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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathdowney, County Laois
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathdowney, County Laois
Abbott John Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois Abbott Joseph Ballymullen (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Abbott Joseph Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois Abbott Joseph Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Abbott Thomas Ballymullen (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Alley Peter Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Alley Peter T. Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois Alley William Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Armstrong Alley Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Armstrong Catherine Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Armstrong Judith Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Armstrong Thomas Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Atkin Walter, Esq. Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Atkinson Richard Rathdowney (Mill Lane) Rathdowney Laois Atkinson Robert Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Atkinson Robert Creelagh Rathdowney Laois Atkinson Robert Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Atkinson Robert Rathdowney (Mill Lane) Rathdowney Laois Bambrick James Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois Bannon John Ballymullen Warrensford Rathdowney Laois Bannon Patrick Ballymullen Warrensford Rathdowney Laois Barber Catherine Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Bennett Kieran Garranmaconly Rathdowney Laois Bennett Michael Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Bergin Arthur Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Bergin Catherine Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Bergin Ellen Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Bergin James Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Bergin John Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Bergin John Clonmeen South Rathdowney Laois Bergin Patrick Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Bergin Patrick Garranmaconly Rathdowney Laois Bergin William Ballydavin Rathdowney Laois Bergin William Templequain Rathdowney Laois Birmingham Denis Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Birmingham Denis Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Birmingham Michael Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Bond Robert Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Bond William Ballymullen Warrensford Rathdowney Laois Bowe Anne Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Bowe Catherine Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Bowe Edmund Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Bowe Edward Coolowley Plott Rathdowney Laois Bowe James Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Bowe James Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Bowe James Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Bowe Jeremiah Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Bowe Jeremiah Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Bowe Patrick Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Bowe Patrick Raheen Rathdowney Laois Bowe Sarah Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Bowe Thomas Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Bowe William Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Bracken Kieran Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Bracken Mary Harristown Rathdowney Laois Bracken Patrick Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Bracken William Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Bray John Castlefleming (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Bray Robert Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Breen Honoria Coolowley Plott Rathdowney Laois Breen Kieran Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois Breen Michael Ballymullen Warrensford Rathdowney Laois Breen Michael Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Brennan Malachi Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Brien Michael Garranmaconly Rathdowney Laois Broader John Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Brodrick Martin Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Brophy Bridget Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Brophy Denis Creelagh Rathdowney Laois Brophy Isabella Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Brophy James Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois Brophy James Harristown Rathdowney Laois Brophy James Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Brophy James Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Brophy John Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Brophy John Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Brophy John Templequain Rathdowney Laois Brophy John, Jr. Templequain Rathdowney Laois Brophy Lawrence Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Brophy Lawrence Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Brophy Lawrence Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Brophy Margaret Harristown Rathdowney Laois Brophy Michael Harristown Rathdowney Laois Brophy Michael Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Brophy Patrick Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Brophy Robert Templequain Rathdowney Laois Brophy Sarah Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Burdon John Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Burdon John Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Burdon John Rathpiper Nth. Rathdowney Laois Burke Anne Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Burke Judith Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Burns Mary Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Burton Anne Cloneeb Rathdowney Laois Butler Patrick Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Butler Susan Akip Rathdowney Laois Byrne James Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Byrne Michael Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Cahill John Errill Rathdowney Laois Cahill John Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Cahill Kenny Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Cahill Michael Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois Campion Anne Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Campion Cornelius Clonmeen South Rathdowney Laois Campion Cornelius Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Campion Daniel Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Campion James Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Campion James Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Campion Kieran Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Campion Loughlin, Jr. Clonmeen South Rathdowney Laois Campion Loughlin, Sr. Clonmeen South Rathdowney Laois Campion Malachy Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Campion Margaret Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Campion Margaret Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Campion Margaret Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Campion Michael Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Campion Michael Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Campion Patrick Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Campion Roger Clonmeen South Rathdowney Laois Campion Thomas Rathpiper South Rathdowney Laois Campion William Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Carey Mary Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Carey Richard Kilcoran Rathdowney Laois Carey Richard Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Carroll Charles Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Carroll Charles Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Carroll Denis Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Carroll Honoria Lismurragha Rathdowney Laois Carroll John Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois Carroll Michael Barrawinga Rathdowney Laois Carroll Roger Errill Rathdowney Laois Carroll Roger Templequain Rathdowney Laois Carroll Terence Glasha Rathdowney Laois Carroll Thomas Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Carroll Thomas Templequain Rathdowney Laois Carter Henry Rathdowney (Brewery Lane) Rathdowney Laois Carter Michael Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Carter Michael Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Carter William Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Cashen Anthony Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Cashen Edward Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Cashen Margaret Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Cashen Patrick Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Cashen Patrick Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Cashen Patrick Raheen Rathdowney Laois Cashin Edward Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Cashin James Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Cashin John Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Cassin Anthony Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Cassin William Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Clancy Kieran Ballydavin Rathdowney Laois Clear Honoria Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Clear James Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Clear Martin Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Clear Patrick Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Cleary Charles Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Cleary John Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Clinch Patrick Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Clinch Rodolphus Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Clinnon John Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Clooney William Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Clooney William Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Clooney William Rathpiper Nth. Rathdowney Laois Cody Rev. Martin Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Cody Sarah Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Cody Thomas Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Cody Thomas Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Coleman Denis Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Coleman Mary Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Coleman Timothy Harristown Rathdowney Laois Coleman William Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Comerford Patrick Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Condon Judith Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Connell James Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Connell William Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Connolly William Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois Connors Peter Castlefleming (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Connors Peter Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Connors Thomas Templequain Rathdowney Laois Conroy Michael Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Conroy Michael Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Conroy Patrick Castlefleming or Heath Rathdowney Laois Corboy Patrick Harristown Rathdowney Laois Cormack Daniel Ballymullen (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Cormack Daniel Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois Cormick Patrick Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Costigan Michael Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Costigan Patrick Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Costigan William Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Costigan William Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Coughlan John Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois Cragh Patrick Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Creagh Bridget Harristown Rathdowney Laois Creagh Eliza. Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Creagh John Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Creagh Thomas Cloneeb Rathdowney Laois Creery Catherine Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Creery John Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Creery John Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Creery Patrick Castlefleming (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Creery Thomas Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Cronyn John, Esq. Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Cullen John Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Daly Anne Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Dann Jonathan Ballymullen (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Dann Jonathan Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois Dann Jonathan Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Dann Joseph Ballymullen (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Dann Joseph Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Darcy Bridget Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Darcy Michael Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Daughan Mary Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois Davey Edward Templequain Rathdowney Laois Davey Joseph Knockahaw Rathdowney Laois Davey Michael Knockahaw Rathdowney Laois Davey Patrick Knockahaw Rathdowney Laois Davey Richard Knockahaw Rathdowney Laois Davey Thomas Knockahaw Rathdowney Laois Davey Thomas Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Davin James Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Davin John Graigueavallagh Rathdowney Laois Davin Michael Barrawinga Rathdowney Laois Davin Thomas Kilcoran Rathdowney Laois Davin Timothy Garranmaconly Rathdowney Laois Davin William Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Day Kieran Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Day Kieran Lismurragha Rathdowney Laois Deeves John Castlefleming (Giles) Rathdowney Laois Deeves Richard Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Delahunty John Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Delany Daniel Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois Delany Denis Dunacleggan Rathdowney Laois Delany Edward Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Delany Gustavus Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Delany James Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois Delany James, Jr. Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois Delany John Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Delany John Garranmaconly Rathdowney Laois Delany John Harristown Rathdowney Laois Delany John Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Delany John Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Delany Joseph Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Delany Judith Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Delany Kieran Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Delany Kieran Harristown Rathdowney Laois Delany Margaret Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Delany Margaret Rathdowney (Church Lane) Rathdowney Laois Delany Martin Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Delany Michael Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois Delany Michael Harristown Rathdowney Laois Delany Michael Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois Delany Michael Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Delany Patrick Kilcoran Rathdowney Laois Delany Peter Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Delany Rep. William Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Delany William Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Delany William Clonmeen South Rathdowney Laois Delany William Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Delany Wm., Jr. Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Delany Wm., Sr. Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Doheny Francis Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Donnelly James Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois Doolan Andrew Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Doolan Andrew Lismurragha Rathdowney Laois Doolan Edward Lismurragha Rathdowney Laois Doolan Edward Templequain Rathdowney Laois Doolan Edward, Jr. Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Doolan Edward, Sr. Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Doolan Elizabeth Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Doolan Matthew Errill Rathdowney Laois Doolan Michael Beckfield Rathdowney Laois Doolan Michael Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Doolan Patrick Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Dooley Catherine Beckfield Rathdowney Laois Dooley Cornelins Castlefleming (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Dooley Jeremiah Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Dooley John Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Doran Patrick Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Doran Patrick Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Doran Patrick Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Dowling Daniel Rathdowney (Church Lane) Rathdowney Laois Dowling Denis Errill Rathdowney Laois Dowling Gornelius Donaghmore Rathdowney Laois Dowling John Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Dowling Kieran Harristown Rathdowney Laois Dowling Martin Errill Rathdowney Laois Dowling Martin Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Dowling Matthew Clonburren (Moore) Rathdowney Laois Dowling Matthew Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Dowling Matthew Templequain Rathdowney Laois Dowling Matthew Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Dowling Maurice Errill Rathdowney Laois Dowling Maurice Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Drennan John Donaghmore Rathdowney Laois Drinnan Catherine Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Drought Mhl. H., Esq. Cappalinnan Rathdowney Laois Drought Mich. H., Esq. Harristown Rathdowney Laois Drought Michl. H., Esq. Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Drought Ml. H., Esq. Cloneeb Rathdowney Laois Duff Honoria Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Dugdale John, Esq. Donaghmore Rathdowney Laois Duigan James Harristown Rathdowney Laois Duigan Mary Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Duigan Mary Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Duigan Mrs. Mary Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Duigan William Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Duigan William Errill Rathdowney Laois Duigan William Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Duigan William Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Dunne Jeremiah Rathnaleugh Rathdowney Laois Dunne Margaret Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois Dunne Michael Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Dunne Patrick Rathdowney (Church Lane) Rathdowney Laois Dunne William Garrison Rathdowney Laois Dunne William Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois Dwan Michael Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Dwyer Daniel Ballydavin Rathdowney Laois Dwyer John Castlefleming or Heath Rathdowney Laois Dwyer John Errill Rathdowney Laois Dwyer John Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Egan Mary Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Egan Michael Lismurragha Rathdowney Laois England Richard Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Evans John Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Evans William Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois Fannin Patrick Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Fanning Mary Cloolfin Rathdowney Laois Farrell Bernard Harristown Rathdowney Laois Farrell Bernard Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Farrell Bernard Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Farrell John Harristown Rathdowney Laois Farrell Samuel Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Fennelly Joshua Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Finlay Joshua Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Finlay Joshua Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Finn George Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Finn Mary Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois Fisher Rep. Robt., Esq. Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Fisher Robert Brockry Rathdowney Laois Fisher Vicars, Esq. Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Fitzgerald Bridget Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Fitzgerald John Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Fitzgerald John Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Fitzgerald Patrick Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Andrew Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Andrew Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Bridget Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Daniel Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Denis Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Denis Cappalinnan Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Denis Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Denis Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Edmund Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Edward Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Esther Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Fanny Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Hon. John W. Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Hon. John W. Barrawinga Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Hon. John W. Cappalinnan Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Hon. John W. Castlefleming or Heath Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Hon. John W. Clonburren (Moore) Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Hon. John W. Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Hon. John W. Clonmeen South Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Hon. John W. Clonmeen Wood Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Hon. John W. Donaghmore Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Hon. John W. Knockahaw Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick James Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick James Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick James Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick James Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick James Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick John Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick John Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick John Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick John W. Knockardagannon South Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick John W. Lisduff Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick John W. Lismurragha Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Kieran Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Margaret Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Margaret Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Margaret Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Martin Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Martin Rathpiper South Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Mary Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Mary Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Mary Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Mary Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Michael Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Michael Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Patrick Errill Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Patrick Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Patrick Rathnaleugh Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Patrick Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Peter Castlefleming (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Richard Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Thomas Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick William Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick William Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick William Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Jn Edwd. Rathpiper South Rathdowney Laois Fitzpatrick Jn Martin Rathnaleugh Rathdowney Laois Fletcher Thomas Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Fletcher Thomas Glasha Rathdowney Laois Fletcher Thomas Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Fletcher Thomas Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Fletcher William, Jr. Garranmaconly Rathdowney Laois Flynn John Templequain Rathdowney Laois Flynn Mary Rathpiper South Rathdowney Laois Fogarty James Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Fogarty Jeremiah Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Fogarty John Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Fogarty Mary Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Foley Daniel Knockardagannon South Rathdowney Laois Ford Bryan Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Ford Esther Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Frazer Christopher Dunacleggan Rathdowney Laois Frazer Robert Dunacleggan Rathdowney Laois Fry Samuel Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Gannon Anne Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Gannon Mrs. Anne Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Gleeson Patrick Dunacleggan Rathdowney Laois Gleeson Patrick Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Gleeson Philip Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Gleeson Philip Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Gleeson Philip Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Gordon Alexander Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Gorman John Graigueavallagh Rathdowney Laois Gorman Kieran Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Gorman Mary Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Gorman Mary Donaghmore Rathdowney Laois Gorman Michael Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Gorman Thomas Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Gorman William Errill Rathdowney Laois Grace Mary Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Gregg Richard Templequain Rathdowney Laois Guilfoyle Anne Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Guilfoyle James Templequain Rathdowney Laois Guilfoyle Jeremiah Errill Rathdowney Laois Guilfoyle Jeremiah Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Guilfoyle John Errill Rathdowney Laois Guilfoyle John Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Guilfoyle Kieran Cloneeb Rathdowney Laois Guilfoyle Mrs. Anne Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Guilfoyle William Errill Rathdowney Laois Hammon Michael Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Hanlon Daniel Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Hanlon James Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Hannigan Charles Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Hanrahan Honoria Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Hanrahan John Cappalinnan Rathdowney Laois Harrell Edward Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Hart John F., Esq. Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Hart John F., Esq. Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Harte Thos. H., Esq. Coolowley Plott Rathdowney Laois Harvet John Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Harvey Elizabeth Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Harvey John Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Harvey Robert Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Hawthorn George Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Hayden Patrick Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Hayes Edward Clonmeen Wood Rathdowney Laois Heenan James Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Henderson James Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Hennessy Daniel Errill Rathdowney Laois Hennessy Daniel Lisduff Rathdowney Laois Hennessy James Errill Rathdowney Laois Hennessy John Coolowley Plott Rathdowney Laois Hennessy Michael Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Hennessy Michael Errill Rathdowney Laois Hennessy Patrick Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Hennessy Philip Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Hennesy Michael Knockardagannon South Rathdowney Laois Herbert Rev. Henry Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Hewson Edmund Rathdowney (Church Lane) Rathdowney Laois Hewson Edmund Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Higgins John Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Hogan Daniel Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Hogan John Cloneeb Rathdowney Laois Hogan John Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Hogan John Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Holland Kieran Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Holland Martin Ballydavin Rathdowney Laois Holohan John Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Holohan Thomas Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois Horohan Thomas Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois Howard James Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Howard James Creelagh Rathdowney Laois Howard James Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Howard James Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Howard Thomas Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Howley John Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Hughes James Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Hughes James Rathdowney (Mill Lane) Rathdowney Laois Hughes Thos. Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Hyland Martin Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Hynes Bridget Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Hynes Daniel Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Hynes John Castlefleming (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Hynes Joseph Harristown Rathdowney Laois Hynes Michael Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Hynes Thomas Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Jackson John Cappalinnan Rathdowney Laois Jackson John Clonburren (Moore) Rathdowney Laois Johnston Richard Rathdowney (Mill Lane) Rathdowney Laois Kavanagh Bryan Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Kavanagh Edward Coolowley Plott Rathdowney Laois Kavanagh Garrett Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Kavanagh John Templequain Rathdowney Laois Kavanagh Margaret Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Kavanagh Michael Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Kavanagh Michael Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Kavanagh Thomas Coolowley Plott Rathdowney Laois Kaye Anne Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Kayes Anne Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Kayes Daniel Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Kayes William Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Kearney Edward Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Kearney Richard Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Kearney Thomas Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Keenan Patrick Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Kelly Charles Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Kelly Charles Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Kelly Henry Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Kelly Joseph Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois Kelly Kieran Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Kelly Kieran Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois Kelly Mary Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Kelly Michael Glasha Rathdowney Laois Kelly Patrick Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Kelly Simon Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Kelly Timothy Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Kelly Timothy Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Kelly William Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Kelly William Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Kenna Paul Ballydavin Rathdowney Laois Kenneally Patrick Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Kennedy Martin Cloneeb Rathdowney Laois Kennedy Martin Harristown Rathdowney Laois Kennedy Michael Cappalinnan Rathdowney Laois Kennedy Patrick Ballydavin Rathdowney Laois Kennedy Rev. Richard Glasha Rathdowney Laois Kenny Patrick Rathpiper South Rathdowney Laois Keys James Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Keys William Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Keys William Ballymullen Warrensford Rathdowney Laois Kilmartin John Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Kilmartin Pierce Garranmaconly Rathdowney Laois King John Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois King John Lisduff Rathdowney Laois King William Lisduff Rathdowney Laois Kinsella John Cappalinnan Rathdowney Laois Kinsella Matthew Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Kirwan John Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Kirwan William Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Lalor Catherine Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Lalor Daniel Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois Lalor James Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Lalor James Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Lalor James Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Lalor John Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois Lalor Sarah Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Larkin Rev. Richard Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Lawler Elizabeth Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Lawler James Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Lawler Mary, Jr. Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois Lawler Mary, Sr. Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois Lawler Patrick Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Lawler Thomas Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Lawler William Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Leonard John Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Leonard Joseph Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Leonard Patrick Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Lewellen Benjamin Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Loughlin Michael Cappalinnan Rathdowney Laois Loughlin Michael Clonburren (Moore) Rathdowney Laois Loughman Bridget Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Loughman John Barrawinga Rathdowney Laois Loughman John Harristown Rathdowney Laois Loughman Mary Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Loughman Mary Errill Rathdowney Laois Loughman Patrick Harristown Rathdowney Laois Loughman Patrick Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Loughman Patrick Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Loughman Simon Creelagh Rathdowney Laois Loughman Thomas Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Loughman William Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Loughman William D. Harristown Rathdowney Laois Loughnane Timothy Garrison Rathdowney Laois Loward James Creelagh Rathdowney Laois Lowry Patrick Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Lyster John Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Lyster John Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Lyster John Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Lyster Mrs. Ellen Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Lyster Mrs. Ellen Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois M'Aboy Elizabeth Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois M'Clean Edward Ballymullen (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois M'Clean James Castlefleming (Giles) Rathdowney Laois M'Clean John Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois M'Clean Thomas Ballymullen (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois M'Clean Thomas Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois M'Clean Thomas Castlefleming (Giles) Rathdowney Laois M'Clean Thomas Castlefleming (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois M'Clean Thomas Clonmore Rathdowney Laois M'Donnell Honoria Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois M'Donnell John Rathpiper Nth. Rathdowney Laois M'Evoy Daniel Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois M'Evoy John Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois M'Evoy Patrick Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois M'Evoy William Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois M'Grath John Castlefleming (Giles) Rathdowney Laois M'Grath Mary Templequain Rathdowney Laois M'Guire Bernard Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois M'Kay Mrs. Mary Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois M'Key John Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois M'Lean Edmund Kilmilan Rathdowney Laois M'Lean Margaret Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois M'Lean Margaret Kilmilan Rathdowney Laois M'Namara Daniel Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois M'Namara James Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois M'Namara John D. Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois M'Namara John P. Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois M'Namara John T. Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois M'Namara Patrick Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois M'Namara Thomas Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois M'Namara William Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois M'Namara William Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois M'Namara William Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Mackey John Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Mackey Patrick Harristown Rathdowney Laois Mackey Patrick Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Maher Anne Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Maher Bridget Garranmaconly Rathdowney Laois Maher Catherine Ballymullen (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Maher Catherine Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Maher Honoria Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Maher James Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Maher Jeremiah Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Maher John Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Maher John Garrison Rathdowney Laois Maher John Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Maher Joseph Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois Maher Joseph Barrawinga Rathdowney Laois Maher Joseph Kilmilan Rathdowney Laois Maher Joseph Lismurragha Rathdowney Laois Maher Judith Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Maher Margaret Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Maher Martin Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Maher Mary Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Maher Mary Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Maher Matthew Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Maher Michael Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Maher Patrick Harristown Rathdowney Laois Maher Thomas Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Maher Timothy Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Maher William Errill Rathdowney Laois Maher William Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Manus James Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Manus John Creelagh Rathdowney Laois Mara Catherine Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Mara Martin Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Mara Patrick Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Mara Thomas Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Mara William Castlefleming or Heath Rathdowney Laois Mara William Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Marshall John Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Marshall John Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Marshall John Rathdowney (Mill Lane) Rathdowney Laois Marshall Samuel Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Mason James Clonburren (Moore) Rathdowney Laois Mason Richard Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Meany Bridget Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Meany Patrick Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Meara Mary Errill Rathdowney Laois Meara Patrick Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Meara Patrick Rathdowney (Mill Lane) Rathdowney Laois Meara Thomas Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois Meara Thomas, Jr. Errill Rathdowney Laois Meara Thomas, Sr. Errill Rathdowney Laois Meehan Patrick Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Meehan Thomas Templequain Rathdowney Laois Meehan William Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Menton Margaret Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Milton Francis Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Minchin Matthew Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Minton Alice Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Minton Bridget Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Miss. Mason Alicia Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Mitchell Richard Ballymullen (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Mitchell Richard Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois Mitchell Richard Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Moles Joseph Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Moore Catherine Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois Moore Ellen Rathdowney (Mill Lane) Rathdowney Laois Moore James Clonmeen South Rathdowney Laois Moore Joseph Glasha Rathdowney Laois Moore Joseph Rathdowney (Mill Lane) Rathdowney Laois Moore Lawrence Ballydavin Rathdowney Laois Moore Patrick Harristown Rathdowney Laois Moore Philip Clonmeen South Rathdowney Laois Moore William Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois Moran John Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Moran John Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Moran Thomas Cloneeb Rathdowney Laois Moylan Patrick Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Moylan William Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Moynhan Wm. Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Mulhall John Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Mulhall Thomas Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Mulhall Timothy Templequain Rathdowney Laois Mulhall William Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Mulhen Ellen Castlefleming or Heath Rathdowney Laois Mullally Lawrence Harristown Rathdowney Laois Mullally Michael Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois Mullen John Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Mullen Nicholas Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Mullin Judith Rathdowney (Mill Lane) Rathdowney Laois Mulvany Bryan Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Mulvany Margaret Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Mulvany Sarah Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Murphy Catherine Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Murphy Catherine Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Murphy Daniel Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Murphy Daniel Rathpiper South Rathdowney Laois Murphy Denis Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Murphy John Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Murphy John Glasha Rathdowney Laois Murphy Michael Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Murphy Patrick Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Murphy Timothy Ballydavin Rathdowney Laois Murray Patrick Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Nolan James Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Nolan John Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Nolan Michael Creelagh Rathdowney Laois Nolan Timothy Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Nolan William Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Nowlan Eliza Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Nowlan Mary Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois Nowlan Michael Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Nowlan Timothy Glasha Rathdowney Laois O'Connell Henry Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Odlum Humphry Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Orange Richard Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Osborne Patrick Castlefleming (Giles) Rathdowney Laois Owen John H., Esq. Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Owen Mrs. Elizabeth Creelagh Rathdowney Laois Owen Rep. Wm., Esq. Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Palmer Humphry Glasha Rathdowney Laois Palmer Humphry Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois Palmer Joseph Glasha Rathdowney Laois Palmer Robert, Esq. Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois Palmer Thomas Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Palmer Thomas Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Palmer Thomas, Jr. Glasha Rathdowney Laois Palmer Thomas, Sr. Glasha Rathdowney Laois Palmer William Errill Rathdowney Laois Perry Henry G. Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Perry James Garrison Rathdowney Laois Perry James Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Perry Robert Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Perry Robert Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Perry Robert Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Perry Robert Rathpiper South Rathdowney Laois Perry Robert, Esq. Rathdowney (Brewery Lane) Rathdowney Laois Perry Robert, Esq. Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Perry William C. Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Peters Catherine Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Peters Matthew Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Peters Michael Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Peters Thomas Errill Rathdowney Laois Phelan Charles Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Phelan James Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Phelan John Creelagh Rathdowney Laois Phelan John Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Phelan John Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Phelan Mary Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Phelan Michael Cloneeb Rathdowney Laois Phelan Michael Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Phillips Lodge Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Pierson Henry Brockry Rathdowney Laois Pierson Henry Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Pratt Henry Castlefleming (Giles) Rathdowney Laois Pratt James Castlefleming (Manly) Rathdowney Laois Pratt John Castlefleming (Giles) Rathdowney Laois Pratt John Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Pratt John Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Pratt Richard, Sr. Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Pratt Sargent Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Pratt Sargent Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Pratt Thomas Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Price James Castlefleming or Heath Rathdowney Laois Prior John Knockheel Rathdowney Laois Proctor Simon Castlefleming (Giles) Rathdowney Laois Purcell John Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Purcell Mary Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Purcell Philip Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Quelch William Rathpiper South Rathdowney Laois Quigley James Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Quigley Patrick Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Quigley Patrick Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Quigley Thomas Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois Quigly Anne Brockry Rathdowney Laois Quill Catherine Templequain Rathdowney Laois Quill Sarah Templequain Rathdowney Laois Quill Thomas Clonburren (Moore) Rathdowney Laois Quinlan Anne Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Quinlan James Templequain Rathdowney Laois Quinlan Jeremiah Templequain Rathdowney Laois Quinlan Patrick Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Quinn Bridget Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Quinn James Castlefleming (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Quinn Thomas Clonmeen Wood Rathdowney Laois Rabbit Mary Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Rafter John Harristown Rathdowney Laois Reddy Michael Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Richardson Samuel Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Richardson Thomas Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Ringwood William Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Roche Patrick Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Roe George Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Roe John Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Roe Theophilus, Esq. Beckfield Rathdowney Laois Roe Theophilus, Esq. Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Roe Thomas Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Roe Thomas Coolfin Rathdowney Laois Roe Thomas Coolnaboul West Rathdowney Laois Roe Thomas Dunacleggan Rathdowney Laois Roe Thomas Kilcoran Rathdowney Laois Roe Thomas Mountoliver Rathdowney Laois Rooney William Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Rossny James Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Rudd Gordon Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Russell James Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Ryan Adam Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Ryan Bridget Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Ryan Catherine Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Ryan Honoria Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Ryan James Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Ryan John Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Ryan Kieran Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois Ryan Michael Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Ryan Michael Templequain Rathdowney Laois Ryan Patrick Templequain Rathdowney Laois Sandford Patrick Templequain Rathdowney Laois Sawyer William Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Scott James E., Esq. Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Serah William Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Shea Mary Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Shearin James Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Shearman John Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Sheerin James Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Sheerin Thomas Harristown Rathdowney Laois Sheil James Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Sheils Patrick Rathdowney (Brewery Lane) Rathdowney Laois Shelly Ellen Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Shelly Hugh Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Shelly John Garranmaconly Rathdowney Laois Shelly John Glasha Rathdowney Laois Shelly Mary Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Shelly Michael Garranmaconly Rathdowney Laois Smyth Charles Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Smyth Ellen Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Stanley John Castlefleming (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Stanley John Castlefleming or Heath Rathdowney Laois Stanley John Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Stanley Richard Castlefleming (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Stanley Robert Garrison Rathdowney Laois Stanley Robert Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Stanley Robt Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Stanley Robt. Castlefleming (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Stanley Robt. Castlefleming or Heath Rathdowney Laois Steele James Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Steele Richard Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Stein Robert Graigueavallagh Rathdowney Laois Stevenson William Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Stubber Robert H., Esq. Castlefleming (Giles) Rathdowney Laois Stubber Robt, Esq. Kilmilan Rathdowney Laois Stubber Robt. H., Esq. Akip Rathdowney Laois Stubber Robt. H., Esq. Ballynakill Rathdowney Laois Stubber Robt. H., Esq. Castlefleming (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois Stubber Robt. H., Esq. Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Stubber Robt. H., Esq. Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Sullivan James Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Sullivan John Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Sullivan Minchin Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Supple John Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Talbot Benjamin Castlefleming (Giles) Rathdowney Laois Talbot Benjamin Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Tarrant Thos. H., Esq. Cloneeb Rathdowney Laois Taylor Elizabeth Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Thompson Chas., Esq. Kilcoke Rathdowney Laois Tierney Bridget Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Tierney Denis Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Tierney John Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Tierney Margaret Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Tierney Mary Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Tierney Michael Garryduff Rathdowney Laois Tierney Michael Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Tierney Patrick Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Tierney Thomas Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Tisdall William Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Tobin Bridget Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Tobin Thomas Cappalinnan Rathdowney Laois Tracey Catherine Garrison Rathdowney Laois Tracey John Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Tracey John, Jr. Garrison Rathdowney Laois Tracy Daniel Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois Tracy John Lismurragha Rathdowney Laois Travers James Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Treacy Daniel Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Tynan Anne Garrison Rathdowney Laois Tynan John Clonmeen North Rathdowney Laois Tynan Michael Coolowley Plott Rathdowney Laois Tynan Patrick Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Tynan William Coolowley Plott Rathdowney Laois Walker Mary Ballybuggy Rathdowney Laois Walker Mary Glasha Rathdowney Laois Wall Catherine Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Wall Michael Barrahill Rathdowney Laois Wall Michael Donaghmore Rathdowney Laois Wall William Templequain Rathdowney Laois Walsh Catherine Ballydavin Rathdowney Laois Walsh John Ballydavin Rathdowney Laois Walsh William Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Watson James Castlefleming (Manly) Rathdowney Laois Watson Robert Clonmore Rathdowney Laois Wetherall Harriet E. W. Ballymullen Warrensford Rathdowney Laois Whelan Daniel Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Whelan Daniel Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Whelan Daniel Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Whelan Daniel, Jr. Clonmeen Wood Rathdowney Laois Whelan Daniel, Sr. Clonmeen Wood Rathdowney Laois Whelan Denis Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Whelan James Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Whelan James Donaghmore Rathdowney Laois Whelan James Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Whelan James Rathdowney (Crab Road) Rathdowney Laois Whelan James Rathdowney (Mill Quarter) Rathdowney Laois Whelan John Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Whelan John Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Whelan John Rathdowney (Moore Street) Rathdowney Laois Whelan Joseph Graigueavallagh Rathdowney Laois Whelan Judith Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois Whelan Martin Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Whelan Martin Knockardagannon South Rathdowney Laois Whelan Martin Knockardgannon South Rathdowney Laois Whelan Martin Rathpiper South Rathdowney Laois Whelan Martin Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois Whelan Mary Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Whelan Mary Harristown Rathdowney Laois Whelan Mary Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Whelan Michael Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Whelan Patrick Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Whelan Peter Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Whelan Roger Coolowley Mason Rathdowney Laois Whelan Sarah Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Whelan Thomas Cappalinnan Rathdowney Laois Whelan Thomas Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Whelan Thomas Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Whelan William Errill Rathdowney Laois Whelan William Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois White Anthony Brockry Rathdowney Laois White Anthony S. Castlefleming (Stubber) Rathdowney Laois White Christopher Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois White James Errill Rathdowney Laois White James Town of Errill Rathdowney Laois White James, Jr. Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois White James, Sr. Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois White John Harristown Rathdowney Laois White John Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois White John Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois White John Rathdowney (Brewery Lane) Rathdowney Laois White Margaret Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois White Michael Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois White Mrs. Elizabeth Raheensheara Rathdowney Laois White Patrick Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois White Richard Ballagharahin Rathdowney Laois White Robert Clonburren (White) Rathdowney Laois White Thomas Tinnaclohy Rathdowney Laois White William Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois White William Rathdowney (Town) Church St. Rathdowney Laois Whitehead Robert Rathdowney (Shambles St.) Rathdowney Laois Williams Henry Monamonra Rathdowney Laois Wilson Joseph Rathdowney (Chapel Street) Rathdowney Laois Wilson Joseph D. Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Woodrocffe Wm. Barney & Bealady Rathdowney Laois Wynne Henry Knockardagannon North Rathdowney Laois Young Rev. Arthur Rathdowney Rathdowney Laois Young Rev. Robert A. Johnstown Glebe Rathdowney Laois