Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ardsallagh, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ardsallagh, County Meath
Bedford ??? Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Bruyerly Owen Macetown Ardsallagh Meath Buchannan Michael Macetown Ardsallagh Meath Buchannan Thomas Macetown Ardsallagh Meath Byrne Alice Williamstown, or Bawn Ardsallagh Meath Byrne Catherine Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Callaghan John Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Carroll Mary Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Clarekin Patrick Farranderry Ardsallagh Meath Clarke Daniel Philpotstown Ardsallagh Meath Clarke James Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Collins Robert Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Courtney Patrick Macetown Ardsallagh Meath Foley Eliza Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Foley John Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Foley Matthew Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Foley Matthew Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Gerrard Mrs. A. Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Gibbon Michael Macetown Ardsallagh Meath Gosson Michael Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Grimes Margaret Macetown Ardsallagh Meath Halton Michael Macetown Ardsallagh Meath Kavanagh Laurence Philpotstown Ardsallagh Meath Kean Peter Philpotstown Ardsallagh Meath Kelly Anne Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Kelly John Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Kelly Richard Macetown Ardsallagh Meath Keogh Bartholomew Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath King James Macetown Ardsallagh Meath King John Macetown Ardsallagh Meath King Matthew Macetown Ardsallagh Meath King Thomas Macetown Ardsallagh Meath Lantry Richard Philpotstown Ardsallagh Meath Larney Andrew Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Lenahan Thomas Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Loghran Bernard Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Mc Cormack Catherine Philpotstown Ardsallagh Meath Mc Dermott Christopher Macetown Ardsallagh Meath Mc Dermott James Macetown Ardsallagh Meath Mc Dermott Maurice Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Mc Dermott Thomas Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Mc Donald Mary Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Mc Evoy James Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Mc Evoy Matthew Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Meighan John Philpotstown Ardsallagh Meath Monaghan Daniel Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Mooney Matthew Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Murray Thomas Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath O'Connor Denis Williamstown, or Bawn Ardsallagh Meath O'Hara Matthew Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Preston John Jos. Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Sheridan Bridget Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Sheridan James Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Sheridan John Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Sheridan Mary Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Sheridan Michael Macetown Ardsallagh Meath Sherlock Patrick Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Smith Mary Macetown Ardsallagh Meath Wallace Anne Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Meath Ward Patrick Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath Ward Simon Kennastown Ardsallagh Meath