick Knocknamoe (Oldtown Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Lennon Edmund Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Lester John, Esq. Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois Lester John, Esq. Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Lewis Bridget Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Lodge Miss Anne Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Lowrey Jeremiah Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Lowrey John Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Lowry Christopher Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Lowry Elizabeth Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Lowry George Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Lowry Richard Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois M'Cormick Michael Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois M'Coy Andrew Knapton Abbeyleix Laois M'Creery John Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois M'Donald Mary Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois M'Donnell Margaret Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois M'Donnell Martin Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois M'Donnell Michael Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois M'Donnell William Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy Andrew Derrylahan Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy Catherine Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy Daniel Knocknamoe (Chambers Lane) Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy Denis Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy Edward Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy Finton Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy John Island Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy John Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy Loughlin Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy Mary Boley Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy Matthew Boley Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy Matthew Clonoghil Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy Mrs. Alicia Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy Sarah Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy William Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois M'Evoy William Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois M'Gee Mary Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois M'Glennon William Rathmoyle (Back Road) Abbeyleix Laois M'Hugh Patrick Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois M'Mahon Bryan Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois M'Mahon Bryan Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois M'Mahon Bryan Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois M'Mahon Patrick Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois M'Nally Nicholas Ballcormick Abbeyleix Laois Mackey Martin Knocknamoe (Oldtown Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Mackey Michael Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Macklin Daniel Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Macklin Daniel Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Maginn Finton Knocknamoe (Chambers Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Maher Jeremiah Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Maher John Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Maher Patrick Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Maher Thomas Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Malone Jane Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Mansfield Marks, Jr. Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Mansfield Marks, Sr. Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Matthews William Q. Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Mealy Peter Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Meehan Bridget Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Mercier Abel Dunmore Abbeyleix Laois Mercier David Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Mercier David Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Mercier David Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Mercier David Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Michie Andrew Boley Abbeyleix Laois Miley John Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Milley John Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Mills Oliver Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Milton Benjamin Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Moffett William Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois Molloy Joseph Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Molony Margaret Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Mooney Mary Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Mooney Stephen Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Mooney Thomas Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Mooney William Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Mooney William Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Mooney William Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Moore Edward Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Moore Jane Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Moore Judith Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Moore Patrick Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Moore Robert Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Moore Thomas Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Moran Bridget Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix Laois Moran Bridget Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Moran Bridget Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Moran Elizabeth Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Moran Henry Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Moran Henry Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Moran James Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Moran Michael Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Moran William Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Morell William Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Morre Daniel Derrylahan Abbeyleix Laois Morrell John Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Morris John Graceswood Abbeyleix Laois Morris Michael Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Morris Robert Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Morris Robert Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Morrissey James Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Morrissey James Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Morrissey James Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Morrissey James Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Morrissey James Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Morrissey William Knocknamoe (Oldtown Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Mortimer Michael Ardlea Abbeyleix Laois Muldowney Catherine Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Muldowney Margaret Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Muldowney Patrick Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Mulhall Lawrence Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Mulldowney Margaret Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Murphy Allan Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Murphy Allan Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Murphy Edmund Derrylahan Abbeyleix Laois Murphy John Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Murphy John Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Murphy John Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Murphy Joseph Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Murphy Patrick Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Murphy Patrick Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Murphy Patrick Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Murphy Patrick Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Murphy Patrick Stewartsgrove Abbeyleix Laois Murphy Patrick Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Murphy Thomas Boley Abbeyleix Laois Myhan Patrick Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Neill Charles Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Neill James Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Neill Mary Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Neill Patrick Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Neill William Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Nevin Miss Elizabeth Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Nolan Rev. Thomas Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Nolan Rev. Thomas Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Nowlan Daniel Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Nowlan John Boley Abbeyleix Laois Nowlan Matthew Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix Laois Nowlan Patrick Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Nowlan Rev. Thomas Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois O'Hara Michael Brandra Abbeyleix Laois O'Neill William Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Obins Bernard Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Obins James Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Owen Peter Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Oxley Joseph Boley Abbeyleix Laois Palmer Henry Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Payne Edward Boley Abbeyleix Laois Perkinson Anne Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Phelan Elizabeth Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Phelan Finton Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Phelan Finton Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Phelan Henry Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Phelan Honoria Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Phelan James Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Phelan James Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Phelan John Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Phelan John Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Phelan Matthew Boston or Coolballyrogan Abbeyleix Laois Phelan Michael Boston or Coolballyrogan Abbeyleix Laois Phelan Michael Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Phelan Patrick Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Phelan Patrick Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Phelan Thomas Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Phelan Thomas Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Phelan William Boley Abbeyleix Laois Phelan William Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Phelan William Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Phelan William Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Phelan William Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Pigott Lady Isabella Boley Abbeyleix Laois Pilkington William Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Pitt John Ballyfin Abbeyleix Laois Plunkett Michael Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Pope Edmund Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Pounds Mary Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Power Andrew Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Pratt Samuel Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Pratt Samuel Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Preston James Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Preston Michael Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Querney John Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Querney John, Jr. Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Querney Johnn, Jr. Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Quigley Finton Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Quigly John Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Quinn Catherine Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Quinn John Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Quinn Thomas Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Quinn Thomas Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Quinn William Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Rafter William Ardlea Abbeyleix Laois Rathsbottom James Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Reddy Paul Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Redmond Gerald Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Redmond Gerald Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Reilly James Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Reilly James Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Reilly Michael Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Reilly Richard Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Revington Esther Boston or Coolballyrogan Abbeyleix Laois Revington Mary Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Revington Patrick Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Revington Thomas Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Revington Thomas Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Revington William Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Richards Thomas Boston or Coolballyrogan Abbeyleix Laois Ringwood Thomas Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Roberts Julia Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Roche Honoria Knocknamoe (Chambers Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Roe Ellen Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Roe James Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Roe John Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Roe Thomas Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Rowe Peter Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Ryan Andrew Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Ryan Anne Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Ryan Cornelius Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Ryan Denis Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Ryan James Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Ryan John Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Ryan John Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Ryan John Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Ryan Patrick Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Ryan Pierce Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Ryan Thomas Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Sale Edward G. Dunmore Abbeyleix Laois Scott Jas. W. B., Esq. Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Shea George Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Shea William Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Sheerin Andrew Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Sheerin Catherine Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Sheerin James Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Sheerin James Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Sheerin John Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Sheerin Margaret Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Sheerin Martin Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Sheerin Martin Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Sheil Margaret Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Shekleton Jonas Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Shelly Thomas Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Sheppard John H., Esq. Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Sheppard John H., Esq. Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Sheridan James Knocknamoe (Chambers Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Shordice John Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Showldice Michael Knocknamoe (Chambers Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Skehan William Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Skehan Wm. Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Smyth Samuel Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Spellan Honoria Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Spencer James Clonoghil Abbeyleix Laois Staples Edmund, Esq. Coolcorberry Abbeyleix Laois Staples Edmund, Esq. Watercastle Abbeyleix Laois Stock Rep. Saml., Esq. Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Stone Edward Boley Abbeyleix Laois Stubber Lewell M. Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Sullivan Michael Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Sullivan Timothy Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Sutcliffe John Blackhills Abbeyleix Laois Sutliffe Gilbert Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Sutliffe James Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Sutliffe John Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Sutliffe John Poormansbridge Abbeyleix Laois Sutliffe John Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Sutliffe John Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Sutliffe John, Jr. Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Sutliffe John, Sr. Rathmoyle (Back Road) Abbeyleix Laois Sutliffe Susan Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Sutliffe Thomas Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Swan Edward L., Esq. Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Swan Edward L., Esq. Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Swan Edward L., Esq. Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Swan Edward L., Esq. Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Swan Edward L., Esq. Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Swan Thomas, Esq. Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Symes Thomas Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Talbot Edward Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Talbot Wm. Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Taylor Edward Knocknamoe (Chambers Lane) Abbeyleix Laois Tayne Daniel Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Tayne Peter Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Thompson William Ballyfin Abbeyleix Laois Thornhill Wm. T., Esq. Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Tierney Thomas Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Tobin John Killamuck Abbeyleix Laois Tobin Lawrence Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Tomlinson William Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Tooke Patrick Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Tooke William Granafallow Abbeyleix Laois Toole James Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Toole Simon Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Townsend Horace W., Esq. Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Tunstead Thos., Jr. Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Tunstead Thos., Sr. Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Tuthill Marcus Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Tuthill Marcus Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Tynan Daniel Boley Abbeyleix Laois Tynan Daniel Derrylahan Abbeyleix Laois Tynan Daniel Dunmore Abbeyleix Laois Tynan James Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Tynan John Derrylahan Abbeyleix Laois Tynan John Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Tynan Patrick Boley Abbeyleix Laois Tynan Patrick Derrylahan Abbeyleix Laois Tynan Richard Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Tynan Timothy Derrylahan Abbeyleix Laois Tynan William Boley Abbeyleix Laois Tynan William Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Tynan William Clonoghil Abbeyleix Laois Tynan William Derrylahan Abbeyleix Laois Tynan William Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Tynan William Rathmoyle (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Vicars Margaret Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Vicars Michael Brandra Abbeyleix Laois Waldron John Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Wall Fintin Rathmoyle (Market St.) Abbeyleix Laois Wall John Graceswood Abbeyleix Laois Wall Michael Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Wallace Honoria Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Wallace James Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois Walsh Edward Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Walsh James Knocknamoe (Oldtown Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Walsh Patrick Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Walsh Patrick Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Walsh Thomas Ballymullen Abbeyleix Laois Walsh Thomas Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Walsh William Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix Laois Walsh William Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Walsh William Lisbigney Abbeyleix Laois Ward John Knocknamoe (Temprance St.) Abbeyleix Laois Waring William Stewartsgrove Abbeyleix Laois Warren William Curraghacronacon Abbeyleix Laois Watson Thomas Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Weger Issac Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix Laois Wellwood Joseph, Jr. Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Wellwood Joseph, Sr. Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Wheelaghan Catherine Knocknamoe (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois Whelan Daniel Graceswood Abbeyleix Laois Whelan Daniel Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Whelan John Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Whelan Peter Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Whelan Thomas Kyle Abbeyleix Laois Whelan William Graceswood Abbeyleix Laois White Edward Knocknamoe Abbeyleix Laois White Edward Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois White Edward Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois White Edward, Esq. Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois White Edward, Esq. Rathmoyle (Ballinakill Rd.) Abbeyleix Laois White Humphrey Boley Abbeyleix Laois White Mrs. Mary Tonduff Abbeyleix Laois Whittaker George Ballymaddock Abbeyleix Laois Wilde William Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Wilkinson James Ballytarsna Abbeyleix Laois Willis Henry Clonkeen Abbeyleix Laois Wilson James Knocknamoe (Main St.) Abbeyleix Laois Wilson John Boley Abbeyleix Laois Wilson John Clonoghil Abbeyleix Laois Wilson Michael Ironmills or Kilrush Abbeyleix Laois Wingfield Rev. William Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Wingfield Wm Rathmoyle Abbeyleix Laois Wingfield Wm Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Wylde Isaac Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Wylde Jonathan Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois Wylde William Tullyroe Abbeyleix Laois