Fáilte Romhat
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Ball Michael Derrygowna Cashel Longford Ball Nicholas Derrygowna Cashel Longford Ball Thomas Derrygowna Cashel Longford Banan Patrick Ballynahinch Cashel Longford Bannan Margaret Claras Cashel Longford Bannon James Culnagore Cashel Longford Bannon John Culnagore Cashel Longford Barnan John Elfeet (Burke) Cashel Longford Barnan Patrick Cashel Cashel Longford Barton F. W. Derrynagalliagh Cashel Longford Bell James Cornaguillagh Cashel Longford Boswell John Cartoon Cashel Longford Boswell John Collum Cashel Longford Boswell John Lismagawley Cashel Longford Boswell John Lismagawley Bog Cashel Longford Boswell John Lismagawley Meadow Cashel Longford Brennan John Cullentragh Cashel Longford Brennan John Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Brennan John Greenhall Lower Cashel Longford Brennan Michael Cornaguillagh Cashel Longford Brennan Michael Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Brennan Michael Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Brennan Patrick Clawinch Island,Islands Cashel Longford Brennan Patrick Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Brennan Patrick Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Brennon James Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Burke Catherine Claras Cashel Longford Burke Thomas Leal Cashel Longford Butler John Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Carbery Bridget Derraghanmore Cashel Longford Carley Bridget Newpark Cashel Longford Carley Kate Newpark Cashel Longford Carly John Portanure Cashel Longford Casey Bernard Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Casey Bridget Claras Cashel Longford Casey Bridget Derrygowna Cashel Longford Casey John Ballina Cashel Longford Casey John Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Casey Mary Claras Cashel Longford Casey Michael Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Casey Michael Cormaglava Cashel Longford Casey Michael Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Casey Michael Newtownflanigan Cashel Longford Casey Patrick Aghavadden Cashel Longford Casey Patrick Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Casey Patrick Derrindiff Cashel Longford Casey Thomas Cleraun Cashel Longford Casserly Honor Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Casserly John Claras Cashel Longford Casserly Mary Pollagh Cashel Longford Casserly Michael Ballynahinch Cashel Longford Casserly Michael Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Casserly Michael Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Casserly Susan Cleraun Cashel Longford Casserly Thomas Ballagh Cashel Longford Casserly Thomas Carrowrory Cashel Longford Chapman James Derrygowna Cashel Longford Clark Anne Saint's Island,Islands Cashel Longford Clark William Saint's Island,Islands Cashel Longford Clarke Charles Newtownflanigan Cashel Longford Clarke Patrick Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Clarke Peter Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Clarke Robert Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Clarke William Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Cloonan John Pollagh Cashel Longford Clyne Anne Caltraghbeg Cashel Longford Clyne Anne Derrygowna Cashel Longford Clyne Francis Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Clyne James Caltraghbeg Cashel Longford Clyne James Derrygowna Cashel Longford Clyne Michael Caltraghbeg Cashel Longford Clyne Michael Derrygowna Cashel Longford Clyne Thomas Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Clyne Thomas Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Clyne Thomas, Jr. Derrygowna Cashel Longford Clyne Thomas, Sr. Derrygowna Cashel Longford Coghlan James Derrydarragh Cashel Longford Coghlan John, Sr. Derrydarragh Cashel Longford Coghlan Margaret Cloonmee Cashel Longford Coghlan William Derrydarragh Cashel Longford Coleman Thomas Portanure (Bog) Cashel Longford Conaghton John Cleraun Cashel Longford Conaghton Patrick Cleraun Cashel Longford Conan Patrick Ballagh Cashel Longford Concannon Mat. Greenhall Lower Cashel Longford Conlan Bridget Newpark Cashel Longford Connaghtan Patrick Derrynagalliagh Cashel Longford Connaghton Michael Cormaglava Cashel Longford Connaghton Patrick Pollagh Cashel Longford Connaghton Peter Pollagh Cashel Longford Connaghton Thomas Pollagh Cashel Longford Connaton Peter Leal Cashel Longford Connaughton John Elfeet (Adamson) Cashel Longford Connaughton Lacky Commons Cashel Longford Connaughton Owen Elfeet (Adamson) Cashel Longford Connolly John Derrygowna Cashel Longford Connolly Margaret Derrygowna Cashel Longford Connor Bridget Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Connor John Derrydarragh Cashel Longford Cormack Patrick Cleraun Cashel Longford Cormick Patrick Cleraun Cashel Longford Corrigan Bryan Cloonmee Cashel Longford Costelloe Bridget Pollagh Cashel Longford Costelloe James Cleraun Cashel Longford Costelloe James, Jr. Pollagh Cashel Longford Costelloe James, Sr. Pollagh Cashel Longford Costelloe Patrick Pollagh Cashel Longford Coyne Catherine Lightfield Cashel Longford Crillane Michael Newpark Cashel Longford Crillane Patrick Cloonmee Cashel Longford Crillane Patrick Newpark Cashel Longford Cunningham Anne Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Cunningham James Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Cunningham John Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Cunningham John Cleraun Cashel Longford Cunningham John Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Cunningham Kate Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Cunningham Mary Greenhall Lower Cashel Longford Cunningham Patrick Collum Cashel Longford Cunningham Patrick Greenhall Lower Cashel Longford Cunningham Thomas Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Cunningham Thomas Lightfield Cashel Longford Dalton Anne Collum Cashel Longford Dalton John Collum Cashel Longford Daly Thomas Lightfield Cashel Longford Delanour Martin Clawinch Island,Islands Cashel Longford Delany James Caltraghbeg Cashel Longford Delany John Caltraghbeg Cashel Longford Delany Patrick Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Delany William Ballynahinch Cashel Longford Dennehy Thomas Ballagh Cashel Longford Devine Thomas Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Diffley Mary Claras Cashel Longford Doherty Thomas Ballina Cashel Longford Dolan James Claras Cashel Longford Dolan John Cross Cashel Longford Dolan Michael Claras Cashel Longford Dolan Michael, Jr. Drumnee Cashel Longford Dolan Michael, Sr. Drumnee Cashel Longford Dolan Patrick Drumnee Cashel Longford Dolan Thomas Cross Cashel Longford Dolan Tom. Derrygowna Cashel Longford Donegan Judy Derraghanmore Cashel Longford Donnellan Andrew Derryshannoge Cashel Longford Donnellan James Cormaglava Cashel Longford Donnellan James Derrygowna Cashel Longford Donnellan James Derryshannoge Cashel Longford Donnellan Michael Derrygowna Cashel Longford Donnellan Peter Derryshannoge Cashel Longford Donnellan Rep. Lau. Derryshannoge Cashel Longford Donnellan Thomas Derraghanbeg Cashel Longford Donnellan Timothy Derryshannoge Cashel Longford Donnellan William Derryshannoge Cashel Longford Donnelly Christopher Ballagh Cashel Longford Donnelly Patrick Ballagh Cashel Longford Donnelly Patrick Derraghanmore Cashel Longford Donnelly Thomas Derraghanbeg Cashel Longford Donnelly William Leal Cashel Longford Doolin John Ballina Cashel Longford Doonican James Cleraun Cashel Longford Doran Biddy Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Doran Patrick Claras Cashel Longford Dowd James Aghnacross Cashel Longford Dowd John Aghnacross Cashel Longford Dowd Patrick Aghnacross Cashel Longford Dowd Patrick Lightfield Cashel Longford Duke Maria Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Dunn Connor Derrygowna Cashel Longford Dunn Michael Derrygowna Cashel Longford Dunne Anne Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Dunne Michael Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Dunne Michael Carrowmore Cashel Longford Dunne Michael Cashel Cashel Longford Dunne Michael Derraghanbeg Cashel Longford Dunne Michael Elfeet (Adamson) Cashel Longford Dunne Michael Leal Cashel Longford Eevers James Ballina Cashel Longford Egan John Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Egan Mary Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Egan Patrick Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Egan Patrick Elfeet (Adamson) Cashel Longford Eustace Catherine Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Fagan John Drumnee Cashel Longford Fagan Thomas Saint's Island,Islands Cashel Longford Fahy James Forthill Cashel Longford Fallon George Commons Cashel Longford Fallon George Cullentragh Cashel Longford Fallon George Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Fallon George Greenhall Lower Cashel Longford Fallon Mary Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Fallon Michael Collum Cashel Longford Fallon Patrick Drumnee Cashel Longford Fallon Timothy Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Farrell Anne Ballagh Cashel Longford Farrell Bartholomew Carrowrory Cashel Longford Farrell Bartholomew Collum Cashel Longford Farrell Bartholomew Islands Cashel Longford Farrell Bridget Derryglash Cashel Longford Farrell Bryan Derryglash Cashel Longford Farrell Bryan Derrygowna Cashel Longford Farrell Daniel Cloonmee Cashel Longford Farrell Edward Derraghanbeg Cashel Longford Farrell Francis Derrydarragh Cashel Longford Farrell Frank Derraghanbeg Cashel Longford Farrell Honoria Derrygowna Cashel Longford Farrell James Caltraghbeg Cashel Longford Farrell James Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Farrell John Aghavadden Cashel Longford Farrell John Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Farrell John Derraghanbeg Cashel Longford Farrell John Derrycolumb Cashel Longford Farrell John Leal Cashel Longford Farrell John, Jr. Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Farrell John, Jr. Streamstown Cashel Longford Farrell John, Sr. Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Farrell John, Sr. Streamstown Cashel Longford Farrell Julia Forthill Cashel Longford Farrell Martin Derraghanbeg Cashel Longford Farrell Mary Forthill Cashel Longford Farrell Michael Cloonmee Cashel Longford Farrell Michael Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Farrell Michael Cross Cashel Longford Farrell Michael Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Farrell Patrick Aghavadden Cashel Longford Farrell Patrick Ballina Cashel Longford Farrell Patrick Cornaguillagh Cashel Longford Farrell Patrick Elfeet (Burke) Cashel Longford Farrell Patrick Greenhall Lower Cashel Longford Farrell Patrick, Jr. Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Farrell Patrick, Sr. Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Farrell Peter Portanure Cashel Longford Farrell Richard Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Farrell Rose Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Farrell Thomas Cloonmee Cashel Longford Farrell Thomas Collum Cashel Longford Farrell Thos. Cloonmee Cashel Longford Fetherston Lady ??? Ballynahinch Cashel Longford Fetherston Lady Fanny Cashel Cashel Longford Fetherston Lady Fanny Priest's Island,Islands Cashel Longford Finglass Frank Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Finneran John Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Finneran Margaret Newpark Cashel Longford Flanagan Margaret Derrindiff Cashel Longford Flanagan Patrick Derrindiff Cashel Longford Flanagan Patrick Forthill Cashel Longford Flanagan Thomas Derrindiff Cashel Longford Flynn James Drumnee Cashel Longford Flynne James Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Ford James Derrynagalliagh Cashel Longford Ford James Forthill Cashel Longford Ford Patrick Forthill Cashel Longford Fox Luke B. Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Fox Luke B. Newpark Cashel Longford Fox Luke B. Streamstown Cashel Longford Fox Michael Derrynagalliagh Cashel Longford Fox Patrick Newpark Cashel Longford Fox Thomas Derrynagalliagh Cashel Longford Fox Timothy Derrynagalliagh Cashel Longford Gannon Mary Derrindiff Cashel Longford Gannon Thomas Cormaglava Cashel Longford Gannon Thomas Newtownflanigan Cashel Longford Geraghty John Forthill Cashel Longford Geraghty Michael Derraghanmore Cashel Longford Geraghty Michael Forthill Cashel Longford Geraghty Thomas Derraghanmore Cashel Longford Geraghty William Derraghanbeg Cashel Longford Geraghy William Derraghanbeg Cashel Longford Gill James Carrowdunican Cashel Longford Gill Michael Carrowdunican Cashel Longford Gill Owen Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Gill Owen Drumnee Cashel Longford Gill Peter Carrowdunican Cashel Longford Gill Peter Cullentragh Cashel Longford Gill Peter Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Gill Peter Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Gill Thomas Newpark Cashel Longford Gilmor William Collum Cashel Longford Gilmore Patrick Carrowrory Cashel Longford Gilmore Patrick Collum Cashel Longford Gilmore Patrick Islands Cashel Longford Glennon James Forthill Cashel Longford Glennon Peter Forthill Cashel Longford Glennon Peter Newtownflanigan Cashel Longford Goff Robert Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Goolrick James Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Goolrick Samuel Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Green John Elfeet (Adamson) Cashel Longford Green Patrick Leal Cashel Longford Green Patrick, Jr. Elfeet (Adamson) Cashel Longford Green Patrick, Sr. Elfeet (Adamson) Cashel Longford Green Rev. Thos. Webb Glebe Cashel Longford Gregg Rev. F. T. Derrydarragh Cashel Longford Grennan Peter Derrycolumb Cashel Longford Hand Michael Newpark Cashel Longford Hand Thomas Newpark Cashel Longford Hanley John Loughfarm Cashel Longford Hanlon Kate Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Hanly Bridget Loughfarm Cashel Longford Hanly Daniel Islands Cashel Longford Hanly Edward Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Hanly Edward Loughfarm Cashel Longford Hanly James Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Hanly James Elfeet (Burke) Cashel Longford Hanly James, Jr. Tipper Cashel Longford Hanly James, Sr. Tipper Cashel Longford Hanly John Portanure Cashel Longford Hanly Joseph Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Hanly Judy Carrowdunican Cashel Longford Hanly Matthew Newpark Cashel Longford Hanly Michael Islands Cashel Longford Hanly Thomas Cullentragh Cashel Longford Hanly Thomas Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Harman Hon. L. H. K. Ballina Cashel Longford Harman Hon. L. H. K. Forthill Cashel Longford Harris James Portanure Cashel Longford Harris John Portanure Cashel Longford Harris Thomas Portanure Cashel Longford Healy Michael Collum Cashel Longford Healy Thomas Drumnee Cashel Longford Hearny Patrick Aghavadden Cashel Longford Heavihan Patrick Cloonmee Cashel Longford Heavihan Thomas Cloonmee Cashel Longford Heavihan Thomas Newpark Cashel Longford Hely Catherine Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Hely John Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Hely John, Jr. Cleraun Cashel Longford Hely John, Jr. Pollagh Cashel Longford Hely John, Sr. Cleraun Cashel Longford Hesler Michael Aghavadden Cashel Longford Higgins Timothy Newtownflanigan Cashel Longford Hobican Patrick Derrygowna Cashel Longford Hopkins Bridget Drumnee Cashel Longford Hopkins Bryan Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Hopkins Denis Aghavadden Cashel Longford Hopkins James Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Hopkins James Drumnee Cashel Longford Hopkins James Pollagh Cashel Longford Hopkins James, Jr. Drumnee Cashel Longford Hopkins John Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Hopkins John Cleraun Cashel Longford Hopkins John Portanure Cashel Longford Hopkins John, Jr. Drumnee Cashel Longford Hopkins Mary Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Hopkins Michael Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Hopkins Michael Drumnee Cashel Longford Hopkins Patrick Claras Cashel Longford Hopkins Patrick Newpark Cashel Longford Hopkins Thomas Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Hopkins Thomas Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Hudson James Portanure Cashel Longford Hudson James Tipper Cashel Longford Hudson Laurence Cleraun Cashel Longford Hughes Francis Cashel Cashel Longford Johnston St. George Inchcleraun Island,Islands Cashel Longford Johnston St. George Muckinish Island,Islands Cashel Longford Kearney Daniel Culnagore Cashel Longford Kearney James Commons Cashel Longford Kearney Patrick Cullentragh Cashel Longford Kearney Patrick Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Kearney Thomas Cullentragh Cashel Longford Kearney Thomas Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Keegan Laurence Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Kelly Bridget Caltraghbeg Cashel Longford Kelly Bryan Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Kelly Denis Derrynagalliagh Cashel Longford Kelly Edward Elfeet (Burke) Cashel Longford Kelly James Saint's Island,Islands Cashel Longford Kelly Kate Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Kelly Kate Claras Cashel Longford Kelly Mary Caltraghbeg Cashel Longford Kelly Mary Greenhall Lower Cashel Longford Kelly Michael Cloonmee Cashel Longford Kelly Michael Derrygowna Cashel Longford Kelly Nelly Aghavadden Cashel Longford Kelly Patrick Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Kelly Patrick Portanure Cashel Longford Kenmy James Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Kennedy Bernard Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Kennedy Bernard Portanure (Bog) Cashel Longford Kennedy Bridget Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Kennedy Charles Aghnacross Cashel Longford Kennedy James Ballagh Cashel Longford Kennedy James Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Kennedy John Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Kennedy John Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Kennedy Michael Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Kennedy Patrick Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Kennedy Peggy Derrygowna Cashel Longford Kennedy Thomas Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Kennedy Thomas Claras Cashel Longford Kenny Edward Cleraun Cashel Longford Kenny Edward Leal Cashel Longford Kenny James Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Kenny John, Jr. Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Kenny John, Sr. Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Kenny Mary Tipper Cashel Longford Kenny Michael Ballagh Cashel Longford Kenny Michael Carrowrory Cashel Longford Kenny Michael Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Kenny Michael Derrycolumb Cashel Longford Kenny Thomas Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Keogh Thady Cleraun Cashel Longford Knight James Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Lally Daniel Cross Cashel Longford Lally Margaret Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Lally Mark Portanure Cashel Longford Lally Michael Carrickmoran Cashel Longford Lally Michael Cross Cashel Longford Lally Michael Cullentragh Cashel Longford Lally Thomas Cross Cashel Longford Ledwith Edward Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Ledwith Edward Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Lennon James Derrynagalliagh Cashel Longford Lennon Margaret Derrynagalliagh Cashel Longford Lewis William Claras Cashel Longford Lewis William Cormaglava Cashel Longford Lewis William Cornaguillagh Cashel Longford Lewis William Cross Cashel Longford Lewis William Forthill Cashel Longford Lewis William Newtownflanigan Cashel Longford Lynch Kate Collum Cashel Longford Lynch Thomas Drumnee Cashel Longford Lyons Peter Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Madden Bridget Derrycolumb Cashel Longford Magan Michael Derrygowna Cashel Longford Magee Peter Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Maghedy Catherine Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Maghedy Michael Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Maghedy William Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Magrane Patrick Newtownflanigan Cashel Longford Magrath Brian Drumnee Cashel Longford Magrath John Saint's Island,Islands Cashel Longford Maguire John Derrycolumb Cashel Longford Mallin Biddy Drumnee Cashel Longford Mallin Bridget Collum Cashel Longford Mallin James Claras Cashel Longford Mallin John Drumnee Cashel Longford Mallin Luke Drumnee Cashel Longford Mallin Patrick Cleraun Cashel Longford Mallin Patrick Drumnee Cashel Longford Maxwell Patrick Newpark Cashel Longford Mayne P. J. Cleraun Cashel Longford Mayne Pelham J. Cleraun Cashel Longford Mc Dermot Patrick Cleraun Cashel Longford Mc Dermott Bernard Newpark Cashel Longford Mc Dermott John Tipper Cashel Longford Mc Gaurin Patrick Derraghanbeg Cashel Longford Mc Gowan Patrick Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Mc Grath Catherine Newpark Cashel Longford Mc Grath Mary Portanure Cashel Longford Mc Grath Patrick Ballagh Cashel Longford Mc Loughlan Bernard Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Mearly Judith Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Melia Daniel Derryglash Cashel Longford Melia James Derryglash Cashel Longford Melia Patrick Cloonmee Cashel Longford Merigan Daniel Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Merigan Edward Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Merigan Patrick Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Miller Holebrook Caltraghbeg Cashel Longford Mooney Mary Newpark Cashel Longford Moran John Inchcleraun Island,Islands Cashel Longford Moran Patrick Cloonmee Cashel Longford Moran Patrick Leal Cashel Longford Moran Patrick Loughfarm Cashel Longford Moray Patrick Collum Cashel Longford Moray Peter Collum Cashel Longford Morton Joseph Newtownflanigan Cashel Longford Mughty Bryan Ballynahinch Cashel Longford Muldoon Thomas Aghavadden Cashel Longford Muldoon Thomas Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Muldoon Timothy Aghavadden Cashel Longford Muldoon Timothy Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Mullany James Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Mullany Martin Claras Cashel Longford Mullen Thomas Derrycolumb Cashel Longford Mulligan Anne Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Mulligan Catherine Derrygowna Cashel Longford Mulligan Mary Cloonmee Cashel Longford Mullooly Peter Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Mulvihill Anne Portanure Cashel Longford Mulvihill Bernard Claras Cashel Longford Mulvihill Bridget Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Mulvihill Bridget Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Mulvihill Catherine Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Mulvihill Catherine Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Mulvihill Christr. Leal Cashel Longford Mulvihill Christy Leal Cashel Longford Mulvihill Edward Loughfarm Cashel Longford Mulvihill Francis Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Mulvihill James Forthill Cashel Longford Mulvihill James Pollagh Cashel Longford Mulvihill John Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Mulvihill John Drumnee Cashel Longford Mulvihill John Leal Cashel Longford Mulvihill John Portanure Cashel Longford Mulvihill Martin Cleraun Cashel Longford Mulvihill Mary Collum Cashel Longford Mulvihill Patrick Cleraun Cashel Longford Mulvihill Patrick Cormaglava Cashel Longford Mulvihill Patrick Pollagh Cashel Longford Mulvihill Patrick Tipper Cashel Longford Mulvihill Peter Cashel Cashel Longford Mulvihill Peter Elfeet (Burke) Cashel Longford Mulvihill Peter Loughfarm Cashel Longford Mulvihill Thomas Cleraun Cashel Longford Mulvihill Thomas Portanure Cashel Longford Mulvihill William Portanure Cashel Longford Murly John Derrynagalliagh Cashel Longford Murphy Patrick Forthill Cashel Longford Murphy Thady Claras Cashel Longford Murray Biddy Aghavadden Cashel Longford Murray James Aghavadden Cashel Longford Murray John Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Murray John Claras Cashel Longford Murray John Corrool (Fox) Cashel Longford Murray Kate Derrygowna Cashel Longford Murray Mary Claras Cashel Longford Murray Mary Cleraun Cashel Longford Murray Michael Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Murray Michael Cleraun Cashel Longford Murray Michael Newpark Cashel Longford Murray Michael Pollagh Cashel Longford Murray Patrick Cleraun Cashel Longford Murray Patrick Derraghanbeg Cashel Longford Murray Patrick Pollagh Cashel Longford Murray Patrick Portanure Cashel Longford Murray Thade Aghavadden Cashel Longford Murray Thomas Cleraun Cashel Longford Murray Thomas Pollagh Cashel Longford Murtagh John Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Murtagh Judith Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Murtagh Michael Derrycolumb Cashel Longford Murtagh Thomas Forthill Cashel Longford Nally Catherine Saint's Island,Islands Cashel Longford Nally William Saint's Island,Islands Cashel Longford Naughton Michael Newpark Cashel Longford Naughton Thomas Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Newcomen Theresa Culnagore Cashel Longford Nolan Patrick Derrygowna Cashel Longford Nolan William Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford O'Connor Edward Cornadowagh Cashel Longford O'Flanagan Rev. Nich. Cornadowagh Cashel Longford O'Hara John Islands Cashel Longford O'Reilly Richd. P., M.D. Derraghanmore Cashel Longford Payne Alexander Derrycolumb Cashel Longford Payne Alexander Newtownflanigan Cashel Longford Payne James Derrycolumb Cashel Longford Payne John Derrycolumb Cashel Longford Payne Samuel Ballina Cashel Longford Petridge Michael Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Poynton Elizabeth Derrynagran Cashel Longford Poynton James, Sr. Derrymany Cashel Longford Quigley Peter Cleraun Cashel Longford Quinn Anne Cleraun Cashel Longford Rafferty Patrick Drumnee Cashel Longford Ratigan Michael Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Rattigan Mary Newpark Cashel Longford Rawlins Alexander Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Rawlins George Elfeet (Burke) Cashel Longford Rawlins Hugh Ballina Cashel Longford Rawlins James Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Rawlins William Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Reilly Catherine Forthill Cashel Longford Reilly James Derraghanbeg Cashel Longford Reilly James Forthill Cashel Longford Reilly John Portanure Cashel Longford Rivers Anne Cormaglava Cashel Longford Rowan John Derrygowna Cashel Longford Rowan Thomas Derryglash Cashel Longford Ryder Hugh Ballynahinch Cashel Longford Ryder James Ballynahinch Cashel Longford Ryder John Ballynahinch Cashel Longford Scally Bernard Aghavadden Cashel Longford Scally Bridget Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Scally Daniel Claras Cashel Longford Scally Edward Ballagh Cashel Longford Scally Edward Carrowrory Cashel Longford Scally Edward Collum Cashel Longford Scally Edward Islands Cashel Longford Scally James Claras Cashel Longford Scally James Derrydarragh Cashel Longford Scally John Aghavadden Cashel Longford Scally John Ballagh Cashel Longford Scally John Claras Cashel Longford Scally John Cloonmee Cashel Longford Scally John Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Scally John Derrydarragh Cashel Longford Scally John Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Scally John Saint's Island,Islands Cashel Longford Scally John, Jr. Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Scally John, Sr. Carrowbeg Cashel Longford Scally Kitty Elfeet (Burke) Cashel Longford Scally Madge Ballagh Cashel Longford Scally Margaret Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Scally Mary Aghavadden Cashel Longford Scally Michael Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Scally Michael Cormaglava Cashel Longford Scally Michael Drumnee Cashel Longford Scally Michael Newpark Cashel Longford Scally Michael Newtownflanigan Cashel Longford Scally Pat. Saint's Island,Islands Cashel Longford Scally Patrick Aghavadden Cashel Longford Scally Patrick Ballagh Cashel Longford Scally Patrick Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Scally Patrick Carrowrory Cashel Longford Scally Patrick Cleraun Cashel Longford Scally Patrick Cloonmee Cashel Longford Scally Patrick Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Scally Patrick Derrydarragh Cashel Longford Scally Patrick Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Scally Patrick Portanure Cashel Longford Scally Peter Cloonmee Cashel Longford Scally Peter Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Scally Peter Derrydarragh Cashel Longford Scally Thomas Ballagh Cashel Longford Scally Thomas Caltraghbeg Cashel Longford Scally Thomas Caltraghmore Cashel Longford Scally Thomas Carrickmoran Cashel Longford Scally Thomas Corrool (Brennan) Cashel Longford Shea Bryan Derrygowna Cashel Longford Shea Bryan Leal Cashel Longford Shea James Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Shea Patrick Portanure Cashel Longford Shea Peter Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Shea Thady Cleraun Cashel Longford Shea Thomas Ballyrevagh Cashel Longford Shea Thomas Cleraun Cashel Longford Smith Andrew Newpark Cashel Longford Smith Bernard Derraghanbeg Cashel Longford Smith Edward Derrymany Cashel Longford Smith Edward S. R. Derrymacar Cashel Longford Smith Ellen Cormaglava Cashel Longford Smith John, Jr. Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Smith John, Sr. Corrool (Kenny) Cashel Longford Smith Mary Cormaglava Cashel Longford Smith Patrick Cornadowagh Cashel Longford Stanly Thomas Forthill Cashel Longford Stanly Winifred Forthill Cashel Longford Steele Daniel Collum Cashel Longford Steele John Derrydarragh Cashel Longford Steele Kate Collum Cashel Longford Steele Patrick Derryglash Cashel Longford Sweeny James Derrygowna Cashel Longford Sweeny John Newpark Cashel Longford Sweeny Michael Derrygowna Cashel Longford Sweeny Patrick Derrygowna Cashel Longford Tanner Henry Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Tanner William Cloonmee Cashel Longford Teirnan James Greenhall Lower Cashel Longford Teirnan John Cloonmee Cashel Longford Teirnan John Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Teirnan John, Jr. Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Teirnan John, Sr. Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Teirnan Thomas Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford Teirnan Thos., Sr. Cloonmee Cashel Longford Thompson James Cloonmee Cashel Longford Thompson Patrick Ballynahinch Cashel Longford Tiernan Thomas, Jr. Cloonmee Cashel Longford Walsh Catherine Ballina Cashel Longford Ward Bernard Fortwilliam Cashel Longford Ward Patrick Cloonmee Cashel Longford Ward Patrick Greenhall Upper Cashel Longford