Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Anderson Edward Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Anderson James Rathmore Columbkille Longford Anderson Robert, Jr. Rathmore Columbkille Longford Anderson Robert, Sr. Rathmore Columbkille Longford Anderson Thomas Rathmore Columbkille Longford Archbold John Rathmore Columbkille Longford Banks Anne Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Banks Bridget Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Banks Judith Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Banks Michael Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Banks Owen Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Banks Philip Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Banks Philip Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Beglin Francis Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Beglin James Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Beglin Patrick Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Bern Patrick Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Berrin Anne Molly Columbkille Longford Blake John Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Blake John Larkfield Columbkille Longford Blake Luke Larkfield Columbkille Longford Blayney John Kilmore Columbkille Longford Blayney Margaret Dring Columbkille Longford Blessington John Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Boylan Patrick Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Bradley Peter Molly Columbkille Longford Bradley William Molly Columbkille Longford Brady Anne Toome Columbkille Longford Brady Bartholomew Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Brady Bernard Aghakine Columbkille Longford Brady Bernard Rosduff Columbkille Longford Brady Cormack Smear Columbkille Longford Brady Francis Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Brady Francis Smear Columbkille Longford Brady Hugh Aghakine Columbkille Longford Brady Hugh Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Brady Hugh Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Brady James Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Brady James Kilmore Columbkille Longford Brady James Larkfield Columbkille Longford Brady John Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Brady John Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Brady John Larkfield Columbkille Longford Brady John Polladooey Columbkille Longford Brady John Smear Columbkille Longford Brady Michael Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Brady Michael Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Brady Owen Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Brady Owen Smear Columbkille Longford Brady Patrick Aghakine Columbkille Longford Brady Patrick Annaghdaniel Columbkille Longford Brady Patrick Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Brady Patrick Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Brady Patrick Larkfield Columbkille Longford Brady Patrick Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Brady Patrick Smear Columbkille Longford Brady Peter Larkfield Columbkille Longford Brady Philip Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Brady Philip Aghnacliff Columbkille Longford Brady Philip Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Brady Philip Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Brady Thomas Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Brady Thomas Smear Columbkille Longford Brannon Thomas Toome Columbkille Longford Briordy Anne Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Briordy James Toome Columbkille Longford Briordy John Corrinagh Columbkille Longford Briordy John Toome Columbkille Longford Briordy Patrick Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Briordy Patrick Corrinagh Columbkille Longford Briordy Peter Toome Columbkille Longford Burbage John Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Burns Bernard Druminacriher Columbkille Longford Burns James Druminacriher Columbkille Longford Burns Michael Druminacriher Columbkille Longford Burns Terence Druminacriher Columbkille Longford Burns Thomas Druminacriher Columbkille Longford Cadam Luke Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Caffrey Thomas Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Cahill Patrick Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Caldwell Anne Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Campbell James Rosduff Columbkille Longford Campbell Mary Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Carter Ellen Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Carty Rose Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Carty Thomas Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Casey Bridget Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Casey Bridget Smear Columbkille Longford Casserly Timothy Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Caulfield James Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Caulfield Margaret Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Caulfield Thomas Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Clarke Bridget Aghamore Lower Columbkille Longford Clarke Francis Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Clarke Francis, Jr. Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Clarke Francis, Sr. Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Clarke Hugh Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Clarke John Mollyglass Columbkille Longford Clarke Myles Mollyglass Columbkille Longford Clarke Patrick Cloonback Columbkille Longford Clune Thomas Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Clusky Anne Kilmore Columbkille Longford Clusky John Kilmore Columbkille Longford Clusky Patrick Kilmore Columbkille Longford Clusky Patrick Toome Columbkille Longford Colligan Edward Larkfield Columbkille Longford Collomb Charles Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Collomb James Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Collomb James Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Collomb John Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Collomb Patrick Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Collomb Thomas Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Collumb Charles Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Collumb Hugh Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Collumb James Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Collumb John Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Collumb Matthew Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Collumb Patrick Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Collumb Patrick Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Collumb Thomas Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Colm Patrick Smear Columbkille Longford Columb Ellen Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Columb James Larkfield Columbkille Longford Columb Laurence Larkfield Columbkille Longford Columb Michael Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Comiskay James Toome Columbkille Longford Comiskay Peter Kilmore Columbkille Longford Comiskey John Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Comiskey Owen Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Comiskey Rose Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Connell James Ballinulty Upper Columbkille Longford Connell Michael Mollyglass Columbkille Longford Connell Patrick Smear Columbkille Longford Connelly Luke Molly Columbkille Longford Connelly Terence Toome Columbkille Longford Conner James Dring Columbkille Longford Conner John Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Conner Michael Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Conners Patrick Mollyglass Columbkille Longford Connolly Bridget Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Connolly Catherine Aghakine Columbkille Longford Connolly James Aghakine Columbkille Longford Connolly Mary Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Connolly Michael Aghakine Columbkille Longford Connolly Michael Molly Columbkille Longford Connolly Patrick Aghakine Columbkille Longford Connolly Peter Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Connolly Thomas Aghakine Columbkille Longford Connor John Aghakine Columbkille Longford Connor John Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Connor Michael Smear Columbkille Longford Connor Patrick Cloonback Columbkille Longford Conry Michael Rosduff Columbkille Longford Cooney Patrick Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Corcoran Henry Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Corcoran Hugh Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Corcoran John Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Corcoran Laurence Clooneen Columbkille Longford Corcoran Owen Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Corcoran Peter Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Corcoran Peter Clooneen Columbkille Longford Corcoran Thomas Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Corrin Francis Dring Columbkille Longford Corrin John Dring Columbkille Longford Corrin Margaret Dring Columbkille Longford Corrin Michael Dring Columbkille Longford Corven Edward Rosduff Columbkille Longford Corven Patrick Rosduff Columbkille Longford Cosgrave Alice Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Cosgrave James Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Cosgrave Myles Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Cosgrave Rose Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Cosgrave Thomas Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Coyle Charles Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Coyle Constantine Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Coyle James Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Coyle Matthew Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Coyle Michael Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Coyle Patrick Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Coyle Patrick Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Coyle Rose Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Crawford Matthew Rathmore Columbkille Longford Crow James Molly Columbkille Longford Crow Michael Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Cunningham Bernard Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Cunningham Bryan Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Cunningham John Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Cunningham Patrick Clooneen Columbkille Longford Cunningham Thomas Druminacriher Columbkille Longford Curren Bernard Clooneen Columbkille Longford Curren Patrick Mollyglass Columbkille Longford Curren Rose Clooneen Columbkille Longford Curren Thomas Mollyglass Columbkille Longford Curry James Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Curry John Kilmore Columbkille Longford Dale Andrew Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Dalton Christopher Druminacriher Columbkille Longford Dalton Thomas Larkfield Columbkille Longford Daly Luke Clooneen Columbkille Longford Daly Peter Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Delaware Anne Cloonback Columbkille Longford Denehan Patrick Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Dening Bernard Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Dening Philip Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Dennehy John Kilmore Columbkille Longford Dennehy John Toome Columbkille Longford Dennihy John Toome Columbkille Longford Denning Rose Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Dermody James Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Devine Thomas Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Dignan Patrick Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Dillon Edward Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Dillon Henry Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Doherty Bernard Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Doherty John Molly Columbkille Longford Doherty Owen Corrinagh Columbkille Longford Doherty Robert Smear Columbkille Longford Dolan James Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Dolan Terence Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Donnellan Catherine Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Donnellan Patrick Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Donnelly Elizabeth Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Donnelly Elizabeth Cloonback Columbkille Longford Donnelly John Aghnacliff Columbkille Longford Donnelly Patrick Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Donohoe Bernard Aghakine Columbkille Longford Donohoe Bridget Aghakine Columbkille Longford Donohoe Bridget Jasper Island Columbkille Longford Donohoe Bryan Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Donohoe Catherine Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Donohoe Denis Aghamore Lower Columbkille Longford Donohoe Edward Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Donohoe Farrell Aghnacliff Columbkille Longford Donohoe Hugh Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Donohoe James Aghakine Columbkille Longford Donohoe James Larkfield Columbkille Longford Donohoe James Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Donohoe John Aghamore Lower Columbkille Longford Donohoe John Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Donohoe Matthew Aghakine Columbkille Longford Donohoe Matthew Island Columbkille Longford Donohoe Michael Aghamore Lower Columbkille Longford Donohoe Michael Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Donohoe Michael Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Donohoe Michael Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Donohoe Pat Jasper Island Columbkille Longford Donohoe Patrick Aghakine Columbkille Longford Donohoe Patrick Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Donohoe Patrick Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Donohoe Philip Aghamore Lower Columbkille Longford Donohoe Thomas Aghakine Columbkille Longford Donohoe Thomas Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Donohoe Thomas Dring Columbkille Longford Donohoe Thomas Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Donohoe William Aghakine Columbkille Longford Dooras Michael Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Dopping Henry Inchmore Island Columbkille Longford Dopping Henry Small Island Columbkille Longford Dopping John Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Dopping John Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Dopping John Dring Columbkille Longford Doyle Anne Smear Columbkille Longford Doyle Catherine Rosduff Columbkille Longford Doyle James Rosduff Columbkille Longford Doyle James Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Doyle John Smear Columbkille Longford Doyle Mary Smear Columbkille Longford Doyle Matthew Mollyglass Columbkille Longford Doyle Michael Kilmore Columbkille Longford Doyle Michael Molly Columbkille Longford Doyle Patrick Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Doyle Patrick Aghakine Columbkille Longford Doyle Patrick Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Doyle Patrick Mollyglass Columbkille Longford Doyle Patrick Rosduff Columbkille Longford Doyle Patrick Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Doyle Patrick, Jr. Smear Columbkille Longford Doyle Patrick, Sr. Smear Columbkille Longford Doyle Thomas Rosduff Columbkille Longford Drake Edward Ballinulty Upper Columbkille Longford Drake Patrick Ballinulty Upper Columbkille Longford Duffy Charles Kilmore Columbkille Longford Duffy Charles Smear Columbkille Longford Duffy Felix Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Duffy James Derreenavoggy Columbkille Longford Duffy John Molly Columbkille Longford Duffy Margaret Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Duffy Michael Kilmore Columbkille Longford Duffy Patrick Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Duffy Patrick Smear Columbkille Longford Duffy Philip Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Dugan Benjamin Clooneen Columbkille Longford Early John Toome Columbkille Longford Edgeworth Rev. Essex Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Fagan Margaret Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Fagan Matthew Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Fallon Mary Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Farrell Edward Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Farrell Edward Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Farrell Garrett Kilmore Columbkille Longford Farrell James Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Farrell John Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Farrell John Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Farrell John Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Farrell John Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Farrell Judith Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Farrell Margaret Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Farrell Matthew Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Farrell Michael Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Farrell Michael Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Farrell Thomas Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Farrell Thomas Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Farrell Thomas Larkfield Columbkille Longford Farrell Thomas Toome Columbkille Longford Farrelly Edward Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Farrelly Michael Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Farrelly Michael Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Farrelly Patrick Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Feery Laurence Kilmore Columbkille Longford Fennelly William Larkfield Columbkille Longford Finney Bridget Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Fitsimons Thomas Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Fitzpatrick Bryan Mollyglass Columbkille Longford Fitzpatrick Hugh Smear Columbkille Longford Fitzpatrick John Rosduff Columbkille Longford Fitzpatrick Patrick Rathmore Columbkille Longford Fitzpatrick Patrick Rosduff Columbkille Longford Fitzpatrick Patrick Toome Columbkille Longford Fitzpatrick Peter Kilmore Columbkille Longford Fitzpatrick Philip Smear Columbkille Longford Fitzsimons James Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Fitzsimons John, Jr. Toome Columbkille Longford Fitzsimons John, Sr. Toome Columbkille Longford Fitzsimons Mary Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Fitzsimons Mary Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Fitzsimons Thomas Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Flaherty John Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Flaherty Margaret Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Flood Bernard Dring Columbkille Longford Flood Edward Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Flood Elizabeth Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Flood Francis Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Flood James Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Flood John Dring Columbkille Longford Flood Thomas Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Flood Thomas Dring Columbkille Longford Flynn Bernard Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Flynn Hugh Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Flynn Mary Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Flynn Michael Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Flynn Patrick Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Forbes Mary Rathmore Columbkille Longford Fox Catherine Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Fox Patrick Clooneen Columbkille Longford Fox Rose Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Foy Bridget Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Foy Owen Ballinulty Upper Columbkille Longford Foy Rose Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Fullam Honoria Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Fullam Patrick Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Fullam Thomas Kilmore Columbkille Longford Fullan Patrick Druminacriher Columbkille Longford Gaffney Conner Ballinulty Upper Columbkille Longford Gaffney James Ballinulty Upper Columbkille Longford Gaffney James Toome Columbkille Longford Gaffney Matthew Toome Columbkille Longford Gaffney Thomas Rathmore Columbkille Longford Gallagher Ellen Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Gallagher James Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Gallagher Terence Larkfield Columbkille Longford Galligan James Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Garvey Owen Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Garvey Patrick Dring Columbkille Longford Gaynor Anne Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Gilchrist Patrick Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Gilmore Daniel Larkfield Columbkille Longford Gilroy John Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Gilroy Terence Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Ginty James Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Glade Patrick Polladooey Columbkille Longford Goodin Francis Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Gorman Catherine Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Gormley Anne Polladooey Columbkille Longford Gormley Arthur Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Gormley Arthur Polladooey Columbkille Longford Gormley Bernard Polladooey Columbkille Longford Gormley Catherine Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Gormley Ellen Polladooey Columbkille Longford Gormley James Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Gormley Mary Polladooey Columbkille Longford Gormley Michael, Jr. Polladooey Columbkille Longford Gormley Michael, Sr. Polladooey Columbkille Longford Gormley Michl. Polladooey Columbkille Longford Gormley Thomas Larkfield Columbkille Longford Granard ??? Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Grattan Henry Clooneen Columbkille Longford Grey Dennis Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Grey John Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Grey Mary Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Grey Owen Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Grey Thomas Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Grier George Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Grier Henry Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Grier Stephen Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Hagan Maryann Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Hall Charles Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Hall Charles Polladooey Columbkille Longford Hall Henry Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Hall Joseph Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Hall Mary Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Halliday Francis Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Hamilton James Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Hamilton Robert Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Hand Patrick Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Handley James Aghamore Lower Columbkille Longford Hanlon Anne Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Hanlon John Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Hanlon Patrick Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Harrison Matthew Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Harton Mary Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Harton Michael Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Harton Owen Kilmore Columbkille Longford Heslin John Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Hessan Hugh Kilmore Columbkille Longford Hessan John Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Hetherton Bridget Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Hetherton Robert Derreenavoggy Columbkille Longford Hetherton William Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Higgins John Aghamore Lower Columbkille Longford Higgins Peter Aghamore Lower Columbkille Longford Higgins William Rathmore Columbkille Longford Higlan Bernard Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Hughes Henry G. Aghakine Columbkille Longford Hughes Henry Geo. Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Hughes Henry Geo. Polladooey Columbkille Longford Hughes Henry George Polladooey Columbkille Longford Hughes Michael Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Hughes Michael Kilmore Columbkille Longford Hughes Michael Toome Columbkille Longford Hurson Alice Corrinagh Columbkille Longford Hurson Matthew Corrinagh Columbkille Longford Hurson Peter Corrinagh Columbkille Longford Hutton Robert Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Hutton Robert Kilmore Columbkille Longford Job David Rathmore Columbkille Longford Job David Smear Columbkille Longford Job John Rathmore Columbkille Longford Jones David Dring Columbkille Longford Jones Francis Larkfield Columbkille Longford Jones James Larkfield Columbkille Longford Jones William Dring Columbkille Longford Jordan Thomas Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Kavanagh James Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Kavanagh John Aghakine Columbkille Longford Kean Hugh Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Kearney Patrick Clooneen Columbkille Longford Keegan Bryan Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Keegan Dominick Kilmore Columbkille Longford Keegan Michael Kilmore Columbkille Longford Keegan William Clooneen Columbkille Longford Kehoe John Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Kehoe John Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Keilly Owen Smear Columbkille Longford Keirnan Daniel Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Keirnan John Toome Columbkille Longford Keirnan Michael Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Kelagher John Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Kelaher Philip Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Kelaher William Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Kelly Anne Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Kelly Catherine Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Kelly Christopher Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Kelly Edward Molly Columbkille Longford Kelly James Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Kelly James Molly Columbkille Longford Kelly Patrick Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Kelly William Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Kerivin James Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Kiernan Anne Smear Columbkille Longford Kiernan Anthony Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Kiernan Barnaby Smear Columbkille Longford Kiernan Bernard Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Kiernan Bridget Kilmore Columbkille Longford Kiernan Bridget Toome Columbkille Longford Kiernan Bryan Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Kiernan Catherine Smear Columbkille Longford Kiernan Catherine Toome Columbkille Longford Kiernan Charles Kilmore Columbkille Longford Kiernan Cormack Kilmore Columbkille Longford Kiernan Cormack Toome Columbkille Longford Kiernan Cormick Toome Columbkille Longford Kiernan Daniel Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Kiernan Daniel Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Kiernan Daniel Smear Columbkille Longford Kiernan Edward Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Kiernan Edward Aghnacliff Columbkille Longford Kiernan Edward Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Kiernan Elizabeth Clooneen Columbkille Longford Kiernan Ellen Smear Columbkille Longford Kiernan Francis Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Kiernan Hugh Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Kiernan James Aghakine Columbkille Longford Kiernan James Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Kiernan James Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Kiernan James Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Kiernan James Kilmore Columbkille Longford Kiernan James Toome Columbkille Longford Kiernan James, Jr. Toome Columbkille Longford Kiernan James, Sr. Kilmore Columbkille Longford Kiernan James, Sr. Toome Columbkille Longford Kiernan John Aghnacliff Columbkille Longford Kiernan John Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Kiernan John Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Kiernan John Kilmore Columbkille Longford Kiernan John Larkfield Columbkille Longford Kiernan John Smear Columbkille Longford Kiernan John Toome Columbkille Longford Kiernan Laurence Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Kiernan Luke Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Kiernan Mary Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Kiernan Mary Aghnacliff Columbkille Longford Kiernan Mary Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Kiernan Mary Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Kiernan Michael Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Kiernan Michael Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Kiernan Michael Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Kiernan Michael Smear Columbkille Longford Kiernan Owen Smear Columbkille Longford Kiernan Patrick Aghnacliff Columbkille Longford Kiernan Patrick Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Kiernan Patrick Kilmore Columbkille Longford Kiernan Patrick Toome Columbkille Longford Kiernan Peter Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Kiernan Philip Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Kiernan Terence Druminacriher Columbkille Longford Kiernan Terence Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Kiernan Thomas Clooneen Columbkille Longford Kiernan Thomas, Jr. Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Kiernan Thomas, Sr. Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Kiernan William Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Kiernan William Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Kiernan William Clooneen Columbkille Longford Kilbride Andrew Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Kine Thomas Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Kinlan Jane Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Kirwan Thomas Kilmore Columbkille Longford Lambert Richard Larkfield Columbkille Longford Ledwich Catherine Kilmore Columbkille Longford Ledwich Catherine Toome Columbkille Longford Ledwich Michael Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Ledwich Patrick Clooneen Columbkille Longford Ledwich Thomas Clooneen Columbkille Longford Ledwich Thomas Kilmore Columbkille Longford Lee Charles Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Lee James Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Lee Matthew Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Lee Patrick Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Lenihan Francis Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Lenihan James Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Lenihan Patrick Larkfield Columbkille Longford Lennon Michael Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Levy Francis Corrinagh Columbkille Longford Lolan Patrick Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Lynch Anne Larkfield Columbkille Longford Lynch Charles Dring Columbkille Longford Lynch Ellen Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Lynch Francis Larkfield Columbkille Longford Lynch Henry Clooneen Columbkille Longford Lynch James Larkfield Columbkille Longford Lynch John Dring Columbkille Longford Lynch Judith Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Lynch Laurence Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Lynch Margaret Clooneen Columbkille Longford Lynch Michael Clooneen Columbkille Longford Lynch Patrick Dring Columbkille Longford Lynch Patrick Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Lynch Peter, Jr. Clooneen Columbkille Longford Lynch Peter, Sr. Clooneen Columbkille Longford Macharness Maryanne Kilmore Columbkille Longford Macken Anne Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Macken James Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Macken John Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Macken Patrick Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Magee Michael Smear Columbkille Longford Magee Philip Smear Columbkille Longford Magee Richard Smear Columbkille Longford Maguire Edward Smear Columbkille Longford Maguire Edward, Jr. Smear Columbkille Longford Maguire Edward, Sr. Smear Columbkille Longford Maguire Laurence Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Maguire Patrick Cloonback Columbkille Longford Maguire Patrick Smear Columbkille Longford Maguire Terence Rosduff Columbkille Longford Maguire Thomas Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Mahon John Kilmore Columbkille Longford Mahon Patrick Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Mahon Thomas Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Major Charles Clooneen Columbkille Longford Malin James Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Malin John Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Malin Patrick Molly Columbkille Longford Malin Peter Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Maloney Patrick Derreenavoggy Columbkille Longford Martin James Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Martin Thomas Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Masterson Bridget Smear Columbkille Longford Masterson Catherine Smear Columbkille Longford Masterson John Aghamore Lower Columbkille Longford Masterson Owen Smear Columbkille Longford Mathews Charles Toome Columbkille Longford Mathews Henry Toome Columbkille Longford Mathews John Clooneen Columbkille Longford Mathews John Toome Columbkille Longford Mathews Laurence Clooneen Columbkille Longford Mathews Michael Clooneen Columbkille Longford Mathews Patrick Toome Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Alexander Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Anne Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Bridget Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Edward Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Felix Cloonback Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe James Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe James Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe James, Jr. Aghakine Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe James, Sr. Aghakine Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe John Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe John Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe John Aghnacliff Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe John Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe John Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe John Kilmore Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe John Toome Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Matthew Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Myles Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Owen Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Patrick Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Patrick Aghnacliff Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Patrick Kilmore Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Patrick Smear Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Peter Derreenavoggy Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Terence Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Thomas Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Thomas Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Mc Cabe Thomas Toome Columbkille Longford Mc Cann Bryan Molly Columbkille Longford Mc Carthy John Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Mc Carthy Michael Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Mc Cauly Patrick Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Mc Conachy Thomas Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Mc Conkey John Rathmore Columbkille Longford Mc Cormick Edward Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Mc Cormick Edward Larkfield Columbkille Longford Mc Cormick John Rosduff Columbkille Longford Mc Cormick Mary Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Mc Cormick Thomas Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Mc Coy John Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Mc Coy Luke Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Mc Coy Thomas Smear Columbkille Longford Mc Coy Thos. Smear Columbkille Longford Mc Daniel Bryan Clooneen Columbkille Longford Mc Dermott Ellen Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Mc Dermott James Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Mc Dermott John Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Mc Dermott Patrick Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Mc Donnell Edward Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Mc Donnell John Smear Columbkille Longford Mc Dowell John Smear Columbkille Longford Mc Evoy James Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Mc Ganly Bridget Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Mc Garry Andrew Polladooey Columbkille Longford Mc Garry James Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Mc Garry James, Jr. Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Mc Garry Patrick Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Mc Garry Thomas Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Mc Gaver Rev. Thomas Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Mc Gaver Rev. Thomas Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Mc Gerl Bell Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Mc Givney Bernard Kilmore Columbkille Longford Mc Givney James Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Mc Givney John Toome Columbkille Longford Mc Givney William Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Mc Glade Elizabeth Smear Columbkille Longford Mc Glade Patrick Polladooey Columbkille Longford Mc Glinn William Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Mc Govern Conner Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Mc Govern Hugh Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Mc Govern John Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Mc Govern Owen Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Mc Govern Owen Clooneen Columbkille Longford Mc Govern Patrick Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Mc Govern Walter Ballinulty Upper Columbkille Longford Mc Guiness Edward Kilmore Columbkille Longford Mc Guinness James Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Mc Guinness Patrick Aghnacliff Columbkille Longford Mc Intyre Mary Ballinulty Upper Columbkille Longford Mc Kenna John Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Mc Kenna Mary Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Mc Kenna Mary Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Mc Kenna Patrick Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Mc Kenna Thomas Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Mc Larney Edward Larkfield Columbkille Longford Mc Manus Agnes Kilmore Columbkille Longford Mc Manus Bernard Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Mc Manus John Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Mc Nally Hugh Molly Columbkille Longford Mc Nally Hugh Mollyglass Columbkille Longford Mc Nally John Molly Columbkille Longford Mc Nally Michael Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Mc Namee James Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Mc Nerney Edward Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Mc Nerney Edward Molly Columbkille Longford Mc Nerney Francis Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Mc Nerney Hugh Molly Columbkille Longford Mc Nerney James Aghakine Columbkille Longford Mc Nerney John Aghakine Columbkille Longford Mc Nerney Michael Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Mc Nerney Patrick Molly Columbkille Longford Mc Nerney Patt Molly Columbkille Longford Mc Nerney Peter Molly Columbkille Longford Mc Owen Andrew Smear Columbkille Longford Mc Owen Bernard Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Mc Owen Bridget Molly Columbkille Longford Mc Owen Bridget Smear Columbkille Longford Mc Owen Francis Smear Columbkille Longford Mc Owen James Smear Columbkille Longford Mc Owen John Molly Columbkille Longford Mc Owen John Rathmore Columbkille Longford Mc Owen Patrick Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Mc Owen Rose Smear Columbkille Longford Mc Owen Thomas Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Mc Parnell John Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Monahan Edward Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Monahan John Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Monahan John, Sr. Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Monahan Patrick Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Monohan Francis Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Montgomery William Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Morris Edward Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Morris John Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Morris John, Jr. Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Morris Terence Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Mulcahy Daniel Larkfield Columbkille Longford Mulligan Anne Cloonback Columbkille Longford Mulligan Anne Clooneen Columbkille Longford Mulligan Bernard Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Mulligan Bridget Cloonback Columbkille Longford Mulligan Catherine Aghakine Columbkille Longford Mulligan Charles Cloonback Columbkille Longford Mulligan Daniel Cloonback Columbkille Longford Mulligan Darby Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Mulligan Denis Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Mulligan Dennis Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Mulligan James Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Mulligan James Aghakine Columbkille Longford Mulligan James Clooneen Columbkille Longford Mulligan James Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Mulligan James Molly Columbkille Longford Mulligan James Rathmore Columbkille Longford Mulligan John Druminacriher Columbkille Longford Mulligan John Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Mulligan Judith Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Mulligan Matthew Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Mulligan Michael Aghakine Columbkille Longford Mulligan Michael Cloonback Columbkille Longford Mulligan Owen Rathmore Columbkille Longford Mulligan Owen Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Mulligan Patrick Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Mulligan Patrick Aghakine Columbkille Longford Mulligan Patrick Aghnacliff Columbkille Longford Mulligan Patrick Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Mulligan Patrick Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Mulligan Patrick Cloonback Columbkille Longford Mulligan Peter Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Mulligan Peter Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Mulligan Thomas Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Mulligan Thomas Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Mulligan Thomas Molly Columbkille Longford Mulligan Thomas Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Mulligan William Smear Columbkille Longford Mulstay Gregory Smear Columbkille Longford Mulstay James, Jr. Smear Columbkille Longford Mulstay James, Sr. Smear Columbkille Longford Mulvany John Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Mulvey Catherine Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Mulvey Patrick Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Mulvey Patrick Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Murphy Bernard Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Murphy Bryan Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Murphy Elizabeth Larkfield Columbkille Longford Murphy James Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Murphy John Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Murphy John Aghamore Lower Columbkille Longford Murphy John Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Murphy Patrick Larkfield Columbkille Longford Murphy Philip Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Murray William Smear Columbkille Longford Murtagh James Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Murtha Bryan Cloonback Columbkille Longford Murtha Francis Cuingareen Columbkille Longford Murtha James Cloonback Columbkille Longford Murtha James Cuingareen Columbkille Longford Murtha John Cloonback Columbkille Longford Murtha John Cuingareen Columbkille Longford Murtha Laurence Cloonback Columbkille Longford Murtha Michael Cuingareen Columbkille Longford Murtha Patrick Cuingareen Columbkille Longford Murtha Patrick, Jr. Cloonback Columbkille Longford Murtha Patrick, Jr. Cuingareen Columbkille Longford Murtha Patrick, Sr. Cloonback Columbkille Longford Murtha Thomas Cuingareen Columbkille Longford Nixon David Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Nixon John Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Noble Henry Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Nolan Patrick Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Norris Henry Rathmore Columbkille Longford Norton William Aghanoran Columbkille Longford O'Brien Luke Smear Columbkille Longford O'Brien Rose Mullinroe Columbkille Longford O'Donnell Hugh Molly Columbkille Longford Parle Patrick Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Phillips Thomas Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Phillips William Rathmore Columbkille Longford Porter Rev. John Grey Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Porter Rev. John Grey Derreenavoggy Columbkille Longford Porter Rev. John Grey Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Prior Catherine Cloonback Columbkille Longford Prior Patrick Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Quillan Henry Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Quinn John Smear Columbkille Longford Quinn Owen Mollyglass Columbkille Longford Quinn Patrick Smear Columbkille Longford Reilly Andrew Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Reilly Anne Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Reilly Anne Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Reilly Anne Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Reilly Barnaby Cuingareen Columbkille Longford Reilly Barnaby Smear Columbkille Longford Reilly Bernard Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Reilly Bernard Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Reilly Bernard Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Reilly Bernard Smear Columbkille Longford Reilly Bernard, Jr. Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Bridget Larkfield Columbkille Longford Reilly Bridget Rathmore Columbkille Longford Reilly Bryan, Sr. Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Catherine Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Reilly Catherine Larkfield Columbkille Longford Reilly Charles Rathmore Columbkille Longford Reilly Charles Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Charles, Sr. Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Christopher Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Reilly Daniel Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Reilly Ellen Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Reilly Ellen Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Francis Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Reilly Francis Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Reilly Francis Smear Columbkille Longford Reilly Francis Toome Columbkille Longford Reilly Francis White Island Columbkille Longford Reilly Hugh Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Reilly Hugh Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Reilly James Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Reilly James Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Reilly James Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Reilly James Cuingareen Columbkille Longford Reilly James Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Reilly James Kilmore Columbkille Longford Reilly James Larkfield Columbkille Longford Reilly James Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly James Smear Columbkille Longford Reilly John Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Reilly John Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Reilly John Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Reilly John Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Reilly John Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Reilly John Cloonback Columbkille Longford Reilly John Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Reilly John Larkfield Columbkille Longford Reilly John Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Reilly John Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly John Toome Columbkille Longford Reilly John, Jr. Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Judith Cuingareen Columbkille Longford Reilly Laurence Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Reilly Margaret Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Reilly Margaret Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Reilly Mary Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Reilly Mary Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Reilly Mary Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Reilly Mary Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Mary Smear Columbkille Longford Reilly Matthew Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Reilly Michael Annaghdaniel Columbkille Longford Reilly Michael Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Nathaniel Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Reilly Owen Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Reilly Owen Aghakine Columbkille Longford Reilly Owen Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Reilly Owen Molly Columbkille Longford Reilly Owen Mollyglass Columbkille Longford Reilly Owen Rathmore Columbkille Longford Reilly Owen Smear Columbkille Longford Reilly Owen Toome Columbkille Longford Reilly Patk. Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick Derreenavoggy Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick Toome Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick, Jr. Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick, Jr. Smear Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick, Sr. Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick, Sr. Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Patrick, Sr. Smear Columbkille Longford Reilly Peter Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Reilly Peter Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Reilly Peter Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Reilly Peter Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Peter, Jr. Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Reilly Philip Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Reilly Philip Molly Columbkille Longford Reilly Philip Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Rose Ballinulty Upper Columbkille Longford Reilly Rose Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Reilly Rose Rosduff Columbkille Longford Reilly Simon Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Reilly Stephen Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Reilly Terence Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Reilly Thomas Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Reilly Thomas Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Reilly Thomas Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Reilly Thomas Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Reilly Thomas Derreenavoggy Columbkille Longford Reilly Thomas Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Reilly Thomas Molly Columbkille Longford Reilly Thomas Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Reilly Thomas Rathmore Columbkille Longford Reilly Thomas Smear Columbkille Longford Reilly Thomas, Sr. Smear Columbkille Longford Reynolds Bernard Druminacriher Columbkille Longford Reynolds John Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Reynolds Mary Druminacriher Columbkille Longford Rheel James Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Rheil James Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Rheil Michael Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Rheil Patrick Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Rheil Peter Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Rheil Thomas Larkfield Columbkille Longford Rhiel James Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Rhiel Michael Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Rickell Patrick Smear Columbkille Longford Roddin John Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Roddin Michael Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Rogers Daniel Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Rogers James Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Rogers John Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Rogers Michael Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Rogers Patrick Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Rogers Thomas Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Rorke Edward Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Rorke John Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Rorke Judith Larkfield Columbkille Longford Ryder Bernard Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Ryder Simon Molly Columbkille Longford Sexton Bernard Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Sexton Laurence Molly Columbkille Longford Sexton Patrick Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Sexton Patrick Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Sexton Thomas Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Shaughnessy Joseph Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Sheridan Bridget Kilmore Columbkille Longford Sheridan Bryan Corrinagh Columbkille Longford Sheridan Daniel Corrinagh Columbkille Longford Sheridan Felix Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Sheridan James Carrickmaguirk Columbkille Longford Sheridan John Aghakine Columbkille Longford Sheridan Mary Corrinagh Columbkille Longford Sheridan Patrick Molly Columbkille Longford Sheridan Patrick Rosduff Columbkille Longford Sheridan Patrick Smear Columbkille Longford Sheridan William Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Sloane Henry Kilmore Columbkille Longford Sloane James Kilmore Columbkille Longford Sloane Susan Rathmore Columbkille Longford Sloane Thomas Kilmore Columbkille Longford Sloane Thomas Toome Columbkille Longford Smith Anne Rathmore Columbkille Longford Smith Barnaby Smear Columbkille Longford Smith Bridget Larkfield Columbkille Longford Smith Bryan Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Smith James Cuingareen Columbkille Longford Smith James Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Smith John Aghanoran Columbkille Longford Smith John Cleenrah Columbkille Longford Smith John Corbaun or Leitrim Columbkille Longford Smith Michael Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Smith Patrick Rathmore Columbkille Longford Smith Patrick Smear Columbkille Longford Smith Thomas Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Smith Thomas Rathmore Columbkille Longford Smyth Michael Derrycassan Columbkille Longford Somers James Aghnacliff Columbkille Longford Somers James Rathmore Columbkille Longford Somers Michael Carrickadorrish Columbkille Longford Somers Patrick Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Somers Philip Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Somers Thomas Dunbeggan Columbkille Longford Steakam Matthew Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Steakam Patrick Molly Columbkille Longford Story Thomas Cornadrung Columbkille Longford Sullivan Bridget Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Sullivan Catherine Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Sullivan Mary Kilmore Columbkille Longford Sullivan Patrick Aghakine Columbkille Longford Sullivan Peter Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Sullivan Philip Aghakine Columbkille Longford Sullivan Rep. John Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Tally John Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Tally Philip Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Thompson John Dring Columbkille Longford Thompson Robert Ballinulty Upper Columbkille Longford Thompson William Ballinulty Upper Columbkille Longford Toole Peter Corrinagh Columbkille Longford Tracey Charles Aghakilmore Columbkille Longford Tracey John Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Tuite James Larkfield Columbkille Longford Tuite Michael Larkfield Columbkille Longford Tuite Thomas Cloonagh Columbkille Longford Tunney Patrick Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Tyrrell Thomas Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Victory Francis Rosduff Columbkille Longford Victory Hugh Ballinulty Lower Columbkille Longford Victory James Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Victory John Aghakeeran Columbkille Longford Victory Mary Rosduff Columbkille Longford Wallace Edward Aghagreagh Columbkille Longford Ward James Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Ward Matthew Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Ward Michael Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Ward Michael, Jr. Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Ward Michael, Sr. Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Ward Patrick Sonnagh Columbkille Longford Warrington Ellen Smear Columbkille Longford White Luke Cloonagh Columbkille Longford White Luke Culleenmore Columbkille Longford Whitney Michael Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Whitney Peter Aghacordrinan Columbkille Longford Whitney Thomas Aghamore Upper Columbkille Longford Wiggins James Rathmore Columbkille Longford Wiggins Moses Rathmore Columbkille Longford Wiggins Samuel Rathmore Columbkille Longford Wiggins William Rathmore Columbkille Longford Williams Anne Rosduff Columbkille Longford Winters Joseph Molly Columbkille Longford Wisely Thomas Mullinroe Columbkille Longford Woods John Smear Columbkille Longford Wren Michael Gelshagh Columbkille Longford Young Jane Kilmore Columbkille Longford