Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Barnett Samuel Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Bolesty William Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Bolton Catheirne Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Bolton Robert N. Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Burke Patrick Rathsallagh Abbeyshrule Longford Butler Frederick Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Butler Henry Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Butler Richard Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Butler Robert Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Butler Robert Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Byrne Charles Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Byrne Patrick Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Byrne Patrick Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Cahill James Rathsallagh Abbeyshrule Longford Calelahan John Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Campbell Catherine Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Carroll Anthony Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Carroll Patrick Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Cassidy James Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Christie Henry Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Clarke Catherine Killeenboy Abbeyshrule Longford Clarke Catherine Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Cloonan William Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Coates George Eldon Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Coates James Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Cody Robert Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Conway Michael Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Cormack John Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Corrigan William Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Dalton Patrick Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Dermody Michael Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Dermody Philip Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Dermody Timothy Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Diamond Robert Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Dillon Peter Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Dillon Reddy Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Dolan Richard Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Donnelly Bryan Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Doyle John Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Fallon Ann Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Farrell Christie Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Farrell Matthew Killeenboy Abbeyshrule Longford Farrell Michael Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Fee Thomas Killeenboy Abbeyshrule Longford Finlay Mary Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Fitzpatrick John Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Fitzsimons Philip Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Flood Andrew Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Flood Bryan Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Flood George Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Flood Robert Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Flower Frances Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Fry John Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Gamerson George Killeenboy Abbeyshrule Longford Gamerson George Rathsallagh Abbeyshrule Longford Gilleesy Elizabeth Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Gilleesy George Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Gills Thomas Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Graham Peter Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Gray Edward Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Guy William Killeenboy Abbeyshrule Longford Hanly Anthony Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Harman Hon. L. H. K. Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Harman Hon. L. H. K. Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Harris Elias Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Harris George Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Healy Margaret Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Healy Michael Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Hennessy John Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Hickey John Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Higgins William Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Higgins William Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Higgins William Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Hughes James Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Hughes James Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Hyland John Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Hyland Michael Killeenboy Abbeyshrule Longford Irwin ??? Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Jerdan John Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Jones David Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Jordan Patrick Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Kane Peter Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Keena William Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Kelly Francis Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Kelly Hugh Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Kelly Matthew Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Kelly Patrick Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Kelly Patrick Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Kenny Edward Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Kenny John Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Kenny John Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Kenny Julia Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Kenny Pat. Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Kinnaghan John Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Leonard Maria Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Leonard Maria Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Leonard Maria Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Leonard Maria Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Lynch John Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Lynch Michael Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Lynch Thomas Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Malinn Margaret Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Cormack Catherine Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Cormack Michael Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Gawley John Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Gawley Simon Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Geough Anne Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Geough Thomas Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Geough Walter Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Giffe Michael Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Giffe Peter Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Grath Patrick Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Grath Thomas Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Guire Michael Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Guire Patrick Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Keown Thomas Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Laurence Edward Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Mc Laurin Elizabeth Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Mexham William Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Miller Robert Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Mills James Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Mills Stephen Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Moran Bernard Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Moran James Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Moran James Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Moran Thomas Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Morris John Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Morris Richard Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Moxham George Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Moxham John Killeenboy Abbeyshrule Longford Mulcrone Nicholas Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Mullen John Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Mullen Michael Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Mullen Michael Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Murphy Richard Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Nally Martin Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Nary James Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Newcomen Elizabeth Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Rafferty James Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Rafferty Richard Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Roberts John Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Rourke Patrick Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Senter Robert Killeenboy Abbeyshrule Longford Shanly Bridget Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Shanly Mary Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Shaw Henry Rathsallagh Abbeyshrule Longford Shaw Robert Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Shaw William Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Shaw William Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Slator Bevan Abbeyshrule Abbeyshrule Longford Slator Joseph Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Thrimble Thomas Killeenboy Abbeyshrule Longford Thrimble Thomas Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Walsh Thomas Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Waters Andrew Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Wilder John Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Wilson John Cloonbrin Abbeyshrule Longford Wilson John Killeenboy Abbeyshrule Longford Wood Thomas Drumanure Abbeyshrule Longford Woods James Abbeyshrule,(Drumanure) Abbeyshrule Longford Wynne Catherine Rathsallagh Abbeyshrule Longford Wynne John, Jr. Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford Wynne John, Sr. Ratharney Abbeyshrule Longford