Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Ambrose Margaret Knocknabooly (Middle) Loghill Limerick Augnish John Loghill Loghill Limerick Barrett Martin Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Barrett Thomas Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Boyle Thomas Ballyrae Loghill Limerick Braddish James Knocknabooly (Middle) Loghill Limerick Brick Michael Kilteery Loghill Limerick Brick Timothy Curramore Loghill Limerick Brooder John Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Browne David Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Browne David Loghill Loghill Limerick Browne James Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Browne Mary Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Burke Bridget Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Carroll Denis Kilteery Loghill Limerick Casey John Curramore Loghill Limerick Clanoy James Loghill Loghill Limerick Clanoy John Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Clanoy John, Jr. Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Clare ??? Kilteery Loghill Limerick Coffey John Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Collins James Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Collins John Ballyhoolahan Loghill Limerick Collins Margaret Kilteery Loghill Limerick Connell Margaret Loghill Loghill Limerick Connell Patrick Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Connell Thomas Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Conner Daniel Ballyhoolahan Loghill Limerick Connors Jeremiah Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Connors John Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Cooke James Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Corodan Timothy Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Corrodan Judith Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Cosgrave Maurice Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Cosgrave Thomas Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Cosgrave Timothy Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Courtney Edmund Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Courtney Edward Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Courtney Michael Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Cregan Denis Lisready (Clare) Loghill Limerick Cronin Johanna Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Culhane Andrew Kilteery Loghill Limerick Culhane Mortimer Loghill Loghill Limerick Curry Sarah Kilteery Loghill Limerick Cusack John Loghill Loghill Limerick Cushen Maurice Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Daly Michael Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Davis George Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Deupe Joseph Ballyhoolahan Loghill Limerick Doer Edward Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Doer Edward Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Donoher Mary Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Donovan John Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Dooley Jeremiah Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Dooly Patrick Kilteery Loghill Limerick Enright Connor Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Enright John Kilteery Loghill Limerick Enright Mary Kilteery Loghill Limerick Enright Michael Kilteery Loghill Limerick Enright Patrick Kilteery Loghill Limerick Enright Thomas Kilteery Loghill Limerick Farrell Michael Loghill Loghill Limerick Fitzgerald John Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Fitzgerald Michael Currabeg Loghill Limerick Fitzgerald Michael Kilteery Loghill Limerick Fitzgerald William Kilteery Loghill Limerick Fitzgibbon John Ballyhoolahan Loghill Limerick Flahavan Bridget Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Flanagan Bridget Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Flanagan James Loghill Loghill Limerick Flanagan James Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Flanagan John Carrowlanebeg Loghill Limerick Fleming Bridget Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Fleming Maria Loghill Loghill Limerick Fleming Patrick Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Fleming William Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Galahy Cornelius Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Gefcol Thomas Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Grady Bridget Loghill Loghill Limerick Grady Margaret Ballyrae Loghill Limerick Gregg Michael Carrowlanebeg Loghill Limerick Gregg William Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Griffin Gearald Ballyrae Loghill Limerick Griffin Gerrold Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Griffin James Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Griffin John Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Griffin John Lisready (Clare) Loghill Limerick Griffin Patrick Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Griffin Patrick Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Griffin Patrick Carrowlanebeg Loghill Limerick Griffin Patrick Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Griffin William Kilteery Loghill Limerick Guinane James Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Hanly John Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Harding Samuel Kilteery Loghill Limerick Harmery Sarah Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Harnett Daniel O. Ballyhoolahan Loghill Limerick Hartney Margaret Kilteery Loghill Limerick Hayes John Loghill Loghill Limerick Hayes Patrick Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Healy Christopher Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Heddennan Mary Currabeg Loghill Limerick Hess William Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Hewson Maurice Loghill Loghill Limerick Hodge Thomas Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Hoolahan James Loghill Loghill Limerick Hoolahan Mary Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Hoolihan Catherine Curramore Loghill Limerick Hoolihan James Curramore Loghill Limerick Hoolihan Thomas Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Hoolihan Thomas Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Hynes John Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Hynes Michael Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Hynes Owen Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Joy James Curramore Loghill Limerick Kayes John Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Keane James Kilteery Loghill Limerick Keane Morgan Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Kelly Daniel Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Kelly Johanna Lisready (Clare) Loghill Limerick Kennedy Patrick Curramore Loghill Limerick Keys John Kilteery Loghill Limerick Kinnealy Daniel Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Kinnealy David Loghill Loghill Limerick Liston John Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Liston Michael Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Lorehan Patrick Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Lynch Catherine Ballyhoolahan Loghill Limerick Lynch James Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Lynch John Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Lyons Matthew Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Madigan Catherine Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Madigan James Kilteery Loghill Limerick Madigan John Loghill Loghill Limerick Madigan John Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Madigan Mary Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Madigan Michael Kilteery Loghill Limerick Madigan Patrick Kilteery Loghill Limerick Mangan John Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Mangan Timothy Ballyrae Loghill Limerick Mann James Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Mann James Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Mann Michael Kilteery Loghill Limerick Mcauliffe Timothy Loghill Loghill Limerick Mccarthy Denis Curramore Loghill Limerick Mccoy Daniel Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Mccoy Patrick Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Mccoy Rev. Daniel Loghill Loghill Limerick Mccoy Richard Curramore Loghill Limerick Mccoy Timothy Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Mccoy Timothy Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Mcdonnell Patrick Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Mcelligott John Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Mcelligott Patrick Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Mcgrath Patrick Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Mcgrath Peter Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Mcmahon Catherine Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Mcmahon James Knocknabooly (Middle) Loghill Limerick Mcmahon John Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Mcmahon John Knocknabooly (Middle) Loghill Limerick Mcmahon Mary Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Mcmahon Maurice Loghill Loghill Limerick Mcmahon Mortimer Loghill Loghill Limerick Mcmahon Patrick Loghill Loghill Limerick Mcmahon Terence Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Mcnamara Ellen Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Mcnamara John Knocknabooly (Middle) Loghill Limerick Mcnamara Martin Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Mcnamara Martin Loghill Loghill Limerick Mcnamara Patrick Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Mcnamara Thomas Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Minahan James Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Minister John Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Moloney John Loghill Loghill Limerick Moloney Mary Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Monteagle Lord ??? Loghill Loghill Limerick Monteagle Lord ??? Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Moore John Loghill Loghill Limerick Moore John Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Moran Johanna Knocknabooly (Middle) Loghill Limerick Morgan Edmund Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Morgan Thomas Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Moroney Ellen Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Mullane Daniel Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Mullins Mary Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Mulvihill Thomas Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Murray Patrick Loghill Loghill Limerick Nash Michael Loghill Loghill Limerick Naughton Bartholomew Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Naughton Bridget Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Naughton James Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Naughton John Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Neil Patrick Ballyrae Loghill Limerick Neill John Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Neill John Lisready (Clare) Loghill Limerick Nolan Cornelius Lisready (Clare) Loghill Limerick Nolan David Lisready (Clare) Loghill Limerick Nolan James Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Normile Michael Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Normile Patrick Kilteery Loghill Limerick Obrien Bridget Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Obrien Connor Loghill Loghill Limerick Obrien Cornelius Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Obrien Daniel Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Obrien John Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Obrien John Loghill Loghill Limerick Obrien Patrick Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Oconnor Patrick Lisready (Clare) Loghill Limerick Oconnor Patrick Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Odonnell John Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Odonnell Maurice Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Oleary Bridget Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Oleary John Ballyhoolahan Loghill Limerick Oneill John Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Oneill John Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Oshaughnessy Johanna Curramore Loghill Limerick Oshaughnessy Mary Currabeg Loghill Limerick Oshaughnessy Michael Curramore Loghill Limerick Osullivan Michael Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Power Johanna Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Purtle Bridget Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Purtle Catherine Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Purtle James Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Reardon John Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Reedy Bridget Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Reedy James Carrowlanebeg Loghill Limerick Regan John Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Royce Thomas Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Ruddle John Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Ruddle William Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Ryan Patrick Carrowbanemore Loghill Limerick Ryan Peter Loghill Loghill Limerick Ryan Peter Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Scanlan Jeremiah Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Scanlan Patrick Loghill Loghill Limerick Shanahan John Lisready (Clare) Loghill Limerick Shaughnessy Francis Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Shaughnessy Honoria Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Shaughnessy James Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Shaughnessy John Kilteery Loghill Limerick Shaughnessy Margaret Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Shaughnessy Margaret Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Shaughnessy Maurice Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Shaughnessy Michael Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Shaughnessy Michael Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Shaughnessy Michael Knocknabooly (Middle) Loghill Limerick Shaughnessy Patrick Kilteery Loghill Limerick Shaughnessy Thomas Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Shaughnessy William Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Shea Morgan Kilteery Loghill Limerick Shea Richard Ballyrae Loghill Limerick Shea Timothy Ballyrae Loghill Limerick Shea William Kilteery Loghill Limerick Sheahan Anne Knocknabooly (East) Loghill Limerick Sheahan John Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Sheahan Mary Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Sheehan Edmund Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Sheehan Henry Mounttrenchard Loghill Limerick Sheehan John Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Sheehan John Loghill Loghill Limerick Sheehan Patrick Kilfergus Loghill Limerick Sheehan William Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Slattery James Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Slattery John Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Stackpool Patrick Kilteery Loghill Limerick Studdart Rev. George Loghill Loghill Limerick Studdart Revd. George Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Sullivan James Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Sullivan John Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Sullivan Margaret Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Sullivan Timothy Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Taylor Anselim E. Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Taylor Anselim E. Lisready (Clare) Loghill Limerick Taylor John Lisready (Clare) Loghill Limerick Taylor Richard Lisready (Clare) Loghill Limerick Tierney John Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Tierney John Loghill Loghill Limerick Wallace Michael Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Wallace Michael Loghill Loghill Limerick Walsh Pierce Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Walsh Thomas Lisready (Crinns) Loghill Limerick Windle James Kilteery Loghill Limerick Wolfe John Carrowbanebeg Loghill Limerick Wood John Lisready (Clare) Loghill Limerick Wright James Knocknabooly (West) Loghill Limerick Wright James Loghill Loghill Limerick