Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Carrickbaggot, County Louth
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Carrickbaggot, County Louth
Branigan James Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Branigan Thomas Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Craven Nicholas Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Craven Owen Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Cumming Bridget Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Daw Patrick Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Dolan John Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Dullaghan Michael Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Fay Peter Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Finegan Peter Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Flynn Bridget Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Flynn Nicholas Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Hammell Patrick Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Healy Jn. Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Healy Patk. Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Kane Patrick Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Leonard James Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Markey Nicholas Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Markey Nicholas Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Mc Connan Mary Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Mc Donnell Bridget Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Mc Donnell Patrick Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Mc Evoy John Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Mc Guire John Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Mc Keon Mary Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Miles Owen Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Miles Patrick Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Miles Patrick, Jr. Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Murphy Patrick Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Pentony Jane Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Pentony Jane Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Rafferty Denis Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Rafferty Thomas Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Robinson Baronet John S. Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Rooney John Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth Rooney John Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Rooney Thomas Carrickbaggot Carrickbaggot Louth Walsh James Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth White Michael Brittas Carrickbaggot Louth