Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Roche, County Louth
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Roche, County Louth
Bayley Richard Edenakill Roche Louth Bayley Robert Shortstone West Roche Louth Begley Andrew Ballybinaby Roche Louth Bigger John J. Falmore Roche Louth Boyle Catherine Ballybinaby Roche Louth Boyle James Ballybinaby Roche Louth Boyle Patrick Ballybinaby Roche Louth Boyle Thomas Ballybinaby Roche Louth Brennan John Ballybinaby Roche Louth Brennan Patrick Drumbilla Roche Louth Burns Margaret Ballybinaby Roche Louth Burns Thomas Ballybinaby Roche Louth Byrne George Drumbilla Roche Louth Callaghan Patrick Ballinfuil Roche Louth Callaghan Patrick Drumbilla Roche Louth Callaghan Peter Drumbilla Roche Louth Callaghan Thomas Roche Roche Louth Callaghan Thomas Tatebane Roche Louth Campbell Bryan Ballinfuil Roche Louth Campbell Edward Ballinfuil Roche Louth Campbell Edward Rathduff Roche Louth Campbell Edward, Jr. Ballinfuil Roche Louth Campbell James Ballinfuil Roche Louth Campbell Laurence Ballinfuil Roche Louth Campbell Laurence Rathduff Roche Louth Campbell Margaret Ballinfuil Roche Louth Colter John Drumbilla Roche Louth Colter Mary Roche Roche Louth Colter Mary Shortstone West Roche Louth Coulter John Drumbilla Roche Louth Cudden John Ballybinaby Roche Louth Deery James Drumbilla Roche Louth Deery Owen Edenakill Roche Louth Dermott Michael Tatebane Roche Louth Dickie Robert Ballybinaby Roche Louth Donaghy Bernard Ballybinaby Roche Louth Donnelly James Edenakill Roche Louth Donnelly James Roche Roche Louth Duffy Thomas Ballinfuil Roche Louth Dullaghan Matthew Falmore Roche Louth English Edward Ballybinaby Roche Louth English Timothy Ballybinaby Roche Louth Finegan Michael Rathduff Roche Louth Flynn Charles Drumbilla Roche Louth Flynn Mary Edenakill Roche Louth Flynn Mary Roche Roche Louth Flynn Michael Tatebane Roche Louth Flynn Patrick Ducavan Roche Louth Flynn Richard Tatebane Roche Louth Flynn Roger Ballybinaby Roche Louth Gogarty Catherine Ballybinaby Roche Louth Gogarty John Ballybinaby Roche Louth Gogarty Thomas Ballybinaby Roche Louth Grant Felix Falmore Roche Louth Grant Thomas Rathduff Roche Louth Halloran Arthur Edenakill Roche Louth Hamill Owen Falmore Roche Louth Harrissey Anne Ballybinaby Roche Louth Herley Michael Ballinfuil Roche Louth Johnston Norman Tatebane Roche Louth Kearney Rev. John Roche Roche Louth Kearney Thomas Rathduff Roche Louth Kearns Peter Tatebane Roche Louth Kelly John P. Ballinfuil Roche Louth Kelly John P. Roche Roche Louth Kelly John P. Shortstone East Roche Louth Kerley Anne Drumbilla Roche Louth Kerley James Drumbilla Roche Louth Kerley Patrick Drumbilla Roche Louth Kieran Margaret Ballybinaby Roche Louth King Laurence Drumbilla Roche Louth Kirk Bernard Ballybinaby Roche Louth Kirk Bridget Ballybinaby Roche Louth Kirk John Ballinfuil Roche Louth Kirk Owen Ballinfuil Roche Louth Kirke Bridget Tatnadarra Roche Louth Kirke Bryan Edenakill Roche Louth Kirke Henry Rathduff Roche Louth Kirke John Tatebane Roche Louth Kirke Thomas Edenakill Roche Louth Kirke Thomas Tatebane Roche Louth Lee Rose Ballinfuil Roche Louth Lennon Michael Tatebane Roche Louth Lennon Patrick Falmore Roche Louth Lennon Patrick Rathduff Roche Louth Lynch James Drumbilla Roche Louth Mackay James Ballybinaby Roche Louth Macken Patrick Ballybinaby Roche Louth Magenniss Alice Rathduff Roche Louth Magenniss Bryan Ballybinaby Roche Louth Magenniss Edward Ballybinaby Roche Louth Magenniss James Ballybinaby Roche Louth Magenniss Thomas Ballybinaby Roche Louth Maginniss Arthur Rathduff Roche Louth Maginniss James Rathduff Roche Louth Maginniss Margaret Rathduff Roche Louth Maguire John Drumbilla Roche Louth Mandeville Alice Edenakill Roche Louth Manville Philip Ballinfuil Roche Louth Martin Peter Shortstone West Roche Louth Mc Ardle Edward Shortstone East Roche Louth Mc Ardle James Drumbilla Roche Louth Mc Ardle James Rathduff Roche Louth Mc Ardle James Shortstone East Roche Louth Mc Ardle Mary Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mc Ardle Mary Tatebane Roche Louth Mc Ardle Owen Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mc Ardle Owen Ducavan Roche Louth Mc Ardle Peter Falmore Roche Louth Mc Ardle Terence Tatebane Roche Louth Mc Cann Anne Shortstone East Roche Louth Mc Cann Michael Edenakill Roche Louth Mc Cann Thomas Edenakill Roche Louth Mc Cormack Bridget Edenakill Roche Louth Mc Cormick Bryan Ballybinaby Roche Louth Mc Court James Ducavan Roche Louth Mc Court Michael Ducavan Roche Louth Mc Coy Patrick Rathduff Roche Louth Mc Donnell Catherine Ballybinaby Roche Louth Mc Elroy Nicholas Ballybinaby Roche Louth Mc Elroy Patrick Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mc Elroy William Ballybinaby Roche Louth Mc Enteggart Peter Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mc Evatt Henry Shortstone West Roche Louth Mc Gahan Owen Edenakill Roche Louth Mc Gill Michael Rathduff Roche Louth Mc Gill Michael Tatebane Roche Louth Mc Gough Charles Drumbilla Roche Louth Mc Kenna James Drumbilla Roche Louth Mc Kenna Mary Drumbilla Roche Louth Mc Kenna Owen Ballybinaby Roche Louth Mc Kenna Patrick Ballybinaby Roche Louth Mc Kenna Peter Drumbilla Roche Louth Mc Kenna Thomas Ballybinaby Roche Louth Mc Keown James Ballybinaby Roche Louth Mc Keown Terence Rathduff Roche Louth Mc Mahon Bridget Ballybinaby Roche Louth Mc Nally William Drumbilla Roche Louth Mc Nally William Tatnadarra Roche Louth Mc Namee Hugh Drumbilla Roche Louth Mc Shane Arthur Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mc Shane Catherine Falmore Roche Louth Mc Shane Edward Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mc Shane Felix Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mc Shane Hugh Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mc Shane John Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mc Shane John, Jr. Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mc Shane Mary Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mc Shane Owen Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mc Shane Owen Falmore Roche Louth Meehan Terence Shortstone West Roche Louth Meyers Anne Falmore Roche Louth Meyers Anne Rathduff Roche Louth Meyers Henry Edenakill Roche Louth Meyers Henry Tatebane Roche Louth Mulholland Matthew Ballybinaby Roche Louth Mullen Catherine Edenakill Roche Louth Mullen John Edenakill Roche Louth Mulligan Catherine Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mulligan Mary Rathduff Roche Louth Mulligan Rose Ballinfuil Roche Louth Mulligan Thomas Drumbilla Roche Louth Murphy John J. Drumbilla Roche Louth Murphy John J. Edenakill Roche Louth Murphy John J. Roche Roche Louth Murphy John J. Tatebane Roche Louth Murphy Mary Edenakill Roche Louth Murphy Thomas Ballybinaby Roche Louth O'Hanlon Bryan Ducavan Roche Louth O'Hara Michael Ballybinaby Roche Louth O'Hare Arthur Falmore Roche Louth O'Hare Mary Falmore Roche Louth Quigley James Drumbilla Roche Louth Quigley James Edenakill Roche Louth Quigley James Roche Roche Louth Quinn Bryan Drumbilla Roche Louth Quinn Edward Drumbilla Roche Louth Quinn Owen Ballinfuil Roche Louth Quinn Patrick Drumbilla Roche Louth Reddy Catherine Edenakill Roche Louth Reddy Patrick Ballybinaby Roche Louth Rooney Michael Ballybinaby Roche Louth Russell Thomas J. Ballinfuil Roche Louth Sands James Shortstone East Roche Louth Shoulders James Ballybinaby Roche Louth Smith Thomas Shortstone East Roche Louth Traynor Anne Drumbilla Roche Louth Traynor John Ballinfuil Roche Louth Traynor Laurence Drumbilla Roche Louth Traynor Mary Drumbilla Roche Louth Traynor Philip Drumbilla Roche Louth Traynor Rose Drumbilla Roche Louth Traynor Thomas Ballybinaby Roche Louth Waters Owen Ballybinaby Roche Louth Waters Patrick Ballybinaby Roche Louth Woods Nicholas Ballybinaby Roche Louth Woods Peter Ballybinaby Roche Louth