Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Cappoge, County Louth
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Cappoge, County Louth
Barnes Thomas Mooremount Cappoge Louth Bowden James Mooremount Cappoge Louth Brennan Owen Cangy Cappoge Louth Callan Anne Cappoge Cappoge Louth Callan Joseph Cappoge Cappoge Louth Callan Patrick Cappoge Cappoge Louth Callan Thomas Cappoge Cappoge Louth Callan Thos. Cappoge Cappoge Louth Campbell Anne Ballymageragh Cappoge Louth Canaghy Peter Cangy Cappoge Louth Carroll Simon Cappoge Cappoge Louth Connolly Bartholomew Cappoge Cappoge Louth Corrigan Rev. Thomas Knockatober Cappoge Louth Cowley Thomas Ballymageragh Cappoge Louth Devine Anne Hammondstown Cappoge Louth Devine Mary Hammondstown Cappoge Louth Donohoe Michael Knockatober Cappoge Louth Dooley James Knockatober Cappoge Louth Dowd Patrick Cappoge Cappoge Louth Doyle Thomas Mooremount Cappoge Louth Faulkner Catherine Ballymageragh Cappoge Louth Faulkner Patrick Ballymageragh Cappoge Louth Ford Margaret Cappoge Cappoge Louth Foris James Lawlesstown Cappoge Louth Foris Luke Mooremount Cappoge Louth Gaffney Mary Coneyburrow Cappoge Louth Gregory Andrew Ballymageragh Cappoge Louth Gregory John Ballymageragh Cappoge Louth Gregory John Cappoge Cappoge Louth Halfpenny John Hammondstown Cappoge Louth Hand Christopher Lawlesstown Cappoge Louth Hand Nicholas Cappoge Cappoge Louth Hanratty Patrick Cappoge Cappoge Louth Hewitt Andrew Knockatober Cappoge Louth Hewitt Michael Knockatober Cappoge Louth Kealy John Mooremount Cappoge Louth Kearney Thomas Knockatober Cappoge Louth Keiran Owen Mooremount Cappoge Louth Keiran Patrick Mooremount Cappoge Louth Keirnan Owen Mooremount Cappoge Louth Keirnan Patrick Mooremount Cappoge Louth Kelly Bryan Cappoge Cappoge Louth Kelly John P. Hammondstown Cappoge Louth Kelly John P. Knockatober Cappoge Louth Kelly Margaret Knockatober Cappoge Louth King John Coneyburrow Cappoge Louth King Patrick Coneyburrow Cappoge Louth King Thomas Coneyburrow Cappoge Louth King William Coneyburrow Cappoge Louth Magee Mary Knockatober Cappoge Louth Magee Patrick Cangy Cappoge Louth Magee Rev. Thomas Mooremount Cappoge Louth Maginnis Patrick Cappoge Cappoge Louth Martin Patrick Knockatober Cappoge Louth Massereene Viscount Lawlesstown Cappoge Louth Massereene Viscount ??? Lawlesstown Cappoge Louth Mathews John Knockatober Cappoge Louth Mathews Patrick Cappoge Cappoge Louth Mathews Thomas Hammondstown Cappoge Louth Mc Evoy Catherine Mooremount Cappoge Louth Mc Gill Laurence Cangy Cappoge Louth Mc Kenna Bernard Cappoge Cappoge Louth Mc Kenna Patrick Lawlesstown Cappoge Louth Mc Kenna Thomas Cappoge Cappoge Louth Mc Loughlin George Cangy Cappoge Louth Mc Nally Michael Mooremount Cappoge Louth Mc Quillan Patrick Cangy Cappoge Louth Mc Quillan Patrick Cappoge Cappoge Louth Mc Quillan Patrick Mooremount Cappoge Louth Meehan Edward Cangy Cappoge Louth Meehan Edward Cappoge Cappoge Louth Molroy Peter Mooremount Cappoge Louth Mooney Thomas Knockatober Cappoge Louth Moyles John Hammondstown Cappoge Louth Mulligan Catherine Cappoge Cappoge Louth Mulroy Peter Mooremount Cappoge Louth O'Reilly Dease M. Cappoge Cappoge Louth Quinn Peter Ballymageragh Cappoge Louth Rafferty John Coneyburrow Cappoge Louth Reilly Francis Mooremount Cappoge Louth Reilly Thomas Cappoge Cappoge Louth Rorke James Mooremount Cappoge Louth Stokes James Knockatober Cappoge Louth Sullaghan Michael Coneyburrow Cappoge Louth Taffe George Cangy Cappoge Louth Wood Mary Coneyburrow Cappoge Louth Woods Anne Coneyburrow Cappoge Louth Woods Thomas Cappoge Cappoge Louth Woods Thomas Coneyburrow Cappoge Louth