Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Athlumney, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Athlumney, County Meath
Arthur Jane Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Bannon Matthew Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Bartley Edward Town of Navan,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Blake George Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Blake William Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Blundell Francis Athlumney Athlumney Meath Blundell Francis Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Boyle Bridget Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Bradley Patrick Mooretown Athlumney Meath Brady Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Brady Thomas Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Brien Andrew Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Brien Eliza Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Brien Peter Bailis Athlumney Meath Bruyery Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Burke John Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Byrne Anne Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Callaghan John Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Callaghan Michael Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Carolan Patrick Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Carroll Patrick Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Casey James Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Casey James Johnstown Athlumney Meath Casey Patrick Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Chadwick Fras. Athlumney Athlumney Meath Chadwick John Athlumney Athlumney Meath Clarke John Bailis Athlumney Meath Clarke John Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Clarke Patrick Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Clarke Philip Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Coghlan John Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Connolly Nicholas Bailis Athlumney Meath Connolly Patrick Bailis Athlumney Meath Conway Christopher Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Conway Daniel Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Conway Mary Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Coogan Catherine Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Coogan Mary Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Coyle Thomas Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Curran John Athlumney Athlumney Meath Curran John Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Curran William Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Daly Matthew Bailis Athlumney Meath Davis William Bailis Athlumney Meath Dea Edward Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Delany Patrick Town of Navan,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Delany Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Delany Rose Bailis Athlumney Meath Dennan Michael Town of Navan,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Dennan Patrick Mooretown Athlumney Meath Dennehy Richard Mooretown Athlumney Meath Dignan Ellen Johnstown Athlumney Meath Dignan Patrick Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Dignan Thomas Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Dignan Thomas Johnstown Athlumney Meath Donegan Patrick Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Donegan Thomas Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Drumm Patrick Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Duffy Philip Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Duffy William Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Duggan Michael Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Duhy Judith Mooretown Athlumney Meath Everard Patrick Bailis Athlumney Meath Fagan Mary Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Fagan Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Fannin Robert Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Farrell Michael Mooretown Athlumney Meath Farrelly John Bailis Athlumney Meath Farrelly John Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Farrelly Owen Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Farrelly Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Finnegan Laurence Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Fitzgerald Pierce Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Fitzpatrick John Johnstown Athlumney Meath Fitzsimons Thomas Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Flanagan William Mooretown Athlumney Meath Fleming Henry Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Freany Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Gaghran Thomas Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Gilroy James Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Gough Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Grace Robert Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Gradwell Mr. ??? Athlumney Athlumney Meath Graham Mary Bailis Athlumney Meath Grant Thomas Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Gugerty Margaret Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Gugerty Peter Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Halligan Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Hand Thomas Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Harte Anne Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Heely James Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Heeney Catherine Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Holmes William Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Huggins James Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Jackson Mary Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Jordan Patrick Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Kavanagh Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Kavanagh William Bailis Athlumney Meath Keegan Mary Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Keirnan James Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Kelly Patrick Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Kindly Peter Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath King Mary Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Landy James Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Ledwich Laurence Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Leonard Daniel Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Lynch John Johnstown Athlumney Meath Madden Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Magee Christopher Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Magennis Patrick Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Magennis Simon Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Magin John Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Maher Thomas Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Malone Magdalen Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Markey Mary Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Markey Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Martin Charles Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Martin Hugh Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Matthews Catherine Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Mc Canice Mary Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Mc Connan John Mooretown Athlumney Meath Mc Cormack Andrew Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Mc Cormack John Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Mc Cormack Thomas Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Mc Donough John Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Mc Gawley Mary Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Mc Guster James Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Mc Kenna Jane Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Mc Kenna Nicholas Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Mc Nally Anne Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Mc Nally Bridget Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Mc Nally Bridget Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Mc Nally James Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Mc Nally John Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Mc Nally Mary Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Mc Nally Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Metge John Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Metge John Bailis Athlumney Meath Metge Peter P. Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Metge Peter P. Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Monaghan Thomas Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Moore Bartholomew Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Morgan Thomas Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Moyna Anne Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Muldoon George Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Muldoon Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Mullen George Town of Navan,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Mullen James Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Mullen James Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Mullen Richard Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Mulvanny Patrick Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Murphy John Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Murray James Bailis Athlumney Meath Murray James Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Murray Peter Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Murtagh John Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Murtagh Margaret Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Navis Christopher Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Navis Mary Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Navis Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Navis Thomas Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Neary John Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Neill Anne Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Neville Edward Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Nugent Thomas Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Nulty Margaret Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath O'Brien Bridget Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath O'Brien Owen Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath O'Hagan Hugh Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Pallis James Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Parker Mary Bailis Athlumney Meath Parker Thomas Athlumney Athlumney Meath Payne James Bailis Athlumney Meath Pollard John Bailis Athlumney Meath Pollard Richard Bailis Athlumney Meath Ponsonby Midge Peter Johnstown Athlumney Meath Prestige Samuel Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Quinn John Bailis Athlumney Meath Quinn Patrick Bailis Athlumney Meath Rahill Margaret Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Rattie John Bailis Athlumney Meath Regan Thomas Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Reilly Anne Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Reilly Catherine Athlumney Athlumney Meath Reilly Joseph Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Reilly Patrick Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Rice Robert Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Rispin Mary Bailis Athlumney Meath Rooney Laurence Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Ruxton Fitzherbert Trust. Richd. Athlumney Athlumney Meath Searank Joseph Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Sheils Patrick Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Sherlock Owen Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Slevin Arthur Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Smith James Johnstown Athlumney Meath Smith Thomas Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Smith Thomas Johnstown Athlumney Meath Smyth ??? Town of Navan,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Smyths ??? Town of Navan,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Sullivan James Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Sullivan Richard Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Taaffe Robert Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Teeling Thomas Bailis Athlumney Meath Timmon John Bailis Athlumney Meath Walsh Christopher Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath Walsh James Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Walsh Richard Alexander Reid Athlumney Meath Ward Patrick Bailis Athlumney Meath Ward Patrick Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Williams Rep. James Village of Athlumney,Athlumney Athlumney Meath Worthy Michael Athlumney Athlumney Meath Worthy Michael Ferganstown and Ballymacon Athlumney Meath