Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Acheson George Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Acheson John Curraghs North Inishmagrath Leitrim Acheson Richard Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Acheson Richard Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Acheson Thomas Curraghs North Inishmagrath Leitrim Acheson William Lavagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Armstrong Benjamin Gortacorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Armstrong Benjamin Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Armstrong Isabella Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Armstrong Simon Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Barton George Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Blake Francis Carrowlaur Inishmagrath Leitrim Blake Francis Kilmore Inishmagrath Leitrim Boothe Edward Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Bowles Andrew Fingreagh Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Bowles Barbara Fingreagh Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Bowles Edward Fingreagh Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Bowles Edward Fingreagh Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Bowles Edward, Jr. Fingreagh Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Bowles George Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Bowles John Fingreagh Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Browne Jeremiah Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Browne Michael Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchan Patrick Corglass Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchan Patrick Curraghs South Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchan Patrick Derrynalurgan Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchan Patrick Drummangarvagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchan Patrick Gubb Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchan Patrick Lecarrow or Strandhill Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchan Patrick Seltannaskeagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchanan James Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchanan John Derrybofin Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchanan John Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchanan John Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchanan John Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchanan John Shenna Inishmagrath Leitrim Buchanan John Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Butler Humphry Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Byrne Hugh Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Byrne Lacky Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Byrne Myles Liscuillew Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Byrne Owen Tents Inishmagrath Leitrim Campbell Daniel Clooneen Inishmagrath Leitrim Campbell Denis Clooneen Inishmagrath Leitrim Campbell James Kilmore Inishmagrath Leitrim Carrigan Daniel Doolargy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Carrigan Danl. Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Carrigan Denis Doolargy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Carrigan Denis Shass Inishmagrath Leitrim Carrigan Hugh Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Carrigan Hugh Doolargy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Carrigan James Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Carrigan John Corralustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Carrigan John Shass Inishmagrath Leitrim Carrigan Michael Kilnagarns Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Carrigan Owen Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Carrigan Stephen Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Carrigan Stephen Shass Inishmagrath Leitrim Carroll John Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Cassidy Ambrose Ummera Inishmagrath Leitrim Cassidy Catherine Tullyveame Inishmagrath Leitrim Cassidy Phelim Derrinweer Inishmagrath Leitrim Cavanagh William Tawnycorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Christie Gilbert Greyfield Inishmagrath Leitrim Christie Hugh Derrinwillin Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Christie James Tullynaroog Inishmagrath Leitrim Christie Luke Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Christy Francis Kilnagarns Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Christy Hugh Greaghnadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Christy Luke Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Christy Luke Kilnagarns Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Christy Patrick Annaghgerry Inishmagrath Leitrim Christy Patrick Kilnagarns Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Christy Patrick Modorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Christy Thomas Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Christy Thomas Kilnagarns Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Christy Thomas Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Christy Thomas Shenna Inishmagrath Leitrim Clancy Martin Cornacloy Inishmagrath Leitrim Clancy Mary Lugmeen Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Clancy Patrick Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Clarke Hugh Letter Inishmagrath Leitrim Clarke James Letter Inishmagrath Leitrim Clarke John Letter Inishmagrath Leitrim Clinton Hugh Kilnagarns Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Clinton John Bargowla Inishmagrath Leitrim Clinton John Braudphark Inishmagrath Leitrim Clinton John Carrowlaur Inishmagrath Leitrim Clinton John Kilmore Inishmagrath Leitrim Clinton Michael Kilnagarns Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Cogins Francis Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Corcoran Luke Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Cornyn Anne Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Cornyn Anne Mahanagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Cornyn Catherine Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Cornyn John Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Cornyn Manus Ross Beg Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Cornyn Patrick Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Cornyn Peter Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Cornyn Peter Derrinwillin Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Cornyn William Drummans Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Cornyn William Knockateean Inishmagrath Leitrim Cornyn William Tullaghans Inishmagrath Leitrim Coyle Hugh Fingreagh Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Coyle John Fingreagh Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Coyle John Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Coyle Michael Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Coyle Patrick Corglass Inishmagrath Leitrim Coyle Patrick Derrynalurgan Inishmagrath Leitrim Coyle Patrick Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Coyle Patrick, Jr. Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Coyle Peter Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Crawford George Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Crawford William Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Creamer Bridget Derrycullinan Inishmagrath Leitrim Creamer Michael Tinnybeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Creamer Stephen Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Creamer Thomas Gortnasillagh West Inishmagrath Leitrim Crowne Thomas Drumkeeran Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullem Francis Nesbitt Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Anne Cornacloy Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Charles Derrinwillin Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Farrell Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Francis Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Francis Nesbit Gowlaunrevagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Francis Nesbitt Bargowla Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Francis Nesbitt Boleymaguire Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Francis Nesbitt Braudphark Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Francis Nesbitt Cavan Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Francis Nesbitt Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Francis Nesbitt Lisfuiltaghan Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Francis Nesbitt Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Francis Nesbitt Seltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Francis Nesbitt Seltannasaggart or Corry Mountain Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Francis Nesbitt Tullynamuckduff Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Garrett Tonlegee Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Patrick Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Patrick Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Patrick Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Patrick Tents Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Peter Aghamore Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Peter Ardlougher Inishmagrath Leitrim Cullen Thomas Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Curran William Ross More Inishmagrath Leitrim Curristeen Patrick Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Curristeen William Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Curry Nathaniel Drummans Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Daly Hugh Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Daly Myles Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Daly Thomas Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Daly Thomas Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Darcy Anne Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Darcy James Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Darcy Myles Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Darcy Patrick Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Darcy Patrick, Jr. Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Darcy Thomas Tonlegee Inishmagrath Leitrim Devitt Anne Derrinweer Inishmagrath Leitrim Devitt Anne Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Devitt Dominick Derrinweer Inishmagrath Leitrim Devitt Dominick Knockacosan Inishmagrath Leitrim Devitt James Corchuill Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Devitt Martin Knockacosan Inishmagrath Leitrim Devitt Peter Corchuill Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Devitt Terence Derrinweer Inishmagrath Leitrim Devitt Terence Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Devitt Terence Knockacosan Inishmagrath Leitrim Devitt Terence, Jr. Derrinweer Inishmagrath Leitrim Devitt Terence, Jr. Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Dinnery John Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Dinnery John, Jr. Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Doherty Alice Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Doherty Bridget Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Doherty Cornelius Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Doherty Hugh Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Doherty James Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Doherty James Tullintowell Inishmagrath Leitrim Doherty John Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Doherty John Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Doherty Patrick Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Doherty Patrick Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Doherty Patrick Drumkeeran Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Doherty Terence Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan Charles Tonlegee Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan Denis Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan Edward Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan Francis Mahanagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan Grace Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan James Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan James Derryvalannagher Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan James Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan James Mullaghbaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan James Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan John Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan John Mullaghbaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan John Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan John, Jr. Lugmeen Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan Matthew Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan Michael Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan Patrick Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Dolan Peter Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Dowd Mary Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Dowd Thomas Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Doyle Luke Lugmeen Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Dunlevy Mary Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Durken Luke Altiquin Inishmagrath Leitrim Earley Bartly Moneenreave Inishmagrath Leitrim Earley Gregory Knockateean Inishmagrath Leitrim Earley Michael Moneenreave Inishmagrath Leitrim Earley Simon Knockateean Inishmagrath Leitrim Early Hugh Ummera Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Bryan Cloonmeone Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Charles Annaghgerry Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Farrell Cloonmeone Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Hugh Cloonmeone Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Hugh Derrinwillin Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon James Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon James Cloonmeone Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Margaret Annaghgerry Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Margaret Cloonmeone Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Michael Derrintawy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Myles Annaghgerry Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Myles Cloonmeone Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Myles Derrinvoney Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Myles Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Patrick Cloonmeone Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Patrick Liscuillew Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Thomas Annaghgerry Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Thomas Carrowlaur Inishmagrath Leitrim Fallon Thomas Cloonmeone Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Fawcett James Corry Island Inishmagrath Leitrim Fawcett James Drummangarvagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Fawcett James Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Fee John Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Fee John Derryvalannagher Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Fee Michael Derrinvoney Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Feely Matthew Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Feely Matthew Drumkeeran Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Flaberty Thomas Shenna Inishmagrath Leitrim Flaherty Henry Derrybofin Inishmagrath Leitrim Flaherty Henry Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Flaherty Hugh Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Flaherty Thomas Derrybofin Inishmagrath Leitrim Flaherty Thomas Lugmeen Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Flaherty Thomas Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Anthony Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Anthony Derryvalannagher Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Anthony Mahanagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Bryan Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Denis Clooneen Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Denis Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Francis Acres Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Francis Cartronbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Hugh Clooneen Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Hugh Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Hugh Larga Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn James Alteen Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn James Falty Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn John Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn John Derrintawy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn John Doolargy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn John Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn John Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn John Mahanagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn John Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Joseph Kilnagarns Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Lacky Mahanagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Laurence Drummans Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Margaret Fingreagh Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Margaret Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Mary Cartronbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Mary Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Michael Alteen Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Michael Doolargy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Michael Drummanacappul Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Michael Drummans Island Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Michael Drummans Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Michael Larga Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Myles Camalt Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Myles Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Patrick Alteenacres Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Patrick Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Patrick Liscuillew Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Patrick Modorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Patrick Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Peter Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Philip Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Philip Knockateean Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Sally Alteen Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Stephen Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Stephen Kilnagarns Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Stephen Shenna Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Terence Doolargy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Thady Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Thady Lisfuiltaghan Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Thady Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Thomas Knockateean Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn Thomas Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn William Cloonmeone Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Flynn William Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Foley Patrick Kiltyfeenaghty Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Ford Bryan Seltannasaggart or Corry Mountain Inishmagrath Leitrim Ford Charles Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Ford Francis Seltannasaggart or Corry Mountain Inishmagrath Leitrim Ford Hugh Liscuillew Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Ford Hugh Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Ford Michael Drummanfaugnan Inishmagrath Leitrim Ford Michael Seltannasaggart or Corry Mountain Inishmagrath Leitrim Ford Terence Liscuillew Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Anne Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Christopher Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Farrell Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Francis Ross More Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Henry Carrowlaur Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Henry Kilmore Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Hugh Boleybaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Hugh Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde John Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Margaret Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Michael Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Patrick Gortacorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Terence Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Terence Derrinvoney Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Terence Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Forde Thomas Ross More Inishmagrath Leitrim Fowley Patrick Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Frazer Archibald Derrinurn Inishmagrath Leitrim Frazer Archibald Lavagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Friar Michael Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Fury Margaret Lisfuiltaghan Inishmagrath Leitrim Gaffney Myles Turpaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Gafney Denis Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher Bridget Letter Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher Catherine Derrinvoney Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher Daniel Derrycullinan Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher James Derrycullinan Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher John Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher John Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher John Tullintowell Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher John Turpaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher Lacky Cloonamurgal Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher Lacky Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher Michael Glasdrumman More Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher Patrick Glasdrumman More Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher Patrick Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher Patrick Tents Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallagher Peter Tullintowell Inishmagrath Leitrim Gallaher James Drumbrahade Inishmagrath Leitrim Giblin James Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilbride James Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilbride Matthew Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilbride Peter Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Bartly Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Bartly Derrinvoney Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Bartly Derrinvoney Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Catherine Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Francis Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Francis Gortnasillagh West Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Francis Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Henry Barragh More Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly James Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly James Derrinvoney Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly James Derrinvoney Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly James Knockateean Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly James Moneenreave Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly James Mullaghfadda Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly John Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly John Drumbrahade Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly John Knockateean Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly John Moneenreave Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly John Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Joseph Derrinvoney Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Joseph Derrinvoney Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Joseph Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Mary Moneenreave Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Michael Moneenreave Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Nicholas Knockateean Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Nicholas Moneenreave Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Owen Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Patrick Cloonmeone Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Peter Knockateean Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Philip Drumbrahade Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Philip Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilhooly Thomas Moneenreave Inishmagrath Leitrim Gillroy Bryan Turpaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Gillroy Myles Modorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Gillroy Myles Mullaghcashel Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilrane Anne Lisadlooey Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilrane Martin Tents Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilrane Michael Boleybaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilrane Michael Gortnasillagh West Le Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilrane Patrick Lisadlooey Inishmagrath Leitrim Gilrane Stephen Corchuill Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Glancy Mary Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Gordon Francis Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Gralton Francis Larga Inishmagrath Leitrim Gralton John Curraghs South Inishmagrath Leitrim Gralton Laurence Falty Inishmagrath Leitrim Gralton Margaret Falty Inishmagrath Leitrim Gralton Michael Falty Inishmagrath Leitrim Gralton Owen Knockateean Inishmagrath Leitrim Gralton Patrick Derrynahinch Inishmagrath Leitrim Greene Edward Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Grogan Patrick Cloonamurgal Inishmagrath Leitrim Guihan Laurence Tawnycorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Guihan Stephen Tawnycorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Guihen Bridget Cartronbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Guihen James Tullaghans Inishmagrath Leitrim Guihen John Cartronbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Guihen John Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Guihen Manus Corglass Inishmagrath Leitrim Guihen Stephen Cartronbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Guihen Stephen Mullaghfadda Inishmagrath Leitrim Guihen Terence Moneenreave Inishmagrath Leitrim Gumly Francis Derrynahinch Inishmagrath Leitrim Gweehan James Tullynaroog Inishmagrath Leitrim Gweehan John Cavan Inishmagrath Leitrim Gweehan John Tullynaroog Inishmagrath Leitrim Gweehan Margaret Tullynaroog Inishmagrath Leitrim Hall Thomas D. Drummans Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Haly John Knockateean Inishmagrath Leitrim Hamillton Catherine Shenna Inishmagrath Leitrim Hamilton Catherine Greyfield Inishmagrath Leitrim Hamilton William Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Harkan Bridget Letter Inishmagrath Leitrim Harkin James Glasdrumman Beg Inishmagrath Leitrim Harkin James Gortnasillagh West Inishmagrath Leitrim Harkin John Gortnasillagh West Inishmagrath Leitrim Harkin Margaret Gortnasillagh West Inishmagrath Leitrim Harkin Michael Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Hennigan James Lisnanorrus Inishmagrath Leitrim Hennigan Michael Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Hennigan Michael Lisnanorrus Inishmagrath Leitrim Hennigan Winny Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Hetherinton William Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Higgins John Modorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Higgins Mary Carrowlaur Inishmagrath Leitrim Higgins Mary Derrinvoher Inishmagrath Leitrim Higgins Mary Modorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Higgins Mary Tinnybeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Higgins Michael Derrycullinan Inishmagrath Leitrim Higgins Owen Derrinvoher Inishmagrath Leitrim Higgins Owen Kilmore Inishmagrath Leitrim Higgins Owen Tullynaroog Inishmagrath Leitrim Higgins Patrick Kilmore Inishmagrath Leitrim Higgins Patrick Lisfuiltaghan Inishmagrath Leitrim Holmes Robert Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Holmes Robert Lugmeen Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Hopper Francis Glasdrumman Beg Inishmagrath Leitrim Hopper James Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Hunt Thomas Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Irwin Jane Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Irwin Jane Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Irwin Thomas Aughrim Inishmagrath Leitrim Irwin Thomas Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Johnston William Lugmeen Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Johnston William Modorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Jones Catherine P. Derrindangan Inishmagrath Leitrim Jones Catherine P. Moneenreave Inishmagrath Leitrim Jones Catherine P. Shass Inishmagrath Leitrim Jones Michael Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Jones Thomas Drummans Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Judge Bartly Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Judge Daniel Tawnycorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Judge James Aghamore Inishmagrath Leitrim Kaney Thomas Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Keany Rev. Bryan Derrybofin Inishmagrath Leitrim Keany Rev. Bryan Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Kearney Farrell Drumbrahade Inishmagrath Leitrim Kearney Farrell Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Kearney Hugh Drumbrahade Inishmagrath Leitrim Kearney John Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Kearney John Drumbrahade Inishmagrath Leitrim Kearney Mary Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Kearney Mary Tullintowell Inishmagrath Leitrim Kearney Patrick Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Kearney Winny Drumbrahade Inishmagrath Leitrim Keegan Owen Doolargy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Keenan Andrew Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Kekeon Margaret Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Anne Cloonmeone Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Bryan Derryvalannagher Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Catherine Derryvalannagher Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Francis Lisfuiltaghan Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Francis Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Francis Modorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher James Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher John Bargowla Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher John Kilnagarns Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher John Letter Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher John Mahanagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher John Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Luke Cloonmeone Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Luke Derryvalannagher Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Martin Alteen Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Myles Bargowla Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Myles Derryvalannagher Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Myles Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Myles Knockateean Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Myles Letter Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Myles Tullyclevaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Myles Ummera Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Patrick Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Phelim Knockateean Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Philip Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Philip Derryvalannagher Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Philip Tullynaroog Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Stephen Tullyclevaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Thomas Bargowla Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Thomas Derryvalannagher Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Thomas Letter Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Thomas Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelleher Thomas Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Catherine Turpaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Charles Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Charles Derryvalannagher Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Daniel Knockacosan Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Daniel Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Denis Ummera Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Francis Glasdrumman More Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly James Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly John Gortnasillagh West Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly John Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly John Mahanagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Mary Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Michael Derrindangan Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Myles Carrowlaur Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Myles Ummera Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Peter Alteen Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Terence Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Thomas Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Kelly Thomas Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Keyes Henry Derrinurn Inishmagrath Leitrim Keyes Henry Lavagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Keyes James Derrinurn Inishmagrath Leitrim Keyes James Lavagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Keyes William Derrinurn Inishmagrath Leitrim Kilkenny John Gortacorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Kilkenny Peter Gortacorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Kilrane Patrick Clooneen Inishmagrath Leitrim Lavin Ambrose Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Lavin Bridget Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Lavin Owen Boleymaguire Inishmagrath Leitrim Leddy Matthew Derrinurn Inishmagrath Leitrim Lee Owen Mullaghfadda Inishmagrath Leitrim Leyden Charles Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Leyden Daniel Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Leyden Honor Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Leyden James Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Leyden John Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Little Jason Tullyclevaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Lynch Matthew Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Lynch Richard Drumkeeran Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Lyons Francis Corduff Inishmagrath Leitrim Lyons James Alteen Inishmagrath Leitrim Lyons John Corduff Inishmagrath Leitrim Lyons John Glasdrumman Beg Inishmagrath Leitrim Lyons John, Jr. Corduff Inishmagrath Leitrim Lyons Michael Lugmeen Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Lyons Michael Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Lyons Myles Corduff Inishmagrath Leitrim Lyons Myles Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Lyons Patrick Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Lyons Peter Mullaghbaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Magee Catherine Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Maguire Michael Greyfield Inishmagrath Leitrim Maguire Peter Greyfield Inishmagrath Leitrim Mahon Barney Ross More Inishmagrath Leitrim Mahon Jane Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Mahon Rarney Ross More Inishmagrath Leitrim Manne Anne Tonlegee Inishmagrath Leitrim Martin John Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Martin Luke Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Martin Michael Tents Inishmagrath Leitrim Martin Patrick Tents Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Avey Patrick Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Avey Patrick Lisnanorrus Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Avey Patrick, Jr. Lisnanorrus Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Avey Roger Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Cahill Thomas Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Canna Catherine Mullaghfadda Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Canna Hugh Barragh Beg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Canna Hugh Barragh More Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Canna John Aghamore Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Canna John Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Canna Mary Gowlaunrevagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Canna Myles Ardlougher Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Canna Myles Liscuillew Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Canna Rose Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Canna Terence Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Canna Thomas Drummanacappul Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Canna Thomas Gowlaunrevagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Connell Michael Gortnasillagh West Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Connell Peter Gortnasillagh West Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Dermott Catherine Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Dermott John Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Dermott Thomas Derrycullinan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Dermott Thomas Derrycullinan Beg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Dermott Thomas Letter Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Donna James Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Donnagh Bridgt Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gee Anthony Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gee John Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gorlick John Lechaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gorlick Thomas Lechaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gourley Mary Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Govern Francis Aughrim Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Govern Judith Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Govern Mary Aughrim Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Govern Peter Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Govran Bridget Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Govran Charles Tonlegee Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Govran Francis Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Govran Hugh Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Govran James Tullyclevaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Govran Laurence Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Govran Michael Tonlegee Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan Catherine Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan Felix Derrinvoney Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan Honor Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan James Clooneen Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan James Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan John Derrinweer Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan John Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan Mary Barragh More Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan Michael Acres Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan Myles Derrinvoney Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan Patrick Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan Patrick Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan Stephen Tullaghans Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan Terence Tullaghans Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan Thomas Tullaghans Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gowan William Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Grath Michael Tawnycorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Greal Bartley Lisfuiltaghan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Greal Charles Glasdrumman More Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Greal John Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Greal Martin Lugmeen Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Greal Stephen Lisfuiltaghan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Grisken Bridget Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Grisken Laurence Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Guire James Ummera Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Guire Michael Corchuill Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Guire Peter Corchuill Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Guire Terence Shass Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gurl Michael Shass Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gurl Owen Alteenacres Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gurl Owen Shass Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gurn Simon Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Gurne Simon Derrinwillin Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh Anne Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh Charles Corralustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh Hugh Aughrim Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh Hugh Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh James Aughrim Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh James Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh James Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh James Lisfuiltaghan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh John Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh John Lugmeen Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh Mary Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh Mary Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh Michael Aughrim Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh Michael Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh Michael Gortacorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh Neill Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Hugh Stephen Modorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Keon Bridget Mahanagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Keon Hugh Mahanagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Keon Margaret Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Keon Patrick Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Keon Patrick Mahanagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Keon Philip Gortacorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Kiernan Bryan Mullaghbaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Kiernan James Corchuill Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Kiernan John Corchuill Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Kiernan John Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin ??? Tents Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin Anthony Drummanfaugnan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin Catherine Altiquin Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin Francis Ross Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin John Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin John Kilnagarns Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin John Ross Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin Margaret Lisnanorrus Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin Mary Lisnanorrus Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin Michael Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin Michael Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin Michael Kilnagarns Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin Michael Ross Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin Patrick Ross Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Loughlin Patrick Tonlegee Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Manus Darkey Alteen Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Manus Owen Unshinagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow Bartley Gortacorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow Bryan Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow Catherine Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow John Alteen Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow John Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow John Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow Martin Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow Martin Tullymurray Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow Mary Tullymurray Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow Michael Camalt Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow Michael Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow Owen Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow Thady Tullynaroog Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow Thomas Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Morrow Timothy Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Nama Patrick Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Nama Terence Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Daniel Tullyclevaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Hugh Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Hugh Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Hugh Lisfuiltaghan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff James Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff James Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff James Shass Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff James Tullintowell Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff John Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff John Tullintowell Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Laurence Tullintowell Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Margaret Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Mary Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Mary Tullintowell Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Matthew Lisnanaw Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Michael Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Michael Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Myles Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Myles Lisnanaw Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Myles Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Myles Tullintowell Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Patrick Lisnanaw Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Patrick Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Patrick Tullaghans Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Patrick Tullintowell Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Patrick Tullyclevaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Peter Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Thomas Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff Thomas Lisnanaw Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff William Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff William Lisfuiltaghan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff William Lisnanaw Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Niff William Tullintowell Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Nulty Myles Gortacorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Anne Aghamore Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Anne Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Bridget Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Cormick Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Daniel Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Edw. Derrindangan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Francis Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Francis Derrintawy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Francis Doolargy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Francis Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Honor Tullynaroog Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Hugh Derrintawy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Hugh Ummera Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden James Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden James Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden James Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden James Tullaghans Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden John Derrintawy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden John Mullaghcashel Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Joseph Alteen Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Joseph Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Michael Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Michael Derrindangan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Michael Derrintawy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Michael Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Myles Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Myles Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Myles Tullaghans Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Patrick Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Patrick Derrinwillin Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Patrick Doolargy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Patrick Ummera Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Peter Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Stephen Acres Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Stephen Alteenacres Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Stephen Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Padden Stephen Tents Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Allan Kiltyfeenaghty Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Allan Tullintowell Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Anthony Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Bridget Cloonmeone Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Bridget Derreens Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Bridget Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Bryan Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Cormick Derrinvoher Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Cornelius Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Cornelius Derrintawy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Cornelius Doolargy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Farrell Glackaunadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Francis Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Francis Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Francis Tinnybeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Hugh Aughrim Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Hugh Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Hugh Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Hugh Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Hugh Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Hugh Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Hugh Liscuillew Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland James Aughrim Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland James Derrinvoher Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland James Glassalt Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland John Boleymaguire Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland John Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland John Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland John Kiltyfeenaghty Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland John Lisnanorrus Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland John Tinnybeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Mary Cloonmeone Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Michael Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Michael Derrinwillin Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Michael Derryvalannagher Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Michael Kiltyfeenaghty Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Michael Ross Beg Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Myles Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Myles Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Myles Liscuillew Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Myles Ross Beg Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Myles Tawnycorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Owen Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Owen Liscuillew Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Owen Tullyveame Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Patrick Alteen Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Patrick Aughrim Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Patrick Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Patrick Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Patrick Drummanfaugnan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Patrick Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Patrick Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Patrick Kiltyfeenaghty Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Patrick Liscuillew Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Patrick Lisfuiltaghan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Patrick Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Patrick Mullaghfadda Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Peter Derryvalannagher Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Peter Kiltyfeenaghty Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Phelim Ross More Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Rose Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Sarah Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Stephen Boleymaguire Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Terence Glassalt Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Thady Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Thomas Camalt Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Thomas Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Thomas Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Thomas Kiltyfeenaghty Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland William Tullyveame Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Partland Winny Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Sharry Darby Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Sharry Denis Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Sharry Francis Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Ternan James Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Ternan Thomas Lisnanorrus Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Anthony Kilnagarns Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Bridget Altiquin Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Bridget Drummanasooan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Bridget Glasdrumman More Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Farrell Greyfield Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Garrett Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Hugh Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan James Greaghnadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan James Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan John Bargowla Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan John Braudphark Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Michael Barragh More Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Michael Derreens Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Myles Lugmore Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Myles Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Nancy Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Nancy Derryvalannagher Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Patrick Barragh Beg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Patrick Barragh More Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Patrick Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Patrick Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Tiernan Sarah Cornacloy Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Weeny Anthony Derrindangan Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Weeny Anthony Mullaghcashel Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Weeny Francis Derrintawy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Weeny John Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Weeny Mary Derrintawy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Weeny Michael Canbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Weeny Michael Derrintawy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Weeny Michael Doolargy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Weeny Myles Camalt Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Weeny Patrick Drumrewy Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Weeny Thady Derrintawy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mc Weeny Winny Ross Beg Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Meehan Laurence Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Meehan Laurence Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Meehan Mary Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Meehan Myles Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Miller John Clooneen Inishmagrath Leitrim Miller John Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Miller John Drumkeeran Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Miller John Lisdrumgran Inishmagrath Leitrim Moffatt Robert Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Montgomery Hugh L. Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Montgomery Hugh L. Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Montgomery Hugh Lyons Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Montgomery Hugh Lyons Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Montgomery Hugh Lyons Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Montgomery Hugh Lyons Shass Inishmagrath Leitrim Montgomery Rev. Charles L. Corraweehil Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Montgomery Rev. Charles L. Derrinwillin Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mooney James Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Moran Michael Derrintawy Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Mullany Thomas Greaghnaslieve Inishmagrath Leitrim Mulligan James Drumkeeran Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Munson George Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Murphy Charles Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Murphy Charles Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Murphy Charles Shenna Inishmagrath Leitrim Murphy Thomas Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Nash Thomas Modorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Nash Thomas, M.D. Shenna Inishmagrath Leitrim Neylon James Boleybaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Neylon James Corralustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Neylon James Lechaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Neylon James Turpaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Nixon John Derrybofin Inishmagrath Leitrim Nixon John Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Nixon John Lugmeen Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Nixon Willaim Barragh More Inishmagrath Leitrim Nixon William Barragh Beg Inishmagrath Leitrim Nixon William Monddnatieve Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Donnell Cornelius Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Donnell Dolly Ummera Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Donnell Dominick Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Donnell John Corchuill Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Donnell John Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Donnell John Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Donnell John Kilnagarns Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Donnell John Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Donnell John Tullaghans Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Donnell Neill Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Donnell Terence Drumbrahade Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Donnell Terence Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Hara James Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Hara James Tullyclevaun Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Hara Patrick Aughrim Inishmagrath Leitrim O'Reilly ??? Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Oates Terence Moneenreave Inishmagrath Leitrim Ovens Jared Barragh More Inishmagrath Leitrim Ovens Jared Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Ovens Jared Gortacorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Ovens John Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Ovens John Derrynahinch Inishmagrath Leitrim Ovens John Drummanfaugnan Inishmagrath Leitrim Ovens John Drummangarvagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Ovens John Liscuillew Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Ovens Robert Lugmeen Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Ovens Robert Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Oventon Bridget Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Owen Francis Falty Inishmagrath Leitrim Owens Bryan Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Owens Michael Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Owens Patrick Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Owens Peter Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Padden Michael Corralustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Palmer Anne Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Palmer Eliza Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Palmer Henry Glasdrumman Beg Inishmagrath Leitrim Palmer Henry Glasdrumman More Inishmagrath Leitrim Palmer Isabella Derrinvoney Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Palmer Isabella Glasdrumman Beg Inishmagrath Leitrim Palmer Isabella Glasdrumman More Inishmagrath Leitrim Palmer Jane Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Palmer William Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Palmer William Derrinvoney Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Palmer William Glasdrumman More Inishmagrath Leitrim Parker John Derrinurn Inishmagrath Leitrim Parker John Gortnasillagh West Inishmagrath Leitrim Parker John Lisadlooey Inishmagrath Leitrim Parker John, Jr. Derrinurn Inishmagrath Leitrim Parker William Corloughtomalty Inishmagrath Leitrim Parker William Lisdrumgran Inishmagrath Leitrim Patterson Cunningham Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Patterson Cunningham Derrinwillin Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Patterson Humphry Derrinvoney Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Patterson James Derrinvoney Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Patterson Mary Drummanasooan Inishmagrath Leitrim Patterson Richard Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Patterson Robert Acres Inishmagrath Leitrim Patterson Robert Derrinvoney Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Patterson Walter Tullaghans Inishmagrath Leitrim Payne William Gortacorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Plunkett James Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Portens William Curraghs North Inishmagrath Leitrim Portens William Derrinweer Inishmagrath Leitrim Porteus William Lisdrumgran Inishmagrath Leitrim Portus William Cloonamurgal Inishmagrath Leitrim Quinlan Anne Drumkeeran Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Reilly Bridget Lugmeen Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Robinson James Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Robinson John Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Rodden George Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Rodden Hugh Bargowla Inishmagrath Leitrim Rodden Hugh Braudphark Inishmagrath Leitrim Rodden James Tullycorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Rodden Michael Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Rodden Myles Derrinvoney Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Rodden Myles Derrinvoney Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Rodden Patrick Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Rodden Patrick Glassalt Inishmagrath Leitrim Rodden Thomas Bargowla Inishmagrath Leitrim Rodden Thomas Braudphark Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Bryan Coollegreane Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Francis Corloughcahill Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Francis Cornacloy Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Francis Derrybofin Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Francis Knocknacoska Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Francis, Jr. Corloughcahill Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Fras., Jr. Knocknacoska Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan James Corloughcahill Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan John Corralustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan John Letter Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Michael Cornacloy Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Michael Drummanacappul Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Michael Gowlaunrevagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Michael Letter Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Owen Corralustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Patrick Corloughcahill Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Peter Knocknacoska Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Peter Stangaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Rogan Thomas Letter Inishmagrath Leitrim Rooney James Corry Inishmagrath Leitrim Rorke Charles Corchuill Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Rorke Cornelius Derreens Inishmagrath Leitrim Rorke Denis Ardlougher Inishmagrath Leitrim Rorke Francis Ardlougher Inishmagrath Leitrim Rorke Hugh Ardlougher Inishmagrath Leitrim Rorke John Shivdelagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Rorke Michael Ardlougher Inishmagrath Leitrim Rorke Patrick Derreens Inishmagrath Leitrim Rorke Phelim Ardlougher Inishmagrath Leitrim Rorke Phelim Corchuill Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Rorke Thady Drummanasooan Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Anne Greaghnadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Catherine Greaghnadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Charles Mullaghcashel Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Cornelius Greaghnadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Denis Larga Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Farrell Greaghnadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Felix Shenna Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Francis Larga Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke James Greaghnadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke John Larga Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Michael Mullaghbaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Patrick Glasdrumman More Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Patrick Greaghnadarragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Phelim Larga Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Philip Liscuillew Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Rourke Thady Tents Inishmagrath Leitrim Rutledge George Tullyclevaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Rutledge William Tullyclevaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Scanlan James Tents Inishmagrath Leitrim Slevin Edward Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Slevin Hugh Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Smith Catherine Lugmeen Inishmagrath Leitrim Smyth Charles Aghamore Inishmagrath Leitrim Smyth John Aghamore Inishmagrath Leitrim Smyth Laurence Aghamore Inishmagrath Leitrim Smyth Stephen Bundiveen Inishmagrath Leitrim Smyth Stephen Tawnycorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Smyth Thomas Aghamore Inishmagrath Leitrim Smyth Winny Tawnycorragh Inishmagrath Leitrim Stretton Robert Derrinvoher Inishmagrath Leitrim Stretton William Drummans Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Sweeney Francis Mullaghbaun Inishmagrath Leitrim Sweeney Thomas Lisacoghil Inishmagrath Leitrim Sweeny James Tullintowell Inishmagrath Leitrim Sweeny John Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Sweeny Michael Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Sweeny Myles Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Sweeny Patrick Corcormick Inishmagrath Leitrim Sweeny Thomas Geaglom Inishmagrath Leitrim Sweeny Thomas Lugmeeltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Taylor George Greaghnaglogh Inishmagrath Leitrim Tobin Mary Tents Inishmagrath Leitrim Todd William Derrinweer Inishmagrath Leitrim Todd William Lugmeen Town of Drumkeeran Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Anne Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Anne Mahanagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Francis Corchuill Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Francis Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Hugh Corchuill Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Hugh Greyfield Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Hugh Kilmore Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Hugh Lisnanorrus Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Hugh Shass Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers James Derrinvoney Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers John Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers John Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Martin Corchuill Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Martin Greyfield Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Mary Greyfield Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Myles Corchuill Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Myles Greyfield Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Myles Kiltyfeenaghty Glebe Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Patrick Derrinvoney Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Patrick Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Stephen Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Travers Terence Corderry Inishmagrath Leitrim Treanor Rev. Patrick Cloonmeone Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Trotter John Gortacorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Walsh John Gortacorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Walsh John Gortnasillagh West Inishmagrath Leitrim Walsh Owen Gortacorka Inishmagrath Leitrim Ward Cormick Killadiskert Inishmagrath Leitrim Ward Cormick Kilnagarns Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Ward Daniel Cartronbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Ward Francis Bargowla Inishmagrath Leitrim Ward Francis Braudphark Inishmagrath Leitrim Ward James Kilnagarns Lower Inishmagrath Leitrim Ward John Cartronbeg Inishmagrath Leitrim Ward Michael Larga Inishmagrath Leitrim Ward Patrtick Acres Inishmagrath Leitrim Waters Bridget Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Waters Hugh Fingreagh Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Waters John Bundiveen Inishmagrath Leitrim Waters John Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Waters John Unshinagh Inishmagrath Leitrim Waters Michael Fingreagh Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Waters Michael Glasdrumman More Inishmagrath Leitrim Waters Patrick Gortnasillagh East Inishmagrath Leitrim Waters Thomas Fingreagh Upper Inishmagrath Leitrim Waterson Patrick Tonlegee Inishmagrath Leitrim Woods Barney Derrindangan Inishmagrath Leitrim Woods Bartley Lisnanaw Inishmagrath Leitrim Woods Bartly Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Woods Charles Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Woods John Seltan Inishmagrath Leitrim Woods Michael Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Woods Myles Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Woods Myles Lisnanaw Inishmagrath Leitrim Woods Patrick Cloonamurgal Inishmagrath Leitrim Woods Patrick Clooneen Inishmagrath Leitrim Woods Patrick Derrylustia Inishmagrath Leitrim Woods Patrick Drumbrahade Inishmagrath Leitrim