Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Aylward Michael Raheenduff Big Fossy or Timahoe Laois Bailey Thomas A. Coolnabacky Fossy or Timahoe Laois Bailey Thomas A. Esker Fossy or Timahoe Laois Bailey Thomas A. Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Baldwin John Ballinaclogh Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Baldwin John Ballintlea Lr. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Baldwin John Ballintlea Up. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Bambrick John Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Bannin Bartholomew Powelstown Fossy or Timahoe Laois Bannin Michael Powelstown Fossy or Timahoe Laois Betts James Ballinaclogh Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Blakeney Thomas Derrytrasna Fossy or Timahoe Laois Booker Anne Fossy Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Booker Mary Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Bowe Martin Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Bowe Martin Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Bowe Timothy Ballinaclogh Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Bradley Edward Ballinaclogh Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Bradley Edward Ballinaclogh Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Bradshaw John Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Brennan John Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Brennan Patrick Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Brennan William Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Browne William Ballintlea Lr. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Budds Thomas Coolnabacky Fossy or Timahoe Laois Budds Thomas Kyle Fossy or Timahoe Laois Buggy Edward Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Buggy James Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Buggy Michael Coolnabacky Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne Bridget Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne Catherine Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne Charles Aghadreen Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne Edward Ballygormill N. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne Edward Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne James Ballygormill N. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne James Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne James Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne John Ballygormill N. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne John Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne John Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne Michael Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne Michael Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne Patrick Esker Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne Terence Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Byrne Walter Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Campion Edward Baunree Fossy or Timahoe Laois Carroll Anthony Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Carroll Denis Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Carroll Edward Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Carroll Martin Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Carroll Mary Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Carroll Patrick Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Cass Catherine Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Claney Catherine Money Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Close Maxwell, Esq. Coolnabacky Fossy or Timahoe Laois Close Maxwell, Esq. Esker Fossy or Timahoe Laois Close Maxwell, Esq. Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Cody Patrick Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Cody William Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Comerford Thomas Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Comerford Thomas Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Connor Denis Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Corcoran Charles Orchard Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Corcoran Charles Raheenduff Big Fossy or Timahoe Laois Corcoran Charles Raheenduff Little Fossy or Timahoe Laois Corcoran Charles Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Corcoran Martin Baunree Fossy or Timahoe Laois Corcoran Martin Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Corcoran Sarah Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Cormack John Raheenduff Big Fossy or Timahoe Laois Cormack Michael Raheenduff Big Fossy or Timahoe Laois Cosby Robert A. G., Esq. Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Cosby Robt. A. G., Esq. Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Cummins Richard Clashboy Fossy or Timahoe Laois Daly John Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Daly Patrick Money Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Deevy Thomas Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany John Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Matthew Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Michael Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Michael Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Michael Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Patrick Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Patrick Ballintlea Up. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Patrick Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Patrick Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Stephen Money Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Thomas Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Thomas Kyle Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Thomas Orchard Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Thos. Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Timothy Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany Timothy Orchard Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Delany William Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Doody Matthew Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Doolan Patrick Ballintlea Lr. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Doolin Patrick Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Doolin Rev. Cornelius Fossy Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Doolin Rev. Cornelius Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Drennan Catherine Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Drennan Ellen Coolnabacky Fossy or Timahoe Laois Duff James Baunree Fossy or Timahoe Laois Duff Mary Baunree Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne Bridget Aghadreen Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne Bridget Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne Charles Aghadreen Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne Charles Knockacrin Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne Charles Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne Finton Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne James Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne John Aghadreen Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne John Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne John Powelstown Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne Margaret Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne Michael Ballintlea Lr. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne Michael Fossy Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne Michael Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne Michael Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne Patrick Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne Patrick Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Dunne William Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Edge John Ballintlea Lr. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Edge John Ballintlea Up. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Edge John Fossy Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Edge John Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Edge John Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Edge Joseph Ballinaclogh Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Edge Joseph Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Edge William Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Egan Catherine Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Egan John Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Ennis Sylvester, Esq. Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Fair Green ??? Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Fennelly Elizabeth Orchard Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Fingleton William Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Fitzgerald John Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Fitzpatrick John Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Fitzpatrick Lewis Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Fitzpatrick Lewis Kyle Fossy or Timahoe Laois Fitzpatrick Lewis Orchard Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Fitzpatrick Patrick Knockacrin Fossy or Timahoe Laois Fitzpatrick Patrick Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Foyle James Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Foyle James Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Foyle William Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Gowan Francis Clashboy Fossy or Timahoe Laois Gowan Francis Orchard Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Grey Patrick Money Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Healy John Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Healy Thomas Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Hennessy William Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Hennessy William Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Heylin Christopher Coolnabacky Fossy or Timahoe Laois Hobson Abraham, Esq. Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Holland Martin Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Hughes Mary Fossy Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Jermain Thomas Baunree Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kavanagh Andrew Aghadreen Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kavanagh Andrew Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kealy Margaret Raheenduff Big Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kearney Bridget Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Keating Garret Knockacrin Fossy or Timahoe Laois Keating Garret Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Keegan Peter Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Keely Joseph Raheenduff Big Fossy or Timahoe Laois Keely Owen Ballinaclogh Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kehoe Bridget Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kehoe Timothy Knockacrin Fossy or Timahoe Laois Keithly Thomas Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kelly John Ballinaclogh Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kelly Michael Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kelly Michael Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kelly Patrick Ballintlea Up. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kelly Patrick Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kelly Thomas Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kelly William Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kenna Catherine Orchard Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kenna James Fossy Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Kennedy Patrick Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Lalor Daniel Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Lalor Edward Money Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Lalor Finton Ballinaclogh Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Lalor John Money Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Lalor Mary Ballinaclogh Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Lalor Mary Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Lalor Patrick Raheenduff Little Fossy or Timahoe Laois Lalor William Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Legget John Clashboy Fossy or Timahoe Laois Legget John Fossy Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Legget John Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Lennon Edward Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Lennon James Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Lennon John Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Lowry Mary Money Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Lowry Mary Money Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Cabe Patrick Raheenduff Big Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Cormack James Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Cormack James Ballintlea Lr. Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Cormack James Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Cormack Mary Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Cormick James Fossy Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Cormick James Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald James Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald James Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald John Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald John Knockacrin Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald Martin Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald Mary Raheenduff Big Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald Patrick Aghadreen Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald Patrick Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald Patrick Knockacrin Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald Patrick Money Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald Rose Aghadreen Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald Rose Knockacrin Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald Thomas Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald Thomas Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donald Thomas Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donnell Denis Aghadreen Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donnell James Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donnell James Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donnell Lawrence Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donnell Martin Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donnell Michael Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donnell Randal Fossy Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Donnell Randal Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Evoy John Powelstown Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Grath Michael Aghadreen Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Grath Thomas Aghadreen Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Hugh Michael Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Hugh Michael Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois M'Hugh Rose Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Magee Michael Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Mahon James Money Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moffatt James Coolnabacky Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moffatt James Esker Fossy or Timahoe Laois Mooney James Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Mooney Michael Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Andrew Money Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Catherine Raheenduff Little Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Daniel Aghadreen Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Daniel Knockacrin Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Daniel Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore John Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore John Orchard Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Mary Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Mary Knockacrin Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Mary, Jr. Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Mary, Jr. Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Mary, Sr. Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Michael Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Murtagh Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Murtagh Knockacrin Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Rev. John Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore Rev. John Derrytrasna Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moore William Ballinaclogh Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Moran Patrick Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Murphy Edward Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Murphy John Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Murphy Michael Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Murphy William Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Murphy William Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Murphy William, Sr. Orchard Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Murphy Wm., Jr. Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Murray John Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Naughten Bridget Esker Fossy or Timahoe Laois Naughten Bridget Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Naughten William Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Naughten William Orchard Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Newell John Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Nolan Edmund Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Pigott Patrick Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Porter Thomas Ballinaclogh Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Porter Thomas Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Quigley Mary Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Quigley Mary Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Quigley Michael Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Quigley Patrick Esker Fossy or Timahoe Laois Quigly Patrick Carrigeen Fossy or Timahoe Laois Quigly Timothy Carrigeen Fossy or Timahoe Laois Ramsbottom Henry Clashboy Fossy or Timahoe Laois Ramsbottom Henry Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Ramsbottom Henry Orchard Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Ramsbottom Henry Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Ramsbottom James Carrigeen Fossy or Timahoe Laois Ramsbottom John Ballinaclogh Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Ramsbottom John Fossy Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Ramsbottom John Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Ramsbottom Richard Money Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Ramsbottom Richd. Money Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Ramsbotton Henry Fossy Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Redmond James Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Revtmoore John Ballygormill N. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Rodes Robert Baunree Fossy or Timahoe Laois Roe Jeremiah Clashboy Fossy or Timahoe Laois Roone Patrick Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Ryan Michael Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Salmon William Money Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Scully Peter Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Shea Isaac Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Shea John Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Sheridan William Kyle Fossy or Timahoe Laois Sheridan William Orchard Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Shortall James Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Stapleton Ebenezer Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Stapleton Honoria Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Stapleton Honoria Raheenduff Little Fossy or Timahoe Laois Stapleton Mary Ballygormill N. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Vance Samuel Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Wall Catherine Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Wall Peter Ballygormill N. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Wall Peter Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois Wallace Joseph Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Walsh Charles Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Walsh Edmond Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Walsh Edward Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Walsh James Fossy Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Walsh Patrick Aghoney Fossy or Timahoe Laois Walsh Rep. Patrick Powelstown Fossy or Timahoe Laois Whelan Anne Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Whelan Catherine Fossy Lower Fossy or Timahoe Laois Whelan Cornelius Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Whelan Edward Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Whelan John Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Whelan Kieran Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Whelan Mary Baunogemeely Fossy or Timahoe Laois Whelan Mary Knocklead Fossy or Timahoe Laois Whelan Michael Money Upper Fossy or Timahoe Laois Whelan Michael Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Whelan Patrick Ballygormill N. Fossy or Timahoe Laois Whelan Patrick Ballygormill South Fossy or Timahoe Laois White John Timahoe Fossy or Timahoe Laois Wills John, Esq. Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Wills Robert Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois Wills Thomas Garryglass Fossy or Timahoe Laois