Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Bambrick Henry Shrule Shrule Laois Byrne Mary Rappa Shrule Laois Byrne Patrick Anneville Shrule Laois Byrne Patrick Rappa Shrule Laois Byrne Terence Anneville Shrule Laois Carpenter William Anneville Shrule Laois Connolly Thomas Shrule Shrule Laois Cooper Harman H., Esq. Shrule Shrule Laois Dempsey James Rathduff Shrule Laois Dooley John Rappa Shrule Laois Dunne Edward Shrule Shrule Laois Farrell James Rathduff Shrule Laois Farrell John Shrule Shrule Laois Hayden Edward Hollymount Shrule Laois Hourahan John Rappa Shrule Laois Kelly Edward Shrule Shrule Laois Kelly Patrick Rathduff Shrule Laois King Adam Rappa Shrule Laois M'Mahon Alex., Esq. Hollymount Shrule Laois M'Mahon William Rappa Shrule Laois Nelson James Hollymount Shrule Laois Nolan John Rappa Shrule Laois Nowlan John Rathduff Shrule Laois Rooney Margaret Rappa Shrule Laois Thompson John, Esq. Rappa Shrule Laois