Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Ahmuty James Cartronboy Shrule Longford Ahmuty James Moneyfad Shrule Longford Ahmuty James Moygh Shrule Longford Ahnrty James Moygh Shrule Longford Allen Mary Green Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Allen Mary Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Anderson Margaret Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Anthony Laurence Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Armstrong Cecilia Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Atkinson Patrick Ballymulvey Shrule Longford Bannan Patrick Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Barber Robert Ardoghil Shrule Longford Barrett Anne Green Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Bellew Honor Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Bond John Drumnacor Shrule Longford Bond John Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Booth Patrick Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Bowen William Green Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Bracken ??? Ballymahon Shrule Longford Bracken Rep. Thomas Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Brehan Francis Main Street,Ballymahon,(Drinan) Shrule Longford Brennan John Cartronboy Shrule Longford Brennan Patrick Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Brennan William Daroge Shrule Longford Brett Patrick Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Bridges Samuel Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Burd Henry S. Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Burke Michael Barnacor Shrule Longford Burns Edward Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Burns John Edera Shrule Longford Burns Maurice Drinan Shrule Longford Burns Thomas Daroge Shrule Longford Burns William Edera Shrule Longford Butler Edward Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Butler Nicholas Bog Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Butler Nicholas Cartronboy Shrule Longford Butler Nicholas Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Butler Nicholas Shrule Shrule Longford Caffrey Charles Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Caffrey Thomas Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Caffry Charles Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Caffry Patrick Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Cahill Patrick Daroge Shrule Longford Callaran Hugh Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Carney Ellen Barnacor Shrule Longford Carney Patrick Barnacor Shrule Longford Carr Matthew Daroge Shrule Longford Carroll Patrick Ballymulvey Shrule Longford Casey Bridget Cloonkeen Shrule Longford Casey Luke Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Casey Patrick Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Cavanagh William Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Clancy Anne Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Clarke Edward Drumnacor Shrule Longford Clonan Hugh Moneyfad Shrule Longford Cloonan Michael Daroge Shrule Longford Coghlan Bartholomew Cloonkeen Shrule Longford Coghlan Michael Drumnacor Shrule Longford Coghlan Michael Moygh Shrule Longford Coghlan Patrick Daroge Shrule Longford Coleman Thomas Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Concannon Peter Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Cooney Michael Daroge Shrule Longford Cooney Thomas Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Corican Brian Castlecore Shrule Longford Corican Catherine Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Crawford Rev. Hugh Glebe Shrule Longford Cronan Catherine Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Cullen Anne Cloonkeen Shrule Longford Cullen Peter Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Culley Mary Bog Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Cummins Catherine Ballymahon Shrule Longford Cummins Catherine Bog Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Cummins John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Cunningham Edward Drinan Shrule Longford Cunningham John Daroge Shrule Longford Cunningham Patrick Cartronboy Shrule Longford Cunningham Patrick Moygh Shrule Longford Daly James Barnacor Shrule Longford Daly John Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Daly Patrick Barnacor Shrule Longford Darcy Mary Drinan Shrule Longford De Ricci Robert, M.D. Ballybranigan Shrule Longford De Ricci Robert, M.D. Ballymulvey Shrule Longford Delany James Drinan Shrule Longford Dempsey Catherine Daroge Shrule Longford Devitt William Green Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Diamond William Derrynabuntale Shrule Longford Diamond William Island Shrule Longford Donegan Michael Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Donican William Drumnacor Shrule Longford Donnellan Michael Cloonkeen Shrule Longford Donnellan Thomas Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Donnelly Edward Daroge Shrule Longford Donnelly John Doonacurry Shrule Longford Donnelly Michael Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Donnelly Patrick Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Donnelly Thomas Daroge Shrule Longford Donnelly Thomas Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Donohoe Thomas Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Dooly William Doonacurry Shrule Longford Dooly William Ledwithstown Shrule Longford Doran William Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Dowd James Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Dowdall Francis Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Downey Patrick Drinan Shrule Longford Downey Patrick Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Duggan Brian Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Duggan Hugh Drumnacor Shrule Longford Duggan Hugh Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Dungan James Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Eevers Mary Barnacor Shrule Longford Egan Andrew Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Egan Luke Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Egan Peter Ballymahon Shrule Longford Egan Peter Drinan Shrule Longford Egan Peter Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Egan Thomas Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Eustace Luke Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Evers Elizabeth Bog Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Evers Thomas Daroge Shrule Longford Eyres Anne Drinan Shrule Longford Fahey Bernard Barnacor Shrule Longford Fallon John Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Farlow James Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Farrell Bridget Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Farrell Garret Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Farrell James Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Farrell James Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Farrell John Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Farrell Laurence Barnacor Shrule Longford Farrell Michael Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Farrell Patrick Main Street,Ballymahon,(Drinan) Shrule Longford Farrell Patrick Moneyfad Shrule Longford Farrell Patrick, Jr. Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Farrell Patrick, Sr. Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Farrell Thomas Ardoghil Shrule Longford Farrell William Mullawornia Shrule Longford Farrell William Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Feeny Charles Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Feeny James Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Feeny Michael Moneyfad Shrule Longford Feeny Thomas Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Fetherston George Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Finn John Drinan Shrule Longford Finn John Moygh Shrule Longford Finn Patrick Moygh Shrule Longford Finneran Michael Ballymahon Shrule Longford Finneran Michael Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Flanagan Anne Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Flanagan James Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Flanagan Joseph Drinan Shrule Longford Flanagan Joseph Ledwithstown Shrule Longford Flanagan Joseph Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Flanagan Laurence Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Flanigan Joseph Drinan Shrule Longford Flannagan Anne Ballymahon Shrule Longford Flinn Ellen Barnacor Shrule Longford Flinn Thomas Moygh Shrule Longford Flood Charles Barnacor Shrule Longford Flood Patrick Lissanisky Shrule Longford Fox Andrew Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Fox Edward Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Fox John Derrynabuntale Shrule Longford Fox John Drumnacor Shrule Longford Fox John Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Fox John Mullawornia Shrule Longford Fox John Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Fox John, Sr. Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Fox Matthew Mullawornia Shrule Longford Fox Matthew Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Fox Michael Mullawornia Shrule Longford Fox Michael Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Fox Peter Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Fox Roger Mullawornia Shrule Longford Gallagher Alicia Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Ganly Robert Cloonkeen Shrule Longford Gannon Michael Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Garraghan Thadeus Mullawornia Shrule Longford Garty William Drinan Shrule Longford Geoghegan John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Geraghty Bridget Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Geraghty Ellen Daroge Shrule Longford Geraghty Ellen Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Geraghty James Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Geraghty John Cartronboy Shrule Longford Geraghty John Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Geraghty Lawrence Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Geraghty Margaret Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Geraghty Patrick Edera Shrule Longford Geraghty Patrick Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Geraghty Peter Daroge Shrule Longford Geraghty Thomas Edera Shrule Longford Geraghty Thomas Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Geraghty William Edera Shrule Longford Gibbons Michael Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Gill William Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Gilligan Michael Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Gleavy James Main Street,Ballymahon,(Drinan) Shrule Longford Glennon Patrick Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Gormly William Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Greally Patrick Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Grealy James Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Grealy Patrick Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Grogan James Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Grumley Michael Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Guy John Green Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Haire Patrick Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Hanby Patrick Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Hanlon John Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Hanlon Timothy Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Hanly Bernard Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Hanly Michael Derrynabuntale Shrule Longford Hanly Michael Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Harman Hon. L. H. K. Ballymulvey Shrule Longford Harman Hon. L. H. K. Cloonkeen Shrule Longford Hayden Martin Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Heffernan Thomas Moygh Shrule Longford Helian Bridget Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Higgins Eliza Ballymahon Shrule Longford Higgins Eliza Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Higgins Patrick Cartronboy Shrule Longford Hoare John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Hogan Madge Lissanisky Shrule Longford Horse Francis Daroge Shrule Longford Horse Loughlin Daroge Shrule Longford Hussey Thomas Castlecore Shrule Longford Hussey Thomas Mullawornia Shrule Longford Hyde Mary Ardoghil Shrule Longford Hyland Michael Ballymahon Shrule Longford Hyland Michael Bog Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Hyland Michael Drinan Shrule Longford Igo Bernard Drinan Shrule Longford Igo Margaret Main Street,Ballymahon,(Drinan) Shrule Longford Igo William Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Ireland Richard Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Jordan Francis Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Jordan Thomas Ardoghil Shrule Longford Jordan Thomas Ballymulvey Shrule Longford Joyce Walter Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Kearney Michael Doonacurry Shrule Longford Keating Michael Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Keegan Michael Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Keena Margaret Ballymahon Shrule Longford Keena Margaret Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Keenan John Bog Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Kelly Catherine Cartronboy Shrule Longford Kelly Ellen Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Kelly Ellen Derrynabuntale Shrule Longford Kelly James Ballymulvey Shrule Longford Kelly John Drinan Shrule Longford Kelly John Moygh Shrule Longford Kelly Peter Daroge Shrule Longford Kelly Thomas Doonacurry Shrule Longford Kelly Thomas Green Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Kelly William Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Kenna James Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Kennedy Henry Ballymulvey Shrule Longford Kennedy Margaret Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Kennedy Mary Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Kenny Elizabeth Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Kenny James Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Kenny John Cloonkeen Shrule Longford Kenny Patrick Cloonkeen Shrule Longford Kerrigan William Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Kihil Bernard Cartronboy Shrule Longford Kilduff Bridget Daroge Shrule Longford Kilduff James Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Kilduff Thomas Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford King Bernard Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Langstaff Michael Drinan Shrule Longford Lanigan Margaret Bog Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Lanigan Margaret Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Larkin John Laragh Shrule Longford Larkin Judith Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Larkin Thomas Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Ledwith Edward Ledwithstown Shrule Longford Lee John Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Lee Matthew Ballymahon Shrule Longford Lee Matthew Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Linn John Derrynabuntale Shrule Longford Lovett Anne Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Lovett Matthew Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Lowry James Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Magarrell Mary Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Magee James Daroge Shrule Longford Mahon Henry Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mahon Henry Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mahon Patrick Green Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Maleady Honor Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Maleady Pat. Edera Shrule Longford Malinn Catherine Laragh Shrule Longford Malone Mary Barnacor Shrule Longford Malone Michael Cartronboy Shrule Longford Malone Patrick Daroge Shrule Longford Malone Rose Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Malone Thomas Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Mannion Patrick Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Martin Michael Mullawornia Shrule Longford Matthews James Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Maxwell Owen Ballymahon Shrule Longford Maxwell Owen Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Maxwell Thomas Ballymahon Shrule Longford Maxwell Thomas Drinan Shrule Longford Maxwell Thomas Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mc Cabe Margaret Bog Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mc Cann John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mc Cloghry Patrick Mullawornia Shrule Longford Mc Cord Alexander Mullawornia Shrule Longford Mc Cormack James Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Mc Cormack James Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mc Cormack Michael Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Mc Cormick Ellen Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Mc Cormick James Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mc Dermott Joseph D. Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mc Dermott Joseph D. Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mc Donagh Patrick Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mc Donagh Peter Bog Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mc Evoy Patrick Main Street,Ballymahon,(Drinan) Shrule Longford Mc Garrel Patrick Laragh Shrule Longford Mc Govern Thomas Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Mc Grath Bernard, Jr. Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Mc Grath Bernard, Sr. Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Mc Grath Bryan Edera Shrule Longford Mc Grath Thomas Edera Shrule Longford Mc Grath William Green Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mc Guinness John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mc Hugh Anne Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mc Kinley John Cloonkeen Shrule Longford Mc Manus Jas. H., M.D. Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mc Quillan Michael Shrule Shrule Longford Mee John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Melody Michael Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Meyers Henry Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Moffitt Thomas Mullawornia Shrule Longford Moore John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Moore Michael Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Moran Bridget Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Moran Michael Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Moray Bridget Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Morrison Abigail Ballymulvey Shrule Longford Morton Thomas Cloonkeen Shrule Longford Mughty John Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Mughty Michael Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Mughty Thomas Daroge Shrule Longford Muldoon Bridget Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Muldoon Patrick Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Mullan James Ballymulvey Shrule Longford Mullen Patrick Moygh Shrule Longford Mulligan George Cartronboy Shrule Longford Mullins Thomas Ardoghil Shrule Longford Mulvihill Bernard Derrynabuntale Shrule Longford Mulvihill Edward Ballymulvey Shrule Longford Mulvihill Ellen Shrule Shrule Longford Mulvihill Frank Drinan Shrule Longford Mulvihill John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mulvihill John Main Street,Ballymahon,(Drinan) Shrule Longford Mulvihill John Shrule Shrule Longford Mulvihill Owen Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mulvihill Owen Bog Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Mulvihill Owen Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Murphy Mary Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Murphy Michael Edera Shrule Longford Murray Alice Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Murray John Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Murray Patrick Bog Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Murray Patrick Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Murtagh Mr. M. Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Nally Thomas Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Naughten John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Neil James Ballymahon Shrule Longford Neill James Ballymulvey Shrule Longford Neill James Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford New Mary Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Newcomen William Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Newman Christopher Drinan Shrule Longford Newman John Drinan Shrule Longford Newman Thomas Drinan Shrule Longford Newman William Cartronboy Shrule Longford Noon Mary Bog Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford O'Brien Edward Daroge Shrule Longford O'Hara Daniel Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford O'Hara John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford O'Neill Charles Mullawornia Shrule Longford O'Neill Hugh Moneyfad Shrule Longford O'Reilly Rev. Michael Ballymulvey Shrule Longford Oous Mary Bog Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Partridge Patrick Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Pilsworth F. Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Pilsworth J. Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Preston Thomas Cartronboy Shrule Longford Preston Thomas Mullawornia Shrule Longford Quin James Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Quinn James Drinan Shrule Longford Quinn John Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Quinn Patrick Cloonkeen Shrule Longford Quinn Thomas Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Rafferty Matthew Daroge Shrule Longford Ratigan Catherine Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Reilly Mary Daroge Shrule Longford Reilly Mary Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Reynolds Michael Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Richards Thomas Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Rock Charles Daroge Shrule Longford Rock Mary Daroge Shrule Longford Rogers Thomas Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Rorke Hugh Lissanisky Shrule Longford Rorke Hugh Moneyfad Shrule Longford Rorke Hugh Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Rorke Michael Green Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Rush Edward Barnacor Shrule Longford Russell Stephen Green Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Ryan James Barnacor Shrule Longford Ryan John Barnacor Shrule Longford Ryan John Drumnacor Shrule Longford Ryan John Gorteenclareen Shrule Longford Ryan Peter Drumnacor Shrule Longford Savage William Ballymahon Shrule Longford Savage William Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Scales Charles Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Scally Hugh Glebe Shrule Longford Shanley Michael Church Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Shanly Catherine Barnacor Shrule Longford Shea John Daroge Shrule Longford Shudham John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Shuldham John Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Shuldham John Ballymahon Shrule Longford Shuldham John Ballymulvey Shrule Longford Shuldham John Derrynabuntale Shrule Longford Shuldham John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Shuldham John Main Street,Ballymahon,(Drinan) Shrule Longford Shuldham John Moygh Shrule Longford Slaton Henry Bevan Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Smith Andrew Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Smith Edward S. R. Tirlickeen Shrule Longford Stafford Peter Drinan Shrule Longford Stamp Anne Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Sullivan Anne Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Sutton James Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Sweeny Joseph Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Toole William Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Tracey Michael Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Vaughan Thomas Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Walsh John Green Lane,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Walsh John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Ward James Drinan Shrule Longford Waters John Ballybranigan Shrule Longford Wilman William Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Wilson William Daroge Shrule Longford Wilson William Laragh Shrule Longford Wright John Ballymahon Shrule Longford Wright John Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford York Joseph Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford Yorke Thomas Main Street,Ballymahon Shrule Longford