Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Cloone, County Leitrim
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Cloone, County Leitrim
Abbot                    Thomas                Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Abbott                   Jane                  Corduff North                      Cloone     Leitrim
Abbott                   Thomas                Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Anderson                 George                Drumboher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Anderson                 Mary                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Arnold                   Robert                Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Balam                    Alexander             Errew                              Cloone     Leitrim
Balam                    Alexander             Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Barden                   Bridget               Sunnaghconner                      Cloone     Leitrim
Baxter                   James                 Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Beirne                   Alice                 Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Beirne                   Denis                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Beirne                   James                 Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Beirne                   John                  Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Beirne                   Mary                  Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Bell                     Thomas                Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Beresford                Rev. Geo. D.          Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Beslen                   Winifred              Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Bierne                   Ellen                 Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Blackall                 Samuel                Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Blackall                 Samuel                Gubadorris                         Cloone     Leitrim
Blackall                 Samuel                Toomam                             Cloone     Leitrim
Blackall                 Samuel                Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Blake                    Denis                 Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Blake                    Denis, Jr.            Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Blake                    John                  Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Blake                    Thomas, Jr.           Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Blessing                 Michael               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Blessing                 Michael               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Blessing                 Owen                  Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Blessing                 Terence               Acres                              Cloone     Leitrim
Blessing                 Terence               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Blessing                 Terence               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Blueman                  Mary                  Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Blueman                  Mary                  Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Boddy                    Ellen                 Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Boddy                    John                  Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Body                     Francis               Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Body                     John                  Tullyoran                          Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Anne                  Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Bridget               Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Charles               Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Charles               Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Charles               Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Cormick               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Daniel                Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Daniel                Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Ellen                 Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Francis               Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Gilbert               Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    James                 Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    James                 Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    James                 Gubadorris                         Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    James                 Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    James                 Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    John                  Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    John                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    John                  Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    John                  Gubadorris                         Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    John                  Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    John                  Tawnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    John                  Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    John                  Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    John, Jr.             Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Joseph                Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Mary                  Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Mary                  Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Mary                  Keeldra                            Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Michael               Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Michael               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Michael               Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Michael, Jr.          Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Myles                 Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Patrick               Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Patrick               Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Patrick               Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Peter                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Peter                 Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Peter, Jr.            Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Terence               Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Thomas                Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Bohan                    Thomas                Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Boyan                    John                  Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Boyle                    James                 Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Boyle                    Kate                  Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Boyle                    Michael               Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Bradshaw                 Oliver                Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    ???                   Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    Anne                  Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    Daniel                Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    Edward                Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    John                  Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    John                  Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    John                  Gortnarah                          Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    John                  Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    Michael               Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    Michael               Keeldra                            Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    Owen                  Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    Owen                  Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    Patrick               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    Patrick               Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    Patrick               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    Thomas                Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Brady                    William               Keeldra                            Cloone     Leitrim
Brennan                  Michael               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Brennan                  Owen                  Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Brennan                  Patrick               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Brennan                  Thomas                Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Breslan                  Daniel                Corduff North                      Cloone     Leitrim
Breslan                  Peter                 Corduff North                      Cloone     Leitrim
Brown                    James                 Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Brown                    John                  Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Brown                    William               Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Brown                    William               Gortinure                          Cloone     Leitrim
Browne                   William               Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Browne                   William               Gortinure                          Cloone     Leitrim
Burbidge                 Anne                  Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Burbidge                 James                 Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Burbidge                 Michael               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Burbidge                 Thomas                Toomam                             Cloone     Leitrim
Burbidge                 William               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Caheran                  Hugh                  Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Cahill                   Patrick               Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Calmin                   Henry                 Errew                              Cloone     Leitrim
Campbell                 Bernard               Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Campbell                 Elizabeth             Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Campbell                 John                  Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Campbell                 John                  Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Campbell                 John, Jr.             Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Campbell                 Michael               Gubadorris                         Cloone     Leitrim
Canfrey                  Matthew               Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Catherine             Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Hugh                  Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   James                 Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   James                 Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   James                 Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   James                 Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   James                 Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   John                  Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   John                  Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Matthew               Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Matthew               Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Michael               Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Michael               Drumgilra                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Michael               Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Michael               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Nicholas              Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Nicholas              Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Patrick               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Patrick               Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Patrick               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Patrick               Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Patrick               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Peter                 Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Peter                 Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Peter                 Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cannon                   Thomas                Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Carlton                  Edward                Ross Beg                           Cloone     Leitrim
Carlton                  George                Ross Beg                           Cloone     Leitrim
Carney                   Michael               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Carney                   Michael               Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Carney                   Patrick               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Carpenter                Patrick               Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Carr                     Andrew                Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Carr                     Andrew                Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Carr                     Bridget               Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Carr                     Bryan                 Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Carr                     James                 Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Carr                     Mark                  Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Carr                     Mary                  Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Carr                     Patrick               Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Carroll                  Bernard               Muckanagh                          Cloone     Leitrim
Carroll                  Edward                Muckanagh                          Cloone     Leitrim
Carroll                  Ellen                 Muckanagh                          Cloone     Leitrim
Carroll                  Henry                 Tullyoran                          Cloone     Leitrim
Carroll                  Nicholas              Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Carroll                  Patrick               Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Carroll                  Patrick               Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Carroll                  William               Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Carson                   Rev. J., D.D.         Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Carson                   Rev. John, D.D.       Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Carty                    Patrick               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Casey                    Anne                  Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Casey                    James                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Casey                    John                  Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Casey                    Martin                Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Casey                    Michael               Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Casey                    Michael               Toomam                             Cloone     Leitrim
Casey                    Patrick               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Cashel                   John                  Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Cashen                   Bartholomew           Ross More                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cashen                   James                 Ross More                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cashen                   Michael               Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Cashen                   Thomas                Ross Beg                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cashin                   James                 Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Cassell                  James                 Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Cassell                  John                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Cassell                  John, Jr.             Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Cassell                  Michael               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Casserly                 Catherine             Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Casserly                 Francis               Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Casserly                 John                  Gortinure                          Cloone     Leitrim
Casserly                 Nicholas              Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Casserly                 Peter                 Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Cassidy                  Anne                  Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Cassidy                  Anne                  Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Cassidy                  Edward                Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cassidy                  Elizabeth             Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cassidy                  John                  Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cassidy                  John                  Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cassidy                  John                  Mullynadrumman                     Cloone     Leitrim
Cassidy                  Mary                  Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cassidy                  Michael               Sunnaghconner                      Cloone     Leitrim
Cassidy                  Patrick               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Cassidy                  Philip                Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cassidy                  Thomas                Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Cavanagh                 Daniel                Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Cavanagh                 Ellen                 Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Cavanagh                 James                 Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Cavanagh                 Matthew               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Cavanagh                 Michael               Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Ceheran                  Cornelius             Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Ceheran                  Hugh                  Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Charles                  Andrew                Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Charles                  Bernard               Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Charles                  Catherine             Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Charles                  Catherine             Sunnaghconner                      Cloone     Leitrim
Charles                  Peter                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Charles                  Peter                 Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Clarke                   Edward                Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Clarke                   John                  Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Clarke                   Mary Anne             Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Clarke                   Patrick               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Clements                 Charles               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Clements                 Viscount              Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cloyne                   Patrick               Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Coleman                  Hugh                  Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Anne                  Annaghoney                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Anne                  Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Anne                  Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Bernard               Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Bernard               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Bernard               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Bernard               Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Bridget               Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Catherine             Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Christopher           Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Cornelius             Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Elizabeth             Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Francis               Annaghoney                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Francis               Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Hugh                  Gortnarah                          Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 James                 Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 James                 Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 James                 Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 James                 Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 James                 Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 James                 Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 James, Jr.            Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 James, Jr.            Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 John                  Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 John                  Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 John                  Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 John                  Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 John                  Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 John                  Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Mary                  Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Mary, Jr.             Annaghoney                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Michael               Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Michael               Mullynadrumman                     Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Patrick               Annaghoney                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Patrick               Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Patrick               Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Patrick               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Patrick C.            Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Peter                 Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Peter                 Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Peter                 Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Terence               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Thomas                Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Colreavy                 Thomas                Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Colrey                   John                  Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Conboy                   Catherine             Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Conboy                   Francis               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Conboy                   Francis               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Conboy                   Michael               Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Conboy                   Patrick               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Conboy                   Patrick               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Conlan                   Ellen                 Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Conlan                   Honor                 Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Conlan                   John                  Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Conlan                   John                  Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Conlan                   Thomas                Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Conlon                   John                  Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Conlon                   Philip                Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Connefrey                John                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Connell                  James                 Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Connell                  James                 Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Connell                  Mary                  Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Connell                  Michael               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Connell                  Michael               Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Connell                  Michael               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Connell                  Patrick               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Connellan                Mary                  Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Connellan                Matthew               Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Connellan                Philip                Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Connellan                Thomas                Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Connolly                 Bernard               Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Connolly                 Cornelius             Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Connolly                 Francis               Aghadruminshin                     Cloone     Leitrim
Connolly                 James                 Aghadruminshin                     Cloone     Leitrim
Connolly                 Patrick               Aghadruminshin                     Cloone     Leitrim
Connolly                 Patrick, Jr.          Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Connor                   Catherine             Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Connor                   James                 Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Conofry                  Christopher           Fearglass South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Conofry                  Francis               Cloontubbrid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Conofry                  Phelim                Fearglass South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Conofry                  Thomas                Fearglass South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Conofry                  William               Drumgilra                          Cloone     Leitrim
Conway                   Barney                Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Conway                   Bernard               Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Conway                   George                Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Conway                   John                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Conway                   Mary                  Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Conway                   Peter                 Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Cook                     Jane                  Corduff North                      Cloone     Leitrim
Cook                     Michael               Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Cooke                    Charles               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Cooke                    Issac                 Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Cooke                    John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Cooke                    Mary                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Cooke                    Michael               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Cooke                    Nicholas              Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Cooke                    Robert                Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Cooney                   Bridget               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Cooney                   Michael               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Corr                     Michael               Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Corr                     Owen                  Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Corr                     Patrick               Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Cosgrave                 Michael               Cornamucklagh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Costelloe                Catherine             Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Costelloe                Michael               Gortnarah                          Cloone     Leitrim
Costelloe                Peter                 Gortnarah                          Cloone     Leitrim
Costelloe                Richard               Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Costelloe                Thomas                Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Costelloe                William               Tawnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Cowan                    James                 Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Cox                      John                  Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cox                      Patrick               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Cramer                   Michael               Drumdarkan                         Cloone     Leitrim
Cramer                   Patrick               Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Crawford                 Thomas                Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Crawford                 Thomas                Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Creagan                  Patrick               Muckanagh                          Cloone     Leitrim
Creamer                  Patrick               Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Creegan                  Alice                 Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Creegan                  Anne                  Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Creegan                  Hugh                  Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Creegan                  James                 Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Creegan                  James                 Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Creegan                  James                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Creegan                  John                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Creegan                  Matthew               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Creegan                  Michael               Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Creegan                  Peter                 Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Creegan                  Peter                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   Anne                  Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   Catherine             Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   Daniel                Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   Francis               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   Gilbert               Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   Hugh                  Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   James                 Drumbinnis                         Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   James                 Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   John                  Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   Matthew               Drumbinnis                         Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   Myles                 Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   Neal                  Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   Patrick               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   Peter                 Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cregan                   Peter                 Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cremer                   Michael               Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Crinian                  Rose                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Crinnion                 Bernard               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Crinnion                 John                  Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Crofton                  Baronet M. G.         Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Crofton                  Baronet Morgan G.     Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Crofton                  Duke                  Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Crofton                  Duke                  Breanross North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Crofton                  Duke                  Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Crofton                  Duke                  Errew                              Cloone     Leitrim
Crofton                  Rev. Augustus         Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Cronague                 Thomas                Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Cronogue                 Michael               Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Cronogue                 Michael               Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Cronogue                 Thomas                Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Crossan                  James                 Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Crow                     Patrick B., Jr.       Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Crow                     Patrick M.            Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Crowe                    Ellen                 Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Crowe                    John                  Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Crowe                    Thomas                Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Crowe                    Thomas, Jr.           Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Crowther                 Mary                  Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Cullen                   James                 Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Cullerin                 James                 Tullyoran                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cullom                   John                  Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Culrevy                  James                 Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Cunnian                  Michael               Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Cunningham               Alice                 Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Cunningham               Bryan                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cunningham               Edward                Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cunningham               Francis               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Cunningham               James                 Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Cunningham               James                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Cunningham               Patrick               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Cunningham               Winifred              Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Anne                  Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Anthony               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Anthony               Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Anthony               Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Bridget               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Edward                Aghadruminshin                     Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Francis               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Francis               Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Hugh                  Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   James                 Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   James                 Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   James                 Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   John                  Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   John                  Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   John                  Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   John                  Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   John                  Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Judith                Keeldra                            Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Mary                  Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Mary                  Diffin                             Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Michael               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Michael               Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Patrick               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Patrick               Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Peter                 Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Peter                 Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Peter                 Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Peter                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Philip                Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Terence               Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Curran                   Thomas                Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Daly                     Bridget               Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Daly                     Michael               Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Dandy                    John                  Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Davis                    John                  Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
De La Poer Beresford     Rev. G.               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Deacon                   Robin                 Cornamucklagh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Deacon                   Valentine             Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Deakam                   Arthur                Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Dekens                   Bridget               Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Derwin                   Michael               Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Devine                   Francis               Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Devine                   John                  Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Devine                   John                  Cloontubbrid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Devine                   Patrick               Cloontubbrid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Devine                   Philip                Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Devine                   Thomas                Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Anne                  Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Catherine             Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Ellen                 Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   James                 Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   James                 Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   James                 Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   James                 Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   James                 Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   John                  Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   John                  Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   John                  Drumgunny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   John                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   John                  Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   John C.               Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   John G.               Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   John H.               Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Laurance              Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Mary                  Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Michael               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Michael               Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Patrick               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Patrick               Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Patrick               Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Patrick               Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Peter                 Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Peter                 Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Peter                 Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Peter                 Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Peter                 Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   Peter                 Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Dignan                   William               Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Dillon                   Michael               Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Dillon                   Michael, Jr.          Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Dillon                   Patrick               Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Dillon                   Patrtick              Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Dinenny                  James                 Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Dinnany                  James                 Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Dobson                   Gustavus              Gortinure                          Cloone     Leitrim
Dobson                   John                  Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Doherty                  Eliza                 Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Doherty                  James                 Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Doherty                  John                  Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Doherty                  Michael               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Doherty                  Peter                 Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Dolan                    Anne                  Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Dolan                    Bernard               Gradoge                            Cloone     Leitrim
Dolan                    James                 Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Dolan                    Mary                  Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Dolan                    Peter                 Aghadruminshin                     Cloone     Leitrim
Dolan                    Peter                 Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Anne                  Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Anne                  Drumboher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Anne                  Gorteenoran                        Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Anne                  Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Betty                 Gorteenoran                        Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Bridget               Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Edward                Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Francis               Gorteenoran                        Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Honor                 Tawnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 James                 Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 James                 Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 James                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 John                  Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 John                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 John                  Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 John                  Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Mary                  Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Mary                  Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Mary                  Trean                              Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Michael               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Michael               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Michael               Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Michael               Gorteenoran                        Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Michael               Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Michael               Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Michael               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Patrick               Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Patrick               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Patrick               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Patrick               Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Patrick               Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Patrick               Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Peter                 Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Peter                 Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 Peter                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Donnelly                 William               Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Donohoe                  Bernard               Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Donohoe                  Bryan                 Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Donohoe                  Bryan                 Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Donohoe                  Bryan                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Donohoe                  Francis               Drumgilra                          Cloone     Leitrim
Donohoe                  Hugh                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Donohoe                  James                 Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Donohoe                  John                  Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Donohoe                  Patrick               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Doolan                   Catherine             Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Doonan                   Patrick               Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Doonan                   Patrick               Sunnaghconner                      Cloone     Leitrim
Doragan                  John                  Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Doragan                  John, Jr.             Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Dowd                     Peter                 Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Doyle                    James                 Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Doyle                    Matthew               Gortinure                          Cloone     Leitrim
Doyle                    Michael               Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Doyle                    Patrick               Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Drary                    Stephen               Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Duffy                    Elizabeth             Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Duffy                    George                Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Duffy                    Honor                 Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Duffy                    James                 Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Duffy                    Laurence              Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Duffy                    Patrick               Gorteenoran                        Cloone     Leitrim
Duffy                    Rose                  Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Dugdale                  Henry                 Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Dugdale                  John                  Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Dunbar                   John                  Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Dundas                   Henry                 Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Dunne                    Andrew                Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Dunne                    Betty                 Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Dunne                    Francis               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Dunne                    Peter                 Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Dunne                    William               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Dusey                    James                 Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Dwyer                    Denis                 Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Dwyer                    James                 Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Dwyer                    Michael               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Dwyer                    Patrick               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Eagar                    James                 Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Early                    Bryan                 Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Early                    Gregory               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Early                    John                  Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Eevers                   Luke                  Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Egan                     Michael               Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Ensor                    Charles               Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Evans                    Alexander             Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Evans                    James                 Corduff North                      Cloone     Leitrim
Fagan                    Owen                  Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Fagan                    Owen                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Fagan                    Patrick               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Fagan                    Peter                 Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Fagan                    Peter                 Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Fanning                  James                 Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Farrell                  Bryan                 Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Farrell                  Felix                 Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Farrell                  Francis               Keeldra                            Cloone     Leitrim
Farrell                  John                  Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Farrell                  Michael               Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Farrell                  Michael               Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Farrell                  Patrick               Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Farrell                  Rodger                Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Farrell                  Rose                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Farrelly                 James                 Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Farrelly                 Philip                Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Faughnan                 Charles               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Faughnan                 Hugh                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Faughnan                 John                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Faughnan                 John                  Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Faughnan                 John H.               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Faughnan                 Michael               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Faughnan                 Patrick               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Feely                    Patrick               Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Feeny                    Bernard               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Feeny                    Thomas                Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Ferguson                 Robert                Drumgunny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Ferguson                 Robert                Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Fitzgerald               Rev. James            Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Fitzpatrick              Bridget               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Fitzpatrick              Hugh                  Drumdarkan                         Cloone     Leitrim
Fitzpatrick              John                  Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Fitzpatrick              John                  Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Fitzpatrick              John                  Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Fitzpatrick              Margaret              Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Fitzpatrick              Philip                Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Flack                    James                 Drumboher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Flack                    James                 Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Flood                    Edward                Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Flood                    Francis               Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Flood                    Honoria               Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Flood                    James                 Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Flood                    John                  Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Flood                    John                  Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Flood                    John                  Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Flood                    Michael               Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Flood                    Peter                 Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Flood                    William               Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Bryan                 Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Cornelius             Breanross North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Cornelius             Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Edward                Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Ellen                 Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Francis               Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    John                  Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    John                  Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    John                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Margaret              Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Michael               Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Patrick               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Patrick               Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Patrick               Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Patrick               Tawnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Patrick               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    Rev. Charles          Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    William               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Flynn                    William               Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Foley                    Bartholomew           Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Foley                    John                  Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Foley                    John, Jr.             Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Foley                    Michael               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Foley                    Patrick               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Foley                    Thomas                Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Foster                   Thomas                Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Foster                   William               Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Fox                      James                 Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Fox                      James                 Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Fox                      John                  Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Fox                      Michael               Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Fox                      Michael               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Fox                      Patrick               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Fox                      William               Fearglass South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Foy                      Bridget               Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Foy                      Edward                Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Foy                      Edward                Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Foy                      Francis               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Foy                      James                 Gortnarah                          Cloone     Leitrim
Foy                      James                 Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Foy                      Michael               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Foy                      Patrick               Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Foy                      Patrick               Gortnarah                          Cloone     Leitrim
Gaffney                  John                  Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gaffney                  Patrick               Drumboher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Gaffney                  Rose                  Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Gaffney                  Terence               Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Gaffney                  Thomas                Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Gallagheer               John                  Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Gallagheer               Patrick               Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Gallagher                Anne                  Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Gallagher                Charles               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Gallagher                John                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Gallagher                Patrick               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Gallagher                Patrick               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gallagher                Patrick               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Gallagher                Peter                 Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Galloghly                Patrick               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Gallogly                 Felix                 Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Gallogly                 James                 Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Gallogly                 John                  Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Gallogly                 Thomas                Sunnaghconner                      Cloone     Leitrim
Galoghly                 Bryan                 Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Galogly                  Loughlin              Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Ganley                   Francis               Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Ganly                    John                  Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Ganly                    Mary                  Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Gannon                   Bridget               Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Gannon                   Charles               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Gannon                   James                 Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Gannon                   James                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Gannon                   John                  Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Gannon                   John                  Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Gannon                   John                  Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Gannon                   John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Gannon                   Mary                  Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Gannon                   Patrick               Drumboher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Gannon                   Peter                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Gannon                   Philip                Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Gannon                   William               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Garvey                   Austin                Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Garvey                   Bridget               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Garvey                   Bryan                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Garvey                   James                 Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Garvey                   James                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Garvey                   John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Garvy                    Anne                  Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Gearty                   Catherine             Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Gearty                   Michael               Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Gearty                   Patrick M.            Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Geelan                   Charles               Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Geelan                   Charles               Toomam                             Cloone     Leitrim
Geelan                   Charles               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Geelan                   Edward                Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Geelan                   James                 Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Geelan                   Patrick               Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Geenan                   Margaret              Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Giblan                   Patrick               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Gilchriest               Owen                  Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Gilchrist                Michael               Drumgilra                          Cloone     Leitrim
Gilfinnan                Alexander             Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Gilfinnan                Joseph                Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Gilfinnan                Thomas                Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Gilheany                 James                 Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Gilleeney                John                  Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Gilleese                 John                  Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Gilleslain               William               Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                Anne                  Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                Bernard               Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                Bridget               Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                Felix                 Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                Francis               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                James                 Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                James                 Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                Loughlin              Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                Margaret              Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                Margaret              Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                Michael               Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                Michael               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                Patrick               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                Peter                 Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gillogley                Phelim                Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gilloogley               Patrick               Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Gillooly                 Patrick               Tawnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Gillooly                 Peter                 Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Gillroy                  Andrew                Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Gillroy                  Bridget               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Gillroy                  John                  Gubadorris                         Cloone     Leitrim
Gillroy                  Michael               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Gillroy                  Patrick               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Gilroy                   Anne                  Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Gilroy                   Bernard               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Ginty                    Mary                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   Charles               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   Honoria               Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   Hugh                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   James                 Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   James                 Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   James                 Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   John                  Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   Michael               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   Michael               Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   Michael               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   Patrick               Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   Patrick               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   Patrick               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   Peter                 Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   Peter                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Glancy                   Terence               Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Goldsbury                John Dudley           Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Gore                     William Ormsby        Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Gore                     William Ormsby        Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Gore                     William Ornsby        Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Gorman                   Patrick               Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Gormly                   Edward                Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gormly                   Henry                 Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Grail                    James M.              Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Grant                    Fanny                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Grant                    John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Grant                    Mary                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Grant                    Patrick               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Grant                    Thomas                Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Grant                    Thomas                Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Grant                    William               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Gray                     Thomas                Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Greenan                  Catherine             Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Greenan                  Margaret              Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Greene                   Martin                Ross Beg                           Cloone     Leitrim
Greer                    Stephen               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Grey                     Edward                Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Grey                     Frncis                Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Grey                     John                  Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Grey                     Margaret              Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Griffin                  James                 Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Griffin                  Michael               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Griffin                  Michael C.            Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Griffin                  Michael M.            Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Griffin                  Michael Q.            Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Griffin                  Patrick               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Gunnen                   Ellen                 Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Gunnin                   William               Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Gunniss                  Mary                  Bundarragh                         Cloone     Leitrim
Gunshanan                Edward                Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Gunshanan                James                 Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Gunshanan                John                  Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Gunshanan                John                  Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Gunshanan                Patrick               Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Gunshanan                Patrick               Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Hagan                    John                  Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Hagan                    Michael               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Hagan                    Patrick               Gradoge                            Cloone     Leitrim
Halfpenny                John                  Gubadorris                         Cloone     Leitrim
Hall                     James                 Drumbinnis                         Cloone     Leitrim
Hall                     Margaret              Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Hamilton                 John                  Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Hammon                   William               Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Hamston                  William               Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Hand                     Mary                  Gradoge                            Cloone     Leitrim
Haraghan                 John                  Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Hargaden                 Edward                Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Hargaden                 John                  Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Hargaden                 Peter                 Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Harraghan                Francis               Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Harrison                 Elisha                Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Hart                     Daniel                Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Hart                     Denis                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Hart                     James                 Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Hart                     John                  Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Hart                     Keon, M.D.            Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Hart                     Michael               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Hart                     Myles                 Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Hart                     Patrick               Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Hart                     Patrick               Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Hart                     Patrick               Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Harvy                    Michael               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Haughton                 William               Drumboher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Haughton                 William               Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Healy                    Francis               Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Healy                    James                 Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Heany                    John                  Trean                              Cloone     Leitrim
Heany                    William               Trean                              Cloone     Leitrim
Hearan                   William               Gortnarah                          Cloone     Leitrim
Hearnan                  Patrick               Trean                              Cloone     Leitrim
Hegheran                 Edward                Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Heran                    Peter                 Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Heron                    Bridget               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Heron                    Charles               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Heron                    Francis               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Heron                    Hugh                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Heron                    Michael               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Heron                    William               Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Bernard               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Bridget               Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Bridget               Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Bridget               Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Bridget               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Bryan                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Connor                Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Cornelius             Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Cornelius             Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Cornelius             Muckanagh                          Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Francis               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Francis               Muckanagh                          Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Honoria               Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Hugh                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   James                 Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   James                 Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   James                 Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   James                 Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   James                 Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   James                 Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   James                 Lecknagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   James                 Muckanagh                          Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   John                  Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   John                  Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   John                  Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   John                  Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Mary                  Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Michael               Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Patrick               Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Patrick               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Patrick               Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Patrick               Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Patrick               Keeldra                            Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Patrick               Lecknagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Peter                 Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Peter                 Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Peter                 Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Peter                 Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Peter                 Muckanagh                          Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Rose                  Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Terence               Lecknagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Thomas                Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Heslan                   Thomas                Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Hetherton                Arthur                Keeldra                            Cloone     Leitrim
Hetherton                Patrick               Keeldra                            Cloone     Leitrim
Heuston                  Henry                 Drumboher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Heuston                  John                  Drumboher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Anne                  Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Anne                  Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Bridget               Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Cormick               Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Cornelius             Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Cornelius             Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Denis                 Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Hugh                  Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Hugh                  Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  James                 Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  James                 Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  John                  Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  John                  Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  John, Jr.             Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Kain                  Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Matthew               Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Michael               Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Myles                 Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Patrick               Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Patrick               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Patrick               Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Patrick               Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Patrick               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Patrick, Jr.          Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Peter                 Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Peter                 Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Philip                Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Philip                Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Philip                Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Higgins                  Timothy, Jr.          Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Hill                     Ellen                 Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Hoey                     Bridget               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Holohan                  Mary                  Derrindrehid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Hoolaghan                Laurence              Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Hoolahan                 Mary                  Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Hopkins                  Francis               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Houlton                  Henry                 Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Houlton                  Henry                 Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Howard                   James                 Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Howard                   Richard               Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Hueston                  Henry                 Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Hueston                  Henry                 Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Hueston                  John                  Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Hughes                   Terence               Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Hurson                   Thomas                Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Inglesby                 James                 Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Inglesby                 Patrick               Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Irwin                    Robert                Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Irwin                    William N., M.D.      Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Jackson                  Andrew                Cornamucklagh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Jackson                  James                 Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Jackson                  Laurence              Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Jeffers                  Matthew               Drumdarkan                         Cloone     Leitrim
Johnston                 Edward                Drumboher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Jones                    Catherine P.          Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Judge                    Denis                 Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     Bernard               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     Bernard               Ross More                          Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     Jane                  Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     John                  Drumgilra                          Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     John                  Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     John, Jr.             Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     Laurence              Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     Manus                 Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     Manus                 Ross Beg                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     Patrick               Ross More                          Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     Rev. Francis          Derrindrehid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     Rev. Francis          Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     Rev. Francis          Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     Rose                  Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     Stephen               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kane                     Stephen               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Karaghan                 James                 Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Kean                     James                 Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Kean                     Michael               Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Kean                     Thomas                Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kearney                  Catherine             Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Keating                  Edward                Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Anne                  Gradoge                            Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Anne                  Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Bernard               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Bernard               Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Bernard               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Bridget               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Cormick               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Daniel                Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Edward                Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Farrell               Drumbinnis                         Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Francis               Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   James                 Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   John                  Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   John                  Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   John                  Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   John                  Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   John                  Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   John, Jr.             Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   M.                    Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Mary                  Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Michael               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Michael               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Michael               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Patrick               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Patrick               Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Patrick               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Patrick               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Rose                  Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Thomas                Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Thomas                Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Thomas                Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   Timothy               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   William               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   William               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Keegan                   William               Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Keeheran                 John                  Breanross North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Keelagher                James                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Keelagher                Michael               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Keenan                   James                 Breanross North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Keenan                   James                 Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Keenan                   John                  Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Keenan                   John                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Keenan                   Peter                 Errew                              Cloone     Leitrim
Keenan                   Timothy               Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Keiran                   James                 Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Keiran                   John                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Keleher                  Felix                 Drumbinnis                         Cloone     Leitrim
Keleher                  Francis               Drumbinnis                         Cloone     Leitrim
Keleher                  James                 Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Keleher                  John                  Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Keleher                  Mary                  Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Keleher                  Michael               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Keleher                  Michael, Jr.          Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Keleher                  Michl., Jr.           Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Keleher                  Peter                 Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Kelleher                 Daniel                Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Kelleher                 John                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kelleher                 John                  Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Kelleher                 John                  Gubadorris                         Cloone     Leitrim
Kelleher                 Michael               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Kelleher                 Peter                 Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Kelleher                 Thomas                Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kelleher                 Thomas                Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kelleher                 William               Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Anne                  Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Anne                  Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Anne                  Tawnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Bridget               Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Bridget               Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Bryan, Jr.            Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Edward                Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Edward                Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Edward                Mullynadrumman                     Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    James                 Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    John                  Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    John, Jr.             Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Mary                  Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Mary                  Gortnarah                          Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Michael               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Michael               Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Michael               Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Michael C.            Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Michael Rock          Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Patrick               Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Patrick               Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Patrick               Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Thomas                Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    Thomas                Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    William               Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    William               Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Kelly                    William, Jr.          Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kenny                    James                 Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Kenny                    Joseph                Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Kenny                    Michael               Gradoge                            Cloone     Leitrim
Kenny                    Patrick               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Kenny                    Rose                  Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Kenny                    Thomas                Gradoge                            Cloone     Leitrim
Kerigan                  Bridget               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kernan                   Patrick               Dromore                            Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Anne                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Bridget               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Bridget               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Bryan                 Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Bryan                 Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Catherine             Derrindrehid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Cormac                Derrindrehid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Edward                Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Edward                Derrindrehid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Elizabeth             Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Francis               Derrindrehid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  James                 Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  James                 Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  John                  Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  John                  Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Margaret              Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Martin                Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Michael               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Michael               Derrindrehid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Michael               Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Michael               Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Michael               Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Michael               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Michael, Jr.          Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Patk., Jr.            Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Patrick               Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Patrick               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Patrick               Derrindrehid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Patrick               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Patrick, Jr.          Derrindrehid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Peter                 Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Philip                Derrindrehid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Terence               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Thomas                Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  Timothy               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Kiernan                  William               Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kigan                    Patrick               Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kilbrain                 Bernard               Tawnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kilbride                 Andrew                Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kilbride                 Denis                 Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Kilbride                 Denis                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kilbride                 John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kilbride                 Patrick               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Kilfillan                Thomas                Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Kilfillan                Thomas                Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Kilfinnan                Joseph                Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Alice                 Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Anthony               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Bernard               Drumna                             Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Bridget               Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Dudley                Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Edward                Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Francis               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 James                 Drumna                             Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 John                  Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 John                  Bundarragh                         Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 John                  Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Michael               Drumdarkan                         Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Michael               Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Owen                  Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Patrick               Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Patrick               Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Patrick               Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Peter                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kilkenny                 Thomas                Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Kilpriest                James                 Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Kilroy                   Hugh                  Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Kilroy                   Hugh                  Mullynadrumman                     Cloone     Leitrim
Kilroy                   Owen                  Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
King                     Hugh                  Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
King                     Patrick               Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
King                     Thomas                Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Kirwan                   James                 Cloontubbrid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kirwan                   James, Jr.            Cloontubbrid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Kirwan                   Patrick               Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
La Touche                John                  Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
La Touche                John                  Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
La Touche                John                  Corduff North                      Cloone     Leitrim
La Touche                John                  Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
La Touche                John                  Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Larkin                   Judith                Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Latimer                  William               Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Laurence                 Anne                  Tawnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Lavery                   Hugh                  Diffin                             Cloone     Leitrim
Lavery                   John                  Diffin                             Cloone     Leitrim
Lawder                   William               Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Lawder                   William               Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Lawless                  John                  Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Lawrence                 Richard               Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Lawther                  Daniel                Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Lee                      Anne                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Lee                      Bernard               Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Lee                      Daniel                Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Lee                      John                  Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Lee                      John                  Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Lee                      John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Lee                      Mary                  Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Lee                      Mary                  Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Lee                      Patrick               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Lee                      Patrick               Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Lee                      Peter                 Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Leeson                   James                 Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Leitrim                  ???                   Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Leitrim                  ???                   Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Leitrim                  ???                   Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Leitrim                  ???                   Drumgilra                          Cloone     Leitrim
Leitrim                  ???                   Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Leitrim                  ???                   Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Leitrim                  ???                   Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Leitrim                  ???                   Rinn                               Cloone     Leitrim
Lenehan                  Henry                 Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Lennon                   Bridget               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Lennon                   James                 Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Lennon                   John                  Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Lennon                   Peter                 Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Leonard                  Philip                Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Leslie                   Anne                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Leslie                   James                 Gubadorris                         Cloone     Leitrim
Leslie                   John                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Linnan                   Mary                  Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Linnen                   Patrick               Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Linnen                   Patrick, Jr.          Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Lloyd                    Alice                 Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Lloyd                    Guy                   Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Lloyd                    Guy                   Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Lloyd                    Mary                  Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Lloyd                    Matthew               Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Lloyd                    Owen                  Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Lloyd                    Robert                Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Lloyd                    Robert Wilson         Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Lloyd                    Thomas                Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Lloyd                    William               Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Loughery                 Edward                Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Loughry                  Hugh                  Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Loughry                  Hugh                  Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Luby                     Bartholomew           Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Lynch                    Laurence              Diffin                             Cloone     Leitrim
Lynch                    Peter                 Aghadruminshin                     Cloone     Leitrim
Lynch                    Peter                 Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Lynch                    Thomas                Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Lyons                    Denis                 Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Lyons                    Elizabeth             Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Lyons                    Michael               Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Lyons                    Michael               Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Lyons                    Patrick               Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Lyons                    Thomas                Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mac Donnell              Alexander             Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Macken                   John W.               Lurga                              Cloone     Leitrim
Macken                   Morgan                Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Macken                   Morgan                Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Macken                   Morgan                Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Macken                   Morgan                Lurga                              Cloone     Leitrim
Macken                   William               Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Madden                   ???                   Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Madden                   ???                   Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Madden                   ???                   Esker                              Cloone     Leitrim
Madden                   ???                   Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Madden                   ???                   Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Madool                   John                  Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Magarrell                Bridget               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Magarrell                Charles               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Magee                    John                  Drumna                             Cloone     Leitrim
Maginley                 George                Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Maginley                 Thomas                Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Maginty                  Daniel                Ross Beg                           Cloone     Leitrim
Magoon                   Francis               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Magovern                 James                 Bundarragh                         Cloone     Leitrim
Magovern                 John                  Corduff North                      Cloone     Leitrim
Magrath                  John                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  Bridget               Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  Bridget               Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  Bryan                 Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  Denis                 Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  Edward                Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  Elizabeth             Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  James                 Cloontubbrid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  John                  Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  John                  Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  Mary                  Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  Mary                  Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  Mary                  Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  Mary                  Muckanagh                          Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  Philip                Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Maguire                  Terence               Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Magurn                   Patrick               Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mahon                    Cornelius             Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mahon                    Denis                 Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mahon                    Hugh                  Keeldra                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mahon                    Joseph                Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mahon                    Owen                  Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mahon                    Owen                  Keeldra                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mahon                    Patrick               Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mahon                    Patrick, Jr.          Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mahon                    Peter                 Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Malia                    Mark                  Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Malley                   Michael               Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mallin                   James                 Toomam                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mallin                   John                  Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mallin                   Michael               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Manion                   Anne                  Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Marsh                    Elizabeth             Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Marsh                    Rep. Digby            Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Martin                   Patrick               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Martin                   Patrick               Toomam                             Cloone     Leitrim
Masterson                John                  Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Masterton                Judith                Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Maxwell                  Anne                  Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Maxwell                  Stephen               Esker                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Anne                  Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Bridget               Gradoge                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Charles               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 James                 Gradoge                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Margaret              Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Michael               Gradoge                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Myles                 Cornamucklagh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Myles                 Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Patrick               Cornamucklagh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Patrick               Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Patrick               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Peter                 Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Peter                 Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Terence               Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Thomas                Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Thomas                Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ateer                 Thomas                Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Aveagh                Patrick               Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Avey                  Patrick               Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Bride                 Andrew                Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Bride                 Patrick               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Brien                 Anne                  Bundarragh                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Brien                 Bernard               Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Brien                 John                  Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Brien                 Mary                  Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Brien                 Owen                  Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Alexander             Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Anne                  Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Anne                  Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Bartholw.             Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Bernard               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Bridget               Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Bryan                 Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Bryan                 Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Bryan                 Ross Beg                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Catherine             Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Francis               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Francis               Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Francis               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Francis, Jr.          Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  James                 Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  John                  Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  John                  Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  John                  Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  John                  Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  John                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  John                  Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Michael               Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Michael               Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Michael               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Michael               Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Patrick               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Patrick               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Patrick               Cornamucklagh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Patrick               Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Patrick               Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Patrick               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Patrick               Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Patrick               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Patrick               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Patrick               Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Patrick, Jr.          Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Peter                 Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Peter                 Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Peter                 Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cabe                  Terence               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Caffrey               Thomas                Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Anne                  Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Barthw.               Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Edward                Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Edward                Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Fanny                 Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Hugh                  Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                John                  Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                John                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Mary                  Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Mary                  Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Matthew               Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Matthew               Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Michael               Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Michael               Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Patrick               Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Patrick               Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Peter                 Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Peter                 Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Peter                 Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Thomas                Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Thomas                Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cartan                Thomas                Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Carty                 Patrick               Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cashin                Patrick               Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Clennan               William               Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cluskey               Denis                 Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cluskey               Michael               Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cluskey               Patrick               Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cormack               Anne                  Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cormack               Charles               Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cormack               Michael               Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cormack               Peter                 Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Crine                 Peter                 Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Crine                 Thomas                Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   Anne                  Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   Catherine             Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   Edward                Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   Francis               Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   James                 Drumna                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   James                 Gortnarah                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   John                  Drumna                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   Michael               Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   Michael               Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   Owen                  Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   Owen, Jr.             Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   Patrick               Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   Patrick               Gortinure                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   Peter                 Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   Peter                 Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cue                   Thomas                Drumna                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Cusker                Julia                 Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Daniel                Michael               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Dermott               Hugh                  Mullynadrumman                     Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Dermott               John                  Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Dermott               John                  Fearglass South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Dermott               Mary                  Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Dermott               Patrick               Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Dermott               Patrick               Mullynadrumman                     Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Donagh                Anne                  Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Donnell               Alexander             Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Donnell               Michael               Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Fadden                James                 Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ganaghty              Patrick               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Garaghan              Bryan                 Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Garahan               James                 Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Garahan               Patrick               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Garry                 Bryan                 Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Garry                 Ellen                 Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Garry                 James                 Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Garry                 Michael               Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Garry                 Patrick               Gubadorris                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Garry                 Patrick               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Garty                 Michael               Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Gearty                Patrick               Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Gearty                Thomas                Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Gearty                Thomas                Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Geraghty              Patrick               Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Ginn                  Catherine             Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Girl                  Catherine             Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Girly                 Mary                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Glinn                 James                 Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Glinn                 Patrick               Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Goldrick              Owen                  Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Goohan                Patrick               Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Govern                Bryan                 Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Govern                Charles               Drumna                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Govern                James                 Drumna                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Govern                John                  Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Govern                Laurence              Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Govern                Patrick               Aghadruminshin                     Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Govern                Patrick               Drumna                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Govern                Thomas                Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Govern                Thomas                Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Gowan                 Anne                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Gowan                 Mary                  Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Gowan                 Michael               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Gowan                 Myles                 Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Gowan                 Patrick               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Gowan                 Patrick               Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Gowan                 Peter                 Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Grath                 Michael               Tullyoran                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Grath                 Patrick               Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Grath                 Patrick               Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Grath                 Rose                  Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guinness              Edward                Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guinness              John                  Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 Alexander             Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 Anne                  Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 Bryan                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 Daniel                Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 Francis               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 John                  Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 John                  Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 John                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 Michael               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 Patrick               Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 Patrick               Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 Patrick               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 Patrick               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 Peter                 Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 Philip                Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Guire                 Philip                Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Inerney               James                 Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Inerney               Peter                 Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kenna                 Bernard               Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kenna                 Bernard               Lurga                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kenna                 Edward                Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kenna                 Patrick               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kenna                 Thomas                Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Keon                  Cecilia               Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Keon                  Charles               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Keon                  Hugh                  Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Keon                  James                 Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Keon                  Michael               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Keon                  Michael               Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Keon                  Michael               Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Keon                  Michael               Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Keon                  Myles                 Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Keon                  Patrick               Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kernan                Anne                  Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kernan                John                  Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kew                   Patrick               Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Bernard               Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Charles               Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Cormack               Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Edward                Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               James                 Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               James                 Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               John                  Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               John                  Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               John                  Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               John                  Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               John, Jr.             Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Martin                Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Michael               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Michael               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Michael               Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Patrick               Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Patrick               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Patrick               Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Patrick               Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Patrick               Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Patrick               Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Patrick               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Patrick               Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Peter                 Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Peter                 Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Peter                 Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kiernan               Peter                 Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kin                   Jane                  Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Kniff                 Martin                Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              Elizabeth             Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              Ellen                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              Francis               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              Francis               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              James                 Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              John                  Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              John                  Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              Loughlin              Fearglass South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              Margaret              Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              Mary                  Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              Mary                  Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              Michael               Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              Patrick               Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              Patrick               Errew                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              Patrick               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              Patrick               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              William               Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              William               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Loughlin              William               Esker                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Manus                 James                 Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Manus                 Thomas                Fearglass South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Nally                 John                  Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Nally                 Rose                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Namara                Anne                  Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Namara                Bridget               Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Namara                Patrick               Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Namara                Peter                 Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Namee                 Denis                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Namee                 James                 Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Namee                 Michael               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Namee                 William               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Neill                 Arthur                Dromore                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Neill                 Charles               Aghadruminshin                     Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Neill                 Charles               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Neill                 John                  Aghadruminshin                     Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Nulty                 Peter                 Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Nulty                 William               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Owen                  James                 Gortinure                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Owen                  John                  Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Owen                  John                  Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Owen                  John                  Gortinure                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Owen                  Laurence              Gortinure                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Owen                  Michael               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Owen                  Michael               Gortinure                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Owen                  Patrick               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Owen                  Philip                Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Owen                  Thomas                Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Parlan                Ellen                 Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Parlan                John                  Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Parlan                Margaret              Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Parlan                Michael               Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Partlan               Francis               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mc Vaugh                 James                 Cloontubbrid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mealia                   Francis               Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mealia                   Mark                  Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mealia                   Thomas                Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mee                      John                  Drumboher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mee                      John                  Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mee                      Thomas                Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mekam                    John                  Tullyoran                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mekam                    Morgan                Tullyoran                          Cloone     Leitrim
Melton                   Francis               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Melton                   George                Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Melton                   Michael               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Millany                  Michael               Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mills                    Thomas                Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Milton                   John                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Alexander             Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Bridget               Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Bridget               Drumbinnis                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Bridget               Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Ellen                 Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Farrell               Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 James                 Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 John                  Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 John                  Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 John                  Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Owen                  Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Owen                  Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Owen                  Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Patrick               Drumboher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Patrick               Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Patrick               Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Philip                Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Robert                Drumgunny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Thomas                Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 Thomas                Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 William               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 William               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 William               Diffin                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 William               Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mitchell                 William               Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Moffatt                  James                 Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Moffatt                  Peter                 Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Moffet                   Rev. James            Corduff North                      Cloone     Leitrim
Molaghan                 Michael               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Molahane                 Ellen                 Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mollaghan                Bridget               Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mollaghan                Francis               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mollaghan                John                  Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mollaghan                Laurence              Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mollaghan                Matthew               Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mollaghan                Neal                  Cornamucklagh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mollaghan                Patrick               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mollaghan                Patrick, Jr.          Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Molloy                   Alexander             Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Molloy                   Bernard               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Molloy                   Francis               Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Molloy                   Peter                 Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Molloy                   William               Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Monaghan                 Felix                 Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Monaghan                 Francis               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Monaghan                 Francis               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Monaghan                 John                  Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Monaghan                 John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Monaghan                 Michael               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Monaghan                 Michael               Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Monaghan                 Michael               Gradoge                            Cloone     Leitrim
Monaghan                 Patrick               Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Monaghan                 Thomas                Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mooney                   Catherine             Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mooney                   John                  Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Mooney                   Peter                 Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Bartholomew           Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Catherine             Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Daniel                Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Ellen                 Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Francis               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Hugh                  Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Hugh                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    James                 Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    John                  Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    John                  Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    John                  Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    John                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Margaret              Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Michael               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Michael               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Owen                  Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Owen                  Sunnaghconner                      Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Patrick               Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Patrick               Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Patrick               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Peter                 Cornamucklagh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Rodger                Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Terence               Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Thomas                Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Thomas                Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Moran                    Thomas                Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Moreton                  David                 Drumdarkan                         Cloone     Leitrim
Moreton                  John                  Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Moreton                  John                  Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Morin                    Owen                  Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Morran                   Bridget               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Morran                   James                 Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Morran                   Patrick               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Morris                   Ellen                 Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Morris                   Matthew               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Morris                   Thomas                Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Morris                   William               Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mulheran                 Bryan                 Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mulherin                 Hugh                  Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mulholland               Bernard               Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Mulholland               Michael               Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mulholland               Patrick               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Mullany                  John                  Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Mullany                  Patrick               Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Mullen                   Anne                  Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 Adam                  Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 Bridget               Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 Bridget               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 Ellen                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 James                 Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 James                 Sunnaghconner                      Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 John                  Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 Margaret              Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 Michael               Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 Michael               Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 Owen                  Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 Patrick               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 Peter                 Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 Rose                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 Thomas                Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Mulligan                 Thomas                Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mullins                  Dominick              Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mullligan                Catherine             Gortinure                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mulrooney                Rev. Edwd.            Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mulroony                 Rev. Edward           Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mulvanny                 Francis               Lurga                              Cloone     Leitrim
Mulvey                   Catherine             Drumgilra                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mulvey                   Francis               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mulvey                   Francis               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Mulvey                   James                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mulvey                   Patrick               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Mulvey                   Peter                 Drumgilra                          Cloone     Leitrim
Mulvy                    Francis               Cloontubbrid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Mulvy                    James                 Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Mulvy                    Mary                  Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Mulvy                    Michael               Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   Anne                  Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   Bridget               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   Bryan                 Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   Cornelius             Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   James                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   John                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   Michael               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   Michael               Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   Michael               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   Owen                  Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   Patrick               Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   Thomas                Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   Thomas                Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   William               Drumdarkan                         Cloone     Leitrim
Murphy                   William               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Catherine             Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Charles               Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Daniel                Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Daniel                Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Francis               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Garret                Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Hugh                  Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   James                 Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   James                 Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   James                 Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   James                 Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   James                 Ross More                          Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   John                  Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   John                  Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Mary                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Michael               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Michael               Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Michael               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Patrick               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Patrick               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Peter                 Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Thomas                Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Murray                   Thomas                Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Nash                     Catherine             Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Nc Cartan                Matthew               Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Nesbitt                  Coot                  Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Nesbitt                  James                 Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Nesbitt                  Launcelot             Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Nesdale                  James                 Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Nesdale                  Patrick               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Newman                   Patrick               Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Newman                   William               Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Nichol                   William               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Nicholls                 Alice                 Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Nicholls                 Arthur                Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Nicholls                 Gustavus              Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Nicholls                 Gustavus              Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Nicholls                 Henry G.              Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Nicholls                 Jane                  Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Nicholls                 Michael               Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Nicholls                 Patrick               Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Nicholls                 Philip                Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Nicholls                 Rev. Alex             Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Nicholls                 Thomas                Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Nicholls                 Thomas                Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Nichols                  Jasper                Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Nichols                  John                  Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Nichols                  Michael               Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Nichols                  Patrick               Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Nixon                    Archibald             Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
O'Beirne                 Hugh                  Fearglass South                    Cloone     Leitrim
O'Beirne                 Hugh                  Ross More                          Cloone     Leitrim
O'Brien                  Acheson               Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
O'Brien                  Jane                  Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
O'Brien                  John                  Cornamucklagh                      Cloone     Leitrim
O'Brien                  John                  Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
O'Brien                  Patrick               Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
O'Brien                  Thomas                Cornamucklagh                      Cloone     Leitrim
O'Donnell                Bryan                 Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
O'Donnell                Hugh                  Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
O'Donnell                Hugh                  Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
O'Donnell                John                  Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
O'Donnell                John                  Dromore                            Cloone     Leitrim
O'Donnell                John                  Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
O'Donnell                John                  Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
O'Donnell                Mary                  Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
O'Donnell                Owen                  Dromore                            Cloone     Leitrim
O'Donnell                Terence               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
O'Flinn                  Rev. Charles          Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
O'Hara                   Michael               Errew                              Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Alexander             Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Arthur                Drumadorn                          Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Arthur                Lecknagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Bridget               Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Catherine             Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Daniel                Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Edward                Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Francis               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Francis               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  James                 Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  James                 Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Jane                  Ross More                          Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  John                  Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Michael               Gubadorris                         Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Patrick               Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Patrick               Lecknagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Patrick               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Peter                 Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Peter                 Lecknagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Peter                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
O'Neill                  Rep. Francis          Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
O'Reilly                 Rev. Owen             Gradoge                            Cloone     Leitrim
Ogletree                 Anne                  Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Oroho                    Mary                  Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Owens                    Philip                Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Owens                    Philip                Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Page                     Patrick               Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Partlan                  James                 Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Perceval                 Arthur                Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Pogue                    James                 Tullyoran                          Cloone     Leitrim
Pope                     Charles               Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Pope                     Mary                  Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Prendergast              Peter                 Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Price                    William               Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Prior                    Andrew                Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Prior                    Hugh                  Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Prior                    James                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Prior                    Michael               Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Quin                     Bryan                 Lugganammer                        Cloone     Leitrim
Quin                     Catherine             Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Quin                     Edward                Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Quin                     Isabella              Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Quin                     Patrick               Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Bernard               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Charles               Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Dominick              Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Dominick              Keeldra                            Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Ellen                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Felix                 Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Francis               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Francis               Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Francis               Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Francis               Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Francis               Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Francis               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Francis               Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Francis               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    George                Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    George E.             Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    James                 Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    James                 Esker                              Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    John                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    John                  Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Michael               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Michael               Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Patrick               Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Paul                  Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Thomas                Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Quinn                    Thomas                Mullynadrumman                     Cloone     Leitrim
Rahal                    Michael               Derrindrehid                       Cloone     Leitrim
Redaghan                 Thomas                Cornamucklagh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Redfearn                 Thos.                 Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Reegan                   John                  Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Bernard               Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Bernard               Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Bernard               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Bridget               Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Bridget               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Bridget               Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Catherine             Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Catherine             Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Catherine             Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Charles               Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Charles               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Charles               Ross Beg                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Daniel                Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Edward                Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Ellen                 Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Francis               Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   James                 Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   James                 Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   James                 Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   James                 Gubadorris                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   John                  Aghadruminshin                     Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   John                  Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   John                  Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   John                  Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   John                  Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Michael               Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Michael               Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Michael               Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Michael               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Owen                  Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Patrick               Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Patrick               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Patrick               Drummanbane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Patrick               Fearglass South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Patrick               Gubadorris                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Patrick               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Patrick, Jr.          Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Peter                 Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Peter                 Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Terence               Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reilly                   Thomas                Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Andrew                Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Anne                  Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Anne                  Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Anne                  Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Brian                 Corduff North                      Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Bridget               Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Bridget               Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Bryan                 Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Bryan                 Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Catherine             Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Charles               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Daniel                Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Daniel                Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Edmund                Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Edward                Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Edward                Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Edward                Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Edward                Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Edward                Gortnarah                          Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Francis               Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Francis               Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Francis               Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Francis               Drumgilra                          Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Francis               Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Francis               Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Francis               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Francis               Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Francis, Jr.          Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Hugh                  Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Hugh                  Errew                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Hugh                  Fearglass South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 James                 Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 James                 Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 James                 Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 James                 Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 James                 Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 James                 Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 James                 Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 James                 Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 James                 Gortnarah                          Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 James, Jr.            Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Fearglass South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Gortnarah                          Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 John                  Trean                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Lackey                Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Margaret              Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Mary                  Aghamore                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Mary                  Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Mary                  Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Mary                  Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Matthew               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Matthew               Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Michael               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Michael               Drumhirk                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Michael               Keeldra                            Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Michael               Lear                               Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Owen                  Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Owen                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Patrick               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Patrick               Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Patrick               Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Patrick               Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Patrick               Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Patrick               Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Patrick               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Patrick               Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Peter                 Fearglass South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Peter                 Tawnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Rose                  Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Stephen               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Thomas                Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Thomas                Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Thomas                Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Thomas                Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Thomas                Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Thomas                Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Thomas                Edenbaun                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Thomas                Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 Thomas                Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Reynolds                 William               Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Roach                    James                 Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Roach                    Michael               Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Roan                     Patrick               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Robinson                 George                Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Robinson                 George                Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Roddy                    Anne                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Roddy                    Bartholomew           Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Roddy                    Charles               Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Roddy                    Daniel                Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Roddy                    Hugh                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Roddy                    John                  Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Roddy                    Peter                 Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Rodichan                 Patrick               Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    Alice                 Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    Daniel                Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    James                 Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    James                 Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    John                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    John                  Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    John, Jr.             Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    Mary                  Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    Matthew               Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    Matthew               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    Michael               Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    Michael               Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    Michael               Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    Michael               Gortinure                          Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    Michael, Jr.          Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Rogan                    Patrick               Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Rogers                   James                 Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Rogers                   Patrick               Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Rogers                   Patrick               Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Charles               Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Connor                Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Cornelius             Dromore                            Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Farrell               Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Francis               Diffin                             Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Francis               Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Hugh                  Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    James                 Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    James                 Bundarragh                         Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    James                 Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    John                  Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    John                  Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Loughlin              Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Michael               Aghalough                          Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Michael               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Michael               Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Patrick               Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Peter                 Diffin                             Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Thomas                Corduff North                      Cloone     Leitrim
Rorke                    Thomas                Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Rose                     William               Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Rosemond                 John                  Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Ross                     Richard               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Roundtree                John                  Fearglass South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Roundtree                Michael               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Rourk                    John                  Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Bernard               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Catherine B.          Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Catherine F.          Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Cornelius             Drumgrania                         Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Farrell               Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Francis               Drumgilra                          Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Francis               Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Francis               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   John                  Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   John                  Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   John                  Lecknagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   John                  Lurga                              Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   John                  Mullynadrumman                     Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   John                  Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   John                  Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Margaret              Drumshanbo North                   Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Michael               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Michael               Drumboher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Michael               Gortnalougher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Patrick               Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Patrick               Drumgilra                          Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Patrick               Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Peter                 Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Rose                  Tooma                              Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Thomas                Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Thomas                Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Thomas                Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Thomas                Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Rourke                   Thomas                Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Rowley                   John                  Gortnarah                          Cloone     Leitrim
Rowly                    George                Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Rowly                    Mary                  Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
Ryall                    Thaddeus              Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Ryan                     Darby                 Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Ryan                     Darby                 Racullen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Ryan                     James                 Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Ryan                     James                 Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Ryan                     Matthew               Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Ryan                     Thomas                Annaghmacullen                     Cloone     Leitrim
Ryan                     Thomas                Sunnagh Beg                        Cloone     Leitrim
Sargent                  Edward                Gradoge                            Cloone     Leitrim
Sargent                  Laurence              Corduff North                      Cloone     Leitrim
Scanlan                  Francis               Lurga                              Cloone     Leitrim
Scanlan                  John                  Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Scanlan                  Patrick               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Scott                    John                  Aghadruminshin                     Cloone     Leitrim
Scully                   John                  Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Sexton                   Thomas                Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Shanaghy                 Farrell               Diffin                             Cloone     Leitrim
Shanaghy                 John                  Diffin                             Cloone     Leitrim
Shanly                   Esther                Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Shaw                     Henry                 Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Shaw                     Robert                Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Shaw                     Sarah                 Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Sheridan                 Catherine             Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Sheridan                 Patrick               Cornageeha                         Cloone     Leitrim
Short                    Bernard               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Short                    Bernard               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Short                    James                 Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Short                    Mary                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Short                    Patrick               Gortnacamdarragh                   Cloone     Leitrim
Short                    Patrick               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Short                    Patrick               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Short                    Terence               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Short                    Terence               Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Slattery                 Owen                  Breanross North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Slavin                   Timothy               Adoon                              Cloone     Leitrim
Slevin                   Andrew                Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Slevin                   Hugh                  Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Slevin                   James                 Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
Slevin                   Peter                 Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Smith                    Catherine             Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Smith                    Eliza                 Toomam                             Cloone     Leitrim
Smith                    James                 Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Smith                    James                 Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Smith                    John                  Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Smith                    Mary Anne             Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Smith                    Matthew               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Smith                    Michael               Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Smith                    Michael               Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Smith                    Michael               Kilmakenny                         Cloone     Leitrim
Smith                    Peter                 Corriga                            Cloone     Leitrim
Smith                    Peter                 Toomam                             Cloone     Leitrim
Smyth                    Catherine             Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
Smyth                    James                 Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Smyth                    James                 Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Smyth                    Peter                 Ross More                          Cloone     Leitrim
Smyth                    Thomas                Ross More                          Cloone     Leitrim
Soden                    Edward                Farnaght                           Cloone     Leitrim
Soden                    James                 Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Sorahan                  Arthur                Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Sorrin                   Barry                 Annaghmaconway                     Cloone     Leitrim
Stancard                 Mary                  Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Stanford                 James                 Drumbad                            Cloone     Leitrim
Stapleton                Luke                  Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Stewart                  Margaret              Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Storey                   Robert                Diffin                             Cloone     Leitrim
Stretton                 Elizabeth             Drumgunny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Stretton                 Robert                Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Stretton                 Robert                Drumgunny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Stretton                 William               Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Sullivan                 James                 Dunavinally                        Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeney                  Arthur                Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeney                  Charles               Toomam                             Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeney                  James                 Toomam                             Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeney                  James, Jr.            Toomam                             Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeney                  James, Jr.            Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeney                  John                  Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeney                  Patrick               Drumharkan Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeney                  Peter                 Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeney                  Peter                 Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeney                  Sarah                 Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeney                  William               Clooncoe                           Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeny                   Arthur                Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeny                   Denis                 Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeny                   Patrick               Creenagh                           Cloone     Leitrim
Sweeny                   Patrick               Gorteen                            Cloone     Leitrim
Teague                   Anne                  Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Teague                   Francis               Lisgillock Glebe                   Cloone     Leitrim
Teague                   John                  Lavareen                           Cloone     Leitrim
Teague                   Michael               Miltron Glebe                      Cloone     Leitrim
Teat                     James                 Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Teat                     Mary                  Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Thackney                 Bernard               Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim
Thompson                 Michael               Beihy                              Cloone     Leitrim
Thompson                 Thomas                Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Thornton                 Abraham               Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Bernard               Tawnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Bernard               Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Bryan                 Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Charles               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Charles               Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Ellen                 Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Hugh                  Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Hugh                  Drumgilra                          Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  James                 Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  James                 Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  James                 Halls                              Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  James                 Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  John                  Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  John                  Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  John                  Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Michael               Drumhass                           Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Myles                 Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Owen                  Lissagarvan                        Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Owen                  Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Patrick               Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Patrick               Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Patrick               Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Patrick               Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Patrick               Drumlaggagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Patrick               Tooman                             Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Patrick               Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Patrick, Jr.          Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Peter                 Breanross South                    Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Peter                 Cloonlaughil                       Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Peter                 Sunnaghconner                      Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Terence               Bellakiltyfea                      Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Terence               Corraneary                         Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Terence               Drumna                             Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Thomas                Drumgowla                          Cloone     Leitrim
Tiernan                  Thomas                Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Tighe                    John                  Esker                              Cloone     Leitrim
Travers                  Patrick               Gradoge                            Cloone     Leitrim
Traynor                  Bridget               Sunnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Urson                    Terence               Annaghmore                         Cloone     Leitrim
Wall                     John                  Drumshanbo South                   Cloone     Leitrim
Wallwood                 John                  Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Wallwood                 Thomas                Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
Wallwood                 Thomas                Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Walsh                    Michael               Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
Ward                     Bryan                 Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Ward                     Bryan                 Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Ward                     James                 Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Ward                     John                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Ward                     John                  Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Ward                     Judith                Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Ward                     Michael               Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Ward                     Owen                  Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Ward                     Patrick               Cornagher                          Cloone     Leitrim
Ward                     Peter                 Tulcon                             Cloone     Leitrim
Ward                     Thomas                Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Ward                     Thomas                Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Ward                     William               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Welsh                    Laurence              Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Welsh                    Mary                  Edergole                           Cloone     Leitrim
Welsh                    Richard               Cornulla                           Cloone     Leitrim
Wesley                   James                 Drumconny                          Cloone     Leitrim
West                     George                Cloone                             Cloone     Leitrim
West                     George                Cloone Village of Cloone           Cloone     Leitrim
West                     George                Drumdarkan                         Cloone     Leitrim
West                     George                Drumhallagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
West                     George B.             Drumdarkan                         Cloone     Leitrim
White                    William               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
White                    William               Cloonee                            Cloone     Leitrim
White                    William               Corduff South                      Cloone     Leitrim
White                    William               Drumgownagh                        Cloone     Leitrim
White                    William               Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
White                    William               Drummeen                           Cloone     Leitrim
White                    William               Killyvehy                          Cloone     Leitrim
White                    William               Mullaghbrack                       Cloone     Leitrim
White                    William               Mullynadrumman                     Cloone     Leitrim
Whitney                  Patrick               Fearglass North                    Cloone     Leitrim
Wilkins                  George                Drumerkeane                        Cloone     Leitrim
Williams                 Terence               Rassaun                            Cloone     Leitrim
Willis                   Robert                Clooncumber                        Cloone     Leitrim
Wilson                   John                  Gortletteragh                      Cloone     Leitrim
Wilson                   Robert                Aghavas                            Cloone     Leitrim
Wilson                   Robert                Bundarragh                         Cloone     Leitrim
Wilson                   Robert                Corduff North                      Cloone     Leitrim
Wilson                   William               Corduff North                      Cloone     Leitrim
Wilson                   William               Drumgunny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Wisely                   Michael               Tawnagh More                       Cloone     Leitrim
Woods                    Alexander             Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Woods                    Francis               Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Woods                    George                Drumgunny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Woods                    George                Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Woods                    James                 Agharann                           Cloone     Leitrim
Woods                    James                 Carrickavoher                      Cloone     Leitrim
Woods                    James                 Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Woods                    James                 Drumgunny                          Cloone     Leitrim
Woods                    James                 Killyfea                           Cloone     Leitrim
Woods                    John                  Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Woods                    Mary                  Clooncose                          Cloone     Leitrim
Woods                    Patrick               Cattan                             Cloone     Leitrim
Woods                    Thomas                Anskert                            Cloone     Leitrim
Wrinn                    Francis               Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Wrinn                    Michael               Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Wrinn                    Michael               Lurga                              Cloone     Leitrim
Wrinn                    Thomas                Drumkeilvy                         Cloone     Leitrim
Wynne                    Patrick               Drumraine Glebe                    Cloone     Leitrim