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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathreagh, County Mayo
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathreagh, County Mayo
Athy Martin Creevagh Beg Rathreagh Mayo Barrett Bartholomew Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Barrett John Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Barrett Martin Moneen Rathreagh Mayo Barrett Michael Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Barrett Patrick Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Barrett Stephen Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Boland Martin Rooghan Rathreagh Mayo Burke John Ballygowan Rathreagh Mayo Burke Patrick Rooghan Rathreagh Mayo Burke William Ballygowan Rathreagh Mayo Burke William Lacarrowanteean Rathreagh Mayo Caine John Rooghan Rathreagh Mayo Campbell George Ardnagor Rathreagh Mayo Caveston James Atticloghy Rathreagh Mayo Caveston James Carrowkeel Rathreagh Mayo Caveston Patrick Carrowkeel Rathreagh Mayo Chisholm Lacklin Rathnadoffy Rathreagh Mayo Commons Edward Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Commons Patrick Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Conroy Francis Ballygowan Rathreagh Mayo Conroy James Rathbaun Rathreagh Mayo Corcoran Michael Moneen Rathreagh Mayo Cunningham Francis Tonroe, Upper Rathreagh Mayo Devine Patrick Ballygowan Rathreagh Mayo Dillon Robert Rathreagh Rathreagh Mayo Donohoe Bartholomew Springhill Rathreagh Mayo Feeny Edward Creevagh Beg Rathreagh Mayo Feeny Edward Creevagh, More Rathreagh Mayo Finnerty Thomas Carrowkeel Rathreagh Mayo Flaherty Margaret Ballygowan Rathreagh Mayo Gallagher Martin Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Gardiner Harriet Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Gardiner Harriet Farmhill Rathreagh Mayo Gardiner Harriett Rathreagh Rathreagh Mayo Gardiner Maj. John Creevagh, More Rathreagh Mayo Gardiner Maj. John Tonroe, Lower Rathreagh Mayo Gilroy Patrick Ballygowan Rathreagh Mayo Goulding Peter Creevagh, More Rathreagh Mayo Grady Michael Ballygowan Rathreagh Mayo Hanna Robert Carrowkeel Rathreagh Mayo Hart Andrew Carrowkeel Rathreagh Mayo Henry Andrew Moneen Rathreagh Mayo Herran Thomas Creevagh, More Rathreagh Mayo Higgins Hugh Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Howard John Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Jordan Henry Killeencreevagh Rathreagh Mayo Jordan James Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Joynt James Atticloghy Rathreagh Mayo Kelly Michael Creevagh Beg Rathreagh Mayo Kelly Michael Creevagh, More Rathreagh Mayo Knox Ernest Bellasallagh Rathreagh Mayo Knox Ernest Carrowkeel Rathreagh Mayo Langan Denis Tonroe, Lower Rathreagh Mayo Langan Denis Tonroe, Upper Rathreagh Mayo Larkin Francis Creevagh Beg Rathreagh Mayo Larkin Francis Creevagh, More Rathreagh Mayo Lindsay Thomas Atticloghy Rathreagh Mayo Loughney Bartholomew Rooghan Rathreagh Mayo Loughney Michael Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Loughney Owen Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Mahan Michael Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Mahan William Creevagh Beg Rathreagh Mayo Mahon William Creevagh, More Rathreagh Mayo Massy James Cloonconway Rathreagh Mayo Mc Andrew John Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Mc Cann Owen Creevagh, More Rathreagh Mayo Mc Donnell James Ballygowan Rathreagh Mayo Mc Donnell James Rooghan Rathreagh Mayo Mc Donnell John Atticloghy Rathreagh Mayo Mc Donnell John Carrowkeel Rathreagh Mayo Mc Donnell Patrick Rooghan Rathreagh Mayo Mc Hale Anthony Creevagh, More Rathreagh Mayo Mc Hale James Rathreagh Rathreagh Mayo Mc Hale John Creevagh Beg Rathreagh Mayo Mc Hale John Rathreagh Rathreagh Mayo Mc Hale Patrick Creevagh Beg Rathreagh Mayo Mc Ilroy John Cloonconway Rathreagh Mayo Mc Ilroy John Lacarrowanteean Rathreagh Mayo Mc Kenna Patrick Atticloghy Rathreagh Mayo Mc Kenna Patrick Carrowkeel Rathreagh Mayo Mc Keon James Creevagh, More Rathreagh Mayo Mc Keown James Creevagh Beg Rathreagh Mayo Mehedy Michael Ballygowan Rathreagh Mayo Molloney William Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Moloney William Ballybeg Rathreagh Mayo Monnelly Dominick Atticloghy Rathreagh Mayo Murphy Patrick Creevagh Beg Rathreagh Mayo Neilan Margaret Moneen Rathreagh Mayo Newcome John Tonroe, Upper Rathreagh Mayo O'Boyle Mary Rathreagh Rathreagh Mayo O'Boyle Mary Tonroe, Lower Rathreagh Mayo O'Boyle Mary Tonroe, Upper Rathreagh Mayo O'Neil Michael Carrowkeel Rathreagh Mayo O'Neil Michael Moneen Rathreagh Mayo Ormsby Charles Ballygowan Rathreagh Mayo Preston Dominick Creevagh Beg Rathreagh Mayo Reddy James Creevagh Beg Rathreagh Mayo Reddy James Creevagh, More Rathreagh Mayo Reddy Martin Creevagh Beg Rathreagh Mayo Reddy Martin Creevagh, More Rathreagh Mayo Ruane Thomas Creevagh Beg Rathreagh Mayo Ruane Thomas Creevagh, More Rathreagh Mayo Rutledge Ellen Tonroe, Upper Rathreagh Mayo Rutledge Michael Tonroe, Upper Rathreagh Mayo Scott Adam Moneen Rathreagh Mayo Sweeny Richard Rathreagh Rathreagh Mayo Tighe Anne Ballygowan Rathreagh Mayo Walsh Catherine Ballygowan Rathreagh Mayo Walsh John Tonroe, Upper Rathreagh Mayo Walsh Patrick Carrowkeel Rathreagh Mayo