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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Balrathboyne, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Balrathboyne, County Meath
Arkins John Nugentstown Balrathboyne Meath Banon William Balrathboyne Glebe Balrathboyne Meath Battersby John Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Battersby Michael Milltown Balrathboyne Meath Battersby Robert Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Battersby William Athgaine, Little Balrathboyne Meath Bennett Bridget Ballybeg Balrathboyne Meath Bennett Michl. A., M.D. Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Boland Matthew Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Boylan Joseph Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Boylan Thomas Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Bray Patrick Milltown Balrathboyne Meath Browne Mary A. Nugentstown Balrathboyne Meath Clare Richard Nugentstown Balrathboyne Meath Clarke John Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Clarke Owen Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Cody Matthew Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Connell Thomas Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Connolly Peter Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Crosbie Mary Balrathboyne Glebe Balrathboyne Meath Donohoe Nicholas Ballybeg Balrathboyne Meath Duffy Edward Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Dyas Richard Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Dyas Richard Crannaghtown Balrathboyne Meath Dyas Robert Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Dyas Walter Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Farrelly James Athgaine, Little Balrathboyne Meath Farrelly Laurence Ballybeg Balrathboyne Meath Fitzsimons Bryan Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Flanagan George Volvenstown Balrathboyne Meath Fox William Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Gartland James Volvenstown Balrathboyne Meath Geoghegan Daniel Crannaghtown Balrathboyne Meath Gibney Thomas Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Gibney Thomas Milltown Balrathboyne Meath Golding John Milltown Balrathboyne Meath Govern James Volvenstown Balrathboyne Meath Hand Thomas Volvenstown Balrathboyne Meath Harford James Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Healy Rose Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Jordan James Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Kearney Bridget Balrathboyne Glebe Balrathboyne Meath Kelly Joseph Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Kiernan James Fordstown, or Ballaghboy Balrathboyne Meath Kiernan Matthew Fordstown, or Ballaghboy Balrathboyne Meath Lee John Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Lynch John Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Lynch Michael Ballybeg Balrathboyne Meath Lynch Patrick Ballybeg Balrathboyne Meath Lynch Patrick Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Mackey Margaret Athgaine, Little Balrathboyne Meath Mahon John Athgaine, Little Balrathboyne Meath Mangan Joseph Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Martin Thomas Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Masterson James Ballybeg Balrathboyne Meath Masterson James Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Masterson Laurence Milltown Balrathboyne Meath Mc Dermott Matthew Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Mc Dermott Matthew Milltown Balrathboyne Meath Mc Evoy Matthew Nugentstown Balrathboyne Meath Mc Gum Patrick Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Meighan Patrick Crannaghtown Balrathboyne Meath Monaghan Peter Milltown Balrathboyne Meath Mooney George Crannaghtown Balrathboyne Meath Moore Thomas Balrathboyne Glebe Balrathboyne Meath Mulvanny William Crannaghtown Balrathboyne Meath Mulvany John Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Mulvany William Cookstown, Little Balrathboyne Meath Mulvany William Volvenstown Balrathboyne Meath Nalty Bridget Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Nalty John Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Newman Patrick Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Newman William Nugentstown Balrathboyne Meath O'Reilly Terence Ballybeg Balrathboyne Meath Power John Balrathboyne Glebe Balrathboyne Meath Reilly John Athgaine, Little Balrathboyne Meath Reilly Judith Nugentstown Balrathboyne Meath Scanlon James Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Sherkill John Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Skelly Edward Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Smith Michael Milltown Balrathboyne Meath Smith Peter Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Springan Mary Athgaine, Little Balrathboyne Meath Sutton John Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Taaffe Garrett Crannaghtown Balrathboyne Meath Taaffe Garrett Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Taaffe Nicholas Crannaghtown Balrathboyne Meath Taaffe Nicholas Piercetown Balrathboyne Meath Taylor Thomas E. Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Timmins Thomas Cortown Balrathboyne Meath Tisdall John Athgaine, Little Balrathboyne Meath Tisdall John Nugentstown Balrathboyne Meath Trainor Thomas Athgaine, Little Balrathboyne Meath Tully Michael Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Waller James Ballybeg Balrathboyne Meath Ward John Cookstown, Great Balrathboyne Meath Weldon Michael Athgaine, Little Balrathboyne Meath