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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathcline, County Longford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathcline, County Longford
Beltan Richard Rathcline Rathcline Longford Bennett Moses Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Brennan John Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Brennan Patrick Knock Rathcline Longford Broderick James Knock Rathcline Longford Broderick John Lisnacush Rathcline Longford Broderick Thomas Formoyle (Newcomen) Rathcline Longford Brodrick Edward Aghamore Rathcline Longford Bush James Knock Rathcline Longford Bush Michael Lisnacush Rathcline Longford Carroll James Rathcline Rathcline Longford Casey Edward Corralough Rathcline Longford Casey Edward Magheraveen Rathcline Longford Casey James Derryloughbannow Rathcline Longford Casey John Barnacor Rathcline Longford Casey John Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Casey John Magheraveen Rathcline Longford Casey Michael Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Casey Patrick Derryloughbannow Rathcline Longford Casey Patrick Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Casey Thomas Lismacmanus Rathcline Longford Casey Thomas Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Casey William Derryloughbannow Rathcline Longford Casey William Lehery Rathcline Longford Chaffrey Timothy Knock Rathcline Longford Chapman Benjamin Carrowroe Rathcline Longford Chapman John Lissawley or St. Albans Rathcline Longford Chapman Thomas Lissawley or St. Albans Rathcline Longford Clarke Daniel Aghakeel Rathcline Longford Clarke Daniel Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Clarke James Aghamore Rathcline Longford Clarke James Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Clarke James Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Clyne Thomas Mountdavis Rathcline Longford Connaghton James Carrigeens Rathcline Longford Connaghton Mary Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Connaughton Michael Rathcline Rathcline Longford Connaughton Patrick Lisduff Rathcline Longford Connell Thomas Aghamore Rathcline Longford Connell Thomas Knock Rathcline Longford Connolly Cormack Turreen Rathcline Longford Connolly Matthew Glebe Rathcline Longford Connor Edward Cashel Beg Rathcline Longford Connor Thomas Agharanagh Rathcline Longford Conway Winifred Barnacor Rathcline Longford Corcoran Denis Formoyle (Newcomen) Rathcline Longford Corcoran James Carrowroe Rathcline Longford Corcoran Terry Bleanavoher Rathcline Longford Costello James Carrowroe Rathcline Longford Costello John Barnacor Rathcline Longford Costello John Knock Rathcline Longford Costello John Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Costello John Lisduff Rathcline Longford Costello John Lisnacush Rathcline Longford Costello Patrick Knock Rathcline Longford Costello Thomas Knock Rathcline Longford Costello Thomas Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Costello'S John Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Costelloe John Aghamore Rathcline Longford Costelloe Michael Killinure Rathcline Longford Cox Patrick Carrowroe Rathcline Longford Crillane John Killinure Rathcline Longford Crillane Patrick Cloonbony Rathcline Longford Cronin Thomas Knock Rathcline Longford Cuffe James Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Cuffe James Rathcline Rathcline Longford Cuffe John Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Cuffe Patrick Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Cullane James Barnacor Rathcline Longford Curran James Rathcline Rathcline Longford Dalton William Formoyle (Newcomen) Rathcline Longford Daly John Carrigeens Rathcline Longford Daly John Corralough Rathcline Longford Daly John Rathcline Rathcline Longford Daly Peter Carrowstrawly Rathcline Longford Darcy Patrick Knock Rathcline Longford Davys Francis Cloonbony Rathcline Longford Dinnegan Patrick Magheraveen Rathcline Longford Dinnegan Thomas Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Donegan John Corralough Rathcline Longford Donegan Julia Derrygeel Rathcline Longford Donegan Michael Derrygeel Rathcline Longford Donegan Thomas Corralough Rathcline Longford Donegan Thomas Derrygeel Rathcline Longford Donnell Patrick Magheraveen Rathcline Longford Donnellan Bridget Carrowstrawly Rathcline Longford Donnellan John Lehery Rathcline Longford Donnellan Mary Carrigeens Rathcline Longford Donnellan Peter, Jr. Aghaloughan Rathcline Longford Donnellan Peter, Sr. Aghaloughan Rathcline Longford Donnellan Peter, Sr. Lehery Rathcline Longford Donnellan Thomas Lehery Rathcline Longford Donnellan Timothy Carrowstrawly Rathcline Longford Donnelly Bernard Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Donnelly Patrick Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Donnelly Patrick Magheraveen Rathcline Longford Doorigan Charles Magheraveen Rathcline Longford Dowd Dominick Carrownphull Rathcline Longford Dowd Dominick Carrowstrawly Rathcline Longford Dowd James Carrigeens Rathcline Longford Dowd James Turreen Rathcline Longford Dowd John Turreen Rathcline Longford Dowd Matthew Lehery Rathcline Longford Dowd Michael Killinure Rathcline Longford Dowd Patrick Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Dunican Thomas Magheraveen Rathcline Longford Fallon Michael Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Fallon Patrick Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Fallon Thomas Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Fane John Aghakeel Rathcline Longford Fane John Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Farrel Patrick Carrowstrawly Rathcline Longford Farrell Catherine Carrowstrawly Rathcline Longford Farrell Connor Lehery Rathcline Longford Farrell Daniel Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Farrell Edward, Jr. Lisnacush Rathcline Longford Farrell Edward, Sr. Carrigeens Rathcline Longford Farrell Edward, Sr. Lisnacush Rathcline Longford Farrell Francis Commons North Rathcline Longford Farrell Francis Gorteengar Rathcline Longford Farrell Francis Knock Rathcline Longford Farrell Francis Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Farrell Hubert Gorteengar Rathcline Longford Farrell Hubert Knock Rathcline Longford Farrell Hubert Lehery Rathcline Longford Farrell Hubert Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Farrell James Carrowstrawly Rathcline Longford Farrell James Cloonbony Rathcline Longford Farrell James Formoyle (Newcomen) Rathcline Longford Farrell James Lehery Rathcline Longford Farrell James Lisnacush Rathcline Longford Farrell James Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Farrell James Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Farrell James Turreen Rathcline Longford Farrell John Commons North Rathcline Longford Farrell John Gorteengar Rathcline Longford Farrell John Knock Rathcline Longford Farrell John Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Farrell John Lehery Rathcline Longford Farrell John Rathcline Rathcline Longford Farrell John Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Farrell John Turreen Rathcline Longford Farrell Luke Agharanagh Rathcline Longford Farrell Luke Lisnacush Rathcline Longford Farrell Luke Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Farrell Luke Turreen Rathcline Longford Farrell Mary Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Farrell Michael Barnacor Rathcline Longford Farrell Michael Killinure Rathcline Longford Farrell Michael Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Farrell Patk. Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Farrell Patrick Aghaloughan Rathcline Longford Farrell Patrick Carrownphull Rathcline Longford Farrell Patrick Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Farrell Patrick Killinure Rathcline Longford Farrell Patrick Lismacmanus Rathcline Longford Farrell Patrick, Jr. Lehery Rathcline Longford Farrell Peter Carrownphull Rathcline Longford Farrell Peter Carrowstrawly Rathcline Longford Farrell Peter Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Farrell Peter Lehery Rathcline Longford Farrell Roger Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Farrell Thomas Carrownphull Rathcline Longford Farrell Thomas Carrowstrawly Rathcline Longford Farrell Thomas Lehery Rathcline Longford Farrell Thomas Turreen Rathcline Longford Farrell Thomas, Jr. Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Farrell Thomas, Sr. Lehery Rathcline Longford Farrell Thomas, Sr. Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Feehery Anne Magheraveen Rathcline Longford Feeney Luke Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Feeney Michael Kilnacarrow Rathcline Longford Feeney Michael Turreen Rathcline Longford Feeney William Mountdavis Rathcline Longford Ferguson Owen Cloonbony Rathcline Longford Fox Patrick Magheraveen Rathcline Longford Gaffney Thomas Mountdavis Rathcline Longford Gannon James Cloonbony Rathcline Longford Garrey John Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Garrey Thomas Agharanagh Rathcline Longford Gaughran James Kilnacarrow Rathcline Longford Gavigan John Turreen Rathcline Longford Geraghty Anne Derrygeel Rathcline Longford Geraghty Thomas Cloontabeg Rathcline Longford Gibbons Anne Agharanagh Rathcline Longford Gibbons John Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Gibbons Margaret Formoyle (Newcomen) Rathcline Longford Gibbons Mary Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Gibbons Thomas Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Gill Bryan Commons North Rathcline Longford Gill Peter Derrygeel Rathcline Longford Gordan William Rathcline Rathcline Longford Grealy Catherine Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Grealy Catherine Lehery Rathcline Longford Gunn James Rathcline Rathcline Longford Gunn William Knock Rathcline Longford Gunn William Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Hanley Margaret Formoyle (Newcomen) Rathcline Longford Hanley Patk. Lisnacush Rathcline Longford Hanley Patrick Carrowroe Rathcline Longford Hanly John Barnacor Rathcline Longford Hanly Laurence Cloonbony Rathcline Longford Hanly Patrick Bleanavoher Rathcline Longford Hanly Patrick Carrownphull Rathcline Longford Hanly Patrick Lisnacush Rathcline Longford Hanly Thomas Bleanavoher Rathcline Longford Heavihan Luke Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Hopkins James Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Hopkins John Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Hopkins John Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Hopkins Mary Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Hopkins Patrick Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Hopkins Peter Magheraveen Rathcline Longford Hopkins Thomas Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Hopkins Thomas Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Hunt Michael Aghaloughan Rathcline Longford Hyland Michael Agharanagh Rathcline Longford Hyland Michael Bleanavoher Rathcline Longford Hyland Michael Curreen Rathcline Longford Hynes Bridget Cashel Beg Rathcline Longford Hynes Thomas Cashel Beg Rathcline Longford Johnston St. Geo. Curreen Rathcline Longford Johnston St. George Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Johnston St. George Rathcline Rathcline Longford Kearney Bridget Formoyle (Farrell) Rathcline Longford Kearney Bridget Formoyle (Newcomen) Rathcline Longford Kearney John Commons South Rathcline Longford Kearney John Formoyle (Farrell) Rathcline Longford Kearney Michael Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Kearney Michael Formoyle (Farrell) Rathcline Longford Kearney Michael Lismacmanus Rathcline Longford Kearney Thomas Cashel Beg Rathcline Longford Kearney Thomas Formoyle (Farrell) Rathcline Longford Kelly Michael Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Kelly Patrick Knock Rathcline Longford Kennedy Matthew Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Kenny Daniel Cashel Beg Rathcline Longford Kenny Edward Cloonbony Rathcline Longford Kenny James Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Kenny John Formoyle (Newcomen) Rathcline Longford Kenny John Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Kenny Kitty Formoyle (Farrell) Rathcline Longford Kenny Mary Bleanavoher Rathcline Longford Kenny Michael Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Kenny Patrick Bleanavoher Rathcline Longford Kenny Patrick Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Kenny Patrick Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Kenny Thomas Bleanavoher Rathcline Longford Kenny Thomas Formoyle (Newcomen) Rathcline Longford Kenny William Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Killain Matthew Inchenagh Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Killian Daniel Bushy Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Killian Daniel Goats Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Killian Daniel Incharmadermot,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Killian Daniel Inchenagh Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Killian Daniel Little Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Killian Laurence Formoyle (Newcomen) Rathcline Longford Killian Luke Formoyle (Newcomen) Rathcline Longford Killian Michael Bushy Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Killian Michael Goats Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Killian Michael Incharmadermot,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Killian Michael Little Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Kilmartin Thomas Cullentragh Rathcline Longford King George Lismacmanus Rathcline Longford Knight Margaret Carrowroe Rathcline Longford Leahy Elizabeth Carrigeens Rathcline Longford Lynch Michael Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Magennis George Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Maginn Thomas Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Magrath Mary Derrygeel Rathcline Longford Maguire James Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Maguire Rose Knock Rathcline Longford Martin Catherine Lehery Rathcline Longford Martin Dominick Commons North Rathcline Longford Martin Dominick Gorteengar Rathcline Longford Martin Michael Gorteengar Rathcline Longford Martin Peter Bleanavoher Rathcline Longford Martin Peter Gorteengar Rathcline Longford Maxwell Bryan Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Mc Dermott Alexr. Lisnacush Rathcline Longford Mc Dermott Bridget Cashel Beg Rathcline Longford Mc Dermott Henry Lisnacush Rathcline Longford Mc Dermott James Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Mc Dermott Michael Corralough Rathcline Longford Mc Donnell Michael Formoyle (Newcomen) Rathcline Longford Mc Kenly Mary Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Mc Kensie James Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Mills James Rathcline Rathcline Longford Monaghan Rev. Thos. Lisduff Rathcline Longford Mooney Margaret Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Moran John Carrownphull Rathcline Longford Moran John Carrowroe Rathcline Longford Moran John Carrowstrawly Rathcline Longford Moran John Lismacmanus Rathcline Longford Moran Michael Knock Rathcline Longford Moran Michael Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Mulleedy Owen Carrowroe Rathcline Longford Mulleedy Patrick Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Mullooly Bridget Killinure Rathcline Longford Mullooly Bridget Lehery Rathcline Longford Mullooly Bridget Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Mullooly Daniel Killinure Rathcline Longford Mullooly John Cashel Beg Rathcline Longford Mullooly John Formoyle (Farrell) Rathcline Longford Mullooly John Lehery Rathcline Longford Mullooly Michael Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Mullooly Patrick Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Mullooly Thomas Carrowroe Rathcline Longford Mullooly Thomas Lehery Rathcline Longford Mulvihill Edward Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Mulvihill Peter Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Mulvihille Michael Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Murphy Catherine Cloonbony Rathcline Longford Murphy Martin Cloonbony Rathcline Longford Murphy Patrick Barnacor Rathcline Longford Murphy Thomas Cloonbony Rathcline Longford Murray John Bleanavoher Rathcline Longford Murray Martin Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Murray Michael Corralough Rathcline Longford Murray Patrick Derrygeel Rathcline Longford Murray Thomas Carrowroe Rathcline Longford Murtagh Michael Lisnacush Rathcline Longford Murtagh Michael Turreen Rathcline Longford Murtagh Thomas Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Murtagh Thomas Lisnacush Rathcline Longford Murtagh Thomas Turreen Rathcline Longford Nicholson James Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Nolan James Formoyle (Farrell) Rathcline Longford Nolan Margaret Corralough Rathcline Longford Nolan Michael Corralough Rathcline Longford Nolan Thomas Formoyle (Farrell) Rathcline Longford Rattigan Andrew Kilnacarrow Rathcline Longford Rattigan Anne Kilnacarrow Rathcline Longford Rattigan Christopher Corralough Rathcline Longford Rattigan Christopher Magheraveen Rathcline Longford Rattigan Christr. Magheraveen Rathcline Longford Rattigan John Gorteengar Rathcline Longford Rattigan John Rathcline Rathcline Longford Rattigan Luke Barnacor Rathcline Longford Rattigan Patrick Corralough Rathcline Longford Rattigan Patrick Derryloughbannow Rathcline Longford Rattigan Patrick Kilnacarrow Rathcline Longford Rattigan Thomas Knock Rathcline Longford Rattigan William Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Rhatagan Elizabeth Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Rhatigan Lewis Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Robinson John Cloontabeg Rathcline Longford Rorke Catherine Aghamore Rathcline Longford Rorke Catherine Knock Rathcline Longford Rorke Catherine Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Rorke Catherine Rathcline Rathcline Longford Rourke Patrick Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Scally Barthry Lehery Rathcline Longford Scally Catherine Cashel Beg Rathcline Longford Scally Michael Corralough Rathcline Longford Scally Peter Lehery Rathcline Longford Scally Peter Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Scally Thomas Carrigeens Rathcline Longford Scally Thomas Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Scally Thomas Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford Scally William Carrigeens Rathcline Longford Scully Mary Cloonfore Rathcline Longford Shea Michael Formoyle (Farrell) Rathcline Longford Shea Peter Bleanavoher Rathcline Longford Shea Richard Bushy Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Richard Formoyle (Farrell) Rathcline Longford Shea Richard Goats Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Richard Incharmadermot,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Richard Inchenagh Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Richard Little Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Rose Bushy Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Rose Goats Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Rose Incharmadermot,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Rose Inchenagh Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Rose Little Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Thady Bleanavoher Rathcline Longford Shea Thady Bushy Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Thady Goats Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Thady Incharmadermot,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Thady Inchenagh Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shea Thady Little Island,Islands in Lough Ree Rathcline Longford Shuldham John Corralough Rathcline Longford Smith Mary Lanesborough Rathcline Longford Smith Michael Bleanavoher Rathcline Longford Sweeny Owen Cullentragh Rathcline Longford Tansy Catherine Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Tansy Patrick Lehery Rathcline Longford Tansy Patrick Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Tiernan John Magheraveen Rathcline Longford Tiernan Thomas Cashel Beg Rathcline Longford Twohill Thomas Cloonbony Rathcline Longford Vesey Bernard Rathcline Rathcline Longford Walsh John Knock Rathcline Longford Walsh Patrick Carrigeens Rathcline Longford Walsh Thomas Corralough Rathcline Longford White Col. Henry Commons North Rathcline Longford White Luke Barnacor Rathcline Longford White Luke Carrigeens Rathcline Longford White Luke Lanesborough Rathcline Longford White Luke Lisrevagh Rathcline Longford White Luke Tullyvrane Rathcline Longford Wilson Rev. Frederick Glebe Rathcline Longford Wilson Rev. Thomas Carrowroe Rathcline Longford