Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Adams Rev. Anthony Ardpatrick Louth Louth Anderson Andrew Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Anderson Patrick Ballinlough Louth Louth Arthurs James Mullabohy Louth Louth Atkinson Bridget Mullacrew Louth Louth Atkinson George G. Corderry Louth Louth Atkinson George G. Town of Louth (Part of),Mullavally Louth Louth Atkinson Mary Chanonrock Louth Louth Atkinson Maryanne Chanonrock Louth Louth Babe Francis Rathcassan Louth Louth Babe Thomas Rathcassan Louth Louth Ball Caroline Corderry Louth Louth Ball Caroline Rathcassan Louth Louth Bannin Rev. Patrick Coolcreedan Louth Louth Bannin Rev. Patrick Hoarstone Louth Louth Bannin Rev. Patrick Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Baxter Thomas Kilcroney Louth Louth Baxter Thomas Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Begley James Grange Louth Louth Bellew Anne Tully Louth Louth Bellew Laurence Priorstate Louth Louth Bellow John Tully Louth Louth Belton Michael Ballyoran Louth Louth Belton Thomas Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Belton Thomas Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Bennett Anthony Oaktate Louth Louth Betton Patrick Ash, Big Louth Louth Bolton Richard Castlering Louth Louth Bolton Richard Knockattin Louth Louth Bolton Richard Millpark Louth Louth Bolton Richard Stephenstown Louth Louth Boothe Francis Glydefarm Louth Louth Bourke Laurence Carnalughoge Louth Louth Boyle Bryan Mullacrew Louth Louth Boyle Denis Carnalughoge Louth Louth Boyle Denis Chanonrock Louth Louth Boyle Denis Toomes Louth Louth Boyle James Mullacrew Louth Louth Boyle Laurence Mullacrew Louth Louth Boyle Thomas Mullacrew Louth Louth Bradigan Rose Summerhill Louth Louth Brady Bryan Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Brady Hugh Kilcroney Louth Louth Brady Patrick Annaghminnan Louth Louth Brady Peter Newtown Louth Louth Brady Philip Annaghanmoney Louth Louth Brady Thomas Kilcroney Louth Louth Branigan James Annaghminnan Louth Louth Branigan Judith Carrickallan Louth Louth Brannigan Francis Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Breen James Tully Louth Louth Breen John Plunketsland Louth Louth Breen John Tully Louth Louth Breen Mary Tully Louth Louth Brennan Anne Gibstown Louth Louth Brennan Catherine Gibstown Louth Louth Brennan James Gibstown Louth Louth Brennan Jas. Gibstown Louth Louth Brennan Margaret Corderry Louth Louth Brennan Margaret Killycroney Louth Louth Brennan Michael Annaghanmoney Louth Louth Brennan Michael Newtown Louth Louth Brennan Thomas Newtownfane Louth Louth Brennan Thomas Rathbrist Louth Louth Bride Michael Castlering Louth Louth Brittle William Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Browne John Rathcassan Louth Louth Bryne John Chanonrock Louth Louth Burke Rose Carrickleagh Louth Louth Butler Patrick Drumgur Louth Louth Byrne Anne Rootate Louth Louth Byrne Anne Tully Louth Louth Byrne Bridget Bailyland Louth Louth Byrne Bridget Drumgoolan Louth Louth Byrne Bryan Bailyland Louth Louth Byrne Bryan Knockatavy Louth Louth Byrne Bryan Mullavally Louth Louth Byrne Bryan Newtownfane Louth Louth Byrne Bryan Tully Louth Louth Byrne Catherine Rootate Louth Louth Byrne Catherine Toomes Louth Louth Byrne Cormack Cortial Louth Louth Byrne Edward Ballyoran Louth Louth Byrne Edward H. Cortial Louth Louth Byrne Henry Newtown Louth Louth Byrne Henry Palmersland Louth Louth Byrne Hugh Rootate Louth Louth Byrne Hugh Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Byrne Hugh Summerhill Louth Louth Byrne James Bailyland Louth Louth Byrne James Corderry Louth Louth Byrne James Edenaquin Louth Louth Byrne James Rootate Louth Louth Byrne John Cortial Louth Louth Byrne John Crossabeagh Louth Louth Byrne John Newtownfane Louth Louth Byrne John Palmersland Louth Louth Byrne John Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Byrne Laurence Tully Louth Louth Byrne Margaret Ballyoran Louth Louth Byrne Mary Drumgoolan Louth Louth Byrne Mary Tully Louth Louth Byrne Matthew Ballyoran Louth Louth Byrne Michael Tully Louth Louth Byrne Nicholas Mullavally Louth Louth Byrne Nicholas Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Byrne Owen Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Byrne Owen Gibstown Louth Louth Byrne Owen Rootate Louth Louth Byrne Owen Tully Louth Louth Byrne Owen, Jr. Tully Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Annaghminnan Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Bailyland Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Ballinlough Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Carrickmullan Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Drumgowna Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Gibstown Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Grange Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Halftate Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Rathiddy Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Rootate Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Summerhill Louth Louth Byrne Patrick Tully Louth Louth Byrne Peter Ardpatrick Louth Louth Byrne Peter Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Byrne Peter Edenaquin Louth Louth Byrne Peter Newtownfane Louth Louth Byrne Philip Chanonrock Louth Louth Byrne Philip Tully Louth Louth Byrne Richard Rossmakay Louth Louth Byrne Rose Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Byrne Stephen Ballyoran Louth Louth Byrne Thomas Bailyland Louth Louth Byrne Thomas Castletate Louth Louth Byrne Thomas Cortial Louth Louth Byrne Thomas Mullavally Louth Louth Byrne Thomas Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Byrne Thomas Rootate Louth Louth Byrne Thomas Rosslough Louth Louth Byrne Thomas Tully Louth Louth Callaghan Michael Ash, Big Louth Louth Callagher James Newtownfane Louth Louth Callan Edward Hoarstone Louth Louth Callan James Coolcreedan Louth Louth Callan James Mullacrew Louth Louth Callan Michael Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Callan Owen Kilcroney Louth Louth Callan Peter Rathiddy Louth Louth Callan Philip Hoarstone Louth Louth Callan Rose Hoarstone Louth Louth Callan Thomas Corderry Louth Louth Callan Thomas Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Callen Anne Mullacrew Louth Louth Callen Felix Chanonrock Louth Louth Callen Hugh Chanonrock Louth Louth Callen James Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Callen Philip Feraghs Louth Louth Callen Thomas Drumgonnelly Louth Louth Callin Thomas Tullagee Louth Louth Camack John Mullacrew Louth Louth Campbell Bridget Kilcroney Louth Louth Campbell Catherine Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Campbell James Drumgur Louth Louth Campbell James Edenaquin Louth Louth Campbell John Glydefarm Louth Louth Campbell Matthew Kilcroney Louth Louth Campbell Owen Lowrath North Louth Louth Campbell Patrick Drumgoolan Louth Louth Campbell Patrick Hoarstone Louth Louth Campbell Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Campbell Thomas Newrath Louth Louth Caraher Mary Kilcroney Louth Louth Carolan James Sandfield Louth Louth Carolan Owen Grange Louth Louth Carolan Patrick Killycroney Louth Louth Carolan Peter Castlering Louth Louth Carr Hugh Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Carr James Feraghs Louth Louth Carr John Feraghs Louth Louth Carragher Christian Grange Louth Louth Carragher Owen Grange Louth Louth Carraher Bolton Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Carraher Bolton Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Carraher Christopher Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Carroll Alice Sandfield Louth Louth Carroll Anne Monavallet Louth Louth Carroll Anne Mullacrew Louth Louth Carroll Anne Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Carroll Catherine Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Carroll Eleanor Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Carroll Hugh Monavallet Louth Louth Carroll James Ballinlough Louth Louth Carroll James Drumgoolan Louth Louth Carroll James Mullacrew Louth Louth Carroll James Mullavally Louth Louth Carroll John Corderry Louth Louth Carroll Laurence Mullacrew Louth Louth Carroll Mary Knockattin Louth Louth Carroll Mary Sheepwalk Louth Louth Carroll Matthew Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Carroll Michael Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Carroll Owen Bailyland Louth Louth Carroll Patrick Bailyland Louth Louth Carroll Patrick Glydefarm Louth Louth Carroll Patrick Sandfield Louth Louth Carroll Patrick Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Carroll Peter Annagh (Mc Canns) Louth Louth Carroll Peter Crossabeagh Louth Louth Carroll Peter Grange Louth Louth Carroll Peter Killycroney Louth Louth Carroll Peter Lowrath North Louth Louth Carroll Peter Mullabohy Louth Louth Carroll Peter Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Carroll Rose Chanonrock Louth Louth Carroll Thomas Newrath Louth Louth Carroll Thomas Rathcassan Louth Louth Carroll Thomas Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Casey Bridget Tullycahan Louth Louth Casey Elizabeth Mullacrew Louth Louth Casey James Carrickallan Louth Louth Casey Mary Ardpatrick Louth Louth Casey Owen Carrickallan Louth Louth Casey Patrick Coolcreedan Louth Louth Casey Patrick Loughantarve Louth Louth Casey Peter Ardpatrick Louth Louth Cassidy John Mullacrew Louth Louth Cassidy Margaret Mullacrew Louth Louth Cassidy Mary Town of Louth (Part of),Mullavally Louth Louth Cassidy Owen Kilcroney Louth Louth Cassidy Owen Lowrath North Louth Louth Cassidy Owen Mullacrew Louth Louth Cassidy Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Cassidy Patrick Lowrath North Louth Louth Cassidy Patrick Mullacrew Louth Louth Cassidy Peter Mullacrew Louth Louth Clarke Bryan Millpark Louth Louth Clarke Catherine Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Clarke Elizabeth Edenaquin Louth Louth Clarke Luke Edenaquin Louth Louth Clarke Michael Kilcroney Louth Louth Clarke Patrick Ballinloughan Louth Louth Clarke Patrick Rathbrist Louth Louth Clarke Peter Cortial Louth Louth Clarke Peter Toomes Louth Louth Clinton Bridget Glydefarm Louth Louth Clinton John Rathbrist Louth Louth Clinton Patrick Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Clive Rev. Archer Ravanny Louth Louth Clive Rev. Archer Redbog Louth Louth Clusky Mary Glydefarm Louth Louth Coe Thomas Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Coleman Bridget Mullacrew Louth Louth Coleman Bridget Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Coleman Edward Chanonrock Louth Louth Coleman James Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Coleman Mary Rossmakay Louth Louth Coleman Matthew Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Coleman Michael Bailyland Louth Louth Coleman Michael Cortial Louth Louth Coleman Michael Grange Louth Louth Coleman Michael Mullacrew Louth Louth Coleman Patrick Gibstown Louth Louth Coleman Patrick Rossmakay Louth Louth Coleman Peter Ballyoran Louth Louth Conaghy Anne Chanonrock Louth Louth Conlan Bryan Annagh (Boltons) Louth Louth Conlan Elizabeth Annaghanmoney Louth Louth Conlan Hugh Drumcah Louth Louth Conlan James Ballyoran Louth Louth Conlan James Lowrath North Louth Louth Conlan James Mullacrew Louth Louth Conlan John Kilcroney Louth Louth Conlan John Priorstate Louth Louth Conlan Laurence Rathcassan Louth Louth Conlan Matthew Rosslough Louth Louth Conlan Nicholas Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Conlan Owen Priorstate Louth Louth Conlan Patrick Chanonrock Louth Louth Conlan Patrick Lowrath North Louth Louth Conlan Patrick Newrath Louth Louth Conlan Peter Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Conlan Peter Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Conlan Thomas Rathcassan Louth Louth Conlon Michael Artoney Louth Louth Conlon Patrick Killeen Louth Louth Connolly Bryan Toomes Louth Louth Connolly Edward Annaghminnan Louth Louth Connolly Edward Drumgowna Louth Louth Connolly Edward Tully Louth Louth Connolly Hugh Chanonrock Louth Louth Connolly Thomas Mullacrew Louth Louth Connolly Thomas Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Connor Catherine Mullacrew Louth Louth Connor Owen Loughtate Louth Louth Connor Owen Rosslough Louth Louth Connor Patrick Loughtate Louth Louth Connor Patrick Rosslough Louth Louth Connor Thomas Loughtate Louth Louth Conroy Edward Chanonrock Louth Louth Conroy John Annaghminnan Louth Louth Conroy John Tullagee Louth Louth Conroy John Tully Louth Louth Cook Peter Corderry Louth Louth Cooke James Corderry Louth Louth Cooke James Mullavally Louth Louth Cooke Patrick Drumgoolan Louth Louth Cooney Patrick Mullacrew Louth Louth Cooth Alice Lowrath North Louth Louth Corcoran Bryan Ballyoran Louth Louth Corrigan Francis Carrickallan Louth Louth Corrigan Patrick Newtownfane Louth Louth Corrigan Patrick Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Corrigan William Rossmakay Louth Louth Costello John Gibstown Louth Louth Courtney Hugh Carnalughoge Louth Louth Courtney John Carnalughoge Louth Louth Courtney Margaret Carnalughoge Louth Louth Coyle John Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Craven Patrick Knockatavy Louth Louth Craven Patrick Rathiddy Louth Louth Cregan Mary Carrickallan Louth Louth Creighton Arthur Knockatavy Louth Louth Crelly Patrick Newrath Louth Louth Crolly James Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Crolly Margaret Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Crolly Mary Kilcroney Louth Louth Crolly Michael Stonetown Upper Louth Louth Crolly Peter Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Crolly Philip Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Cross Bryan Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Cumahay Patrick Newtownfane Louth Louth Cumming James Newtownfane Louth Louth Cummins Margaret Kilcroney Louth Louth Cunafy Bridget Mullacrew Louth Louth Cunafy Michael Monavallet Louth Louth Cunahy Patrick Chanonrock Louth Louth Cunnafy Mary Mullacrew Louth Louth Cunnafy Thomas Mullavally Louth Louth Cunnane Nicholas Glydefarm Louth Louth Cunningham Bridget Oaktate Louth Louth Cunningham Laurence Chanonrock Louth Louth Cunningham Luke Ardpatrick Louth Louth Curtis Bryan Carrickleagh Louth Louth Curtis Eliza Loughantarve Louth Louth Curtis Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Curtis Peter Drumgur Louth Louth Daly John Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Daniel Stanis Drumgoolan Louth Louth Deery James Chanonrock Louth Louth Delahunt Patrick Newtownfane Louth Louth Delihan Patrick Rathcassan Louth Louth Devin John Kilcroney Louth Louth Devon John Grange Louth Louth Dolan Peter Carrickacreagh Louth Louth Donoughmore ??? Sandfield Louth Louth Dooley Alice Mullacrew Louth Louth Dooley Bridget Drumgur Louth Louth Dooley Bridget Edenaquin Louth Louth Dooley Nicholas Drumgur Louth Louth Doran Archibald Glydefarm Louth Louth Dorian Arthur Rathiddy Louth Louth Dorian Joseph Newtownfane Louth Louth Dorian Patrick Millpark Louth Louth Dowdall Bridget Rootate Louth Louth Dowdall Walter Rootate Louth Louth Dowling Hugh Annaghanmoney Louth Louth Doyle Elizabeth Glydefarm Louth Louth Doyle John Newtownfane Louth Louth Doyle John Rathbrist Louth Louth Doyle Patrick Newtownfane Louth Louth Drum Thomas Priorstate Louth Louth Duff Alexander Toomes Louth Louth Duff Bernard Lowrath North Louth Louth Duff Bernard Mullacrew Louth Louth Duff Bernard Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Duff Bryan Tully Louth Louth Duff John Artoney Louth Louth Duff Patk. Tully Louth Louth Duff Patrick Tully Louth Louth Duff Peter Muff Louth Louth Duff Thomas Mullacrew Louth Louth Duffy Anne Drumcah Louth Louth Duffy James Palmersland Louth Louth Duffy Laurence Rosslough Louth Louth Duffy Mary Carrickacreagh Louth Louth Duffy Mary Cortial Louth Louth Duffy Mary Drumcah Louth Louth Duffy Michael Toomes Louth Louth Duffy Owen Mullacrew Louth Louth Duffy Patrick Drumcah Louth Louth Duffy Patrick Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Duffy Thomas Drumcah Louth Louth Duigan John Mullacrew Louth Louth Duigan Mary Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Dulaghan James Carrickallan Louth Louth Dunigan Edward Coolrath Louth Louth Durnane Bryan Feraghs Louth Louth Durnane Michael Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Durnane Rose Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Durneen Patrick Newtownfane Louth Louth Durnin Mary Drumgur Louth Louth Ebbit Thomas Ardpatrick Louth Louth Ebitt William Corderry Louth Louth English James Corderry Louth Louth English James Cortial Louth Louth English Michael Priorstate Louth Louth English Patrick Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth English Terence Carrickallan Louth Louth Fagan Owen Ash, Little Louth Louth Fall Patrick Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Farmer Byran Kilcroney Louth Louth Farmer Mary Bailyland Louth Louth Farmer Michael Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Farrell James Knockatavy Louth Louth Farrell Matthew Mullacrew Louth Louth Farrell Owen Gibstown Louth Louth Farrell Richard Newtownfane Louth Louth Fedigan Peter Kilcroney Louth Louth Fee James Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Fee Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Fegan John Mullacrew Louth Louth Fegan Owen Ballinloughan Louth Louth Filgate Bridget Priorstate Louth Louth Filgate Fitzherbert Annaghminnan Louth Louth Filgate Fitzherbert Drumgowna Louth Louth Filgate William Ash, Little Louth Louth Filgate William Ballinloughan Louth Louth Filgate William Glydefarm Louth Louth Finegan John Cortial Louth Louth Finegan John Newtown Louth Louth Finegan Nicholas Rathbrist Louth Louth Finegan Patrick Chanonrock Louth Louth Finegan Philip Chanonrock Louth Louth Finn James Edenaquin Louth Louth Finn Patrick Monavallet Louth Louth Finn Patrick Newtown Louth Louth Finn Patrick Rootate Louth Louth Finn Patrick Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Finnegan Michael Mullacrew Louth Louth Finnegan Patrick Carnalughoge Louth Louth Finnegan Peter Palmersland Louth Louth Fitzpatrick James Artoney Louth Louth Fitzpatrick James Drumgoolan Louth Louth Fitzpatrick James Hoarstone Louth Louth Fitzsimon Elizabeth Mullacrew Louth Louth Fitzsimon Patrick Rosslough Louth Louth Fitzsimons Patrick Drumgur Louth Louth Flanigan Owen Drumgoolan Louth Louth Fleming Michael Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Flynn Patrick Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Fortescue Charles Emlagh Louth Louth Fortescue Charles Grange Louth Louth Fortescue John C. W. Ballinlough Louth Louth Fortescue John C. W. Kilcroney Louth Louth Fortescue John C. W. Knockattin Louth Louth Fortescue John C. W. Stephenstown Louth Louth Foy Bridget Millpark Louth Louth Garland Hugh Drumgur Louth Louth Garland Patrick Drumgoolan Louth Louth Gartland Bernard Ballinlough Louth Louth Gartland Francis Priorstate Louth Louth Gartland George Kilcroney Louth Louth Gartland Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Garvey John Rosslough Louth Louth Garvey Margaret Redbog Louth Louth Garvey Mary Feraghs Louth Louth Garvey Matthew Feraghs Louth Louth Garvey Michael Feraghs Louth Louth Garvey William Rosslough Louth Louth Gaston Henry Newtownfane Louth Louth Gernon Elenor Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Gernon James Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Gernon John Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Gernon Thomas Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Gernon Walter Newrath Louth Louth Gernon Walter Rathbrist Louth Louth Gernon Walter Sheepwalk Louth Louth Gilmore Michael Glydefarm Louth Louth Gilmore Owen Drumcah Louth Louth Gilmore Owen, Jr. Drumcah Louth Louth Gilmore Patrick Toomes Louth Louth Gilmore Patrick Tully Louth Louth Gilmore Thomas Drumcah Louth Louth Ginnety Francis Drumgur Louth Louth Ginnety Thomas Kilcroney Louth Louth Ginnity Laurence Mullacrew Louth Louth Ginnity Michael Lowrath North Louth Louth Ginnity Michael Mullacrew Louth Louth Ginnity Patrick Mullacrew Louth Louth Golloghly John Ash, Little Louth Louth Gorman Bryan Rossmakay Louth Louth Gorman Mary Lowrath North Louth Louth Graham Owen Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Graham Thomas Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Grant John Castlering Louth Louth Grant Patrick Ash, Little Louth Louth Grant William Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Gray Michael Mullacrew Louth Louth Gray Patrick Millpark Louth Louth Gray Patrick Newtownfane Louth Louth Greene Bridget Carnalughoge Louth Louth Greene Edward Carnalughoge Louth Louth Greene Hugh Carnalughoge Louth Louth Greene Owen Carnalughoge Louth Louth Grimes Thomas Kilcroney Louth Louth Grogan John Sheepwalk Louth Louth Hackett Patrick Ballinlough Louth Louth Hackett Patrick Knockattin Louth Louth Hagan James Summerhill Louth Louth Hagan Patrick Summerhill Louth Louth Hagen Patrick Newtown Louth Louth Halfpenny Bryan Rathiddy Louth Louth Halfpenny John Killeen Louth Louth Halfpenny Patrick Corderry Louth Louth Halfpenny Patrick Mullacrew Louth Louth Hall Laurence Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Hammell Catherine Ballyoran Louth Louth Hammill Bernard Kilcroney Louth Louth Hammill Edward Cortial Louth Louth Hammill Judith Priorstate Louth Louth Hammill Michael Kilcroney Louth Louth Hammill Thomas Ballinloughan Louth Louth Hammill Thomas Cortial Louth Louth Hammond Owen Ballinlough Louth Louth Hanlon John Grange Louth Louth Hanlon Patrick Ash, Big Louth Louth Hanlon Patrick Oaktate Louth Louth Hanratty Hannah Loughantarve Louth Louth Hanratty Hugh Knockatavy Louth Louth Hanratty Michael Ballyoran Louth Louth Hardy Catherine Kilcroney Louth Louth Hardy James Rossmakay Louth Louth Hardy Peter Grange Louth Louth Hardy Stephen Kilcroney Louth Louth Hardy Thomas Newtownfane Louth Louth Hardy Thomas Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Harrett Charles Mullavally Louth Louth Harrett Charles Priorstate Louth Louth Harrett Charles Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Harrisson Patrick Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Hart Toler Drumgoolan Louth Louth Harte Catherine Mullavally Louth Louth Harte John Town of Louth (Part of),Mullavally Louth Louth Harte Laurence Mullacrew Louth Louth Harte Patrick Drumgoolan Louth Louth Healy Bridget Lowrath North Louth Louth Hearnon Michael Chanonrock Louth Louth Hegan Michael Tully Louth Louth Hemlin James Ballinlough Louth Louth Hemlow William Coolcreedan Louth Louth Henchy James Ballyoran Louth Louth Hernan Denis Corderry Louth Louth Hernon James Carnalughoge Louth Louth Hernon Thomas Coolcreedan Louth Louth Heron Thomas Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Higgins Christopher Mullacrew Louth Louth Higgins Margaret Mullacrew Louth Louth Higgins Thomas Carrickallan Louth Louth Hillard Patrick Bailyland Louth Louth Hinchey William Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Hinchy William Newtown Louth Louth Hoey Bernard Carrickmullan Louth Louth Hoey Daniel Priorstate Louth Louth Hoey Hugh Rootate Louth Louth Hoey James Priorstate Louth Louth Hoey Laurence Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Hoey Mary Mullacrew Louth Louth Hoey Mary Town of Louth (Part of),Mullavally Louth Louth Hoey Mary Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Hoey Matthew Drumgoolan Louth Louth Hoey Matthew Rathcassan Louth Louth Hoey Nicholas Oaktate Louth Louth Hoey Nicholas Ravanny Louth Louth Hoey Nicholas Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Hoey Owen Drumgoolan Louth Louth Hoey Patrick Drumgoolan Louth Louth Hoey Patrick Drumgur Louth Louth Hoey Patrick Edenaquin Louth Louth Hoey Patrick Ravanny Louth Louth Hoey Peter Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Hoey Richard Priorstate Louth Louth Hoey Samuel Mullavally Louth Louth Hoey Thomas Ash, Little Louth Louth Hoey Thomas Drumgur Louth Louth Hoey Thomas Ravanny Louth Louth Hogan Nicholas Summerhill Louth Louth Holeroft Patrick Ballinlough Louth Louth Holland John Lowrath North Louth Louth Houghy Patrick Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Hughes Anne Carrickmullan Louth Louth Hughes Arthur Bailyland Louth Louth Hughes Bernard Gibstown Louth Louth Hughes John Coolcreedan Louth Louth Hughes Owen Drumgoolan Louth Louth Hughes Patrick Castlering Louth Louth Hughes Peter Coolcreedan Louth Louth Hughes Philip Newtown Louth Louth Hughes Thomas Plunketsland Louth Louth Hynes Michael Ballyoran Louth Louth Jennett Hugh Ardpatrick Louth Louth Jennett Hugh Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Jennett John Mullavally Louth Louth Johnson Anne Coolrath Louth Louth Johnston Neil Carrickacreagh Louth Louth Johnston Owen Carrickallan Louth Louth Johnston Patrick Chanonrock Louth Louth Jones John Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Jordan Christopher Mullacrew Louth Louth Jordan Christopher Rathbrist Louth Louth Jordan Laurence Kilbride Louth Louth Jordan Laurence Mullacrew Louth Louth Jordan Lawrence Rathbrist Louth Louth Jordan Simon Mullacrew Louth Louth Kavanagh Patrick Rossmakay Louth Louth Kearney Bridget Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Kearney Bridget Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Kearney Bryan Rathneety Louth Louth Kearney Bryan Whitecross Louth Louth Kearney John Carrickacreagh Louth Louth Kearney John Mullabohy Louth Louth Kearney John Palmersland Louth Louth Kearney Laurence Crossabeagh Louth Louth Kearney Mary Priorstate Louth Louth Kearney Matthew Tullagee Louth Louth Kearney Patrick Ballyoran Louth Louth Kearney Patrick Crossabeagh Louth Louth Kearney Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Kearney Patrick Mullavally Louth Louth Kearney Patrick Newragh Louth Louth Kearney Peter Kilcroney Louth Louth Kearney Thomas Crossabeagh Louth Louth Keever Andrew M. Killeen Louth Louth Keiran Eleanor Summerhill Louth Louth Keiran Terence Summerhill Louth Louth Kelledy Bernard Chanonrock Louth Louth Kelledy Henry Carrickmullan Louth Louth Kelledy James Ballinlough Louth Louth Kelledy John Carrickmullan Louth Louth Kelledy Patrick Carrickmullan Louth Louth Kelledy William Chanonrock Louth Louth Kelly Bryan Carrickallan Louth Louth Kelly Bryan Mullabohy Louth Louth Kelly Bryan Mullacrew Louth Louth Kelly Bryan Tully Louth Louth Kelly Catherine Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Kelly Daniel Hoarstone Louth Louth Kelly James Drumcah Louth Louth Kelly James Tullycahan Louth Louth Kelly James T. Drumgowna Louth Louth Kelly James T. Feraghs Louth Louth Kelly James T. Lowrath North Louth Louth Kelly James T. Newrath Louth Louth Kelly John Drumcah Louth Louth Kelly John Hoarstone Louth Louth Kelly Laurence Rosslough Louth Louth Kelly Laurence Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Kelly Matthew Carnalughoge Louth Louth Kelly Matthew Killycroney Louth Louth Kelly Michael Castlering Louth Louth Kelly Michael Loughtate Louth Louth Kelly Michael Mullacrew Louth Louth Kelly Michael Newtown Louth Louth Kelly Michael Redbog Louth Louth Kelly Michael Rosslough Louth Louth Kelly Michael Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Kelly Patrick Ballinlough Louth Louth Kelly Patrick Hoarstone Louth Louth Kelly Patrick Tully Louth Louth Kelly Peter Mullacrew Louth Louth Kerley Edward Rosslough Louth Louth Kerley Elizabeth Rosslough Louth Louth Kerley James Rathbrist Louth Louth Kerley John Gibstown Louth Louth Kerley Mary Redbog Louth Louth Kerley Mary Rosslough Louth Louth Kerley Patrick Tully Louth Louth Kerley Rose Rosslough Louth Louth Kerley Thomas Annaghminnan Louth Louth Kerr Denis Newtown Louth Louth Kerr Denis Newtownfane Louth Louth Kerr Denis Rootate Louth Louth Kerr Denis Stonetown Upper Louth Louth Kerr John Kilcroney Louth Louth Kerr Mary Chanonrock Louth Louth Kerr Peter Muff Louth Louth Kerr William Mullavally Louth Louth Kieran John Ash, Little Louth Louth Kieran John Carrickmullan Louth Louth Kieran John Chanonrock Louth Louth Kieran John Kilcroney Louth Louth Kieran Matthew Drumcah Louth Louth Kieran Matthew Rathbrist Louth Louth Kieran Michael Corderry Louth Louth Kieran Michael Drumcah Louth Louth Kieran Michael, Jr. Corderry Louth Louth Kieran Owen Drumcah Louth Louth Kieran Owen Rathbrist Louth Louth Kieran Patrick Ash, Big Louth Louth Kieran Patrick Crossabeagh Louth Louth Kieran Patrick Drumcah Louth Louth Kieran Patrick Drumgoolan Louth Louth Kieran Patrick Grange Louth Louth Kieran Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Kieran Patrick Mullacrew Louth Louth Kieran Patrick Palmersland Louth Louth Kieran Patrick Rathbrist Louth Louth Kieran Patrick, Jr. Drumcah Louth Louth Kieran Peter Carrickmullan Louth Louth Kieran Peter Chanonrock Louth Louth Kieran Thomas Chanonrock Louth Louth Kieran Thomas Kilcroney Louth Louth Kieran Thomas Monavallet Louth Louth Killedy Henry Grange Louth Louth Killedy Henry Mullavally Louth Louth King Catherine Grange Louth Louth King James Kilcroney Louth Louth King James Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth King John Grange Louth Louth King Mary Grange Louth Louth King Nicholas Grange Louth Louth King Nicholas Rathneety Louth Louth King Nicholas Whitecross Louth Louth King Patrick Whitecross Louth Louth King Thomas Grange Louth Louth King Thomas Summerhill Louth Louth Kirk Byran Ash, Little Louth Louth Kirk Eleanor Rosslough Louth Louth Kirk James Drumcah Louth Louth Kirk John Rosslough Louth Louth Kirk John, Jr. Drumcah Louth Louth Kirk Judith Ravanny Louth Louth Kirk Michael Drumcah Louth Louth Kirk Patrick Drumcah Louth Louth Lamb Bernard Mullacrew Louth Louth Lamb Edward Chanonrock Louth Louth Lamb Mary Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Lamb Patrick Mullacrew Louth Louth Lamb Patrick Plunketsland Louth Louth Lamb Patrick Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Lannan Catherine Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Lannan Laurence Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Lannan Patrick Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Lannon Edward Mullacrew Louth Louth Lannon John Bailyland Louth Louth Lannon John Chanonrock Louth Louth Lannon John Monavallet Louth Louth Lannon Judith Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Lannon Mary Mullacrew Louth Louth Lannon Michael Bailyland Louth Louth Lannon Michael Cortial Louth Louth Lannon Michael Monavallet Louth Louth Lannon Owen Emlagh Louth Louth Lannon Patrick Ballyoran Louth Louth Lannon Patrick Emlagh Louth Louth Lannon Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Lannon Patrick Mullacrew Louth Louth Lannon William Rosslough Louth Louth Larney Anne Rathbrist Louth Louth Larney John Killeen Louth Louth Latimer James Rootate Louth Louth Lawless Mary Bailyland Louth Louth Lawless Mary Rossmakay Louth Louth Lawless Nicholas Newtown Louth Louth Lawless Patrick Rossmakay Louth Louth Lear Michael Cortial Louth Louth Leary Owen Mullacrew Louth Louth Lendon John Bailyland Louth Louth Lennan Hugh Ballinloughan Louth Louth Lennon Bernard Castlering Louth Louth Lennon Edward Castlering Louth Louth Lennon Mary Carrickmullan Louth Louth Lennon Owen Drumgonnelly Louth Louth Levings Bridget Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Levins John Drumgonnelly Louth Louth Liverah Anne Kilcroney Louth Louth Loughlin Eleanor Mullacrew Louth Louth Lowe Nathaniel Tully Louth Louth Lurihan Patrick Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Lynn Mary Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Lynn Michael Bailyland Louth Louth Lynn Peter Rathbrist Louth Louth Lyons Peter Drumgur Louth Louth Lyons Thomas Drumgur Louth Louth Lyons Thomas, Jr. Drumgur Louth Louth Madden Peter Rosslough Louth Louth Magee Patrick Rathbrist Louth Louth Magee Thomas Ballyoran Louth Louth Mageniss Thomas Rootate Louth Louth Magennis Anthony Ballinlough Louth Louth Magill Michael Crossabeagh Louth Louth Magill Michael Summerhill Louth Louth Magin Henry Kilcroney Louth Louth Magin Jane Kilcroney Louth Louth Magin Mary Grange Louth Louth Magin Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Magrath John Kilcroney Louth Louth Magrean Michael Chanonrock Louth Louth Maguill Anne Kilcroney Louth Louth Maguire Bridget Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Maguire Catherine Monavallet Louth Louth Maguire James Corderry Louth Louth Maguire Margaret Carrickallan Louth Louth Maguire Michael Corderry Louth Louth Maguire Michael Rathcassan Louth Louth Maguire Patrick Corderry Louth Louth Maguire Patrick Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Maguire Philip Kilcroney Louth Louth Maguire Thomas Corderry Louth Louth Major Rev. Alexander Ardpatrick Louth Louth Malone Edward Summerhill Louth Louth Malone John Rosslough Louth Louth Markey Cecilia Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Markey Edward Newragh Louth Louth Markey Peter Drumgowna Louth Louth Markey Peter Sandfield Louth Louth Marley Louisa Drumgoolan Louth Louth Marmion Nicholas Priorstate Louth Louth Marmion Nicholas Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Marmion Nicholas Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Marron James Tully Louth Louth Marron Mary Tully Louth Louth Marron Owen Tully Louth Louth Martin James Rathiddy Louth Louth Martin Thomas Newtown Louth Louth Martin Thomas Newtownfane Louth Louth Mathews Arthur Mullacrew Louth Louth Mathews Hugh Mullacrew Louth Louth Mathews Hugh Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mathews James Carnalughoge Louth Louth Mathews Judith Glydefarm Louth Louth Mathews Mary Kilcroney Louth Louth Mathews Timothy Muff Louth Louth Matthews Arthur Hoarstone Louth Louth Matthews Arthur Mullacrew Louth Louth Matthews Bryan Hoarstone Louth Louth Matthews Bryan Mullacrew Louth Louth Matthews Catherine Mullacrew Louth Louth Matthews Hugh Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Matthews James Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Matthews Michael Drumgowna Louth Louth Matthews Nicholas Ballinlough Louth Louth Matthews Owen Drumgoolan Louth Louth Matthews Owen Hoarstone Louth Louth Matthews Owen Priorstate Louth Louth Matthews Owen Tully Louth Louth Matthews Patrick Ballinlough Louth Louth Matthews Patrick Priorstate Louth Louth Matthews Patrick Town of Louth (Part of),Mullavally Louth Louth Matthews Patrick Tully Louth Louth Matthews Patrick, Jr. Tully Louth Louth Matthews Peter Rathneety Louth Louth Matthews Thomas Commons Louth Louth Matthews Thomas Grange Louth Louth Matthews Thomas Newtown Louth Louth Matthews Thomas Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Alister James Rathbrist Louth Louth Mc Alister Peter Grange Louth Louth Mc Allister Charles Ardpatrick Louth Louth Mc Aneny James Ballinlough Louth Louth Mc Ardle Alice Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Ardle Bryan Kilcroney Louth Louth Mc Ardle Bryan Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Ardle Edward Ash, Big Louth Louth Mc Ardle Felix Carrickleagh Louth Louth Mc Ardle James Kilcroney Louth Louth Mc Ardle James Killycroney Louth Louth Mc Ardle James Lowrath North Louth Louth Mc Ardle Laurence Ballinclare Louth Louth Mc Ardle Margaret Ash, Little Louth Louth Mc Ardle Mary Rathiddy Louth Louth Mc Ardle Michael Ballinclare Louth Louth Mc Ardle Nicholas Priorstate Louth Louth Mc Ardle Owen Rathiddy Louth Louth Mc Ardle Patrick Mullavally Louth Louth Mc Ardle Patrick Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Ardle Peter Carrickleagh Louth Louth Mc Ardle Philip Carrickleagh Louth Louth Mc Ardle Philip Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Ardle Thomas Ballinclare Louth Louth Mc Bride Peter Carrickacreagh Louth Louth Mc Bride Thomas Carrickacreagh Louth Louth Mc Bride Thomas Drumcah Louth Louth Mc Cabe James Priorstate Louth Louth Mc Cabe John Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Cabe Mary Ballinlough Louth Louth Mc Cabe Patrick Rossmakay Louth Louth Mc Cabe Peter Rossmakay Louth Louth Mc Cann Bryan Rathcassan Louth Louth Mc Cann James Monavallet Louth Louth Mc Cann James Toomes Louth Louth Mc Cann John Newtownfane Louth Louth Mc Cann Neil Grange Louth Louth Mc Cann Patrick Loughantarve Louth Louth Mc Cann Thomas Corderry Louth Louth Mc Cann Thomas Rathbrist Louth Louth Mc Cart Matthew Rossmakay Louth Louth Mc Connin Denis Rathiddy Louth Louth Mc Cormack Catherine Carrickallan Louth Louth Mc Daniel Alexander Mullavally Louth Louth Mc Daniel Catherine Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Daniel Eliza Killeen Louth Louth Mc Daniel James Corderry Louth Louth Mc Daniel James Priorstate Louth Louth Mc Daniel Margaret Town of Louth (Part of),Mullavally Louth Louth Mc Daniel Patrick Mullavally Louth Louth Mc Daniel Patrick Town of Louth (Part of),Mullavally Louth Louth Mc Daniel Peter Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Donnell Alexander Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Donnell Bernard Monavallet Louth Louth Mc Donnell Edward Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Donnell Francis Chanonrock Louth Louth Mc Donnell James Kilcroney Louth Louth Mc Donnell James Tullycahan Louth Louth Mc Donnell Laurence Ballinloughan Louth Louth Mc Donnell Peter Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Mc Donnell Thomas Carrickallan Louth Louth Mc Donnell Thomas Carrickleagh Louth Louth Mc Donnell Thomas Emlagh Louth Louth Mc Ebbitt William Bailyland Louth Louth Mc Eneney Francis Rathbrist Louth Louth Mc Eneney James Feraghs Louth Louth Mc Eneney James Rathbrist Louth Louth Mc Eneney James Tully Louth Louth Mc Eneney Owen Feraghs Louth Louth Mc Eneney Owen Tully Louth Louth Mc Eneny Bridget Redbog Louth Louth Mc Eneny Hugh Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Eneny Mary Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Eneny Michael Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Eneny Thomas Chanonrock Louth Louth Mc Enteggart James Loughantarve Louth Louth Mc Entire Laurence Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Mc Evoy Mary Toomes Louth Louth Mc Evoy Peter Millpark Louth Louth Mc Fadden Thomas Ash, Little Louth Louth Mc Fadden Thomas Ballinloughan Louth Louth Mc Gahan James Kilcroney Louth Louth Mc Gahan Mary Summerhill Louth Louth Mc Gahan Matthew Bailyland Louth Louth Mc Gahan Matthew Mullavally Louth Louth Mc Gahan Michael Annaghminnan Louth Louth Mc Gahan Owen Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Gahan Patrick Annaghminnan Louth Louth Mc Gahan Thomas Annaghminnan Louth Louth Mc Gahan Thomas Corderry Louth Louth Mc Gahan Thomas Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Gough Bryan Monavallet Louth Louth Mc Gough Edward Chanonrock Louth Louth Mc Gough Michael Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Mc Gough Michael Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Gough Patrick Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Gough Patrick Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Gough Patrick Rosslough Louth Louth Mc Gough Patrick Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Mc Gough Patrick Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Gough Peter Drumgoolan Louth Louth Mc Govern Thomas Chanonrock Louth Louth Mc Guinness George Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Guinness John Grange Louth Louth Mc Guinness John Priorstate Louth Louth Mc Guinness Matthew Drumgowna Louth Louth Mc Guinness Patrick Drumgowna Louth Louth Mc Guinness Patrick Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Guinness Peter Chanonrock Louth Louth Mc Guirk Bryan Chanonrock Louth Louth Mc Hugh Peter Chanonrock Louth Louth Mc Hugh Thomas Tully Louth Louth Mc Inerny Patrick Newtown Louth Louth Mc Inery Edward Chanonrock Louth Louth Mc Inery Hugh Monavallet Louth Louth Mc Integgart Bernard Crossabeagh Louth Louth Mc Integgart James Annagh (Mc Canns) Louth Louth Mc Integgart James Palmersland Louth Louth Mc Integgart William Annagh (Mc Canns) Louth Louth Mc Integgart William Carrickleagh Louth Louth Mc Kay Edward Newtown Louth Louth Mc Keever Thomas Cortial Louth Louth Mc Keever Thomas Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Kenna Bridget Bailyland Louth Louth Mc Kenna Edward Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Kenna Felix Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Kenna James Corderry Louth Louth Mc Kenna Michael Glydefarm Louth Louth Mc Kenna Owen Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Kenna Patrick Feraghs Louth Louth Mc Kenna Patrick Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Kenna Patrick Mullavally Louth Louth Mc Kenna Peter Drumgowna Louth Louth Mc Kenna Thomas Ardpatrick Louth Louth Mc Kenna Thomas Mullavally Louth Louth Mc Kenna Thomas Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Keon John Feraghs Louth Louth Mc Keon John Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Keon Patrick Tully Louth Louth Mc Keon Peter Feraghs Louth Louth Mc Kin Bryan Drumgowna Louth Louth Mc Kin James Chanonrock Louth Louth Mc Kin Jane Ballyoran Louth Louth Mc Kin Patrick Drumgowna Louth Louth Mc Kin Patrick Monavallet Louth Louth Mc Kinn Bryan Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Kinn Edward Summerhill Louth Louth Mc Kinn Laurence Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Kinn Michael Mullacrew Louth Louth Mc Kinn Michael Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Mc Kinn Owen Kilcroney Louth Louth Mc Kinn Patrick Lowrath North Louth Louth Mc Kinn Patrick Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mc Mahon Hugh Rosslough Louth Louth Mc Mahon Mary Drumgur Louth Louth Mc Mahon Patrick Drumgowna Louth Louth Mc Mahon Patrick Drumgur Louth Louth Mc Mahon Patrick Edenaquin Louth Louth Mc Manus Patrick Priorstate Louth Louth Mc Nally Edward Ballinlough Louth Louth Mc Neill Sir John Rossmakay Louth Louth Mc Nellon Thomas Artoney Louth Louth Mc Nellow John Carrickadooan Louth Louth Mc Nellow John Coolcreedan Louth Louth Mc Nellow John Kilcroney Louth Louth Mc Nellow John Monavallet Louth Louth Mc Nellow Rose Kilcroney Louth Louth Mc Nellow Thomas Coolcreedan Louth Louth Mc Nellow Thomas Tullycahan Louth Louth Mc Quillan Bernard Annagh (Boltons) Louth Louth Mc Quillan John Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Mc Sherry Bryan Monavallet Louth Louth Mc Shery Bryan Priorstate Louth Louth Mc Veigh Owen Crossabeagh Louth Louth Meade Michael Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Meade Patrick Ballinlough Louth Louth Meath John Tullagee Louth Louth Meehan James Drumcah Louth Louth Meighan Patrick Toomes Louth Louth Meyers Hugh Drumcah Louth Louth Meyers John Newtown Louth Louth Milling John Ballinlough Louth Louth Milling John Knockattin Louth Louth Milling John Stephenstown Louth Louth Mohan Patrick Drumgur Louth Louth Moheen Eliza Rathbrist Louth Louth Moheen Mary Rathbrist Louth Louth Molloy James Ardpatrick Louth Louth Molloy James Priorstate Louth Louth Molloy James Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Monaghan Bridget Knockatavy Louth Louth Monaghan Michael Rathbrist Louth Louth Monahan John Mullacrew Louth Louth Moore James Oaktate Louth Louth Morgan James Mullacrew Louth Louth Morgan John Ballyoran Louth Louth Morgan Mary Oaktate Louth Louth Morgan Patrick Mullacrew Louth Louth Morgan Peter Ballyoran Louth Louth Morgan Thomas Oaktate Louth Louth Mulholland Patrick Rossmakay Louth Louth Mullen Catherine Kilcroney Louth Louth Mullen James Kilcroney Louth Louth Mullen Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Mullen Rep. Catherine Ballinlough Louth Louth Mullin James Newtown Louth Louth Mullins Margaret Mullacrew Louth Louth Mullins Patrick Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Mullins Patrick Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Murphy Anne Newtown Louth Louth Murphy Anthony Rossmakay Louth Louth Murphy Bridget Carrickallan Louth Louth Murphy Bryan Carrickacreagh Louth Louth Murphy Catherine Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Murphy Catherine Rathcassan Louth Louth Murphy Denis Rathcassan Louth Louth Murphy Edward Palmersland Louth Louth Murphy John Glydefarm Louth Louth Murphy Judith Kilcroney Louth Louth Murphy Margaret Oaktate Louth Louth Murphy Margaret Stonetown Upper Louth Louth Murphy Margaret Toomes Louth Louth Murphy Mary Summerhill Louth Louth Murphy Michael Rathcassan Louth Louth Murphy Nicholas Newtown Louth Louth Murphy Owen Lowrath North Louth Louth Murphy Patrick Cortial Louth Louth Murphy Patrick Crossabeagh Louth Louth Murphy Patrick Rathcassan Louth Louth Murphy Patrick Toomes Louth Louth Murphy Pierce Castletate Louth Louth Murphy Pierce Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Murphy Pierce Sandfield Louth Louth Murphy Pierce Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Murphy Piers Rootate Louth Louth Murphy William Chanonrock Louth Louth Murray Catherine Kilcroney Louth Louth Murray Henry Lowrath North Louth Louth Murray Henry Mullacrew Louth Louth Murray James Chanonrock Louth Louth Murray James Toomes Louth Louth Murray Margaret Kilcroney Louth Louth Murray Michael Drumgur Louth Louth Murray Michael Palmersland Louth Louth Murray Patrick Corderry Louth Louth Murray Patrick Drumgur Louth Louth Murray Patrick Rathcassan Louth Louth Murray Rose Mullacrew Louth Louth Murray Thomas Ardpatrick Louth Louth Murray Thomas Kilcroney Louth Louth Murray Thomas Newtown Louth Louth Murtagh Byran Cortial Louth Louth Murtagh John Bailyland Louth Louth Murtagh John Carrickallan Louth Louth Murtagh John Cortial Louth Louth Murtagh Judith Carrickallan Louth Louth Murtagh Peter Ballinlough Louth Louth Murtagh Thomas Knockatavy Louth Louth Neill Bridget Newtownfane Louth Louth Neill Hugh Killeen Louth Louth Nugent James Coolcreedan Louth Louth Nugent Michael Ballinlough Louth Louth Nugent Richard Ballinlough Louth Louth O'Brien Catherine Mullacrew Louth Louth O'Hare Hugh Annagh (Boltons) Louth Louth O'Neill Michael Kilcroney Louth Louth O'Reilly Myles Feraghs Louth Louth O'Reilly Myles Tully Louth Louth Osborne George Tully Louth Louth Osborne Matthew Ballinloughan Louth Louth Osbourne Matthew Ash, Little Louth Louth Overon John Mullavally Louth Louth Overon John Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Owen Peter Millpark Louth Louth Owen Peter Mullavally Louth Louth Owens Nicholas Grange Louth Louth Owens Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Owens Peter Bailyland Louth Louth Park Thomas Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Pedigan John Ballyoran Louth Louth Peel Richard Rathbrist Louth Louth Peppard John Ravanny Louth Louth Peppard Thomas Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Pepper John Feraghs Louth Louth Plunket James Grange Louth Louth Plunkett Anne Mullacrew Louth Louth Plunkett John Mullacrew Louth Louth Plunkett Laurence Mullacrew Louth Louth Plunkett Susan Mullacrew Louth Louth Plunkett Thomas Mullacrew Louth Louth Plunkett Thomas, Jr. Mullacrew Louth Louth Quigley Roger Glydefarm Louth Louth Quigly Thomas Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Quigly Thomas Monavallet Louth Louth Quinn James Drumcah Louth Louth Quinn Mary Newtownfane Louth Louth Quinn Thomas Oaktate Louth Louth Quiqley Roger Glydefarm Louth Louth Reilly Bridget Town of Louth (Part of),Mullavally Louth Louth Reilly James Ballyoran Louth Louth Reilly John Coolrath Louth Louth Reilly John Lowrath North Louth Louth Reilly John Lowrath South Louth Louth Reilly John Mullacrew Louth Louth Reilly Owen Coolrath Louth Louth Reilly Owen Lowrath North Louth Louth Reilly Owen Mullacrew Louth Louth Reilly Patrick Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Reilly Philip Ash, Little Louth Louth Reppingham Christr. Mullavally Louth Louth Rice Bernard Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Rice Catherine Carrickallan Louth Louth Richardson Owen Rathbrist Louth Louth Richardson Thomas Mullacrew Louth Louth Richardson William Mullacrew Louth Louth Richardson William H. Knockattin Louth Louth Rispin William Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Roddy John Lowrath North Louth Louth Roddy Owen Lowrath North Louth Louth Roddy Owen Mullacrew Louth Louth Rooney Bryan Cortial Louth Louth Rooney Bryan Knockatavy Louth Louth Rooney James Lowrath North Louth Louth Rooney Mary Chanonrock Louth Louth Rooney Patrick Knockatavy Louth Louth Rourke Eliza Carrickallan Louth Louth Rourke James Sandfield Louth Louth Rourke Mary Carrickallan Louth Louth Rourke Owen Town of Louth (Part of),Mullavally Louth Louth Russell Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Ryan Anne Mullacrew Louth Louth Sands Eliza Summerhill Louth Louth Sandy Peter Gibstown Louth Louth Saunders James Corderry Louth Louth Shanley Thomas Glydefarm Louth Louth Sharkey James Mullacrew Louth Louth Sheeran Henry Commons Louth Louth Sheeran Henry Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Sheeran Henry Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Sheeran James Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Sheridan Peter Rathbrist Louth Louth Shovelin John Muff Louth Louth Shovelin Thomas Annaghanmoney Louth Louth Shovelin Thomas Priorstate Louth Louth Sloane Thomas Loughantarve Louth Louth Smart Mary Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Smith Anne Gibstown Louth Louth Smith Henry Chanonrock Louth Louth Smith Hugh Gibstown Louth Louth Smith Patrick Newtownfane Louth Louth Smith Thomas Gibstown Louth Louth Smyth Garrett Muff Louth Louth Smyth Owen Tullycahan Louth Louth Smyth Rose Newtown Louth Louth Soraghan Alice Carnalughoge Louth Louth Spring Felix Sandfield Louth Louth Stokes Edward Glydefarm Louth Louth Taaffe Francis Chanonrock Louth Louth Taaffe James Coolcreedan Louth Louth Taaffe James Kilcroney Louth Louth Taaffe James Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Taaffe Laurence Commons Louth Louth Taaffe Laurence Emlagh Louth Louth Taaffe Laurence Knockmore Louth Louth Taaffe Laurence Lowrath North Louth Louth Taaffe Laurence Mullavally Louth Louth Taaffe Laurence Priorstate Louth Louth Taaffe Laurence Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Taaffe Laurence Sheepwalk Louth Louth Taaffe Laurence Summerhill Louth Louth Taaffe Laurence Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Taaffe Laurence Whitecross Louth Louth Taaffe Margaret Whitecross Louth Louth Taaffe Owen Chanonrock Louth Louth Taaffe Patrick Bailyland Louth Louth Taaffe Patrick Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Taaffe Patrick Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Taffe James Rossmakay Louth Louth Tallon Anna Hoarstone Louth Louth Tallon Teresa Hoarstone Louth Louth Thackerry Rev. Elias Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Thackery Rev. Elias Artoney Louth Louth Thornton Alice Mullacrew Louth Louth Thornton Bridget Newtown Louth Louth Thornton Bryan Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Thornton Hugh Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Thornton James Knockatavy Louth Louth Thornton John Newragh Louth Louth Thornton Patrick Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Tooth Michael Annagh (Boltons) Louth Louth Traynor John Cortial Louth Louth Victory Bryan Mullacrew Louth Louth Wade Bernard Summerhill Louth Louth Wakely Felix Newtown Louth Louth Wakely Felix Stonetown Lower Louth Louth Wakely John Drumgur Louth Louth Wakely Patrick Newtown Louth Louth Walsh Anne Cortial Louth Louth Walsh James Cortial Louth Louth Walsh James Palmersland Louth Louth Walsh Patrick Killycroney Louth Louth Ward James Mullacrew Louth Louth Ward Patrick Glydefarm Louth Louth Ward Peter Rathbrist Louth Louth Waters Anne Mullacrew Louth Louth Waters Bridget Mullacrew Louth Louth Waters Catherine Feraghs Louth Louth Waters Charles Corcreeghagh Louth Louth Waters Hugh Mullacrew Louth Louth Waters James Town of Louth,Richard Taaffe's Holding Louth Louth Waters Matthew Mullacrew Louth Louth Waters Michael Chanonrock Louth Louth Waters Michael Mullacrew Louth Louth Waters Owen Carrickallan Louth Louth Waters Owen Carrickmullan Louth Louth Waters Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Waters Patrick Millpark Louth Louth Waters Peter Kilcroney Louth Louth Waters Robert Carrickallan Louth Louth White Alice Ravanny Louth Louth White John Mullacrew Louth Louth White Mary Rathiddy Louth Louth Wood Robert Knockattin Louth Louth Woods Catherine Bailyland Louth Louth Woods George Feraghs Louth Louth Woods George Hoarstone Louth Louth Woods John Feraghs Louth Louth Woods Nicholas Kilcroney Louth Louth Woods Nicholas Mullacrew Louth Louth Woods Patrick Feraghs Louth Louth Woods Patrick Kilcroney Louth Louth Woods Thomas Bailyland Louth Louth Woods Thomas Feraghs Louth Louth Wynne Bernard Lowrath North Louth Louth Wynne Bernard Mullacrew Louth Louth