Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Aiken Eleanor Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Baldwin John Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Balkin John Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Balkin John Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Balkin Mary Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Barron Pierce Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Beggadin Martin Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Beggadin Patrick Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Bergin Bridget Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Bergin Daniel Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Bergin Edward Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Bergin James Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Bergin Jno. Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Bergin John Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Bergin Mary Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Bergin Michael Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Bowe Edward Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Bowe Mary Newtown Aghmacart Laois Bowe Mary Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Bowe Michael Newtown Aghmacart Laois Bowe Patrick Newtown Aghmacart Laois Bowe Thomas Newtown Aghmacart Laois Bowe Thomas Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Bowe William Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Bracken Patrick Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Brennan Joseph Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Brennan Mary Newtown Aghmacart Laois Brennan Michael Braccas Aghmacart Laois Broderick Denis Addergoole Aghmacart Laois Broderick Edward Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Broderick James Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Broderick John Spaquarter Aghmacart Laois Broderick Patrick Addergoole Aghmacart Laois Brophy Edward Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Brophy Edward Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Brophy James Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Brophy James Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Brophy James Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Brophy James Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Brophy Margaret Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Brophy Patrick Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Brophy Patrick Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Bryan Judith Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Bulger Kieran Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Butler John Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Butler Piers Newtown Aghmacart Laois Butler Richard Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Butler Thomas Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Cahill James Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Campion Daniel Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Campion James Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Campion John Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Campion Judith Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Campion Kieran Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Campion Kieran Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Carberry Lady Charlot Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Carey Mary Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Carroll John Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Carroll Michael Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Carter Richard Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Cashen Robert Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Claney Kieran Rapla Aghmacart Laois Clear Anastasia Newtown Aghmacart Laois Clear Mary Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Clear Mary Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Clinch Peter R. Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Clooney James Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Cody Anastasia Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Cody John Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Collis Abraham, Esq. Knocknagrally or K. Beg Aghmacart Laois Comerford Timothy Newtown Aghmacart Laois Condon Thomas Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Connell James Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Connell James Rapla Aghmacart Laois Connell Patrick Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Connell Patrick Rapla Aghmacart Laois Connell William Kilnaseer Aghmacart Laois Connell William Rapla Aghmacart Laois Connor Bridget Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Connors Bridget Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Coogan Mary Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Costello John Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Costigan James Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Costigan Michael Kilnaseer Aghmacart Laois Costigan Michael Knocknagrally or K. Beg Aghmacart Laois Costigan Thomas Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Costigan Thomas Kilnaseer Aghmacart Laois Coyne Bridget Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Creary Thomas Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Cullinan Edward Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Cullinan Patrick Raheenleagh Aghmacart Laois Cummins Cornelius Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Cummins John Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Curran Catherine Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Curran James Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Dalton Edward Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Dalton James Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Dalton John Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Dalton John Raheenleagh Aghmacart Laois Dalton Thomas Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Delahunty Catherine Bunlacken Aghmacart Laois Delahunty Catherine Raheenleagh Aghmacart Laois Delahunty James Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Delahunty Thomas Bunlacken Aghmacart Laois Delahunty Thomas Newtown Aghmacart Laois Delahunty Thomas Raheenleagh Aghmacart Laois Delaney Thomas Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Delany Anne Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Delany Daniel Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Delany Denis Newtown Aghmacart Laois Delany Edward Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Delany George Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Delany James Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Delany James Knocknagrally or K. Beg Aghmacart Laois Delany James Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Delany James, Jr. Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Delany John Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Delany John Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Delany John Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Delany Kieran Newtown Aghmacart Laois Delany Margaret Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Delany Mary Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Delany Mary Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Delany Michael Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Delany Michael Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Delany Michael Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Delany Patrick Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Delany Patrick Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Delany Patrick Knocknagrally or K. Beg Aghmacart Laois Delany Thomas Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Delany William Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Dillon Patrick Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Dillon Patrick Newtown Aghmacart Laois Dollard Bridget Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Dollard John Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Dollard John Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Dollard John, Jr. Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Dollard Kieran Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Dollard Mary Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Dollard Mary, Jr. Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Dollard Michael Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Dollard Michael Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Dollard Nicholas Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Dollard Patrick Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Dollard Patrick, Jr. Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Dollard Philip Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Dollard Walter Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Dolye Philip Braccas Aghmacart Laois Doogan John Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Doolan Connor Addergoole Aghmacart Laois Doolan Edward Kilnaseer Aghmacart Laois Doolan John Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Doolan Miss Eleanor Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Dooley Elizabeth Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Doolin Margaret Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Doran James Rapla Aghmacart Laois Doran John Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Doran Martin Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Doran Michael Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Doran Thomas Rapla Aghmacart Laois Dowling Patrick Kilnaseer Aghmacart Laois Doyle Darby Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Doyle Michael Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Doyle Michael Braccas Aghmacart Laois Doyle Patrick Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Drennan James Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Drennan Joseph Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Drennan Margaret Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Drennan Michael Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Drennan Michael Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Drennan Thomas Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Drinnen John Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Duggan John Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Duggan Mary Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Duggan William Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Duigan Philip Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Duigan Sarah Braccas Aghmacart Laois Duigan William Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Dunne Daniel Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Dunne James Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Dunne James Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Dunne Joseph Braccas Aghmacart Laois Dunne Joseph Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Dunne Judith Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Dunne Judith Newtown Aghmacart Laois Dunne Michael Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Dunne Michael Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Dunne Sarah Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Dunny Michael Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Dunphy James Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Dunphy James Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Dunphy James Spaquarter Aghmacart Laois Dunphy John Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Dunphy John Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Dunphy John Raheenleagh Aghmacart Laois Dunphy Joseph Newtown Aghmacart Laois Dunphy Mary Shanbally Aghmacart Laois Dunphy Michael Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Dunphy Michael Rapla Aghmacart Laois Dunphy Michael Shanbally Aghmacart Laois Dunphy Patrick Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Dunphy Patrick Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Dunphy William Spaquarter Aghmacart Laois Dwyer John Bunlacken Aghmacart Laois Egan Michael Addergoole Aghmacart Laois Elliott John Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Elliott Sarah Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Eustace Stephen Newtown Aghmacart Laois Fitzpatrick Anne Newtown Aghmacart Laois Fitzpatrick Catherine Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Fitzpatrick Charles Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Fitzpatrick Denis Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Fitzpatrick Denis Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Fitzpatrick James Rapla Aghmacart Laois Fitzpatrick Jeremiah Newtown Aghmacart Laois Fitzpatrick Lawrence Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Fitzpatrick Margaret Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Fitzpatrick Michael Braccas Aghmacart Laois Fitzpatrick Patrick Braccas Aghmacart Laois Fitzpatrick Patrick Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Fleming Thomas Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Fleming Thomas Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Fletcher Thomas Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Fletcher Thomas Newtown Aghmacart Laois Fogarty Anastasia Newtown Aghmacart Laois Fogarty James Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Fogarty John Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Fogarty Margaret Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Fogarty Michael Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Fogarty Patrick Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Fogarty Thomas Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Fogarty William Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Freeman Henry Castlequarter Aghmacart Laois Geoghegan James Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Geoghegan Michael Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Geoghegan Thomas Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Gleeson Jeremiah Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Gleeson William Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Glendon Richard Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Gorman Catherine Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Grace John Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Grady Kieran Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Grady Mary Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Grady Michael Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Grady Patrick Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Hamilton James Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Hamilton Thomas Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Hamilton Thos., Jr. Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Harnett John Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Harris George Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Harvey John Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Haslem Elizabeth Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Haslem Robert Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Hastings Mrs. Eliza Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Hayes James Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Hayes Thomas Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Hayes Thomas Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Hennessy Edward Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Hogan John Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Hogan Patrick Braccas Aghmacart Laois Holland James Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Holland Joseph Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Holland Mary Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Holland Michael Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Holohan James Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Holohan Thomas Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Horohan Catherine Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Horohan Eleanor Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Hughes John Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Hughes John Braccas Aghmacart Laois Hughes Michael Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Hughes Richard Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Kavanagh James Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Kavanagh Lawrence Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Kavanagh Patrick Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Kavanagh Patrick Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Kells Elizabeth Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Kells Jeremiah Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Kells John Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Kells Margaret Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Kelly Catherine Kilnaseer Aghmacart Laois Kelly Daniel Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Kelly Darby Raheenleagh Aghmacart Laois Kelly Edmund Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Kelly Eleanor Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Kelly Honoria Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Kelly James Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Kelly John Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Kelly John Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Kelly John Raheenleagh Aghmacart Laois Kelly Judith Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Kelly Kieran Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Kelly Martin Braccas Aghmacart Laois Kelly Martin Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Kelly Michael Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Kelly Michael Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Kelly Patrick Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Kelly Thomas Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Kelly Thomas Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Kelly Thomas Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Kenna Eleanor Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Kenna John Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Kenna John, Jr. Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Kenna Patrick Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Kenna Paul Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Kenna Paul Rapla Aghmacart Laois Kennedy James Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Kennedy John Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Kenny Edward Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Kenny Edward Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Kenny Edward Castlequarter Aghmacart Laois Kenny Edward Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Kenny Edward Newtown Aghmacart Laois Kenny Edward Rapla Aghmacart Laois Kenny John Raheenleagh Aghmacart Laois Kenny Patrick Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Kenny Patrick Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Kenny Patrick Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Kenny Patrick Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Kenny Patrick, Jr. Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Kent Mrs. Mary Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Kilfoyle Michael Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Kinahan Roger Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Kirwan Denis Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Kirwan Edward Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Kirwan Martin Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Kirwin Cornelius Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Laherty Catherine Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Lalor Catherine Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Lalor Patrick Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Lambert William Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Lapsley Mary Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Lapsley William Kilnaseer Aghmacart Laois Larkin Connor Braccas Aghmacart Laois Larkin John Braccas Aghmacart Laois Lawlor Pierce Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Lawlor Pierce Spaquarter Aghmacart Laois Lawlor Robert Newtown Aghmacart Laois Lockman James Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Lockman John Braccas Aghmacart Laois Lodge George Newtown Aghmacart Laois Lodge Henry A., Esq. Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Lodge James Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Lodge Jeremiah Raheenleagh Aghmacart Laois Lodge Martin Bunlacken Aghmacart Laois Lodge Mary Newtown Aghmacart Laois Lodge Patrick Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Lodge Richard F., Esq. Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Lodge Richard F., Esq. Newtown Aghmacart Laois Lodge Thomas Newtown Aghmacart Laois Lodge William Gorteen Aghmacart Laois M'Cabe John Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois M'Cormack Paul Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois M'Donnell James Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois M'Donnell John Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois M'Donnell John Rapla Aghmacart Laois M'Donnell Murtagh Rapla Aghmacart Laois M'Evoy James Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois M'Evoy Judith Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois M'Evoy Martin Newtown Aghmacart Laois M'Evoy Patrick Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois M'Evoy William Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois M'Grath Bridget Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois M'Grath Honoria Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois M'Grath John Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois M'Grath William Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Maher Bridget Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Maher Edward Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Maher James Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Maher John Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Maher John Newtown Aghmacart Laois Maher John, Jr. Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Maher Lawrence Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Maher Michael Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Maher Thomas Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Maher William Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Mahony John Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Mahony Kieran Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Mahony Kieran Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Mahony Lawrence Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Mahony Lawrence Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Mahony Patrick Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Mahony William Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Mahony William Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Maxwell Judith Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Menton Mary Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Milan John Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Millea Michael Kilnaseer Aghmacart Laois Mooney Edmund Newtown Aghmacart Laois Moore Catherine Braccas Aghmacart Laois Moore Edmund Braccas Aghmacart Laois Moore Elizabeth Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Moore John Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Moore John Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Moore Kieran Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Moore Lawrence Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Moore Michael Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Moore Michael Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Moore Michael Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Moore Patrick Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Moore Patrick Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Moore Philip Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Moore Philip Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Moore Thomas Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Moran Eleanor Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Moran Eleanor Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Morissey James Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Muldowney James Castlequarter Aghmacart Laois Muldowney James Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Muldowney John Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Muldowney Michael Bunlacken Aghmacart Laois Muldowney Michael Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Muldowney Patrick Castlequarter Aghmacart Laois Muldowney Patrick Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Muldowney Patrick Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Murphy Catherine Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Murphy James Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Murphy Judith Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Murphy Margaret Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Murphy Margaret Newtown Aghmacart Laois Murphy Martin Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Murphy Mary Braccas Aghmacart Laois Murphy Patrick Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Murphy Richard Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Murphy Robert Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Murphy Thomas Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Nary Mary Bunlacken Aghmacart Laois Neill Catherine Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Neill John Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Neill Michael Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Nowlan Patrick Raheenleagh Aghmacart Laois Owen John H., Esq. Addergoole Aghmacart Laois Owen John H., Esq. Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Palmer Thomas Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Parkinson James Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Parkinson William Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Parsons Mrs. Mary Rapla Aghmacart Laois Patton Owen Braccas Aghmacart Laois Phillips Charles Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Phillips Charles Rapla Aghmacart Laois Phillips Lodge Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Pilkington Mrs. Anne Kilnaseer Aghmacart Laois Price Rev. Robert T. Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Prior John Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Prior William Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Purcell Edward Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Purcell Martin Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Purdue Henry Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Querney Robert Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Quin Catherine Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Quin Catherine, Jr. Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Quin James Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Quin Michael Barrackquarter or Ross Aghmacart Laois Quin Patrick Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Quin Timothy Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Rafter Michael Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Rafter Michael Knocknagrally or K. Beg Aghmacart Laois Rafter Thomas Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Reddington Jane Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Reilly Mary Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Reilly Michael Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Reilly Patrick Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Reilly Thomas Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Reynolds Bartholomew Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Rhodes Robert Newtown Aghmacart Laois Rice Rev. Richard Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Richards John Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Roberts James Castlequarter Aghmacart Laois Roberts Richard Castlequarter Aghmacart Laois Ruth Joseph Newtown Aghmacart Laois Ryan Andrew Braccas Aghmacart Laois Ryan Edward Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Ryan John Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Ryan John Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Ryan John Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Ryan William Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Ryan William, Jr. Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Saunders James Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Saunders Michael Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Scott Honoria Bunlacken Aghmacart Laois Seal Edward Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Shannon George Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Shea Bridget Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Sheeran John Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Shelley John Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Skehane John Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Skehane Margaret Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Smith Robert Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Sullivan James Bunlacken Aghmacart Laois Sweeny Judith Rapla Aghmacart Laois Switzer John R. Newtown Aghmacart Laois Taylor Edward Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Taylor Elizabeth Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Taylor George Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Tidwell Frederick Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Tobin James Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Tobin Kenny Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Tobin Thomas Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Tobin William Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Tobin William Kilnaseer Aghmacart Laois Toole John Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Troy John Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Tynan Catherine Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Tynan Richard Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Walsh Catherine Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Walsh Edward Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Walsh Edward Maynebog Aghmacart Laois Walsh James Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Walsh Margaret Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Walsh Martin Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Walsh Michael Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Walsh Michael Craigueavoice Aghmacart Laois Walsh Thomas Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Warren James Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Whelan Bridget Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Whelan Catherine Braccas Aghmacart Laois Whelan Daniel Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Whelan Daniel Braccas Aghmacart Laois Whelan Daniel Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Whelan Denis Bunlacken Aghmacart Laois Whelan Honoria Braccas Aghmacart Laois Whelan James Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Whelan Jeremiah Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Whelan Jeremiah Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Whelan Jeremiah, Jr. Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Whelan John Aghmacart Aghmacart Laois Whelan John Braccas Aghmacart Laois Whelan John Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Whelan John Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Whelan John Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Whelan John Newtown Aghmacart Laois Whelan John Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Whelan John Parknahown Aghmacart Laois Whelan John Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Whelan John, Jr. Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Whelan John, Jr. Scrub & Glen Macolla Aghmacart Laois Whelan Joseph Galesquarter Aghmacart Laois Whelan Margaret Braccas Aghmacart Laois Whelan Martin Ballynevin Aghmacart Laois Whelan Martin Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Whelan Mary Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Whelan Mary Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Whelan Mary Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Whelan Michael Ballykealy Aghmacart Laois Whelan Michael Cullahill Mountain Aghmacart Laois Whelan Michl. Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Whelan Patrick Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Whelan Patrick Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Whelan Patrick Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Whelan Patrick Kilnaseer Aghmacart Laois Whelan Richard Ballyboodin Aghmacart Laois Whelan Richard Oldtown Aghmacart Laois Whelan Thomas Derreen & Carrowreagh Aghmacart Laois Whelan Thomas Gorteen Aghmacart Laois Whelan Timothy Cannonswood Aghmacart Laois Whelan William Gorteen Aghmacart Laois White Robert Killennymore,Toberboe Aghmacart Laois Whitehead Thomas Braccas Aghmacart Laois Young Joseph Oldtown Aghmacart Laois