Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Abbott James Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Abbott Joseph Swan Durrow Laois Alley Barbara Fermoyle Durrow Laois Ashbrook Viscount ??? Capponellan Durrow Laois Ashbrook Viscount ??? Castledurrow Demesne Durrow Laois Ashbrook Viscount ??? Course Durrow Laois Ashbrook Viscount ??? Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Ashbrook Viscount ??? Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Ashbrook Viscount ??? Knockanoran Durrow Laois Atkinson Mrs. Anne Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Bambrick Patrick Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Barton John Barton's (Off George's St.) Durrow Laois Barton John Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Barton John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Barton Robert Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Bergin Elizabeth Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Bergin Ellen Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Bergin James Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Bergin John Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Bergin John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Bergin Mich. Course Durrow Laois Bergin Sarah Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Birch Rev. Patrick Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Birch Rev. Patrick Glebe Durrow Laois Bowe Anne Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Bowe Catherine Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Bowe James Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Bowe John Tinwear Durrow Laois Bowe Michael Tinwear Durrow Laois Bowe Patrick Tinwear Durrow Laois Bowe Philip Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Bowe Thomas Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Bowe Thomas Tinwear Durrow Laois Boyce Eleanor Castleview Durrow Laois Boyce James Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Brennan Michael Greenan Durrow Laois Brennan Patrick Castle Street Durrow Laois Brennan Patrick Course Durrow Laois Brennan Patrick Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Brennan Patrick Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Britt Edward Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Broderick Andrew Patrick Street Durrow Laois Broderick Ellen Barton's (Off George's St.) Durrow Laois Broderick Thomas Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Brodrick Patrick Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Brophy Bridget Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Brophy Edward Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Brophy George Course Durrow Laois Brophy George Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Brophy George Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Brophy John Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Brophy Thomas Castlewood Durrow Laois Bryan Mary Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Bryan Patrick Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Buggy Edmund Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Byrne Bridget Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Byrne Lawrence Capponellan Durrow Laois Byrne Michael Patrick Street Durrow Laois Byrne Patrick Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Byrne Patrick Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Cahill Edward Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Cahill John Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Caldbeck Edward Castlewood Durrow Laois Cantwell Jacob Kylebeg Durrow Laois Cantwell Joseph Kylebeg Durrow Laois Carroll Mary Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Casey Mary Fermoyle Durrow Laois Casey Thomas Queen St.),Durrow (Tealane Durrow Laois Cassin John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Chaplin Samuel Course Durrow Laois Clancy Edward Fermoyle Durrow Laois Clancy John Fermoyle Durrow Laois Clear Martin Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Clear Martin Glebe Durrow Laois Clear Timothy Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Clooney James Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Cody Patrick Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Cody Patrick Course Durrow Laois Cody Patrick Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Coffey Martin Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Coffey Patrick Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Comerford Edward Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Comerford James Patrick Street Durrow Laois Comerford William Queen St.),Durrow (Tealane Durrow Laois Connor John Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Connors James Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Connors James Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Conrey Honoria Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Coonan John Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Coonan Mary Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Corgan John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Cormack Thomas Tinwear Durrow Laois Costello Michael Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Cragh James Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Crennan Michael Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Croagh John Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Crolly Matthew Swan Durrow Laois Crowley Matthias M., Esq. Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Cuddihy Anne Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Curry Mary Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Dagge David Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Dalton Mary Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Daltry Rev. George Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Davin Michael Durrow (Bye Lane) Durrow Laois Davis John Castlewood Durrow Laois Delany Anastasia Tinwear Durrow Laois Delany Anne Capponellan Durrow Laois Delany Bridget Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Delany Catherine Derry Rd. Off George's St Durrow Laois Delany Denis Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Delany Denis Knockanoran Durrow Laois Delany Edmund, Esq. Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Delany Eleanor Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Delany Ellen Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Delany James Kylebeg Durrow Laois Delany Jane Capponellan Durrow Laois Delany Jane Castledurrow Demesne Durrow Laois Delany Jeremiah Course Durrow Laois Delany Jeremiah Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Delany Jeremiah Loughnamuck Durrow Laois Delany Jeremiah Swan Durrow Laois Delany John Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Delany Judith Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Delany Margaret Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Delany Margaret Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Delany Mary Derry Rd. Off George's St Durrow Laois Delany Michael Course Durrow Laois Delany Molloy Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Delany Sarah Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Delany Sarah Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Delany Thomas Tinwear Durrow Laois Delany William Queen St.),Durrow (Tealane Durrow Laois Delany William, Esq. Course Durrow Laois Delany William, Esq. Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Delany William, Esq. Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Deverell Rev. Richard Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Dillon James Course Durrow Laois Dixon Henry Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Dixon Henry Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Doheny Daniel Greenan Durrow Laois Doheny Denis Greenan Durrow Laois Donnelly Catherine Fermoyle Durrow Laois Doolan Anne Course Durrow Laois Dooley Sylvester Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Dooly Michael Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Dooly Sylvester Capponellan Durrow Laois Dooly Sylvester Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Dowling James Castledurrow Demesne Durrow Laois Dowling James Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Dowling John Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Dowling John Patrick Street Durrow Laois Downey John Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Drummond John Castlewood Durrow Laois Drummond Mary Castlewood Durrow Laois Duke John Swan Durrow Laois Dunne Eleanor Tinwear Durrow Laois Dunne Honoria Course Durrow Laois Dunne Patrick Barton's (Off George's St.) Durrow Laois Dunne Patrick Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Dunphy Catherine Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Dunphy Henry Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Dunphy Honoria Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Dunphy James Castleview Durrow Laois Dunphy James Course Durrow Laois Dunphy James Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Dunphy John Queen St.),Durrow (Tealane Durrow Laois Dunphy Martin Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Dunphy Martin Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Dwyer Joseph Moyne Durrow Laois Dwyer Martin Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Dwyer Martin Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Dwyer Martin Fermoyle Durrow Laois Fanning John Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Finn Patrick Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Fitzgerald Catherine Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Fitzgerald Gerald Fermoyle Durrow Laois Fitzgerald John Castlewood Durrow Laois Fitzgerald John, Sr. Castlewood Durrow Laois Fitzgerald Michael Castlewood Durrow Laois Fitzgerald Sarah Castlewood Durrow Laois Fitzpatrick Anne Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Fitzpatrick Edward Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Fitzpatrick James Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Fitzpatrick John Barton's (Off George's St.) Durrow Laois Fitzpatrick John Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Fitzpatrick Kieran Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Fitzpatrick Malachi Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Fitzpatrick Michael Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Flaherty John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Flanagan Mrs. Eliz. Castle Street Durrow Laois Fleming Mary Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Fletcher Thomas Course Durrow Laois Fletcher Thomas Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Fletcher Thomas Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Fogarty Catherine Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Fogarty James Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Fogarty John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Fogarty Patrick Patrick Street Durrow Laois Foley Catherine Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Foley Daniel Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Foley John Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Ford Robert Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Forde Robert Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Fox Mary Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Gaffney Honoria Tinwear Durrow Laois Gaffney Michael Greenan Durrow Laois Gaffney Simon Greenan Durrow Laois Gates Charles Patrick Street Durrow Laois Glennon John Knockanoran Durrow Laois Glennon John Patrick Street Durrow Laois Glennon Kieran Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Glennon Kieran Knockanoran Durrow Laois Glennon Patrick Knockanoran Durrow Laois Gordon Joseph Durrow (Bye Lane) Durrow Laois Gorman Anne Patrick Street Durrow Laois Gorman Elizabeth Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Gorman James Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Gorman John Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Grace Judith Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Grace Mary Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Grady Bridget Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Grady Martin Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Grant Michael Clonageera Durrow Laois Griffin Henry Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Hamilton John Fermoyle Durrow Laois Hare Mrs. Eliza Castlewood Durrow Laois Hare Patrick Capponellan Durrow Laois Hare Patrick Clonageera Durrow Laois Hare Patrick Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Harte Edward, Esq. Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Harvey Edward Dunmore Durrow Laois Haslem Jno. Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Haslem John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Hastings Eliza Course Durrow Laois Hastings Mrs. Eliz. Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Hastings Mrs. Elizab. Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Hayden William Tinwear Durrow Laois Hayes William Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Hetherington Francis Capponellan Durrow Laois Hetherington Frans. Capponellan Durrow Laois Hickey Anne Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Hickey John Castleview Durrow Laois Hickey John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Hogan James Derry Rd. Off George's St Durrow Laois Hogan Mary Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Hogan Timothy Kylebeg Durrow Laois Hogan William Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Holding John Tinwear Durrow Laois Holding Thomas Tinwear Durrow Laois Holland Anne Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Holland James Fermoyle Durrow Laois Holland Kieran Fermoyle Durrow Laois Holohan Edward Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Holohan John Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Holohan John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Holohan Joseph Tinwear Durrow Laois Holohan Martin Greenan Durrow Laois Holohan Mary Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Holohan Mary Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Holohan Timothy Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Hope George Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Horan Michael Patrick Street Durrow Laois Hustis Anne Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Hutchinson John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Hutchinson Mary Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Hutchinson William Course Durrow Laois Hutchinson William Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Jenkins Joseph Kylebeg Durrow Laois Jenkins Joseph Swan Durrow Laois Jenkins Mary Swan Durrow Laois Jones John Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Jones John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Kavanagh Judith Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Kavanagh Martin Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Kavanagh Martin Glebe Durrow Laois Kavanagh Patrick Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Kavanagh Patrick Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Keating Francis Moyne Durrow Laois Keeffe John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Keeffe Michael Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Keenan Martin Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Kelly Edward Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Kelly Jeremiah Knockanoran Durrow Laois Kelly John Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Kelly John Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Kelly John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Kelly John Glebe Durrow Laois Kelly Richard Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Kelly Thomas Patrick Street Durrow Laois Kenna Andrew Patrick Street Durrow Laois Kennedy Daniel Castlewood Durrow Laois Kennedy John Greenan Durrow Laois Kilfoyle Martin Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Killeen Andrew Rath Durrow Laois King Patrick Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Lally Michael Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Lambert Henry Rath Durrow Laois Langford Lewis, Esq. Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Larkin Timothy Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Larkin Timothy Glebe Durrow Laois Lawler John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Lawler John Tinwear Durrow Laois Lawler Judith Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Lawler Richard W. Greenan Durrow Laois Lawler William Greenan Durrow Laois Lawless Catherine Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Lawrinson Rev. W. R. Castlewood Durrow Laois Lawrinson Rev. Wm. R. Castlewood Durrow Laois Lee John Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Lowry Anne Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Lowry Daniel Castlewood Durrow Laois Lowry Edward Castlewood Durrow Laois M'Clean Denis Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois M'Connell Hugh Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois M'Donnell Matthew Tinwear Durrow Laois M'Evoy Mary Glebe Durrow Laois M'Grath Michael Tinwear Durrow Laois M'Kenna Francis Patrick Street Durrow Laois Mackey Mary Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Magrath John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Magrath Mary Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Magrath Patrick Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Maguire Francis Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Maher Ellen Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Maher John Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Maher William Barton's (Off George's St.) Durrow Laois Mansfield Elizabeth Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Mansfield James Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Mansfield Jane Capponellan Durrow Laois Martin Joseph Castlewood Durrow Laois May Robert Knockanoran Durrow Laois Meara Martin Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Meara Thomas Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Meighan Martin Knockanoran Durrow Laois Mercier Abel Dunmore Durrow Laois Mercier Abel Kylebeg Durrow Laois Millea John Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Mooney Edmund Course Durrow Laois Mooney Edmund Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Mooney James Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Mooney Mary Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Mooney William Greenan Durrow Laois Moran Anne Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Morgan Henry Castlewood Durrow Laois Morgan Henry Course Durrow Laois Morgan James Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Morgan John Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Morgan Mrs. Amelia Patrick Street Durrow Laois Morgan Patrick Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Morrissey William Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Morrissy Edward Rath Durrow Laois Moylan Edward Derry Rd. Off George's St Durrow Laois Muldowney Mary Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Mullally Michael Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Murphy Andrew Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Murphy Thomas Barton's (Off George's St.) Durrow Laois Naughten John Durrow (Bye Lane) Durrow Laois Newman William Knockanoran Durrow Laois O'Brien Catherine Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois O'Flanagan Patrick Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois O'Ryan Mrs. Marg. Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Ormsby Robert, Esq. Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Ornsby Robert, Esq. Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Palmer Edward Castleview Durrow Laois Palmer Edward Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Palmer Eleanor Castleview Durrow Laois Palmer James Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Palmer John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Palmer Mrs. Ellen Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Palmer Mrs. Ellen Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Palmer Patrick Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Palmer William Castleview Durrow Laois Palmer William Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Payne Catherine Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Phelan Andrew Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Phelan Ellen Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Phelan James Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Phelan James Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Phelan John Castle Street Durrow Laois Phelan John Patrick Street Durrow Laois Phelan Patrick Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Poe Thomas Castleview Durrow Laois Pollard Alexander Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Pollard Patrick Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Pollard Thomas Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Proctor Mrs. Anne Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Proctor Mrs. Anne Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Purcell James Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Purcell James Patrick Street Durrow Laois Purcell John Castleview Durrow Laois Purcell John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Purcell Mary Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Purcell Mary Tinwear Durrow Laois Purcell Matthew Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Purcell Michael Greenan Durrow Laois Purcell Patrick Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Purcell William Derry Rd. Off George's St Durrow Laois Purcell William Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Purcell William Knockanoran Durrow Laois Querney John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Reade Thomas Tinwear Durrow Laois Reddy Matthew Greenan Durrow Laois Reddy Patrick Greenan Durrow Laois Reilly Bridget Queen St.),Durrow (Tealane Durrow Laois Reilly Mary Castleview Durrow Laois Rogers Anastasia Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Roy James Capponellan Durrow Laois Ryan Daniel Derry Rd. Off George's St Durrow Laois Ryan Daniel Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Ryan James Greenan Durrow Laois Ryan John Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Ryan Patrick Patrick Street Durrow Laois Ryan Thomas Queen St.),Durrow (Tealane Durrow Laois Ryan Timothy Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Ryan William Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Seale Richard Dunmore Durrow Laois Seale Richard Kylebeg Durrow Laois Shelly Elizabeth Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Shelly Thomas Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Slattery James Greenan Durrow Laois Spencer Bridget Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Splint George Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Staples Edmond Coolcorberry Durrow Laois Staples Edmund Course Durrow Laois Staples Edmund, Esq. Dunmore Durrow Laois Staples Edmund, Esq. Rath Durrow Laois Staples Edmund, Esq. Swan Durrow Laois Stubber Robert H., Esq. Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Stubber Robt. H., Esq. Kylebeg Durrow Laois Stubber Robt. H., Esq. Moyne Durrow Laois Sullivan Michael Kylebeg Durrow Laois Swan William B. Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Swan Wm. B., Esq. Capponellan Durrow Laois Sythes John Castlewood Durrow Laois Talbot Samuel Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Thompson Edward Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Thompson John Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Thornton James Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Tilvy William Knockanoran Durrow Laois Toole Anastasia Greenan Durrow Laois Toole James Greenan Durrow Laois Toole Michael Greenan Durrow Laois Tracy Thomas Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Traynor Patrick Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Tuck William Kylebeg Durrow Laois Tynan Grace Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Tynan John Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Tynan John Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Tynan Margaret Tinwear Durrow Laois Tynan Michael Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Tynan Patrick Durrow (Old Chapel Street) Durrow Laois Wallace William Tinwear Durrow Laois Walsh Bridget Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Walsh Honoria Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Walsh John Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Walsh John Tinwear Durrow Laois Walsh Joseph Durrow Queen Street Durrow Laois Walsh Patrick Tinwear Durrow Laois Walsh Rev. Edward Durrow (The Square) Durrow Laois Walsh Rev. Edward Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Walsh Thomas Tinwear Durrow Laois Warbrook George Swan Durrow Laois Waring William Stewartsgrove Durrow Laois Warner Mrs. Jane Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Watson Samuel Kylebeg Durrow Laois Watters Martin Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Whelan James Course Durrow Laois Whelan James Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Whelan John Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Whelan Lawrence Course Durrow Laois Whelan Richard Coolnabehy Durrow Laois Whelan William Coolnabehy Durrow Laois White Bridget Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois White Michael Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois White Robert Durrow (George's Street) Durrow Laois Woods Jeremiah Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois Wright Richard Greenan Durrow Laois Young William Durrow Town Parks Durrow Laois